Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The deceived are enlightened! Swindlers revealed! Urdiales buys trucks!

  • 3/4 of the Guilty Group (Quintana, Shrimp, Chavez) - summoned by the remaining 1/4, Marco, who is suspiciously wondering why that "TODO YO" Daniel imbecile is telling people he owns the hacienda, when this crew should know it's Marco who owns it - shuffle, wipe their eyes, scratch invisible itches. Their rejoinders are too lame to translate.

  • Doña Arcadia summons Beltran to tell him the ultra VIP Urdiales is coming to buy a boatload of cars. Beltran is joyous about $$$ and I am joyous hoping I will get the huge reveal! Beltran says the classy Licenciada Alvarez del Castillo will attend said VIP! HAHAHAHAHA!

  • Ale grins at Rafa through morning meeting. There is no hymn again, Ramirez reproves his bosses: how will he stay motivated? Dandy, comatose again, is carried out by his pals.

  • Jaime arrives to tell Ale her divorce is all taken care of, save that small detail, Marco's signature. "You'll be a Free Woman!" Rafa knows it won't be that easy, because Marco has pledged never to sign...

    ... so he (Rafa) hauls his Happy Compadres off to the conference room, asking them to redouble their efforts to unmask Marco so he'll sign the divorce. They say it'll be harder now that Carmela is wise to them. They think only that mamacita Marian can help now.

    Rafa prefers to hope that Zerina Zeblina Zontoona can find Frank, the swindler who got Leonor to sign those damning papers. The others think Zetina couldn't find soap in the bathroom.

  • Ale is delighted to meet Urdiales and, locking the door to protect the secret relationship Marco has told her he has with this august personage, whispers cheerily, I'm the wife of your secret employee Marco Valenzuela.

    It would have been delicious to watch Urdiales patiently repeat, in many ways, that he has never heard of this fellow, if it hadn't been so sad to watch Ale's disillusionment. She finally has to hand Urdiales off to Don Ismael to look at cars while she recovers...

    ... and meets with Marco at some bar, where he reiterates that he will never sign the divorce papers (and even tears them up and throws them in her lap)...

    ... and then she yells at him, "You've lied to me thousands of times you cynic, you lied to all of us, and where were you all those times anyway? And where did all that money come from, that you were 'supporting' us with, if you don't have a job with Urdiales? Don't touch me, you pig." She slaps him twice! And throws his ring in his face and leaves! He is speechless. HAHAHAHAH.

  • Quintana visits Rosario, who happily shows him the invitations to their wedding. He is increasingly uncomfortable and finally tells her: "I first approached you 'por interes' (which means for financial gain), I lusted after that wonderfully productive hacienda, but now that you don't own the hacienda OR your home, I realize I can't live without your voice, your love. Please forgive me."

    She cries, says he's the worst man she ever knew, throws him out, and cries on brother Jorge's shoulder. Jorge feels a bit vindicated for always suspecting Quintana of the worst, then asks her "So, are you going to be an old maid all your life?" Way to go, bro.

  • Vicky strikes out. First she yells at Susana. Then Rafa won't answer his phone. Finally, el colmo! she sees her friend macking on her brother.

    Vicky shrieks - and kicks Pancho to the floor. "Why didn't you tell me?" They plead, 'It's only been a little more than a day (and you were gonna kick the @##$( out of us).'

    She relents and says she wants to call them "little bull" and "little cow."

  • Rafa enters Ale's office as she and Urdiales are having trouble getting past the "No I don't know him, he was lying to you" thing. Rafa consoles her, hears her sad whisper: "You and Susana were right, Marco isn't honest and good as I thought!"

    He sweeps Urdiales away and does a fine selling job and Urdiales leaves happy (but bemused).

  • Julieta is walking along the sidewalk outside her classroom, minding her own business, when Jaime shows up (what a stalker). He hassles her, then young Cesar shows up. And - proposes! On his knees, with a ring!

    Julieta is dumbfounded, but not as dumb as Jaime, who pulls Cesar to his feet and shouts: "You whippersnapper, you squirt, it's so unclassy to propose on a sidewalk outside school!" Then he (Jaime) also proposes. You'll have to wait till tomorrow for the outcome ...

  • Rafa calls Zetina and gives him yet another chance: "Follow that lawyer jerk and tell me when he's with Chavez."

  • Marco pours down quarts of whiskey in his usual creepy bar, assuring the waiter he isn't driving so it's ok. Chavez shows up and Marco tells all. "We're done for!"

  • Ale cries on Rafa's shoulder in the meeting room, saying of herself, "There's nobody so blind as one who doesn't want to see." "It wasn't fair for you to be so deceived," Rafa soothes her, "go home and calm down." She hugs him.

The 29th is the gran final. Tomorrow: Ale tells Rosario the truth about Marco, and Marian "plays her last card."


Thanks for the wonderful recap Melinama! What an episode! They really jam packed a lot into this one. I think my favorite part tonight would have to be Ale double slapping Marco. He really had it coming! And the picture of him that Ale was showing to Urdiales was so funny. Those were great scenes, with Ale going from excited to meet Urdiales to confused, sad and angry.

Vicky knocking out Pancho was hilarious! And I loved that Susana hung up on her.

My initial thought when Cesar and Jaime both proposed was that Julieta would say no to both of them. Guess we'll find out tomorrow!

Thanks for the recap Melinama and posting so early.

ITA that Ale's realization of the real Marco was very sad. Thankfully we did get to see her get the upper hand on Marco.

Melinama, you are just too funny. From the beginning you had me giggling with "shuffle, wipe their eyes, scratch invisible itches. Their rejoinders are too lame to translate".

I loved the newest name metamorphosis of "Zerina Zeblina Zontoona". And your recounting of the Ale/Urdiales meeting was superb. Way to tell, Mel!

What a great show for us to see Marco beginning to be "found out". Did anyone else think Marco's eyes looked a different color when he was sitting with Ale at the restaurant? They looked more yellow (and more malevolent) to me.

Ale and Rafa were sweet together tonight. The previews make it look like Marian may go to the dark side-- I hope not. I hope each remaining show has as much excitement as this one!

I thought I wrote in my name on the above comment, but maybe not!?

Good morning Melinama. Love the National Enquirer Headlines type title. This was a jam-packed episode and you always manage to skewer a few hapless folks in passing....in this case, Zetina..... with your sharp wit.

Like Tracie, I loved the double slap. Like Barbara, I too was mesmerized by Marco's yellow, malevolent eyes. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Ale's unraveling was painful. Rosario's was just annoying.

But good for Quintana for coming clean. I'm sure eventually we'll have a HAPPY ENDING for those two as well.

Double wedding? Or triple? with Susana and an herb munching Carrot Redeemed Dandy? Noooo....wait...Quadruple wedding with Jaime and Julieta. Heck! call Reverend Moon and let's throw in Pepeto and Ovidia, Pancho and Janet and maybe a few innocent bystanders.

Thanks for blasting out another fast, furious and funny recap Melinama. Every bit as good as the episode itself.

PS Tracie...well, now I'll have to google Marshfield! Beloit didn't even seem like Wisconsin. More like Illinois. But Waukesha was lovely and Milwaukee was a great place as well. (I was in my mid twenties then, which helped!) Also love Minneapolis. Had a college friend who lived there and was blown away by the beautiful lakes, the concerts etc. Of course I visited her in the Summer. Evidently Winters are a little tougher. As for Camp Randall, there's no wilder place. Ditto for Madison. But good times, I'm sure, if you're not a Buckeye fan.

Melinama- Your writing style was perfect for this headline filled episode. It was indeed sad to see Ale come to the realization that she had been decieved and hoodwinked all these years by Marco. But it was so satisfying to see her give him those slaps. :)

Good for Quintana for coming clean about his original intentions. But he has a LOT more to confess- especially about stealing money from the hacienda with Marco and Chavez. And he needs to set things right and give them back their hacienda. The Q man has a LONG way to go for redemption.

Janet and Pancho were really getting it on on the couch. Lol! Good for them. That was a hilarious scene between them and Vicky.

I think Rafa needs to solve the Vicky problem by telling Don Gaston what's going on. First off, Don G will wonder how in the world VVV knows Marco enough to influence him to let Leonor out of jail. Then he will be really ticked off that she's using the threat of letting his precious Leonor be put back in jail as leverage to hold on to Rafa. He would not like that at all.

Great Recap!
I didn't get to see this one. I will try to catch up today. It sounds like it was a great episode to watch. I especially like that Marco was finally discovered by Ale.
I now think that Marco will actually submit to Carmela. I will make that an official prediction. And as for the sword/knife that seems to be on Rafa's throat during the previews I think he might get kidnapped. That is also an official prediction.
Signing off... Private 057

Judy, I was also annoyed by Rosario. Is it horrible of me that while watching last night I was thinking that she deserved it? Her attitude has always bugged me. And I really like living in Minneapolis. It's a great city :)

Thanks, Melinama for the super exciting, action packed recap! Lots of things happened to get us rolling to the finish line.

I was hoping Quintana would also tell Rosario about Marco's dealings. She said she never wanted to see Quintana again, but hopefully he'll find a way to get forgiveness and also help bring down Marco and Chavez.

Vivi, I like your idea about Rafa going to Don Gaston.

It will be fun to watch Marco go from top of the world to his just rewards, although I'm sure he still has some fight in him, and a few more tricks up his sleeve (I almost said his sleaze).

ooooh..."a few more tricks up his sleaze". Good one, Hombre. Bet we could work that into a title sometime. Will have to remember it.

Action packed episode at last.Quintana has a way to go but I'm glad he came clean. One of my favorite moments was the choreography of their good-bye at the door. He's on his way out and he whips his head around for one last try and Rosario in exact timing ships her head away from him -- with a very interesting look on her face. She's so pale and her eyes have a slight asian cast. This scene felt as stylized as Kabuki.

Good for Urdiales for hanging in there through all of that drama from Ale. Good for Rafe for hanging around and closing the deal. For a minute I thought that he was going off to console Ale in the Sala de Juntas leaving Urdiales cooling his heels in Rafa's office.

I loved watching Ale & Marco. He was so smug refusing to sign the divorce papers and still planning for them to have a religious ceremony - then tearing up the papers in a grand gesture which we all know was about to be countered by Ale's accusations. He really deserved that double slap.It's going to be so much fun watching him deconstruct.


Güera...like you, I really loved the choreography of Enrique's good-bye scene. The yearning on Rosario's face, mixed with some satisfaction that he was looking back....hoping...pretty much telegraphs that she still wants him and will eventually forgive him. In under two weeks of course!

Güera- I love your observations. The goodbye scene with Rosario and Q also struck me as theatric, but effective. And I'm glad that Urdiales turned out to be good enough of a sport to stick around and close the deal. I could have seen him leaving in a huff and being justified in doing so. But he was sympathetic to Ale and tried to keep it professional. I was glad that Ale called up Bebe to show him the trucks (I hope it means he gets partial credit and commission for such a huge deal), and Rafa to close the deal. She was a mess. Poor girl.

Melinama, this is great. This is an episode that I've anticipated for quite some time. The only thing missing:

I kept hoping that Marco's cell phone would ring before she told him about her encounter... he would look up with that squinty, conspiratorial expression, "Urdiales."... then she would cat and mouse him a bit before busting him... but OK, those slaps were very satisfying.


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