Friday, October 15, 2010

Dinero #215 10/14/2010 Fiesta on the Horizon/ or Pancho gets a girlfriend

Monday night left us at the restaurant with Marian giving Rafa some very insightful advise and all the help he could ever need. She reminds him he is about to be free from all the debt life has thrown at him. Who should enter doing his best side winder walk but Daniel accompanied by Ale. There are a few uncomfortable moments and even a cute little imitation by Rafa doing Daniel’s signature “Todo Yo” bit. We get a cute Ale smile in response to this.

Marian tells them not to fight. Daniel is ready to take Ale to another table when Rafa suggests they all sit together. Ale is game, but Daniel and Marian both seem disappointed at this suggestion. Now it is Ale’s turn to do her best Daniel imitation as she turns to Daniel and calls him “chiquilla” encouraging him to join the party. Rafa and Ale are the only two that seem happy about this new table sitting arrangement.

Ramirez is chiding Marino for blowing his own horn at the morning conference. Marino assures him that he is the best and when he is boss things will be different. If people don’t sell they will be out in the street. Ramirez asks if his warning includes him as well. Marino tells him of course, but if he gets better he has a chance of being his right hand man. Bebe is bad mouthing Marino and Ramiro has the line of the night when he says “Marino is the female version of my wife.”

We have some chatter amongst the women of Siglo; Claudia Rosaura and the General. Claudia is certain that Ale had been crying. Rosaura is in total agreement. The talk turns to the upcoming party at the hacienda and Rosaura goes on and on. It gets so bad that Claudia and the General leave her to her own musings.

I finally figured out the name of Vicky’s friend. It is Janet. Vicky is plotting her moves on Rafa at the hacienda as she holds up an itsy bitsy teeny weenie non polka dotted purple bikini in front of the mirror.

Janet inquires if she is really going to wear something that small in front of so many people. Vicky wants to know what so bad about that. Women wear bikinis like that all the time at the beach. Janet inquires how things are going between her and Rafa. Vicky confesses they are not going as she had hoped but, if only she could have “cositas” with Rafa she is positive she could get him back. Janet warns her not to be so possessive this time. She continues “You have to give men a little freedom so they feel like they can do what they want. Even though it isn’t true.”

Back at our table for four, we hear Rafa’s inner musings, “I am dying to tell Ale that I sold all the trucks, but that Daniel will just make jokes about it because he has so much money and what any one else makes just seems small. It is better if I tell her later.” They all play nice for about 10 seconds, and we have some very awkward silence and attempts for pleasantries. Rafa suggests another round of tequila, but Ale wisely declines and requests water. Our pretentious Daniel requests wine from Napa. Rafa says what? And Daniel calls him ignorant and goes on to explain where the wine comes from. More awkward silence and building tension. Ale in an attempt to break up the awkwardness suggests they tell a funny story. Rafa takes this as his clue to ask what the heck she is doing hanging out with Daniel especially after what happened at the cabin. Danny Boy takes offense at this and the gloves come off. Now Ale wants to know what he is doing their with Marian.

Things have gotten pretty uncomfortable and Daniel suggests to Ale they Leave. They stand to leave and Rafa is wondering whose bad idea was it anyway that they sit together. They all answer in unison “Yours!” Rafa takes a moment than agrees it was a bad idea and if they want to leave, go ahead and leave. Daniel takes Ales hand calling her chiquillia and says let’s go. Ale looking a little nervous looks at her watch and decides it best she get back to work. Rafa taking another cue also looking at his watch agrees with her. Marian doth protest too much and balks at Rafa telling him not to abandon her. Rafa tells her she can stay behind with “Chiquilla.” Ale looking at Marian says her and Rafa really have to get back to work, and as quick as you can say “Change partners” Ale and Rafa leave and Marian and Daniel are left alone at the table wondering what the other is up too.

On the way out of the restaurant Rafa asks Ale what the heck she is doing. Ale crying with her back to Rafa reminds him that the two of them are nothing to each other and walks away.

Back to Vicky and Janet. Vicky is telling her she seems to be giving out lots of advise about men but she doesn’t see lots of men flocking around her. Janet tells her there is only one man on this earth for her. Vicky asks if her brother has even noticed her yet. She tells her “the saint who isn’t seen can’t be adored.” (santo que no es visto, santo que no es adorado.) Janet tells her she is working on looking better and asks Vicky if she hasn’t noticed that she is thinner.

Vicky tells her she does look thinner but to catch the eye of someone she has to look a bit more scandalous. She continues giving Janet lessons on seduction and approaches her placing the itsy bitsy bikini top around her neck.

She tells Janet there is nothing more attractive than a women who is sure of herself. Janet wants to know if that is the case why is she having so much trouble with Rafa. Vicky tells her “It is easy to give advice but hard to put it in practice or am I wrong sister!.” Janet demurely agrees with her.

Ramiro is back to talking to the scary photo of his wife and his mother-in-law from hell. I am thinking about this time Ramiro is seeing the wrong therapist and perhaps he should start seeing Vicky’s therapist. The “photo session talk’ turns to the fiesta and bikinis with Elvira suggesting he buy her one. She suggests she could even look as good as Claudia. Lets move on.

We haven’t seen our police for a while. I was hoping we could manage to sail through the ultimate weeks without them but no such luck. My how they have changed.

They stop Trapito who happens to be driving the van he will be using to transport all the Siglo crew to the fiesta. They ask to see the registration papers and driver’s license. Our Barney Fife want-to-be takes the drivers license and is challenged by the fact he is trying to read it upside down.

(Ihope this link works because I found it more entertaining than their blather even though I adore Trapito)

Trapito is able to free himself from the bungling police duo and arrives at Siglo. All are ready to board the short bus. Claudia is worried there won’t be enough room and Marino offers his lap. Susana is concerned that Ramirez is missing. Marino informs her that he will be coming later with Milagros and gives a disgusting groan. Doña Arcadia and Beltran accompanied by Chato and the most pampered dogs in the world show up. Pepito wants to know if they will be riding with them. Bebe reminds him there are standards and Doña Arcadia agreeing with Bebe tells them they will be taking her car, as we see Trapito assisting Marino into the van.

As the van pulls off we see Doña Arcadia’s ride pull up.

This happened to be my favorite scene tonight. It was very sweet and a total surprise. Janet is leaving Vicky‘s house and happens to run into Pancho in the doorway. Some pretty funny flirting ensues with Pancho trying to charm her. He tells her she has pretty eyes and compares her to looking like a contented cow. At first Janet is offended by this and Pancho goes on to say that contented cows have very pretty eyes like hers. Janet seem quite taken with Pancho’s prose.

The awkward flirting continues and Pancho gives Janet a little twirl noting that she looks good. Janet blushing, attempts a friendly tap that hits below the belt and sends Pancho into a soprano song.

My next favorite scene which was so over the top was with Lenora at the market with a friend. One of her snotty neighbors starts teasing her about being a jail bird. Lenora tries to defend herself claiming her innocence. Lenora does her best to ignore the wise cracking remarks but her friend is not going to let the cattiness go and starts to confront the snotty women. The women continues her taunting and starts bad mouthing Rafa. Lenora is okay with the insults about her self but once it turns to insults about Rafa her back is up and a full fledge food fight ensues with everyone at the market getting hit.

In our next scene we see Rafa knocking on a door. He has arrived to pick up Vicky. She is looking quite smart in bright red little number and Rafa has taken note of this and is quite impressed. Vicky thinks to her self “Just wait till you see me in a bikini.”

Lots of Vicky’s family tonight and I am totally fine with that because they were pretty funny. We have traveled to the family butcher shop. Felipe is wiping down the counter when a love sick Pancho shows up. Felipe notes the goofy grin and wants to know what’s up. Pancho informs him he has met the love of his life.

A female customer in a short tight skirt shows up and looks as if she is flirting with Pancho who is checking out his arm pits and it turns out her intentions are geared towards Filepe who is just as surprised as I was when she gives him a great big hug.

We continue with the “getting to the fiesta theme.” Marco has arrived at Ale’s new apartment and is graciously greeted by Rosario. The next to show up is Quintana. Again Rosario offers gracious greetings with a disapproving Marco looking on. Quintana asks Marco why he’s there. Marco informs him he is still Ale’s husband and he is going to take them to the hacienda. Quintana looks a bit confused and says he thought he was going to take them. Ale has the perfect solution. Marco will take her and Jorge and Quintana can take Rosario. Jorge is a little upset at first with the idea of Rosario going with Quintana but decides that it doesn’t matter. After all he is so happy just to be going to his beloved hacienda once more. There’s a little wrinkle in this plan when the Shrimp Man shows up. It is agreed Shrimp Man will accompany Rosario and Quintana. There are disapproving looks all around by Quintana, Marco and Shrimp man but none of this has dampened the party spirit of Jorge and Ale as they leave singing and dancing.

Ale and family have finally made it to the hacienda and are greeted by Daniel. Marco is now left in another confused state wondering to himself why this guy is acting like he owns the place.

Jorge is so overcome with emotions at being back at the hacienda that he kneels down to reconnect with the pool and almost falls in.

He is rescued by Ale and Daniel and escorted to a chair where he almost trips again. Jorge mistakes Daniel for someone else. (I think the actor playing Daniel is having a very hard time not cracking up at this point and I couldn‘t figure out what was said.)

The Siglo crew has arrived and all are quite impressed. We get Rosaura’s “back in Miami” speech to groans by all around her. Marino goes on as well about his greatness and Ramiro tells him he is just jealous. Somehow poor Tripping Trapito manages to get pushed into the pool.

He is helped out of the pool but manages to full flat on his butt.

Jorge has fond memories at how great the hacienda was until he messed it up. Everyone decides it is time to get ready to properly enter the pool and Ale directs them to the appropriate dressing rooms. Claudia attempts a little “come on” to Marco on her way to change and is met with a cool disinterest. Plenty of other fish in the sea and she is now coming on to Daniel who is a lot more receptive to her flirting.

Like I said before our funniest scenes tonight were with Vicky’s family. Don. G and Filepe are doing some father son bonding while doing the crossword puzzle.

Pancho is in the background pacing nervously waiting to introduce “the girl who caught his eye” to the family. We hear a knock on the door and Janet comes in but is standing behind Pancho. A very excited Pancho introduces Janet as his girlfriend. Don G and Felipe are quite surprised. This announcement delights a very pretty Janet as she pulls Pancho aside to confirm that he really wants her to be his girlfriend. He stammers and stutters a bit asking her if she wants to be his girlfriend and Janet says an enthusiastic “yes.” She grabs Pancho around the neck and gives a big kiss. (I was thinking at this point they may need to give Ale and Rafa some lessons on Kissing.)

Filepe can barely believe what he is seeing.

Doña Arcadia and Beltran have arrived at the hacienda and are greeted by Ale and Daniel who bows (actually he sits on the arm of a chair) and kisses the queens white gloved hand.

Beltran and Jorge also exchange greetings with Jorge of course not remembering the correct name.

Daniel introduces the Queen to Quintana and the Shrimp Man. Rosario tells her that Quintana is the boyfriend she was telling her about. We get a very contentious look from Shrimp Man as Doña Arcadia remarks that they make a lovely couple. She takes them aside and talks some more and Rosario assures her there will defiantly be a wedding. Shrimp man is still scowling in the corner.

We now go to the only other people besides Don G. and Sons who are not at the fiesta. It happens to be Lenora, Juliette and Jaimie. Jaimie shows up at the house and Juliette acts all snotty. He just wanted to make sure that Lenora was okay. Lenora thanks him for all his help. He smiles adoringly and tells her that their family is very important to him.

Our last little scene is at the Hacienda. Ale is standing by Jorge’s old bedroom and he is reminiscing about the good old days with his wife. He attempts to open the door only to find it is locked. We see what is on the other side of the locked door. It is a confused Chavez lying amidst his two young companions.

Bring on the Fiesta!!!!


Pata, I am off to work but want to take a quick moment to thank you for doing what should have been a Tuesday recap on Thursday, when you are a Wednesday recapper! Gracias.

Loved your Barney and Gomer clip of cops. I much prefer them to our Dinero cops. And I think Barney is probably much more honest as well.

Later, for more of the fiesta fun!

Hi Barbara, It was a confusing week. And as you said I did Tuesday's recap on Thursday even though I am a Wednesday recapper. I did get lucky though as last night was lots of fun. You are right. Barney is porbably more honest that our two cops. I loved the early Andy G. shows especially with Gomer Pile.

The whole Don G. family has been so funny lately. There scenes were all so funny. Even Vicky and Janet. Janet really did look pretty last night and I did notice she had lost a lot of weight since the beginning of the show.

The food fight at the market was pretty funny as well with all the food flying. I had a tough time trying to capture any pictures at all since it all went down so fast. I loved all the looks on the other people at the market as food was being thrown all over the place. I also enjoyed the fact that Lenora was just going to ignore everything until the woman started insulting her son.

Tonight should be quite entertaining with the fiesta in full swing. I can't wait.

Gooooood morning Ms. Pata. Getting a late start this morning. Was invited to a dinner last night where our host, who'd spent considerable time in Brazil, treated me to an awesome drink made with cane sugar whiskey (think White Lightning)and artfully expressed lime essence. Wowsa. Great stuff. That with a glass of wine for this almost teetotaler kept me in bed an extra hour or so. Worth it though.

So I'm definitely in a fiesta mood. Loved the pictures, the link and your affectionate re-telling of the hijinks last night. Can't wait to see it (that is if my eyes can focus). I'm betting they're delaying the arrival of Milagros because it's going to be a red-hot knock their socks off moment.

And how great that Pancho has a girlfriend! You're right, that looked like "un beso como Dios manda". Time for Rafa and Ale to get some remedial work.

Thanks Pata. This is great and the pictures are perfect. Our comic Mexicops could benefit from studying Barney and Gomer.

You are right. The veggy fight was a lot of fun. I loved it when Leonor borrowed Rafa's line warning those ladies to beware because she tends to be violent. I love produce markets like that. The aromas are so fresh and wholesome. That was one of those scenes that I could almost smell.

I don't know if you noticed and politely ignored it, but when Trapito fell into the pool, someone shouted, "Save the whale!" Insensitive, but it made me laugh. Ale was also funny, calling Daniel Chiquillo.

Like Pancho, I've fallen for Janet. She really is a cutie and makes a perfect friend for Vicki, who by the way, looked stunning last night.

I'm glad the party is finally underway. Can't wait to see Milagros.


Morning Judy, White lightning huh?
I had Everclear (Not the illegal stuff) a long time ago and will stick to my mineral waters. Not much of a drinker myself these days, the ocassional wine or rum is all I can handle. You really will enjoy this episode. Lots of funny stuff.

Hi Carlos, I was having problems with my CC last night so I am sure I missed alot of dialogue. That's why I added so many pictures and no vocab. I did miss the Trapito line and alot of stuff at the market. May have to go back and try and catch them. Hope the CC's are better tonight.

At last the fiesta! Thanks Pata for an entertaining recap. The subtitles were indeed off last night & I missed a lot of dialog even if I tried to rewind. So your recap and pics were invaluable.

I,m off for what was supposed to be camping trip in PA --but the nor'easter is turning it into "faux-camping" (s'mores around the fireplace, a hike if the rain stops)
Have a good weekend all & luck to SU tomorrow.

Güera from Syracuse

Great recap, Pata! Loved the Barney Fife clip and picture, as well as all your other observations and pictures.

I agree that the Pancho/Janet scenes were nice. Now we need someone for Felipe (not sure that lady in the butcher shop was the one).

So it looks as if we finally get the party at the hacienda, which I though I'd be doing last Friday. It now turns out Carlos will be our play by play announcer, which should be awesome!

Pata, just wanted to let you know how much I laughed at some of your lines, such as "itsy bitsy teeny weenie non polka dotted purple bikini", "My how they have changed." (the cops), "Janet blushing, attempts a friendly tap that hits below the belt and sends Pancho into a soprano song". These are just a few examples. I love your playful style.

Ditto what Hombre said, Pata. I was too bleary-eyed this morning (I'll never drink again) to mention all those cute phrases when I wrote in, but I found them all delightful. And the Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Yellow Polkadot Bikini song has been going through my head all day (another reason to never drink again).

Sorry this is so late (I had a crazy busy day), but thanks much for the wonderful recap and pictures Pata! It was a really fun episode last night and I'm excited to finally see this hacienda party. Let the craziness begin!

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