Friday, October 15, 2010

El Clon Thursday October 14: Summary for Discussion

Lucas thinks fast! He steps on the gas, knocks over his assailant, and peels out of the driveway to call for help. The police arrive quickly -- amazingly quickly -- and the rest of the gang flees in a barrage of gunfire.

Lucas goes inside and finds Marisa and Rosa unharmed but stunned and tries to comfort them.

Alej is training hard for that last pre-title bout. Pablo thinks he should ask Diana to go with him but Alej has too much integrity to risk giving her false hopes. After all, he broke her heart once before.

Tío Abdul may need to borrow Amin’s telescope so he can get a better look at Gloria. She intercepts his lecherous gaze and scares him off by inviting him over for a beer.

Inside Mohamed’s house, Zoraida marvels at what a docile husband he has become.

And guess who’s coming to dinner? Alí arrives with the news that Abdul invited Zuleica to come over this evening. Latifa is incensed that she is expected to dress up and prepare a party for that odalisca. Trust me, says Alí; I know what I’m doing.

Three generations of sKanks are on parade. SG1 and SG2 are working over their plan to parlay SG3 into hard cash.

And the plan is beginning to emerge – Enrique finds a flyer stuck under the windshield of Roberto’s car. He reads:
El exitoso abogado Roberto del Valle acaba de tener un hijo en Pequeña Havana a cual no ha reconocido.
(The successful attorney Roberto del Valle just had a son in Little Havana and he hasn’t acknowledged him.)
Enrique chuckles appreciatively but Roberto doesn’t see the humor.

Carolina’s advice to her friend Clara: Tell Rogelio about Fernando!

At Salamandra, Yasmín reports back to Malicia with the info on Leonardo Ferrer. Malicia’s phony smile fades quickly when Yasmín leaves and Diana walks in. Malicia is unfazed by Diana’s news that Rogelio and Clara are back together. After all, she observes snidely, he should be with someone his own age.

Rogelio dreads telling Malicia it’s over between them. Piece of halvah, says Zein, who has clearly had a lot of practice in the art of the gentle let-down. And speaking of love, Rogelio wants to know if Zein has talked to Said again. No, not yet.

When Enrique and Roberto arrive at the office, they are shocked to hear about the assault at the Ferrer house the night before. Oh and here’s a letter that came for you, says Caro to Roberto.

Lucas brings news from the police to Casa Ferrer. They have caught one of the gang and that means it won’t be long before they get all of them.

Lucas, Daniel and Dora all have their DNA testing done.

Padre Andres tells Albieri that his sin has always been vanity. You are as vain as I am, retorts Albieri – It’s just that you’re vain about your virtues. When Andres reproaches him – again -- for not taking the human cost of his actions into account, Albieri – never one to shy from comparing himself to God -- likens cloning to the story of Eve’s creation. Who were Eve’s parents? Wasn’t she formed from a part of Adam’s body?

At the Clinic, Luisa takes a phone call from Albieri’s old colleague, Dr. Mendelson, and confirms that he wasn’t in Miami when Albieri used him as an alibi. When Albieri walks in, Luisa pounces and accuses him of lying. He doesn’t bother to deny it: A veces tengo que inventar cosas porque tú no me entiendes. (Sometimes I have to make up stories because you don’t understand me.) And when he walks away, Anita advises her friend to keep an eye on him. Follow him!

It is sooooooo sad. There truly is no honor among thieves! The Zombies rage because they’ve been stood up by the gang. ¡Nos robaron! (We wuz robbed!) But their frenzied tantrum is cut short by the arrival of the cops: the Zombies are under arrest!

Said hasn’t made up his mind about Jade. He believes that she wants to marry him but he knows she doesn’t love him. Love is born of a life together (El amor nace con convivencia), Jade begins… but the conversation is aborted when Rania, alerted by Amina the Spy, hurls herself between them like a live grenade. Said makes a hasty escape from the field of battle -- he has a ‘business’ lunch.

And the business of the lunch is Jade. If Said doesn’t love her, is he willing to give Zein a chance to woo her? Said promises he will have an answer on Monday.

The Naz is leading an impromptu exercise class for Samira, Jadiya and Zumaya in Latifa’s living room. Up to now, Latifa and Mohamed have kept their children from knowing about Mohamed’s folly, but the irate Naz spills the couscous. Amin and Samira are both distressed. They know how their mother feels about a second wife. But Samira is especially stricken because she feels it’s all her fault. She’ll wear a veil if it will keep her mother from suffering, she promises tearfully.

The gruesome trio are having their mugshots taken at the police station. Natalia shows no fear or remorse. Just scorn.

The police have contacted the residents of Casa Ferrer with the news that their assailants have been captured. Marisa and Rosa are reluctant to go to the station and identify the attackers but Lucas insists it is their duty to help the police. And besides, what if they arrested the wrong person?

When they get to the police station, they are told that all of those responsible have been arrested: those who planned the attack and those who carried it out. And unfortunately, the intellectual authors of the crime aren’t strangers to the family. And then they bring in Natalia.

Natalia denies everything.

Enrique to therapist: Drug addiction is an illness that destroys character. The addict morphs into a machine for consuming drugs.

Lucas can’t bear to proceed against his own child. He wants to withdraw the charges. The police explain that the gang identified her – and Fernando and Paula -- very clearly and that she provided them with the key to the house. Natalia just keeps on denying. She wails: ¡Mamá, sácame de aquí! (Mom, get me out of here!) And Marisa puts a protective arm around her. Lucas will call his lawyer.

Clara is telling Carolina about her conversation with Rogelio when she gets the call: the police have Fernando in custody. He is accused of involvement in the attack on the Casa Ferrer.

The break-up:
Rogelio doesn’t know Malicia had a chance to prepare her part ahead of time. In a well-rehearsed scene, she is convincing as the tough, classy dame who loves the guy enough to let him go.

Lucas is trying to reach Enrique but gets no answer. And he can’t get through to Carolina either. That policeman hates me, whines Natalia.

Malicia can’t leave Rogelio without loosing a poison dart in Clara’s direction: Clara hates me. Please don’t let that color our relationship. They agree: ¡Amigos para siempre!

The moment he leaves she says: ¡Ay! Casi no me lo quito de encima! (I thought I’d never get rid of him. Literally: Almost I don’t get him off me.) And she pulls a photo of Leo from an envelope. She’s not finished.

Rogelio calls Clara and wants to see her but she tells him it will have to wait until tomorrow. She has a very serious problem right now. And so she does. As she enters the police station, she meets the cold gazes of Lucas, Marisa and Rosa.


What a fantastic recap, NovelaMaven, of an episode where things actually happened.

Boy the police sure got there fast!!! I guess rich people get special treatment.

Questions: Why did Lucas have blood drawn for his DNA test when Dora and Daniel had cheek swabs?

It looked like Father Andres' didn't have a good comeback to Albieri's Adam and Eve argument. A creation myth = cloning? Come on. Father Andres', Daniel doesn't have a place in the world argument was weak. Why doesn't he bring up the fact that Albieri's did his experiment without the knowledge or permission of Dora or Lucas?

I sure hope that Lucas and Marisa don't get Nati out of jail. If the prosecutor wants to bring a case, and one assumes that he would, for crimes like armed robbery and assault on the guard, it doesn't matter whether Lucas files a complaint. Oh, but that's real law, not telenovela law.

I don't believe it was mentioned previously that Carolina is a lawyer.

If Said is hesitating this long to decide, Jade ought to be worried.

It's hard to believe how Malicia can have enough time in the remaining episodes to make a play for Leo.

Jean, Carolina is not a lawyer. She just said she was in order to get the police to explain to her what happened. It's a common tactic.

Lucas blood was drawn because he's directly related to the one who put forth the paternity claim (Leonardo Ferrer).

Lucas tried to call his lawyer Enrique precisely for that reason. Enrique has to come and negotiate bail terms.

Jade is very worried. She's worried about if Said will marry her or whether it's worth living in that house with Rania as a second wife.

Thanks Jean!

Blood draw vs cheek swab? That bothered me too. We can imagine a real world explanation: the judicial order was for DNA testing but the mode of sampling wasn't specified. But narratively, it made no sense. You don't really want the viewer puzzling over non-issues.

I'm not sure Carolina IS a lawyer. If she had said "I'm a friend of the family", I doubt that they would have given her any information. But who knows?

I hope the Zombies make it onto the 6pm news and their snotty little faces are plastered on the front page of the newspaper. Then their other victims may come forward to identify them taking it completely out of the Ferrer's control. Well, okay -- somewhat out of their control.

Is Malicia going to try to SEDUCE Leo? Or does she have other plans for him? Remember that she was an extortionist before she became a whore... um ... perdón...a femme fatale. And when she arrived, she had Leo in her sights. I wondered at the time if she might be his daughter (by Amalia??? -- who appeared on the scene mysteriously about the same time and seemed so creepy). I guess we'll find out very soon.

NovelaMaven i agree another fantastic recap of a exciting episode.

The police responded very quickly imagine that.

Jean i am so totally with you, off these writers let Nati off the hook after all that she has done. I can't accept that, they can't bludgeon us to death on the horrors of drug addiction like this and let the lying rich girl off lightly. Every single person involved in the robbery of her family house said she told them where her house was located at and gave them the keys. Lets not forget the store robbery in the mall or the robberies she committed out on the street. She has to do time.I certainly didn't like how Marisa and the gang were looking at Clara accusingly.

Clara i can't accept her taking Rogelio back so easily but it looks like if she doesn't tell him what is going on with Fernando that's going to mess up her relationship anyway with him.

Jean you're also right about Said boy is he dragging his feet, but clueless delusional Jade doesn't pick up on this. Anyway i don't feel sorry for her not one bit.

Pablo please spare s your i told you so's, because when Diana was telling you the same about Malicia you didn't even want to hear one well deserved i told you so.

Malicia thinks she has a chance to steal the new married Leo from Cris, this heifer is definitely over reaching and barking up the wrong tree.No way super Cris is going to let her pull her lying stunts like she did with Pablo.

Novela Maven i like what you said about the three zombies but i'll add have them in those police lineups and have Marisa and Lucas watch as everyone they robbed come in and point them out as the ones who robbed them at either knife point or with a gun.

I'm sure Anonymous 10:43 is right and Carolina is just pretending to be a lawyer to be able to stay with Clara.

I agree that the Malicia/Leo thing is very weird. If Leo were her target all along, what has she been doing wasting her time with an idiot like the Chump, and nice but deluded guys like Pablo and Rogelio?

It's hard to believe that she could seduce Leo. I suppose she could do the old novela standby of drugging him and letting the two of them be found in a compromising position. Cristina is quite likely to jump to the wrong conclusion but that wouldn't help Malicia very much. Leo wouldn't be able to marry her and wouldn't have any reason to pay her off.

If Malicia had something she could blackmail Leo with, why would she need her assistant to do research on him? It's all very peculiar but as you say, NovelaMaven, we'll find out soon.

Excellent recap, NovelaMaven.

Yes, things are heating up. I never expected Lucas to accelerate and hit the guy with the gun. But I was expecting Marisa to be angry he drove off. You'd have expected him to stay in the driveway to call the cops. Of course, everyone was back in a split second.

I had the same question about Lucas having blood drawn and the others only swabs. I thought any form of getting DNA would work, so why stick a needle in one of them?

Yep, Malicia's plan is not clear at this point. After suffering for 20 years before getting the wife he wanted all along, I can't believe even Ratoncita would be able to wrest him away. The fact that she kissed the photo was revealing. If her plan was only blackmail, it doesn't seem she'd kiss the photo like a lovesick teenager. And, yes, it's definitely a beanie moment wondering why she went through every other man she could steal before launching her campaign on the main target. Even as I typed that I thought of a reason. Only the Chump would be stupid enough to buy an apartment and put it in her name.

I also hope Nati stays in the slammer. At first I thought Marisa was onto her by the stare she gave her. But no.

NovelaMaven, thanks once again, super recap.

Marisa is so plastic. She shows absolutely no emotion - is she human? I also join the "Keep Nati in the Slammer Club". The Terrible Three have no business out on the streets. Once they started using deadly weapons they were on my retribution list.

Jade, get a clue and get out of there! You will never be happy with Said and especially if Raina remains in the house. It might work if there were two houses and the women never had to see each other again. It will not be long before they will have Jadiya married off and then I would think she could see her whenever she wished.

I don't think Zein is a good choice either. How long would it take for him to tire of her?

I loved Gloria offering Abdul a beer!

Tonight should be fun if we get to see how Mo gets out of his pending wedding.


Loved your recap, NovelaMaven.

Did you note how Nati kept saying she didn't give the keys to the robbers, the police are lying!!!
And Marisa, Lucas and Mama Rosa looked at Nati as though, maybe the police were all wrong!!!

I hope she ends up in the carcel. I have no sympathy for her.

Maybe, just maybe, Alej may get back with Diana (is that her name?). I hope so. He's a good guy.


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