Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dinero #225 10/28/10: The Great Fake Out

Episodes 229 and 230 in Mexico

Yes folks, we have been punked by the writers of Dinero. But few times have I been so happy to have been made a fool of. Let’s go back to where we left off to see where we erred, and the writers had a chuckle at our expense.

Ale and Rafa are on the road to Cuernavaca and have stopped at a rest stop for coffee and refreshments. We see them exit the rest stop, refreshments in hand and happily ready to conquer the world. They strike a happy Rafita Gol! pose. Then we see Pantera traveling the dark, winding road, as a truck coming from the other direction decides to use both lanes to get where it’s going. Too late both vehicles see each other. As impressive as Pantera is, it is no match for a monster truck (as anyone who has driven on a highway knows), and it happens to be on the wrong side of the road (meaning the side with the steep drop). The truck wins and the Pantera goes flying over the side of the hill and bounces and flips the rest of the way down the ravine. The Pantera is no more, but we hope that the same is not true for our (finally) happy couple.

We switch gears for some more lighthearted scenes. Rubi has brought Jorge back to the apartment after an afternoon out and about. Rubi is so happy to be back with the best man she’s ever known, after all those men who only wanted her for her body. Jorge wants to go right to sleep after she leaves, so that the time will fly between now and the next time he gets to see her. Aww!

At Trancazo, Doña Dolores and Martin have classed the place up and laid out a fine banquet to celebrate her favorite customers, the Siglo crew. They’re all touched, lower themselves into their seats to begin feasting, and… all land right on their backsides. The Trancazo will always be the Trancazo.

Our next scene made me wonder if my dvr had somehow skipped itself back a few scenes. Isn’t that Ale and Rafa, at the rest stop, with refreshments in hand? Wait, this isn’t a rewind. Ale and Rafa never left! They are searching frantically for the Pantera. “This is the spot where I left it! (Aquí lo deje!) We was robbed!”

Want to know who WAS in the Pantera? Really? Are you sure? Well, you’ll just have to wait. In the meantime, we’ll get the resolution to another mystery. Jorge is speaking to the portrait of his lovely wife, Maria Consuelo. He tells her she is the love of his life. But he has been alone so long and he doesn’t do well with loneliness (la soledad). He tells her about this marvelous young woman he’s met (Rubi) and asks his wife if she will give him her blessing to spend the rest of his short days with Rubi. A heavenly glow emits from the face of Maria Consuelo and Jorge knows he has her approval. He happily traces his fingers across her image and then across the canvas to the signature and date. The date, 20-11-75 (November 20, 1975) lights up, and suddenly Jorge remembers that this is the password for the Swiss account! Jorge weeps tears of joy and thanks his beloved wife. Yay!

Back at the rest stop restaurant, Rafa has returned from making a call to Urdiales, who is very understanding about the whole thing. In fact, he’s decided to sign all the paperwork for sale of the trucks without further negotiation, and will messenger them over to Siglo. They wonder who could have taken the Pantera. Ale thinks that someone must have been watching them, waiting for just the right moment since they were in the rest stop for just a few minutes.

We finally get a close up of the Pantera, smoking and groaning at the bottom of the ravine. Wait, that groaning is coming from people. We see a lovely arm hanging from the passenger side window, with a few streaks of blood. Then we see that the arm is attached to…Vicky! The driver quickly comes into view, and it’s…Marco!

Things have come full circle, but in a way none of us envisioned. They are both groaning in pain and Marco asks if she’s ok. She says her leg hurts. Marco insults Rafa and his car, and Vicky is glad that at least Rafa’s lost the thing he loved most in this world (Pantera). Vicky starts being Vicky and shrieks in pain at ever increasing decibels. Marco tells her to shut up as he attempts to exit the car.

The next morning, Rosario tells Ale how Jorge miraculously found the Swiss account password (clave). A bit later he informs them both that he intends to travel to Switzerland with Rubi to settle the account. Rosario tries to talk him out of it, since it might not be the password after all. But Jorge is convinced it is. He goes to the portrait and points to where his dear wife illuminated the numbers for him. Ale, a true romantic, marvels at the power of LOVE.

At the breakfast table at Casa Medina, Julieta tries to get Rafa started talking by saying, “Bueno, estoy esperando.” (Well, I’m waiting. Which can also mean, I’m expecting.) Rafa takes the latter meaning, slams his hand on the table and demands to know what she’s expecting. (Qué estas esperando?!) Julieta looks at him like he’s a mad man. After all, he’s the one who told them he had something important to tell them.

Remember when the writers tried to fake us out about Julieta being pregnant? Those jokesters! I just *love* their jokes. (Said with much sarcasm.)

Rafa spills the beans about the reappearance of Rafa Medina Sr. and Marian’s role in it. He is sure he sent the pictures to them. Leonor wonders if Sr. intends to approach her and Julieta. Julieta immediately declares that she does not want to see that lout, but protests a bit too much. It becomes obvious to Leonor and Rafa that Julieta yearns to see her father. She sadly admits that she doesn’t even remember him, and wonders (hopefully) if he’s repentant.

They leave the Rafa Sr. topic for a moment and Julieta brings up her marriage proposals. Rafa flies off the handle again and forbids her to marry anybody until she’s finished school and started her career (good advice). “You’re not my papa!” “Well I have been for many years!” Leonor tries to intervene and calm her two kids down, but it’s a stubborn, cross-armed standoff. A knock at the door breaks the tension and Rafa orders Julieta to answer it. “Are you listening to me?!” (He sure sounds like a dad.) Julieta opens the door and finds a man there who seems familiar to her. It’s Rafa Sr. “Hola hija.”

He’s not greeted with open arms. And I am disappointed that we do not get a “Qué haces aquí?” Instead we get an even ruder, “Qué quieres?” That would be enough to send me walking back out the way I came, but Sr. asks for some coffee, with sugar, and some coffee talk. Rafa and Leonor glare at him, and Julieta happily runs off for the coffee. He compliments them on their homey and welcoming house, saying it’s something he could not have given them. They don’t know how much he’s wanted to be at their side.

“So why did you leave?” Rafa wants to know. “So that you could be happy. Would you sit and listen to me a moment?” The Medinas all sit for a tearful talk that has been a long time coming. Rafa senior explains the hell of fighting alcoholism, Julieta listens with rapt attention, Rafa fumes, and Leonor listens in pained silence.

Rafa Sr. explains about the daily fight against the sickness of alcoholism. Leonor thinks he should have sought help from professionals and not abandoned them. He says he saw many doctors, tried and failed over and again, was committed to an asylum (manicomio), and even ended up on the streets. He did not want his baby girl to grow up seeing him like that. All he wanted to do was get well so that one day he could see them again and ask for forgiveness. And here they are- healthy, handsome, successful, and above all, happy. They couldn’t have been that way with him around. (I have to say, this is making total sense to me and I’m ready to forgive Sr., just like that. Am I a sucker?)

Julieta makes a show of still being mad and says they thought he had left them for another woman or had another family. They didn’t think he was wandering the streets, drunk. They wouldn’t have been able to stand it. He talks about his struggles to get clean and sober, and the withdrawal pains. He has to fight each day to not fall off the wagon. But each morning he wakes up and thinks of them and thinking of them is what helps him. They want to know why he didn’t let them help him for real. He explains that Julieta was just a little baby and he saw how Doña Leonor, yes Doña because she earned that esteemed title, took care of Rafa, the baby, AND supported her no good husband. “She supported me because I was her husband. She cried and suffered. I couldn’t keep hurting you. I had to fight this battle on my own. Each day I woke up and it was a miracle of life that I didn’t know how long would last.”

He explains how Marian found him, showed him the photos of them, and convinced him he had to seek them out and ask their forgiveness. He wants them to know that he loves them more than anything else in this world and asks permission to see them once in a while. He tells Leonor that she is la madre perfecta, mujer ideal, y esposa paciente (perfect mother, ideal woman, and patient spouse). “I could never have another woman because I could never erase you from my heart.” She cries tears of sorrow, love and regret, but she accepts his words. He bids them farewell and turns to leave.

Julieta, who has not put on a very believable show of toughness, is the first to crack. She runs to him and straight into his arms. “Papito! No te vayas.” She clings to him, while Rafa and Leonor cling to each other with feelings far more complicated and mixed than Julieta could feel for a father she doesn’t remember. She tells him that she has so much to talk to him about. He asks Leonor respectfully if he can talk to Julieta. Rafa tries to convince them all that it’s more important that Julieta not miss school, but Leonor realizes that Rafa Senior is just what her little girl needs right now and gives her blessing.

We’ll take a breather from the emotional happenings at Casa Medina to happily wrap up the stories of three of our side characters. Ovi runs into the salon and excitedly tells her two boys that she’s finally scored a protagonist role in a movie! Yay! Unfortunately, this means she won’t be working at the salon anymore. Booo! The boys are not happy about this, until they realize they can be with their beloved Ovi as her personal assistants. All for one and one for all! Yay! (I’m sure they’ll also serve the purpose of keeping those agent/director/producer/actor wolves at bay.) What about Pepeto, you ask? We’ll just have to wait till tomorrow to discover his fate.

At Siglo, another of our sales ladies is getting lucky in love and business. A well known socialist politician has pompously marched in to buy a truck. The Generala is all a flutter (in her way) and goes to serve him, exchanging socialist platitudes in the middle of a capitalist transaction. A truck is sold, and a romance is born. She gives the details of love, Socialist style, to the other ladies. He thinks she’s a “gran mujer” with a profound analytical capacity. Claudia and Rosaura don’t understand this kind of sweet talk, but they do understand what a dinner date, even if it’s attached to a political event, means. They are all pleased.

Ale and Susana are in her office when Daniel, Todo Yo, calls. He wants to see her and Ale agrees to meet him. At the restaurant, he hands her a large envelope. It’s the deed to the hacienda and it’s in Ale’s name. That’s right, Daniel is giving the hacienda back to Ale out of the goodness of his own heart. Ale actually looks touched, but she can’t accept it. She’s in love with Rafa. “No quiero salir con Todo Tu.” She shakes his hand pleasantly and leaves. Daniel begins to doubt his awesome seduction skills and turns to find a woman to confirm he still has his mojo. His glance happens upon a young voluptuous lass, who immediately rewards him with a wink and a come hither look. He’s still got it.

Quintana is also having a rough time of it. He comes bearing a large bouquet of red roses, which Rosario immediately flings on the table. He then also produces an envelope (this one smaller) and hands it to Rosario. It’s a stack of cash- - all the money he got from the Marco hacienda scam. He’s returning it to Rosario and her family. “Your rejection is killing me.” Rosario says that returning the money does not make up for all his lies. Quintana says he knows she’s also sad. Seems Rubi told him. She loves them all and wants to see them happy. Rosario cracks a bit and admits she loves him. Quintana gets down on bended knee and swears his love, may lightning strike him at this very moment if he’s lying! We hear a loud crash and clatter and Quintana looks like he’s ready to meet his maker. Fortunately for him, it’s just Asucena who has dropped a bunch of dishes in the kitchen. It does give Rosario a good chuckle, however, and she soothes his nerves while he breathes a sigh of relief. She’ll take him back, but if he gets out of line again, she’ll become that lightening rod.

Ale is back at the office and Rafa is recounting the morning visit from his dad and his tales of the misfortune (rayo) of alcoholism. Ale corrects him that it’s not a simple misfortune, but a disease. Rafa doesn’t seem completely convinced yet, but he’s softening. He tells Ale that his mom fell in love with his dad because of his sense of humor and his incredible business skills (sounds like someone we know). Senior stopped drinking a few years back, and is actually now doing pretty well for himself. Right at this moment he’s having coffee and cookies with the Medina women. “And you’re bothered by this?” Rafa admits that he doesn’t know, and has to think about it. Ale tries to comfort him. She tells him that pain is a part of life- - it makes us who we are. And forgiveness is the noblest act there is. Rafa doesn’t seem convinced.

He wonders if she could forgive Marco. Yes, she could. In fact she’s agreed that they will meet him tonight. She’s optimistically hoping for a final signing of the divorce papers and a resolution of the Frank/Leonor affair. Rafa admits that it’s hard for him to forgive. Ale sweetly asks him to think about it and gives him a hug and kiss.

Yet another man has brought a peace offering. This time it’s Jamie arriving at Casa Medina with a big bouquet of red roses, but no envelope, for Julieta. He’s all dressed up in a suit and Julieta wants to know what it all means. He’s been thinking. Julieta is right. He’s not the right man for her. He has come to say goodbye. Julieta looks impactada.

At a fancy restaurant, Claudia and Urdiales are on the same page, unlike Julieta and Jaime. Urdiales has a palm full of rose petals and asks Claudia to blow on them (that’s probably the most decent request to blow something she’s ever received).

A beautiful diamond engagement ring is revealed and our buxom beauty has finally caught her Mr. Big. Her only request is not to have the private, spectacular wedding Urdiales had in mind. Instead, she wants a double wedding with her friends Susana and Dandy (seems they’re tying the knot the more conventional way as well). It will be an opportunity to share this moment and party with her friends, and say farewell to Siglo (no more working girl for our Claudia). Urdiales doesn’t care, as long as she will be all his from now on. She makes that promise seductively.

Another Siglo sales team member is also having a power lunch with a titan of business. Marino is sucking up to Rebeca, La Leona (the lioness). He seems to want a new baby mama and a new job. Rebeca seems amused, but she’s not biting. She thinks he’s a cynic and wonders about his loyalty. Hmm… We’ll have to wait to see where this goes.

We end the evening with our two main couples. Rafa and Ale have arrived at the restaurant to meet Marco. He’s dressed sharply in one of his typical suits, but he’s having some obvious trouble moving about and clutches his side in pain from time to time. Ale demands that he hands over the divorce papers. He does! And they’re signed! Rafa demands the paperwork that will clear his mama of fraud and the deed to their house. He hands that over willingly too! Ale wants to know why he did all this to them/to her. “Do I have to explain? You know I love you.” Rafa scoffs and calls him on his bs. He saw Marco with all those other women. “Can I finish?”, an annoyed Marco asks. “I thought that if you thought Rafa and his mother were trying to swindle you, you’d return to me.”

Rafa calls Marco on his bs again. He points out that Marco started swindling Ale and her family with the hacienda long before Rafa came into the picture. “Eres una rata!” (You’re a crook!) Marco admits that he fell victim to his own fears and insecurities. He tells his life story (and we see animated Young Marco).

He explains that his parents don’t live in the States. Actually, he doesn’t know where they are. They abandoned him when he was a baby and he was raised by his uncle in a poor neighborhood outside of Mexico City. Rafa interjects that his dad abandoned him too, and he didn’t turn out like Marco. “Maybe that’s why Ale loves you, and not me.”

Marco continues with his tale. It was always hard for him to accept the reality of his poverty. He started to invent fantasies. He worked his way through college. He never worked at a fancy law firm. In fact, he was just a messenger at a second rate law firm, where he met Chavez. They started doing scams together, and created this alter ego of a successful lawyer for Marco. When they came across Ale’s family, Marco claims it was Chavez who convinced him to marry Ale, and told him it would put them on Easy Street forever. Marco admits that he did pay for his apartment with their hacienda money, but all the rest of the money went to help her and her family. He didn’t even buy himself a car! (That’s because he always had access to Ale’s car if I remember correctly.)

Ale points out that Chavez says the whole thing was Marco’s idea, not his. Marco then claims that wily old Chavez has MANY more years of experience being a liar than he does. Marco never intended to leave them destitute in the streets. In fact, he wanted them all to move to Brazil together! Rafa’s not buying it (he’s a pretty tough nut to crack today). Marco begs for understanding. They are interrupted when our fourth main player makes her grand entrance.

It’s not really a grand entrance, so much as a hobble, limp, hobble up to the table. A battered, bruised, and be-crutched Vicki has not lost the use of her voice in the Pantera accident. She demands to know why Rafa is trying to make a fool out of her!

Over to you Señor Hombre and Doctor Carlos to wrap up this romp in a neat little bow.


Vivi and Pata, just a quick note to thank you for your recaps. I hope to catch up this weekend along with the gran finale. Don't know what I would have done without you both!


You went out with a bang for your last effort. What a wonderful recap complete with pictures of the most important moments. You cracked me up with your comment about Claudia blowing away the rose petals -- a very ingenious take on the old hidden engagement ring btw.

Repentance, repentance everywhere. Even Marco has seen the light. That comparison between the two abandoned lads and how they fared was insightful and he seems to have seen that the difference is exactly why Ale chose Rafa. So yea! Happy endings will probably be in store for everyone -- even Marco.

I have so enjoyed your witty writing Vivi and will look forward to the last recap by Hombre & Carlos. I won't get to see it until I get back on Sunday. (I'm on one of the "Sanity Buses" going to the rally in DC. My grandchildren can't believe it.) So I may not be able to tell you both how much I have loved your recaps. Looks like it'll be quite a show and you two will make it even more fun, I'm sure.

Hope to find you all somewhere else around Caray sites.



That was a great recap, as always. Thanks for all your work so semi-Spanish-speakers like me can have a clue to what is going on with these TNs!

I about fell out of my chair laughing at your description of the Claudia/Uridales engagement scene. Ha! I thought the engagement was a highly unlikely happening...especially since Claudia didn't do much towards her redemption. As someone noted earlier, this TN has not followed the usual TN path.

Marco and Vicki sure are made of strong stuff. That was some crash they survived.

Looking forward to the rest of the ends being tied up.

Mil in NC

Thanks for the wonderful recap Vivi! I have to run to work but I'm very excited for the finale tonight! And I love that it turned out to be Marco and Vicky in the Pantera and that Vicky has the crutches and neck brace just like Ale did.

How fun was that!! So many loose ends tied up and we still have our two hour final. It should be a blast!!

In true Vivi style, your final dinero recap was outstanding. The pictures and placement was perfect.
I enjoy your sense of humor and cracked up at your Claudia, Urdiales line.

I thought Jorge was so cute when he was talking to the picture of his wife. Then just like that, the number is iluminated and he realizes it is the bank code. In any other story I would have thought that was cheesy, but just loved it!! What a great way for him to remember.

So daniel was given the boot!! Yes!!

I was like you a little confused at first when we went back to Ale and Rafa and thought, oh man they are not going to show that again.
Those tricky writers. How fitting was that to have Vicky and Marco in the car!! I was cracking up when Vicky came hobbling in on crutches and a neck collar!!

Also to have all the Siglo guys land on the floor at the trancazo! Great job on capturing that picture.

Thank you so much Vivi for all the great recaps through the past 10 months. Your insights and sense of humor have made each and every one of them so much fun.

Excellent, Vivi. Your last recap is sensational and the pictures are great. I'm proud to have been on the same recapping team with you. This has really been fun.

Not only your best line of this recap, but one of the cleverest lines ever (one that I'd love to have thought of myself):

Urdiales has a palm full of rose petals and asks Claudia to blow on them (that’s probably the most decent request to blow something she’s ever received).

Some time back Hombre ventured that he thought that Ale's mom's portrait was likely the key to the Swiss Bank account number. Then on Oct.10 I had this to say:

"I'm going to take a page from Private 057's playbook and venture a prediction. I think that most of us suspect that Jorge's wife's picture may hold the key... well, I going out on a limb and suggest that it is in plain sight. It looks like the portrait is signed with a date below the signature. I'm willing to bet that date is the account number. It was neatly framed between Jorge and Rosario in one scene and is circled as well. Perhaps we'll know soon."

De nada.


I can say is Wow! Thanks so much for the recap. This was one of your finest ones. Does the accident still count as an accurate prediction?

So for today these are my final batch of predictions. This is how I imagine the show will end.

I think Marco will end up with Vicky.

Chavez ends up as administrator of the Hacienda (you can say whatever you want about his crook ways but the guy can really milk it for everything its worth)

Ale and Rafa will end up together and the final scene will be at the Hacienda! And by the way I also predict that the last kiss that Ale and Rafa give us on screen will be one to remember. No more sixth grade level kisses.

Jimenez will be very succesful doing his own architectural training in some capacity.

And Zetina will open up his own detective school/business.

Signing off... Private 057

Thanks all. This was a pretty satisfying episode that set us up really well for the final two hours I thought.

Just the other day I was saying there would be no way for Rafa Sr. to make up for the years of absence and get forgiveness, but now I totally see it. He has a compelling story. I think his words did great good for Leonor- who knows that he didn't reject her, but still loved her. Sure, it doesn't make up for the years she struggled as a single mom, but I bet the thing that hurt the most was thinking she wasn't important to him and that he may have left her for another. Now she knows that's not true and that she's always been the love of his life. I'm glad he's not asking her to take him back, but I wonder if the writers will go there (sorry Don Gaston).

Carlos- You nailed the bank account password prediction perfectly! Well done Doctor.

Pata- I agree that in another novela the glowing picture thing would have been cheesy. But here it was sweet and touching.

Guera- I will be at the Sanity Rally too. I hope you enjoy my city. Perhaps we will rub shoulders while on the Mall without even knowing it! :)

Private- I love your predictions. As this isn't a typical novela, there aren't really any anvils in store for our "bad" guys. Vicky and Marco received their anvils in the form of the Pantera crashing and nearly crushing them. The biggest blow will be to their egos from the rejection of Ale and Rafa. I'm wishing for happy endings for all, so let's hope your predictions come true.

Guera- Even if you don't get to watch the last show till Sunday, still comment. The comment pages for finales always stay active for a few days afterwards. I'm sure Carlos and Hombre will appreciate your comments whenever you can make them. And Judy is also out of town right now and won't be able to comment for a bit. I know I will continue to check in for a few days to read any and all comments on what I know will be a spectacular final tag team recap.

We may not have gotten a lot of comments but at least WE enjoyed ourselves! This was a wonderful, warm-hearted novela and had from time to time some extremely amusing dialogue. You, my fellow team-mates, have all been magnificent.

I guess that love-potion Marco drank was a dud. Unless all it was supposed to do was restore his virility.

Vivi, thank you for another wonderful recap, full of insight, pictures, humorous asides (such as your comment about the writers' jokes on Julieta, and of course the Claudia comment) and even lots of good Spanish translations right in the recap. I've greatly enjoyed every single one of your recaps.

That was cute how the portrait lit up to tell Jorge it was okay for him to keep seeing Rubi. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had something like that to help us make decisions!

I thought the Generala and Claudia romances were so funny, in that they were pretty much instant. I'm not sure Claudia even knows Urdiales' first name, but who cares!

Can anyone explain why Vicky and Marco stole the Pantera? Yes, I know, to take the thing Rafa wanted most, or to make him miss his ride to Cuernavaca. I guess the real reason was so that Vicky can have the neck brace and leg brace to match Ale's from the beginning of the show!

Carlos, you're a genius with your prediction of the account number.

As someone pointed out yesterday, it's a bit ironic how Rafa, Sr. has this terrible alcohol problem, and we feel sad for him, but all the other characters get bombed out of their minds every other day (including Rafa, Ale, even Dona Arcadia!). It's almost as if some people are immune from this disease. I'm not sure it really works this way.

But I DO like the theme of forgiveness. Earlier, I wanted Chavez and Marco to end up in jail, but they're getting punished anyway, and why NOT just forgive everybody. That's something that makes this novela one of the best we've seen in a long time, in that it doesn't shy away from breaking the rules.

Thank you Vivi for your wonderfully written recap, so cleverly put together! I, too, cracked up at the Claudia comment.

Great the way the writers fooled us this time, and interesting that the villains are getting kind of gentle comeuppance. It was really something when Marco said that Ale loves Rafa because of who he is, and we heard a little about his own sad story. ITA it's nice that the villains are being redeemed like that.

I was with you, Vivi, on forgiving Rafa Sr., pretty amazing how that did that. I wanted to say to Pata, too, thank you for all your dedication, I remember in the beginning when it was so few people watching this and you were keeping with it writing recaps.

Looking forward to tonight - can't believe it's over!


Melinama- Thank you for encouraging me to be a first time recapper. I obviously enjoyed it as I've been pulled into recapping for Verdad. :) And thank you for cheering us on in our small group here on Dinero and being one of our stellar recappers.

Hombre- I'm hoping tonight Vicki reveals exactly what she and Marco were thinking when they stole Pantera. I was guessing to 1)take something Rafa loves; 2)prevent Ale and Rafa from closing a deal successfully; and 3)prevent Rafa and Ale to go off to the romantic setting of Cuernavaca. But with those two crazies it could be anything!

Ivy- Glad to know I wasn't the only softie. :)

Thank you Vivi for your recapping skills during this show. You have done a wonderful job. (and still are over on LVO)

I thought the scene with Vicky and Marco in the crashed car was so funny. I don't know how the actress did that without cracking up.

I hope Private is right and we get a real kiss at the end of this.

Looking forward to tonight.

There is definitely a theme of forgiveness that runs strongly through this novela. But there also seems to be one about hard work too. None of our characters are slouches. Even the seemingly lazy Siglo crew manage to get the job done. But among our main characters, there isn't a lazy one in the bunch:

-Rafa has worked hard all his life to support his family.
-Ale has done the same- pursued higher education in the States and came back to pay her family back for the sacrifices they made to send her abroad.
-Vicky cooks up a storm and keeps her family home spotless.
-So does Leonor.
-Despite being a poor orphan, Jaime has worked his way through college and law school.
-Marco, surprisingly, did the same.
-Julieta is working her way through college.
-Marian, although rich, works hard to make her business empire successful.
-Chavez, although a crook, is a very good business man and somehow got himself trhough law school too.

Only Daniel and his sis seem to do nothing.

Vivi: You saved the best for last. As everyone's already noted, this was an excellent recap with wonderful pictures. I thought "A battered, bruised, and be-crutched Vicki" was priceless.

In typical style, there seem to be a few dangling storylines (will Vicki end up with Marco??)that won't be known until the last fleeting minutes before FIN appears.

Thanks again! Diana

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