Thursday, October 28, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #65-66 10/28/10 The unnamed recap.

Capitulo 65.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 65 to 69. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando says it was hard to convince Lety he’s crazy about her, and she only said she admires him. Omar says Fern needs to give Lety cards and little gifts. Fern has never written lovenotes and he’s not about to start with Lety. Omar says he’s also never given a woman $40M.

2. We see the divergence between Fernando and Omar. Omar knows dark out-of-the-way places (dives) where they can go. Who cares if Lety doesn’t like it? Suffering is a fea’s vocation. Fernando doesn’t want to hurt Lety. He can feel her love in her kisses. He worries what will happen to her when he gets his company back. Omar says it’s simple – you dump her, then you fire her, then you get her out of Mexico. Fernando is disgusted with Omar, so Omar brutally mocks Lety.

3. Ali begs for her paycheck, and Fern and Lety make a perfect team, like Fred and Ginger.

4. Lety loans the cuartel lunch money. Alicia implies that Lety got the money by embezzling. To defend her, the cuartel cites her rich novio. Alicia, Marcia, and Luigi mock and speculate what kind of loser would have Lety for a novia, and how frightening it must be to kiss her.

5. When Fern joins them, he’s very upset, first because he’s the one they’re ridiculing, and second because he assumes Lety bragged. Luigi jokes that they Conceptos should get a loan from Lety’s rich novio so they can make payroll. That’s exactly what they’re doing.

6. Lety begs the cuartel to stop talking about her relationship. She doesn’t have one because Fernando takes all her time. Juana says the shells say it’s at the point of starting, Paula wants Lety to sleep with him, and Marta wants to use the story to torment Alicia. Paula speculates that Lety wants to hush the gossip because she has her sights on someone at Conceptos.

7. Fernando fumes because he thinks Lety bragged about her rich novio, and he doesn’t even know if she meant him or Tomás. Omar says (loosely), “Might she be seeing both of you at the same time? Are you suffering because she might be playing games with you?” Omar sees he cut too close to the bone, and he pumps Fernando’s ego back up.

8. The cuartel is annoyed with Paula because she lets Saimon buy her lunch, etc., then she spends the night with some rico.

9. Fernando doesn’t notice the nut bar Lety put on his desk because he’s clueless about so much about Lety. He accuses her of telling everyone she has a rich novio.

Capitulo 66.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 65 to 69. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando accuses Lety of telling everyone she has a rich novio. See transcript. She says Alicia implied she was robbing Conceptos, so the cuartel defended her. She begs him to believe her.

2. Ariel ridicules Alicia. She’s broke and she’s got a hot body, so she should start selling it. He could get her customers, or he could pay to visit her apartment. As long as she didn’t talk at all. He looks at her bills and mocks her level of debt.

3. Fernando catches Marta binging under her desk and he swipes her sandwich. He tells her, next time bring proscuitto.

4. Omar shows off the “detalles” for their project: cards, chocolates, little gifts. He says the cards will just kill her! Even José José ballads. Fernando says he looks just like Lety’s father! They sing a few bars of Amar y querer. Omar also says that will just kill her. As in, she’ll be overwhelmed by it.

5. Ariel asks Lety if she looks scared because he might find Conceptos’ true balance. She says it’s because, when he’s at Conceptos, the cuartel always says, “Bad news! Ariel is coming!” Ariel demands his monthly deposit. Lety tells him that won’t be possible until tomorrow.

6. Ariel tries to manipulate Marcia by asking if she’s powerful enough to make Lety pay his monthly deposit. Marcia says, “Are you implying Lety is above me?” [The next part, I can’t make it out. MARTA? Can you help?] I think Marcia says, “If Lety does XYZ, I throw her out on her sorry butt.” Ariel says, “If you do that, the next butt thrown out will be yours. He’ll remove you from the company and from his life.”

7. Lety finds the card and chocolates the boys left on her desk, and she’s ecstatic. She goes out to thank Fern, but the models are flirting with him.

8. Per Omar’s instructions, Fern tells Marcia he’s going to an IdeaStock launch where Marcia can’t stand the president, nor can she tolerate Omar’s date. She says she’d rather spend the evening at the police station (delegacion) (can anyone imagine Marcia spending an evening at the police station?).

9. Marcia fumes to Ali that Fernando is escaping her tonight. Ali says she should follow him, but Marcia says she has dignity and would NEVER sink that low. Note, Marcia says, “Right now Lety’s not the problem; Fern is escaping to meet a woman.” Fernando knows Marcia is suspicious, so he’ll make an appearance at IdeaStock so her spies will report he was there.

Spanish Lesson. You told the whole world.
L: Are you mad at me?
F: Why should I be mad? Because you told the whole world you have a rich boyfriend?
L: Don Fernando, I swear I didn’t say..
F: (sarcastically) No, it was me. I’m the one who told the four winds
L: I never said that.
F: You said it. You told Ali and she told the company. How could you not know she’d do that. It’s proof of your indiscretion. Don’t say you didn’t. That’s a betrayal. We promised we’d keep it private, and you deceived me. You betrayed me.
L: That’s not true. I invited the cuartel to lunch because they were broke. I got the money from FI. But Ali implied that I stole it from the company. You know the cuartel. They’ll do anything to defend me. They told her I have a rich novio, Tomas Mora. (This sentence and the next one could be slightly off.)
F: That’s because you told them Tomas was your novi. Or what’s going on? How should I react?
L: But it’s true. I’m not going out with Tomas. Marta just said it to disturb Ali. I swear, there’s nothing between us.
F: Whatever. But still a danger, talk of novio rico, they’ll associate w/ me.
L: I’ll tell them to stop and I’m sure they’ll abide by it. Because it’s true. I don’t have a novio. Whatever the case, I ask that you believe me. Trust me. I gave you my word. I’d die before I broke it. I’m not capable of betraying you DF. Incapable of destroying something so sacred to me. Do you believe me?
F: Yes. I believe you.


Fernando says that the Paty picture worked better than whiskey. I wonder if it’s really that already it’s a little easier to kiss Lety.

Does anyone else think Fernando’s jealousy increases every time he talks about Tomas?

We see it again. Whenever Omar is particularly cruel to Lety, it always follows Fernando being particularly positive about her (affectionate, defensive, complimentary, etc.). Fernando worries because he's going to hurt her. He can feel her love in her kisses and touch. So Omar says, when they get the company back, fire her and send her into exile. So Fern gets mad at him and calls him a criminal for wanting to treat her that way. So Omar does a particularly cruel mockery of Lety.

Lety’s heart is breaking because Fernando thinks she broke their trust. And he just sits there, unmoved by her pain. Where is the man who trusted her absolutely? But as much as Lety is hurting, she holds her ground. She doesn’t resort to devices like Marcia does when Fernando is mad at her. Lety is absolutely confident that she did right, so she stands by her actions with dignity.

This is such a cute phase between Fernando and Lety, where they are learning how to “dance” together – asking her out without ordering her, sneaking winks at the office when no one is watching, defining the new environment of their relationship.

Again, just saw part of this but as Omar ramps up the contempt and derision, Fernando ramps up the loyalty and the affection. But still, it's hard to see Lety so hopelessly in love when she's on such fragile ground.

Paula, we're leaving early tomorrow for Charlotte to see the grandkids so will be missing both the recaps and the recordings. Happy Halloween to one and all.

Thanks Paula, I can't decide which he looks better in, the black suits and ties or the white tee shirts. Either way you can't go wrong. Even better is the great interplay between he and Lety. The affection seems so genuine between them. They played these roles perfectly!

Carrie L.

I just saw on his Twitter. Promos for his new show, "El Gran Show," will air tonight during the 8 PM & 9 PM TNs on Uni.

Hi Paula, one of my favorite parts today was when Ariel entered Lety's office and they had their little dialouge. He has really met his match. I love how she can get the better of him, and sometimes without him even being aware of it.

I also thought it was cute how she was trying so hard to get Fernando to notice the little treat she had on his desk.

Still would like to see less of the caurtel, but I do enjoy Simon's liveliness.

Thanks again for posting your outlines and the great lesson which I always find so helpful.

Yes, Pat, I love the Lety/Ariel confrontations. They get better and better. Notice that he batters Alicia out in the vortex, but he only ever takes on Lety in the privacy of her office. Even though he always thinks he can win against her (and never does), still he makes sure there are no witnesses around, just in case she whoops him. Again. I guess he learned his lesson in the meeting when she steamrolled him in front of Fernando and Omar.

Thanks for the recap, the analysis, and all the comments. I don't always get to watch the entire thing, but enjoy the discussion. Loved Lety acting "fearful" with Ariel.
La Paloma

CARRIE!!! Don't miss tomorrow's show! White tee shirt alert!!!

Okay, I'm really kind of hating Fernando a little bit right now, even if he IS tan divino. This is so cruel. I find myself clenching my fists when Lety's trying to be flirty with him and he's cringingly playing along.

He did seem to really enjoy the head massage Lety gave him when he was hungover, though, before he remembered to think, "fea, ew."

I still like the way they team up against other people, though. It's that building partnership that makes it all tolerable.

Hey Paula, thanks for pointing out that Ariel only ever confronts Lety in private now. I hadn't noticed that, but of course it's true.

I think that in addition to wanting to avoid having witnesses in case she whups him intellectually again, he simply wants to avoid witnesses, period. He knows that Fernando will stick up for Lety and maybe even take him on.

On the other hand, he knows he can safely harass Alicia because nobody will defend her. Even the dirt that Ali has against him is bad enough to get her fired too, so she's really stuck.

Although, I can't help wondering if Marcia wouldn't help Alicia if she knew what Ariel has already done to her. Maybe she'd blame Alicia for pursuing him in the first place after all of Marcia's warnings - but Marcia might feel differently if she knew that Ariel had bullied, raped, and blackmailed her friend, and conspired to compromise the company's financial data in Lety's computer.

Thanks Paula for the tee alert!!!!!
I'm recording it everyday on Uverse but can't transfer it to DVD. I bought the series from Amazon when it came out but I was very disappointed in the way they chopped it. All said I'm enjoying the reruns tremendously! I remember some people didn't care for his slicked back hair but I love that too. Black suit, slicked back hair, white tee and sweats, wow, what could be better?

Carrie L.

I remember it stayed very close to the wording used in BLF so I think what you did not get was when Marcia asked him if he was insinuating Betty had more power than her and Ariel said he was not insinuating, he was TELLING her.
here is my summary of the same blf scene.
Daniel visits Marcela to discuss his missing dividend check. Marcela tells him that he should drop the role of victim because he doesn't need the money and he just came in to bother Armando. Daniel claims that he has a salary. She says he lives alone so he must be putting away the EM checks right into savings, all he came for was to mortify Armando. Daniel replies that he mortifies Armando as a natural trait, as a dog mortifies a cat. But he is not here for that. He really does need the money because he's been investing in a project that requires a lot of money every month, he's heavily into debt, and if he doesn't keep contributing, he might be kicked out of the project and he might lose all of his money. As your brother, he adds, I can tell you I can barely live on the money I receive as a government employee. Marcela tells him that she's glad that for the first time in his life he talks to her as a brother and she can also tell him as a sister that she will make 'la cosa esa' wire him his money. Daniel wants to know if 'la cosa esa' is Betty and asks if she(Marcela)'s got enough power to order her(Betty) to wire the money. Marcela is offended instantly and asks if he is insinuating that Betty has more power than her, he replies that he is not insinuating, he is telling her. Marcela is angry and says that if she(Betty) doesn't obey, she(Marce) will mop all of Eco Moda's floors with her(Betty). Daniel tells her that if she does that, Armando will mop all of EcoModa's floors with her (Marcela). Marcela gives him a drop-dead look. Daniel continues to say that Armando will also get Marcela out of the company… and out of his life. He leaves a very quiet Marcela.

Thank you for the clarification, Marta.

Julie, you said, "[Ariel] knows that Fernando will stick up for Lety and maybe even take him on."
Alicia knows Fernando favors Lety. Marcia knows he trusts her too much and gives her too much power in the company and even in his personal life. But only Ariel knows that Lety is crucial to Fernando's success, and that Fern will defend her as vigorously as he defends his presidency because one depends on the other. He probably sees Lety as his obstacle to beating Fernando.

Yes, Ariel can safely harass Alicia. She's too dumb to even be challenging. As Camila of the BLF board said, "he plays with her like a cat plays with a DEAD mouse."

Would Marcia defend Alicia against Ariel? Only if it didn't cost her anything. In the case of Olarte, Alicia and the Panama spying, and counseling Lola, Marcia did her duty until it cost her something, then she folded.

Ariel certainly is a snake. Using Alicia and then acting as a pimp. No wonder Fern can't stand him.

Interesting watching how Omar has increasingly begun to be nasty to Letty. I can't help wondering if he senses she poses a danger to the status quo that is his life. He has Fern as a drinking skirt chasing buddy so they can continue their frat party ways but he has never seen Fern stand up for a woman. To both of them women are for fun and conquest, they haven't learned to see them as human beings. Now Fern is showing some glimmer of caring about someone else's feelings. Omar might see that as a threat, one he never worried about with Marcia.

I too find a some of the scenes with Fern and Letty to be cringe worthy. I just wish she wouldn't make all those goofy faces. She is just so open and vulnerable around him and at this point he is behaving like a rat bastard and using her feelings. Yes he admit to himself he is a disgrace but it doesn't stop him. Divino or not it is hard at this point to wholeheartedly like him.

Only one quibble, decie girl. "Ariel certainly is a snake... No wonder Fern can't stand him." Clearly morality is not a requirement to be Fernando's friend!

deciegirl... totally agree.
"He(Omar) senses she (Lety) poses a danger to the status quo that is his life... Now Fern is showing some glimmer of caring about someone else's feelings. Omar might see that as a threat, one he never worried about with Marcia."
exactly... Omar is finding out that leading Fernando on into this 'game' might have side effects or secondary results he was not counting on or wishing for. (kind of having kept very close with your closest fraternity buddy for years after graduation and suddenly your buddy changes lifestyle/interests and you are beginning to notice that your play partner is gearing his life in another direction)

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