Monday, October 18, 2010

Dinero Monday 10/18/2010 Vixens, Vomit And Vainglory: A Rough Night At The Hacienda

After the fun fiesta of Friday, the party start getting rough. Vicky and Marian have come to blows over Rafa. The bozos working the hacienda are betting on Vicky as the winner. Rafa, trying to separate them, ends up flailing all by himself. And Daniel, sidling in sideways, as usual, opines that a dinky little car salesman is hardly worth fighting over. Marian begs to differ, still muttering that she'd like to give Vicky what she deserves.

And Ale? She's staring into the night, bemoaning the fact that everyday she seems further and further away from Rafa. But she loves him! Woe is she.

Well, enough of that drama. The cameraman distracts us by honing in on Ovidia's luscious bosom. Pepeto's doing the same, addressing most of his commentary directly to those 32 D's. Seems he'd like a kiss. Seems Ovidia is shy. But a quick study. After the first beso, she's all over our sexy sidekick. Rafa and Ale need to take notes. We've got a real first-class kissarama going on here.

So let's move on to another D cup...make that Double D. Claudia's hood ornaments nudge up against Marco, getting his immediate attention. She teases him about Daniel monopolizing Ale and swanning around like HE'S the hacienda owner. Marquito replies that if she keeps on making nice with him, he'll tell her a secret about the REAL owner that will make her like him even more. She's entranced and makes a sensuous booty exit that just about has him falling over. Man, these guys must have loved rehearsals, don't you think?

Well, Jaime, not so much. The only eyeful he's getting is of the dishes which he's preparing to clear from the table. Then it's off into the night, with only a "solo amigos" and no" besos" to take with him. What's worse, at the door he bumps into oily little Cesar who's come to take his Julietita to an" antro" (nightclub). And greets her with a kiss. Worse and worse.

Ditto for Vicky who's furious with Rafa for breaking their pact and cozying up to Marian. He persuades her to cool off in the pool and she flounces in, literally sizzling in the water.

More fussing and fighting at the bar with Ale and Marco. He's still trying to persuade her to stay with the marriage, for his sake and for Rosario and papa's sake. She's still insisting on a divorce. Stalemate.

While the young folks are feuding or lusting, or both, the older contingent is settled in on the couch while Jorge reminisces about the old hacienda days and people trying to con him into buying billy goats that were actually dogs.

But wait! New developments back at Leonor's house! Jaime makes an impassioned plea for dates with a higher purpose than a dingy nightclub. What about movies, museums, libraries, cultural events? Dios mio! anything but nightclubs. How prosaic. Well, it's moot since Julieta can't go out anyway. She has schoolwork to do. And Jaime's always been a big help. Would Cesar be interested in giving her the same kind of help? No way. Cesar is gone in a flash. Jaime's there to stay. And as they sit down at the table to study, Julieta gives him a big wink. Our Jaime's back in high cotton. Have no fear.

We're back at the barbecue and Dandy's forging ahead with his stupid plan to make Susana eat meat. The guys are egging him on. The gals seem to sense that this is a bad idea but don't intervene. Susana looks literally sick. Her nose is red, her cheeks pale, and when she finally forces a bite of meat into her mouth, she bursts into tears, retches and then faints. Don't know if it was my semi-vegetarian's imagination, but the meat looked literally putrid and the people eating it looked barbaric. There's a group swoon as Susana goes down, Ale knocks Dandy over and the rest fall like dominoes. Then they all dive into the food. All except for Dandy who looks paralytic and stricken. He knows he's queered things once again with his Nonicita.

When we come back from the ads, Susana has received some Carrot Therapy and is somewhat recovered. Rafa takes Ale aside to tell her he has sold off all the trucks and can now pay his debt to her. She says she loves him. He says he loves her. And off we go to another scene.

Beltran calls them all to attention and Doña Arcadia tells them there's good news and bad. The good news is that they're all going to go off to a convention. Much excitement. And then. Disaster! The lights dim. The Headless Spectre appears. Shrieks and moans. Ale jumps into Rafa's arms. Vicky shoves Ale aside and gloms onto Rafa. Ale bounces back and makes a Rafa/Vicky/Ale sandwich. Rosaura strangles Bebe. And Marco and Quintana merely look puzzled. Until they suddenly see the Ghost directly behind them. Dios mio!

And just like that, it's a brand-new day.

And we have Ale, in another horror of a bathrobe (Honestly, where do they get these things? Goodwill?) doing a product placement for some sort of hair goo. Great way to start the morning.

Moving on. Marco's on the phone to Chavez. At 7 AM mind you. He wants him to show up pronto at the apartment, with Señor Shrimp and Quintana, and explain to him what the hell is going on with the hacienda. This should be good.

Back to Ale's. She's having fruit with fiber for breakfast. And chatting about the ghostly appearance which Jorge appears to have forgotten. And furthermore, nothing like that ever happened during the 50 happy years he lived there. Didn't Mololongo take care of all this nonsense? Evidently not. But speaking of the party, why was Daniel paying so much attention to you Ale? And making Marco jealous.

Leaving that question unanswered, we switch to Rafa's house. He's filling Leonor and Julieta in on the ghostly excitement. But that's not the big news. The great noticio is that he's sold all the trucks and will no longer be in debt to either Vicky and her family or to Ale. It's back to a normal life. Lots of jumping and hugging and "Si se pudó!" (Yes he could, yes he could...!) And throw in some "Si, ira, ira, ira" and you've got one happy family.

Back to Marco and Chavez, who's brought some take-out breakfast food. He's horrified to learn from Marco that the Headless Ghost reappeared last night. It certainly wasn't his doing!

When we come back from the ads, the sales force is straggling into Auto Siglo, wondering if their pay will be docked for arriving late. Doña Arcadia's hovering over her spycam listening and wondering if they'll ever quit chatting and start selling. Uh-oh. Dandy the Zombie has arrived. "Meat is bad. It has cholesterol and it separates lovers," he intones. Nobody's very sympathetic. You and Susanita are like oil and water anyway. How about going after Milagros? Ramirez takes umbrage at that. "No se vale pedalear la bicicleta de un amigo." (No fair bird-dogging a friend's girl.) he mutters. Marino thinks that's just what folks should do, particularly since Ramirez is too old and tired to meet all her sexual needs. Okay, enough of that.

Doña Arcadia's amused by the discussion but Beltran arrives and she tears herself away to ask him how he felt about the Ghost last night. He blusters that the only thing that scares him is financial ruin. She reminds him she saw him running at top-speed from the Apparition. He changes the subject by suggesting that they add Milagros to the sales force heading to the convention. Wouldn't she look good representing us? A good dressing down for being a "viejo rabo verde" (dirty old man). We leave him looking glum and well chastised.

Susana, on the other hand, is looking marginally better, having dosed herself with all kinds of herbs and fiber that morning. (Is this a product placement for fiber? Both she and Ale have had a lot this AM.) Meanwhile, Rafa and Ale, under the guise of talking about the morning junta, are slipping in little "I missed you. I missed you too's". How sweet.

The junta begins. Dandy's still in zombie land. Ramirez starts up. He's shushed. Ale begins with goal-setting but everyone else wants to talk about the party and the Headless Spectre. Oh forget that, let's talk about Milagros. And the scene breaks with a little cartoon shot of Susana, head spinning 'round 365 degrees after the carne assault. Dios mio indeed.

And we return to Marco's apartment. Quintana and Shrimp have arrived, looking very shifty-eyed. Marcos' wants to know what's up. While does Daniel Cepeda think he owns the hacienda? More shifty looks.

Final scene. Doña Arcadia and Beltran are about to get back to work when he gets a phone call. And it's from Urdiales! Dios mio in triplicate! This must mean something. And there we end.

A fast mishmash of scenes, most of which I couldn't get. Rafa and Ale vow they'll face it together. And then...did I see right? someone seems to be holding a sword over Rafa's throat. The perfidious Daniel perhaps?

un galeno = physician (they called for one when Susana retched and then fainted)
compórtate = behave yourself! (Ovidai to Pepeto who was more interested in nibbling her flesh than barbecue)
no manches = no kidding
cotorrear = chatting (Doña Arcadia noting what chataholics her sales people are)
fuera de eso = aside from that (Jorge, musing that aside from that, {the ghost} the evening at the hacienda was quite pleasant)
no se vale pedalear la bicicleta de un amigo (not right to steal another guy's girl)
viejo rabo verde = dirty old man (Beltran)
"si se pudó" = yes, he could! yes, he was able to! (Rafa)
antro = nightclub, place for young people to hang out and dance

Dicho of the Day

Darle una sopa de su propio cholate a.......
To give someone what he's got coming to him.
Insert any name you want above. Daniel, Marino, Ramirez, Cesar....even Dandy. There are some "asuntos pendientes" to wrap up, and we've only got two weeks. Stay tuned.


Judy, you are a marvel!!! I knew I could count on you before I head for bed. I haven't seen this yet as I had comapny and no one wanted to watch Spanish TV except me.

Will have to catch up tomorrow.
Your recap made it sound very interesting. You always have such a creative and fun writing style. Don't know if I want to see Susana eat meat or not. Doesn't sound very pretty.

So thanks again. I will try and check in again after I get home from work and get a chance to see this one.

Judy, thanks for a fun recap of another fun episode! I love your title!

On Friday I was betting on Vicky to win that fight. I guess there wasn't really a winner, but it sure was fun watching Rafa flailing around even after the fight had broken up.

It is so horrible that the Siglo crew made Susana eat meat. Poor Susana. Dandy does depressed so well. His zombie-like facial expressions are hilarious!

The scene with the headless ghost was great, especially when it appeared right behind Marco and Quintana.

Hmmmm, so Urdiales is coming into the picture and the shady hacienda deals might come out. Will we see the downfall of Marco and Daniel at the same time. I hope so! And I like your idea that Daniel is the one with the sword to Rafa's throat. No idea why that would happen, but it should be funny!

Hahaha! I love love LOVE your title. Great vocab lesson too. You certainly are a marvel.

Good morning guys. I was kind of bummed that I got the vomit episode after all the fun party hijinks, but it did make for a catchy title.

Pata, you have to watch this just to see Pepeto and Ovidia's conversation. was mind-boggling. I'm surprised Pepeto could remember his lines. Probably had to do lots of re-takes.

Tracie...wish I could watch this with you. I can tell you're having a blast with this one. It's always funnier when you're watching with someone else who's cracking up. Hey...and I hope you got to a sports bar to watch the game last Saturday. Your Badgers were awesome. (sigh, gulp)

Sylvia...hola kiddo. You were up late and up early, no? I've never known anyone who could get by on less sleep than you, amiga. Hang in there. Thanks for the warm words.

Judy, this is excellent. Once again very smooth and seamless.

Even though I'm a devout meat eater, I was appalled by the scene with the men almost forcing Susana to eat the meat. Very much a type of bullying, they were almost scary. The worst of the lot was Nelson. I say good for Suzy for dropping his sorry butt. I want to see those two together, but he has a lot of penance to do to get back into my good graces and I hope even more to mollify Susana.

Except for that, it was a delightful episode. Hurrah for Jaime. Nice job, laddie.

I noticed that the CCs were much better last night. Would have been nice Friday.


Marvelous title Judy! Love your sense of humor - "first class kissarama", "Carrot Therapy" and your clever way with words "sidling in sideways".

A wonderful all encompassing recap - the vocabulary and dicho were stellar. Thank you for providing us with these tasty tidbits that nourish our minds as well as our hearts.

Poor Susana. From what you and Carlos wrote, I was glad to be spared having to watch that scene.

It appears Julieta may be softening. I'm glad. I think Jaime has suffered enough.

Thank you for starting my day off with a smile Judy!


The CC's WERE better last night. But perhaps that is thanks to your renewed protests, Carlos.

The saddest part about the meat-bullying scene was their cluelessness about Susana's distress. If any one of the guys had looked at her face and read her body language (especially Dandy!) they would have stopped the farce immediately. At least I hope they would. But they were so focused on the "deal" they had set up, they ignored her torment. Sad. But I'm reasonably sure we can't count on a Happy Ending. Off to work now. See you later, amigos.

Whoops. Hi Diana. You snuk in there while I was writing my comment. Yes, the scene with Susana was just horrible to watch. And it really put me off meat too. (I imagine I'll recover by the time I cook Andy's birthday dinner though).

Otherwise, there was some cute physical comedy, pratfalls and ogling and the like. But nothing like the fun of Friday's episode and Milagros' unveiling.

Judy, I think the title was marvelous--and it sounds like a perfect description of the party.

I liked the phrases "Claudia's hood ornaments" and "first class kissarama". I haven't seen this show yet, but will definitely have to check the kissarama out, especially after your comments to Pata.

As I said, I haven't seen this yet so it may play out a little different than my imagination. But I must admit I am put off a little by Rafa so doubtful and almost kissing Marian in one scene and then a few scenes later, declaring his love for Ale. We haven't seen the one track Rafa in pursuit of "mi licenciada" lately.

I'm still looking forward to Marco finding out that he is not the owner of the hacienda.

It really sounds like Dandy was a complete idiot. I was wondering why Susana would have even been sucked into this until I read Carlos' comment. The scene sounds quite unpleasant.

Thanks again Judy for keeping me up to date in such a delightful way.

The actress playing Susana did a bang-up job, I was really there with her. Reminded me of high school - a guy I was "dating" when I was a sophomore knew I had a caterpillar phobia and one day when we were out he presented one to me in his hand. I turned around and walked three miles home and never hung out with him again. I was not a forgiving girl.

A real hero last night was Bebe. He tried, although unsuccessfully, to dissuade Nelson as well as the others from insisting that Susana eat meat and tried to convince Susana that she didn't have to. I was a bit disappointed in Ale because once Susana took a bite, she applauded. Hurrah for Susana for puking on the table of meat before she passed out.

Ever since I started watching this, I've had a grudging respect for Beltrán, but his sudden obsession with Milagros is downright unhealthy not to mention icky. I guess it's up to him to prove there's no fool like an old fool.

I had never heard galeno used as doctor before and missed it last night. Thanks for including it in the vocabulary. I love that nod to the history of medicine (Galen was the great Roman physician and anatomist).


Wow Melinana...that caterpillar story blows my mind. The male approach to teasing vs. the female reaction to it. I've really noticed this difference in teaching. The guys love to give you a hard time and expect you to roll with it. The gals, on the other hand, always look to make supportive comments.

Have you forgiven him yet? You know those telenovela rules..... all means, watch. You may choose to fast forward through some scenes. And the meat-eating bullying was really painful to watch. But as Melinama noted, Susana the actress played it eloquently. As for Pepeto and Ovidia, well, words can't really cover it.

Carlos, yes, I've never heard "el galen" before but someone called for "el galen" when Susana fainted. And Bebe, as always, was preaching the high road and no one listened.

Judy- I knew this recap was going to be a winner when I read your title. :) That meat eating scene was so painful to watch, but so well done. I agree that Claudia T. (Susana) did a marvelous job. I even felt tears come to my eyes as she got teary and red nosed. And then the writers gave us some comic relief with the whole Siglo crew being taken down like dominoes by a fainting Susana. Shame on Dandy! But he is just hilarious in depressed mode. When he came into Siglo and leaned against a pole with a cheek pressed against it, I think one of the crew said something like it's time for him to turn the other cheek and look elsewhere (as in another love), but Nelson just literally turns the other cheek away from them against the pole and looks more miserable. Then he slides dramatically to the floor. Lol! He so deserves it this time. I will enjoy seeing whatever he comes up with to win Susana back one last time.

In defense of Ale cheering Susana on, she only did so after Susana herself said she wanted to do eat the meat. She was just trying her best to support her friend in her decision. Up till that point and right after the retching, she was like a lioness protecting her bff, even smoothing her hair and giving her a kiss on the cheek when she saw how distressed she was.

It's time for Rafa to stop deluding himself, and Vicky and Marian. It is obvious that he feels not even a tenth of the feelings he has for Ale for either of them. Why he keeps trying to convince himself that he should move on from Ale with one of them is beyond me. At least Ale isn't deluding herself thinking there could be a real future with Daniel or even back with Marco. She knows why she's staying away from Rafa- to give her dad back his hacienda (Dan’s deal) and to keep Rafa's mom out of jail (Marco’s deal). As amusing as Dan may be at times, and as persuasive as Marco's arguments are, she never wavers or doubts her love for Rafa.

Oh, and congratulations to Pepeto for finally making headway with a woman. And with Ovidia too! So many men have tried and failed with her. I have to admit that I was supportive of him winning Rosaura over, even though they are so different. But some many of our main couples are mismatched, yet overcome their initial differences- Rafa and Ale; Susana and Dandy; Jaime and Julieta. Ok, all of these relationships are in the crapper at the moment, but we know it will work out in the end!

Also congrats to Jaime for making progress with Julieta. She's starting to see that Cesar is a good time guy, but very narrow in his thinking and world view, and doesn't really stick around when things get difficult. He is a completely ordinary guy. But Jaime is extraordinary, ticks and all.

Vivi...I always love your thoughtful and in-depth analysis. And thanks for bringing back to mind that scene of Dandy leaning a cheek against the pole, "turning the other cheek", and then sliding to the floor. The physical comedy in this is just the best. And on recapping nights, I barely glimpse parts of it, so busy am I scribbling notes and checking vocabulary.

The editing and writing has seemed a bit disjointed in these episodes. One moment we have Ale saying she must give up Rafa. Next moment, she's whispering in his ear that she loves him. Ditto for him. Regardless of the reasons.

And I found the ending of the fiesta after the appearance of the Headless Phantom strangely abrupt.

Maybe the presence of the Restless Spirit will be explained in the coming weeks. Or not. I've often found not all questions are answered nor are all mysteries unraveled at the end. A bit like real life, I guess.

Thanks, Judy for another wonderful recap. I totally agree about Ale's bathrobes. And that product placement for the hair gel was just weird. I guess they edited out the name of the product, because all we know now is that some gunk you put on your hair is "really quick" and with results "the same as a beauty salon".

Carlos, you missed some of the early parts of this show, right? I believe Beltran was slimy when they hired Claudia, too. This is nothing new.

I'd still like to know what the deal is with the headless horseman. I realize both Chavez and Quintana had actors playing that role, but several times recently the writers seem to be saying it's a "real" ghost. This doesn't make sense, as what would be the purpose of that? So soon, they're going to have to give us an explanation, and I hope it's not a letdown (I just noticed that Judy said the same thing).

But it looks like lots of action in these last two weeks!

After seeing the miraculous transformation of Milagros and seeing how tall she is (as tall or taller than all the men, with no shoes on) and that her body looks pretty natural, I wondered if she was some well known Latin model and looked her up. Turns out she's Miss Puerto Rico 2008- the one who won despite her clothing and makeup being spiked with pepper spray. Pretty good acting for a beauty queen I'd say. And Karen (the beauty Marco pursued so long ago) was played by a former Venezuelan Miss Universe. She's super famous there and I saw ads with her everywhere. I think she got preggers while this was being filmed and that's why her character went away. The producers certainly know how to pick the lovely ladies in this show.

Great as always Judy B. Thanks you also for the vocabulary.

I also felt so bad for Susana. I am a vegetarian and I could just feel the anguish she was going through. The actress did a bang up job. She should have just vomited all over the table and ruined everyone else's food. Don't know how Dandy will dig himself out of this one.

Can't wait to see the reaction of Marco when he finds out about the hacienda.

I've been wondering what happened to Karen. Her father was a friend of Jorge's & had an in at the court. I half expected them to turn up again to clear up the business of the embargo that wasn't.

Yes, Beltran has always been a slimeball when it came to women. His behavior with Claudia has always been lecherous and his hiring of her was slimy.

I also loved the physical comedy of Dandy. His body is as flexible as his eyes are expressive. What a great role for him.


Fantastic recap Judy. I've missed so many recaps that I didn't know that the man who first bought the hacienda goes by the name of shrimp. I'm wondering why...

Thanks for the recap Judy.

I felt very bad for poor Susana though the actress did a great job.

Thanks, Vivi for the info on Milagros and Karen.

hi everybody. Sorry to be MIA. Had a couseling meeting at church and then a very long, but very good CPR training class.

Miss Vivi, smart lady, to look up the Milagros actress. She certainly is stunning. And to think, a pepper spray survivor. Well we know she's a toughie then. Ditto for the great information on Karen. Now we know why that story line was dropped.

Maria, they gave him the fake name Camarón since he was a fake buyer for the hacienda. And one of the recappers just started calling him Shrimp Man so we went with it.

Lynda, Karen, Güera, Hombre...hello and glad to see you. One of the great things about being away is coming back and finding your comments.

Hope you have a lovely evening and an eventful Dinero tonight....with no bullying, no old man leching, and above vomiting.

Judy, as you mentioned I am having a blast watching this show. I absolutely love it and it has me cracking up every episode. I wish it wasn't ending already next week.

I did make it to a sports bar to catch the Badger/Buckeye game. Good game. Too bad both of our teams couldn't win. Ohio State always has a great team :) I actually live in Minnesota (grew up in Wisconsin) and the Gophers sure are nothing to cheer for.

Judy I finally got to watch this. You were right about the meat scene. It was so mean!!! Dandy should have stood up for her. I hope she makes him suffer a long time but hopefully will forgive him.

Tracie...where did you grow up in Wisconsin? I went to Beloit College for two years, and later taught college at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wis. Love the state, but hate the Badgers (this week anyway).

Pata..yes, it WAS mean. But the domino fall was cute stuff.

Judy, I grew up in Marshfield, in central Wisconsin. I've heard of Waukesha but don't recall where it is. I'm going to look that up! My parents still live in Marshfield and I'm in Minneapolis now.

Now I know where Beloit and Waukesha are - yay google maps :) I don't think I've been to either city before. I do go to Madison once in awhile to visit friends. I've never been to a Badger game at Camp Randall, but it looks like a rockin' good time.

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