Friday, October 08, 2010

El Clon, Fri., October 8 - Summary for Discussion

Zeín tells Said that he loves Jade and if Said doesn't want to marry her, he will.

Albieri has given Luisa the slip again. He is with Amalia. He tells her that the role of scientists is to break the ethical barriers of the society in which they live. He says that the greatest barrier is cross-species cloning. He claims that the centaurs and minotaurs of the ancient world were not myths but 'transgenic clones.' [Has he completely lost his mind? Are we heading for the classic mad scientist breakdown?]

Anita gets the Chump to tell her where Albieri went to have lunch.

More hypothetical questions- Amalia asks Albieri how we would feel if had created a human clone. He thinks, '¡Cuánta admiración siente por mí!' She admires me so much! He says, 'Me sentiría jugando a ser dios,' I would feel like I was playing God,' answers Albeiri. Anita has come into the restaurant.

Mohamed wakes up. [He got to miss the cramped seats, bad food and endless waiting of international travel. Oh wait, they flew on AeroNovela. In reality, transporting an unconscious person would cost tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars.] When he is told that he is in his own bed, he tells Latifa that he had a terrible nightmare. But it may not be over.

Abdul, Zumaya, Zuleica and her father have just landed in Miami. Zuleica is shocked at how Floridians dress. Abdul tells her that she hasn't seen anything yet. He advises them to cover their eyes (ojos tapados) during the drive. Zuleica covers Zumaya's eyes but Zumaya takes her hand away.

The lawyer comes to see Cristina, Vicki and Dora. She tells them that to prove that Leo and his wife who died 30 years ago are the parents of a 20 year old, Leo will have to prove that cloning has taken place (sí hubo una clonación) and the judge will have to decide who Daniel's parents are. She says that it is a unique case and depends on Daniel's testimony. Dora replies that Daniel doesn't want to go to court and hear all the idiocy about him being a clone.

Rosa calls Cristina to tell her that Marisa has chosen a pastel color (tono pastel)for the wedding. Cristina allows as how she doesn't like pastel colors. She would rather have something livelier like, fuschia. After the call, Rosa is all indignant at Cristina's interfering ways and wonders why Leo is getting married now. Marisa points out that it is Cristina's wedding and she should make the decisions. She also wishes that she could escape from reality like Leo is.

Rosa wonders if Nati will attend the wedding. Marisa hopes not. She is concerned that Nati and her ghastly friends will make a scene. Rosa tells Marisa that Nati is in her room with Paula. Paula and Nati have decided to rob the house the day after the wedding. But Paula isn't waiting. She steals what appears to be a medal on a ribbon from Nati's room. Nati wonders where Fer is.

Fer is stealing the radio out of his neighbor's car. Condo security calls Clara and tells her that they want to bar Fer from the complex. Clara tells Enrique that she can't face her neighbors. She is sure that she will be pressured into selling her condo.

Daniel's arrival at Lucas' office leaves everyone slack-jawed. Lucas makes his fierce face and asks why Daniel is there. Daniel replies that Leo invited him to see the business. Lucas sends him on at tour with Carolina. When Roberto asks Lucas about a report, Lucas replies that since he is on Leo's side, Roberto should discuss the report with the clone.

Anita has called Julio to the restaurant where Albieri is telling Amalia about his God delusions. I'm not sure if Anita thinks Albieri is two-timing Luisa or is blabbing about Daniel. Julio doesn't want to make a scene and takes Anita out of the restaurant.

Fer comes to the lab and asks to see the Chump. Luisa tells him that his father isn't there. Fer bums $30 off her. The Chump was there and Luisa says that Fer looks terrible and asks what is going on with him.

It's a happy family scene at Latifa's house. Alí shoos everyone out so that Mohamed and Latifa can talk. Latifa asks how Mohamed could do this to her. Mohamed replies that he didn't want to marry again. He doesn't want Zamira and Amin to know what happened. He tells Latifa that she saved him and they kiss.

Hilda is upset that Karla put 'father unknown' on the baby's birth certificate. [Uh, Karla, you don't need to wear the shower cap when you aren't in the delivery room anymore.] Karla wants to wait for DNA confirmation that the child is Roberto's. That is not Hilda's strategy. She has called a press conference, a makeup artist to gussy Karla up and bought a tiger print hospital gown for her to wear.

Meanwhile, back at Lucía's, Rosario asks permission to go visit Consuelo's niece in the hospital. Lucía asks if the girl is married. Rosario volunteers the information that the mother isn't married, the father is unknown and is believed to be a married man. Maybe Lucía thinks that she is living in 1810 as opposed to 2010 because she finds this information so shocking that she starts to hyperventilate and has to immediately call Roberto. Consuelo seems to be up to something but we don't know what it is.

Alí has no sooner told Zoraida how happy he is that everything turned out all right when the Fez fuddy duddies arrive. Alí tells Abdul that Mohamed is in the hospital and can't have any visitors but is all right. Alí takes Abdul et al to the shop and Zoraida tells Latifa and Mohamed the bad news.

Alí comes to see Jade. She tells him that Said doesn't love her like before and even though she has begged him and told him that it will be different, he won't marry her. Alí advises her that men don't like women who suffer. He tells her that men are conquered through their eyes (al hombre se le conquista por los ojos) women, through their ears (a al mujer por el oído).

Jade goes shopping and runs into Marisa and Lucía. After the exchange of pleasantries, Jade leaves and Marisa tells Lucía that she is sure that Jade is meeting Lucas.

Zeín tells Rogelio that he doesn't know why Said hasn't married Jade but if he's not going to do so, maybe there is a chance for him. Rogelio asks if Zeín thinks that he might be the reason for Said's failure to marry. Zeín doesn't know. He says that he will talk to Said in a few days.

Malicia and Diana come in. Diana gives Zeín his invitation to Cristina's wedding. Malicia is shocked that Cristina is marrying Leo and we get the first hint of some connection between Malicia and Leo since she first showed up in Miami and was looking at a magazine with a picture of Leo. When Zeín and Rogelio have left, Diana asks if Malicia is going to the wedding with Rogelio or Pablo. When she is alone, Malicia says that it is too bad about Pablo but she has to think of what benefits her the most [when has she not?] and Rogelio can give her so much more.

Alí tells Mohamed that he has until the weekend to figure out a way to get unengaged. Otherwise, he will have to marry since he gave his word.

Jadiya manages it so Jade is alone with Said to win him over. She maneuvers Rania and Amina into taking Munir to meet Tío Alí. She tells Jade what she had done and tells her to take advantage of it.

Karla has been tarted up. A reporter and photographer arrive and Hilda announces that her grandson is the only son and heir of Roberto del Valle, an executive in Empresa Ferrer.

Jade dazzles Said by dancing in a lime green outfit.

Mohamed tries to think of a way to get rid of Zuleica. Zamira comes and says that Abdul called and said that he was coming over with someone named Zuleica. Zamira wants to know who she is.

It's Leo's wedding day. Rosa is her gloomy self. Leo says that he is more nervous than when he married Lucas' mother. 'Sí, conociendo a la novia, yo también lo estaría,' Yes, says Rosa, knowing the bride, I would be, too. When Marisa comes in, Leo admires her dress. Rosa says, '¡Así es como se viste una verdadera dama!' That is how a real lady looks. Leo assures her that Cristina won't interfere in Rosa's kitchen. Rosa replies that she hopes not but all of Leo's previous girlfriends have thought that they knew more than she does. Marisa asks Lucas to talk to Nati.

Nati refuses to change out of her regular ugly clothes. Lucas tells her to shape up but it's obvious that she is not paying attention.

Just when we thought we could escape, we get a PSA from Enrique.

Nati comes down for the wedding and puts her feet on a chair.
'Mamá, ¿Por qué no finges que no me ves? Así como finges que no ves tantas cosas,' Mother, says Nati, why don't you pretend not to see me just like you pretend not to see so many things. Marisa asks for the 1000th time why Nati hates her so much. A nasty fight ensues in which Nati hits her mother and Marisa slaps her.
The credits roll.


Thanks Jean and NovelMaven for persisting with the recaps. One of these days it will end. I lack the patience with all of the repetitive action and I've been cruising from St Petersburg to Moscow. I wonder what the reaction to this telenovela would have been if it were on US TV.


Thank you, Jean. Not only is the writing, as usual, superb, but the screen shots today are particularly tasty!

The Fez fuddy duddies -- hahaha, exactly!

And in the department of useless memories rattling around in my brain --
I think Malicia's reaction to the news of Cris's wedding was the SECOND hint of the Leo connection after the mag cover scene. The first was when Luisa was trying to find a job for her and told her it was too bad she had'nt come a bit sooner because Leo had just hired a new secretary, Clara.

I seem to be running a day late in these comments, but I can't let your extremely gracious and kind posting go unremarked. Thank you!

Possible romances?
It seemed last night that the writers were having fun with us about Anita. First she was all cozy with Escobar and then with Julio, so I guess either one is possible. But I still think sticking her with the Chump would be a dirty trick:)

And the Fez Fuddy Duddies -- well they are so comfortable together that maybe Yaser and Abdul will decide to live together and Zuleica can be their live-in carnero preparation supervisor.

Pablo doesn't know how lucky he is -- it looks like he'll be escaping while he still owns his truck. And he and Andrea do seem to have a connection.

I don't see Andrea with Alej. Even though they like each other, there is a best friend taboo that I can't see either one violating.

Thank you two, Jean and NovalaMavern, for all you do.

Didn't Mohamad give his word some 20 years ago that he wouldn't take a second wife? What? Promises to a woman don't count?

Somewhere I saw the comment that this prolonged drug scene was necessary to explain why Lucas could not be with Jade at this time. Well, okay, but do we need the constant repitition of Enrique's explanations as well?

Still can't understand Albierti's overgrown ego. So he made a human Dolly; the process was already known and used. He only took it to an ethical dimension, and I do foresee that will happen someday, maybe even soon. But its only questionable, not crow-worthy

I'm glad Roberto is being outed in both his playtime and worktime efforts. Sorry for his wife, but OPEN YOUR EYES.

Lynne asks the reaction to this telenovela if it "would have been on US TV." Well, it was, it is. It started out more well liked than it is now, but some like me (a minority probably)still like it. It's richness has made Univision formula stories a bit harder to appreciate (and no less repetitious). I'm so glad I've watched this production (gladder because Jean and NovelaMaven help me even understand it) and not eager for it to end. On the other hand, were I cruising from St. Petersburg to Moscow, well, I probably wouldn't care. I'm so happy for anyone who it able to travel to far-away places in reality instead of through stories. Can you give us any idea of your travels, Lynne?

Lois, I always appreciate your comments here very much. Thank you!

As for Mohamed's promise: Yes, after Amin was born, he did promise Latifa that he wouldn't take a second wife. And she reminded him of that when she went to Fez to 'rescue' him. She asked the same question you did: Doesn't that promise count? He had no answer.

From what I've read, the drug theme (Enrique-type character included) was a big part of the success of the original. I wonder how the theme resonates here with the intended audience of this novela. (And we are not that audience; we are a tiny group on the margins).

I completely agree about the worthlessness of Albieri's science. He has more in common with Nazis doing unspeakable human experimentation in the name of 'science' than with anyone responsible for real leaps in knowledge.

Yeah, Roberto is in danger professionally and personally. He hasn't really done anything wrong as a lawyer; but he has allowed people to overestimate him and didn't insist that Enrique take credit for his work. Remember that he wanted Enrique's name to appear on the document he gave Leo. It was Enrique who declined.

On the personal side, we've seen him flirting and goofing off but we've never seen him with a lover. He flirted a little with Karla at the club and later had a drink with her. The rest is pure sKank plot. (By the way, have you noticed how Karla keeps trying to back away from the scam even as Hilda keeps pushing it forward? What does she know that she's not telling Hilda?)

It's interesting to imagine this as an English-language daytime soap in the US. I think it would be wildly successful! But if it were shown with English dubbing or, more alienating yet, English subtitles, I doubt that people would get past its 'foreignness'.

It's very rare to see non-English original movies, for example, achieve popular success here. Even movies like "Frieda" and "Love in the Times of Cholera" were made in English to break out of the tiny 'Foreign Film' category.

Great recap Jean wonderful work again on this episode and NovelaMaven yours also the past few days.Thank you both so much.

So NovelaMaven what you're hinting at is that is why Malicia has been so nasty and trying to destroy Clara because she was late getting to Miami to get a job?I wonder how Zein and Rogelio were processing how nasty her comments were when she learned about Cris's upcoming nuptials.

Loved Diana getting her dig in about who she was taking and from the previews Pablo catches her redhanded and it's payback by him kissing who was that Andrea? Malicia didn't exactly like seeing that happen right before her eyes.

Didn't Clara already tell the security at her condo complex about letting Fernando in?

So the three drugged out zombies and the professional thief who looks like he's on drugs himself are supposed to rob Leo's guarded house?

Abdul i suppose Fez's own Chuck Woolery with the love connections huh?

I appreciate your appreciation, NovelaMaven.

I think I didn't pay close enough attention to Roberto. I thought his actions were worse. Maybe they were just lazy and stupid. Guess I hope he and his marriage are redemable.

I'm not sure about foreign themes filmed in English. E.g., Love in the time of cholera. Great book by my favorite author whom I discoveresd in Colombia in 1982 as signs on the street proclaimed: "Tenemos Nobel." (Garcia Marquez had been run out of the country a bit before that!)

Anyhow, particularly in South America there is this blend of magic and realism that defies the English language unless the translation is truly magnificent.
Gabriel has said he enjoyed reading one of his novels translated into English by Gregory Rabassa more than he enjoyed them in Spanish It's surprising that the English language with the most words has the fewest to capture emotion, fantasy, magic. Lois

The Enrique PSA's are a standard form of storytelling called the observer's perspective. One my favorite instances of this type of storytelling is the Star Wars saga. In Star Wars, C-3PO and R2-D2 served as the Enrique. They served to describe what was going on to the viewer.

Loved your line about Abdul -- "i suppose Fez's own Chuck Woolery with the love connections huh?" haha

I didn't mean to suggest that Malicia started plotting against Clara because of her job. (Sorry if I expressed that badly.) Although it IS fun to think of what mischief she would have caused in that organization -- she could have taken Enrique from Caro, traded him for Roberto and worked her way up to el jefe himself, Leo!

You're so right that truly wonderful literary language sometimes seems to defy translation. But I'm not so sure I agree that "... the English language with the most words has the fewest to capture emotion, fantasy, magic. But I say that as someone who is in love with the English language. :)

Anon 6:41, I agree that Enrique is an observer in the novela, but far from the only one. Characters like Andrea, and Julio and to some extent Anita, Vicki and Diana also take on this role: they are involved in some aspects of the story, but not blinded by their passions. They are the truth-tellers.

Lois, what I meant was that I wonder what the reaction would have been if more Arab-speaking and in particular Moroccans understood this telenovela. As we have often mentioned there are gaping holes in the accuracy of how Morocco is portrayed. Islam is diverse dependant on the country to which one is referring. I have been to Morocco and a few countries in the Middle East but only as a tourist.

I travel a lot - going to central America on what is called the route of the Maya and then the Copper Canyon in December.

What interested me about Russia is that the people appear to be deeply confused. They don't appear to know if they are a democratic country as they have had autocratic rules for 1,000 years. I'm horrified at how some of the rulers butchered their own people - especially Ivan the terrible and Stalin.

Churches knocked down by Stalin are being rebuilt but the Russians had to be agnostic to retain well-paying jobs - so confusion seems to reign here as well. So the pattern manifests itself in many walks of life.


Great comments, all!

I don't think that Karla's attempts to back away from the scam are because she knows something that Hilda doesn't. I'm sure that she believes that she is preggers by Roberto. But I think Karla is not as venal as Hilda. She keeps having a fantasy of marrying Roberto for love.

Anonymous 6:41, the scenes with Enrique & his psychiatrist might have been intended to describe to the viewer what goes on with a drug addiction but their frequency and repetitiveness have turned them into boring anti-drug PSA's. We all know how drug addiction can destroy a person and his/her family. ¡Ya basta!

Jean--wonderful recap, thank you much! I, too, enjoyed Blu's Chuck Woolery comment.
Now, as I recall, when Karla first told Daniel she was pregnant, he said "Is it mine?" And she said, "No, I am three months along already." So somebody may have miscalculated, eh?

I understand you Jean, but as long as the scenes are being played out then the PSA's will continue. Remember, Natalia's situation has not been resolved yet. For example, if Natalia goes to jail, then they would show a PSA where Enrique recalls the first time he went to jail. I don't have a problem at all with the PSA's and I suspect not many people either.

Lynne, would love to hear more of your interesting travels. I've done Mexico a lot, too. It's right next door to me. These days I don't get further than Nogales or Puerto Penasco, but fondly remember my favorite Mexican city: Mazatlan.

NovelaMaven, I love English, too. Have taught writing in junior college. Surprisingly, although having the widest vocabulary of any existing language, it can use the fewest words to actually get by. I guess it's not the language so much as a mind set with many authors that won't allow them to use the language to it's potential very often. Seems much writing in English is sort of gut level or below or so outside our experiences as not to be touchable. Does that make sense? Or am I just dim? Lois

"Dim", Lois? Hardly! :-)

Can someone tell me the meaning of the abbreviation PSA. I know what it is but can't come up with the words for the abbreviation.

I want to take this moment to say thanks to Jean and NovelaMaven for the great recaps. I enjoy it all so much -- the photos, and all the translations.


Excellent recap, Jean. I think this novela is doing what they all do: starting to get more interesting toward the end.

We'll apparently get to see Cristina's wedding dress Monday. I think it's going to be a shocker. And we'll soon get to see how Natalia, Paula, and Fernando's plot to rob Casa Ferrer after the wedding works out.

I thought that Anita jumped to the conclusion that Albieri was meeting Amalia for romantic reasons. She said she was angry because Luisa was her friend. As I've mentioned before, I'm fed up to the teeth with Luisa and her fussing over Albieri. I guess this is just part of my personality; I can't STAND controlling people.

I hope they tell us the whole background story on Malicia. I've wondered if she really is related to Luisa or somehow just picked her out as a mark. She was obviously enraged enough to let the sweetness and light mask drop when she heard Cris was to marry Leo. I don't know if that is because she had her own agenda with him or just because she truly hates Cris. She's completely green with envy about Cris and her effortless charm. She set out to steal her job and Pablo and succeeded. I don't know what the thing is with Leo. If she had wanted to get him, she'd have shown up at Empresas Ferrer and figured out a way to do it.

I'm admiring Laura Perico AND her makeup artists. She totally looks like a druggy. I can't see her coming back to the good side after all this.

Actually, since I don't like her much (more anti-controlling people feelings on my part), I'm looking forward to Lucía's reaction to the newspaper article. I agree that Roberto probably isn't unfaithful. He just likes to waste time at the club and flirt.

Hi Ann- PSA= public service announcement

Yes, Novelera, the previews, not to mention Vicki's reaction to Cristina's choice of dress, hint that her outfit is going to be a shocker for Leo and his fuddy duddy rich friends. Good for her. That place needs some shaking up. Maybe it's time for Rosa to retire!

I thought that Anita suspected Albieri of romancing Amalia, too. She may not know that Amalia is a reporter.

Laura Perico has been excellent in this novela. I agree with you about her makeup but even made up as a druggie, I think she is stunningly beautiful. I don't see her coming back from this either.

I wouldn't might hearing the 'story of Malicia' as long as she is telling it as she is arrested or is agonizada.

Jean, thank you so much once again.

The comments have been great this weekend, so there is not much to add. I can hardly wait to see Cris's dress!

Maybe we can pair up Abdul and Rosa since they are both "very set in their ways".


Rosemary, brilliant! What a pair Abdul and Rosa would make! I bet she could make an excellent cordero.

Of course, Abdul can daydream all he wants, but he'd last about 5 minutes with Gloria, who'd chew him up and spit him out.

Novelera, you are right the cordero, LOL.

I just rewatched the part with Malicia and I now believe that she had her money grubbing heart set on Leo for herself. She thinks she is so wonderful that she deserves him.


If Leo was Malicia's original target, she didn't go about it with her usual efficiency. Even though she didn't get a job at Empresa Ferrer, she didn't take advantage of the fact that Albieri was friends with Leo to meet him. It's hard to imagine that someone who had their sites set on Leo would settle for the Chump!!!

Jean LOL i know Malicia couldn't have done any better than to start off with the Chump?

Unless Anita last neuron is malfunctioning i can't ever see her ending up with El Chump especially after she overheard heard his nasty exchange with Clara on why he couldn't leave his job to try and help his own son. The way it seem to me he's starting to notice Anita but she definitely gave him the brush off. Now Julio that's not a bad paring i like it. He's level headed and balances off her hot headedness and ready to react before thinking things through more clearly.

Thanks guys for another great week of recaps! Always good for a much needed chuckle or two! Will miss the show, but can't be watching three of these things ever again!

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