Friday, October 29, 2010

La Verdad Oculta EP33 10/28/2010 - Too much testosterone

* Juan José visits Alejandra who's just relaxing after the tedious meeting with Roberto. The woman seriously asks him about Medina, to which he responds that the architect may not remember his name but he knows very well who he is. She's not convinced yet and asks for 2,5 million pesos in advance. JJ has no problem with that, he says he's going to give her the money tomorrow morning, then he exits the office, leaving a very confused Ale behind.

* The Guillén sisters whine about men. Julieta became the new, improved Gabriela and tells to her sister she shouldn't hope anything from David - just look how Roberto and Carlos treated them! If David really loved her then he would ask her to be his wife.

* Carlos and JJ visit Elsa just at the same time. Carlos came for have a friendly chat and a coffee, while JJ wants to placate her and gives her back the money she gave to him. But he notices Carlos and the boyz start an alpha male fight. Who's Elsa's real friend and who's not, who's a criminal and who's not, and so on. When Elsa get's fed up with the insulting and threatening she gives Carlos the money and begs him to leave. Then she scolds JJ for his behaviour: how dare he insult her visitors? How dare he tell her who to befriend while he's going out with the niece of Mario Genovés! (Oh, sweat jealousy.) Carlos Ávila is not like his father, and he lent her that money because she needed it much! JJ vehemently asks what did Carlos ask in exchange for the loan? SLAP! Wow, Elsa, that was epic. After JJ leaves Elsa starts to cry.

* Roberto reports the progress of the "Kill Mario" plan to Adolfo. He visits him often and tries to observe him but it's very difficult. Anyway, he plans to provoke an accident. Dolphie assures Rob again that if he succeeds he'll reward him well, but if he fails something very bad will happen to him. As usual, Carlos interrupts them and finds strange that his father and his friend have so many private conversations. The young jerks talk about Elsa and Gabriela. Carlos likes both of them but there's a little problem with Elsa: she's got a beefy, angry friend called Juan José Victoria. Oops.

* JJ visits his friend Pancho and invites him for dinner. In the hotel he introduces him to Asunción and says the ex-beggar is a multimillionaire and JJ works for him. The old friends start to talk about the hotel where they worked together. JJ learns that nowadays Mario's son, David Genovés is in charge of the hotels in Campo Real, and the Ávila family runs the restaurants. After Pancho leaves he decides to visit Elsa again. He doesn't care about the slap, he knows he deserved it.

* Mario has a last desperate plan: since Fausto deceived him the cameras in his office became pointless, but he may use them to set a trap to Adolfo and get rid of him.

* Medina visits Elsa. Romantic music, blush, smiles, and an a cute invite for dinner. A few hours later she's ready for the date, and she looks absolutely gorgeous. The doorbell rings, but instead of a handsome, polite architect she gets a pretentious criminal brother in awful rapper clothes who tries to make her believe he was liberated conditionally. However, fortunately she's not that stupid. Finally Medina arrives and Elsa leaves with him. Marky Marcos is scanning Elsa's drawers and stealing her money when JJ knocks the door. The friends are very happy to see each other again though JJ is worried for Marcos. He had luck but the police surely investigates after him, he should report himself at a police station. And why is he in Elsa's flat? Does he want to cause her more troubles? And where's Elsa? She left with a guy called... wait... Mauricio.

* We get a glimpse at Elsa's and Medina's date which unfortunately isn't stellar at all since she's worried to hell. Back to the ex-jailbirds. Marky fiercely hopes JJ won't report him to police and he threatens him: if he has to return to the prison the big guy will accompany him. We get another peacock fight: you should get the hell out of here, Marcos - oh, you don't know what I'm capable of, brotha - you're wrong, brotha, I know! *Viewerville: yawn* After JJ leaves Marcos runs back to Elsa's bedroom and continues to search after something. At last he finds official papers and an identity card.

* In his bedroom David opens his heart to Dora and tells her everything about Gaby and Carlos. He's so confused, sad and anxious that it's painful to watch (good job, Gabriel). Dora advises him to talk with Gaby first: she doesn't know that girl but does know David, and he's too impulsive. David knows it's a big flaw of him, but Carlos, and Gaby, and she betrayed him... But Dora makes him realize again he fell in love with that girl completely because he feels like he has known her forever. David's very grateful for having Dora. He says she knows him well, like she was his mother, then he hugs her.

* In the hotel apartment JJ tells Asunción he met Elsa's brother who was supposed to be in prison... When he learns from Asunción that recently a bunch of prisoners escaped from a van he starts from his chair coach and leaves the hotel immediately.

* Marky Marcos, who is now Marcella de Vil with blue contact lenses and blonde highlights in his hair, tells Susana he visited his little sister who wasn't happy to see him at all. He shows her the 50 thousand he stole from Elsa, I mean, the money she gave to him.

* In his Sagitario office David finally asks Gaby about what she wants from him, and she admits she wants a serious relationship. She would love to be his girlfriend... and his wife. David is impactada.

* Roberto visits David but only finds Abelardo who brings medicine to Mario. He tries to intrude the study but Bertha shows up and starts to talk about Carlos and the waitress. Is David interested in that woman? It seems so. Bertha tells Rob she likes David much and if he helps her to get Blondie she'll give him everything he wants.


Looking forward to your summary, Aribeth! Thank you.

You Tube links for Episode 33:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Thanks for the links Jeri! I can't believe we are only on epsiode 33. Usually, at this early stage, we're still mired in muck, barely plodding along. Instead, we've been treated to major revelations and tantalized by the promise of juicy morsels yet to come.

Aribeth: I know your excellent title and dreamy picture are just a sampling of more great things to come. Cannot wait for your recap!


Good morning, Diana! Oh, yeah, that's my picture. Just a place holder.

I was wanting a screen cap from the episode that said, "Watch This Space," LOL But I'm glad you like it.

I am also amazed it's only episode 33; but it makes me wonder what in the world they could still do. So I am a bit trepidatious.

This is a good ep! I hope everybody got the chance to see it so we can discuss it.

Oh Jeri, that's exactly the scene that I was thinking about when I created the title.

at this early stage, we're still mired in muck
That's so true. And I learnt two new words, thanks. :)

I arrived home a few minutes ago, now I finish the summary. Thank you for your patience!

Jeri, many thanks for the lovely picture. I have to admit I've checked the blog several times not only to see if the recap is posted, but to continue to soak in every facet of that handsome, wonderful face.

Aribeth, I loved that you and Jeri were on the same wavelength. Great minds think alike.


Diana: :)

Hey, look, look, look, what I found! Carla Estrada, her son and EY had dinner together.
Con un buen amigo Eduardo Yanez y mi hijo despues de cenar. = With a good friend EY and my son after dinner.
I wish it would meant a telenovela together.

Wow, that would be so great; thanks Aribeth!

I like the comment:

"Por lo que veo estas rodeada de puros galanes.Lol"

or "It looks to me like she's surrounded by solid hunks!"

J J, I will do your bidding and happily. Looking forward to your recap, Aribeth, and thanks for the links as always, Jeri.


Eduardo and Carla! Say it IS so!

I'm so excited!! Aribeth, their meeting must mean something, right? Of course it would make sense, she's worked with all the other major galans.

Please keep us posted if you hear of any developments. Wow!


Thanks Aribeth can't wait to read the recap.

I didn't understand everything that was being said, but that was some slap that Elsa gave JJ.

Is JJ jealous of Medina.

Didn't Marcos have all that money from the diamond he sold, then why did he steal from Elsa. He is dumb and selfish.


LOL, Aribeth, your title is right on. If only we could drop something into their water as an antidote to all this excess testosterone. That is except for Medina as he is near perfect. Spread it around and we might have world peace.


Hokay -- summary posted. (The place-holder picture is at the end of my La Verdad Oculta album -- scroll down.)

I was amazed that Bertha finds it easier to do "whatever Roberto wants" in order to marry David, rather than get a job! She's going to have sex with Mr. Bean, apparently.

Thanks heaps Aribeth for the recap.

Okay, JJ deserved that slap. Poor Elsa what were those documents Marco took from the drawer. Aribeth, loved your Marcella de Vil, so funny and spot on, lol. I am not liking Marcos and his girl right now. I can see them causing big trouble for Elsa and JJ with their stupidity and greediness.

Now we also have Bertha wanting David and wanting Roberto to help her. Oh no, that is not good.


Thank you for you patience! :)
Jeri, thanks for posting.

She's going to have sex with Mr. Bean, apparently.
Dios mío, I'm going to have nightmares.

Aribeth- Great summary and pictures! Thank you for capturing that slap. JJ so deserved it. What was he thinking asking Elsa a question like that? He, like David, is making Carlos look good in comparison. And then her brother ruins her mood for her date with Hottie Medina. Ugh! She should have slapped Marcos too.

David is looking like he needs a slap from Gabi. Loved his talk with Dora, but then he didn't really follow through on her advice.

If Bertha doesn't mind working on her back, she could make a lot of money as a high priced hooker. I'm just saying.

Marcos had diamond but was only able to fence two of them for waay under value. They went through that pretty quickly. He doesn't want to go back to the same jeweler, so he's diamond rich and dinero poor.

Marcos is looking for his ID documents. I think he wants to destroy them when he gets a new identity. Leaving them behind at Elsa's might lead to him somehow.

Poor Elsa. Are we going to get to see what happens when Mr. Gorgeous brings her back from dinner? And she did "clean up" (a la Pretty Woman) very nicely. She is a nice looking girl. I hope Mr. G continues to be interested in her. She deserves a really good guy.

I loved Dora's talk with David, too; she can make him calm down and be a little circumspect, apparently.

Elsa looked wonderful. Here's a picture of her with Jan from Destilando Amor.

But I'm not liking how they are killing the romantic tension between Mauricio and her.

Thank Aribeth for the recap. I also say JJ deserved that slap. Marcos arrival is ruining things for Elsa and JJ with his interfering. He already found the makeup room at the secret apartment and then the diamonds in the shoes linking him to both Adolfo and Mario. I too wonder if JJ is a bit jealous of Mauricio. Elsa looked really pretty on their dinner date. Too bad she was preoccupied with thoughts about her brother to really enjoy his company. Loved the pic of EY with Carla Estrada and her son. I hope this means maybe we'll see him working with her in a new novela. Keeping my fingers crossed on that prospect. Looking forward to tonight's show.

I wonder if Carla Estrada's son in the picture is the one who was part of the Pasion cast. He looks different but he may have matured.


Having just rewatched Pasion, it looks like Carlos Estrada to me, just older and heavier.

Thanks, Pascal. Hope he's in another novela as he was a pretty good actor in Pasion.


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