Friday, October 01, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #29-30 10/1/10 Hubris Meets Ego.

Read Kim's original recap. That recap covers Caps 28 through 30-A. Start at the section heading, "Missing Recap 2: Oh, it was just a massage." Finish Cap 29 at the section heading that reads, “Missing Recap 4: At Conceptos, all news is bad news."

Capitulo 29

1. Carolina gives Fernando a massage to help him relax, but Lety thinks it’s something more personal, so she prevents his parents from entering his office.

2. Luigi cancels the event because of the video camera. Fernando orders Luigi to do the show. Lui tells the dancers to go home. Fern orders Luigi to obey him, and he tells Marcia Lui isn’t indispensible. He’ll just use another director. Luigi quits and says the world will know.

3. Marcia says this will ruin them. She’s furious because Luigi IS the prestige of Conceptos, and Fernando just caused him to quit. Marcia begs and begs until Luigi agrees to stay.

4. Lety has a fantasy that Fernando holds her close because he needs her total support when everything is falling appart. Marcia comes in and rebukes him for cutting costs at the expense of everything else.

5. The lights fail because Fernando didn’t rent a generator. The recording failed because the cheap CineRent tape was defective. The AdAge journalist says the best he can do is not write anything about Conceptos.

6. The cuartel gets a picture with Benny. Omar gets some personal attention with Paula.

7. Lui wants Fernando to admit that his mistakes made them lose everything, and to apologize. Fernando arrogantly refuses to apologize, and won’t even admit that the night was a disaster. Luigi quits again. Even Marcia quits, since he overrules her on everything.

Capitulo 30

Kim's original recap for Cap 30 starts at this link , at the section heading that reads, “Missing Recap 4: At Conceptos, all news is bad news." The Cap 30 recap finishes at this link, at the section heading, "Missing Recap 6: What's more embarrassing."

1. The cuartel drools over a galán (Jorge Salinas) who comes into Reception, until they discover he’s there for Luigi. Later they whine because they were so disillusioned.

2. The Benny video customers are taking their business elsewhere. Fernando has to face his parents when they question him about his decisions which contributed to the night’s disaster.

3. Ariel harasses Omar and Alicia, noting that Omar’s fidelity is matched by Alicia’s intelligence.

4. Carolina advises Fernando to do whatever necessary to get Luigi back. He could do a lot of damage to Conceptos’ image, and agencies won’t hire Conceptos without him. Fernando refuses to beg Luigi; he wants Luigi to know who’s the boss.

5. Omar tries to convince Fernando too. He doesn't want to kneel/beg (arrodillarse). Fern vows, he has never [reconciled? Marta, help!] in his life, and certainly not when he’s right. He says, “I don’t know how.” Omar tells him it’s time to learn something new.

6. The cuartel goes out to celebrate that Lety will be in charge, and they get very drunk. Lety is depressed because of Fernando awful night. Tomás goes out with Roman, but Roman just uses him to pay the bill. Tom doesn’t even sit with the girl.

7. In the gay bar, Fernando assures Luigi he’ll come back from LA with lots of work. Luigi says that the biggest problem is that he was humiliated. He offers a wager:
A. If Conceptos does not lose business, Luigi will use the video camera.
B. If Conceptos DOES lose business, Fernando will get him a 35mm camera AND compete in a festival for the "Queen of the Night" (e.g. Fernando will go in drag).


Hi Paula. Pilot error in the recording again so just got to see part of the second half. Thanks for filling in. Sounds like this is going to be one of many learning experiences for Fernando as he has to soften his arrogance and pride and learn to be flexible and forbearing. Great title, amiga.

Hi not quite done watching these episodes, but did read the recaps. Was I hearing wrong or was it yesterday when Fernando was wondering if he should get insurance or not if something happened to the lights and then even when Lety said it was a good idea he vetoed it? Maybe they were talking about something else and I got confused. It would make sense because they could recuperate lots of money if they had insurance. Maybe I need to finish watching.

Oh and thanks Kim and Paula. Always hate the rough goings in these novelas. I would be happy for all to sail smoothly, but than we wouldn't have any plot.

Pata, they kept referring to the "planta" for the lights. I assume it's a backup generator, but I could be wrong.

I've found various songs to represent various stages of this show. For this stage, I like All I Have to Do is Dream. Any other suggestions?

I tried to contact Kim who wrote the Missing Recaps. But my e-mail bounced - I must have an obsolete address. Sorry!

Ariel is driven by his lust for power, since he has none. He bullies everyone to feel powerful. I propose that Fernando has just as much lust for power as Ariel. Look! He is putting the company, and both families’ fortune at tremendous risk (10:1) for what? Great potential return on investment? NO!!! It’s because he would rather drive the company into bankruptcy than let Ariel win the presidency.

Which brings us to today’s cap. Fernando can control almost everyone by either wealth, the power of the presidency, or in the case of Marcia and Lety, love. The one person he can’t control is Luigi because Conceptos needs Luigi, Luigi knows it, so Fernando is powerless against him. So look what happens when Luigi refuses to submit to Fernando. Fern becomes just as arrogant, aggressive, and heartless as Ariel! Fernando is just as power-hungry as Ariel, but his hunger is usually well fed.

Thanks for the recap, and mini recap, Kim and Paula. I saw most of it but Dr. Oz lures me over to his show during the second hour. I keep switching back and forth.... I love Dr. Oz. Anyway, more comments when I read and catch up on the second hour.


Greetings all, so far I've only been able to watch the first half, episode one. Poor Fer! Poor Luigi! Poor everyone! Paula, interesting conversation about Fer being power hungry. In a way he's kind of got to hang tough since the barracuda little mermaid Ariel would love to feed Fer to the sharks. All during this first part I kept thinking that if only they would all be a bit more flexible and work WITH each other instead of AGAINST each other the night wouldn't have been such a disaster. So I agree with JudyB, Fer's got to learn to be more flexible. Luigi is an arrogant little jerk and I actually don't mind it when Fernando gets all up in his face.

I had to stop watching when Jorge Salinas strolled in, yummmmm! He looked amazing. I'll have to finish watching tomorrow, I'm off to prepare a huge Cioppino dinner for my sister's birthday tonight.

Thanks so much for putting the recaps together Paula. It's hard to tear myself away, gah!!

Wow, what a disaster. Is it not possible for them to fetch new tapes (this seems like the sort of emergency for which you could call your supplier during dinner), check to make sure they work, and redo the shoot?

Also, why would you invite a huge crowd to watch a video shoot? Is this normal? This seems like one of those businesses in which you'd want to keep the sausage-making private, since don't these things usually go on for hours and hours with little things going wrong and multiple takes and all?

But anyway. Not a great showcase for Don Fernando; Luigi definitely needs to be reined in but yelling at him like that in front of everyone was rather unprofessional. But it led to the rainbow bar scenes, which were way funny.

Poor Saimon, why can't he get any love? Handsome, charming, a great'd think a guy like that would have hordes of ladies wanting to go out with him every night.

Just back from France and thrilled to have a chance to watch LFMB again. I came in late the first time around so now i can see what led up to the madness later on.

Were those really Jorge Salinas' eyelashes? I'm so jealous.


I don't agree that Fernando is primarily motivated by power. I think he feels insecure about his abilities, his parents' love seems conditional (especially his father's) and based on his success with the Company, and there is Ariel constantly trying to undermine him.He is very motivated to succeed because of their rivalry; an intense sibling rivalry. (Remember that his father voted for Ariel to become President because he felt his business plan was better).

I think that most of his risky and foolish decisions come less out of a need for power and more out of a need to prove himself and to justify his having snatched the presidency by manipulating Marcia.

Yes Sylvia, Luigi is an obnoxious jerk. But Fernando was no saint either, promising Luigi the 35mm camera, and then at the very last moment surprising him with the video camera. And he was a total bully to Luigi before the show, in front of Luigi's employees. What president would yell at his one irreplaceable employee, "I sign the paychecks so you do as I tell you"? I'm not defending Luigi. I'm just saying there's plenty of sin to go around.

Julia, I'm not sure, I think Benny refused to redo the shoot. He was pretty fed up with the company by then. And as for the audience at the shoot. Part of it was Fernando's arrogance. He thought he could do everything cut-rate and it wouldn't make any difference. They're desperate to drum up business, so Fern thought they could show off to all these clients, what great work they do. I agree with you about Saimon. Paula is an idiot to push him away. We've all known girls like that. I once heard a coworker gossiping to her friend, "Brett wants me to go out with him. I mean, he's nice and everything, but have you seen his CAR???"

Finally got to watch the second half. Casting Jorge Salinas as Luigi's boy toy is brilliant. The three contrasting bar scenes were interesting. Usually in a TN there is only one bar in all of Mexico City. This TN shows us there are at least three. It's a first!

Paula I agree that Fernando was a terrible boss to Luigi. It's almost like he's a little jealous because Luigi gets so much attention.

I'm assuming we're going to get to see Jaime Camil in drag? That ought to be a good episode.

Camil in drag? I can neither confirm nor deny. But that would certainly be a reasonable conclusion. And remember one thing, mi querida Sylvia. Jaime Camil never, ever does ANYTHING halfway. He bungee jumps into everything he does.

Have I whetted your appetite yet?

first, yes, Paula, he did say he did not want to reconcile with Luigi..
regarding the bet, if the company loses business, Fernando will have to go to a drag (transvestite) party with Luigi dressed as 'Miss Lilly'

and about the power outage... in the wed episode, we see Fernando and Lety and Omar going over the expenses of the video recording and Lety mentions the 'backup plant' (backup power plant) and told Fernando the savings of not having that insurance were small, but he still was blinded by his obsession to make his goals so he said they would do without it.
Regarding so many people at the video recording Fernando and marcia had asked Carolina to invite press and the foreign clients that Fernando was trying to get interested in the company, thus the large amount of people there.
one interesting thing I noticed is that when the cuartel took their picture with Benny they asked him to autograph it to the cuartel de las feas, he said he was going to state they were 'guapas' but still signed it to the cuartel de las Feas.
BTW, the bystander who took the picture was none other than the LFMB director, Don Sergio Jimenez.

interesting fact... the cuartel refer to Lety as their 'jefa' (lead) and Lety was the one that kept the autographed picture of the cuartel with Benny.

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I agree with NJ Sue about the Fernando/Ariel rivalry... In Ariel, it is strictly a need to be the one in charge (of Conceptos and the family assetts).
In Fernando, it is more complex than that... it is a need to prove himself to himself, to his father (after his dad gave him that kind of speech saying he was afraid Fernando would not be able to resist the temptations to do 'dirty' things and the fact that he preferred Ariel's proposal), and to Marcia and the company employees. Also mixed in is his own ego/pride to not give in, especially when he would be giving in to Ariel's mocking and Ariel becoming the next Prez... If it was Marcia the one in line to replace him as President, I think he would not take the possibility of losing the title so hard. Also, it is the domino effect... once he made the decision to risk the company with questionable decisions and doctor the books, he feels he has gone too far and cannot back up now. Especially now that he has got people fired (Olarte) for supposedly playing dirty... But I agree that his 'hunger' is more understandable, at least in the human side, than Ariel's.

Fernando is losing sleep...
just like his dad predicted...
out of..
a need to prove himself and to justify his having ...
1. written a very hard to fulfill proposal (even harder with the errors he and Omar made in the calculations)
2. lured Marcia into voting for him in exchange for them marrying...
3. defending Lety to keep Alicia (and Marcia) off his back
4. got Lety to create a very ambitious and unrealistic business plan
5. doctored the books to give himself more time to make the real numbers of the company revenue come closer to his goals... (and implicated Omar and Lety in the process, and hiding this from his own fiancee and his family)
6. coming up with the 'ghost' company to 'save' Conceptos in case his whole plan sends the company into ruin...
7. handing over that 'ghost' company to Lety, someone neither Marcia nor Omar nor anyone else in his family would approve as a trusted choice (let alone the plan itself)
8. digged himself into a deeper and deeper hole with every decision he makes to try to stay afloat while knowing what he is doing is putting everything and everyone he cares about at risk
(the most visible of these decisions being purchasing the video camera [instead of the 35 mm one], which sends him in an ego duel with Luigi [one of the company's irreplaceable marketing assets], and the supplies from the lowest bidder instead of the vendor he trusted more... only to save some $$ to keep his goals in sight)

... all to keep a presidency... and win his own self-respect, the respect of his family and peers, and the ego game against Ariel...

the big question is... will it be worth it in the end even if he gets to meet the 'goals'?
as far as making him 'happy'... really?
I think he is still trying to find himself and trying to determine what is it he wants... he is just beginning to get a glimpse of the price he will pay for getting/staying 'there'.

Wow Marta. Tremendous post! It really shows Fernando's progression. Brick upon brick, Fernando is building his own tomb.

And thank you for reminding us of the question that's even more important. What good is it to gain the whole world if he loses his own soul? This week we'll hear Fernando say something important about "empty."

And Marta, thanks for the heads up about the director, Sergio Jiménez, "El Profe." I had no idea that was him. I knew you'd add a lot to this board!

Marta, thanks very much for your analysis and insider info that the director made a cameo. Fun stuff!

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