Friday, October 15, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #47-48 10/15/10 Fernando & Omar's serenade

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 29: Alicia's Palace of Lies.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 47

1. Marta’s husband and daughter give her money to buy a car. Alicia sees what they have and she doesn’t.

2. Omar and Ariel ask Fernando and Marcia if Alicia is really pregnant. Marcia declines to gossip. Fernando observes that she’s hit bottom and she thinks a baby will solve her problems.

3. Ariel tells Alicia that if the baby is his, he won’t recognize it. Ali says she’ll get a DNA test and tell her child who his father is. Ariel tells her to not have the baby. When she refuses, he tells her to move to Jakarta and he’ll maintain her. She flatly refuses.

4. Tomás wants to give his name to Alicia’s baby.

5. Again Fernando can’t sleep, worrying about Conceptos. He swears that he will never let Ariel have the presidency, even if he never sleeps again.

6. Ariel imagines her baby and and fears she will tell everyone it’s his. Omar imagines life with a crabby wife and crying baby. He tells Ali he’s not ready to be a dad. She says he’s a 34-year-old baby. He asks if she’s going to have the baby.

7. Fernando and Lety negotiate purchase and financing of equipment from Fern turns on flirt mode with the owner’s daughter, but she shuts him down.

8. Since Alicia can’t insult Marta’s clothes, she makes her feel inferior for being fat. The cuartel tells her she should use the car money to get liposuction.

Capitulo 48

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 30: Apples and hot sauce.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Caro won’t take Fernando’s calls because of the Benny disaster, so Fern and Omar go to her office to beg her to work for them. Fern’s leap to the couch (he can fly!!) is just the start of the humor and exuberance of the scene. Their song is Desesperado, a José José (Erasmo) classic. What a magical scene!

2. The cuartel twists Marta’s arm to get lipo. Irmita strongly objects. Lety doesn’t believe in aesthetic surgery. But she fantasizes Fern’s reaction if she got store-bought beauty. Sara knows of a great plastic surgeon. Perhaps her future boss, Dr. Santiago?

3. Rodaje agrees to finance the equipment, so Jacqueline and her goon come to sign the contract.

4. Lopez allows Marta leave to have surgery, because she’ll be better looking when she returns.

5. Fernando recognizes that he won’t reach his goals, but with the BL contract they’ll be able to pay their debts. Omar asks where they’ll get the money for payroll, the BL launch event, and loan payments. From Lety, of course.

6. Lety requests a 1.8M peso loan to FI from her old boss, Visera. He balks because that’s more than FI’s capital. She shows him the guarantee and pagaré. Visera is shocked that Conceptos would stake its entire assets on a 700K peso loan.

7. Weeks pass. Conceptos finishes the first commercial.

8. Paula asks her son what he wants for his birthday. He wants a father like everyone else. Specifically Saimon.


Pata sent me the photos. Aren't they fabulous??? I couldn't get them lined up the way I wanted - I can't figure out how to do it on the blog. Ni modo! The important part is to have the pictures.

If you read Kim's old recap, be careful not to read the comments. There are a whole bunch of spoilers there, since the Missing Recaps were written after the series finished and everyone had seen everything.

I couldn't think of a decent title today. Ni modo! Fun episode, rotten title. Qué vale más? (Which matters more?)

In some ways Alicia grows up with this “pregnancy.” She stands up to Ariel and has some self respect. But she also seems to forget that there is no pregnancy.

Oh that Marcia, what a liberated woman. She won’t be hobbled by establishment conventions such as “lingerie belongs in the bedroom, not in the executive suite.”

Wouldn’t banker Visera suspect that Conceptos is using FI to defraud the other banks?

Marta, I just sent you an e-mail.

I loved that Paula, Sara's future boss!
Great pictures too, thank you!
Jose Jose had a beautiful voice.

Have a great weekend and thanks for the tips on learning Spanish through telenovelas.

Carrie L.

For those of you who don't know. José José, who plays Lety's dad, was a top-of-the-charts singer in the 70s and 80s. Though I don't care for his style of music (too Frank Sinatra for me), the quality of his voice is spectacular (I can also appreciate Pavarotti even if I don't like opera).

If you want to hear a sampling of his voice, go to this Amazon page to hear samples of various songs. Lo Dudo, Mujeriego, and El Triste (pg 2)should give you a good sampling.

Hi Paula, I am anxious to watch these two episodes again. Haven't had a chance yet. Your recap, as always, makes everything so much clearer. And thanks to Kim as well. I can't imagine all the work she and Chris did with theses earlier episodes.

I really like the Caro character. She is pretty cool and it will be fun to watch that whole scene again with her and Fernando and Omar.

You did great with the picture placement. I can only fingure out how to put them in one spot.
Thanks again for having this spot for discussions. I didn't get a chance to comment yesterday, so am giving a double thanks.

Thanks for the recaps and photos. The scene with Omar and Fern singing to Caro was just too funny. Loved it.
La Paloma

Thank you, friends, for checking in. I realize that Fea probably has lower viewership because it airs in the daytime. So it's good to know you're there.

Change is in the air. Now that the embargo has begun, a lot of things will be changing at Conceptos. We have several very good episodes coming up next week, and episodes that are important to the plot. So don't forget to set your recorders.

I discovered something muy chido (way cool) on Google Language Tools. This is new. If you put in a single word, it gives you the primary definition as always. But then it also gives you all sorts of secondary definitions, and a link to a dictionary entry with phrases that use it. Check it out!

I forgot to mention, in my info about José José, what happened to his voice. How is it that he had the voice of an angel, and now he can barely speak? Alcohol. What a waste of such a gift.

Hi, just giving a shoutout. Again, I'm catching up from the beginning to about one quarter way through (and sad for me, I missed the first week!). I thought this was a fantastic episode. The acting was great. Even the cuartel was in real person mode, not goofy mode. I can't post many comments, because anything I want to say would be a spoiler. Just keep watching, everyone.

To continue the discussion from the other day: what makes this the greatest show ever? The music, the acting, the writing, the comedy mixed with drama. It's the Godfather Parts I and II of telenovelas.

Hey Paula. Thanks for that link to Google Language Tools. You are such a great info facilitator.

Haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but the pics look good.

And how can anybody be "too Frank Sinatra"!? Okay, I admit it. Love those gloomy lovelost ballads of both JoséJosé and Frank. Te Extraño and Mi Almohada are also terrific songs, if you go for that genre, which of course I do.

And Helooooo NinaK. We've missed you on the blog.

Hey Paula. Thanks for that link to Google Language Tools. You are such a great info facilitator.

Haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but the pics look good.

And how can anybody be "too Frank Sinatra"!? Okay, I admit it. Love those gloomy lovelost ballads of both JoséJosé and Frank. Te Extraño and Mi Almohada are also terrific songs, if you go for that genre, which of course I do.

And Helooooo NinaK. We've missed you on the blog.

Hi, JudyB!
I have not been watching any novelas. I've tried some in the last year and couldn't get into any. But this one is sucking me right back in, and it's a big time suck with two hours a day!

Another big plus this time around: HD TV. We didn't have Univision in HD on Time Warner back in 2006, so who knew they had actually filmed it in HD back then? It's even more fabulous. Also, my Spanish is so much better. This is the novela I cut my Spanish teeth on, sitting there with a dictionary and pausing every 10 seconds. Now I can watch most of it without looking at captions.

I loooooved Fernando and Omar wooing their way back into Caro's good graces! Maybe if they put that kind of energy and enthusiasm into producing their videos, they'd have more work.

The other highlight for me was the way the characters imitate each other. Fernando always looks surprised when Lety starts mirroring him, like it's suddenly occurred to him, "is that what I look like?"

Alicia is fun to hate. She thinks she's so clever, but she's so stupid. She totally forgets to act sick until someone reminds her, and then puts on a big histrionic act which doesn't seem to be fooling anyone, even if they do believe that she's really pregnant. And, HELLO, if she's that careless about contraception, is she sure that she is not pregnant? Or won't be soon, if she keeps up her extracurricular activities? Not to mention diseases; I mean, Omar and Ariel? Ew. Probably both festering petri dishes.

I've said before, Lety and Alicia are equal and opposite. Lety is childlike, and Ali is childish.

Lety is childlike - innocent and pure (at least until Fernando corrupted her), naive and trusting, she sees the world in absolutes, she is full of wonder, she lives at home under her father's thumb, and at times she interacts with her mother like a young child.

Alicia is childish. When someone flatters her, she gets a big smile as if they gave her a lollipop. She whines, she tattles, she throws tantrums, she has zero self control, she only cares about her toys and not about being a responsible adult, immediate gratification is all that matters, and she keeps calling Daddy to rescues her. In fact, her life's goal is to find a new "daddy" to take care of her. And her interactions with the cuartel? Pure 4th-grade playground behavior.

Hey! Maybe Lety and Alicia should trade houses! Lety would get out of Alicia's debt in just a few months. Whereas at the Padilla house, Pop would destroy Ali's credit cards, make her cover up, and send her to her room when she started whining. She'd have plenty to eat, and Ariel couldn't make her his sex slave anymore - Erasmo would deck him!

Camil fans, heads up! On his Twitter he said, "Surprises on MQB tomorrow. Don't miss it."

I don't know for sure, but it sounds like he's going to make some kind of appearance on Sunday's Mira Quien Baila. That's my guess. Univision, 8-10 PM. And if you watch, pay attention to the host, Javier Poza. BEAUTIFUL Spanish, and what a voice!

Paula, I love your idea! Alicia could take the opportunity to grow up properly, and Lety, who is already a functioning adult, could get out from under her father's thumb and have a little freedom! Brilliant!

I forgot to mention my other favorite part of this segment: when Omar was imagining life with Alicia and their child, he was too weak to even pick up the poor crying child out of his crib. Interesting that this is what he sees happening to him if he's pinned down with a wife and baby.

Hi Everyone. I just watched this episode (both I guess) and enjoyed it thoroughly. Fernando and Omar are so damn funny together! The scene in Carola's office was truly priceless. The photos rock.

Paula, thank you for the heads up about the spoilers in Kim's comments.

I like your idea of Alicia moving into Lety's house. I agree that her act would probably be cleaned up in no time. And wouldn't Thomas love it?

Julia, I have to laugh every time Fernando copies Lety's little eyebrow raises. He always gets a look on his face like he can't help himself.

Didn't Saimon look adorable when PM's son said he wanted Saimon to be his dad? What a sweetheart he is.

I missed the episodes and haven't yet had a chance to read the recap or checkout YouTube. But I am looking forward to catching up. Thanks, Paula and Kim.


Y'know, the last time around, Erasmo caught a lot of flack from the Caray board for being too strict and not letting Lety grow up. But Alicia is obviously the result of parents who were far too lenient - she's the classic spoiled brat. Again, equal and opposite. Of the two, "too strict" was far less destructive than "too lenient."

Interesting observation, Julia - that Omar associates marriage and fatherhood with weakness. What a loser!

Yes, very interesting indeed. And by comparison Saimon looked quite excited at the prospect of becoming someone's daddy. I know I'm comparing apples and oranges here but it's still fun to compare.

Apples and oranges? That's fine! Fea is a whole fruit basket full of apples and oranges - people who seem different but are the same, and people who seem the same but are different. Lemme' think about it. I think I'll work on a post for Monday.

In fact, Fea is a whole fruit basket full of fruits and nuts - a peach, a plum, sour grapes, a lemon, a fresa, ... and of course, a fruit!

Haha! Our characters are a fruit basket. I love it.

Well, what was also interesting about Omar imagining fatherhood was that he wasn't a total deadbeat, ignoring the kid. He went over to the crib and tried to pick up the baby, but couldn't and just sort of patted at him helplessly. Maybe he thinks he's just not cut out to be a dad?

I felt his dream was very representational of how dreams often are (for me anyway). Sometimes in a dream I can never manage to accomplish what I'm trying to do. I hate those sorts of dreams.

But in answer to your question, I'll bet he doesn't think he's cut out to be a dad and I'll bet he doesn't want the responsibility associated with it. Omar is a pretty immature guy.

hi everyone, was under weather last fri-sun but am back on now. will post some spanish lesson as soon as I get home. btw the bank mgr is Lic Becerra (i guess could translate to female lamb)

Does everyone remember Nora Salinas (Carolina) from earlier novelas? She played Nina Graciela in esmeralda (97) and she played the 'tia pelucas' in a later version of Mundo de Juguete (can't remember the name of that version)

Jose Jose's career really got its huge start when he won an international contest (not sure if it was OTI or a similar one), with his first hit 'la nave del olvido' which was followed by what might be his most identifying hit, El triste. From there it was hit after hit for a good while. In the early 80s he released a record that was all songs by Manuel Alejandro wich was probably his biggest album, 'secretos'... after that his career slowed down a bit, until he had the duet hit 'Por ella', with Jose feliciano

There is one song of his which I love called 'Cuidado' from very early in his career, around the time of La nave del olvido and El triste... it is in his 25 yr anniv album but not in any other one that I can tell.
here are the lyrics...
Cuidado, mucho cuidado
que estas tomando
por un rumbo equivocado.
cuidado, con tus mentiras
que yo las puedo adivinar
cuando me miras.
Cuidado, mucho cuidado
que estoy de vuelta
cuando tu ni has comensado.
cuidado, no estoy tan ciego
para dejarte continuar con este juego.
Cuidado, cuando me tengas que dejar
a un lado,
piensa que el mundo seguira
y alguna vez acabaras llorando.
Cuidado, porque a tu vida me tendras ligado,
porque en tu mente yo estare
porque al volver inclinaras
la frente.
Cuidado cuando me tengas que dejar
a un lado,
piensa que el mundo seguira
y alguna vez acabaras llorando.
Cuidado, porque a tu vida me tendras ligado,
porque en tu mente yo estare
porque al volver inclinaras
la frente.

Thank you, Marta! That one's a keeper! I translated it, but I can't figure out the last line. Here's my best guess:
Porque al volver inclinaras la frente.
Because you will return to bowing your head.

Be careful, very careful.
You're taking the wrong path.
Careful with your lies that I can see
when you look at me.

Be careful, very careful. I’m coming back when you haven’t even started (I’m way ahead of you).
Careful. I'm not so blind
that I’ll let you continue with this game.

Careful. When you have to leave me aside,
I think the world will keep turning
and one day you’ll end up crying.

Be careful because your life is linked to mine.
Because I will be in your thoughts.
Because you will return to bowing your head.

This comment has been removed by the author.

just take the word 'to' out... it means when she returns she will have to bow her head (in other words, she will have to humble herself and admit her mistake)...
'because when you return you will bow your head'
a couple corrections
'i'm not so blind to let you continue this game'
its not 'I think the world will continue turning', he is talking to her '(you need to) think/remember that the world will continue turning'

I remember Nora Salinas in Esmerelda. She was fantastic and that death scene of hers was a real tear jerker.
As for Jose Jose I have to admit i have some of his CD's and like them. He had a good strong voice and like a lot of singers from those days knew how to make the lyrics come to life.

jose jose's 25 aniv volume 2 cd has both 'desesperado' (the one they sang on friday on lfmb) and also one I had mentioned to Paula a while back called 'mi vida' that could be identified with a later period in the story of YSBLF/LFMB.

it was funny how Arana (Omar) kept looking at Jaime (Fernando) during the song singing since Jaime does have quite a bit of singing background so he was leading the duet for sure. But the whole scene was great.
Yes, the gracielita death scene in Esmeralda was surely a tear jerker but beautifully done and acted.

There was a great 'blink and you miss it' moment (most of the best comedy in YSBLF is like that, blink and you miss it) in the BLF scenes I transcribed last night... it means nothing on its own... had to share...

HE has to ask a waiter about her, describing her as a short woman with bangs, glasses, mustache and braces (the guy responds ‘huy, mister, thank God I have not seen her!’ and walks away fast LOL!!).

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