Sunday, October 10, 2010

Llena de Amor #45 Fri 10/8/10

Well – I haven’t watched all week but I read the recaps and saw references to Jackie hot dress this, Jackie boobie that, now I see what all the talk is about. Jackie, who has her boobs hanging out, tells Low that she thinks this outfit covers her up too much. He agrees of course and sends someone off to make alterations. She tells Low that she doesn’t really like any of the outfits, she brought better stuff from Italy, she would like to show him. He suggests doing that over some wine at his love nest, she goes for it. Emiliano shows up and wants to talk to Low in private. The men leave and Begonia runs in, Jackie tells her how easy it was to seduce Low. Begonia says sorry to ask you to do that but I can’t think of any other way! Jackie is more than happy to help. Now Begonia has to help her with her problem – getting Ilitia away from Eman.

Emil complains to Low about his problems, including Fedra being out all night and getting jacked. Emil confronts him about Fedra’s designer living in the same building as his love nest. He concocts some story about Francois, the designer, oh yeah I know that guy. Emil tells Low that he doesn’t approve of his philandering ways. He reminds him that Muneca is the part owner of the agency and he just represents her. He tells Low that if Muneca gets tired of Low, he (Emil) will side with Muneca, and ‘you know’. That is him not saying that if that happens, Low will get bounced out on his ass.

Kristel and Ilitia gripe about Mari working at the agency, and the appearance of Jackie. Kristel tells Ilitia sorry, but if Jackie wants to steal Eman, he is as good as stolen. Ilitia doesn’t like that.

Muneca and Jackie share memories of Jackie’s mother. Jackie pumps her for info on the impending Eman/Ilitia wedding. Muneca tells her that she is invited, but doesn’t expect that she’ll go. Jackie says no she won’t, and neither will anyone else, because those two aren’t going to get married. She goes on about the pain she felt when Ilitia stole Eman from her, she is basically declaring war right here to Ilitia’s mother. Muneca says you can’t stop the wedding, sorry. Jackie says I don’t have to, because YOU are going to stop it. Jackie tells her that before her mother died, she told Jackie her little secret – that Ilitia is adopted. How is that going to look if the news gets out? I didn’t realize that being adopted would ruin a model’s career, I’m failing to see the logic here. A cultural thing I guess, or something about her not coming from proper parentage or some crap like that.

Mari runs home and says out loud “Eman in love with me? That would be like a dream!” Eman’s voice says, it isn’t a dream. He’s sitting right there on her bed and somehow she didn’t see him. I suspect fantasy sequence, let’s see. She asks are you really in love with me? He says (in very long fashion) yes. The sappy music plays and they kiss. The phone rings, waking her up from her dream. Yes, it was a fantasy sequence. Emil is on the phone. He wants to know why she quit? She says something about not feeling good, he tells her not to lie, he knows it’s about her boyfriend. When she comes to work in the morning they will have a serious talk.

Muneca paces around and frets.

Jackie shows up to Low’s love nest, he is already in his silk jammies and robe, in full Hef mode. They do gross flirting stuff. She tells him that she was at his house earlier talking to his wife, getting tips on how to please him. He bristles, she tells him it was a joke, she was there because Muneca and her mother were so close. When low goes to get a drink for Jackie, Jackie pours some powder in Low’s drink. He proposes a toast to an ‘unforgettable’ night. I suspect that in reality, he won’t remember any of it.

Mari talks to Brandon, who is super duper jealous about her working at the agency with Eman. Some noise comes from the other room so they go in there, everyone else is watching TV. Her commercial comes on where she gets diet powder dumped on her. A guy that lives there named Jairo says something about getting into TV, Brandon says well talk to Mari, she’s an executive at an agency and she’s an expert in humiliations! He pouts and stomps off like a teenager.

I guess nobody can find Axel, Gretel and Eman are arguing with Emil about it. The kids tell Emil that if anything happens to Axel, it’s his fault for kicking him out. He (Axel) made the decision to be how he is etc etc. Eman says if Emil doesn’t let Axel come home, then he will move out too. Emil says fine, then get out now. Tia Carlota bursts in and reads Emil the riot act, saying who do you think you are? A judge condemning your kids! She tells Emil that if Axel can’t come back to this house, she will have nothing more to do here, and Emil will have to suffer the consequences.

Brandon’s Mom defends Brandon, she can work anywhere but men like him aren’t that easy to find. Netty comes home and cries that they treated her poorly and nobody remembered her. The producers used to fight over her! Gladiola says get the popcorn, start the video, code red! Everyone starts running. No idea what that is about.

While trying to be smooth, Low gets some kind of headache and almost passes out. His unforgettable night is about to be forgotten. He’s out now. Totally out. Jackie gets out some scissors and a plastic bag, she cuts off a bit of his hair. GAH that’s not how it works for DNA! You need the part of the hair that is under the skin (I can’t remember what it’s called), not just random pieces of hair. She calls Begonia to give her the good news.

Begonia goes back to the TV room in the Pension, they are watching some old show with Netty in it, one that she won an award for. They all applaud her, she stands up and bows. Wow that didn’t take much effort to cheer her up.

Spiderus tells Fedra she has to get Mari back to the house, so she can attend to destroying her more easily, like Eva.

Brandon tells Oliver that he’s breaking up with Mari. She started this whole thing to make Eman jealous, which isn’t going to work if they work together all day. Brandon gets a phone call, he says he’ll be right there. He tells Oliver that someone found a body and the description is similar to Axel. Gretel just happens to have walked in and freaks out.

Ilitia is trying to bully her way into the agency to see Eman, the desk girls are shutting that down. Ilitia tries to say that Eman’s commands were a joke. She insults them, “are you not smart enough to realize how stupid you are?”, then acts like she’s just going to go on in, but turns and bumps into a big security guard who shakes his head no at her.

Gretel continues to freak out. Oliver says they don’t know who it is yet, so chill! Brandon says someone has to identify the body, will she come along? Oliver hates the idea.

Jackie is wearing a dress that covers more than before, so I guess the changes she asked for weren’t made. She is having pictures taken, Low comes in and tells the photographer to get out for a minute. Low asks Jackie what happened last night, she says nothing except she found out he isn’t the tiger he thought he was. Just then Emil and Eman wander in arguing, would they have done that if the photo session was still going on? Emil wants to know why the film session isn’t ready, Emil says that everyone isn’t there yet, Begonia had to drop off the baby. Low busts in to say I told you so about hiring her. Eman says there was something else missing too, something Mari was supposed to do. Low pounces on this, saying sorry Emil, I know she’s your niece, but if she doesn’t shape up we’ll have to fire her. Mari walks in and says not necessary, I quit!

Begonia must be using extra boob hanging out to convince the doctor to do the DNA test because those babies are one deep breath from popping free. Nice swim strap tan lines too, I can’t believe they didn’t cover that with makeup or something. She gives the doctor some blood and Low’s hair. Doc says ok, a couple days and you’ll have news. She tells the baby that when they prove that Low is the father, things are gonna change!

Emil tries to talk Mari out of it, Low says “hey she quit let her go”. Emil tells him to get out this is family business. He says fine, come on Jackie we’ll go talk about work. Jackie tells him that she hopes he doesn’t fall asleep in the middle of their talk. HA. Eman wants to know why she is quitting. She says it’s too much to work and go to school, so that’s it. Eman says ah, no, your boyfriend pressured you to quit, right?

Low tries to save face with Jackie, “that never happened before!” He wants another chance and moves in all slimy to try and work his magic. She tells him that she’s not interested.

Eman and Emil lay into Mari, “today he won’t let you work here, what tomorrow? You can’t even come see us?” Mari says she made this decision herself, it’s their problem if they don’t believe her. Eman tries to stop her, then Iliia walks in and tells Eman that if Mari wants to leave, let her! How did she get in? Low reappears and is glad to see her. Jackie asks if they are going to work or just talk about personal problems, because she’ll quit too! Ilitia says ok fine, BYE. Ilitia says if a real model is needed, she is here herself. Low agrees.

Carlota wants to know why Fedra hasn’t talked Emil into accepting Axel. Fedra acts like she actually would do that. What a suckup. Gretel and the cops who never dress like cops come in and Gretel says it may be too late for that. They ask Fedra to come with them to see the body.

Eman tells Ilitia to quit acting like a baby. Ilitia and Jackie sling insults at each other. Eman reminds Ilitia that she isn’t allowed in the agency. Low says what? She can come whenever she wants! Mari says again that she’s leaving. Eman tells her to wait, Mari says attend to these two that are fighting over you. Eman’s phone rings, he tells Mari to wait. Spooky music tells us it’s bad news. It’s Gretel telling Eman to come. Emil wants to know what Gretel said.

Everyone shows up at the morgue but it looks more like a hospital. Fedra tells Gretel to quit crying, she doesn’t have time to deal with her having a crisis. Wow this bitch is cold. Gretel says what are you going to do if it’s Axel, throw a party to celebrate the death of your son? Fedra goes to smack her but Oliver stops her. Fedra says who are you, butting in our business? He says nobody now, but later you’ll have to deal with me.

Carlota talks to Paula in the kitchen. Carlota says how has it come to this? Paula says if you want to know who’s at fault, look around you. Carlota says you’re right, Fedra and Emil aren’t taking care of their kids. Kristel and Orangey burst through in the middle of some flirt game or something and Carlota yells at them and says Axel might be dead.

Benigno tells Maximo what’s going on with the cops, etc. Maximo looks like he’s having a heart attack.

Mari shows up at the morgue, everyone is hyper but nobody knows for sure if it’s Axel or not. Fedra acts all worked up and says she can’t handle it, she can’t see the body if it’s really Axel. Brandon says they haven’t identified the body still, this family will have to identify him. Ilitia showed up too to comfort Eman, Mari is jealous. Eman says it all has to be a mistake, it can’t be Axel. Oliver’s phone rings, it’s Doris looking for an update. No news. Doris tells the other ladies in the house what’s going on.

Brandon says that they are still doing the autopsy, so they’ll have to wait before seeing the body. Fedra puts on an act like she cares. Brandon says the person died in a bar fight. Eman loses it and starts yelling at his parents that it is their fault that this happened because of how they treated Axel, they are guilty of killing his brother! He’s totally right, of course. Emil cries and Fedra tries to look like she cares.

Muneca is having a breakdown over keeping the secret of Ilitia being adopted. She is dumping all of her angst on the poor maid, who has apparently become a close friend to her. She could never get pregnant and then she found out that Low knocked up some slut who wouldn’t and couldn’t take care of the baby. Muneca took the baby and that baby is Ilitia!

Emil tells Eman that he is right, it is his fault. He was a bad father. Fedra says they don’t know yet that it is Axel. He says whatever, we were so wrong!

Netty is dressed all in black, ready to go comfort poor Emiliano on his loss. The other ladies rightly point out that they don’t even know yet that Axel is the dead guy. Netty says whatever Emil needs me now more than ever! She’s so desperate it’s sad.

Kristel talks to Fedra by phone. Kristel can’t stand just waiting, she wants to do something useful. Should she plan a funeral service? Even Orangey in the background rolls his eyes at this, knowing what a stupid idea that was. Fedra says no, they don’t even know if it’s Axel! She hangs up on Kristel. Kristel whines and then Benigno comes in screaming for help, Maximo needs help! Carlota hears too and runs off.

Fedra stops Mari and gives her a hard time, asking what she’s doing here. Mari says Axel is her cousin, of course she is concerned. Fedra says sure, you love your cousins, that’s why you wanted to take Eman’s place at the agency. Mari says that’s not true and now’s not the time to talk about this. Ilitia and Spiderus are eavesdropping on this conversation rather boldly. Fedra says then tell me when we SHOULD talk about it. Brandon interrupts to say it’s time to see the body.

Paramedics have arrived to tend to Maximo, Benigno continues to run around yelling like a nutcase. Kristel whines about all the stress of everything.

Fedra whines that she can’t go see the body, again. Brandon says she has to, it should be the parents. Spiderus jumps in to say that he’ll go in. WTF. Eman says no, it should be family, he’ll do it. Gretel says she’ll go too. Emil says now that he’s going too, Mari too. Branon hugs Mari. Ilitia tells Eman that she can’t go with him, she just can’t. He says it’s ok. They go down the hall.

They go into a room with a body covered by a sheet. Eman hopes that this is really just a bad dream. Brandon says he hopes it isn’t Axel, Eman says thank you. Brandon knocks on the window for the guy to show the face, and the show ends. I knew without a doubt that there was no way we were going to see today who the body was.

Monday – Muneca tells Ilitia that she isn’t her daughter. Netty gets her wish and makes out with Emiliano in some hallway somewhere. AND – Brandon and Ilitia get hot and heavy, I think at HER HOUSE, and her parents barge in and interrupt them. Monday’s show looks good. No hint about Axel though. I have a feeling (guessing, no spoilers) that it isn’t Axel or that would be the focus of the entire show on Monday.


You always make me laugh so much. Thanks for the maraviguau writeup. Glad you got some saucy visuals to offset the Qué the Hell? moments.

I was yelling the same thing to Jackie about the hair. Rip some out from the root, idiot! Take a swab of the inside of his cheek while you're at it! Guess Begoña must go to a REALLY good lab.

I can't figure out why Ilitia's adoption is such a scandalous secret, either. I suppose she is just enough of a snob that having been born to a POOR (gasp!) mother is too lowly for her. The only reason I can think of that her parents would have kept this quiet in the first place is that Ilitia is a product of one of Low's affairs and I could see people wanting to keep infidelity private knowledge, but... it's Lowrenzo. Everyone who knows him knows he's an alley cat.

Absolutely NO WAY is that corpse Axel (I hope, I hope, I hope). Una, Monday's show wouldn't look so good and funny if he were dead; dos, he has way too much story left in him so the writers would be fools to off him; tres, I love him so he can't die, y punto.

Thank you for the recap.

Hi Chris, thanks so much for spending time on Jacqui and Muneca's conversation. I found it hard to believe but yes, I guess Jacqui was threatening Muneca. How odd. I can't imagine her late mamita would be too happy about her kid blackmailing her best friend.

I'm another one of who-cares-if-you're-adopted club. Why should that matter? Ilitia should feel extra-special that Muneca wanted to adopt her considering the circumstances. Why does she hate Muneca and not Lowrenzo?

No no no, the corpse cannot be Axel's. No. He's one of the best things about this show.

Chris, I was wondering if you were going to comment on Begona's outfit at the clinic. Wow, her clothes are an architectural triumph.

Thanks for the hilarious recap!

Thank you so much for the detailed recap! You amaze me! I got a lot of this ep but I also missed a lot! I love you guys because you allow me to review and pick up the stuff I missed the first time.

Good snark and sarcasm too. An integral part of a successful recap! LOL.

No, I don't think Axel is dead. AXEL IS NOT DEAD. I agree that if he were dead, we would not have the shenanigans with Emiliano smooching Netty or Brandon and Ilitia's hanky-panky. Also, I think Axel's story is just starting. I think he's got some great stuff ahead for him and they wouldn't waste that wonderful actor by not using him to full potential.

I have been pathetically rooting for Brandon and Mari even though I know that Mari ends up with Eman (and actually I am rooting for that too). I guess because Brandon has always been so fiercely obvious in his admiration of Mari and Eman is MR. CLUELESS (of course the "She's mi PRIMA" stuff complicates things).

But still . . . I have to admit that I was surprised that Brandon and Ilitia get horizontal quite so soon. Brandon, you fickle naco you! But then again, let's be fair, Brandon did say that he wanted to break it off with Mari, because he sees it's going nowhere.

And what is with the fantasy kisses with Mari and Eman? Okay, I know they throw them in there to keep us going, but it TICKS ME OFF that they stuck a fantasy kiss in the avances. CHEAT! CHEAT! NO FAIR! It makes us think it's 'real' and it's just another flippin' fantasy?

*ahem* Sorry, I got carried away there! LOL.

I can't say I'm sorry about Emiliano getting together with Netty. The sooner he starts to pull away from under the spell of Fedra, the better. But of course since this is telenovela-land, it'll drag out and out and out.

I thought there was a bit of good acting from Valentino Lanús and César Évora when Eman popped a cork and told Emiliano and Fedra off for what they'd done to Axel.

I am thinking that its not Axel who died, but maybe the General, because the avances show a scene where everyone is wearing black and it looked like a funeral.

I never can get to see the whole thing, so thanks for the excellent recap.
nj sue

This was great Chris. Thanks for the detail. With my low-level skills, I always miss out on some of the dialogue, (and phone calls right at certain points don't help). Didn't catch the bit about Muneca actually being the co-owner of the agency. Interesting, interesting.

I add my name to the chorus that says the corpse is NOT Axel. I think the prospect of it being him though will be a game-changer for Emi. And it sure got Eman to get a major spine and tell BOTH his parents off. LOVED it!

Julia, I think you are dead on about why Ilitia's adoption was kept quiet. Muneca must have come from a major family with big bucks, so taking in the product of a lowly affair would have been rather scandalous. But Ilitia is so adoring of her low-life father that Muneca, blind to him as she is, probably thought it was best to keep up the pretense for the little princess.

I can't believe all that we saw in the previews will happen on Monday. Man, lot of partner switching in one day? And where is the REAL Axel??

Loved the Low "in full Hef mode". That is EXACTLY what he looks like in this one, with his sleazy red silk robe and jammies.

On a trivial note, wish they hadn't dyed his hair that wretched shoe polish black. With his normal gray hair (as he was in Juan Querendon) I actually found him quite attractive. And that, in spite of him playing yet another unfaithful bounder in that one. What a way to get typecast!

Ditto on the strangely provocative outfit Begoña wore to the DNA lab. Reminds me of Doris' sidebar quip that on "casual Fridays" these folks must go to work in their underwear.

And does anyone remember the flap a few weeks ago when a Mexican female sportscaster showed up at the Jets practice in skintight jeans and low-cut blouse! Practically started a riot but she was appropriately dressed for a telenovela, that's for sure.

PS Does anyone else think Jacqui looks way older than Ilita and the rest of the young 'uns. I actually thought at first that she was Muñeca's friend, not Begoña's. She has a hard, high-mileage look to me.

Haha! "Hard, high-mileage", I was trying to find the words to describe her and I think that's it. She is quite beautiful but yes, yes does look to be more like Muneca's friend. Or maybe it's the pound of eye liner they've got on her.

I missed the flap about the sportscaster showing up in "telenovela" regalia.

I don't think Axel is dead but I sure hope it's not Tio Maximo either. I like his character a lot.

Chris, excellent job. As usual, your recap is superb, filled with smart, biting humor and is nicely detailed. Thanks.

I'm not quite as sure that the corpse that we are waiting to identify isn't Axel. I certainly hope it's not. He is one of the very few genuinely likable characters. However, these writers have shown us that they are quite capable of murder as demonstrated by Eva's tragic aircraft malfunction, the senseless shooting of Mama Dolores, as well as flashbacks of the boat fire and Mari's daddy's mysterious death. Also, I think that the guy supervising his beating asked whomever he was talking to on the phone for permission to kill him. Giving me hope is the unresolved questions surrounding Axel and the fact that the character is so popular here and I presume in Mexico as well. Plus the fact that Gretel would be completely adrift with no anchor without him. Of course his death might pull her closer to Oliver. As well, the fact that we are being made to wait to find out would seem to make it more likely that it's not him. If it's not him, then where the heck is he and where has her been?

Jackie is a fascinating character. On one hand she is helping out Begoña and on the other hand, she is blackmailing Muñeca. Good? Evil? Just naughty? One thing is certain, her plastic surgeon (did he give a group rate to these actresses?) has no sense of proportion.

I sure hope General Maximo is OK.


Hey Chris thanks for the recap.

It was great seeing Eman yell at his parents as they deserve it.

I don't think the General is the dead body either, the cops kept saying that the description of the victim was similar to Axel. I don't think they would confuse a 17 year old with an old man.
Jackie - I didn't really find her to be attractive, she has that awesome body and all, but she looks fake and isn't as pretty as some of the other ladies on the show.

Yes Karen - it was great to see him yell at his parents. I really enjoyed that and it seems like everyone else did too. If Axel is still alive, will Emil follow through on his teary admission that he was wrong?

Jackie looks a lot like the lady who played Mili's mom in Guapos (the later one who actually showed up, not the earlier actress we saw in flashbacks who was replaced). Everyone kept going on and on about how beautiful she was, but I just wondered how they could tell...all I saw was ten kilos of makeup troweled on.

I'm leaning toward evil for Jackie. So far she's not done anything super terrible (although blackmailing Muñeca is pretty dark gray), but she's selfish and pragmatic. These qualities tend to set up characters who later go BSC chasing after what they want (what they want is usually either money or a man who doesn't love them, or both). Plus I just never trust anyone who is determined to attain a PERSON as a prize and thinks they would be happy with a person who does not want to be with them. Hello, Jackie, Ilitia did not STEAL Emanuel. If he let himself be tempted away, he didn't care that much about you.

Chris, when Tio Maximo heard the news that Axel might be dead, he conked out and the paramedics hauled him away in an ambulance as you described. That's the reason for the concern. You are quite correct that the body in the morgue fits Axel's description and certainly not the General.

Imagine how Jackie is going to react when she discovers that her real competition is going to be Marinela and not Ilitia.

Julia, you always have a great way of putting things:

"So far she's not done anything super terrible (although blackmailing Muñeca is pretty dark gray)"

Well said.


Isn't it strange that no one seems to notice how much time Fedra spends with her "man-servant?" Lurch is in her bedroom more than Emiliano. Does he pick out her clothes and help her dress as well as lie , cheat, and murder for her? Is he her lover, brother, pimp, or all three? Is he to blame for her grotesque outfits? Inquiring minds want to know.

Good question. What is his job supposed to be? I mean, we know Spiderus spends his days and nights plotting murders and bribing judges and forging paperwork, but what does the RydT family think he does? Do they think cheapskate Fedra maintains a whole employee just to drive her to the stylist now and then? I guess they wouldn't see anything scandalous about him spending so much time in her bedroom, because you just look at him and think, "No. Never. No one would."

Okay Chris, in order to do a real DNA test, there would have to be a hair follicle, which contains the DNA info. Since Jackie cut off a few strands, the writers are greatly stretching credibility here. Emanuel is dense man. I think he operates entirely off of hormones because I haven't seen him use much wisdom. The one exception is when he went off on his parents. I, too, do not believe the body in the morgue is Axel. What Fedra did to him needs to be revealed, especially to Emiliano. I think Emanuel must be Emiliano's son because they both intensely clueless men.

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