Monday, October 11, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #41-42 10/11/10 A nightmare and a dream.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 23: Fernando, Queen of the Night.” Then come back here to discuss it. From this point forward, each of Kim’s sections will cover a single episode.

Capitulo 41

1. Marcia tells Alicia she’ll just have to live within her means. Alicia thinks Omar will be her salvation.

2. Lety asks Fernando what will happen if Omar’s contact is a fraud, the equipment never arrives, and they lose $2M. He tells her to stop being so pessimistic. Omar calls and says they need to prepay. Lety really doesn’t like that.

3. Marcia sets up a meeting with model Isabella Conde. Marcia lets Alicia go as her assistant, but Ali acts like a big cheese..

4. Luigi’s buddies dress and make-up Fernando for the fiesta. Celso spots him leaving. What I like best about Fernando in drag, is the furry cleavage!

5. Fer-lil-nando makes his appearance at the transvestite ball and wants to leave immediately, but he’s parked in. Luigi reminds him this ain’t Conceptos and he ain’t the boss here.

6. Marcia invites Isabella to Fernando’s house. Ariel doesn’t want to join Marcia because he doesn’t want to see Fernando. Marcia asks him what will happen when she gets married – will he refuse to visit? Will he lose his sister? She says they musn’t let business rivalry get in the way of family.

7. Fernando can’t catch a cab and guys hanging out on the street give him a hard time. He can’t ask Marcia for help because Ariel and the others are at the house.

Capitulo 42

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 24: Whiskered corncake rescues damsel in distress.” Then come back here to discuss it..

Marcia’s trying to cover the awkwardness at Fernando’s house, and on the phone he keeps telling her he’ll be there ASAP. Ariel works at picking up Isabella.

Fernando calls Lety to come rescue him. I love so many little things in this episode, from this point forward. Will you indulge me a bit, and let me list all the little things I loved?
• Mama wakens Lety to tell her Fernando is on the phone. Lety, still groggy, says, “No, I wasn’t dreaming about Don Fernando. I never dream about him.” Then, more awake, “It’s true? It’s not a dream?!!”
• Mama tries to stop her but Lety is determined. “Don Fernando needs me, now more than ever. I won’t abandon him.”
• Lety and the taxista find Fernando. Even though Lety is his only hope, and even though she came out in the middle of the night to rescue him, almost the first thing he says is, “Recognize me or you’re fired!” Dirty rotten fink!
• Fern says, “I beg you, get me out of here! It’s making me loco!” The taxista says, “It’s better to say ‘loca.’ “
• Lety says, “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. Nice dress.”
• Fernando tells her to stop talking nonsense; he lost a bet with Luigi. Lety looks heavenward and says, “Thank you, God!”

• At the Conceptos gate, the police want to haul Fern down to the station. He grabs Lety as his human shield, wraps his arms around her, and holds her tight against his chest. And this time she’s not dreaming! But, Boy Howdy! is she smiling!!
• After the police leave, she giggles, he plays the clown, and she joins in (Marcia NEVER joins in his bobarías). The exchange is brief but very warm. They are very comfortable together.
• We get a close-up of his legs, a sight rarely seen – seriously! We discover that nobody’s perfect, not even Camil. Colunga has those ears, and Camil has those calves.
• Julieta sees her daughter’s boss for the first time ever, and she says, “I imagined you differently.” She also says, “You look very different from your pictures in the magazines.”
• Fernando draws himself to his full height, lowers his voice a half octave, and greets Julieta very formally. How can anyone in a fuschia strapless gown and pink hair look so darned masculine??
• Fernando hides his 6’3” frame under a 3’ coffee table
• Erasmo talks about how badly her boss treats her, and Erasmo is ready to go down to Conceptos and teach that tipo a thing or two! We watch Fernando’s reaction to all Erasmo’s comments.
• Lety brings an avacado to remove the make-up. Fernando says, “How can you think of making tacos at this hour? There aren’t any tortillas!!”
• Their conversation just before he leaves. See the transcript.
• When Lety’s writing in her diary. How moved she is, that Fernando was at her house.
• Lety’s fantasy that Fernando comes back. See transcript. For me, this one was the most delicious fantasy to date.

Fern tells Marcia that he went to the transvestite ball, that he did it to keep Luigi from quitting, and that it was an infierno for him. Marcia has compassion because he had such a horrible night, and she does all she can to comfort him and help him forget the nightmare. Oops! Just another fantasy! Actually she reams him out for doing something so idiotic, hiding it from her, and running to Lety for help. She moans, “Why? Why Lety and not me???” That question gives Fernando pause for thought.

Spanish Lesson

Marta I has volunteered to write the Spanish Lesson translations, and that will be a HUGE relief to me, considering the demands of the double episodes. Here is her first one. Thank you, Marta!!
Fernando leaves Lety's house
Fer: I have to run, Lety, and me with this outfit. Look at this. It’s not that I expected your dad’s clothes to be super-elegant! It’s just that it does not fit me right, it’s not my style, right?
Lety: How could it be your style, no?
Fer: Hey, Lety, do you have money to loan me for the taxi? I just don’t have any.
Lety: Of course, Don Fernando. I hope this is enough.
Fer: What a pretty wallet. Look, I look like a bullfighter, Leticia. How will I go out to the street like this? Hey thank you. I will pay you tomorrow for sure? I have to call Marcia. She must be thinking the worse, you know how bitter/angry she gets. You know.
Lety: I can imagine.
Fer: Hey, and take the costume back to return it to Luigi. Take it in a taxi, so you don’t have problems with the bus. And hey, thank you for everything. Thank you very much.
Lety: You are welcome, Don Fernando.
Fer: (turns around) Know what? I’m still worried about your dad.
Lety: Ay, the problem is he is very temperamental. But I swear if he had discovered you, neither my mom nor I would have let him lay a finger on you, Don Fernando!
Fer: No, but I am not referring to that, (I am referring) to what he said about me, Lety.
Lety: He was, I don’t know, in a real bad mood. And when he gets like that he says whatever comes to his mind!
Fer: But he believes I treat you badly. Do I treat you badly Lety?
Lety: It’s just that he once heard you yelling at me and he got mad. He went to Conceptos to confront you but I did not let him. Take it easy, he won’t do anything to you.
Fer: I know he won’t do anything to me, but, no, I mean.. Its just that it bothers me that he has that image of me, Lety, you know? of the company above all. It’s a nightmare to work with us, right? Especially with me. jajaja
Lety: Of course not, Don Fernando. I am happy with you.
Fer: Know what? I will make every effort to not yell at you so much. I promise.

Fernando Returns
Let: What’s the matter, Don Fernando?
Fer: I already called home.
Let: Did you forget something?
Fer: Yes. Know what? I want to… I want to tell you that tonight you were very good to me (se portó muy bien conmigo) Lety. If you had not helped me I would have been LOST.
Let: Ay, Don Fernando, I would do anything for you.
Fer: Yes, I see that. For that reason I want you to know that I too am willing to do anything for you, Lety. Yes, I don’t know, I don’t know.. I’ve never felt this way. You know? And suddenly I realize that… that I am…
Let: Yes??
Fer: That I am hopelessly in love with you, Lety.
Let: Are you saying that truthfully?
Fer: Yes. You are more than an angel in my life, Lety, you are everything. Everything, and even a little bit more.
Let: Ay! That is the most beautiful thing that I ever heard in my life!
Fer: Forgive me for expressing myself this way, but I couldn’t help it anymore, I had to tell you! My dear, thank you, thank you, my dear, my queen. Lety.. Lety..


Isabella is Jaime’s step-sister, and she’s now married to Sergio Mayer (Luigi). Later, an inside joke: when Ariel is trying to pick up Isabella, Anna Leticia says, “Marcia, wouldn’t you like to have Isabella as your sister-in-law?”

Does anyone else think Isabella looks stoned?

Irmita's dicho: Agua que no has de beber déjala correr. Don’t collect water that you shouldn’t drink.
(Don’t get involved in things that don’t concern you.)

I have a stupid question...what does "mimisky" mean? Luigi keeps saying it and I have no clue.

here is part of the equivalent from BLF... just as funny or funnier.

I would say 'mimiski' translate to a nervous breakdown

Thanks Paula and Kim. I love these two episodes. So many funny scenes. I did watch my BLF ones again. Your right Martivett they are funny but I think the Fernando Lety interactions espically at Lety's house are so much funnier.

Thanks again Paula. All your hard work is really appriciated. I got to watch these early today because I din't have to work.

Once again, at the bar Fernando is in a situation where he has no power. All his usual points of strength – wealth and family name, the presidency, and women falling at his feet – he can’t use any of them here. He tries to order people around like he’s accustomed to doing, and they all blow him off. It drives him nuts because he has no power, and he doesn’t know how else to get their cooperation.

At the same time, he loses use of his car. In Fea, a car is often a symbol of independence, and the ability to be in charge of one's own life. Think about a teenager - when he has his license and keys, he can go where he wants and he's not depenent on his parents anymore. Whereas when Grandpa loses his license, he becomes dependent like a child again.

Fernando went to the fiesta against his will - he was obligated to go by Luigi. And while there, he had no power - nobody respected him, nobody obeyed him, everybody blew him off. At the same time, he lost use of his car, he couldn't make a taxi stop for him, and he had to depend on Lety to rescue him.

I won't say that every car situation in Fea is about independence and autonomy / self-determination. But I will say, in every case I can think of, if a character either gains or loses use of a car, it is related to a gain or loss of independence and autonomy.

This was just a delicious episode. And I was able to recognize Fernando's sister. Something I wouldn't have been able to do 4 years ago when this ran the first time.

The scenes at Lety's were so tender. She can convery so much with her eyes. Camil as well. Fantastic.

Good analysis on the loss of power, Paula. And so where did he find his strength? Lety's love and loyalty. Beautiful foreshadowing.

It was great to see the Fernando Queen of the Night episodes in one fell swoop...very satisfyingly complete.

Fernando is depending on Lety more and more. And Marcia is becoming wary since she has tried everything in her arsenal to make Fernando need her. She realizes Lety is becoming indispensable to Fernando. "Why, why Lety and not me?"


Oops. pardon me. Thank you Paula, Kim and Martaivett for the recaps and lesson.


Great point, JudyB, that he's finding his strength in Lety's love and loyalty. I didn't think about it that way, but I can see you're right. And GinC, good point. Both Marcia and Lety observed that Fernando is depending on Lety more. Marcia really only has two assets that enable to hang onto Fernando - great in bed, and he needs her support to keep the presidency. But now, as he needs Lety more and more, that weakens her second-last hold over him.

Note what Fernando told Marcia - Omar wasn't available so he called Lety. So Fernando is gradually putting Lety into the position that Omar once held. Omar has seen that coming.

One more about cars and independence. Lety can't drive. At the Padilla house, only Pop can drive. And neither Lety nor MamaJ have any autonomy; Pop makes all the decisions for them.

I love hearing y'all's analysis! Watching Fea - I could do that by myself. But hearing your observations - for that I need a community. I'm loving it!

Thank you Paula! I finally caught up and saw this one today. I missed this the first time around and I think it is one of my favorites! It seemed like they had a lot of fun filming it. I love the cute grins and eye gestures they send each other. I think the true friendship they have for each other comes through!
Camil seems masculine no matter what he is wearing!

Carrie L.

Thanks, Paula, for the analysis. I didn't pick up watching LFMB until after these episodes, so it was great to see them. Loved seeing Lety rush to Fern's rescue.
La Paloma

This was one of the best telenovela episodes ever! I'm so glad I didn't miss it. Wow, Fernando really needed help tonight and I can't believe he ended up at Lety's house. I thought it was very cute how both Lety and her mom were in league together to help him out. Even though Lety-mama wasn't sure about all the craziness she trusted her daughter enough to help. They are such a sweet family.

Camil was amazing and hilarious in his Queen of the Night getup! I don't think I'll ever forget the image of him trying to hide under the coffee table. And then he shows up at Marcia's place in Erasmus's duds? Also hilarious.

Thanks for the background on Isabella, I would never have known she's Camil's step-sister. And yes, she did look a bit out of it. I wonder why?

Thanks Paula and Kim!

that was a funny odd laugh of Fernando's when Lety said her beauty was natural...

FABULOUS, Marta! I really want to thank you for the Spanish Lesson! I so appreciate your work.

Folks, you should know that with the heavy load of double episodes (that go on and on and on, with no end in sight), it was getting to be too much for me. I was going to stop posting the Spanish Lessons. But Marta has stepped up and lifted that burden off my shoulders. I know we all appreciate it.

Thank you so much Marta! I watch and try to figure it out but it's hopeless until I read your explanation. I get the general idea of what is going on but being able to hear the actual words from you is priceless! Thank you a million times!

Carrie L.

Carrie, do you know that I learned my Spanish by TN's? When I started watching Fea, I could hardly understand anything. I used the Caray recaps and "studied" my recordings. Only 18 months later, I knew enough to recap Tontas!

That's why I started including the "Spanish Lessons" here. The idea is that you play back the scene with the transcript in hand, and you try to make the words you hear match the words on the page. Having a rather strict translation should make it even more effective than what I did, with the loose recaps. Take a look at my Learning Spanish by Telenovelas page, for specifics. It takes a little work, but you really can learn Spanish that way - I'm proof of that. Y caray, caray! Que guapos los maestros, no???

Marta, thank you for the Spanish lesson. I enjoy reading the important scenes because with my Spanish there is much that is missed. It's very much appreciated.


Marta, thank you for translating that wonderful conversation. What fun!!

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