Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Llena de Amor #49 Mon 10/18/10

I really wanted to do a fun recap of this very juicy episode, but a little shoulder bursitis turned into a big painful bursitis, and so a lot of computer use is out for me for a few days. Instead, I offer you headlines! I apologize for not including all the details. Please fill in the blanks as necessary..

At the house:

-Marienela says she thinks Ilitia is too superficial for a nice guy like Emanuel. Emiliano says he kinda agrees.
- Marianela resists pastry and eats celery.
- Kristel finds out from a home pregnancy test that she’s pregnant. Ilitia is with her when she gets the bad news.

At Netty’s:

- They find out about Axel.
- Netty gets a gift from a secret admirer – it’s the necklace she hocked.

At the hospital:

- Marianela urges Axel to wake up. He squeezes her hand! After that he’s non-responsive again. The doctor says it’s just an involuntary reflex, but we know better.
- Emiliano is beside himself with guilt and sorrow, Fedra seems to distance herself and says Axel chose his lifestyle. Emiliano says something between them just broke, and he’ll never feel the same way about her again. After he leaves the room and she’s alone with Axel, she calls Axel a traitor for having told Marianela about the prostitute visit back when he was 12. Flashback of hysterical 12-year old Axel being dragged off by Bernardo while Fedra tells him he’ll thank her later.
- Emiliano wants Axel transferred to another hospital. Marianela and Emanuel protest.
- Emanuel laments that his family is so fragmented. Marianela says they need love.
- Fedra finds out that Bernardo knew where Axel was. She feels betrayed.
- Gretel prays for Axel. Oliver reassures her; she says she’ll never make anyone happy. He tells her to go on home, then carries her out. Sweet scene.
- The doctor tells the family only one person can stay. Emiliano decides to stay and has to remind Fedra to say goodbye to Axel. She gives Axel a hasty peck and heads home.

At Muneca’s house:

- Her clothes still look awkward and way too tight.
- She is packing boxes for the orphans. She wants to store them in the storage shed. The chauffeur tells her Lorenzo locked it and told him to stay away. She says it’s her house. She has him break the lock, goes inside and finds boxes which – whoops! – are full of pirated porn flicks. - Lorenzo shows up and says those men with guns made him put their stuff there. She wants to call the police.

At the house:

- Kristel calls Ilitia and tells her Marianela is with Emanuel at the hospital.
- Kristel tells Mauricio “they” are pregnant. He tells her to get rid of it, no way is he interested in marriage.
-- Maximo tells Carlota that Fedra is evil. She doesn’t believe him. You’ll be sorry later, he says. He says Emiliano found Fedra washed up naked on a beach. I wish they’d do a flashback of that.
- Nereida makes Kristel a special herb tea because she’s “late.” Fedra, who is home now, tastes it and grimaces and then dumps it in a potted plant.
- Nereida suspects Bernardo’s limp is not just the flu and she’s going to find out.

At the hospital:

- Netty shows up and Emiliano is distraught and tells her he needs a hug. They hug a long time and she says she’s always dreamed of being in his arms. What? he says, be honest with me! Te quiero, she says.
- Emiliano tries to get Marianela to have some dessert, but she’s having salad. She says the whole world tells her she’s too fat. He tells her she’s the loveliest person he’s ever known. Their faces come close and just then Ilitia walks in.

Avances: Emiliano and Netty kiss.


Maggie, I'm so sorry to hear about your bursitis. Take care. I think your recap was very succinct and thorough. I can't think of anything that you missed.

Wasn't Fedra horrid the way she hissed over poor comatose Axel? I was glad to see that FINALLY Emiliano got irritated with her.

There was this one great part where Marianela walks into Axel's room, sees Eman and says "Amor..." and poor Eman looks up hopefully. Then she says "...amor is what will help Axel" or some such thing. Heh, poor schmuck Eman; it looks like he's going to get an earful from Ilitia tomorrow.

I agree, very succinct recap and you got everything relevant that I could think of, and you filled in a few gaps for me as well. Thank you! I hope your bursitis clears up very soon and take care of yourself.

FINALLY, the Two Stupidest Men in Telenovelaland get a clue (Emiliano and Eman). I love them both (well, Emiliano is finally getting back in my good graces because he sees what a jerk he's been about Axel, and Eman always was a sweetie) but these guys are clueless.

Anyway, yeah, GREAT to see Emiliano finally have the scales fall from his eyes regarding his horrible wife! And we know that Eman has finally had his epiphany regarding Marianella, but of course Ilitia is going to complicate things.

Ooh, we could see it coming with Orangy and Kristel. Husband material he is NOT, and he made that very clear. I wonder how this is going to resolve.

Love the scenes with Oliver and Gretel. What a sweet couple they are. Oliver is growing on me more and more. I never disliked him, but didn't notice him all that much until the last few weeks.

No Brandon The Naco in this one? I feel deprived!

Tomorrow looks like more stuff is going to happen; I can hardly wait!

Oh dear, Maggie. Bursitis that painful also means a sleepless night...or "una noche de perros" as Paula taught us last week.

Even in pain, you were funny. I loved the "wish we could have seen a flashback of that" about Fedra being washed up naked on the beach. The one character we all love to hate. (Well add in Orange Boy to that category.)

Hope you have a good doctor like our fave, Carlos, and he can give you something to deal with the pain. Lo siento, amiga.

Maggie get much rest and take care. We so appreciate your recap, which maybe was headlines to you, but you still managed to cover the important stuf and get a few zingers in.

Boy, do I agree with your " Her clothes still look awkward and way too tight." But Muneca really gave it to Low. I loved the way she kept rubbing it in that it was "her house".

This whole episode was such screaming with couples love...some bursting, some still simmering, but such fun. Emi is seeing the light, FINALLY. I love him and Laura together, and in this TN they are a crazy pair, but could be really good for each other.

Oliver and Gretel...well I just melt during their scenes. Give this man a love story TN of his own!

And Eman. Valentino is doing a great job, I feel, in showing someone who hasn't a clue, then struggles, then just knows, he has fallen in love. And it's painful and wonderful...Enter the painful with Ilitia who we know will not go quietly.

Poor Kristel. Your Romeo turned out to be the major Cad we all knew he was. Cut your losses and run, but I have a bad feeling on this one.

Maggie, I really sympathize. I hope your shoulder gets better quickly. When I was in medical school, I suffered for months with bursitis of my right shoulder caused by weight-lifting. Finally, when I was on my orthopedic rotation, my chief resident grew weary of my whining and injected it with cortisone which fixed it right away.

Like the others, I found your abbreviated recap to be very complete and very entertaining. Your wry sense of humor isn't impaired.

The scene of the young Axel at the whorehouse was even more troubling than I had imagined. Yikes! I wonder why Manny didn't get the same treatment. Fedra is certainly becoming a complex, memorable villainess. Her telling the unconscious Axel what a disappointment he is to her might just win her upgraded accommodations in Hell.


Oh, and one last thing, I was really disappointed in Manny for trying to force Marinela to eat whatever that was on his fork. Offering was fine, but his insistence was, as he used to say all too often in Tontas, "not sexy."


Just want to ditto two remarks. Yes, what's with the highly unflattering too tight clothes on Muñeca? She should sue the wardrobe department.

And Carlos, you are sooooo right. He was way out of line in the way he kept pushing food on Marianela. Very disrespectful. I guess the writers wanted to show us how determined SHE is. But doesn't reflect well on Emanuel who appears to be seriously clueless about a lot in life.

Hello all, Sorry I've been a lurker.

I agree with all the comments. Wonderful recap, didn't miss a thing... Thank you for your efforts, even through the pain.

It appeared to me that Fedra kissed Axel's bandage rather than his skin. What a mom!!

You know, there's a mine in Chile that isn't being used. Maybe we can toss all the baddies down there and pitch in a couple of skunks, a cougar or two, maybe a few snakes....

Maggie: Thank you for the excellent recap - not too short but definitely sweet.

Let me add my condolences about your bursitis. Please take care of yourself. I hope you feel better as quickly as possible.

Every time I think Fedra has hit rock bottom, she does something even more heinous. Finally, Emiliano is getting a clue. So happy he is going to kiss Netty. Cesar and Laura are a great romantic duo.

Eman is in love. Wonderful.

I did not feel an ounce of sympathy for Kristel. Does she have ANY redeeming qualities? I'm reserving my pity for the poor baby. What horrible parents. Blech.

I wanted to comment on Eman trying to make Mari eat. As a veteran of diets too numerous to count, my thought was that in fairness, his action was thoughtless, but without malice. He loves Mari AS SHE IS. It doesn't matter to him that she's overweight. However, it doesn't occur to him that she may not be happy with herself and she wants to change. His persistence was bad judgement, but not sabatoge. Like Brad Pitt, he needs a sensitivity chip. Right now, their relationship lacks honesty. They need to start confiding in and believing each other.


Great recap Maggie, posting in this manner still lets us all know what's going on, just without your normal style and humor. I hope you feel better!

Feel better Maggie! You did a really impressive job of covering everything despite the pain.

Fedra is a truly horrid mother. Why did she send her barely 12 year old son to be raped by a prostitute? Was it because she felt he wasn't boy-like enough? That's the only reason I can think of why she didn't do the same to sporty/outgoing Emanuel when he was a boy.

I have no idea how Kristel is going to get out of this pregnancy dilemma. I have not seen an abortion in a tn yet. Either she will have an unexpected accident, or Orange Boy will take matters into his own hands and arrange an "accident" for her. I don't think she's crazy enough to do herself harm. Maybe this will change her and make her a better person.

I continue to love Oliver and Gretel. He is such a sweetheart. Relax Gretel. Just go with it.

Ouch, Maggie, how miserable. I hope you recover super quickly. Your recap didn't suffer despite the short form; still funny as always and all the important info is there. I liked that you threw in "Her clothes still look awkward and way too tight." Indeed. She looks so uncomfortable.

I thought Emanuel made a good point, that Marianela can't just eat lettuce and needs stuff like protein too, but he took the wrong tactic to try to get her to eat. As a champion athlete he probably knows a lot about proper nutrition and could give her some helpful pointers, especially if she really thinks that eating nothing but lettuce and celery is going to be a success, but he needs to not undermine her. I think if he really wants to help he should offer to go dancing and for walks with her.

I was shocked by that flashback scene even though we already knew what had happened. 12-year-old Axel was still completely a child, not at all tough and old for his age like some 12 yr olds are. Fedra definitely earned herself an express trip to Hades there. And why? Because he liked to play guitar rather than sports?

Thanks Maggie. Seemed complete to me. Hope you feel better very soon.

Welcome Emilia. I agree about using that empty mine in Chile to throw a few people down. Fedra is at the top of my list. That scene with Axel as a young boy was way disturbing.

I knew old orange boy would react like that. No surprise there. Kristal seemed to be shocked when he told her to get rid of it. Maybe Kristal will surprise us and grow up and get redeemed in the end. She has a long way to go. We will see what she does about the baby.

Yep, Eman is in for a chewing out by Ilitia tonight.

Thanks for your recap Maggie. I hope you recover quickly from your bursitis.

I realize I have no clue about the ages of children b/c young Axel looked younger than 12 to me. The whole incident is so horrible perhaps hell is too good for Fedra.

Though Eman should not try to force Mari to eat, ITA w/Diana that he was demonstrating he loves Mari as she is. And with the focus so on the physical in the media in general, it's nice to see.

12 year old boys can range from the very small who still look like babies, to large/tall with the first appearance of facial hair. There is a huge difference in their physical and psychological maturity at that age. Remember when the girls started having growth spurts around that age and some boys remained so short and small they barely reached the girls' shoulders? Axel appears to be that kind of late bloomer. Fedra obviously wanted to speed up the process. Witch!

I can't even imagine a 12 year old boy going through that. I have twins sons, and at 12 all they cared about was Pokemon, video games and being cut-ups at every chance they had. I won't ask what kind of mother she is, because we all know.
But there is something just wrong that she has no emotion towards any of her other children except Eman. Even Kristel is more like a "gal pal". That peck on the head, which was wonderfully witnessed by Emi, was like she was kissing a stranger she was afraid of.
Did anyone ever notice the only pic she has on her desk in that side office she uses is of her and Eman? No other kids adorn her desk or walls. And no hubby either.

Thank you all for your understanding! And thank you Carlos so much for the great tip. If the anti-inflammatories don’t do the job, I know what the next step can be. I sure wish I could say I’d gotten my bursitis from something dashing like weight lifting, instead of just from mousing too much on the computer while sitting wrong. Sigh. It’s better today, though – hooray!

But here’s something nice, and in the same vein as all the love awakening in our show last night. Yesterday I turned off the computer and sat myself down and read old family letters. I found one from my mother (who was in college) to my grandmother back in the 40s. She was dating several fellows, and my father, who she termed really nice but boring, had asked her to go steady and she’d turned him down. My skinny, super-brainy father would probably be called a geek today. Anyway, the next day she wrote that they’d been in a coffee shop until the wee hours talking. She went on and on about everything wonderful he’d said and declared she might end up marrying him one day. Which of course she did and they almost made their 60th anniversary. My grandmother had written on the envelope “She says she doesn’t want to go steady, but it looks like she’s fallen in love.”

What a find that letter was!

Oh Maggie, thank you for sharing that lovely story with us. My eyes are misting. True love that literally lasted a life time.


I love that story too Maggie. Thanks for sharing. And weren't you lucky to have such bright, caring, in-love parents! It shows....


Thanks for sharing that wonderful letter with us. That sounds so real and true to life all these years later. As hopelessly skinny geeky guy (no longer skinny, still geeky) it made me smile.

One thing I've found very useful for treating bursitis, tendonitis, and even arthritis in my patients and myself over the years has been Tiger Balm. One night I awoke with an attack of gout and didn't have anything here to take, not even Tylenol or aspirin, but got enough relief from rubbing on some Tiger Balm to be able to go back to sleep and then woke up pain free. I used to jog a lot and pretty much smelled like Tiger Balm all the time.


I have a friend, originally from China, who swears by Tiger Balm. It's worth a try. I guess it doesn't smell like Old Spice from what you're sayin'.

Maggie, thank you for sharing that wonderful story about your mother's letter. It makes me feel warm and happy, a little sad (I miss my wonderful mom, gone many years now), it makes me marvel at the insight of her own mom. Just thank you!

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