Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Llena de Amor #50 Tue 10/19/10 Emanuel can’t forget about Marianela and Axel can’t remember her.

Emiliano wants the truth from a wide-eyed Netty. “What did you say? Tell me what you feel for me!”
In the hospital cafeteria, Emanuel protests that Marianela can’t just have lettuce and water like a horse; that isn’t dinner. She insists that she’s on a diet. He gets a forkful of chocolate dessert and starts waving it in her face, all, “watch the airplane! Wheeee! Open up your mouth so the yummy chocolate airplane can fly in!” but he forgot to put a bib on her so I don’t see how this is going to end well. Anyway, Emanuel doesn’t understand why Marianela wants to lose weight. He thinks she’s perfect just the way she is. He says he has something very important to tell her and he leans in really close, and when their lips are right close Ilitia walks in and says, “What is going on here?!!!”
Oh, gross, Bernardo has bloody bandages all over. Fedra’s grossed out, too, and says the bedroom looks like a battlefield hospital. She tells Spidey that Brandon found the gloves in his room. He frets about what they’re going to do, and Fedra’s response is “WE nothing. This is YOUR problem. Deal with it yourself.” She’s also mad that he hired someone to follow Axel. “Your job is not to take care of Axel. It’s to take care of ME. Me, me, me!” Bernardo is in pain and not feeling like doing much of anything, so Fedra tells him to get all his stuff and get out of the house immediately. He asks if she’s joking. {What an idiot. Doesn’t Fedra know that you can’t ever fire the guy who knows all your dirty secrets? It’s keep him or kill him.}
This is either a really, really nice hospital, or we’re actually in a restaurant nearby, because although there are a lot of doctors in the eatery, the staff are all in dressy black vest and bow tie waiter outfits. Emanuel tells Ilitia he is just worried because Marianela won’t eat. Ilitia thinks he should encourage this plan, because then maybe Mari will start to look normal. Mari tells Ilitia she’s missing her brain and Emanual is only in love with Miss Top Model herself, and she walks out without even eating the lettuce. Ilitia demands to know why Emanuel was about to kiss la gordita. “Who, me?” he stalls.
Back in Axel’s room, Netty babbles a lot in vaguely protesting terms. She was just saying she loves Emiliano like a relative! Really! Emiliano says in his sultry smoky voice that he thinks her eyes were saying something else, that she has always dreamed of being in his arms and being close to him. “What? No! Let me go!” she squawks. “I can’t,” he breathes, “the only thing I can think of right now is to kiss you.” He puts that thought into action. Boy, does he ever. Netty finally gives up her denial and goes for it. And then Marianela walks into the room. She’s frozen in shock.
Meanwhile, at the dinner theater, Emanuel is doing just as feeble a job as Netty in denying his feelings. The dining audience is on the edges of their seats as Ilitia gets more and more shrill, and one lady nearly loses her seat when Ilitia shoves Emanuel into her. “Admit it! You have a crush on the gorda!” “Okay, fine! It’s true! I really like her! So what?”
Marianela finally gathers her wits and exits Axel’s room. Unfortunately, Emiliano and Netty manage to hear the door close over their face sucking and they jump apart. Who was it?! Emiliano hopes it was just a nurse, but for Netty the moment is over. “This was a huge mistake! That kissing can never happen again!” except she uses like a hundred more words in circles to say that. Emiliano looks insulted.
After his moment of bravado, Emanuel is now trying to backtrack. He meant he just loves Marianela as the cute little cousin he played with since they were children. Ilitia is no fool, though. Well, not that kind of fool. She tells Emanuel to go ahead and get lost in that world of fat (yes, really what she said), but he’s now free of Ilitia, so he’s welcome to go choke to death at Costco. Or something. Emanuel for some reason doesn’t start immediately planning his unengagement party but instead tries to stop the whiny one from crying and all. She sobs that he was her last hope, but too late, and storms out.
Marianela is standing in the hallway, mind reeling over the Netty/Emiliano hookup, when Hurricane Ilitia blows through and tells her she got what she wanted; Emanuel is all hers. Then Ilitia nearly knocks Emanuel over as he’s coming in and she’s zinging back out, which is pretty funny. Emanuel tells Marianela that Ilitia is just crazy. “No one understands how I feel about you,” he sighs. “No. Especially not me,” Marianela agrees.
Inside the hospital room, Emiliano says that kiss is unforgettable and he was blind not to have realized sooner how she felt about him. He starts on seconds, but Netty says it’s not the time or the place. They are diverted from this argument when Axel starts seizing.
Bernardo is back in his bed cursing Fedra for dumping him whenever she feels like it while he risks his life for her. Nereida slinks in wearing a pink bathrobe and inquires about his health. Bernie knows that isn’t why she’s really there. She strips down to a short nightgown and whips off his blanket while he’s distracted. Nereida demands an explanation of what happened to his leg.
Emanuel tells Marianela that he got tired of Ilitia’s jealousy. Ilitia can’t stand it, but he isn’t willing to distance himself from Marianela. “Have you asked yourself why?” Mari asks. After all, Ilitia is his novia, the woman he supposedly loves and is going to marry, and Mari is just his cousin. Eman says he really likes spending time with Mari and Ilitia is just confused about how things are. “Maybe you’re the one who is confused. Are you really in love with Ilitia?” Mari asks. Emanuel seems thoughtful about that as though he can’t remember that he tried to break up with Ilitia just a day or two earlier, but doesn’t have time to process all this complexity because they hear Netty hollering for help.
Axel is still having a seizure. The doctor and nurse come in and take over.
In the dim foyer of Hades Homestead, Oliver is charming Gretel with sweet nothings like calling her “mi caramelita de chivo habañero.” Gretel asks why he cares about her so much, and he says she hit him with a Cupid arrow right in the middle of his soul and he can’t get it out. The besos begin, but Fedra walks in and snaps on the light and ruins everything.
There is a whole lotta kissin’ going on tonight. Bernardo and Nereida are up. This is gross. They’re sliming all over each other, with pillow talk like: “You’re the guy who was shot in the basement, right?” “Shut up. Curiosity killed the cat, and it could kill you, too.” More smooching. Spiderus kisses like a python swallowing its prey whole.
Fedra yells at Oliver to keep his filthy lips off her daughter. Gretel says she has no right to demand such a thing. Oliver gets a tiny glimpse of what Gretel’s life is like when Fedra hits her really hard, then holds her in a choke hold when Oliver tries to complain. Gretel tearily asks Oliver to please go. He grudgingly agrees, but like the Terminator, he’ll be back. Delicia watches all this, peeking around a corner.
Mari, Eman, and Netty all try to convince Emiliano that Axel is young and strong and he will recover. Emil says everyone has a limit, and if Axel dies he will never be able to live with the guilt. Emanuel insists that the only guilty party is the guy who beat Axel up, but Emiliano rightly says it never would have happened if he hadn’t kicked Axel out of the house. Marianela says the only one at fault is Fedra. All impactados.
Fedra wrestles Gretel onto her bed, yelling that she’s useless and has been a hindrance to Mommy Dearest her whole life. And now, on top of everything, she’s fallen in love with a poor guy! “You’re going to kill me!” Fedra shrieks, pressing a pillow into Gretel’s face. Gretel fights her off and says Fedra is no one to judge. She knows nothing about love, only hate. Fedra maturely tells her to shut up, or she’ll rearrange her face. “What do you want, Gretel, to become a slut?” “Well, you could teach me how to do it professionally, like you do. I know where you go when you sneak out of the house at night.” Fedra smacks Gretel around some more.
Marianela tells her shocked audience that she can’t tell them what she knows. It’s Axel’s secret and he’ll have to tell them himself when he wakes up.
Ilitia is at home, drinking in the dark and drowning in self-pity. “Why, Emanuel, whyyyyyyy? Why did you leave me for that elephant? What did I not give you?” She chucks her glass, shattering it all over the stairs.
Axel is awake! Everyone is encouraging him and Emiliano tells him that everything will be different now that they’ve gotten a second chance. Maybe now he’ll bother to be a parent and everything. Marianela starts gushing platitudes. OH. NO. “Who are you?” Axel asks her. His family is not any happier about this than we are. Um, Ferro, you were kidding about that threat? Right?
Muñeca and Lowrenzo find Ilitia flopped on the stairs, pathetic and drunk. She sobs that the wedding is off and the charming prince is in love with La Gorda. Low hauls her upstairs.
They explain who Marianela is, but Axel still can’t remember her and doesn’t know why he’s in a hospital.
The next morning. Lowrenzo assures his precious pretty princesita that Emanuel will pay. He will never let anyone hurt her. Ilitia says if he weren’t her father, she would die. By the way, who is mama? Low doesn’t want to talk about it. Ilitia makes him promise that the woman will never appear and they will never meet, NEVER. He promises. Oh, good, we are going to get to meet Ilitia’s biological mother. Ilitia also demands that he promise he doesn’t have any other children stashed away anywhere. He gets shifty-eyed and says, “You are my only daughter.”
Switch scenes to Lowrenzo’s son. The one we know about, anyway; who knows how many there might be? Cute little Cristián lounges in his stroller while Begoña and Muñeca eat and chat. Muñeca says Begoña is becoming her best friend, but there’s still so much she doesn’t know about her. For example, who the baby’s father is. Begoña just said he was a politician. “Well, I don’t know who the real mother of your daughter is,” says Begoña. Muñeca concludes that even best friends can have secrets. She asks Begoña’s advice on the pirated porn situation. Begoña quite emphatically thinks she should stay out of it, because if she goes to the police she’ll probably be jailed as well for being an accomplice. {Why doesn’t she just destroy the whole stash? Problem solved. Sure, Lowrenzo might get pounded, but that’s a small price. A bonus, even.}
At the pensión, Oliver rants to Brandon about Fedra’s awful abuse of Gretel. He’s talking awfully fast but I think he says if Gretel seems to have a screw loose, it’s because everyone is always loosening it for her. Fedra went nuts, because of one kiss! Brandon says he warned him that he’d have no future with that girl. Oliver says “a buen arból me vine arrimar,” see vocab notes. Brandon says to be careful because that family could destroy him, especially Fedra. “Did you hear the latest? Marianela was attacked in that house!” Netty walks in just then. “What?! They tried to kill my niece?!”
Marianela tells Delicia that Axel doesn’t remember her. Delicia isn’t surprised, after the way he was hit. Speaking of senseless beatings, was there ever a dustup here last night! Seems Gretel is finally in love with the handsome poli, and Fedra caught them kissing and threw the poor guy out and dragged Gretel off and hit her! Marianela takes off to see Gretel.
Gretel is in bed in the dark, with her hand bandaged and tears streaming down her bruised face. Paula sits there with her petting the cat, and wonders why Gretel is so sad and she can’t cheer her up. Paula reminisces about when Gretel was little and would cry and she would perk up right away, but then suddenly something changed and she stopped playing and smiling. Gretel sends her for warm chocolate milk. {Is Paula blind? Can she not see the abuse here?}
Bernardo is also still in bed when Fedra slithers in for a visit. He tells her he remembers she threw him out and he’s leaving that night and she will never see him again, he promises! “What?! You are so selfish! You can’t leave, especially right now when I need you more than ever!” In other words, she has remembered that he knows all her secrets. Also, she needs help because Gretel has found out about La Mala Noche. Bernardo remarks that Fedra hates Gretel so much it seems like she isn’t her real mother. Hmmm. Fedra says Gretel hated her first. But she will not let her win. Bernardo wonders if she’s thinking of offing Gretel, but Fedra thinks she’s got her terrified into silence for now. The one she’s worried about is the obese one. Spiderus licks his lips and rubs his hands together in anticipation. Fedra wants something that will kill Mari without leaving a trace or arousing suspicion. Spidey wiggles his eyebrows.
Marianela brings the chocolate milk to Gretel. Gretel says she isn’t going to allow her mother to destroy her like she did to Axel. Marianela tells her that Axel woke up and is recovering. Gretel sits up and Mari sees all the injuries and has a fit.
Netty is having a meltdown, crying that they killed her sister and they’ll kill her niece, too. Brandon tells her Eva’s death was an accident. Netty tells him and Oliver that they’re still investigating and they think there was sabotage.
Mari puts ice on Gretel’s face and says she can’t believe Fedra beat her like that just because she was kissing a humble guy. Gretel says that wasn’t the only reason. Fedra is also leading a double life. If people found out, there would be a huge scandal and the family would be ruined. {I would say this family has hit rock bottom already.}
Fedra sits in the garden wearing a horrible bedazzled tube top and making arrangements via phone for an engagement party for her beloved son. Emanuel comes outside and she tries to interest him in the details but he’d rather hear what she did to Axel that was so horrible it destroyed him.
Gretel is still caught up in the grossness and shame of her mother’s skanky secret life. Marianela remembers Netty telling her that Luis Felipe hated Fedra and had found out some awful secret about her, something that would get her thrown out of the family if people knew. “Gretel, you have to help me get the keys to my father’s office,” Mari says.
Fedra climbs way up on her mangy fleabitten high horse. “How dare you ask me such a thing? The only thing I have ever done is look out for the well-being of my children. Who put such an idea in your head? How am I supposed to know what someone falsely thinks I have done?” Emanuel says that Marianela mentioned something. Fedra: Rant, rant, rant, rabid slobber, Stupid girl just wants to destroy us for revenge, whine, whine, rant, blather, snarl. Lowrenzo walks into the garden and tells Emanuel no one stands up his daughter. No one.
The doctor tells Emiliano that Axel can go home but needs to rest for a few days. {I guess he can’t go home, then.} Emiliano tells him that Axel’s memory seems to be a tad spotty; when should that clear up? Doc says in the best cases it usually takes a few weeks to a few months. What about other cases? The doc gravely says Axel may never recover his memory completely.
Mauricio escorts Kristel out to the car. She worries that if anyone finds out about this, she could be disqualified from the beauty pageant. Malicio says not to worry; he knows a doctor who keeps everything underwater and her name will never appear in any records and no one will know. Kristel does not think to ask why he has such a doctor on quick notice. Kristel still doesn’t want to go, but Agent Orange tells her if she doesn’t go, they’re breaking up right now. Kristel gets in the car. Nereida eavesdrops and smirks, wondering how she can best make use of this secret.
Gladiola accompanies Begoña to the police station but Begoña won’t tell her why they’re there, just that it’s about her baby’s father.
Ilitia lounges around in her bathrobe and wants to die. Muñeca tries to comfort her and Ilitia yells that she’s awful and just a big nuisance and must be a terrible wife which is why Low went after other women. Muñeca calmly tells her she’s glad Emanuel was honest and didn’t deceive her, and if he fell in love with someone else, it must have been because he wanted someone mature, not a bratty child like Ilitia. Go Muñeca!
Fedra can’t believe Emanuel dumped Ilitia. Emanuel says that is a misunderstanding. Lowrenzo says she understood quite clearly that Emanuel is in love with his cousin. Eman can’t help smiling when Marianela is mentioned. Fedra is just dumbfounded that he could fall in love with that homage to lipids {how much time did the writers spend thinking up these insults?} Emanuel says he doesn’t have to explain himself to them, but not to worry about the wedding. He’ll keep his word. Fedra assures Low she’ll fix everything. Lowrenzo says he knows she spent the night out of the house a few days ago, and she was not with him. Where was she?
Begoña tells Comisario Tejeda about the bootleg porn in Lowrenzo’s storeroom.
Fedra is turned on by Lowrenzo’s jealousy. She says he’s her only amante, but her body wanders as suits her whims. He returns her earlier threat: If you deceive me, I will kill you.
Marianela and Gretel get into Luis Felipe’s cobweb-strewn office. Gretel says no one’s been in there since he died, not even to clean. Mari tells her to lock the door so Fedra won’t discover them there. Gretel starts panicking and says she wants to wait outside.
Kristel and Agent O go into the abortion clinic, where they have an appointment under the name of “Mabel.” In the waiting room, some woman is yelling at another about how stupid she was to get knocked up. Kristel really doesn’t want to be there and begs Malicio not to insist on this. He hands her a magazine so she won’t be bored waiting.
Gretel flips into one of her spells, reliving Luis Felipe’s murder. “Let him go! Let him go!” she yells. Mari asks what she’s talking about. Gretel manages to actually tell her that she (Gretel) could have prevented LF’s death, but she didn’t. She runs out of the office. “Gretel knows how my father died,” Mari realizes.
Avances: Oliver bursts into Bernardo’s room with gun at the ready. Emanuel and Marianela kiss. Brandon sees them.
Lonja – commodity exchange, grocery store, warehouse. Where Ilitia told Emanuel to go choke, die, and asphyxiate with Marianela.
Zafada – loose. Zafar = to loosen, and also to adorn.
A buen arból me vine arrimar. Oliver’s colorful language. He thinks Gretel is a good tree to snuggle against? I love Oliver, but his speech often baffles me. Anyone understand what he said?
Despapaye – disorder, confusion


An Amnesiatic Axel? Uh oh, looks like we've lost our Friday recapper unless Axel regains his memory by Friday. I wonder if Chris will reconsider if Axel turns into a vengeful killing machine as Carlos suggested?

Hades Homestead, is that a new one? Excellent, I love it.

Haha! "Fedra: Rant, rant, rabid slobber, whine, rat blather...", that's too funny! Do I have your permission to use that sometime? It's a far superior version of her actual dialogue and she repeats it frequently. Nightly in fact. I've started getting a stomach ache every time she interacts with Gretel and Axel. Do you think I'm taking this show too seriously?

Wow, I can't believe that Muñeca stood up to her daughter. She's been such a doormat so far and hasn't done her daughter any favors by spoiling her so badly. I like the new and improved Muñeca. I hope she doesn't get busted along with her husband. I have a bad feeling about this.

I don't think I've ever heard Oliver's phrase before, but I do love how he always compares Gretel to a menu item.

Oh, and dinner theatre in the hospital cafeteria...brilliant! I thought it was hilarious how Ilitia kept pushing Eman into that poor woman's chair.

Julia, thank you for the superb recap. It feels like we are now in the part where we get to be on the verge of hearing all the secrets, teetering on the edge of the cliff for the next weeks, months, whatever.

Julia...Oliver's statement is from a proverb "El que a bien árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija."= He who takes cover under a good tree gets good shade.[If you stick to a good person, you will reap the benefits.]

But you can imagine how in a hot country, where people work out in the fields, that a shady tree would seem like a blessing and that is what Gretel's love is to him.
* * *
Loved your clever title, your note about the fancy waiters in the hospital restaurant (any hospital restaurant I've ever been in is a cafeteria!)and your description of Spiderus' kiss like "a python swallowing it's prey whole". When I was 6 years old, climbing in a tree-like bush, I looked down and saw a large snake swallowing a frog whole. I was so terrified I tore out of there leaving half my pinafore behind. It's an image I've never forgotten.

Another favorite: Lowrenzo "might get pounded. A small price. A bonus even."

The "lonja" word is confusing. Kristel and Ilitia use it a lot when referring to Marianela. Here in Columbus, it's used in grocery ads as in "slices" of meat. So when she used it, I thought she was just comparing Marianela to a big fatty slice of meat. Still confused! So much to learn, so little time. Oh well....

Love your title Julia! What an episode. If people weren't smooching they were hitting & hollering.

Special note to Chris: It's only PARTIAL amnesia. Going through something so traumatic, Axel looks like he just blanked out the whole last few weeks and the beating. And that would then include Mari. Now the million dollar question will be does this also change his personality. So don't desert us please!!!

Poor Eman, I had thought the light bulb for Mari was on 100 watts, but he's still fence-walking. I think it's the whole cousin thing...but looks like he stops fighting it tonight. Or at least we can hope. I love Mari challenging him in the hospital.There's just too much of the TN left to think anything will go smooth for those two though...hardly think Ilitia will be out of the pic. (thank Muneca for saying what we all feel.)

As for our resident senior lip-lockers, woo! Like you pointed out Julia,I just LOVE when Cesar goes into that deep, husky close-in mode of his. As a fellow senior, I would have been a babbling fool just like Netty myself.

Never thought of Gretel as not Fedra's. figuring out who she is then makes my head hurt. but it sure would explain Fedra's dislike of her. Poor thing. Oliver needs to save her.

I'm with Daisy that it's not really amnesia. There are just a few holes in his memory, which is normal with a traumatic head injury. The question is, will one of those holes be what Fedra did to him as a child? It might actually be interesting to see what kind of person Axel would be without that particular memory haunting him. Gretel could use a dose of some selective memory loss too-- forgetting the murder she witnessed. She needs professional help. It's obvious she feels guilty that she didn't stop the murder. She thinks it was because she was a coward, but it was because she was a little child. There was nothing she could have done to stop it, and it wasn't her place to do so. Poor kid. How can no one in that house see the abuse Fedra dishes out to her two youngest children? I was really scared for her in that scene with Fedra putting the pillow over her face and slapping her around. Now I know for sure she would kill Gretel if she admitted she saw her kill Mari's dad. Perhaps it was some smart self preservation all these years for Gretel to keep it quiet. 1st off, no one in her family would believe her, so there would be no point. And then Fedra would have her committed or killed to make sure she never talked again. Save her Oliver!

Loved Mari challenging Eman about what he really feels for her and what he feels for Ilitia. He needs to get off the fence. And I really loved those kisses between Netty and Emiliano. Yowsa! Those were hot kisses. I wouldn't be able to resist that smoky voice either. :)

I think all the kids are Fedra's. She just only has enough love for the one that's not Emiliano's- Emanuel. I can't see her faking a pregnancy three times (avoiding being naked with Emiliano for months with a fake belly and stealing some babies from somewhere). Plus, if she had her own way, I think she would have happily had her precious first born be the one and only heir. Emil probably wanted a big family.

I forgot to say thank you Julia. This episode was filled with a lot of action. I also loved your title.

Judy- Thanks for the rundown of Oliver's phrase. The man really has a way with words.

Julia: Superb as always. So well detailed and expertly written. In adition to what's already been noted, I loved "Fedra climbs way up on her mangy fleabitten high horse". Excellent!

Fedra terrorizing her two most vulnerable children make her even more loathsome. She preys on the kindest, sweetest, most innocent victims. She's beyond contempt. Blech.

I also enjoyed Netty and Emiliano's lip lock. Great chemistry and I totally agree, his smoky, sultry voice is definitely appealing!

More Brandon and Oliver. I have complete confidence Oliver is the soothing balm Gretel needs to heal her heart and her mind. Now, we need another magical elixir for Axel. Quickly.


Do we know for sure that Eman isn't Emil's son, or is that just the theory that we're going with? It gets rid of the cousin problem of course, so it's a good theory.

Ok you all have me convinced enough to not bail on the show with Axel's amnesia (there is a discussion going in the comments of the post about Eva Luna recappers too). Between this maybe not being full on amnesia, someone else already putting dibs on Fridays for Eva Luna, and the fact that my wife the Guy Ecker fan would blow up the DVR with 100 episodes of EL on top of the months of El Clon and STUD that she hasn't had time to watch yet (thank to a baby daughter who is addicted to Wow Wow Wubbzy and has to see it ALL DAY LONG), I will not rage quit this show at this time.

Here's some vocab that isn't Spanish -

Rage quit - when a player in a video game (usually in a multiplayer game against other people) gets pissy and quits in a huff before the game is over.

Great recap, I really enjoyed this one! So much happened. I only wish Nereida in a nightgown had been on my turn to write. I never have time to watch the show during the week so even though I keep up with things from recaps I only actually see the show on Fridays! I guess this is why people tend to start families younger than their late 30s, when they still have the energy for it!

Judy, thanks for the help on the proverb. It makes so much more sense now. And about the snake, well, if I had been in a tree and seen a snake like that, I think I would have just died of a heart attack on the spot and fallen to the ground with a big thud. I cannot stand snakes.

I, too, think Axel is mostly intact. He seemed to remember the rest of his family, just not Marianela (who hasn't been around very long), and he doesn't remember what happened to him that put him in the hospital but I understand that is pretty normal. So now the big question is whether he remembers what Fedra did to him, either the big thing or any of the lesser abuses. Fork in the road here.

I wish Oliver had stuck around, then he could have arrested Fedra for assault. I thought it was funny when she yelled at him to leave or she would call the police. She always seems to forget that he IS the police.

Ferro, I'm so glad you aren't bailing! I would certainly miss your recaps. I just can't do justice to the ladies in skimpy outfits the way you can :). And "rage quit" is good vocabulary to know; very useful.

We don't know absolutely for sure that Emanuel isn't Emiliano's son, but in conversations between Fedra and Bernardo it's been hinted that Fedra was in love with another guy and was already pregnant when the boat burned and she washed up on the beach.

Thanks for the recap Julia and your title was great too.

Chris, I'm so glad you're not rage quitting. The moment I heard Axel say who are you to Mari I thought, oh crap there goes Chris. I'm also happy it's not complete amnesia.

It will be interesting to see if Kristal goes thru with the abortion as it's usually NEVER done in TNs. have my total empathy. My grandson Jack (also 2) adores WowWowWuzzby and I've seen more of those shows than I care to remember. And having had my third child at 40, I totally commiserate on the fatigue as well. Whoever said "children keep you young" was deluded.

Still, wouldn't change it for the world. And I know you wouldn't either.

Glad Axel's amnesia is only partial so you won't "rage quit".

Judy the phrase should really be "children make you bald and gray". But of course you are right, nobody would ever give their kids back, not after coming home and hearing 'DADDDEEEE!!' like you are a rock star.

Julia – absolutely brilliant title and brilliant recap. The python kiss – that’s an instant classic! The screw loose bit was very clever, too!

I was surprised that they didn’t show Axel coming to. I wonder if they shot the scene and then cut it later.

Note to Carlos: I smell like Tiger Balm now! Thanks for the tip.

Awww, Ferro, your daughter sounds like a total sweetheart!

As I said in the Eva Luna thread, I am so relieved that you are not bailing on us. Your recaps for Friday would be terribly missed!

GREAT recap, Julia! There was so much in this episode and you covered it all. I had a distracting viewing of this episode (someone else in the room, wanting to know what was going on) so I missed a LOT. You filled in all the blanks.

Hilarious descriptions of events, including Spiderus's python kissing, and Netty and Emiliano's kissing! LOL.

Daisynjay, I think I'd consider Emiliano and Netty the "middle aged" contingent of Llena. (Paula and Tio Maximo are our seniors!) Just being nitpicky! And yes, they were really smoking last night! LOL.

I'm all anticipation about tonight's episode. FINALLY does our Emanuel, The Clueless One, get a clue about how he feels about Marianela? How many epiphanies does the guy need? I feel sorry that Brandon will see then apparently kissing, but oh well, Brandon was kissing the Spoiled One not too long ago, so . . .

Oliver and Gretel are adorable. Wow, what a dramatic scene with Fedra last night. Oliver, get Gretel out of there as soon as possible! (Knowing that this is telenovelaland, however, I don't think there is such a thing as "as soon as possible." Alas!)

Julie, excellent.

Great to see some old folks kiss. Now that was a KISS. Pay attention, kiddies.

How funny that Begoña counseled Muñeca to keep silent, then went to the cops herself. Good job. Wonder when those DNA studies will be ready?

Looking forward to meeting post-coma Axel. I really have high hopes. I'm thirsting for vengeance... especially after Fedra's treatment of Gretel last night.

Maggie, I hope the Tiger Balm helps. Always works for me and I love that smell.


I can't figure out what Begoña wants. Is she now over Lorenzo completely and has given up hope that he'll be a father to their child, and she just wants revenge? Is she really a friend to Muñeca, or does she want Muñeca to go down in flames with her husband? Does she see Muñeca as an innocent victim, or a hindrance to Begoña's happy-ever-after with Lowrenzo?

Hey Maggielein...glad the Tiger Balm is working. Must get some. Does it help knees?

Ferro...Señor, we think you're a Rock Star too. So hang in there for Fridays.

Ferro, I'm SO GLAD you are going to hang in there with us. It seemed a shame for you to quit now when the show is finally picking up some steam.

Yeah kiddies, like Carlos says, watch and learn.

Julia, I was confused about Begona's intentions too. Guess I'll find out more right now when I watch tonight's episode!

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