Wednesday, October 20, 2010

El Clon Tuesday October 19: Summary for Discussion

Natalia pulls her hood up and walks away unnoticed leaving Diana standing behind Alejandro with her arms around his shoulders. He doesn’t feel ready for a relationship, he says. He needs time and patience. Diana offers him both and he is grateful.

Enrique talks about how hard it is for the addict to live with his frustration, pain and especially, rage. And rage makes him want to consume even more drugs. The therapist points out that:
Viver es lidiar con las emociones.
(Living means coping with one’s emotions.)
But that is precisely what the addict can’t do. So he numbs himself with drugs. But then he is left with a terrible fear.

And so Natalia tries to numb the pain and rage she feels after seeing Alej and Diana together. Pregnant or not, her fifteen minutes of abstinence are over and she is back with her Zombies. And she’s not willing to share with Fernando. After all, they bought the drugs with her money.

At Empresas Ferrer, another piece of Clara’s world is wrenched away when Lucas informs her that she has been demoted: she is now his secretary. But she shouldn’t worry -- someone else has already been chosen to take her place.

In the barrio, Gloria is happy with Ramón’s latest item: Alej and Diana left the gym holding hands.

When Karla hears how Hilda was nearly thrown out by security at Roberto’s office, she wants to forget the whole thing. But Hilda is undeterred. She calls the Del Valle home number, gets Lucia on the phone and announces that Roberto has a son by her daughter. Fortunately, Lucia is sitting on the couch because she, like so many before her in this story, faints dead away. It’s a good thing Consuelo is there to phone for help.

Roberto has rushed home and is now assuring Lucia that:
Esa historia del hijo es lo más vil que puede existir.
(That story about a son is the most despicable thing I ever heard./literally: that can exist.)
He doesn’t even know that impostor (farsante). He thinks he knows who the daughter is, but he never had anything to do with her. Lucia is the only one he loves.

At Casa Ferrer, Cris is showing Vicki her presents from Morocco. Sour Mama Rosa interrupts the smiling friends to ask what they’d like for lunch. Cris has a yen for Cuban food:
...un plato de lechón con arroz, frijoles y maduritos...
(... a serving of suckling pig with rice, beans and plantains).
Rosa informs Cris very prissily that they never eat pork – too much fat and cholesterol! She recites a politically correct list of pastas. Whatever you like, says Cris.

Rosa grouses to Marisa about Cris’s low tastes but Marisa cuts her short, advising her to join forces with Cris (unirse): Así no sufres tanto. That way you won’t suffer so much.

Natalia phones Marisa with the unsettling news: she is pregnant. She hangs up before Marisa can say anything. The nightmare is starting again, Marisa tells Rosa.

Lucas is no happier than Marisa about the pregnancy. He tells Enrique he feels as if he is living Natalia’s life rather than his own. And he wonders, as he feels his life is passing him by, how Jade is... (¿Cómo estará Jade?)

Not so great, it seems. She can’t understand why Allah let the Shadow cross her path just when she had gotten over Lucas. Allah must be testing her, she tells Zoraida.

No me gusta verte así cabizbajo, Dora tells Daniel.
(I don’t like to see you downcast like that)
Daniel is sad to think that Jade prefers the ‘original’ to him. Dora begs him to stop comparing himself to Lucas. She can’t wait for the hearing tomorrow: Finally the 'misunderstanding' will be cleared up. And Daniel is also looking forward to it. He hopes to hear that he is unrelated to Lucas Ferrer.

We see Natalia wearing a white tank top and walking alone. Then she is in black and walks with her Zombies toward the drug house. She is visibly pregnant. (I’m completely confused by the timing because she looks at least 5 or 6 months along.)

¿Quieres acabar con la vida de tu hijo? (Do you want to do away with your child’s life?) asks the desperate Marisa when Natalia shows up at Casa Ferrer. Natalia retreats to her room, chases Rosa away, and once alone she says: Quiero morir. (I want to die.)

While the women – Cris, Marisa and Rosa – are trying to decide what to do, Natalia runs out the door.

Natalia meets up with Paula. I don’t want to use anymore, says Natalia. Okay, I’ll take your share, says Paula. Natalia snatches back her drugs.

At the Del Valle home, Roberto and Andrea are gossiping about Albieri and Amalia when Lucia bursts in. She was so worried when she didn’t find Roberto at work and couldn’t reach him on his cell. Why she almost had a heart attack. But now all is well and she and Roberto are all kissy-face while Andrea giggles and hides behind a pillow. And Consuelo, whose back is turned to them but is always lurking and listening, sticks out her tongue in disgust.

Consuelo reports back to Skank headquarters that she is ready to give up. That woman never lets Roberto out of her sight. You quit and I’ll sue you says the litigious Granny Skank. And Karla con K continues to have misgivings:
¡Yo te dije que lo mejor era no habernos metido con esa gente!
(I told you it would have been better not to mess with those people!)

Albieri has just gotten home from the librería (bookstore), when the doorbell rings. It’s Daniel. He tells Albieri: If you say that I’m a clone in the hearing tomorrow, you’ll never see me again. I don’t want anyone calling me a clone – not even you!

Luisa excuses herself so they can talk. She picks up Albieri’s jacket and notices a paper sticking out of one of the books he just bought. It is a note in Albieri’s writing: Este libro es como tú, con mucho cariño, Albieri. (This book is like you, with much affection, A)

Albieri does his best to convince Daniel that being a clone is nothing shameful any more than being a test-tube baby is shameful. He is a human being like everyone else. And besides, it may not even be necessary to mention cloning tomorrow.

Daniel feels that Albieri doesn’t get it:
A veces me siento tanta rabia por ti. Me gustaría que sintieras lo que yo sufro...
(Sometimes I feel so much rage towards you. I’d like you to feel what I’m suffering…)

And yet…
… al mismo tiempo no puedo alejar de ti.
(… at the same time I can’t stay away from you.)

Albieri created him and he’s the only person that can give him his place in the world.

The Family Council has assembled once again at Mohamed’s house. Said has been tight-lipped about his decision and now everyone listens attentively when Alí says:
Said, tell us, will you marry Jade or cast her to the winds?

¡Me caso! he says smiling. (I’ll marry her). Rania’s face falls. Alí beams and he tells Jade she is fortunate, that Allah has been good to her.

No one is prepared for Jade’s response:
Pues yo no me caso. No me vuelvo a casar con Said.
(Well I’m not getting married. I’m not going to marry Said again.)

Now Rania and Amina exchange smug little smiles while Jadiya’s face is a mask of grief.

Alí is furious. He has done so much to make this marriage possible and now she is throwing it away. He curses her. Jade accepts the curses meekly. But she can’t take any more. She refuses to go on deceiving herself.

Then I don’t want you either, retorts Said bitterly – not in my house and not in my life. I am burying you, Jade, in front of all these witnesses. I’ll never take you back. And I curse the moment I fell in love with you, the jewels I gave you, the silks, all the gifts…

The Naz looks on, her face streaked with tears.

Jade deliberately removes her veil, her rings, her earrings. I’ll give back everything you gave me, she says. And I’ll leave with what I came with: my life.

She holds Jadiya’s tearful face in her hands, strokes her hair and says: Some day, you’ll understand.

Samira comes up to her aunt: Tía, toma esto. (Aunt, take this). She gives her the veil she just received from her father. They embrace warmly. Latifa is weeping.

Jade kisses Jadiya one more time and tells her she loves her.

Rania continues to look smug.

You shouldn’t let her go, Zoraida tells Alí. She doesn’t know anyone in this city. Let her go, says Alí. When she comes back, she’ll be tamer (más mansa). But now, let her go where the wind takes her.

Said watches miserably, smirky Rania clinging to his arm and leaning on his shoulder, as Jade closes the gate behind her and heads out alone into the darkened street.

Daniel is waiting for Albieri in his office. He notices a photo of Lucas and he takes it down and scowls at it.

Albieri, meanwhile, tells Luisa that he bought the book for her. She doesn’t believe him. After all, he already owns that book. She demands reassurance that he loves her and that he’s never been unfaithful to her. She is, she tells him, the only one he can trust and she urges him not to disappoint her. And now, she says, let’s have dinner with Daniel.

But Daniel is gone. And the photo of Lucas is on the floor, torn to pieces.

Daniel sits on some steps outside, in the dark. He is idly tossing a coin over and over.

At Mohamed’s house the postmortem is in progress. Alí feels betrayed by Jade’s ingratitude; Abdul says it was her destiny; Rania is relieved that Jade is gone. Samira is worried about her aunt and so is Amin who points out that she left empty-handed. The Naz says Alí shouldn’t have let her leave with nothing. Jadiya is sad that her mother had to leave her gold; she warns Rania that it will never belong to her. Rania murmurs to Amina that she can’t stand Jadiya. She would say more but Amina restrains her.

At Casa Ferrer, Lucas sits in his bedroom unable to sleep. He is anxious. He has an oppressive sensation in his chest, almost a pain, as if something is about to happen. Marisa, already in bed, thinks he’s nervous about tomorrow’s paternity hearing. He doesn’t think that’s it. He can’t stand the idea of another Lucas wandering about, living his life, taking over moments that belonged to him.

He decides to go for a drive.

Outside in the Miami night, Jade walks up to Daniel, still seated on the steps. She sits down beside him, laughs, takes his arm and kisses him.

Credits roll.


NovelaMaven thanks again for making this recap more enjoyable reading it than watching this never ending nightmare.

There's no way that baby is Alej. and i think once he finds that out he'll be ready to move on from Nati. Still doesn't look like the three zombies will survive or be free before this show ends.

Like how easy going Cris with Rosa who definitely needs to be reminded she's over stepping her authority.

Poor Clara they did say she would still get the same salary though.

Now for i am absolutely totally done with her stortyline and a WTF moment Jade say what again?It's one thing to go after your own happiness but to leave your young daughter with the step mother from hell is beyond selfishness. It took you this long to come to this conclusion that you shouldn't marry Said again? Unbelievable.

I don't blame Ali or anyone of the rest of them for what they said to her either.

Rania i just hope her glee is short lived because even despite everything the dope has done to Said he does still love her. Notice how he was outside watching her leave. I'm guessing that Jadiya and Rania are going to be clashing regularly.

Blusamurai, It isn't just about Jade finding her happiness, it's about not lying to yourself. As for her daughter Jadiya, she's following her own Uncle's advice which was that once children are born they no longer belong to you, they belong to life. Jade is aware that Jadiya is safe, healthy and with a father who loves her. She knows that one day Jadiya will grow up and get married and that would leave her in a loveless marriage as a second wife. Jadiya is old enough to one day understand why she did what she did which was live her life based on her dreams and desires not on her families wishes. Besides, there are only 9 episodes left, how is it that she has her obvious happy ending while married to Said? Huh.

Excellent recap, NovelaMaven, of a weird and frustrating episode.

On Monday night, Said was given two months to decide whether to take Jade back. Are we supposed to believe that two months have gone by?

Albieri's note was strange, too: 'This book is like you, with much affection, A.' It was a book about cloning. Is he saying that Amalia is like a clone? On the other hand, I liked his response to Luisa's question about whether he loves her: 'We're married aren't we?'

I thought Nati's pregancy was showing too, which isn't possible even if three months [the one month noted in Mon.'s episode plus the two for Said to decide] have gone by. Nati miscarried not more than a month before Leo's wedding so even if she conceived right after the miscarriage, which is highly unlikely, she couldn't be more than a month or two along.

I was also surprised by the mildness of Lucia's reaction to Hilda's annoucement. She did faint but she seemed to accept Roberto's explanation and be reassured that he does love her. Honestly, I expected her to try and kill herself or go after him with a knife.

Then there's Jade. All I will say is that if the goal of the writer was to create a character whose conflicts of culture and love are sympathetic and believable, she has failed utterly as far as I am concerned. She destroyed her daughter's happiness for what? As far as her prospects at this point in the story, she has nothing. If, just for plot purposes, we are setting it up so that she can get back with Lucas by the end of novela, that doesn't work for me either.

I really don't care for Jade or her storyline anymore she is too stupid for me to identify with she acts more like she is the one taking drugs than the three zombies.All i care about now is that Malicia gets exposed as the scheming rat fink that she is. The skanks realize the baby Karla with a K had is not Roberto or even Daniel's son.Alej moves on with his life and stops waiting for his zombie to clean up her act. Rania and her sister get thrown out of the house. As for the Lucas and Jade story when they come on the screen now i think i'll see what else is on TV at that precise moment.

Thank you Jean i threw my pillow when this nonsense was happening so like i said i don't care anymore what happens with her character.

Let's hope that the Naz finally gets her husband at the end of this novela she deserves it.

Thanks, Blusamurai and Jean!

You know that I have liked the Jade character all along but I was also aghast at her decision to walk away from Jadiya leaving her in the care of The Mean Girls. For me Khalil Gibran's poem that begins "Your children are not your children..." is an exhortation to parents to allow their children to blossom, to grant them their independence when they are ready to claim it. It's hardly a justification for a mother, in quest of her own authenticity, to abandon a child whose happiness still depends on her presence.

Here, it feels as if the writers have sacrificed Jade's moral validity to the constraints of the plot.

Yes, Jean, Albieri's note WAS strange. "This book is like you":
-- tedious and two-dimensional?
-- technically precise but plodding?
-- dusty and dated?
It's the kind of compliment that only Luisa could love.

And as for Natalia's clearly advanced pregnancy, maybe she is STILL pregnant rather than pregnant AGAIN. It can happen that an early pregnancy bleed is misdiagnosed as a miscarriage. [But what was I thinking? Then it would all make sense!]

By the way, for those who might think I lingered too long over Cris's menu suggestion: It was because I felt the need to come in out of the dark and hang out with Cris and Vicki for a moment.
[When this is all over, I think we should all meet at Gloria's!]

Jade and Lucas story may not work for Jean and Blusamurai, but I wonder if they ever considered why it did for an estimated 500 million people in over 90 countries around the world. Clearly there is something about it you just don't get. You might have to watch it a few times before you get the magic of this extraordinary love story. If not, then I guess that's okay too.

Hey NovelaMaven, don't apologize for lingering on Cristina and Vicki. They are, along with Gloria, the most sympathethic and attractive characters. It just occurred to me that Rosa has a nerve criticizing Cristina's menu suggestion as too fatty and unhealthy. Isn't she always making cakes for Daniel and Alej? Cristina should order out from Gloria's. I'm sure the food would be better than Rosa's.

NovelaMaven wrote:
"This book is like you":
-- tedious and two-dimensional?
-- technically precise but plodding?
-- dusty and dated?


Blu - lol to your 'never ending nightmare.' ITA... Jade/Lucas was so over for me a few months ago...zzzzzz.

off topic - El Fantasma de Elena plots are moving along really fast; it's a waaaay better-written novela than El Clon.


Hahaha! So true! I had forgotten about all those cakes. But then "Rosa has a nerve ____________"

You fill in the blank. This can't be a multiple choice because we don't have room to list twenty years' worth of bullying!

Mrslmgallego: El Fantasma de Elena is a totally formulaic novela. It has cardboard characters, overacting and every, and I mean every, novela cliche. We're about to get a classic: the baby switch. BUT I agree with you that the plot really moves along and that makes it watchable.

Anon why are you on here being obsessed and getting annoyed by others opinions who don't concur with yours clearly you have issues that need to be address please try to contain yourself if you can't handle what others have to say about this novela. After all at the end of the day it's just a make believe story not a real life happening that you are making it out to be.

NovelaMaven i loved your lingering over Cris's menu if it wasn't so late at night i would've been in the kitchen making something from that menu minus the pork:)

Love your analysis of what Jade and how decision impacts Jadiya excellent point.

Jean and mrsImgallego i'm enjoying El Fantasma De Elena boy is there a lot of crazy going on in that novela but as Jean said it just zips along quickly even if the plots are cliche. It's what makes it watchable.

I don't know if anyone is watching Algiuen Te Mira but that's another good one but this time it's focus on a serial killer targeting mothers who abandoned or have been separated from their children. At least that's the way it seems from the killer's point of view. The hero has a serious drug addiction and with alcohol. It's really good i don't think i ever saw a novela where serial killing was the main plot of the storyline.

Blu- Taking a break from lurking here (I don't watch because I watch Dinero, but I read your comments and recaps), but I wanted to say I also watch Alguien te Mira because I really like Danna Garcia (from Gancho) who plays the main heroine. I like that it's a murder mystery focused on a serial killer. Very different. I think it's the reporter. What do you think? :)

(Sorry for hijacking your Clon comments. Back to lurking now.)

My guess is it's between Mauricio the reporter like you're suggesting but i like the other detective bringing up Julian he is acting very weird so i can't discount him either. Of course Eva who is so into doesn't even want to think about that suggestion. But Mauricio is very creepy i can see how he is the main suspect. The one i don't believe who is the killer is Rodrigo because he fell off the wagon and took up drugs again i think the last killing and Matilde being stalked by the black suv rules him out because he was on drugs at the time.

Vivi i have to ask when is Hasta ending because i see the advertising for the new novela Eva Luna so i think that will replace that one then? In Mexico William and Maite's new novela El Triunfo de Amor starts next week gradually replacing STUD. I wonder when Sylvia's novela is going to start over here i thought that was going to be the one to replace STUD?

Is this the first novela focused on a serial killer? I would say that is original.

Blu- (Last lurking comment, then I'll let you all get back to discussing Clon. I love all of your recaps and comments by the way.) Yes, Dinero ends on the 29th and Eva Luna replaces it. Seems that Clon ends soon too. Meilnama is looking for recappers for Eva Luna if anyone is interested.

And yes, Detective Eva is being a bit stupid being so trusting with the reporter and her doctor boyfriend. They're both creepy. Rodrigo is innocent, although falling off the wagon way too much. Alguien is a remake of a Chilean telenovela, which was considered very original when it aired.

Jade needs to go to Zein. In fact, she may have been thinking about going to Zein's apartment instead of sleeping on the streets. It's also funny that she may have been headed to Christina's apartment thinking she was there and would have learned that Christina now lives with Lucas.

What's interesting about the Jade and Daniel situation is that in the end it may be what draws Lucas back out to looking for her. I think at this point in his situation with Natalia, he doesn't see the problem solving itself anytime soon or maybe ever. As much as he's worried about Jade, he basically feels trapped and helpless to do anything about her situation. As the months go by and he doesn't call or look for her, he's just about conceded to his loss of Jade. Again, if Jade goes to Daniel's apartment and Lucas finds out, he's not going to tolerate it. Frankly, I wouldn't either. I would go to her and tell her straight forward that if she doesn't want to be with him then she can't be with his clone either. Either she forgets him completely or not.

Jade's best bet is to go with Zein. He really wants her and at least he won't be as obsessive or mean as Said. Also, Zein is a Muslim (even if he isn't a practicing one) and would be more acceptable to her family and which in turn can regain their confidence. Who knows, maybe uncle Ali can help soothe things over with Said who would then allow Jade to visit Jadiya on a frequent basis.

Vivi thanks for the info about Hasta. I agree Eva is too trusting not exactly a great attribute when being a detective? I love the originality of this even though it's a remake of another novela because i have certainly not seen it done before? I don't get Chilean novelas in my area:)

El Clon i know is a remake of another novela named the same i remember that it was on late 90's i believe but i never watched it? Now that this is coming to end maybe i might go to see if that one is at least better written than this one. Sometimes some novelas shouldn't be remade if they're going to make it ridiculous.

Jean, but of course you're right about EFDE being formulaic, cliche , et al ... lol! I'm pretty lame-brained, and impatient, so watchable will do it for me.

NovelaMaven, thanks once again.

I can understand Jade leaving. The relationship between Raina and Jade will never get better. Raina is the one that needed to be cast to the winds. The sad thing is with Raina it is not love but obsession. If she really loved Said she would have tried to make it work.

I thought Lucas gave Jade a key to his apartment - why didn't she use it and go there?

I agree that Zein would be the best choice for her but that is not what the TN gods have in mind.

Cris is wonderful, she does bring light into that dungeon, I think even Marisa can see that. On the subject of Marisa, why doesn't she move out and get her own place?

The Nati pregnancy has me confused, hopefully they will clear up the confusion soon.

The best part of the last couple of days is that we were not subjected to Malicia.


NovelaMaven: Am reading this and writing at great speed during my short lunch break. Thank you, thank you for giving me a moment of happiness pictueing that roast pork, the beans, the fried platanos...I can pretend the rest of the episode never happened,perhaps.
I could not believe Jade would walk out on many times did she say she would do whatever it takes to stay with her?

Excellent work, NovelaMaven. I'm late to the party, as usual.

I heard Nati say she was pregnant, but didn't notice the baby bump. Clearly you guys are more observant than I am.

I gotta say I wasn't really surprised when Jade said she wouldn't re-marry Said. Of course, the way it came about was totally nuts, with her bobbing her head enthusiastically every time Alí told her how to snare Said again. So it was kind of sudden. I had thought she'd say yes and then there'd be some kind of deus ex machina to get her out of it, perhaps at the wedding.

Sorry, guys, but I had to skip over a lot of the comments because you were discussing Alguien te mira. Because my baseball team, the SF Giants, is in the playoffs and I don't want to miss a game, I'm waaaay behind on DVR'd recordings of that novela and I'm afraid I'll read a spoiler.

Novelera sorry don't want to spoil your enjoyment of Algiuen Te Mira, understand your dilemma because it's football season and i love my football.

Thank you for the summary. Since the plot moved ahead 2-3 months in 2 episodes we need each other to fill in the missing events.

Gloria has been one of my favorite characters. She's strong, independent and very stright forward about her opinons. I would enjoy coffee etc. at Glorias

Zorida, as an illiterate house servent seems to beable to be in the center of the action but able to maintain her beliefs.

Naz just wants a husband but what a mouth. Her fairy tales at least provide comic relief.

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