Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Llena de Amor #55 Tue 10/26/10 Naco gentlemen and head trauma patients have no memories.

But Delicia gets an eyeful she won’t forget anytime soon!
Episode 55.
Skipping the repeats…
Off in the Los Angeles hotel, Brandon tugs his jeans on over his tighty whities while Ilitia lies in bed studiously ignoring him and thinking, “Ilitia, what have you done?!” Meanwhile, he’s thinking that he’s really stepped in it with all four paws. Once he’s got his boots on, Brandon leans over the bed and tells Ilitia that this was cool, but not good for them, so hasta nunca. He leaves still shirtless and Ilitia repeats, “hasta nunca, policía.”
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I had to scream. Poor Axel is apparently too befuddled to resist Lorena’s dubious charms. They’re nekkid in a blanket, rolling around on the rug all smoocheroony. Lorena says she wants to spend every night with him. “Oh, well, okay, then I guess I want to be with you forever, too,” he says. It might be more romantic if he actually remembered her. Or if it weren’t her. I am really seriously worried about Axel. Will he just go along with anything anyone says now?
Fedra tells Marianela to save herself the trouble of finding out who Fedra Curiel really is: she is a DAMA. She even spells it out for her, d, a, m, a, which makes me and Mari laugh. Fedra forgot the “of the evening.” Mari says she knows Fedra has a dark past and she’s going to find the proof, and then everyone will know what sort of person Fedra is.
Emiliano goes to Netty’s house, where’s she’s hanging out in her robe because it’s late, and tells her he has never felt such a need to be with her as now.
Fedra tells Delicia she wants a special romantic dinner with champagne served in the bedroom for her and her husband. Delicia says she can serve the dinner, but Fedra will be eating it alone. Señor Emiliano went out; he said he had something very important to do.
Or someONE. But Netty is resisting. She says it’s late and he should be home with his family. He says it’s important that he talk to her, please. So she invites him to sit down and fans herself furiously. Emiliano tells her he feels lost; that his entire life is a sham and crumbling. He thinks Fedra is not the woman he fell in love with.
Paula tries to take dinner to Gretel on a tray, but Fedra forbids her to ever serve Gretel again. She says if she ever catches Paula near Gretel’s room, she will throw Paula out of the house forever.
Delicia hears giggling from some downstairs room as she strolls through the sala. “Aha! Kristel and Mauricio! I’ll catch them red-handed!” she says. She throws open the door and is agog to find Axel and Lorena in a compromising position.
Emiliano says he has been blind, but he was in love. Netty doesn’t think that’s a good excuse. By remaining silent, he’s been an accomplice to all the damage Fedra has done to so many people. Máximo tried to warn him so many times, and he just wouldn’t listen. Emiliano swears that he regrets having been such a spineless idiot. He asks Netty to help him. “Me? How can I help?” she asks. He just wants someone to listen and be his friend.
Delicia is not one to apologize and step out. She’s one to stand around and talk about it. “Axel! Really? I thought your motor was burned out,” she says rather rudely. “Can’t you give me and my novio some privacy?” Lorena demands. “Novios? Since when do you have a novia? I thought you were interested in…other things,” Delicia says to Axel. “What are you talking about?” he asks, standing up. Still starkers, of course. Delicia is scandalized, but takes a good look and says, “Oh my! Who would have imagined?!” while blushing and pretending to cover her eyes. Lorena tells her to get lost and Delicia skeddadles with a big grin.
Once Delicia is gone, Axel rapidly dresses, to Lorena’s dismay. “What are you doing? We were having a good time!” He says he’s going to go find out what’s happening, and then he’ll be back. “Seriously? You’re leaving me here like this?!” Yep.
In the dollhouse, Muñeca is not happy to find Lowrenzo lounging on her bed. He tries his Don Juan act but Muñeca doesn’t go for it. She says not long ago, she would have been thrilled that he wanted to reignite their relationship, but now she’s done. She’d rather sleep alone. Low tries kissing her a lot and saying he needs her and everything he’s done was for her. Muñeca is too desperate for attention to analyze that, and she’s down for the count.
Delicia talks out loud to herself while snacking in the kitchen, saying Axel is such a liar. He pretended to be gay, but it must have been a ruse to get all the sluts (cuscas). He must have a long line of them, all waiting their turn (she sounds a little jealous to me). And from what she saw, he must have no trouble reeling them in. Yep, she’s jealous, because then she says, “he’s so handsome, even I’d get in line!” just as Axel himself walks into the kitchen. Delicia swears she’ll keep her mouth shut about what she saw, but that’s not why he’s here. He wants to know what she meant about him liking other things. Delicia says never mind, she must have been mistaken. Axel grabs her by the shoulders and tells her to stay out of his life. He storms away. “Oooh, what a man!” Delicia swoons.
Fedra thought-bubbles that she needs to control herself and not lose her power. She’s fought too hard for her high-and-mighty status to throw it all away like a basket of rotten fish. Emanuel comes in and very calmly demands to know who his real father is. Fedra drops her wine glass.
Out in the garden, Kristel is worried about Nereida’s demands. Mauricio, ever the caring consort, tells her this is all her fault because she wouldn’t just do things his way. If she hadn’t run away from the clinic, the problem would be over. She is incensed that he doesn’t care that she was scared or might have died. Malicio is unmoved. He says she’s going to have to do it, because this baby is not going to be born. Marianela overhears that. “What baby are you talking about?”
Fedra insists that Emiliano is Emanuel’s father, and has been the only man in her life. He asks why he was born so soon after they got together, then. Fedra starts crying and sniffling, all offended that her favorite son would offend her by doubting her like this. Boo hoo. He rolls his eyes at this, but gently hugs her and gets her to sit down.
Marianela asks Kristel if she’s pregnant with the demon spawn of Agent Orange. Kristel says that’s crazy. Marianela says she’s not crazy, but she hopes that Kristel realizes before it’s too late that the only thing Maury will do is destroy her life. She leaves and Kristel throws a fit. Malicio says if her parents find out about this, he will go far, far away and she will never see him again. Dare we dream?
Fedra is still putting on her discombobulated act, and Bernardo comes along and asks what’s wrong with her. “I don’t know; call a doctor or something,” Emanuel suggests. Fedra pouts that her son doesn’t love her, that’s what’s wrong. She asks Spiderus to help her to her room. Emanuel wearily watches them go.
Netty tells Marianela via phone that Brandon went to Los Angeles to see some experts about the helicopter crash, so soon they should know whether Eva’s death was intentional. Netty segues into selling Brandon as a suitable suitor, but Mari says she just doesn’t feel that way about him. “Are you in love with Emanuel?” Netty asks. “What? Who told you that?” “What are you thinking? He’s your cousin!” Fortunately the cousin himself comes along and interrupts this conversation.
Fedra’s lying in bed, creeping upward on the ugly crying scale. Spiderus tries to calm her down, but she says they’re sunk. Everyone knows she’s a liar. Suddenly she is seized with a thought: It’s so ironic that right when Emanuel wants to know his origins, she finds out that Gretel is… “Gretel is what?” Spidey asks. Fedra won’t say and throws him out and goes back to more ugly crying.
Muñeca and Lowrenzo are…vacationing in the Netherlands, so to speak. But Low still answers his cell phone when Fedra makes a booty call. She says she’s had the worst day ever and feels like a caged animal. She needs to see him immediately. Low tries to put her off until tomorrow but she insists, NOW. Muñeca tries to get him to hang up the phone, and Fedra hears. “Are you in bed with your WIFE, you BASTARD?” He continues trying to pretend this is a business call and says he’ll get in touch with her tomorrow. Fedra’s furious and says he’d better not tell her no, especially not to “hacerle arrumacos con tu esposa” (get busy with your wife) . Muñeca takes the phone and tells Señor Landeros that her husband is busy and will have to call back tomorrow. She hangs up on Fedra.
Fedra has a little breakdown and mutters that her life is falling to pieces. Nereida tells her she’s been summoned to see Carloca.
Emanuel and Marianela go in his bedroom and close the door so they can talk privately. Good job, kids. Mari says she was just arguing with Netty because Netty would really like to see her married to Brandon. Emanuel says no way can she marry a guy she doesn’t care for. “And you can marry a woman you don’t love?” Mari asks. He has no answer to that. Mari says she’s tired of this weird game they’re playing; no more unless he tells her how he really feels about her. “Are you or aren’t you in love with me?”
Carlota imperiously tells Fedra she’ll give her one chance to prove her loyalty to the family: Take this phone, call the police, and turn in Bernardo. Right now, before he hurts Marianela. Fedra says there’s no way he’s guilty. Carlota says she heard him herself, and he’s not what Fedra thinks he is. They have to get him out of the house immediately. Fedra says the one who will be leaving this house immediately is Carloca, because Spidey was just following orders. “I am the one who won’t rest until your gross obese niece is out of this house, away from my family, and away from my son!” Carloca is flabbergasted.
Wow, Fedra’s really losing it. She tells Carloca “git out, you crazy meddling old hag, I’m the one in charge here.” “You are not getting rid of me so easily! I’ll make sure everyone finds out what a monster you are!” “Okay, then I’ll tell everyone how you tore Gretel out of her mother’s arms so I could raise the low-class thing like a daughter!” “You wouldn’t dare!” “You keep my secrets, and I’ll keep yours. You have my word.” “Your word is worth nothing!” Carloca officially declares herself Fedra’s enemy. “Ooooh, look how I’m trembling!” says Fedra, shimmying flamenco-style and blowing kisses as she departs.
Emanuel has had to sit on the bed to think. “Never mind, your silence says enough,” says Mari. She sadly starts to leave, but he stops her. He says he’s just confused, but he really cares about her and likes her. “But not enough to tell anyone,” Mari whines. She says Brandon was better in that sense; he wanted everyone to know they were dating. Emanuel begs her not to be so rigid. He loves her, but he’s still engaged to Ilitia, and it’s all a disaster. Well, then that’s that, says Marianela. But one more thing: don’t send any more cards or chocolates! She leaves, and Emanuel collapses on his bed. “What am I going to do?”
The next day, in the city of angels and fallen angels, Ilitia orders breakfast. Her agent/partner Mariela comes in wearing quite an outfit and yells at her for the scandal at the fashion show. Ilitia tells her she doesn’t care what the clients think. “Fine, you’re on your own then!” says Mariela, who abandons Ilitia right then. Brandon comes into the restaurant and takes a seat, looking at Ilitia with googly eyes. She pointedly looks away.
Emanuel visits the dollhouse and Muñeca tells him Ilitia is out of town and she asks what happened between them. “Sick jealousy, as always,” he answers. She asks if what Ilitia said is true, that he’s in love with his cousin. “What does that matter? I need to talk to Ilitia,” he nonanswers. Muñeca begs him to swear that he’ll fix things and marry Ilitia, who has nothing else in her life. Well, way to sell your daughter there, Muñeca. What a catch.
Brandon ogles Ilitia and thought-bubbles, “oh, now you’re ignoring me, after that night we had together!” Meanwhile, she’s trying to hide behind a menu and thinking, “What a hangover! How could I fall so low?”
Fedra wears exceedingly ugly shiny silver animal-print leggings, the better to stalkily crawl across the desk. She hisses at Bernardo for letting Carloca overhear him talking about the crime. Fedra tells him the old hag tried to make her turn him in to the police, so they’ve got to get rid of her. He is to drive her to the airport and make sure she gets on a plane. Spiderus wants to know how Fedra is getting Carloca to leave, but she won’t tell him. He says he knows all her secrets; she says not all. After all, she can’t trust him not to spill secrets to the lowly servants in bed. He gets mad, which inspires her to speak in the third person: Fedra Curiel knows no limits and is indestructible! Spidey thinks Emanuel is not going to give up. They argue about who is at fault for the family’s suspicions. Fedra says the whole family is rotten. The only one who doesn’t have any problems is Kristel. Kristel walks in right on cue.
Mari tells Carloca she doesn’t want to go to Spain, and Madame Hedgehog Hair can’t make her. She insists there’s nothing going on with Emanuel; it’s over. Tia makes her swear that she’ll forget about him so she can leave in peace. Mari agrees and wonders why Carlota wants to leave so suddenly. Carlota says she’s got important business. She warns Mari to be very careful of Fedra.
Kristel sweetly begs Fedra to give dear deserving Nereida a raise. It just seems like the right thing to do, that’s why. Fedra says no way, y punto. Fedra tells Spidey to find out what’s going on with Kristel.
Brandon snags Ilitia as she tries to leave and says they need to talk.
Muñeca tells Emanuel she’s afraid Ilitia will do something awful if he breaks up with her. Again, what a catch. Who wouldn’t want to marry someone who always has one foot in the manicomio? Flora runs in and tells them that there was a call from the orphanage; Manzanita’s mother died. Much sadness.
Ilitia insists that nothing happened between them. “Well, then I had a rather strange dream, or maybe I was sleepwalking,” says Brandon, “but I assure you, it was a VERY good dream.” “Well, good for you, but for me, it was a nightmare,” Ilitia says. “Naco gentlemen have no memories,” he assures her, and kisses her hand. She smiles.
Fedra tells Doc Peralta she wants Gretel out of her way. He says they can keep her sedated.
Carlota brings Marianela and her new lawyer with her to say goodbye to Fedra. She wants to make sure Mari’s situation is very clear.
Gretel hastily packs a suitcase. She tries to leave, but her door is locked from the outside. “If I stay in this house, Fedra will kill me,” she worries.
Carlota wants Fedra to sign a document saying she’ll give the house back to Mari when she gets her inheritance from her father. Fedra says she’s changed her mind and she isn’t signing anything. Carlota excuses Mari and the lawyer so she can threaten Fedra privately. She says she’s given the lawyer a letter saying everything she knows about Gretel’s parentage and Fedra’s and Bernardo’s guilt. If anything happens to Carlota, Marianela, or Máximo, Pacheco will go to the police and Fedra will spend the rest of her life rotting in prison.
Avances: Ranting, raving, the whole family gathered as Fedra points a gun at Marianela, Gretel, and Oliver.
Fundido – burned out.
Fiera enjaulada – caged wild animal.
Arrumaco – kisses and groping. What Fedra does not approve of Lowrenzo doing to Muñeca.


Silly us. Earlier we were thinking that Eman and Delicia would make a good pair, tch tch now I'm thinking it will be Delicia and Axel.

Discombobulated act is right. What was Fedra feining? Hear attack? Vapors? Acid Reflux?

Haha! Creeping upward on the ugly crying scale...Ferro will be proud. He hates ugly criers.

I thought it was hilarious how Fedra mimicked Carlota's affected Spanish lisp when she was yelling at her. Fedra's a nasty piece of work yet she maintains her own style.

Madame Hedgehog Hair? That's too funny. Stop making me laugh.

OK, I'm now officially in Brandon's fan club even though he's a big-mouth-bass kisser. When he said naco gentlemen have no memories I swear I swooned.

Gretel, dear sweet Gretel, when trying to sneak out of the house do NOT grab your biggest, brightest neon colored bag. Sweetie, throw some undies in your backpack and split.

Wasn't it awesome when Fedra called Lowrenzo and Muneca hung up on her? I loved that part.

Should we add licenciado Pacheco to the list of those in danger? Thanks Tia Carlota.

Julia, what a superb recap starting with your perfect title. I'm SO GLAD I checked the blog before turning in for the night. This was worth waiting up for. And thanks for the great vocab words. Arrumaco and fundido seem to be particularly useful. I know I will use fundido by the time Friday rolls around.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Julia. My recording was deleted before I could see it (it's a long story—GAH!!!) and while I was able to see the episode online, there were no closed captions. Following your recap was of immense help, and you made me laugh out loud several times!

Wow, Fedra is getting more and more shameless!

It looks like (as far as I can see so far) that Tia Carlotta tends to limit her crimes to baby-snatching, but draws the line at murder. So while she really REALLY needs to pay dearly for what she did to poor Paula, Gretel and Maximo, I guess she has her limits, unlike Fedra. And big hate for Fedra for shooing poor Paula away from seeing Gretel, now that Fedra knows that Gretel is really her (Paula's) daughter! Can Fedra sink any lower? Oh, I'm sure she can!

Yeah, it was funny when Muñeca hung up on Fedra!

Yeah, I think they're setting us up to see a future couple with Axel and Delicia. Delicia is absolutely hilarious. I couldn't believe her audaciousness when she burst in on Axel and slutty-girl and "had a good look"! LOL. I look forward to more with Delicia and Axel.

I was also charmed by Brandon's "Naco gentlemen have no memories" and it looks like Ilitia was too! Sigh!

Oh my Julia, I don't know where to start admiring your great snarky comments. And a great recap, especially the detailed dialogue recaps.
"Fedra wears exceedingly ugly shiny silver animal-print leggings, the better to stalkily crawl across the desk.' Weren't those the worst, but very apt for her. Fedra was in prime mode in this episode and I have to say, though the character drives me nuts, the actress was an absolutely hoot. She just brought it to every scene and isn't afraid to just get "ugly" when she has to.
And Delicia - how priceless was that opening scene? I'm with Sylvia, I immediately thought "That's it - Axel/Delicia will be novios before this thing is over!" He just needs to get slapped up the side of the head again and get his brain back.
Little bummed by Muneca, but at least it turned out funny the way she hung up on Fedra, so it served a good purpose.
So Brillo top is leaving for Spain...and somehow I think Mari will be following too soon. Even if Eman admits his feelings, she's making some enemies with her new confidence. She may need to skip town.
Oh, and Emi...I'll be your friend and listen any day. Lord I love that voice!

Hi Miss Julia. Clever title--way to pull in two themes in one. Nifty. Also got a big kick out of your "someONE". Yes, I thought it was pretty cheeky of Emiliano to show up so late at Netty's house....and demanding tea and sympathy to boot. But she didn't let him off easy, that's for sure.

In addition to being funny, you were also quite poetic at time. "City of Angels and fallen angels". Very nice.

Now about the slurs on Tia Carlota's hair. As you know, I HATE HER for what she did to Paula and Gretel. And I hate the violet tint they've put on her hair. But the hair itself...Gawd, I'd kill to have hair that thick at my age. At any age, really. Believe me gals, once you get into your seventies, and you're not only losing hair, your eyelashes are thinning out, ugh! not fun.

So I'm sticking up for the hedgehog coiffure. Just not the person underneath it.

PS I too thought Fedra was hysterically funny last night. She's really camping up this role which makes her evil plots seem less daunting.

And Sylvia..."acid reflux"!!!!! Funny.

Thanks for the recap Julia. Missed the episode so really appreciated your vivid portrayal of events.

So sorry I missed Delicia and Axel. If they end up being a couple, I will be very happy.

I missed yesterday's episode and was beyond horrified to learn about Tia Carlota. I'm with you all that feel she's dead to us (particularly you Judy). I really hate baby stealing and giving the innocent child to one of Satan's helpers to abuse. But I think the element of TNs I hate the most is rape.

My name is Emilia and I approve of this snark!

Julia, great recap. love your description of the action between Low & Muneca-Vacationing in the netherlands-love the phrasing. I may need to use that sometime in the future if you don't mind. I wonder who else will be going on vacation soon? :)

Julia. just simply fantastic. I was so close to skipping out on this show but stuck with solely because of marvelous recappers. I'm so glad I did. This episode was so much fun.

Fedra is rapidly becoming one of my all time favorite villain. She's evil, she's sensitive (regarding herself), and she is hilarious, not to mention her earthy sensuality and over-ripe beauty.

Like the rest of you, I see Delicia and Axel as a pair... sooner rather than later. I imagine that Axel's gay fans are disappointed in his drift to the other team, but he was never all that enthusiastic about gaiety. Too bad his introduction came at the hands (so to speak) of that slutlet Lorena.

I think it's funny that Lorenzo and Muñeca have swapped places groveling. Unfortunately, the needy Muñeca caved way too soon. Actually, she out to just kick his sorry butt out and take up with Fidel.

OK, who will be first to bite the dust, Nereida, Begoña, or Tia Carlota?

Ilitia is my rehabilitation project for this TN. She reminds me so much of Coni in Gancho with her self-centered shallowness and drop-dead beauty. I don't have quite the same affection for her but I'm very fond of the character and her acting.

Finally, happy birthday Sylvia. I hope that this time my information is correct.


Carlos, I vote Tia. Fedra has the most to lose if she blabs, and knowing our cunning little minx, she'll figure a way to off her and keep that lawyer info from least for awhile. Who knows, our lawyer friend may need to watch his back too.

And Sylvia, if Carlos is correct, may I add my best wishes as well! A little oldie but goodie to help celebrate:

Thank you Julia. You had some funny lines in this one. Always enjoyable.

I also am really worried for Axel. I was hoping that Delicia would fill him in on his life and his mother. How long until he returns to himself. It will probably take another traumatic experience to make him remember.

Love, love, love the way Marianella stands up to Fedra. Also how she just came out and ask Eman if he is in love with her or not. And where is that box of chocolates? Who will wind up with them. Since Mari ate one of them and it didn't kill her I suppose they are meant to make her sick and kill her over time.

Oliver hurry and save Gretel.

Having a hard time working up much sympathy for Kristel. I was hoping after the abortion clinic she might have a change of heart and start acting like a human but it seems she is just as awful to everyone as always.

Ay yi yi, Carlos..."slutlet" I like it. Sooo, Sylvia, have you had another birthday? If so, have a Happy. And lots and lots of cake!

I wonder whether Axel remembered to get back to Lorena, or if he just left her stranded there. I hope the latter. I agree he and Delicia are probably getting together. Wish someone would show a little concern for his amnesia, though, and fill him in on some important information.

That was not entirely smart of Carlota, tipping her hand to Fedra like that. Now the poor lawyer is in danger. She should have distributed multiple copies of the letter to different people and told Fedra that she had done so, but not said who had them.\

How does Fedra think she's going to keep Gretel locked in her room? People are going to notice. Isn't Marianela currently sharing the room with her? Also, can't she get out the window?

Happy birthday, Sylvia!

Julia, your title and that line were the best. Period.

Amazing recap. Along with what others have noted, I also enjoyed "Fedra wears exceedingly ugly shiny silver animal-print leggings, the better to stalkily crawl across the desk".

Fedra's bared her fangs and showed her true colors albeit to a not quite worthy rival. Carlota is a child stealer, Fedra is the ultimate child abuser. Carlota ruins lives, Fedra takes them.

Axel and Delicia - great idea. Guapos made me a huge fan of "Upstairs/Downstairs".

Sylvia, I howled at "big-mouth-bass kisser". Happy birthday amiga!

Great comments all.


Happy Birthday Sylvia. Hope you are having a great one.

Julia, this was a marvel! What a terrific, funny read.

Sylvia – hey, birthday buddy! HB! Mine’s Saturday. The big-mouth bass thing – so true! Plus he’s so rough with his kisses.

JudyB – the eyelashes too? Crap.

Emilia – VERY clever!

I didn’t get to comment yesterday, so here goes: Who the heck is Carlota, anyway. Or rather, what is she? Though she’s often too quick to judge, she can be so kind, and she can be the flaming sword of justice. So how can she be so cruel to Paula? And last night we didn’t find out what her debt is to Fedra, and she said it was paid off. Will we never know? And why did she go along with Fedra’s ordering her to return to Spain? Why not unmask Fedra right on the spot? Is it because of the Gretel/Paula/Maxino secret?

To back up a bit – did the other girl at the abortion clinic really die on the table?

Maggie, I think that Carlota's debt to Fedra is just over the Maximo/Paula/Gretel thing. I think that Fedra stands to lose as much or more by that revelation. Looks to me like that is a Mexican standoff. Not that it matters... I don't think that Carlota will be with us much longer and I don't just mean that she is returning to Spain.


Happy Birthday, Sylvia!!

And Maggie thanks for your recap yesterday.

Happy birthday, Sylvia!

I want to add a LOL to "big mouth bass kisser." I love Brandon but cannot figure out what the deal is with his kissing technique! Yikes! But I love my favorite naco.

Just checking in to say I am a full-fledged Caray recapper now, so can cover for you tomorrow recapping Llena.

Carlos, you are so right. Today IS my birthday. Gracias amigo, you're such a sweetheart.

Daisy, for a new friend you already know me so well. The pics are fantabulous. Le pant, le heave. I luvs FC as a pirate, sigh. Wouldn't I just love to run across him on the high seas!

Judy, yes another year passes by. My birthday cake was a gynormous pan dulce frosted in bright pink sugar which I of course shared with others. It reminded me of the lesson I learned from my first TN Alborada, the tutorial about cochineal. Anyone else remember that?

Diana, have your heard about the new Upstairs Downstairs? I can't wait to see it.

Diana, Julia, Karen, Carlos, Daisy, Judy, Sweeney, Maggie, Lynda and everyone else, thanks so much for the birthday greetings.

Maggie, you and I are birthday buddies, that's so cool. Happy Birthday to you too!!

Emilia, you are too darn funny. Thanks for the laugh.

Answers: I think the girl in the clinic died, that's why Kristel is so freaked out. My money is on Begona biting the dust first. However I don't bet, but I still think Begona's the first goner of the three, then Nereida, then Carlota. Bear in mind I usually guess very badly so there you are.

Sweeney, thanks so much for doing Thursday's recap. I know everyone will really appreciate it. I won't get to watch tonight's and tomorrow's episodes until Friday so I'll have plenty to catch up on.

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