Wednesday, October 27, 2010

El Clon Tuesday October 26: Summary for Discussion

Countdown to the Gran Final continues

In the labor suite, the doctors whisk away mega-baby. Nobody seems to be answering Natalia’s questions. And outside, the family waits.

Alí gets back to Mohamed’s house with his and Zoraida’s Aeronovela tickets for tomorrow’s return to Fez. When Zoraida asks permission to take a purse to Jade – she needs it and she has no money to buy one – Alí reminds her angrily that she is not to speak Jade’s name in his presence. Let her beg in the medina, for all I care!

But as soon as Zoraida leaves the room, he slips a wad of cash in the purse.

At the hospital, Nati is wheeled out of the labor suite on a stretcher and Alej follows along. In the waiting room, the doctor tells the family that drug use has damaged Natalia's heart. She will be in the Observation Unit for now. They will have to see how she responds to medication.

Zoraida arrives at Dora’s apartment and gives Jade the purse, admitting it was just a pretext for a visit. Jade asks about her Tío Alí, and Zoraida tells her the sad truth: that he curses her and refuses to hear her name.

Latifa is upset when she catches Samira talking to Carlos on the phone. Your father will never accept a non-Muslim, says Latifa. And I’ll never accept that brat my father found for me in Fez, retorts Samira. She is in love with Carlos; and besides, he’s going to covert to Islam.

Latifa’s response: You’re killing me! (Estás acabando con mi vida!)

Daniel tells Dora about his fight with Lucas. They argued and then they got in each other’s faces. Afterward, they talked about their lives. Daniel remembers this conversation (which should resonate with anyone who’s ever watched a western):

Lucas: En este mundo no hay lugar para los dos.
(In this world, there’s not enough room for both of us.)
Daniel: No, no cabemos.
(No, we don’t fit.)
Lucas: ¿Por qué no te vas? ¿Por qué no te desapareces?
(Why don’t you go away? Why don’t you disappear?)
Daniel: ¿Por qué no te desapareces tú? Tú eres el desperdicio!
(Why don’t you disappear? You’re the left-overs!/the trash that no one wants.)

Daniel vows to Dora that he won't let Lucas take Jade away from him.

Jade and Zoreida continue their visit. Zoreida unfolds a towel to reveal the shards of the magic coffee cup and the remnants of the reading of Jade’s future. It is as cryptic as ever: Zoreida can’t distinguish Lucas from his shadow. She does see a man who disappears, shrouded (envuelto) in the desert. And as for Jade:
Tú pierdes la mitad de tu corazón.
(You lose half of your heart.)

Jade is looking at the purse and is surprised to find money inside. Zoreida smiles, recognizing Alí’s handiwork.

In the hospital nursery, Alej gazes at the giant baby in an incubator. His son.

Albieri surprises his old friend Alí, showing up unannounced at Mohamed’s house. Albieri needs advice; he has a feeling a storm is coming. Alí says:
¡Tú la llamaste, Albieri! Tú convocaste las nubes, tú convocaste los rayos y ahora te sorprende que una tempestad esté por llegar!
(You summoned it, Albieri! You called the clouds, you called the lightning, and now you’re surprised that a storm is coming!)

In another part of the house, the Naz is ready to call in her IOU. If it weren’t for her collaboration, Latifa would be sharing her husband with Zuleica, she reminds her cuñada. What’s her price? She whispers it into Latifa’s ear.

Albieri complains of having no way out of his dilemma. That’s because you want to win everything, says Alí. Not only do you want the whole world to applaud you, you want those who have suffered because of you – Dora, Leo, Daniel and Lucas – to recognize your accomplishment.

Your only worry, he tells Albieri, is what price you’ll have to pay for telling the world about your clone. But God beat you to it when he created Eve from Adam’s rib!

Then Mr. Science and Mr. Faith go a few rounds – but we’ve heard it before.

Across the street at Gloria’s, Diana is looking for Alej. Ramón tells her about Marisa’s visit. Diana knows what that means: She tells
Pablo that Alej has probably gone back to Nati.

As soon as Diana leaves, the Naz runs up to Pablo and beaming happily, asks him if he’s really going to Morocco. He says:
Bueno, me seleccionaron para darle clases de defensa personal al Sheik, aunque no sé si me escojan porque quieren alguien casado.
(Well, they selected me to give classes in self-defense to the Sheik, although I don’t know if they’ll end up choosing me because they want someone married.)

Just think, says the helpful Naz, if you were married to a Moroccan woman, it would be much easier.

And when she leaves, Pablo is also beaming. [Is this a Just Naz story coming true?]

The sKanks are squaring off against Roberto. While Lucía, angrier every time we see her, waits outside, the judge questions Karla. She has no trouble telling her rehearsed lies about her six-month ‘romance’ with Roberto. But she is stumped when the judge asks her where their trysts took place. She looks to the UbersKank and the lawyer and then asks the judge to repeat the question.

When in doubt, faint or cry. Crying works better here. Karla is so verklempt she can’t answer. But Hilda can and she calls out that they used to meet in her house. Yes, chimes in the miraculously recovered Karla: Nos encontrábamos en la casa!

Caro and Clara are talking over Fernando’s narrow escape and hoping that he learned something from it. Clara was glad to hear him talk about his old band. He said he wanted to go see them.

Fernando does call a guy from the band and arranges to come to a rehearsal, just to hang out.

Enrique to therapist: I betrayed everyone I cared about. I can’t forget it. How can they?
Therapist: They may not have forgotten but they still want to see you. They miss you too.
Enrique: I can’t risk it…

Fernando can’t risk it either. He gets as far as the building where the band is rehearsing, but he doesn’t go inside. Instead, he seeks out his old drug buddies.

He finds Paula sitting on a low ledge. She just barely escaped, she tells him, and the only way she could get out was to sleep with el Perro and his gang. But now she is clean. Fernando will have to look elsewhere for his drugs. No problem. Fer turns to another stoner sitting on the ledge.

Jadiya’s Reign of Terror in the House of Said continues. Rania interrupts Jadiya’s conversation with Jamil and Amie -- she is telling him that when a wife has no gold, it’s because her husband is a nobody (un cero a la izquierda, literally, a zero to the left). How is it that this kid has any friends? -- to say that it’s time for Jadiya to study. Jamil and Amie have to go home. Jadiya refuses. She’d rather dance, she says. And she turns on the music.

Rania hasn’t picked up any parenting skills since the last time we saw her. So it’s not long before she and Jadiya are shouting curses at each other. Rania raises her hand to strike …

… and Said walks in at that precise moment. Rania, he shouts angrily, put your hand down! And he walks away.

Rania turns to Amina and tells her she can’t take it any more. Said will have to decide: it’s Rania or Jadiya, not both. Or let Jade take her!

…and once again, Said walks in just in time to catch her out. And, for old times sake, he glowers.

At Casa Ferrer, Leo is just now hearing about Nati’s baby. Rosa tells him that both mother and baby are in trouble and nobody knows if they’ll survive. Leo immediately blames ‘the two of them’ – they never knew how to control Natalia. And by the time he found out about the problem, it was too late.

Rosa answers the phone. It’s for Leo, but he indicates with a shake of his head that he’s not available. Who is calling? Malicia? repeats Rosa, just as Cris enters the room. She’ll pass the phone to La Sra Cristina, she tells the caller. Oddly enough, when Cris takes the phone, there is no one on the line. Leo raises a hand as if to say “Don’t ask me”. And the expression on Cristina’s face makes it clear that she knows.

Abdul covers his eyes to avoid haram in the streets of Miami, and Mohamed walks beside him as a sort of seeing eye sin catcher. And that is when he catches out Samira in the sinful act of talking to a boy. In the street.

Zein arrives at Dora’s apartment and asks to see Jade.

Albi shows up at the clinic and asks Anita, Julio and Escobar if they’ve seen Luisa. They all say no, although Anita is lying. Julio warns Albieri that, when it comes to an angry woman, he should be ready for anything. What do you mean? asks Albieri.

Well, how about denouncing him before his peers? Because that is precisely what Luisa is doing. She is in the office of Dr. Villegas of the State Medical Board and she has come to file a complaint against Albieri.

At the hospital, the doctor has news for the family. Natalia’s condition is stable and she is out of danger. Sadly, the baby’s condition has worsened. The doctor thinks he’s unlikely to survive.

Alej walks down to the nursery and sees that his son’s incubator is empty. He’s in intensive care, explains the nurse. She tells him to trust in God, that nothing is impossible.

Luisa hands over all of Albieri’s clone documentation to Dr. Villegas. She confirms that Dra Silvia’s denuncia was accurate, that Albieri cloned a human being 20 years ago; that he implanted the embryo in a woman without her consent and she has only now learned of his deception; that he is a clone of the son of Leo Ferrer.

What will happen to Albieri? Will he lose his medical license? she asks hopefully. At the very least, says Villegas.

Luisa is very pleased with herself. She phones Anita from her car and begins: No sabes lo que hice! (You’ll never guess what I did). But since Albieri is standing right in front of Anita, the conversation has to be postponed.

Julio tries to explain to Albieri that when he chose Amalia as his confidante, Luisa felt betrayed. It would be easier for her to forgive a love affair

Julio also tells Anita that she doesn’t realize how serious the situation with Albieri and Luisa really is.

Meanwhile, Albieri receives a call from Villegas asking him to come to his office.

Alej is seeking comfort in the hospital chapel. As he prays for the life of his son, he is joined by Marisa. We have to have faith, he tells her. God is going to hear us. And Alej seems a little surprised when Marisa answers: Yes, I know that's so.

Zein and Jade talk while Dora watches from a distance in the classic crossed-arms pose of the skeptic. Zein declares his love and proposes marriage. Jade has two weeks to think about it.

When he leaves, Dora tells Jade how upset she is about Lucas. She’s not about to let anyone hurt Daniel.

And as for Jade’s relationship with Daniel, the only thing she wants to know is if Jade loves him and will stick by him. I’m very confused... begins Jade. Dora cuts her off: Then you don’t love him!

Jade tries to explain about Daniel and Lucas being the same person and about dreaming of him for 20 years. Does Dora know what that is like? It turns out she does.

You said you didn’t go away with Lucas because of your daughter, says Dora. And now you want him to leave his daughter for you?

It’s not the same, Jade protests, my daughter was a newborn at the time. Dora answers:
Es muy fácil querer que el otro deje su equipaje cuando tú no estás dispuesta a dejar la tuya.
(It’s very easy to want the other person to leave his baggage behind when you’re not disposed to leave your own.)

The only thing that really matters to me is my son’s welfare, says Dora. I can tell you this, answers Jade: I’ve decided to go to Morocco.

Mohamed and Abdul are now back in front of the house. Mohamed says he’s not feeling well and he hurries inside.

Marisa has come to see Natalia in her hospital room. She tells her the baby has respiratory problems and is in intensive care.
Nati says: It’s my fault, isn’t it? It’s because of the drugs, right?
I’m very sorry, says Marisa.

Mohamed storms into the house, eyes popping, steam coming out of his ears. ¡Te vi! he shouts at Samira. ¡Te vi con un occidental! (I saw you with a westerner) She is killing her father, her mother, her whole family. The roof is caving in on them!

The roof fell down a long time ago, observes the Naz tartly.

Samira will be sent to Fez to live with Tío Abdul!

Never, she tells her cousin Zumaya. She’ll run away first, she’ll hide in the desert!

Poor Roberto is still in the hearing with the sKanks. He tries to say that he never went to Karla’s house and there was no relationship between them, but the judge silences him, saying he’ll get his turn later.

Hilda entertains the court with a work of fiction that begins: “He was like a shining armor I must say…” Roberto said he was separated from his wife. He wanted a son with Karla because his wife was unable to give him one…

Lucía waits impatiently outside. She calls Andrea who agrees to come by the courthouse after bringing a change of clothes to Nati in the hospital.

Hilda embroiders the lie by bringing Consuelo into the story. And Roberto sits and listens and reflects that it is a nightmare.

Alej phones Pablo to tell him that Nati has had her baby. Diana guesses that Pablo was talking to Alej and wants to know what’s going on. With some reluctance, he tells her.

The final scene takes place in Rogelio’s office at Salamandra. Malicia sits across from him. He says: I’m reading Raul Escobar’s formal complaint against you and the truth is, it’s a disgrace. You robbed him!

Credits roll


Thanks so much, NovelaMaven, for your delightful recap. I especially enjoyed your noting that Rania "hasn’t picked up any parenting skills since the last time we saw her," that Said glowers "for old times sake," and that Mohamed serves as "a sort of seeing eye sin catcher." I'm afraid, however, that not even you are able to clear up the main mystery: how will this TN end in three days when the writers clearly think they have three months left?

One anvil that did seem in the process of dropping last night was headed toward Malicia, but that gave me much less satisfaction than I'd hoped for. Why should Rogelio be the one to call her to task? Indeed, I half suspect that she'll be able to wriggle out of his accusation, since neither she nor the writers seem aware that the TN will end on Friday. No, for me, Cristina should be the one to undo Malicia. We seemed headed in that direction until (apparently) someone dropped the script and all the pages scattered randomly.

Also, what's with Paula announcing that she's clean? We've seen how it's been next to impossible for Nati and Fer to clean up their act, but the insufferable Paula succeeds in a matter of a couple of days?

OK, OK, ya basta. My calendar lied: we have three more months of "El Clon."

Nooooo!!!! Not three more months of El Clon. But I know that we have three more days, really four, 'cause the gran final is 2 hours.

Juanita picked out some great lines. I also like the idea of Lucas and Daniel's conversation coming from an old Western.

So Pablo might go to Morocco. Where did that come from? They must have cut something where the Naz read about this. She had a newspaper in the scene where she whispers her price to Latifa.

The coffee cup is not only broken, it no longer apparently needs coffee grounds to tell the future.

It's too bad that these court proceeding don't have cross examination. Roberto's lawyer could have shredded Karla and Hilda wouldn't have been able to help. Note to the sKank's lawyer- do a better job of prepping your witness.

It was amusing when Dr. Villegas at the Medical Board told Luisa that of course she is denouncing Albieri because of her high ethicial standards. Quite the opposite. As they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Leo seems to have just opted out of his whole family situation. I understand his desire but it's pretty low to blame Lucas and Marisa when he interfered in their lives so much.

I hope that they are hoisting the anvil over Malicia. We'll see how it plays out.

Dora did speak to her in the most frank way. Jade needed to be put into her place. Dora told her that if she's confused about Lucas and Daniel then that means she doesn't love them at least doesn't love Lucas anymore. Either way, it would seem by the previews that she's going to accept Zein's offer. Zein had that smile on his face which can only mean that Jade has made the choice to forget Lucas completely and move on with her life.

Jean and Juanita, thanks for the nice words.

As for the sKank trial, I suppose the testimony hardly matters. The real question is: Did the science project work? Did Roberto's swimmers make the journey? 'Cuz if they did, no one is going to believe how they got there -- unless someone, say Consuelo, rats them out. And even if they find out the sKankecito was conceived with stolen genetic matter, the world would still have to deal with his existence: a new species, half del Valle, half sKank. Why Karla could be as famous as Albieri! (Maybe Amalia could write her bio too)

Pablo and Morocco... hmmm. My first thought was that Alí himself was the sheik in question and the whole thing was concocted to snare Pablo for the Naz. Any one remember Sherlock Holmes and 'The Red-Headed League'? (You know, an ad is aimed at one person although it pretends to be addressing the public at large)

I wonder if we're going to get a quick snipping of hanging threads followed by a 'years later' vignette: Where are They Now?

So. Where do you think they are?

Hi NovelaMaven: I agree. The testimony in the sKank v. del Valle trial is pointless without the DNA results.

I think Alí has enough on his plate with his nieces without getting involved in the Naz's matrimonial schemes. But why do we have to speculate on how this 'Pablo goes to Morocco' plot line came about. The writers or the editors ought to make sure that we have the foundation for this part of the story. It was the same thing when Nati got pregnant again. It was not made clear when that could have happened so that it was a complete surprise when she announced it.

OK, I can see a years later scene of a zaftig, triumphant Naz, a passle of kids and a frazzled Pablo.

Oh come on, Jean, give the writers a break. You can't expect them to spell out every detail for you. They only had 7,686 onscreen minutes to work with. :)

Love the Pablo/Naz scenario!

NovelaMaven, thanks once again!

It looks as if the Naz will finally get her man! She will make him very happy, I am sure.

Last night was beginning to shed some light on the final outcome of some of the plot lines. Will it be Nati or the baby that won't make it? Our dear Malicia may be getting more than one anvil for Halloween (Rogelio and Cris).

I can see Paula going straight after a night of sex with the drug lords - it would be enough to scare anyone straight. She will probably end up with some horrible STD but she so deserves it.

I can see Marisa and Said ending up together and as I have said before, it would not be a bad deal if it caused Raina to get kicked to the curb.

I do not care about Roberto & Co. They can live the rest of their days in the courthouse as far as I am concerned.

It would be wonderful if the TN gods would allow you and Jean to write the next TN.


NovelaMaven ROFL from this recap OMG especially the Naz comment i was laughing so much after she said it.We may not get most of these stories resolved by the time the two hour Gran Final ends on Friday but at least we'll have a great time discussing some great lines in the final hours.

Juanita please don't say three more months of this i already going bald from pulling my hair out over these convoluted plots they cooked up.

Jean i'm thinking right with you why isn't the judge allowing some cross examination in this trial. Even if let's say the turkey baster was successful didn't they still illegally get his DNA without his consent? So therefore they aren't entitled to squat. I would like to see all three of them locked up with this hairbrained scheme of theirs.Maybe Andrea coming to court will shed some light how she always saw Consuelo leaving with some envelope from their house everyday for awhile. But knowing Roberto he'll still won't put two and two together.

I believe by that look Cris had on her face she is going to take down Malicia. I like that Rogelio eyes has been open to how devious Malicia is i wonder if he will give her a choice her job or give the Chump back his apartment.

Dora straight forward and taking no prisoner i love what she said to the idiot. How is it you couldn't leave your daughter but you have the nerve to ask Lucas do that to his? Naturally when someone gives this mentally challenged person some home truths about herself and actions her response is it's not the same.

NovelaMaven is that an accurate count on the minutes these writers had to work with? Even with that amount of time they still are driving us bonkers with how everything has to be almost cleared up when it ends on Friday.

The only thing that I could think of and maybe the writers could have added was that Nati was pregnant with twins and lost one, and the Dr. did'nt realize that there was another baby, after all her father is a twin so twins could run in the family. And LOL to the many references to the BIG baby, we get it and it's still funny! I'm so gonna miss this telenovela but especially this blog site. - Angie

Blu, it IS accurate -- 42 minutes times 183 episodes, give or take a few hundred minutes. Incredible, no?

How about this --
Malicia, stripped of her job, her apartment and car, her reputation, slinks away in disgrace. Some years later, however, she surfaces in Colombia where she is is charge of continuity on a major Telemundo production.

Thanks, NovelaMaven. I especially liked "seeing eye sin catcher".

Well, Mohammed didn't stay chastened by his narrow escape from marrying Zuleika long, did he? He's back to bug-eyed rants again. And how could he possibly be cruel enough to send his raised-in-Miami daughter to live with Medieval Abdul?

Sandra Echeverría must have whiplash from reading these scripts. They've given Jade as many mood swings as a bi-polar person. Now she's going back to Morocco? ¿Qué?

I'll say this much: If Zein came to MY door madly in love, it would be bye bye Lucas, Daniel, Said, and all other males in Miami.

God I hope Malicia doesn't talk Rogelio around this time. I don't think I can wait until Friday for an anvil to at least give her a preliminary glancing blow.

I want The Naz to get a man, but not Pablo. I have him reserved for Andrea.

It was refreshing to hear Dora talk some sense to Jade. And for once she didn't bridle and defend her irrational positions.

NovelaMaven you may be on to something but usually Malicia plots work out quite well for her for a long time so we can definitely say she wasn't a continuity person for this novela what a darn shame:)

Incredible yeah that's how many minutes were used to make this novela.You can use that word but some how i think the phrase pure madness running amok fits better for this novela. Quite catchy too don't ya think?

NovelaMaven: good, very good recap!
"C'mon Jean, do you expect the writers to spell it all out for us?" No! We don't need their stinkin' writers! We have NovelaMaven and Jean!
Now, just how did Rogelio get ahold of a copy of Escobar's legal complaint against Malicia? Was that Clara's handiwork? Did I miss something? I agree, Rogelio doesn't make a very satisfying anvil. Cris would be better!

Joan, the night Escobar came over with flowers and hope of a reconciliation, he brought a copy of documents from his lawsuit against Malicia. Clara had asked him to give them to her, but I don't know if she expected him to show up when Rogelio was also there.

as usual, more estupidezes.

how about Zein for the NAZ?

Mslgallego: don't you think the Naz deserves a shallow toy boy she can boss around? Oh wait, maybe Zein would be interested after all!
Anyone hear reference to Clon starting at 9:30 PM PST tonite?
Maybe I misheard.

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