Friday, October 15, 2010

Llena de Amor #47 Thu 10/14/10 Polly Purebread finds out she's a Peripheral Puppy

Hooray, the telenovelas are back!!

Muñeca tells Ilitia that she has every right to know the truth. And the truth is, “You aren’t my daughter.” Lowrenzo glares at his wife.

Eman is sitting with his Tio and affectionately tells Gretel that this was a night of surprises. She fidgets when he tells her he’s happy she’s in love with her policeman. She tries to deny it, love disgusts her. He laughs and tells her he saw her kissing Oliver and he couldn’t be happier. He describes what it’s like to be in love and she says yep that’s it! Is that what you feel for Ilitia? Cara impactada de Eman.

Kristel fakes being happy that Mari is moving back in to Hell House. It’s all an act for Tia Carlota. Fedra fakes felicity too.

Brandon arrives and Kristel quivers in pleasure. Emiliano explains to Carlota that this guy is Mari’s boyfriend. Fedra sneers and Kristel leers. Brandon tells them to relax, he and Mari are over.

Ilitia rightly asks how they could have kept her adoption a secret for so long? She hates them both! Lowrenzo clarifies, Ilitia is his real daughter. She asks how can that be? (Really? Does she not know her father at all?) Muñeca says daddy boinked another mujer. Lowrenzo begs Ilitia’s forgiveness but we know how her mind works. She wonders how her mother could give her away like a peripheral puppy. She says she hates the sight of them. “Get out!”

Begoña’s been talking in the dark since Friday, wondering how Lowrenzo could adore Ilitia but shun her own adorable Christian.

Mari has hustled Brandon outside to explain to him that she’s only there while Tio is sick. He reminds her that she only thinks of him as a friend while he truly loves her. (Hey, weren’t you macking on Ilitia earlier? Oh well, change of scenery I guess.) Eman interrupts them.

Paula visits Tio and Gretel remarks that Paula has special feelings for her uncle. She’s grateful that Paula cares for her Tio and for them too. Their happy hug is interrupted by Crabby Carlota. Gretel sets Crabby straight. Paula has been like a mother to them! She demands to know why Carlota treats Paula badly. Crabby gives her snobby response, “she’ll never be a part of this family!” and Gretel scowls.

Fedra and Spiderus/Bernardo skulk and plot to thwart Carlota’s mandate that Mari get the house and money. They want Tio’s document and since Mari will be in their clutches it’s the perfect opportunity to take care of her once and for all. Spiderus tells Fedra to make sure Mari has sweet dreams (i.e. Fedra’s going to give her knock-out drops) and he’ll take care of the rest. Fedra cackles that they’ll get to wear black after all. Yikes.

Lowrenzo drinks straight vodka and blames Muñeca for everything. She tells him that Jacqui’s in town, knows everything and has threatened to go to the press in order to come between Ilitia and Eman.

Jacqui visits Begoña and the flesh is bustin’ out all over. Begoña’s worried about Jacqui’s encounter with Lowrenzo but Jacqui snaps her fingers and says there’s no man she can’t control. We’ll see.

Mari’s raiding the refrigerator and Delicia is advising her to snack on her cousin. There are many cultures where cousins marry. Mari says not in her family, it would be a scandal. She puts the food back and announces she’s on a diet for the beauty contest. Speaking of scandal, Fedra joins them and kicks Delicious out.

Brandon and Netty commiserate that Mari has decided to stay in the same house as Fedra. Netty can’t believe she’d leave a place where everyone loves her. Brandon educates Netty, Mari’s in love with her cousin.

Fedra performs fellatio on a gigantic chocolate bar in front of Mari’s face. But our little marshmallow has grown a spine and she blurts out it’s Fedra’s fault that her son is in trouble. She knows that Fedra forced him to be with a prostitute when he was twelve. Axel told her everything! “You destroyed the child’s innocence!”

Fedra gives Mari a mighty slap and seethes that Mari’s not going to see half a cent. She insults Netty, Mari’s parents and happily watches as Mari starts gasping for air. Just then Carlota comes in and demands to know what’s wrong with Mari. Fedra jams the chocolate bar in her own mouth and shrugs.

Netty accuses Brandon of being drunk, but he says it’s not the beer, he speaks the absolute truth. That’s why she always goes back to the house. Netty frets but Brandon reminds her that love is crazy. He reveals that he and Mari were never really novios, it was a farce. He cries in his beer.

Muñeca calls Emanuel to give him the angst update. He’s the only one who can help Ilitia now.

Carlota reveals to Fedra that Mari has her attacks when something upsets her. “What upset you honey? Tell me.” Crazy Fedra music plays in the background.

Tio Maximo advises Benigno to watch out for Mari and protect her from Fedra. Paula surprises Benigno by bringing him a plate of food and tells him that Fedra insisted on making the meal and wants him to eat everything. Tio advises that if Fedra made it it’s got scorpions or rat poison in it. Paula looks indignant but I can’t imagine why.

Oh dear, the family is enjoying what is no doubt another toxic repast. However Mari announces she’s not hungry and intends to spend her time caring for Tio Maximo. Ha ha, she just ruined Fedra’s meal.

Netty tells Gladiola that Mari has a secret love that will surely bring sadness into her life.

Fedra’s down (or up?) in the lair of Spiderus pitching a fit because Mari refused to eat her drugged food and plans to stay in Tio’s room. Spiderus consoles her by volunteering to dress up as a robber and shoot Mari in the head.

Mari is down in Tio’s room reading him to sleep. She stares at Benigno’s venomous vittles…should she? No! She’s on a diet!

Muneca discovers that her special prescription of suicide pills is missing. Eman arrives and all hell breaks loose as they break the door down. Yep, pills are scattered all over the floor. “My daughter follows your example!” shrieks Lowrenzo.

PSA alert. Oliver is reading an absolutely fascinating magazine. Why look, it’s The History Of Mexico. He just can’t put it down! Brandon interrupts him blah blah PSA they fight over it and a close up of the magazine. Moving right along...

It’s night time and a dark figure slips into Tio’s room. He removes a document from Tio’s drawer, sticks it in his pocket and promptly knocks a music box over. The dark figure grabs Mari and points a gun at her head. Outside the door is another dark figure with a stiletto, knife that is. It’s Cat Woman, oh wait, it’s Fedra and she hides. Benigno runs in with a gun in his hand and his slumber mask on his forehead. The first dark figure backs out dragging Mari with him. Dark figure pushes Mari away and there is a shot. Cat Woman runs. First dark figure runs and Benigno fells him with another shot. Dark figure jumps up and kicks the gun away as Cat Woman watches, hidden.

Eman jumps in the shower with Ilitia. No, no that way, they are fully dressed and he’s trying to wake her up.

Cat Woman, who has remained hidden so far, suddenly decides to trip over lamps, bump into walls, make noises and get chased out of the basement.

Lowrenzo mutters that Muneca is the only one to blame for putting Ilitia at death’s door. His pleasant musings are interrupted by the Mafioso that visited earlier. The Boss needs a favor; he wants to stash his stash in Lowrenzo’s house. An unpleasant discussion ensues but the gun wins and Lowrenzo doesn’t get his way for once.

They are out of the shower and Ilitia needs a little TLC and reassurance that it’s OK for her to be the daughter of a nobody. She says Eman’s the only one who can console her. He really steps in it and reminds her that they’re getting married in a month, so cheer up! Then he looks like he wants to be the next to swallow pills. She happier she becomes the sicker and more full of despair he appears.

Our lame ladrones burst into Bernardo’s lair, he holding his bum and she in a snit because they don’t have the document. But wait, he whips out said paper and Miss HotAndCold is happy once more. Until she spies her pal bleeding all over the bed. “You’ve got to get the bullet out,” he instructs. Man, Fedra’s night just keeps getting better. She flips open the stiletto and gleefully moves toward her patient, licking her lips.

Next morning over breakfast Emilio is aghast that Benigno didn’t wake him up after the intrusion. It turns out nobody heard the commotion including the two shots that were fired. Eman is aghast that Mari was threatened and he wasn’t home. I’m aghast that this family is able to sleep through gunshots yet again. Were they drugged again? I guess so.

Nereida brings Spiderus his juice and antibiotics in bed because he’s “suffering from a serious stomach infection”. She decides the cure is a little romp and jumps on top of him. He yells “my leg!” and nearly jumps through the roof. Nereida demands to know what he’s hiding from her and tries to pull the blankie off of him.

And still no word on Axel.

Un cachorrito periférico = a peripheral puppy (like a mongrel, not a purebread I think)
No es la chela, es la neta = It’s not the beer speaking, it’s the absolute truth
Ladrones = thieves


Hysterical title, Sylvia. Love it, love it, love it. Your description of Fedra's work on the fudgesicle or whatever it was....very saucy. Recap of shower scene also. Naughty girl. And my favorite was "lame ladrones".

Sounds like they packed a whole lotta drama into this one show. I missed it but feel like you have distilled the very best of it for us all. Thanks amiga.

Good morning Judy. Yes, last night was a busy one for this show. I just realized that Fedra's switchblade was the carjacker's that she picked up off the ground. What a fun toy for her.

Great job Sylvia. I too enjoyed watching Fedra and her chocolate bar. Your description is hilarious and hits the mark. She she seemed to be enjoying the chocolate almost as much as taunting Marianela. Marianela clearly would have liked to have a bit of that action herself. I think those two are amazingly funny together.

Also very entertaining when paired together are Fedra and Bernardo. What great bumbling cat burglars and the disguises were so effective. Who could have ever recognized them? I love Fedra's surgical technique. I don't believe she made any attempt to clean the knife blade, much less sterilize it. Good thing he's getting antibiotics. I'm starting to worry a bit about my own compassion. I cracked up when Nereida pounced on him for a little sexual healing.

I wonder if anyone will notice that whenever Fedra cooks, everyone sleeps soundly.

What about Axel. Has the search for him been called off? I don't recall even a glimpse of him last night.

Judy, I hope you get a chance to watch Fedra pleasure the chocolate bar as Mari drools as well as our bumbling burglars.

This was a fun episode and your replay is delightful. Thanks.


As always, you've done a fantastic job Sylvia. As wonderful as it was to watch the Chilean moners rescue unfold, it felt good to get back to the show. What a crazy episode, and the bumbling Bernie and Fedra were a hoot last night. I kept wondering too why NOONE was coming to the rescue, but it makes all the sense that Fedra once again slipped them the sleeping sauce. I guess I missed that.

"happier she becomes the sicker and more full of despair he appears." As much as we want to dislike Itlitia for her spoiled antics, gotta feel for her a bit to find out about her background. Low-life was almpost frantic to get her to forgive him, I thought he was going to really unload on Muneca. But poor Eman, coming to the rescue for one of his damsels in distress oince again, but it's the wrong one and he knws that now. He was breaking my heart with those choked-back tears.

And speaking of breaking my heart, Brandon was really pulling on my heart strings too through this episode. wonderfully played by Armando-

I want to know more about the whole Paula/Maximo love story...and why Carlota is such a bitch to her.

Daisy, I want to know more too! Paula is very sweet and so in love with Maximo. When other people are around Carlots is very snotty to Paula. When they are alone they seem more like equals.

I have also been concerned about Fedra's hygiene habits. She sure handles her food a lot, the tampering notwithstanding.

Thank you again for a brilliant recap!

Many LOL moments, including the description of Fedra with that chocolate bar!

I can hardly wait to hear more about Axel! What's next for him?

Finally our clueless hero Emanuel has had an epiphany about which girl he really loves, but how can a guy dump the "wrong" girl (who just swallowed a bunch of sleeping pills), so he can be with the "right" girl! Aw, Emanuel, what a situation you've gotten yourself into. (Good acting by Valentino Lanús again.)

And of course I agree, daisynjay, a great performance by Brandon (Armando) as well.


Great recap, Sylvia. So, so funny. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Fedra was molesting that poor chocolate bar.

Ilitia's snobbery is normally eye-roll-inducing, but I did have a little sympathy when she found out her parents have lied to her for her entire life. I wonder how long it will take for her to stop blaming Muñeca for all the problems Lorenzo has caused.

Emanuel was really awesome, hauling Ilitia into the bathroom to wake her up and make her vomit and then staying there with her all night even though he clearly is over her and didn't want to be there. Interesting how no one minded that he stayed there nearly nekkid, when they all threw a fit when Ilitia stayed the night at Casa RydT. I guess now that they've picked a wedding date it's okay?

I also thought it was funny that Ilitia and Brandon were both acting like their lips had never met, Brandon getting tears in his beer over Marianela and Ilitia claiming Emanuel is her only reason for living.

Fedra and Bernardo are so stupid. Why would they wear black and masks to prowl around their own house? That just automatically makes them suspicious if they get caught, whereas if they looked normal they could pretend they had some legitimate reason for going in Máximo's room if they were caught. Morons.

Sylvia: I just loved your recap. It was perfect. What a wonderful title - definitely sidebar worthy.

Best line: "Fedra fakes felicity". Runner up: "Spiderus consoles her by volunteering to dress up as a robber and shoot Mari in the head". What a man. NOT!

"Brandon arrives and Kristel quivers in pleasure". She should be so lucky! 'fraid not beyotch..

I've missed some episodes so I'm in the dark on 2 issues: Along with Begoña, I'm wondering why Lowrenzo isn't owning up to being Christian's father. Second, do we know who Ilitia's mother is?

Best couple: Gretel and Rocky (err, Oliver).

Best improved part for an actor (zero to hero): Bman.

Thanks again Sylvia!


Thanks for the recap Sylvia. Most others have mentioned your best lines.

Diana - no, we don't know why Lo isn't claiming Christian's father aside from the fact he's evil and slimy. Also, we don't know who Ilitia's parents are.

Hi all, Happy Friday!!

OK, my theory is that Low-rent-zo is a slimy lowlife who knocked up a high society lady. Said lady was terrified that she had given birth to Satan's spawn, so she willingly let Lo and poor Muneca (the clueless) adopt Ilitia. Making her a higher class than Daddy dearest. She'll find out that Emanuel isn't a Ruiz y de Teresa, therefore not good enough for her. Ummm... wait, isn't she supposed to end up with Super-Naco Brandon? Neverrrrr minddddd!!

I believe it will be proved out,eventually, that Ilitia's mother is Jackie's mother. Remember she and Muneca were close friends and Jackie says she knows the secret. So I think that's it. Besides, Low-rent likes to boink friends' wives, so that would be fitting for him to have gotten Jackie's mom pregnant. I'm sure he doesn't realize who Jackie is.

Emilia! TGIF and it's great to hear from you.

I think Low-rent-zo wants little Christian all to himself. He's just waiting for the opportunity to steal the kid away from Begona.

Barbara, you've been right before and your theory totally makes sense. Wouldn't it be diving justice for both Jacqui and Ilitia to end up being half sisters?

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