Tuesday, November 23, 2010
La Verdad Oculta #49: The Márta Mystery Magnifies

On the front drive, Juan José encounters Gabriela whom he wants to fill in on the rest of the details of his life, and they agree that she phone him meeting plans later. At the city holding tank, Leonardo dismays Marcos with the true value of the lot of diamonds; but Leonardo fails to believe his claim he threw them away after the jeweler's suspicion.
Leonardo's interest is piqued to learn about the shoes where they were hidden; and he also fails to believe Marcos trashed the shoes in L.A. At Mario's, Gabriela confuses Alejandra asking about David's mother's identity, suggesting the name Márta; but learns Mario's wife's name was Alicia Ordóñez instead.
Abelardo happily offers Mario's library to Santiago, and they enjoy contemplating helping Juan José whom Santiago likes. Abelardo astonishes Santiago showing Mario's letter to him about Dora's revelation; and Santiago fervently desires to catch the true perpetrators, upon reading it.
At the jail, Leonardo denies Marcos's claim he could have carried the diamonds to the D.F. in his pants -- and that his supposedly erstwhile suspiciously-named girlfriend ("Margarita Goodday") is out of the picture and in the dark about them. When Marcos describes the black platform shoes, aside to Ramón, Leonardo connects the Ávila shoes story to this story.
At Mario's, Bertha proclaims to incredulous Alejandra that she's interested in Adolfo, because he can help her stay out of poverty and retain their inheritance rights as true relations over David. Adolfo seems to have some power over the Genovés; and all the better, he hates David -- whom Bertha also despises now. She takes a call from Leonardo to Gabriela, but doesn't pass it on for her own reasons.
Santiago and Dora weep together in Mario's office over their respective secret children; he completely sympathizes with her over David and surprises Dora by admitting Gabriela is Mario's biological daughter -- and that they are both cowards afraid of losing the childrens' love; but they will have to tell them one day.
Juan José and Asunción agree at the hotel suite that "Mario" isn't such a bad guy at all. When Asunción asks if Elsa knows about this, it reminds Juan José he's supposed to meet with Marcos that night at the renovation house. Asunción is worried the cops will connect Juan José to Marcos and the jail break.
At Elsa's she catches Lúlu up on her failed romance with Juan José -- failed despite looking out for him the whole time he was in prison; and Lúlu embarrassingly has no compunction about calling a spade a spade: that women can be such boneheads when they are in love.
Meanwhile at the hotel suite, Asunción makes no substitute for Elsa, and Caramelo is missing her a lot; she thinks of her like a mother. At Elsa's, that angel Mauricio collects a stunning Elsa in evening dress to take her for sushi at a favorite restaurant of his.
David returns home just as Alejandra warns Bertha about agitating against Gabriela; and everyone is surprised to hear from Abelardo that "Mario" already departed for San Miguel de Allende -- without even saying goodbye! Gabriela attempts to assuage David's worry, but he's still dwelling on Mario's cowardice against the Ávilas and their contract.
If it's not one thing Carlos is annoying him with -- it's another, David claims pointedly; and when Gabriela guesses he means her, David harasses her once again about the beach-house trip and the ring gift. She re-explains and reassures him she loves only him -- adding importantly, that it's the reason she lets him continue to rebuke her. David begs her to remind him every day how much she loves him, and she will.
Their make-up kiss is short lived, when Bertha butts in to relight the flame under David with news of Leonardo phoning Gabriela. Gabriela demurs at first, but at David's choleric reaction must reveal she wants Leonardo to investigate the claims stirred up by Bertha about Santiago and the woman in the grave.
Bertha exits with a big smile after inciting a full-blown fight between Gabriela and David over his fury about her little boyfriends from the past -- and hers regarding two girl cousins, including one meddlesome flirtatious one.
But Bertha isn't around when Gabriela completely disarms David's anger by offering to consult with Leonardo in front of him. David deflates in refusal; and they make up again, with David begging her forgiveness and finally showing that he trusts Gabriela.
Marcos uses his one phone call to connect with his "aunt" (Susana), and she finally figures out he's in jail and that he wants her to lay low at the tunnel house with the wigs and photos and wait until they can figure a way to help him. Meanwhile, a kimono-clad attendant greets Mauricio and Elsa at the Japanese restaurant, impressing Elsa with new sights and ways she's never experienced.
Leonardo visits Julieta at home to reach absent Gabriela, but instead brings up the strange shoe case and doesn't learn much; when he wants to see pictures from the trip, canny Julieta won't retrieve them from Gabriela unless he fills her in. Cheery Santiago arrives, but has some of the wind taken out of his sails when Leonardo insists the case of the stolen cuff link is important -- despite Santiago's denial.
Juan José arrives to meet Marcos at the renovation house, but the night watchman (Chucho) says no one has been there yet; so Juan José decides to wait. Back at the Japanese restaurant, beautiful Elsa is gushing over how well things are going for her and how much she has, when Mauricio looks into her eyes and earnestly vows he's ready to give her everything she wants and deserves.
Next morning at breakfast at the luxury condo, Yolanda is just wondering why Adolfo is saddling her with the archeological pieces job when he explains he needs someone trustworthy -- but that Félix was not available and won't tell her why. After a phone call from Bertha where Adolfo makes a date with her, Yolanda scolds him, insisting a girl his son's age would only be after his money; and Adolfo is not pleased.
Then both their attentions are riveted on the morning paper, showing Marcos being arrested for the diamond theft. No shoes or accomplice were mentioned; and Adolfo's sure they're his diamonds, but not so sure Marcos is connected to the shoes. Damning Leonardo, Adolfo's sure the cop would not forget about Gabriela's shoes, though; and Yolanda is frantic they might wind up in prison. Adolfo calls (lawyer?) José Luis to visit the prison and check it out.
Yolanda phones Santiago at home and makes urgent plans to meet with him. Juan José runs by Elsa's, missing her; but the neighbor Lúlu gives him an address where she can be found. Across town, Gabriela encounters Leonardo in front of their apartment building; and when she surprisingly asks about the case of Márta Saldívar de Guzman, he astounds her in turn by reporting the woman was a dancer -- who was murdered!

Labels: verdad
Jeri, how well you captured Ale's elation! Floating on a cloud, deliriously and deliciously happy after that passionate kiss from Juan. Lucky, lucky woman.
I can't recall any novela with such passionate galans. David and Juan smolder and their passion, from love to anger is palpable. Their ardor with both Gabi and Ale is tempetuous and explosive. "Gabriela completely disarms David's anger ...David deflates in refusal; and they make up again, with David begging her forgiveness". Wonderful!
So many beautiful phrases in this riveting, glorious recap: "Bertha exits with a big smile after inciting a full-blown fight between Gabriela and David over his fury about her little boyfriends from the past".,..Perfect Jeri.
I was so happy that Elsa was completely entranced and enraptured with Mauricio who "looks into her eyes and earnestly vows he's ready to give her everything she wants and deserves". Oh my....
I suspect love for Leonardo will have to wait a while. He's still beguiled with Gabriela and will need to end his infatuation before he can be open to love.
Jeri, another masterpiece - thank you.
I am out til next Monday and wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving...
How nice to relive such an intense episode between all our couples in your excellent recap. You recaptured it with all the nuances in play.
I'm in a swoon. Let's face it, I'm in luuuuuuuve with Mauricio. What is Elsa waiting for--he wants to give her everything she wants and deserves--I'm sure that includes his fine self.
It was a nice touch when Maury tucked Elsa's hand under his arm as they left her apartment. Wish we could have been there to see him saying goodnight to her.
This story just can't get any better. There's something for everyone.
Looks like the LVO gang is not taking Thanksgiving off. Hope everyone has something to be thankful for and enjoys The Day and the nightly show.
Yes, it seems like we are on for Thursday from what I hear.
I will check to make sure -- and anybody else wants to back us up on that, please do.
Schedules don't get properly changed sometimes.
So, is the show on the whole week? Even Thanksgiving night? I'll have to check my listings. I'm at my parents' house on Thursday and Friday, but I can get my Friday recap up over the weekend as usual.
Diana- have a wonderful holiday!
On to the show: I am really losing patience with David. What will it take for him to finally trust Gabi? If she didn't have a fling with Leo while they lived in the same building/on the same floor, she certainly is starting something with him now. He knows she's trying to investigate this Marta thing. What's it to him? It doesn't hurt him (that he knows of) that she's trying to figure out this mystery. Can she not have any male friends? Jeez! And can't he see what Bertha's intent is each time she throws this stuff out? He melts under Gabi's gaze and says he trusts her, but it's never true. What will it take?
Loved, loved, loved Medina and his gentlemanly date with Elsa. I also took note of his taking her arm and putting it in his. I think it's so cute how much taller Elsa is than him when she puts on heels. And she cleans up very well. She looked beautiful in that dress.
I loved seeing Adolfo sweat as he tries to figure out if Marcos being caught will lead back to him somehow. I love that he has no idea how this guy came to have his diamonds.
JJ is scoring more points with Ale, but he needs to let up on Elsa.
I was just thinking about all the puzzle pieces and clues in this novela. It would make a great board game: the hidden treasure of gold bars; the cufflink; the diamonds in the shoes; the wedding present ring; the hidden tunnel; the gravestone of Marta; the pictures from L.A.; and the mysterious contract. I'm sure there will be more of them to come.
Vivi, I agree with your frustration about David trusting Gabi. However, I felt a shiver (and NOT a good one) when Gabi took down Juan's phone number. An innocent act but surely to be misconstrued by our mistrusting galan. He'll probably head into a tailspin simply finding the number. I'm sure the actual scenario will be "worse", i.e. Bertha overhearing her call him or (shudder) having Bertha see them if they get together.
thanks for the details. Now for some questions. What did Dora's
letter reveal?
1)..that she is David's mother.
2.. did she write about the Mirador
murder as well?
3)I believe Yolanda has her own place, but she was there bright and early at the condo; was that
to do a delivery?
4) Are the recappers bilingual?
I am studying Spanish now and adore
the language. Many thanks
This novela is really good, intricate, interesting, and needs much less use of the beanie to adjust focus.
I like that Faustiago is starting to get caught up in Mario's life and to care about JJ, Dora, maybe he won't stay away long.
Liked the way Gabi stood up for herself with David and Bertha. She should tell David everything so nothing else comes up unexpected like this, but we know she won't. I can, see, too, that she might not want to because of his reactions. He totally needs to lighten up. Don't like that she's always asking for permission to see her Dad or sister, ridiculous.
Leo is just great, putting all the pieces together. He hasn't quite gotten the truth out of Marcos but I bet he will.
Bertha, evil evil evil, setting up Santiago/Mario to be killed again telling Adolfo where he is going.
David is really annoying me right now. What a short fuse. I agree, isn't Gabi allowed to have any friends at all. David is taking his jealousy to a really sick level in my opinion. When I saw JJ and Gabi make a date to talk, I thought, no not again, David is sure to find out and blow a gasket again.
Bertha is proving to be a better spy than Roberto. Adolfo looks like he is very smitten. Is Yolanda jealous, lol.
Our smart Leo is putting the pieces of the 'diamonds puzzle' together very nicely.
Mauricio is a real gentleman with Elsa. He is introducing her to new experiences which she needs and deserves after all the bad experiences and events in her life.
Judging by Santiago's immediate desire to catch the real perpetrators after reading the letter, it contained information about the Ávilas -- probably including Dora's story and what Mario also experienced at their hands.
I was a little taken aback that he didn't keep it in a safe but instead took it home to his bedroom. That is going to be trouble if you ask me.
I can only speak personally, but I am not bilingual. Spanish was the fourth language I studied in school besides English -- including also French, Italian, German.
I met my Wisconsin husband as we were both university exchange students in Germany 24 years ago this Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving's our favorite holiday, and all we students there made a big American celebration.
My B.A. is in Journalism, so as someone might guess, English is my first love; from the U. of Arizona, Tucson, which I call my home town. We currently live in Chicagoland with our two cats, Wilbur and Rocky; no kids.
The presidio of Tucson was founded by Spanish mercenary Irishman Hugo Oconor in 1775 and has a Padre Kino Mission (San Xavier del Bac) that is called the White Dove of the Desert, still a parish church for the original inhabitants, the Tohono O'Odham (Papagos).
I liked the bonding scene between Dora and Faustiago- both too afraid to tell their children who they really are.
For an unknown reason Márta became a rare name in my country and I don't see it often, so I always freak out when I read my name and the words murder/mystery/crime in the same sentence. :)
For CS09-viewers: Leonardo and Mauricio are becoming the Doctorcitos of this show. Men who are purely adorable.
Floridia: I'm definitely not bilingual but I think some of the recappers are. English is my second language*, German** is the third and Spanish is the fourth. Spanish is an awesome language indeed, it's melodic and quite complex.
* If you're interested how a recap in my language looks like: Firefly
**(But unfortunately I forgot it completely except "Sowjetischen Besatzungszone", "Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind? Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind." and "Frau Lehrerin, ich melde Ihnen, die Gruppe ist zum Unterricht bereit". :))
Actually, Arturo still looks great.
I don't know if it's only in the NYC area, but most nites channel 41goes off around 12:30 a.m. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. They show a paragraph which starts "debbe travajar". It goes by so fast that's all I can come up with. It's so frustrating.
Thanks so much Jeri for the links and the recaps Ladies. I appreciate it so much. I love this novela.
Anger management classes might help David but he is frustrated by the recent change in his Dad and the fact that the Avilas have taken advantage of Mario in their busiuness dealings and his dad won't allow him to remedy that. Now with Gabi he is insecure but that really might be a reason for the class. He can possibly ruin his marriage by his jealousy. Gabi is trying to play it safe by asking for permission but that can really get old.
J J and Ale have a a great mutual attraction so I wish J J would just resolve his emotional issues with Elsa and get it over with. They need to reunite as friends for Caramelo's sake. Elsa needs to help Cara and Limon needs his own tutor as well especially if he is to be a suitor for Dora.
Here' wishing Adolfo many sleepless and anxious nights worrying about the diamonds, the ugly shoes, Marcos, Roberto and especially the all knowing Leo ( I kneel to you.)
What about a romance between
Dora and Santiago? Then the only father Gabi knows can be married to
David's mother.. keep everythng in the family and start anew. I think
Yolanda may be too jaded for Fausto.
That time I was talking to Luis Gática online, he said his wife and he were going across the street for sushi, too.
I'm wondering if they make a distinction between Japanese and "sushi..."
BTW, just in case someone reading is not aware and is just picking up the recaps from the front page of Caray each time: there is a list of all the recaps in one place.
Check the links in the pink side box on the front page -- scroll down till you find "La Verdad Oculta: verdad discussions" and click there.
A number of recappers here started out reading recaps and graduated to writing them. It's the best class you can give yourself.
Personally, I try to include only the most important information in the show and leave something for the language learners to work on.
So, now I have the following to root for and keep fingers crossed for as Couples--
David & Gabi--Live long and prosper and have some kids
Ale and JJ--Many non-minimalist restaurants in lots of 4-star hotels that JJ buys and Ale decorates
Mauri and Elsa--Just plain happy and in love
Leo and Juli--They start their own private detective business
The Fates of the Others--
Marta--Rest in Peace
Carlos--old and lonely or else paired up with Bertha so they can scam each other to death
Adolfo--double-crossed by his son
Yolanda--redeemed and being a mother figure for Juli and Gabi
Felix--too bad, I kinda like him, but he probably is very bad and needs to lose the other eye
Asuncion--an endless supply of TNs, food, drink and ascots
Marcos and Susana--losers, they are separated by iron bars
Abelardo--He's such a good person, David needs him by his side
Caramelo--Too bad Mauricio doesn't have a little nephew. Maybe Chuy would drop in from STuD when Cara is about 17.
I probably left someone out.
I wouldn't wish Bertha on him. If he brings down his father, that's reason enough to redeem him.
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