Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Llena de Amor #72 Mon 11/22/10 Bang bang, you’re…..

Friday: Oopsies! While Ilitia is kissing Eman, he calls her Marianela. Muñeca comes to the big house and accuses Fedra of having an affair with Lorenzo. Maximo emerges from his basement, locked and loaded. He points his gun at Fedra.


You gotta hand it to Fedra, who stares at him defiantly and tells him to go ahead and shoot. Why Muñeca doesn’t have the presence of mind to step away from big bull’s eye Fedra I have no idea, but anyway Benigno and Paula arrive, so they get to hear Fedra say to Max that he must’ve known what she was getting at when she was talking about Gretel, right? Gretel? says Paula.

Maximo tells Fedra he’s not going to let her manipulate him. Kristel runs in and stands in front of her mother protectively while Benigno struggles with Maximo for the gun, which goes off. Benigno looks stunned. Our little Benigno! Are you okay? says Max. I’m fine, you? says Beningo. Max is fine too. Gosh, this show is just chock full of chuckles. Anyway, now Axel has come to his mother’s side too, and glares at Max.

Meanwhile, upstairs Ilitia guesses Eman must be in love with Marianela. He tries to fudge that it’s all fake, for her money, and maybe some pity. Ilitia says he said her name so lovingly, and realizes he’s in love with Mari.

Netty is curious about the papers Mari was hiding, but Mari says it’s just letters from school friends. Netty notices the doll has a rip and says Gladiola will fix it, then says she was thinking about what Mari said about Eman not being Emil’s son. She remembers Luis Felipe’s letter from Veracruz to Eva she found which said he had some hot information about Fedra’s past. Maybe the two things tie together! We’re way ahead of you, Netty.

Max tells Muñeca not to try to stop him, Fedra’s stolen her husband. Fedra gets cocky, shoves her two kids away and taunts him that he’s a coward, too scared to leave his basement and face life. Gwan, shoot! So he does.

Fedra looks surprised, looks down (nope, not the treasured ta ta’s, lower under the left rib cage. Quick, Dr Carlos, what’s there? Liver? I forget.) Anway she stares at her bloody hand, sits and looks surprised for a while, then falls to one side in a faint. Everybody goes into a flap except Maximo who smiles slightly. Alex, never having read the Telenovela Cliché Handbook, quick calls an ambulance, then Eman arrives, sees what happened, and yells at Max. Max says he’s just doing what he had to to save the honor of the family.

Now we’re at the prison where all the inmates look about the same to me and all growl through tight lips while looking beady-eyed and menacing. Mauricio seems to be making escape plans with the two fellows who originally beat him up. At least I think that’s who they are. One figures he’s been in 30 years, so what’s to lose? Mauricio says in a couple of hours, he’ll have a way to distract all the guards, then he struts off down the prison hallway. Where does he get his hair gel, anyway? Does he trade cigarettes for it? Anyway, he then chats separately with Caiman, figuring he’d like to be in on it too.

Caiman asks the two baddies if they forgot they’re supposed to be making Mauricio’s life hell. They say it’s an opportunity to escape.

Lorenzo arrives dancing in Emil’s office, saying look! I’m free! Emil sternly tells him not to imagine he can use their business to cover up illicit stuff. Lorenzo insists it was all Mauricio. Emil is unsure, then says sorry, his world seems to be coming unraveled right now. He tells Low that he’s asked Fedra for a divorce. Low is shocked (fake or real?).

Emil: I found out what kind of woman she really is, that she’s been deceiving me all these years.
Lorenzo: Gulp.

Caiman is calling Brandon on a phone in the prison hallway, which a.) is in plain hearing of any prisoner who might be nearby and b.) is most probably tapped by the prison guards. But we know these shows don’t bear close scrutiny so we shrug and move on, hoping for juicy stuff which is what we watch these things for anyway. I think Caiman tells Brandon about the proposed break out. He hangs up and the baddies and Mauricio ask him who he was talking to. He fudges, and they say they’re keeping their eyes on him.

Caiman thinks to himself that Mauricio can go on and escape if he wants to because Fedra has plans for him.

Back to Mari’s bedroom. Netty tells Mari that Eman probably knows that he’s not Fedra’s son and that he’s in cahoots with her. If anybody finds out he’s not a Ruiz y de Teresa, he won’t inherit, but if he tells Mari he loves her and gets her to marry him, then jackpot! Mari defends Eman, saying he’s not like Fedra and is truly trying to protect her. He looks at her so lovingly, she can just tell! He gives her goosebumps! Netty doesn’t buy it.

Emil tells Low that his love for Fedra is dead. Low ventures to ask if there’s another man, and Emil says he doesn’t even want to go there because he knows he’d be capable of murder. If on top of everything else, he finds out… Low cuts him off, saying he’s sure Fedra’s been faithful. Why, they were a model couple! Emil says well, that’s over now, and he’s going to find out Fedra’s past.

His phone rings. It’s Eman telling him Fedra’s been shot by Max.

Everyone is hovering over Fedra. Max asks Benigno if she’s dead. Nope, says B. Max figures he better shoot her again, but Eman takes the gun away. Fedra comes to and is able to stand up. He tells her to get out, and she snarls that the Ruiz y de Teresa will get out before she does. It’s HER house.

Baldie and Moustache, the two baddies who have been sent to get Eman are still watching the house when the ambulance shows up. They figure the police might show up, and they can get Eman later.

Fedra tells the paramedics to wait outside, she’s going out under her own steam and she’ll be coming back through that door the same way. It’ll take more than a bullet to stop Fedra Curiel, she pronounces.

Mauricio and the other guys start a prison fight. The guards come in and break it up.

Eman is chatting with his mother in the hospital. She wants Maximo thrown out of the house, but Eman says it’s Max’s house too. Fedra says she’s going to bring charges and have him committed. Eman says well, he’s a little nuts, but still, the nuthouse? Fedra curses the Ruiz y de Teresa, and Eman wonders why she does that all the time. Why do you hate us so much?

The tables have turned! More prisoners have flooded into the prison hallway and they’ve overcome the guards. With the guards’ guns they try to shoot out the locks which for some reason doesn’t work. They rattle the bars and shout. Behind them, around a corner, we see Brandon and Oliver in riot gear. They decide they need backup. (Duh! TWO guys in riot gear to handle a prison riot – this was their plan?) Oliver then thinks he’ll go take them on. Brandon pulls him back and tells him he’s suspended as of this second.

Mari talks to herself, convincing herself Eman really loves her, then picks up the letter and reads. It says Juana Felipe Perez was the woman of Captain Jose Maria Sevilla on the boat Liria de Plata up until it sank at sea one night. It caught fire near the yacht Olympia which belonged to a Greek magnate whose wife’s name was Fedra Curiel, which is the name Juana used to get into our family.

Dios mio! says Mari.

The police in riot gear have arrived in force and get the prisoners under control. A few run for it, Caiman and Mauricio among them. Oliver sprints after them. He manages to disarm Mauricio with some cool martial arts moves, but one of the guys (is that Garduno?) grabs him and holds him for Caiman to shoot. Caiman aims the gun, but his hand is shaking. Shoot me! says Oliver. I’m a dead man anyway. Caiman can’t. He throws himself on the ground and assumes the position, hands behind his head. Oliver overcomes the fellow holding him, then here comes Brandon. Everything’s under control, says Oliver, not looking very triumphant.

(Caption for the melodrama-impaired: Oliver’s heart is broken, see, so he’s throwing himself into possibly fatal situations in the hope he’ll get killed, another victim of the evil Fedra. Oh, the agony of it all!)

Out in the hospital waiting room, Muñeca tsks over Fedra getting shot. Kristel tells her not to be such a hypocrite, she heard her with her very own ears accusing Fedra of having an affair with Low. What??? says Ilitia, who is there too.

Gretel is rocking back and forth, probably because she has to go so bad, but also because she’s swearing to get Fedra and expose her. Flashback to her seeing Luis Felipe minutes before Fedra chucks him over the railing. He’s telling Fedra the papers she’s looking at are copies. She falls to her knees and begs LF not to tell, for the children’s sake, for the sake of Emil, who is the person she loves most in the world. She begs some more in the same vein, asking him not to wreck the family. He coldly says she’s a fake. She tells him that it’s logical that she covered up her past, since she loved Emil so much.

LF retorts that a woman who loves her husband so much doesn’t have a lover, and he knows she’s been messing with Lorenzo for years. Little Gretel weeps.

Grown up Gretel keens Noooooo!

Paula and Benigno are down in Maximo’s room trying to get out of him what made him suddenly leave his cellar and go up and take a pot shot at Fedra. Paula remembers she mentioned Gretel and starts getting hysterical that Fedra has killed her or something. Max says no.

Marianela reads on: According to a sailor who survived the sinking, Juana F. Perez was pregnant by Captain JL Sevilla. Mari lights up – Eman must be his son!

Eman asks his mother why she thinks he and she are different from the Ruiz y de Teresas. She says because they’ve always been united, they think the same way, they’re stronger, braver. Not like those cowards. (I’m glad she made this little speech because I was starting to get a little inferiority complex about not being a Ruiz y de Teresa, particularly when Carlota and Max make it sound so bitchin and holy. Nice to know they’re wimps.)

Eman says look. I’ll always be with you, taking care of you, defending you, and I’ll never question you because I know that everything that you do, you do for your family. Fedra is pleased and thanks him. He asks her to be honest with him and tell him who he is. I don’t care about being Emiliano’s son, sez he. The only thing I care about in this family is their bank account. Fedra is overcome with emotion. That’s my boy!

So I’m the son of Jose Maria Sevilla, right? Come on, we’re accomplices! She strokes his face and tells him he’s earned it. She’ll tell him her whole history. They both look tearful. She begins: You are…

Emil bursts into the hospital room. He just heard! Eman and Fedra give each other a signal that they’ll talk later. Eman leaves, and Fedra goes into wronged spouse mode, sulking that she wishes Max had killed her since her husband is leaving her. She says she’s going to get Max sent to jail. Emil says she can’t do that – he’s ill and jail would kill him. That’d be good, she says. Or… she won’t bring charges if Emil forgets the divorce, dumps Netty and stays with her forever and ever. No way, says Emil.

Okay, so far: There’s been a shooting. The paramedics and hospital obviously didn’t tell the police, Eman chuckles that his uncle is a character who’s maybe a tad off, and Emil thinks jail would kill him. Welcome to Telenovelaland where the ordinary laws don’t apply, maybe not even gravity.

Mari realizes she has the goods on Fedra, but she’s afraid Eman will be crushed when he finds out Emil isn’t his father. She wonders how she can unmask Fedra without him finding out the truth. Doris runs in and tells her that Max shot Fedra.

Paula and Benigno can’t get out of Max whatever it was Fedra said that set him off. They leave and he sits and thinks about Fedra telling him to ask his sister. No, she must be lying. Gretel can’t be his daughter.

Gretel gets up and paces – who is this woman? The one who killed her uncle, the one from La Mala Noche, the one who was having an affair with Lorenzo… she just can’t be her mother. She sobs for Oliver to forgive her.

Eman comes in and tells the three in the waiting room that everything’s okay and they can go on home. Ilitia wants to have a serious talk, but Eman says too much going on right now, so later.

Now that we have a look at the waiting room people, Kristel seems to be gone and Lorenzo is there with Ilitia and Muñeca. Ilitia makes a catty comment about leaving her parents alone so Muñeca can gossip - she’s saying he’s having an affair with Fedra. He says to be understanding, her mother is just insecure, so she gets jealous. Muñeca says I’m not jealous, I’m fed up with you and with your daughter’s attitude. She leaves and Lorenzo tells Ilitia to try please, for him, to be nicer to her mother.

Emil comes storming into the waiting room, yelling that he’s packing his bags and leaving. He’s followed by Fedra, dressed in her regular clothes, limping and yelling curses after him. Low and Ilitia are wide-eyed, and then he tells her that Emil is a difficult guy.

At the station, Oliver and Brandon tell Mauricio he has a chance if he tells them what he knows about Baldomero and Basurta (that would be Baldie and Moustache), and their boss Garduno whose lawyer just got him out. Brandon remembers seeing B &B talking to Mauricio at the beauty contest.

Some guy in prison theatens Caiman, wanting to know why he didn’t shoot Oliver. Caiman says he didn’t want to be in prison the rest of his life for murder.

Eman is visiting Max and tells him that what he did was not good. Max laments that he’s not the shot he used to be, and maybe it’s too late to fix anything anyway. Eman says he’s going to clear the name of Ruiz y de Teresa, even if he has to take on his own mother. He leaves and Max reflects that Eman is his greatest pride. Even if he doesn’t have the blood of the Ruiz y de Teresa coursing through his veins, he may turn out to be the very best of them.

Emil is packing and Fedra, who’s home now, is begging him not to run off on her. He tosses some shirts in the suitcase and marches out with it saying his mind is made up. Bernardo, who apparently can wander into their bedroom, brushes by Emil heading off and warns Fedra she doesn’t seem to be able to handle him like she used to. She swears she’s going to get everything back under control. Step one: Mauricio. She wants Caiman to kill him. Bernardo is stoked. Gawd, he loves his job.

Lorenzo apparently can just wander into the bedroom too. May I visit the patient? Bernardo rolls his eyes and leaves. Fedra coquettes and they nuzzle. He kisses all the spots that hurt, and goes on to kiss others, then lays her carefully on the bed and they kiss.

Another visitor to the bedroom! It’s Kristel who comes in to ask something and then stops, horrified.

Avances: Axel grabs Delicia and kisses her. Somebody comes in and sees them – is that Lorena? Eman proposes, ring and all.


My first day of a vacation break and this recap was a perfect way to sit back, relax and enjoy!! Maggie you outdid yourself.

Fun episode. Gotta hand it to Fedra (or should we call her Juana?), she is our little energizer Bunny. Patch her up and she's off and running in no time.

"...wander into their bedroom.." so the pension isn't the only place where people just walk into rooms. Man, that just blows on the privacy scale. Loved that Kristel walked in on her mother, how they weasel out of that position should be good (if they can.)

Glad Emi didn't fall for Juana's blackmail to keep Max out of jail. Though,the only thing I could think of when he was packing was "what, no underwear?" Hey, just me.

Eman should realize now that mumsy is not who she seems and he is not a true Ruiz. Keeping up appearances has to be hard knowing you aren't who you thought for all your life and your own parents aren't who you thought. I'm thinking this will be a big block of the plot while he tries to uncover all the facts.

Love the coming attractions - will our little Delicia wake up Axel? Soooo hope so...

Great recap, Maggie. Lots of good stuff happened and you made it even more exciting and funny.

As for the location of the bullet wound, I think the only damage was to some skin and (sorry Fedra) a bit of fat. The spleen is nearby as well as some lung, muscle,the diaphragm, kidney, and colon, but the wound is lateral enough and Fedra (sorry again) is chunky enough that the injury was minor (good news, Fedra).

I didn't observe a lot of remorse on Maximo's part. Loved that he wanted to finish the job... loved even more that he didn't. Like her or not, she is the straw that stirs this drink.

I'm now wondering if Caiman is possibly the next expendable.


Like Maximo, this recap was "locked and loaded". It had all the necessary elements of a wonderful recap - humor "what, no underwear?", drama "The police in riot gear have arrived in force and get the prisoners under control" and romance "He looks at her so lovingly". Thank you Maggie.

daisy, I was also intrigued by the upcoming Delicia and Axel kiss. Judging her reaction, I think the kiss is a surprise but hey, anything to get him out of Lorena's clutches is fine by me.

Carlos, I also thought Caimen is not long for this world. He serves many masters and is loyal to none.


Maggie, what an utterly stupendous recap. I love how you get right to the point..."nope, not the treasured ta ta’s" and "Gretel is rocking back and forth, probably because she has to go so bad" are just a couple of my favorite zingers.

It looks like Muñeca has just about had it with Low. Used to be she'd crumble when he just cocked his eye at her; not anymore it seems.

You did a great job of making sense of all the prison goings on. Frankly I was a bit confused. The inmates all look alike, they were difficult to understand, and events seemed to happen out of nowhere. Thanks for unraveling it. I thought it was hilarious how the inmates couldn't just shoot the lock open with a pistol. Duh.

More later, gotta get back to work.

Yay Delicia!!!!!

Always a cute title and this one was chock full of hilarious asides. Just a few I noted:

"We're way ahead of you, Netty."

"Alex, never having read the telenovela handbook quickly calls an ambulance"

Lorenzo: gulp

(Caption for the melodrama-impaired: Oliver’s heart is broken, see, so he’s throwing himself into possibly fatal situations in the hope he’ll get killed, another victim of the evil Fedra. Oh, the agony of it all!)

Okay, so far: There’s been a shooting. The paramedics and hospital obviously didn’t tell the police, Eman chuckles that his uncle is a character who’s maybe a tad off, and Emil thinks jail would kill him. Welcome to Telenovelaland where the ordinary laws don’t apply, maybe not even gravity.

Always love those wry observations, Maggie.

And....don't throw tomatoes...I absolutely loved Fedra in this episode. She's the loco, crazy unsinkable Molly Brown. Absolutely looney but tough as nails. Shoot her and she pops back up like one of those clowns we used to punch out as kids. Great stuff. And ready for some old-fashioned pinch and tickle as soon as she's released from the hospital. Whadda woman! Too bad she's also a killer. Nobody's perfect.

I'm sure she'll have some perfectly reasonable explanation for her compromising position that Kristel will accept. Fedra's fast on her feet and even better recumbent.

Maggie, this was awesome. I loved all the great lines everyone else has mentioned.

Poor Gretel. Tying her hands was just too much; she can't get out of the cellar anyway so why are they so mean? She needs to get her hands free. Then she needs to find a way to open the wine bottles. Maybe someone has left an opener around, preferably one of the kind that doesn't leave a big hole in the cork. Then she needs to start adulterating all Fedra's wines...mix different kinds together, replace some with urine, that sort of thing, then recork them. Fedra seems to be the only real wine drinker in the house so it's unlikely anyone else would be affected.

I immediately thought the same thing about Emiliano's packing--no underwear? Or socks? Maybe he goes commando. Funny, the details we all notice.

I'm excited for some Delicia/Axel action. Time to stick it to Lorena and maybe kick Axel's memory back into place.

Wow...I love your criminal turn of mind, Julia. Good thing your parents raised you right.

And speaking of "criminal", I read in the paper the other day that in Mexican prisons, the prisoners often have to rely on their families for food....and even water! And there are no lights in the cells. So the justice system must REALLY be different from the US one. Who knows? maybe that's why the family, other than Fedra, is so adamant that Tio must not go to jail. Other than telenovela plot reasons.

Judy...WOW! YIKES! And yet people still dare to commit crimes in Mexico? I would be an even more straitlaced and upstanding citizen than I am anyway if that was the risk.

Yes, I do really enjoy thinking up devious dastardly plans, but I almost never implement them. Just plotting and scheming is enough therapeutic revenge for me; I don't ACTUALLY want to see people suffer, unless they're fictitious villains.

Thanks for the recap Maggie. I'm out of town so I really appreciate your work.

Looks like Eman is slowly putting the pieces together about his past and his mother. As daisynjay observed, it's a good think he's so even tempered b/c this info would be devastating to others.

Axel and Delicia I can't wait to see it unfold.

Maggie- All you Llena recappers have been on a roll with these deliciously funny recaps. I laughed out loud when you asked about the hair gel in prison, because I thought the exact same thing!

That Fedra really is a tough dame. I was impressed by how she stared down that gun and how quickly she bounced back. Doesn't Max know that only silver bullets will kill the beast?! Either that or fire (and we already know she is both terrified and fascinated by fire).

Thank you one and all! You make my day.

JudyB – no tomatoes from me, I completely agree about Fedra. She steals every scene she’s in. I thought the scene where she was shot was the best I’ve ever seen. Usually the person just falls over unconscious, but instead we had her being stunned, evaluating her wound (you could see her brain cells coming one by one into the realization of what happened) then slowly falling over.

And Carlos, thank you for informing us about what a wound like that could entail. I was surprised she wasn’t wounded so badly, but you clarified how that could happen. While I’m at it, I want to thank you for explaining yesterday how those screen shots can appear in a recap. I don’t have a Mac, and, worse, I don’t have the ambition to try it out, but at least you’ve demystified it for me.

Alright, ya'll - give me a break. You talking about how tough Fedra was to stare down Maximo's gun, but did you forget that for a good portion of that time, she allowed Kristel and Axel to stand in front of her to protect her. Fedra is a wimp in reality. When things don't go her way, she cries for her Bernardo. He's really the mastermind, implementing her devious deeds that she's too spineless to do herself. The best she can do is surreptiously put poison in the soup. The woman is loco and nasty. The only thing she will do herself is abuse Gretel. Don't see anything about her to admire. I had hoped that Maximo's shot would have done some good, but not with Fedra. I hope her end is bad, bad, bad. She deserves it.
Okay, now that I have ranted about Fedra or Juana, who by the way still acts like a prostitute, let move on to Emanuel. When all of Fedra's nasty deeds are made known, he is going to be one devastated fellow. I hope Marianela is there to help him through.

You've put your finger on the no. 1 puzzle in this story, Barbara M. How can Emanuel be such a nice, compassionate guy when neither Nature nor Nurture (from Mom and dubious biological dad) show any evidence of that?

We can but hope Marianela will be there to comfort him, just as he comforted her during the worst of her trials.

And while clearly, all of us fundamentally agree Fedra is loco and nasty, the actress plays her with such comic verve that she is amusing even while being horrifying (at least to me). If Diana Bracho were playing this part, I think she'd make her flat out wicked, but this actress is camping it up quite a bit.

JudyB – maybe Captain Sevilla was a fine fellow, and Eman got his genes. Plus Emil is a pleasant, though ineffective, father. Well, if we close our eyes to the Axel thing, anyway

Well, Captain Sevilla was a smuggler who took up with at least one prostitute, but maybe he did it all for pure and noble reasons. Getting vital medications and food past a blockade, say. No idea what blockade would have affected the Veracruz area or neighboring parts of the Caribbean 25 years ago. And I'm sure he was just trying to turn Fedra/Juana into a respectable woman and save her from her immoral life.

I can't figure out why they go on about being a Ruiz y de Teresa like it's some great thing, either. Seems like something to hide, to me.

Julia – good observations! Plus we only hear from Bernardo what a fine, noble person the captain was, but Bernardo’s the guy who lights up like a Christmas tree when Fedra gets one of her evil ideas, and he’s plenty eager and willing to kill people, though usually ineffective at it. So his opinion is iffy.

I don't know, but there are some people who turn out great despite really awful parents. Emanuel may have gotten some decent nurturing with Paula running the household, and maybe he had some great teachers or coaches. Also, when he was young Luis Felipe and Eva were still living in the house, and maybe they were better role models.

I used to have some neighbors who were terrors...the mom was a sometimes recovering heroin addict, the dad was a ragey drunk, they fought all the time and barely managed basic life functions. They had a daughter (actually, I think the guy was her stepdad, but her real father was much the same, I think) about 8 or 9 years old at the time who was totally sweet and good-natured and seemed pretty sharp. I'm not sure how she stayed that way when she was yelled at so much, but she did.

Julia...she may have turned out very well. In studies of schizophrenic and/or alcoholic families....the results are this: about a third of the children turn out as damaged and dysfunctional as the parents. Another third are damaged but manage to muddle through and not end up as basket cases. And a third turn out to be highly responsible, high achieving people who are determined to be different and succeed.They are the ones psychologists typlify as "resilient". Hopefully that little girl you knew is one of those.

Maggie, like the wine in Fedra's cave, your recaps just get better with time! What a gem, with plenty of great laughs! Thanks!

Interesting comments on dysfunctional families, folks. Gretel has the good fortune to have several people on her side, including Paula, Max, Axel, and Emanuel. That can make one resilient despite a nasty parent. And of course, we can't forget Max's sidekick, Sancho--oh, wrong show--that would be Don Quijote's sidekick. On the other hand, General Maximo could be tilting at windmills....


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