Tuesday, November 02, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #71-72 11/2/10 Cada día te quiero más.

Capitulo 71.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 70 to 74. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando says Lety rejected him. Let Tom keep her, good riddance! Omar holds loss of Conceptos over his head. Fern says he’s never had to beg a woman to be with him, much less one like Lety.

2. Alicia steals Omar’s keys then offers him a ride. Tonight’s squeeze says they can take her car instead.

3. Fernando begs Lety to come talk. He employs all his salesman skills to win her back and tells her how meaningful their relationship is, while wrenching his hand from hers and dodging kisses. He seems about to close the deal, when she repeats that they need to break up.

4. Roman’s gang harasses them and Fernando faces them, but when they see that he was kissing Lety they start howling. They say now Tomás has some competition and call her The Fea of Mexico City. Fernando orders Roman to respect her and punches him. The gang does all the rest of the punching.

5. RoboPop dispenses with the gang. Fernando says they were very disrespectful to Lety and he could not tolerate that. Pop says Tom faced them all to defend Lety. Fernando says he’s never been so angry. He came to ask her back, and he’s leaving empty handed, with punches and emotional wounds besides (milk it!). Lety says he’s her superhero and she’s not willing to leave him either. Of course she wants a kiss. Fernando is somewhat less enthusiastic. He tells her to say Tomás is her novio to avoid suspicions.

6. Fernando tells Marcia a crazy story that 15 thugs carjacked him. She jokes that he’s her superhero, and he remembers Lety saying it sincerely. Lety tells her diary how he defended her. How can she walk away from a many who, “every day shows me more and more, how much me quiere?”

7. Marcia tends his wounds (Hey! A nurturing moment!) and asks him why he’s been behaving differently (moment passed) and what’s going on inside his head. He says that what bothers him is her, invading his privacy and inventing romances. They see Lety on TV, and she dedicates her song to Fernando. Marcia yells, “Does this mean Lety is your amante?” Fernando screams, “NOOOO!!!!”

Capitulo 72.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 70 to 74. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. After the TV show fantasy, Marcia says if someone wants to take him, it’ll take more than poems and chocolates. Fernando says he doesn’t want anyone to take him. Lety tells her diary that he fought for her and she’s going to change for him. She won’t be Lety la Fea anymore.

2. Lety calls Fernando for permission to come in late. She gets jealous when she realizes he spent the night at Marcia’s, so she’s a bit defiant when she tells him she’s using Tom’s phone. Take that! She tells Mama and Tom that she’s changing her look. She makes a point of telling both, “I’m not going to be the same anymore.”

3. Alicia shows Lopez that Paula is late again. Lopez says she’s fired. Ali’s thrilled. Marcia tells Saimon she’s run out of second chances, she’s fired. Marcia looks at Fernando; he doesn’t dare object although he wants to. Alicia crows about her victory. Fernando announces the replacement: Alicia! The scene is magnificent.

4. Omar asks if Marcia punched Fernando. Fernando says the gang (15 of them) said cruel things to Lety and he couldn’t stand it. It really upset him, so he fixed it with his fists.

5. Paula arrives and says her parents kicked her out. Ali has the gall to say, “It’s your fault I’m having problems (demoted).” Lopez fires her. She calls this week’s squeeze and tells him she’s fired and homeless; can she and her son move in with him? He suddenly remembers he leaves for Greece today.


I LOVED the scene outside Lety's house. Tomás is mentioned FOURTEEN TIMES in the conversation! Proof that he's an important element at this stage. I laughed when they shuffled back and forth in front of her door.

When Marcia jokes that Fernando is her superhero, he remembers that Lety said it seriously. Watch carefully; you see him go through four distinct emotions, wordlessly:
1. Yeah, I was her superhero tonight.
2. They were picking on LETY. Of course I took care of her.
3. She was so sweet afterwards. What an angel she is.
4. What am I doing in this mess?

Once again, we see Marcia unwilling to play. At breakfast, Fernando teases that he looks good in purple (bruises), and that the makeup he wore at Luigi’s fiesta was enough to last his lifetime. Marcia doesn’t play along AT ALL.

Alicia acts like a young child throughout Cap 72. Self centered, pouty, whiny, no thought to consequences. She enjoyed getting a single mother fired, but she thinks it’s a horrible tragedy that she’s demoted, when it won't even cost her a pay cut.

And as for the Paula firing. Alicia thought she had a bullet-proof plan. You can see Fernando wants to intervene, but he doesn't dare invade Marcia’s turf. Marcia is almost surprised he doesn't. victory achieved, Ali is crowing, and Fern is frustrated that he can’t save Paula. Until Alicia digs her own grave! You see him get the idea, test whether it’s wise, and get delighted when he sees how perfect it is. It will punish Alicia, push Ali to find a way to reinstate Paula while Fernando keeps his hands clean, and Marcia can't intervene because it's his jurisdiction. Ademas, if he doesn't get Paula back, at least he'll move Alicia farther from his office. I LOVE how Fernando wields power!

We see a subtle but distinct change in Fernando after the street fight; he's feeling more cariñoso toward Lety. Both Marcia and Omar notice that there's something different about him. I might dig into that more later - the causes and results of his shift. But for now, a bigger question.

Why can Fernando fall in love with Lety? Why can't he fall in love with Marcia?
The following is condensed (a lot) from an incredible post by Megui on the TNW BLF board.

I think Armando falls in love with Betty and not Marcela, not because Betty does everything to please and Marcela is always hounding, nor that Betty loves unselfishly and Marcela makes demands. Armando can fall for Betty because she is physically ugly and one of the barriers to his truly falling in love is physical beauty. Armando objectifies women. He sees a beautiful woman and he lusts after her. He does not get emotionally involved; he has his fun and he tosses her aside without thought to her feelings. He did that with Marcia, but given her position, she cannot be easily discarded. So Armando stays in the relationship cheats on her.

By contrast, Armando has only ever seen Betty as a person, not as a woman. He knows her intelligence, loyalty, honor, vulnerability, strength, sense of humor, .. all those qualities he told Betty. He allowed himself to get close to her and to truly trust her. As he dates her he gets to know her even better and he begins to realize that she is a woman, a woman who loves him deeply. Once he accepts her as a woman, he’s a short step from falling in love because he already sees her as a person.

If Betty were attractive, Armando would have seduced her and then dumped her no matter all her other qualities because he would never have seen past her pretty face and hot body. Betty’s ugliness is the Trojan horse that got her through the gates of Armando’s wall. With no horse of her own, Marcela has never managed to do more than crack open the gates to have a peek inside.

A few short notes.
A. I think it's obvious that Fern will fall in love with Lety, so I don't think Megui's post is a spoiler. If anyone objects I'll remove it.
B. I've never copied info from TNW to here, and I probably never will again. (Even this one is heavily edited.) Megui's post is the exception because it's exceptional. I couldn't link to it because it had big spoilers. Again, if anyone objects, I'll remove it.

I will agree with Megui... and also the same can be said in regards to Marcia (Betty’s ugliness is the disguise/trick that got her through the gates of Marcela's scrutiny as far as letting any woman get close to Armando for any length of time without the fear of having her becoming competition for Armando.

I thought it was hilarious that during Fern's fantasy Letty was singing in perfect key. Had it been otherwise I would have thought that someone had taped that routine at Mega Tron. Had that been real Marcia's reaction would have been off the charts.

Omar's face when Fern told him about the fight was priceless. He can't believe that Fern would fight over a fea despite of the fact that he keeps urging him to continue seducing Letty. Obviously the idea of having to actually fight over a woman is completely foreign to him. I guess he figures they are like a bus and another one will be along in a minute.

Thank God that woman came out of the dressing room where that mini skirt number Letty was looking at. If she had appeared in that rig at the office the abuse would have been awful. That always assumes that Erasmo would have let her out of the house in it.

I find it hard to feel any pity for Paula Maria. She apparently has been consistently late for work, spends most of her time on the phone or flirting with anything in pants. I also wish that Simple Simon would stop debasing himself in an effort to win her dubious charms.

Can wait to see the "new Letty" although i dread it.

I think most of the cuartel should be fired, or at least given jobs where they have to do something. I know they're supposed to be the "good" guys, but it's hard to take their side when they're such catty slackers. It's hard for me to believe that a struggling business would keep so many of them around.

That Trojan horse bit is a really eloquent analogy.

I'm also looking forward to the makeover...at least it will be a change. I'm hoping the old-lady lace collars will be gone.

I think there's another reason why Fern can fall in love with Lety but not Marcia: Marcia doesn't "get" Fernando. She doesn't see the person he is inside, nor does she even accept him the way she thinks he is.

He finds Marcia shallow and dull, like most of the women he knows. The nagging only causes him to emotionally withdraw even further; there's nothing about her that stands out or evokes his true inner self, challenging him to become a better person.

And until he met Lety, it seems that he never imagined such a feeling was possible.

I thought the shuffling outside Lety's door was prety funny too Paula. I also thought the song fantasy was halarious. And the fact that she wasn't singing out of tune was great.

The hairdresser guy was also a hairdresser in Dinero. That was a great scene when he had her almost upside down and all her hair was in her face.

I agree with you Julia on firing the caurtel. Loved your "catty slacker" phrase. I have never heard that before.

Thanks again Paula.

Thanks for the tip on the AxM video. I found them on youtube and will sneak then in at work when it gets slow. I am thinking that not knowing the nuances of Spanish makes me miss a lot of what Fernando is going through since I usually fill in the dialogue based on what I think is happening. Maybe if Marcia blinked once in a while it might help her relationship with Fernando.

Marta, great point! That a fea was able to sneak into Marcia's security zone. I never thought of that.

Julie, you said, "Marcia doesn't 'get' Fernando." The consensus has always been, "Marcia loves Fernando but she treats him badly." But I have to wonder. Where do we see evidence of Marcia's love? She can't stand his payaso side (which is a HUGE part of the pie), she always thinks the worst of him, she distrusts how he's running the company, she never takes care of him except as a means toward an end, she never looks for ways to make him happy. When she restrains herself from going against him, (e.g. re: Olarte), she doesn’t say, “I couldn’t do that to Fernando.” Instead she says, “I’m not going to risk my marriage for that.” She loves the great sex, but other than that, what is there? I know she would "love" to possess him, but that's not the same as loving him. I know she would "love" to be Mrs. Mendiola. I'm not ready to assert, "She doesn't love him." But I am ready to ask, "Where is the evidence?" Convince me.

Pata, I just love that screenshot. I even put it up as my desktop photo. I'll take it down in a week, but for now, I laugh every time I see it.

Jenn, "Maybe if Marcia blinked once in a while." Good one! Feel free to ask if you have any questions about any scenes. I barely understood anything when I started watching Fea in 2007, and I depended on others’ help. We're here to help, and as I'm sure you've noticed, I love talking Fea. BTW, have you tried using the Spanish Lessons. Record the show and watch the scene with the translation in hand. Try to figure out how the words you hear match the words in the transcript. It can be a great study tool, and I always make sure the translations are of fun scenes, so you can savor something delicious.

Today we saw the first instance of what I call Fernando's Prime Directive: LETY MUST NOT SUFFER. He told both Lety and Omar that he couldn’t stand it when the gang was mocking her to her face. From here on, the Prime Directive will take precedence over all else. If he sees her suffering, he will move heaven and earth to stop it (but often he's too clueless to see it). It hasn't always been so. When she lost the business plan CD, she collapsed in tears and he softened, but he didn't spring to her rescue. Likewise even as recently as when he thought she blabbed to the cuartel, he made her cry and he felt bad about it, but he didn't do backflips to protect her from suffering. From here on, he will.

Fernando has bumped to a new level in his (non-romantic) affection for Lety. He almost lost her. Then Roman said she goes out with Tomás and Erasmo said Tom defend ed her. And he saw Lety suffer from their insults. All these ingredients, plus them spending more time together now, have made him more cariñoso. The evidence?

* Having her around lifts his mood.
* He flirts far less, he’s more affectionate, he has a strong urge to protect her, and he is growing jealous of Tom.
* Marcia senses something is different. She asks, “What’s going on in your head?” She told Alicia someone is robbing him from her.
* Omar notices change too. He asks what is happening to Fern.
* After the carnival, he brushed his teeth and wanted to kiss Marcia to erase the horrible night. Well this time, rather than erasing the night, he muses contentedly that he’s Lety’s superhero.
* For first time, he really stomps on Omar’s burlas. He used to just say, “Ay, Hombre,” and give a disapproving look. This time he put Omar up against the wall. After seeing Lety suffer, he can’t tolerate anyone insulting her anymore (except Luigi).

Of course, Fernando still has a long way to go. He fights thugs for her but is still repulsed to kiss her. He is furious when they insult her but he recoils at her touch. He is touched by Lety’s affection but he is usually insincere with her.

Wow, Fernando out-manipulating Alicia, who fancies herself the grand manipulaodra, was brilliant. That was very satisfying to watch. I've always classified Alicia and Paula Maria together, very beautiful losers who use their looks to get, or rather TRY to get what they want. They both have potential but consistently do the minimum possible to get by.

Paula, Fernando's directive will be in full gear only against those who actually affect Lety. As you said, Luigi does not get Lety to suffer or cry as someone like he would or someone like Ariel would. Omar usually mocks Lety when she is not around, so that does not affect her either, but Fernando is getting to a point where he wants to roll over Omar just because of his own feelings toward Lety. But folks like Luigi constantly mock Lety but she has grown immune to their mocking, so that won't set Fernando's full fight mode on.

I loved how Lety was singing on key.

This is a great episode because we see how Papa acts. He is the moral compass. He is seen as kind of a tightass, but here you see in terms of business and other ethics he is always trying to keep Lety on the straight and narrow. This is very important to the plot.

Also, it's so sweet how the parents love Lety and how they are very nice to Don Fernando. They recognize something redeeming in him.

Nina your comments about Letty's parents made me think. They are uniformly supportive of her. They obviously love her and want what is best for her and her happiness. On the other hand any scenes we have of the Mendiola parents they are almost always slightly disapproving of Fern. While Letty can do no wrong in her parents eyes Fern can do nothing right in his.

if not as far as 'Fern can do no right in his (parent's) eyes' at least they always have a 'you did good but...' type attitude... like he never does enough no matter how hard he tries... or they have such high expectation (one of the top items on the line is they expect him to not only marry Marcia but also to change his ways (frat boy/ womanizer) once he does) that he will never completely live up to it.

Oopsie! I got my days mixed up. It's in the next cap that Fernando puts Omar up against the wall.

About Fernando's parents. That's a big part of why Lety's total love, total acceptance, and total belief in him move him so much. He's starved for love.

Thanks so much Paula for all your clever interpretations! One thing that is really striking me this time through is how cruel so many people are to Lety. Marcia seems to enjoy being cruel and does it really well. I wonder if that side of her is something that turns Fernando off. Lety is all comfort and love and gentleness while Marcia would go right for the jugular.

Carrie L.

I think Fernando's dream was taped and actually used as part of the 'Cantando por un sueno' show. I believe they just taped it and used it for both the cpus show and for the novela. Ricardo Montaner was a regular judge in that show anyway so they just killed two birds with the same stone...
The salsa arrangement of his 'Tan enamorados' hit song sounded great, as well as Angelica's voice.

Marta, thank you for clarifying that. I thought I remembered a YouTube clip of more than we saw on the episode, including Paty Navidad singing. Your post explains what I say.

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