Thursday, November 18, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #95-96 11/18/10 Lety, stay...

Capitulo 95.
Read Amanda’s original recap which covers Cap’s 95 to 96. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula's back!! Read on...
Paula's Cap 95 Summary.
Coming into today’s show, Lety is convinced she’s just another fling for
Fernando, based on how he treated Paty M. She wants to get out and cut her
losses before he hurts her even more. Fernando is driven to complete his
“assignment” tonight, to make sure Lety is firmly in his corner before he
leaves for Germany, so he doesn’t return to a disaster.

In the car, Lety tells Fernando to use the trip to fix his relationship
with Marcia. See the
. Watch how he moves between manipulative and honestly
sincere. She finally agrees to go to Omar’s apartment. The doorman asks
Fernando if this will be a short visit like all the other times. Lety and
Fernando cover too much ground for me to summarize. See the transcript.

When Lety calls home, she says they’re working at Omar’s apartment, and
Pop warns her that she’s heading for another tragedy. Alicia spies at
Lety’s house to see if Fernando took her home. Roman’s gang follows her to
Conceptos where she continues looking for Fern.

Sara and the cuartel convince Saimon and Paula to stop playing this stupid
game, and Saimon takes her to a bar where her latest squeeze is supposed
to meet her. But Paula confesses that there is nobody else. Saimon admits
there are no women waiting for him either. “There’s never been anyone,
Paula. Only you.” She says she was just seeing if he’d really stay. He
says that’s the only thing he’s ever wanted.

In the car, Fernando tries to use Marcia’s hot button on Lety – when he threatens to withdraw, Marcia always surrenders and grovels. But Lety’s not needy, so he can’t lead her around by the nose. He keeps conniving and manipulating her, but she’s not an easy mark like Marcia. I don’t see any love from him in the car, only a man completing a crucial assignment. The car scene is a good demonstration of the nature of their interaction, especially Lety’s side.

In Omar’s apartment, Lety feels inferior because Fern brings all his other women there. When Lety is vulnerable, it brings out Fern’s compassion for her. From that point on, it’s not homework. It’s love.

In the apartment, she doesn’t doubt that he likes her (you look at me with different eyes), but she’s sure the real world will come between them and she’ll lose him.

As she describes the contrast to all the beautiful women in the archives, he is reminded again of the world Lety must cope with. By now he’s hanging on her every word and gazing at her with love.

I just posted the transcript for Cap 96, since I had it in my files.

Capitulo 96.
Read Amanda’s original recap which covers Cap’s 95 to 96. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula just posted the transcript for Cap 96 since she had it in her files.

Here are some great screen shots courtesy of Pata. Wow! I can't wait to see this episode.

Approaching her with an understanding touch:

More convincing:

He says "Lety stay."

Lety is weakening:

Lety isn't going anywhere:


Yikes...I got a buzz just seeing those pictures. Now I remember why this telenovela absolutely hooked me.

No kidding! Pata sure knows how to choose 'em.

I missed #96 originally; so happy I'll get to see it tonight!

Oops, looks like 95 is the one I missed. Same difference. Yay!

I'm with JudyB - I got goosebumps looking at the pics. What a turn on!

I can't wait to see this episode....hope I can catch my breath by then. ;)

Anya, I was telling my beating heart to be still as I was scanning this scene for the screen shots. I usually delete them all from my computer once I send them to Sylvia but I am going to keep these for a while.

Here is the Cap 95 summary. I'm sure Sylvia will move it into the body of blog post today, but I'm not sure whether she can do that from work. I don't know whether I'll be able to summarize Cap 96 today; don't hold your breath.

Coming into today’s show, Lety is convinced she’s just another fling for Fernando, based on how he treated Paty M. She wants to get out and cut her losses before he hurts her even more. Fernando is driven to complete his “assignment” tonight, to make sure Lety is firmly in his corner before he leaves for Germany, so he doesn’t return to a disaster.

In the car, Lety tells Fernando to use the trip to fix his relationship with Marcia. See the transcript. Watch how he moves between manipulative and honestly sincere. She finally agrees to go to Omar’s apartment. The doorman asks Fernando if this will be a short visit like all the other times. Lety and Fernando cover too much ground for me to summarize. See the transcript.

When Lety calls home, she says they’re working at Omar’s apartment, and Pop warns her that she’s heading for another tragedy. Alicia spies at Lety’s house to see if Fernando took her home. Roman’s gang follows her to Conceptos where she continues looking for Fern.

Sara and the cuartel convince Saimon and Paula to stop playing this stupid game, and Saimon takes her to a bar where her latest squeeze is supposed to meet her. But Paula confesses that there is nobody else. Saimon admits there are no women waiting for him either. “There’s never been anyone, Paula. Only you.” She says she was just seeing if he’d really stay. He says that’s the only thing he’s ever wanted.

In the car, Fernando tries to use Marcia’s hot button on Lety – when he threatens to withdraw, Marcia always surrenders and grovels. But Lety’s not needy, so he can’t lead her around by the nose. He keeps conniving and manipulating her, but she’s not an easy mark like Marcia. I don’t see any love from him in the car, only a man completing a crucial assignment. The car scene is a good demonstration of the nature of their interaction, especially Lety’s side.

In Omar’s apartment, Lety feels inferior because Fern brings all his other women there. When Lety is vulnerable, it brings out Fern’s compassion for her. From that point on, it’s not homework. It’s love.

In the apartment, she doesn’t doubt that he likes her (you look at me with different eyes), but she’s sure the real world will come between them and she’ll lose him.

As she describes the contrast to all the beautiful women in the archives, he is reminded again of the world Lety must cope with. By now he’s hanging on her every word and gazing at her with love.

I just posted the transcript for Cap 96, since I had it in my files.

I find it really interesting that Fern is almost obsessed about knowing about Lety's first time. He started off just once again following Omar's instructions to keep Lety so distracted while they hustle off to Germany that she won't go back to Tomas Mora but once again he kind of loses track of himself when Lety's tells her story.

After hearing the whole thing and it being for money he had to have felt like the biggest b**tard in the world. He has had those moments of conscience before but they seem to be coming more often.

Poor Marcia (not that I care, she is such a shrew )has it all figured out that she has lost him but he is still fumbling around not knowing which end is up. I agree with Alicia she should just cut her loses and give up

Certainly hope Omar has made service.

Thanks for the photos and the recap post. It was pure luck that I was able to catch these episodes. Lety's story of her first experience and the love scenes were some of the most sweet and tender of the entire TN.
La Paloma

If you thought the bedroom scene was badly edited, you'd be right. Notice how broken up the music was? Today's show aired 0:33 of the bedroom. The 2006 Univision version had 0:50, and the original Televisa airing included 1:10. So we saw less than half of the original. Here is the Televisa clip, starting at time hack 3:30.

Speaking of parts missing, HEADS UP, anyone with disks from, the beginning of tomorrow's first cap is missing from your disks, so be sure to record it.

After the hotel, Marcia still hung on by one fine thread. Marcia said, "Ella is stealing him from me (progressive tense)." But after Omar's apartment, Marcia has lost. Marcia says, "I've already lost him." Marcia tries everything in her arsenal - relentless sex kitten, begging, clutching, defying him to prove her wrong (that worked only a few days ago), even throwing him on the bed. Nothing works. Marcia is using the only weapon she has, but she doesn’t realize that Lety stole all the bullets.

Notice that in the morning, Fernando doesn't yell for Lety; he knocks on her door and asks her to come out.

Decie Girl --I agree that Fern is having moments of conscience, and perhaps he feels that if Tomas was not her first love or that she wasn't/isn't involved with him, then he is doing somethng terrible for no good reason. Also, it was interesting that when she told him about Miguel and Roman, he asked
whether Tomas was involved. And when she said that Tomas would never do anything like that and he was the closest person in the world to her besides her parents, Fern definitely seemed jealous, rather than just threatened.She seemed to pick up on his jealousy and reassured him that he was one of the closest people to her too.

I don't think Fern knows it yet, but he's in love with Lety. But even though she's in her own form of denial about him (calling him "honest" for example) she recognizes that he made LOVE to her and that he loves her. She sensed the difference in the two experiences. (I think she wrote in her diary that "the night before was wonderful, but tonight we really made love.")

I really liked the difference in the car between the first time they made love and the second. What a difference a day makes!! Rather than feeling uptight and pretending, he really felt close to her after the second night and I especially liked when she leaned on him and put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, that he put his head on hers and closed his eyes as well... BOTH in the moment.

Paula,thanks for the heads up about the missing part of the next episode from the Te-lenovela collection. I always wondered about that...

OK I got everything up in the body of the recap. Sorry it took me so long, I was super busy and crazed at work and just couldn't find the time.

Speaking of time, I probably won't be able to watch this episode until tomorrow night, wah!! So unfair.

Paula, when I first posted the links to the transcripts of caps 95and 96 no transcript showed up so I didn't post the links. Did you have them somewhere else?

Welcome back Paula. I wondered what was up with the cut bedroom scene. I figured it might have had to do with censering because of what they did to the scene where Paula Maria was dancing at the disco and they blurred out her chest most of the time. It wasn't blurred out in the tapes from the first time around. Thanks for the link. On the original DVD Televisa put out I believe the entire scene is intact.

I actually like the scenes that lead up to the bedroom so much more, so was glad to see they did not cut any of that out.

Also thanks for the heads up about the missing first part of tomorrow. I thought maybe it was just my DVD set. I will make sure my DVR is running.

And thank you Sylvia for todays post.

I agree, Pata. The Fernando/Lety car scenes and living room scenes were riveting.

Sylvia, I had the 95 & 96 transcripts in my files, but before my vacation I didn't have time to put them into html format. So I did that this morning and posted them to the web page. Thank you for putting my post into the body.

I think Fernando asking about Tomas' involvement in Lety's first tragedy was to determine what the Tomas/lety relationship was and/or is now... remember the whole seduction play came about because they suspect there is some kind of authority and/or romantic relationship between Tomas and Lety, and Fernando found out last night that there is neither, they are like close siblings, something Fernando Mendiola has never experienced so he has nothing to compare to... So Fernando might have felt jealous, but I bet after he got his answer that added up to his feeling of guilt and self-stupid-calling since he has done all this harm to Lety for nothing (remember the morning after the first kiss, he told Omar he might have made a huge mistake if there is really no romance or plan between Lety and Tomas... now he knows he was right).

What strikes me is the difference in Fernando - his condition after the hotel, vs. his condition after Omar's.

Look at the afterglow. At the hotel he's dazed and stunned. At Omar's the love is obvious. He even started to confess the plot - "I'm not the person you think I am." But she interrupts with how wonderful he is, and he can't go on.

In the car after the hotel, he strictly warns her not to tell anyone. In the car after Omar's, there's none of that.

The day after the hotel he started by asking her to doctor the balance - payback! He still went nuts for Paty and was oblivious to Lety's suffering. Omar asks, "What did you do to her?" Fern answers, "Oops, I yelled at her." Lety's jealousy, and worse, feelings of rejection, don't even show up on his radar, though when Omar enlightens him he feels awful. In the car after the wax museum, he's pushing hard to convince her to go to Omar's with him, but it's all about completing his assignment and nothing about desire. He's conniving and manipulating. She declares her great love for him, and he's moved for just a moment, and then he quickly siezes the advantage and uses it to win his objective. He didn't even like her kisses in the car!

Whereas in the morning after Omar's, he knocks on her door instead of yelling for her. I'm sure we'll see more of the difference in today's show, especially the rehash with Omar.

What I love about Fea is Fernando's gradual, step by step process of falling in love. Yes, he's in love after the hotel, but just barely. After Omar's, his love has already grown stronger, moved not only by their love making, but also by the story of Lety's past.

Paula what I really like about LFMB over other novelas is that the falling in love process for the hero is gradual. It isn't the usual one look and he's a goner. It is more realistic and true to life.

It's funny how some of the scenes are so well done and convey such intimacy that you almost feel like voyeur while at the same time wanting more of the same. ;-)

Paula- thanks for links to the unedited scene . I thought something was missing!!
Ay dios mio! Fer knows how to kiss...

decie - ITA - voyeurs 'r us.

Sweet/sad episode. If Fer and Lety could just stop the world and be together as sweetly as they were this 2nd night. But, alas, as real puede ser.
This novela almost "me mató" the first time I saw it, and the intensity is still there.

Wow, this was one of the best telenovela episodes ever. ITA that it was so intimate we feel like voyeurs. That's a great analogy.

Fernando's situation is incredibly complex. He must feel like he's caught in a web of love and lies. It's very interesting to watch him go through the layers of self-discovery.

When Fernando and Lety are with each other (without outside interruptions) they seem to become fuller, happier people than when alone.

I agree, Sylvia. I only got to watch this yesterday.

I had not seen this episode in 2006, but had seen flashbacks in later episodes. This is the one I've really been waiting for. What an amazing parallel to hear Lety tell the story of Miguel and being used for a bet and money. Yet it is obvious that Fernando really loves her now. That's all I can say . . .

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