Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Llena de Amor #60 Wed 11/3/10 Marianela's The Toast Of The Town...Or Is She Just Toast?

Finally, the long-awaited contest has arrived. Marianela's fat suit has deflated somewhat, she's got fake eyelashes top to bottom and a new sprayed-down bang style coiffure. Emanuel and Brandon are both dazzled. Kristel and Ilitia both frazzled. And Nereida and Delicia are rooting for different teams. Ditto for Emiliano and Fedra. Can this marriage be saved? Sure hope not. Here's how the evening shook out tonight.

Marianela makes her grand entrance downstairs. Professional makeup and spiffy outfit. Two galans , Brandon and Emmanuel, fighting over who gets to take her to the Club Beauty Contest. Turns out she's going with her fairy godmother Tia Netty, so calm down guys. After a little huffing and puffing, they do. But Emanuel hangs around because He Has Something Very Important To Tell Her.

Switch to Kristel who's kvetching about the horrible taste of the brew Nereida's served up. What's the use of drinking this bilge if I'm still pregnant!? I'll end up fatter than la gordita. Nereida's happy to feed that little fantasy. You sure will. And after 9 months, even after giving birth, you'll still have a paunch hanging there like an old bag. Kristel takes the high road. This means I HAVE to win the contest while I still have my great body and THEN get rid of the kid.

Had enough of that? Well, let's get back to Emanuel. He's whimpering about the misery of the last few days without Marianela. She's more focused on getting to the contest in time. Fine, but afterwards, we have to talk about US, he insists.

Enter Begoña, who's packing her bags and saying good-bye to everybody now ,since she's leaving early in the morning. (Maybe earlier than that, unlucky lady, if Lorenzo's plan goes according to Hoyle.) She thanks everyone for their support, promises to send lots of postcards, and is advised to forget Lorenzo and fall in love with some hunky Italian.

Time for a trip to the House of Horrors and head horrorosa Fedra. She's still conjuring up guilty parties for the robbery. Could it be Gretel? she wonders. No way. She would have been too foggy from the injection the doctor gave her, counters Bernardo. Next, we see Gretel, happily schlepping dishes at the restaurant and smooching with Oliver outside the kitchen. Well, happy until she lays eyes on the newspaper which features a huge picture of her with the caption, Millionaire Daughter Kidnapped. What if the café manager sees this? She'll be fired for sure.

Ay yi yi. Nervous women everywhere. Marianela's calmed somewhat by her well-wishers, Emanuel's chaste kiss on the cheek (don't ruin that makeup buddy!) and a final pep-talk from the doomed Begoña, Forget about those hateful skinny gals, she advises. You have a beautiful smile. That's all you need.

Our final scene before we break for ads is Axel rolling around in bed with Lorena. He is evidently catching up for several years of celibacy in just a couple of days. Ah youth! Nothing more to say about this scene. We see him later, pretty much on the same trajectory, with Lorena pinned to a tree, sneaking in a few more heavy kisses. She'd like to get to the contest and finally breaks away.

Now that everybody's cleared out for the Sports Club and Marianela's hoped for triumph, our slimeball Lorenzo creeps in. Evidently he's taking credit for Muñeca's solo trip by telling Begoña he got rid of his wife so they could have a blissful last week together before her exit for Italy. Some heavy breathing and canoodling and then he's ready to kiss the baby good-bye and leave. Begoña suggests they not wake the baby but get in some heavier bedroom action since everybody's gone. He's on board. What a send-off. Nausea inducing.

Which is sort of what Paula is feeling. She's got that "llama de la sangre" (call of the blood) thing going on which means Gretel's in danger. And sure 'nough, a creepy, suspicious looking guy has come in the café and ordered a mineral water. As Gretel heads to the kitchen, he mutters, I've found you. You're mine. Must be one of Bernardo's minions. Hello Dark Side. Good-bye Oliver.

Back to the Bickersons. Emiliano can't take Fedra in his car to the club. He's full up with Kristel, Marianela, , Delicia, Nereida, Axel etc. Not sure about all that but anyway, he's giving an excuse for not having Fedra with him. And he's not happy about Axel's memory lapse and involvement with Lorena either. Fedra on the other hand hopes Axel NEVER recovers his memory. We shall see.

What we don't want to see is any more of Begoña and Lorenzo. But we do. Rumpled sheets in the background, post-coital glow, him murmuring sweet nothings about the taste of her lips and the fragrance of her skin, and our little single mom anxious about the trip. And given the trip he has planned, you should be, Begoña! He assures her it'll all come up roses, kisses the baby good-bye and leaves her.....looking very worried and pensive. Think she's getting an intuition of something? My hopeful prediction is something will mess up his dastardly plan. But I could be wrong.

More ads and then fun and frolic at the Sports Club. Ilitia and Kristel are swanning in front of the reporters and cameramen when suddenly they all break and run for Marianela. Evidently she's the story of the night. Reporters all want to know why a "llenita" (let's translate that as plus-sized woman) would enter a beauty contest. Well, we chubbies have our own appeal, she counters smoothly. My mother always told me True Beauty is not what we see, but what is in the heart and soul. Write that down folks. It's the take-home message of the story. It'll be on the Final.

Fedra's fuming about all the attention being paid to the Whale and mutters that she wants her to swallow every one of those Death Chocolates now!

A final scene with Begoña. I only include it because the baby was so darn cute. While she's talking to him about what a great trip it will be and how often his "papi" will visit, the little mini-ham is chattering away, waving his arms and legs and being quite the scene stealer.

Now we find ourselves at the Sports Club bar, flanked by Lorenzo, Orange Boy and the skanky master of ceremonies. MC leaves and Lorenzo's two mob flunkies arrive to indiscreetly finalize plans to bump off Begoña. Low reiterates he wants no foul-ups. And to show what a really classy guy he is, makes sure they know he enjoyed a pre-kill romp in the sheets as a parting gift. What a prince.

Back to Gretel. She tells the suspicious creep at the table he looks familiar. He plays dumb. She frets to Oliver that somethings up. She's nervous and scared. And should be.

Now for a catty dressing room just us gals scene. Some svelte chippie is wondering if obesity is a family trait. Kristel is sure getting a paunch on her.

And then the Chocolates of Death arrive. With a purported note for Marianela from Emanuel. Best way to calm anxiety. Inhale chocolates. Honestly, I would have thought these were off-limits, given her diet. Just annoys the hell out of me to see her nibble these now. And speaking of annoying. Here comes Ilitia. She's delighted, assuming Emanuel is there for her. And annoyed that Brandon has showed up too. And furious when she finds out they're both here for Marianela. What's a skinny bitch to do?

Orange Boy, meanwhile, is ready to move up to the big leagues, mob-wise. He's telling Lorenzo's two henchmen about his adulterated illegal liquor imports and they assure him he has a future in their organization. But if it works out, the one guy wants a commision for recommending him. Lorenzo seems dubious when he hears about his move. Hope you don't regret it, he mutters.

Okay. A set-up scene. The MC is worried because the make-up artist hasn't shown up. This is Doris' big chance. She'll do the makeup and win his heart. Except she doesn't. He's so freaked out by learning her experience has been primarily with corpses that he wants no part of her. Not to worry. I'm sure eventually they'll end up together. And he'll be a much better guy than he is now. The Power of Love.

Oh yeah. The Power. That's what Ilitia's talking about. She's thrilled that Emmanuel has finally clarified his feelings. Until she finds out the clarity means he knows he is TOTALLY IN LOVE with Marianela. We break for ads. Will it still be true when we come back?

Nooooooooo, says Ilitia. Yesssssssss, says Emanuel. Marianela is "la mujer de mi vida" (How many times have we heard that, viewerville?) Reporters converge on our unhappy couple and ask Ilitia how she feels now that she's about to hand over her crown to tonight's winner. Well....mixed feelings. Um hum. And how about the gossip that not all is well with you and your fiancé? Just gossip. Nothing to it.

Our image conscious Fedra is trying to pull off the same stunt. Draping herself over Emiliano, she reminisces about what a fabulous family they have, the envy of everyone, and advises that they keep up that happy image, at least for tonight. Nettie is standing there glowering at them. She and the lawyer come up for their ritual Fedra insults "actriz de cuarto", "abogado de quinta". Another lovely evening with the Ruiz family. It gets better though. A big guy and an even bigger lady, dressed in fancy duds enter and sit near them. Who are these yokels? sneers Fedra. The president of the Club and his wife, sez Emiliano. And also members of the jury for the contest. Aha! Take that skinny head bitch.

Back to skullduggery. The fellow Brandon is grooming as an informant has overheard Orange Boy's proposed liquor deal with the bad guys. Brandon braces Lorenzo about the liquor he's supplying for the club. Looks at the receipts. Pretends to be satisfied but lets his snitch know that Lorenzo is clearly crooked and he's gonna get him.

Some dressing room sabotage is going on with Marianela's shoes but Doris finds them in time. But the dress our gordita is to change into later has been torn. Ay yi yi. Weeping and wailing. Enter MC who feels bad, figuring the tears are for him. He apologizes for his rudeness earlier and kisses her hand. Okay, Romance is definitely in the wind. But in the meantime, the problem of the dress remains.

Okay folks. Curtain is going up. Grand entrance. The whole slew of contestants parade in and do a little group dance. Very Miss Universe. Marianela acquits herself well and flashes that million-dollar smile as Begoña advised. Lots of whooping and hollering. Delicia flashes her Marianela sign. Nereida waves her Kristel one. Exit all our lasses with Kristel doing a major flaunt the butt strut off.

But wait! There's more. Now there's a special call out for Marianela," the contestant who has stolen all our hearts with her her courage and her beauty". Enraptured Emanuel laps it all up and adds, And tonight I'm going to steal you away!

And on that exciting note we end.

But wait! There's previews ....

A lot of rapid-fire scenes but what stands out is someone dumps a big vat of chocolate on Marianela (Orange Boy's secret plan?) and Marianela slaps Ilitia a good one and tells her "A mi me respetas!"


tu vas a quedar con las ganas = tough luck, not gonna happen (Brandon to Emanuel about taking Marianela to the Sports Club)
mocoso = kid, squirt, pipsqueak, snot-nosed kid (Kristel's tender name for her baby-to-be)
choncho, choncha = adjective meaning big, hefty (Delicia and Nereida bickering over their placards. N. suggest "letras chonchas" for Marianela's sign.)
recapacitar = reconsider, think again (what Ilitia would like Emanuel to do)
la friego = I ruin it..... from "fregar" which means to scrub, but also means to ruin (Doris, lamenting her goof with the MC)
escalofrios = shivers, shudders (What Nettie feels every time she sees Fedra)

Dicho of the Day

Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho. lit. It's a long way from the word to the deed. Fig. Easier said than done.
Well, let's hope this is true for Lorenzo's plans and that Begoña escapes with her life.


Let me know if the tag shows up for you. I have to turn off my protected mode in order to tag it on my computer. And it only shows my bookmark if protected mode is "off", not "on". This has never happened before. Lots of crazy stuff going on with the bookmarks these days.

Hi Judy, you'll be glad to hear that your bookmark worked. Wow, I'd forgotten how quickly you get your recaps up. That's super.

So Marianela turns out to be the darling of the beauty contest. I honestly didn't see that one coming, I just figured she would somehow be tortured throughout the whole event. However it sounds like there might be some hard times in the near future. What is it with dumping things on Marianela's head?

Although Begona's not the most likable person in this show I don't want her bumped off. Poor Christian, stuck with horrid Lorenzo for a father, yuck! However no way are the writers going to let that baby go to Italy. I have a bad feeling about this one.

Was Lorena the chippie who insulted Kristel? If so she sure gets around from place to place quickly.

I liked Mari in purple but I'm not sure her sprayed-down bangs work for me. They seem kind of heavy.

Judy, it's great to be on the same recapping team with you again. Your vocab words are superbly helpful, your dicho is fun and your recap is absolutely stellar. Thanks amiga!!

Great recap Judy, and nice transitions from scene to scene make the action easy to follow. That helps, since I only keep up with this one in bits and pieces.
La Paloma

Good morning Sylvia and La Paloma.

Syl...I thought it was Lorena who dissed Kristel too, but then, iin a later scene, she was outside with Axel trying to get to the contest. So figured I was wrong. But you're right. Strange editing last night or else Lorena can bi-locate.

la Paloma...good to hear from you. We recappers scratch our head for "transitions" because the scenes do jump around so much. Thanks for noticing.

Yes, my Bookmark finally showed up this morning. Either somebody helped me or computer magic happened overnight. It's all a mystery to me.

Oh, and as to "what is it with dumping stuff on Marianela's head?"...lazy writing, wouldn't you say?

Begoña's a very ambivalent character. Even though she's friends with Muñeca now, she's still working on stealing Lorenzo. Not admirable. And totally stupid. But still, don't want to see anyone killed and their baby taken from them.

Different day, but how nice to find the same Judy. I'm so glad that you're recapping this now. I thought that you hadn't been watching but you certainly know all the characters well.

I'm guessing that Begoña's gonna get whacked. I hope not. She's kinda fun to look at, and after all, she's little Cristian's mom, plus, I believe we already have our quota of orphans.

About Axel and Lorena... can amnesia change one's sexual orientation or was Axel never really gay? When he recovers his memory (and he will) will he prefer boys or girls? How will he feel about Lorena (he seems to be enjoying her company right now)? Wow! And we thought that he was confused before.

I wonder what Smiley is supplementing Marianela's chocolates with... maybe trans-fat and she'll be dead in 30 years.


Still smiling at the title Judy. An excellent short story replete with wit, humor and wry insight. The vocabulary and dicho were wonderful.

So many terrific lines but my favorites were: "What's a skinny bitch to do?", "Take that skinny head bitch" nad of course, "pre-kill romp". Simply great.

What Mari is losing in weight, she's gaining in confidence. I'm so happy she's not only speaking up for herself but if the previews are correct, putting people firmly in their place. Let's hope Ilitia is the first of many with Fedra's turn coming up shortly.

Although puzzled by how she continually hurts Muneca, I don't want Begoña to die either. Shaken so she comes to her senses - yes but no physical suffering. Her baby needs her!

Looks like molten chocolate a la Mari tonight. Blech.

Thanks again Judy!


Hi Judy!! I don't watch this show but saw that you had recapped it and I just had to come to a "Happy place" after all the evil doings on Eva. It looks like there is lots of Mayhem on this one as well. Great job on capturing it all. your vocab at the end was great.

So glad to see your great recap Judy. And I love the vocabulary offerings. My favorite for the day: " tu vas a quedar con las ganas". I might just use that on a reply to a request to crank something out that should have been done by someone know how those go.

Lots of preening and pimping...oh I mean primping (hehe) last night. Never saw so many people sticking out fronts and backs to exhibit their sexiness or power. Like watching two groups of gorillas on a territorial dispute.

The horribly dressed Fedra ( was that dress-thingy not the worst piece she has ever donned?) was kind of a comic hoot last night, and I love that look on her face when she realized those folks were going to be judges. Take that B****!

We know, chocolate and all, Mari will come out on top of this contest! But it's still fund to watch how she really does rather dazzle compared to the other girls. I have to say that Ariadne has a gorgeous smile and can totally sell it on stage.

My wish - agent Orange, Low and all their buddies can don matching Orange prison garb ( gee Mauri will look like a big carrott) and get off the streets for awhile. what a sorry group of losers.

And I will be very bummed if Begona gets offed...I don't like seeing kids orphaned and winding up with parents that are anything but stellar. Of course, heart of gold Muneca would take the little one in. Still won't like it.

Enjoy the Sunny day anyone in the Ohio valley - snow is coming!!

Thank you for a wonderful snarky and hilarious recap! Love the skinny bitch references! LOL.

I loved the look on Fedra's face when she sees the big woman and her husband come into the club and discovers that they are owners of the club (did I remember that right?) and are going to be judges!

Carlos, I don't think Axel ever was gay. We discussed this before on Caray Caray, and I think a lot of us agreed that we never saw him interact with any other young men in a way which would indicate any interest.

I think what his problem was that he was so traumatized by what happened to him when he was a kid, that he just didn't want intimacy of any kind. The amnesia has erased the memory of the abuse that Fedra ordered, so that "block" has been lifted and he's acting like a typical horny teenager.

Hi folks. Great to get back from work and find these interesting comments.

@Carlos...."I believe we already have our quota of orphans"

@Diana...What Mari is losing in weight, she's gaining in confidence."

@Daisynjay...Two groups of gorillas in a territorial dispute."

@Sweeney...Did you read the book Skinny Bitch? A strong argument for vegetarianism. And I agree with your statement that we never really knew Axel was gay. That was characters in the story and by us. But then cast in doubt when we learned of his horrific mother's idea of appropriate sexual initiation. And now seemingly dispelled by his enthusiastic humping with Lorena.

@Pata...yeah, c'mon over. It's definitely "lighter" than Eva Luna. But more ominous undercurrents than Dinero, that's for sure.

Anyway, lots of twists and turns with this plot. And always delightful to see Fedra looking worried and appalled instead of triumphant. Ditto for Ilitia and Kristel.

Oh, and Daisynjay...yeah, "tu vas a quedar con las ganas" is one I'd like to use with a few people also! Amen sistah.

Obviously Axel isn't Gay. At the very most bisexual. A bump on the head won't make one change one's sexual preference. Yikes, could you imagine the cottage industry?
Obviously Orangy didn't see "Carrie".
Funny as wealthy as Mari's family is they can't seem to replace those 80's glasses she wears. m.

Way to go, Judy! Glad to see you here.
I agree with the other commenters that Axel probably isn't gay. Delicia, time for action girl!

Little Cristian certainly is a ham (Ham-let?) He needs his mommy, so let's hope Low-rent's goons are as inept as most of the baddies have been.

Mari's hairdo was a little odd. Maybe the bangs are fake, just waiting for the big (small?) reveal of the new Marianella, new hair and all...

Hi "m". Love the "cottage industry" quip. Too right. A little bump on the head would not change one's sexual preferences. Obviously poor Axel was just traumatized.

And I can't wait for those HUGE eyeglasses to be ditched. Let's hear it for contacts. Plus ditch that wig and give her her natural hair. I fear we'll have a long wait though.

And,as Emilia says, Time for Delicia to get to work. Delicia with Axel, Doris with the MC, Ilitia with Brandon, Lorenzo and Orange Boy 6 feet under, accompanied by our lovely Fedra and Bernardo.

Kristel. Undecided. Maybe a lifetime of weight issues thanks to her pregnancy. And therefore a little more compassion for other folks who are struggling.

Judy, I'm so glad you're recapping for this show now. Your writing is always delightful. Great title, too.

I'm disappointed in Begoña. I thought she had finally cottoned to how awful Lowrenzo is. I still don't want her to die, of course. I'm hoping maybe the gang will be arrested and that will thwart the snuff plans. That adorable baby needs his mama.

Marianela's makeover still needs some work, but I guess we have to leave room for improvement for a big transition later. Maybe after chocolate is dumped on her she will at least get a better hairstyle after she is cleaned up.

Hi Miss Julia. I am sooo happy to be back at the 7 pm time and with you all. Ditto for the Begoña comment: alas, our desire to believe we'll get what we want (someone who adores us and will take care of our offspring) trumps the reality (we hooked up with a scumbag). At least for now.

So let's all join hands now and pray Begoña wises up before somebody offs her.

Judy, great recap. The comments today have been very funny. If they do dump chocolate on Mari, all I can say is what a waste of chocolate! Orange Boy & Co. are so juvenile, they act like they are in grade school. They all need to grow up.


Well said Rosemary. What a waste of chocolate! I can think of much better uses.

What I find confusing, is in the previews, we see her continuing to compete, with hair completely restored to super perfect coiffure. Shower, hair dryer and hairdresser on site!? Hmmmmmmm

Well, they are at the club, so there's got to be a changing room with showers and probably even hair dryers. Doris is available for styling. All that would take some time, long would they stall the pageant while she got cleaned up? How long can it take for all the other contestants to interview that they want world peace and for no one to be fat?

btw my word verification is "hertspes," which I think is the particularly painful viral form Agent Orange and Lowrenzo are spreading around. Might be what's wrong with Kristel, in fact.

Love it love it! World Peace and for no one to be fat. I think that could be worked into a recap title sometime.

Judy- Sorry to be chiming in late. I was actually working so hard today that I had no time to check in here. Don't you just hate it when work gets in the way of fun? :) Anyway, the recap gave me a good chuckle, and all of the comments too. Thank you so much Judy.

Hey Vivi. We missed you but I'm glad you were busy. The work you do is meaningful and important. We're happy to be part of your relaxation however, when you can finally let down. Enjoy your evening. Colunga and his "abdominales de lavadero" are comin' up soon!
.....and wouldn't you word verification is "happy". Didn't see that coming!

Hey all, I really enjoyed everyone's comments. It sounds like I'll probably have a very active episode tonight.

Oh yes, it would be wonderful to see Agent O dressed in orange. Maybe he will dye his hair orange too, like Carrot Top!

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