Tuesday, December 14, 2010
La Verdad Oculta #064: The Lion Not Sleeping Tonight

Leonardo halts Juan José's lynching party at the club, where Juan José had already decided worthless, old Adolfo could better spend his remaining days in prison. Leonardo clamps Adolfo's indignation after letting Juan José exit, assuring him and Carlos that they as smugglers are the big fish.
Adolfo must silence Carlos spilling details of Adolfo's testimony against Juan José when Leonardo's curious why the ex-con would attack him. Leonardo's gaze drills them as he points out what excellent vision Adolfo must have to recognize a murderer several floors up -- but not across from him at the wedding reception!
Both Carlos and Adolfo speechless at that, Leonardo exits, warning them not to leave the country. They'll be watched. At Roberto's hotel, he tells Susana his work for Adolfo brought him to this pass; and it dawns on her it was Adolfo set Gabriela up with the shoes. Dangerous, but they can work their advantage.
They only need to guard the shoes and the photo, and of course they're being watched. For her trouble, Roberto splays a handful of bills on the table, popping Susana's eyes -- she earned it, he assures fondly. At Mario's, despondent David enters Mario's bedchamber to unburden himself to hardly sympathetic Santiago.
David doesn't expect much -- just to talk to someone. He recounts his growing love after meeting Gabriela, the painful gossip and jealousy surrounding it, his desire to strike back; pacing disconsolately, he admits his big, ugly mistake. Tearfully he swears his regret and fear of losing Gabriela.
David sobs to think of spending his whole life without her -- he has no one else now: his father is dead, he has no other family, no friends, not even his family name. Weeping David complains ruefully he doesn't know if his mother is dead or alive, whether she has brothers or sisters. He pleads to Santiago he's so alone.
What he did just seems so stupid -- and everything Santiago accuses him of. In the end it was his call, not Roberto's; and David swears his immediate relief at Mario fixing things. Santiago doesn't know what to advise him; and David relents on Mario's plan, saying weakly he doesn't care about it now and exits.
At Roberto's hotel, he advises Susana to stay working at Mario's and keep an eye on things. For starters, she reports Gabriela and Julieta's departure. And when asked, Roberto shrugs and wonders what good would come of talking about the wigs and tunnel -- he can't help it if some old nut wants to dress up.
Roberto points out Susana's "husband" sold hot diamonds, when she ponders if Adolfo could help Marcos. He's relieved to hear she thinks the police aren't hunting her -- she hasn't even visited the jail; but Roberto looks suddenly thoughtful to learn Leonardo has been calling the Genovés house repeatedly.
It's late, and Leonardo lays on the bell at Mario's to see him, insisting that they traced a call from the (tunnel) house by Santiago. When David resists, Leonardo demands whether he knows Juan José, which David denies -- but entering Alejandra admits knowing him, at Leonardo's raised voice and objections.

When Leonardo explains Santiago knows the real criminals who set Juan José up, he won't be denied; and David goes to rouse "Mario" while Alejandra keeps the policeman company. In conversation Leonardo learns Alejandra remodeled Juan José's house behind them, that they had a relationship, and that she's uncertain of his guilt.
In Mario's office, Leonardo surprises "Mario" maintaining they traced a call from the (tunnel) house by supposedly absent Santiago, warning them of Juan José's confrontation at the club -- and proves it with the correct phone number on a card. Beaten "Mario" agrees to tell all at the (tunnel) house tomorrow morning.

Outside in the hallway, before exiting, Leonardo informs Alejandra Juan José could be in trouble for accosting Adolfo while on probation. Worried, she consults with Santiago, who astounds her by revealing he himself told Juan José the incendiary news about Carlos, contained in Dora's stolen letter.
At Roberto's hotel room, he throws the decoy shoes onto the patio below as Susana dons the real ones. He gets ideas watching her stow the photo in her bosom; and Susana must then shyly turn down his oddly gentle advances, which he strangely doesn't push. They exit with the cash case and Félix on their heels.
In the lobby, the other goon watches the couple kiss goodbye as she exits and Roberto disappears to stow the cash case in the hotel safe. At Juan José's, Asunción helps him ice his injured duke and answers the door to Leonardo, who notes the palatial digs.
From Juan José he learns of the cell-mate's inheritance, which story Leonardo is fascinated to hear one day. But for the moment, he's more interested to be told that a woman named Dora apparently witnessed the maid's murder, that she worked at Mario's and disappeared, and that Mario revealed the news to Juan José.

Leonardo warns Juan José that someone on probation has no business pulling a stupid stunt like tonight's and that Leonardo can help him. If he persists taking matters into his own hands, he could lose everything. Before exiting, Leonardo reminds pointedly he'll be back sometime for the inheritance story.
Juan José phones to talk to Santiago; and when be-robed Alejandra doesn't like his tone and he threatens to appear in person, she hangs up on him. At Adolfo's, Félix reports back as Carlos listens in the shadows above. He hears Adolfo doubt the shoes were in the case in the hotel safe, hotel room or apartment.

Félix describes Susana, and just then Adolfo looks up, stopping short to see his son looking down. Braced on the railing, Carlos fixes his father with a look and declares now he knows just what sort of business he's in. At Mario's, a nicely redressed Alejandra is surprised to hear from Juan José at the door that he learned all.
At the condo, Carlos asserts that Adolfo has been tired of him since the day he was born. When he continues that he's leaving the house, because his father is involved in dirty deals he doesn't want to be mixed up in, Adolfo nastily points out Carlos is already mixed up in murder and a frame up.
Outside Mario's office door, Juan José is overcome by Alejandra's beauty; and as they search each other's faces, they draw near; but Alejandra departs, leaving Juan José looking disappointed. Inside, Santiago insists to Juan José it would be much easier to find Dora and solve things by telling Leonardo everything.
Back at the condo, Carlos bitterly admits he knows Adolfo thinks he's useless, but he still wants to leave before he implicates Adolfo. He could tell the police everything he knows, Carlos says, choking up; but he doesn't want to -- because in the end Adolfo is still his father.
Hateful Adolfo doesn't care and is glad to learn Carlos is also leaving the job. When Adolfo berates further saying he's a coward who messed around having the good life for 30 years without knowing how to get it, Carlos bitterly asserts he does know how to get it -- but the decent way!
Adolfo laughs and points out the stupid waitress caper; and Carlos angrily insists there's a big difference between pranks -- and being a career criminal! Carlos shouts at his father, stopping Adolfo from pulling back to strike him. Admitting he was an accessory to the maid's death, Carlos vows it's Roberto who caused it.
Carlos exits with a stiff lip, almost sobbing, to hear Adolfo order him out forever even if he starves. Across town, Leonardo visits Julieta and learns the scene of the DVD looked like Mario's office and that she knows nothing of any closed-circuit TV there -- only about recent security placed outside on the grounds.
Later Gabriela pours out her heart to Leonardo about the ugly revelation. She's hurt -- and confused how Mario could have made everything legal and then yesterday know nothing about it. When she relates David called and insisted they were married, Leonardo offers to investigate so she'll feel better.
Leonardo gets the DVD from Gabriela to watch and learns from her even if they are legally married that Gabriela wants a divorce. When sympathetic Leonardo kneels to assure her there are those who truly love her, he suddenly rebounds in embarrassment for how that sounded at that time.
He digs in deeper starting to explain it makes him angry, but just grabs the DVD and exits promising to get back to her. Presently Santiago phones Gabriela, who cries and begs him to return from supposedly Chihuahua. At Mario's, Bertha phones a relieved Alejandra, who will meet to discuss Bertha's luxury hotel room.
David brings a copy of the marriage license to reassure Gabriela, who won't even look at him. He explains desperately it was precisely for that DVD that his father made everything legal -- and that he has no excuse. But he wants to stress how sorry he is, how he loves her more than anyone else in the world.
Gabriela insists she's never going to forgive him and that she'd a thousand times rather he just told her he wanted to sleep with her instead. David swears he ran off afterward for feeling disgusted and was so relieved that Mario fixed things -- and he would have told her himself if Mario hadn't.
When Gabriela smartly demands -- before or after the honeymoon, David won't say anything that would make her doubt his sincerity, because he wants to be married for real! Well, nice way of showing it, she retorts. When David begs her to forgive him and pounds his heart swearing his love, Gabriela is not impressed. So what.
What's it worth to be loved by someone like him! If it's true they're still married, then she's getting a divorce. She never wants to see him, his father, his family or anything of them again! David exits, dejected; and Gabriela sinks to the upholstery weeping.
Labels: verdad
I imagine there is little worse for a son than the cruel, cold rejection by his father. While Carlos has made many mistakes and has a great deal to atone for, he must be given some leniancy for having such a beast as a parent.
Gabi really conveyed her searing pain and heartbreak. It appears she will need time to heal and I cannot blame her for not being able to forgive so soon.
There was so much unhappiness and angst in this episode - Santiago's agony at not being able to help his beloved daughter, David's self-loathing at betraying his true love, and of course Leo's continuing, unrequited love for Gabi.
We've talked much about Eduardo Yanez. I have to say (and mind you I certainly am biased), but I thought he more than held his own in his scene with Leo. Proud, defiant and unafraid, he did not cower. I thought it was a wonderful scene.
The most moving scene for me was between Carlos and Susana. I could not have phrased it more beautifully than you did Jeri:" Susana must then shyly turn down his oddly gentle advances, which he strangely doesn't push". Totally unexpected but touching and heartbreaking.
Jeri, thank you for making a remarkable episode even better.
Leo was really all over the place and in everyone's business last night. Lying is futile. Looks like Faustiago has decided to come clean with him finally and will tell him the next day. That will make so many things crystal clear for Leo. He's going to have a giant aha moment. :)
I also thought it was sweet how Leo teared up while talking to Gabi. I think he has been remarkably calm in his interactions with David, given what he must be feeling inside about what David did to Gabi. I know it will take some time for him to get over Gabi, but I think he feels something special for Juli too (I've seen little sparks of it), and he should allow that feeling to grow.
Gabi really froze David out, didn't she. Diana- I agree that she really conveyed how hurt and heartbroken she is. And like any child talking to a loving parent after getting hurt, she totally broke down when she talked to her dad, begging him to come back. I felt both of their pain in that scene. Abelardo should let Faustiago off the hook for a few days- have "Mario" go on vacation for a few days, so that Faustiago can go comfort his little girl.
Poor David. Having to cry on Faustiago's unyielding shoulder. I did sense that Faustiago understood the stupid things that jealousy makes one do. But the real difference with this act was the planned malicious nature of it. It was beyond the impulsive, in the moment, stupidity and that's what makes it so hard for Gabi and Faustiago to forgive. I'm not sure what David can do to dig out of this hole.
Unfortunately, if Gabriela goes through with her divorce, then it might be like someone said -- and we have to wait and have a wedding at the end, like usual.
I was hoping it wouldn't be like usual, but this is indeed a telenovela. I agree this was an angsty episode; thank goodness it still had plenty of energy.
I've been noticing how good EY is looking especially lately. I do feel sorry for his fans who never get to see him in this. Aribeth was right; he's looking his best.
Remember how Roberto almost drowned that girl in the swimming pool? And we know he pushed one over the railing to her death.
He seems genuinely fond of Susana; when she kindly turned him down, he said "...as the lady wishes..." and with a smile.
Oh, yeah; that's right, thanks. I even reported Ramón's comment myself. They could get back together and still have a wedding at the end.
I wonder how things will turn out for Carlos. He's not a bad person, and certainly doesn't want to be part of his dad's illegal doings. But, he was part of a murder, covering it up, framing someone else for it, and then trying to frame that same person for another crime. He has to do penance for that, just like David is doing penance for his huge lapse in judgement right now. Interesting how both of their major lapses in judgement involve Roberto. I wonder if it will mean jail time for him? I wouldn't actually want to see him in jail. Same with Yolanda. So much of what she's done would earn her jail time, but I don't want to see her go to jail.
I thought the scene with Carlos and Adolfo was really well-acted and painful to watch. They did so well at playing an abusive uncaring father, and the son who is trying to find himself and stand up for himself, but still loves his father anyway, in spite of everything. His conflict and pain were protrayed so well. I,too, think Carlos should be redeemed, in the end, he deserves to be.
It was strange the way Roberto accepted Susana's no, but I think it may be because he still wants to keep using her as the spy in the house. I doubt it is really any kind of respect.
Love supercop Leo and the way he is slowly ferreting out all the secrets! Hard to believe this TN still has a long way to go.
I agree with Vivi that Carlos has to atone for his sins. He, Roberto and Dolphie ruined JJ's life.
But we love him anyway.
The acting in this novela is impressive. A good script and good direction show how talented these stars really are. The David and Gabi scenes were intense and the Adolfo and Carlos scene was heartbreaking... to realize that Carlos still had a tear run down his cheek after zero love from his dad his entire life. He has some major faults but they are in his personal life. To his credit, he is honest and proud of his conduct as a businessman. The Leo and E Y confrontation was similar to two animals coming head to head in the forest. E Y needs to recognize and express some appreciation when someone saves his behind (which Mauricio did as well.)
Many novelas have the leads losing their parents but in this novela David, Gabi, Juli, J J, Carlos, Elsa and Marcos and Caramelo are all motherless. This has probably been mentioned before but it just dawned on me. It seems they all could use a mother's love and guidance at this time in their lives.
Two words will be chiseled on the tombstone* of EY:
- vengeance
- Juan
* After 2040, of course.
Even though I haven't been posting for the past few episodes, I have been reading the recaps and everyone's comments. Thank you everyone for making this novela enjoyable to watch.
Okay, so Adolfo did know that Carlos and Roberto were involved in the girl's death. I was never sure about that. Moving out on his own, and getting away from Adolfo will hopefully make Carlos a better person, and maybe he will even confess to Leo his and Roberto's guilt concerning the girl's death.
I felt bad for Gabi. She is crushed. However, Leo did overstep there with his still obvious affection for her.
Motherless children: don't forget Bertha and Ale.
..and sadly, Dora, the only mother figure so far has run off. Absinthe-drinking Yolanda isn't exactly a mother figure although she is genuinely fond of Carlos.
Thanks Jeri for last night's recap. And, everyone's comments make it a must read every-day...sometimes two or three times a day.
Although Carlos obviously loves and fears his dad and seeks his approval, he is starting to break away and show some strength in that relationship. That was probably the first time he didn"t "allow" Adolfo to hit him. What an awful childhood that must have been. I would definitely consider Yolanda a mother figure for Carlos- faults and all. She's provided him with unconditional love and a shoulder to cry on.
If JJ is so sad at being at odds with Ale, why doesn't he just apologize for his insulting remarks. He knows she cares for him and so does he. I'm sure his apology would go a long way in repairing the breakup.
Maybe he flies off the handle too quickly.
I don't remember him deciding otherwise during Santiago's alcohol binge with him.
I just read the last set of comments and enjoyed the discussion on EY whom I love too. Here is what I said on 5ft's posting of her film role:
I just watched "Striptease" for the first time since I was trying to see what Eduardo Yañez did when he tried to break into Hollywood movies. He has yet another part where he was stereotyped with a small role playng a latino whe didn't seem so smart. Seemed like a poor and very small role without many lines. I don't know if he was told to speak with a heavy accent in English or actually has that much accent but he wasn't that easy to understand except for some words. He did look heavenly and handsome in 1996. What a shame, I think his talent is amazing on these telenovelas. Like you,(this part to 5ft Latina) he needed a bigger role to showcase his true talent.
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