Thursday, December 16, 2010
La Verdad Oculta #066: The reappearance of Javier Garnica
Leonardo stops by the girls' apartment, where Julieta is a little downhearted to note his rekindled interest in her sister. At the prison, Marcos spills to an incarcerated Ávila goon that he'd like to sell a letter revealing Carlos's murder rap and frame-up job to Adolfo for the benefit of his girlfriend on the outside.

Back at the studio, Mina opines that Juan José really loves Alejandra and can change. Continuing at the prison, the goon tells lawyer Garnica he will atone for his lost shipment with information about the letter and reveals Susana's location.

At Mario's, Susana complains the household is going to hell without a housekeeper; and worried Alejandra takes the chance to plead Bertha's case to David. They need a housekeeper, and moreover Bertha is terrified Adolfo is a smuggler. Alejandra admits Bertha stole the photos -- but not the last one, and David relents.
Across the way, David tells Abelardo at the tunnel house that Santiago will have to sign the concluding contracts; and when Abelardo reminds him Mario's will stipulates David represents them now, he points out they are all hiding a death and impersonation. If Roberto talks, they'll be in trouble with Leonardo.
David says since Bertha did not steal the photo it must be someone else; and when Abelardo lists Susana's hiring details, he trails off realizing they don't bear scrutiny. At Roberto's hotel, he checks out; but not before cheerily dismissing Félix, who pulls a face showing someone spoiled his fun.

Carlos encounters Roberto at the elevators, and a check at the desk confirms he stayed there. At the mansion, David cozies nervous Susana with an apology about the photo accusation and asks if she knows Roberto or Adolfo, which she denies. Meanwhile, it turns out Garnica is an investor in a beach project of Mauricio.
At his architectural studio, Garnica tells him he needs a yacht dock to bring some other prospective investors from America, and Mauricio assures he will make arrangements for it with a private club there. The prospective investors supposedly have tourist travel connections everywhere to aid their destination project.

Carlos visits Yolanda at her condo and fills her in on the break with his dad -- the worst part being Adolfo ruined his one point of pride: being a good professional. He had the club functioning like clockwork, making huge profits. But in fact it was a farce, since Adolfo was robbing the Genovés blind.
The one thing he had going on David evaporated; they were always rivals, with David luckier in the romance department -- especially hurtful with Gabriela. And then David's accusation they were thieves turned out to be true! And on top of that, his father is a smuggler! The shoes, the photos, the guards on Roberto.
Carlos's sure Roberto is blackmailing Adolfo; but the worst thing is he can't stand they framed a guy who spent eleven years in jail for his sake -- the guy who just gave him the cuts and bruises. Carlos astounds Yolanda with the account of the maid's murder, which she apparently hadn't known.
David phones Julieta again fruitlessly; and when they hang up, Gabriela maintains she plans to divorce him. She thinks David never wanted to marry her, but had to when Mario caught him. Beginning to cry, she says what hurts is all the time she was falling in love with him, he was just figuring how to get her into bed.
When Julieta insists that David seems to love her and that it's Gabriela's pride talking, Gabriela points out that's all she's got left. Back at Yolanda's, she sweetly encourages Carlos to come live with her; but he gently declines saying he's looking for an apartment and a job. He doesn't intend to rat on his dad.

But if he finds out Adolfo plans to kill someone, he will try to prevent it. Not for Adolfo's sake, but for the other person! As they kiss goodbye, Adolfo enters with a dirty look; and after his exit, Yolanda reveals pointedly that Carlos knows and told her everything -- including the maid's murder and frame up of Juan José.
Adolfo's not impressed, insisting Carlos is as guilty as Roberto, and that he had to frame someone to protect himself, not Carlos. If Carlos wound up in prison, no telling what he might learn in there about him. Adolfo's also not impressed about Juan José or his greater fortune -- or David's dubious evidence.
At Mario's, Alejandra phones Bertha with news she can return, admonishing to cut out the stupid stuff. Hanging up, she texts Juan José, who smiles to read her thank-you note and phones his "princesita." At her remark that the flowers cost a fortune, he ruefully responds: well, big mistake -- big apology, hm?

They make plans to talk at dinner the next evening. Leonardo finds Ramón in a cafe and scolds him for eating with work to be done; but Ramón fills him in about the near-fake wedding, foiled by Mario threatening the "judge" with police. And also about Roberto, who comes from a good family, but compromised.
He couldn't find him at his address, doesn't have a job; but the "judge" claims Roberto presumes on Adolfo and the Genovéses. Back at Mario's, David continues cozying Susana by offering her a better paying position as his secretary's assistant, which idea she likes.
At the tunnel house, David tells Santiago he will have to sign the end contract in ten days. Later, with Santiago missing and worried about his girls, Abelardo offers to get some Chihuahua friends to send the girls a money order from there to avert suspicion.
In Mario's office, David advises the security head to follow Susana. In the kitchen she receives a call from Garnica to meet him about Marcos's letter offer. Alejandra visits Santiago in Mario's bedchamber and explains Bertha's return and her fear of smuggler Adolfo. Santiago's happy to hear about Juan José's red-rose gesture.
He feels like their situation should run smoother than his own jealousy toward Márta; Márta was a bad woman, but Alejandra is a good one. Juan José is sure to appreciate that; take his word for it, Santiago says with a smile. Outside, the security head follows Susana who has exited the house to meet Garnica at the corner.

In Garnica's car, Susana wants to speak to Marcos first about the blackmail letter before accepting Garnica's offer of $1 million pesos, which amount she confounds him by insulting. And at Adolfo's condo, he wants Félix to get rid of both Juan José and Roberto.
Labels: verdad
Carlos has moved out and Bertha is moving back in, and even though Ale told her not to do any more stupid things, I don't think Bertha will stop, troublemaking is in her blood. Wouldn't it be better for Ale to move in to her own place then Bertha can move in with her.
Loved the screenshot of JJ lounging on the couch. All that was needed to complete the picture was for Asuncion to be feeding him grapes while giving him more tips and ideas on how to win back Ale, lol.
Finally, got to see Mauricio again, even if only for a little, but where is Elsa.
I think Carlos is on the road to being a better person, he has cut the strings with Adolfo and wants to make it on his own. A reveal for Yolanda, she didn't know about the killing of the maid and Adolfo's cover up of the crime, and also how true to form Adolfo was, he covered it up to protect himself not his son. Maybe it is time for Yolanda to re-evaluate her connection with Adolfo.
Alejandra and Mina were cute at the beginning of the episode.
Frak you, Marcos. Thank you for ruining JJ's chances. Moreover, what if someone decides to use the letter against Carlos, who did many bad things in his life, but he definitely didn't kill Isabel?
So, Garnica is back. I like that the new character has been already introduced before. I start to feel worried for Mauricio, too. However, it's nice to see him again, I missed him.
I just hope it won't turn out that Mauricio is Garnica's and Marta's son. No, I'm just joking.
The Carlos/Yolanda scenes are always great. Moustache's definitely changing.
Oh, that screencap of Monsieur Recamier. Hot.
(Btw, I want that couch, it looks very comfortable.)
The conversation was nice, with Alejandra trying to maintain her poker face (and voice) while JJ was besieging her with his "I'm a little, stupid, lovesick puppy, please forgive me" style.
Ramón and his huge amount of lunch: LOL!
Fausto's and Alejandra's friendship is heartwarming. Actually, when Fausto doesn't act like a nervous jerk, he's very lovely with all of the kids (Gaby, Juli, David, Ale and JJ).
All that was needed to complete the picture was for Asuncion to be feeding him grapes while giving him more tips and ideas on how to win back Ale, lol.
BTW, I don't remember Garnica from before? My very bad memory, lol.
Well, Ramon deserved a lunch break, hahaha. So far we haven't seen Ramon eat anything, but we have seen Leo on a few lunch dates, lol. Seems like Leo has Ramon and all his 'men' on a tight leash.
(And a few weeks later Dolphie slept with that woman. Yuck. :))
Guys, what do you know about Univision's Christmas schedule? I checked the recaps of primetime telenovelas and 24 and 25 were always pre-empted, but what about midnights?
This was a wonderful recap and lovely pics too. These were my initial thoughts after watching this episode:
SANTA CLAUS! (what Medina in Dinero always used to say) Medina is unknowingly doing business with Adolfo's shady lawyer.
OH NO! Adolfo's lawyer knows about the letter.
OH CRAP! Adolfo put a hit out on JJ!
Darn that Marcos for not first thinking of his friend JJ. He knows JJ has money now. He should have at least giving JJ the first offer to buy the letter.
My favorite moments: Ale and JJ texting and talking; Ale and Fausto's talk about love and JJ; and Carlos and Yolanda spending time together and Carlos admitting his huge sin.
So, now that Carlos has made that vow to prevent Adolfo from killing anyone, will he be the one to prevent the hit on JJ? I'm glad to see he's on the road to redemption, but he still needs to clear JJ's name of the murder and atone for that.
A few of my favorites from your top-notch recap were: "but not before cheerily dismissing Félix, who pulls a face showing someone spoiled his fun" and "Adolfo's also not impressed about Juan José or his greater fortune -- or David's dubious evidence".
There assuredly is no honor among thieves. Adolfo held his word not to harm Roberto for a few mere hours. I hope Roberto doesn't meet his demise too quickly. I always look forward to see what the little wiggling worm will do next.
Margaret, thank you for asking who Javier Garnica was. I was going to ask as I had no idea either. Also, loved your comment on JJ's picture.
There are so many intriguing storylines, even though I want to see more of Medina and Elsa, I have to admit, Fausto, Leo, Roberto, Carlos, Adolfo and JJ are center stage now, and rightfully so.
Think this is the first time I am actually enjoying the action more than the romance!
Thanks again Jeri.
Fun fact: I've just realized that Fabián Robles played Susana González's childhood sweetheart and César Évora's first rival in Entre el amor y el odio (a Mejía circo I liked much), and guess who was his caring mother? María Sorté, aka Yolanda.
He played a positive character who was put into wheelchair in the middle of the show. He got married to Luz Elena González (from HQDENS - who was raped by his brother, Luis Roberto Guzmán from Alborada), and when Alberto Estrella, the badboy of all badboys tried to hurt his mother Fabián's character protected her in spite of his disability. Actually, he realized he could walk again and he beat the crap out of Estrella. Typical Mejía. (Anyone remembers Colunga's miraculous recovery from blindness in Esmeralda?)
Here's a scene with him:
Marcos has unfortunately already shown he's no friend of Juan José, so I was only dismayed instead of surprised he chose Susana over him. Marcos is going to be in prison a long time unless somebody kills him. I'm worried about Mauricio, too. But people dealing with large amounts of money are sometimes going to find it dirty, I guess.
Since Carlos pointedly said twice he'd try to prevent Adolfo killing someone, I think he is setting us up to expect a good deed toward Juan José. It would be nice if Carlos can do something to be forgiven.
Adolfo is a really cold character; he must be a sociopath. What in the world made him so cold, if not congenital brain dysfunction. He's protective of Yolanda, though; and not because he uses her so much. He really doesn't use her much.
Here's a screen cap from the "business" dinner of the chick Zaida that Garnica brought from Germany. (Wonder when she will show up again.)
And she and Garnica were introduced in the following episode recap (thanks, Aribeth!):
La Verdad Oculta #016 2010-09-28: Gabriela ditches the green-eyed monster
Marcos is in trouble because he has always had questionable judgment. I think I know a few people like that. If he had given the letter to J J and asked him to look out for Susana, J J would have taken care of her. I guess Marcos' mind works like that of a criminal, always making deals for money.
Santiago was giving fatherly advice to Ale and we could see why his daughters love him and have turned out so well.. He was positive and supportive. Now he can be a surrogate uncle and father figure that Ale needs.
Aribeth, what Ramon was consuming is what many restaurants in the USA serve, a huge pile of food. But Ramon is fit since Leo has him going day and night.
I am worried about Adolfo's hits on J J abd Roberto (can't help liking the slimeball) but, so far, Adolfo has been ineffective and his empire is crumbling.
I like Carlos. I find it intriguing that under his "playboy" shell he is such a straight arrow. He won't rat on his dad, but he refuses to play along with Adolfo's dirty business. It's interesting that a "bad woman" like Marta seems to have given birth to two very moral kids.
I think Mauricio is being used. Remember Yolanda was supposed to go to the beach house to receive a shipment of smuggled antiquities. Adolfo must be afraid Leo is watching the beach house so Garnica is looking for an alternate landing point for the shipment.
I'm glad David is having Susana watched. Maybe those cameras in Mario's office will come in handy again.
My favorite scene last night was the one with Yolanda and Carlos. They were both so tender with each other. I agree that he will be the key to preventing either JJ's or Roberto's murder or both.
And isn't Adolfo still out to dispatch Mario? I don't believe for a moment that he wants to break the contract now while he still has a chance for the winner to take all.
I'm glad he's man enough not to come live with Yolanda. Although she would have been very good for his ego, he would still be very much in a parent/son relationship. That and the fact that he knows how close Yolanda is to Adolfo and probably doesn't want his every move telegraphed to his dad when he wants to be on his own.
Still speaking of Yolanda, Adolfo is an abuser. In his shady dealings over the contraband diamonds and trying to protect himself, Adolfo is constantly ordering Yolanda to get information any way she can. When she rightfully wonders what excuses she can use, he implies she's stupid if she can't think up something on her own.
Garnica is a smooth operator, or is Mauricio a babe in the woods. Hasn't he lived his whole life in Mexico? Why would he believe a story about docking privileges for large ships in a secluded area....and yes, where is Elsa, I didn't see her at her desk.
It's no surprise that Adolfo wants JJ and Roberto dead. It will be interesting to see how he will get out of that jam. Loved that David is having Susana watched. Maybe he'll find out she's the one who stole the letter.
I see Carlos is on his way to redeeming himself. Maybe he'll thwart to kill JJ to make amends.
Mina, having been married for 42 years, I must tell you and Alejandra, don’t count of tons of change. I’m sure that my husband thinks that I have the same annoying habits from 1969 and I KNOW he has the same annoying habits. ha ha
Margaret, I think that Carlos is on the way to being a better person too, I hope so, he does seem to have a little green seed of good in him.
Aribeth, “I just hope it won't turn out that Mauricio is Garnica's and Marta's son.” Too funny!
Vivi, on one of your favorite scenes, Fausto and Ale...have you noticed that Fausto is in so many of the great scenes?....he’s a dream father figure. HE LISTENS!
Diana, “Think this is the first time I am actually enjoying the action more than the romance!’ Me too!
Jere: “Marcos has unfortunately already shown he's no friend of Juan José, so I was only dismayed instead of surprised he chose Susana over him.” Do you think that Marcos and Susana have something real? I’m not sure, she stole diamonds from him, but then again she is giving Roberto the cold shoulder.
Thanks Jere!
Xint, “I think Mauricio is being used.” Yes, his kindness and trust weren’t working for him with Garnica!
Newbie, “My favorite scene last night was the one with Yolanda and Carlos.” I agree, yesterday I happened to post that, for some reason, I have been sympathetic to both Yolanda and Carlos. I hope writers don’t pull the rung out from under me on this one!
Pirate Babe, “Where is Elsa?” Yes, where is she? Elsa has a sixth sense when it comes to judging people....she might have been a help to Mauricio with Garnica.
Elsa has a sixth sense when it comes to judging people
I must be biased because she's still not my favourite character*, but... She loaned from Salomón (instead of looking for someone else, but okay, she was under pressure) and she trusted the lawyer (who robbed her), Roberto and Carlos (who only wanted informations about JJ).
* But the actress, Silvia Ramirez is a precious little porcelain doll, I like her. Except the whiney voice. I realized that's what makes Elsa so irritating for me.
Oh, a week ago I saw a video with Silvia and Gabriel Soto, it turned out they had worked together in Mujer de madera before. (That's Larrosa's telenovela from 2004.) Silvia's character looked like an spoiled rich chick who tried to persuade Gabriel's character to have a "just sex" relationship with her. My eyes almost popped out of my head. :)
She's not my favorite character in the novela either, Fausto is!!!!
I was just thinking after some of the comments that there is not a slutty femme fatale kind of female character in this. There always is in tns. Even Bertha and Susana, who are opportunists, aren't spreading themselves around everywhere. Bertha will flirt with danger, but she's really kind of wimpy when it comes to going to the dark side. Susana is wild with Marcos, but gently brushed off Roberto and gave Garnica the stink eye when he eyed her legs last night. And our two good girls- Ale and Gabi- get to have some hot, passionate sessions with their galans.
Sandy- I so agree on what a good dad Fausto is, even though in general he's a grump and he was very strict with the girls as they grew up. But obviously, he was very generous in the love, kindness, gentleness, understanding departments. Notice last night when Yolanda pointed out to Carlos that Adolfo has always provided him with whatever he wanted. He came right back with the truth- that Adolfo has provided him with material things, but never a kind word or caring gesture. The opposite of the girls. Very sad.
By the way, Marta produced 3 good kids- Gabi, Juli, and Carlos (on his way to being good). Loved the joke about Mauricio turning out to be Marta's child with Garnica. LOL! She did get around...
A weaker, dumber woman might have felt trapped
Yes, I think her horrid experience with her stepfather made her stronger.
Here's the video from Mujer de madera:
It's the third video.
I don't know what happened to myspace, five minutes ago it worked perfectly, but now it's frozen.
As for favourite characters... It's so hard to choose! I like even the bad boys.
- Don Gregorio (RIP)
- Leonardo
- Alejandra
- Juan José, sometimes he's dumb, but sorry, he's portrayed by EY
- Fausto
- Carlos
- Julieta
She did get around...
She did. :) I don't judge her for being promiscuous, at least she had fun, but having 3 kids from 3 fathers under 27, and she didn't even love those men... Well, maybe she was in love with Adolfo in the beginning, but we know she seduced Mario because Yolanda loved him and she married Fausto because she needed a father for her child.
Aribeth, sorry if this has been covered before but, where are you? I'm in Nashville, Tennessee...USA!
Budapest, Hungary, European Union. :)
Nashville, Tennesse? Wow! I'm in love with Tennesse since I first saw a great show called "Christy".
Juan José doesn't have to change much; it's mostly outward changes he's made. On the inside he's a decent guy, so minor adjustment might be more apt.
About Marcos and Susana, they do kind of seem to be sold on one another somehow. She took the diamond, but hasn't deserted him. She just wants a little economic security. He might not even mind.
After all that baby making they did earlier, I feel like she could wind up with a baby. Up till now there have been lots of illegitimate kids, but the grown up variety.
This show is oddly devoid of babies for a telenovela. It's a very adult show, both inside and out (viewers). Can't have a short attention span, that's for sure.
Aribeth's comment about Mauricio and Marta and Javier was terrific, LOL. So...what was it you heard about LVO ratings being good even at midnight, btw?
I loved Silvia in Destilando Amor. She is the tall, placid type; not blonde, but I think Hitchcock might have liked her coolness.
She does have a kind of nasal quality, though; like she's always got a bit of a cold or something.
Sandy, both sides of my family come from the Smoky Mountains; I spent ages 3 to 10 in Maryville, but then we were off for distant and varied points ever after.
I noticed that while getting the screen cap and decided a close up wouldn't go amiss.
So many good looking guys at Televisa, and they can't all be romantic leads.
Vivi, on Carlos, "Adolfo has provided him with material things, but never a kind word or caring gesture." Vivi, you pointed out Adolfo's poor parenting abilities many weeks ago! I have to think that maybe Yolanda gave her "muñeco" enough positive love that he will have the ability to move from the low road to the high road....
Aribeth, Budapest is one of the places that I'd most like to visit. Maybe someday. I don't remember Christy, what is it about?
Not only are we oddly short of babies we are also oddly short of wives in this TN. Mario's wife is dead, Fausto's Marta is dead, Leo's wife is dead, Adolfo's wife is ??? (did he ever have a wife?), Abelardo's wife dumped him because of his alcoholism, Roberto's mother is ??? as well! Gabi is really the only "real live" wife in this TN!
Next week (the week leading up to Christmas), LVO is only on Monday. (wah!)
The week after (the week leading up to New Year's), it's on Mon, Tuesday, and Wed. After that my tv lists TBD. So it may or may not be on that Thursday and/or Friday.
Let me know if anyone's regional schedule says something different.
The schedule looks like this:
12/16- Ep 67
12/17- Ep 68
12/20- Ep 69
12/27- Ep 70
12/28- Ep 71
12/29- Ep 72
12/30- ??
12/31- ??
But then none until 12/27.
We're having our nephew make a holiday visit the week of 12/22 - 12/29, so I am not sure what kind of time I'm going to be having that week.
I may have time to do recaps ahead, but might also need to just post a discussion thread my nights, not sure.
Everybody, it's a pleasure reading all your comments. I know I'm probably alone on this but I think Ramon could make a good fallback guy for Julieta. He's faithful to his boss, unflappable, and loves to eat - ood starting points for a relationship.
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