Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #129-130 12/15/10 Heaven and Hell.

Capitulo 129.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

This episode is too packed. There is no way to briefly summarize it; I can’t leave anything out. Read Julie’s recap so you don’t miss anything. I only have a few points I want to hit on.

Several times Lety vows that her love for him is eternal.

In his thinking chair, Fernando concludes that he can’t break the engagement. It was not Omar who supplanted Fern’s decision. Fernando did that by himself, and he summoned his own doom. Note that only two scenes later, Jorge Flores warns Lety of rough seas ahead.

Capitulo 130.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety wants to buy a St. Jude statue, but then she decides to wait until she is free of guilt and worthy of it. But Jorge Flores, the vidente, gives her a statue and says, “Take this. You’re gonna’ need it.” He “sees” an envelope and a letter. She needs to be strong, and any recapper needs to be strong to translate the papas-en-boca vidente. Amanda deserves a premio!

2. Fernando gives Lety a white rose and says it’s like her, pure and beautiful. But to himself he says, “I’m sorry, Lety. I promised break the engagement, but I can’t. Even though I’m working against myself, I have to marry her.

3. Marcia calls Fernando to thank him for the engagement ring. Fernando is speechless. Marcia says she was afraid she’d lost him, and Fern says he never considered canceling the wedding (ba$tard!).

4. Fernando tells Lety to bring him Zoom’s (02134?) yellow envelope from his briefcase. Lety finds two, so she opens the first one and finds The Letter. Mi estimado presidente.. Lety cries a river of tears. Cristina finds Lety crying and tries to help, but Lety cowers.

5. Fernando tells Omar, “Don’t help me, Omar. You just put me into problems and more problems.” (Boy howdy!) He continues, “The thing I want least at this point in my life is to marry Marcia.”

6. Cristina keeps trying, but Lety says that a beautiful woman like her couldn’t understand. Men want her, while they only use and laugh at Lety. Cristina says she was an ugly duckling until she learned to love herself, and men only want her for bragging rights. She says a crisis is also an opportunity, the night is always darkest before the dawn, and a full soul makes one beautiful.

7. Carolina whisks Fernando and Luigi away to check a venue for the Cannes event.


Perfect title. The first hour was exquisite. And the second hour also....for a while. When Lety opened the manilla envelope, I knew I couldn't bear it so I turned off the TV. Yes, cowardly. But the time is Paradise was so lovely, I wasn't ready to lose that feeling yet. Plenty of time to hit bottom later.

PS Is there anyone more drop dead gorgeous than Fernando in a white t-shirt. Ay yi yi...

Fernando just spent a perfect weekend with Lety. He himself said she makes him feel full for the first time, she makes him feel loved more than he thought possible, and he doesn’t have to hide or pretend anything. He is removed from all the noise and the pressure of Conceptos, Omar, Marcia, and his family. But even with all that, still he can throw her under the bus. Is this a worse betrayal than the seduction? To him whom much is given, much will be expected. The anvil MUST fall. For justice, for him to be rescued from himself, for him to ever be worthy of Lety.

Note in his thinking chair, it’s *I* want to break engagement, *I* want to stay with Lety. What about Lety’s wants, Lety’s heartbreak. Lety thinks only of Fern. Fern thinks only of Fern.

Not to be cynical...but isn't that how most male/female relationships go? Alas.....

Aside from the cynical reaction, great analysis of the dynamic, Paula.

Ah after all the lovely things we now enter the never ending suffering stage that any good novela has.

Fern still totally lacks guts and will sacrifice himself and Lety and even Marcia for what? To be president of the company, to put one over on the Snake, to try and make his parents proud of him? What a fool and he will pay for it many times over. He also has a load of nerve to call Omar an idiot when he basically told him to buy Marcia something to keep her sweet. He told Omar he knew he had to marry her so what did he expect.

Poor Lety can't get a break. The seer sees her in the church and then tells her about a yellow envelope and natters on about her love and hard times a coming. Spot on on that one. Had he not mentioned the yellow envelope I wonder if she would have opened one of them and found that brutal letter. That scene was really difficult to watch and thank God they cut to a commercial right after it.

I still have to wonder with that skinny little briefcase with the envelop right on top why Fern never bothered to look at it, would have save a boat load of problems if he had. Now I am curious to see how long Lety will wait before she unloads on him.

Things I learned today:
1. Fernando does the water works much better than Lety. You actually see tears streaming out of red eyes.
2. It is confirmed he was born wearing a suit and with tons of gel in his hair.
3. Michael Phelps could not do the moves in the pool.
4. Lety actually has nice legs when they are not hidden in hideous hose.
I felt let down that after a nice time together while still both of them are in the afterglow of the no-glow she finds and reads the letter. As much as I felt for her I just couldn't help but wonder "Lety you know that Fernando does one thing very well. He lies!!!"
I do not think she truly loved him since she ignored all his faults and insisted he was perfect. Although his love is not perfect it is more sincere since he loves her for her knowing her limitations. I have to wonder if she too has to learn a lesson and to love him for who he really is. I am not justifying the lying but it is an essential part of his personality. so maybe Lety has some growing to do so she really be worthy of Fernando.


I agree with you. I've always contended that Fern loves Lety more than she loves him. He sees through to the heart of her. She on the other hand is like the nerd in the corner of the classroom with her eyes on the BMOC, She put him on a pedestal and makes excuses for his lies, the fact that he is engaged to another women. I see it more as a crush with benefits rather than the deep and true love that he is coming to feel for her. And, I think her subsequent behavior may bear me out.

That said his behavior today was reprehensible in the extreme.

Decie Girl I agree that his behavior today was beyond reprehensible. But lying is one quality we love in the romantic lead of screwball comedies. Yesterday Sylvia mentioned "It happened One Night" and though I love Clark Gable in screwball I have to say Cary Grant does it so much better. I am thinking of Cary Grant in "His Girl Friday" where he simply lied all the way to end when he gets the girl back. Camil is not Cary Grant but he is very close to his role in His Girl Friday. (I think Cary Grant also had silly calves "I am thinking "Bringing Up Baby")
Perhaps lying is an issue when the story mixes comedy and drama.
Paula what do you mean by TBLMOE?

I vividly remember recapping #129. I cried my eyes out, knowing what was coming in #130. In fact, I think I cried harder then than I did during #130!

I don't want to FF through these, so I may save them for the weekend.

LOL to Paula for the Zoom (02134) reference!

This episode with the letter just killed me. I hurt for poor Lety, and cursing stupid Omar at the same time. I think Fern really wants Lety, but he also wants his company and he doesn't know how to get both. So he thinks he has to keep stringing Marcia along. If only he would be honest with Lety about this part. Also he was very stupid letting Omar run so much of his personal life. I also believe that at this point Fern loves Lety more than Lety loves Fern because he fell in love with the inside of her, the true real person she is. She fell in love with him right away, just by looking at him. (Well, gosh, who wouldn't). Also shocked, shocked, shocked that she could stand in front ofFern naked, but couldn't wear a swimsuit in front of him?? And what crazy kind of self control does she possess? We all know that the "hacer de amor" with Fern is the most magical, wonderful for her and yet she gives it up??? Incredible.

Julie, I thought you might be the one to catch the Zoom! shout out. BTW, your recap of 129 was sensational. You had only been recapping for three months, and the way that you captured everything in that complex cap was amazing!

Speaking of the 2006 recaps, did you folks read the comments for Cap 130? That recap had an exceptional collection of comments.

Jenn, TBLMOE stands for The Best Looking Man on Earth, who is of course Colunga.

Yes, #130 was depressing, but look at the bright side: almost no cuartel scenes!

Jenn, I liked "It happened One Night." Apparantly it is considered the first romantic comedy. I'll have to take a look at "His Girl Friday."

Remember I said that the drum on Lety's wall keeps shifting? The changes are usually random, but in #130 for the first time it was turned downward.

Diann, I think her fear of swimsuit was because of the bellas at the resort. She feels (felt) totally safe with Fernando, but she feels like the rest of the world laughs at her. And when she fell in love with Fernando, of course his looks, charm, status, etc. didn't hurt, but what really moved her is that he defended her. Early on she would often gush about how he protected and defended her. Still not the basis for deep, mature love, though. More like hero worship rather than love of a pretty face.

I agree with you all, the whiplash turnaround was hard to take. But we're still lucky. Remember Omar's apartment? In the Colombian BLF, Betty found The Letter the morning after the apartment. No 30 caps of bliss, no deep love at his house, no Cuernavaca. Fernando/Armando didn't have time to develop what decie girl called "the deep and true love that he is coming to feel for her." He went from the kick in the teeth of his reaction after the apartment, directly to her reaction after the letter, with no time for his love to become firmly established.

Fernando is so wishy-washy. Omar teases him, “Do you want to end up in the arms of your gargolita?” Fernando thinks to himself, “Even though it’s what I want most, there is no way.” Nice try, Tutz! Fernando may believe it’s what he wants most, but he’s lying to himself. His choice indicates what he values most. By its very definition, whatever makes him sacrifice Lety (e.g. keeping the presidency or not wanting to disappoint his father) is what he wants most. If he wanted Lety most, he’d sacrifice everything to keep her. IMHO Fernando’s tragic flaw is that he loves two women, Lety and Conceptos (or the presidency), and NOT in that order.

Paula, I didn't think about the bellas at the resort, I guess the episode was so wrapped up in just the two of them I forgot there were other people there. Still I think its weird she could stand there like that if she is so insecure with herself.

Great title Paula. And Julie and Amanda thank you so much for the orignal recaps. These were quite the contrasting episodes.

There was one sweet moment before it all went bad that I had never noticed before and it was after the cuartel just left Fern's office and Lety and Fernando were standing next to each other behind the desk. She just briefly put her head against his shoulder.

Yeah, we're definitely lucky to have had a 30-episode stay of execution between Omar's apartment and The Letter. It may actually be the longest "togetherness" phase I've ever seen in a telenovela. (In Pasion, Camila and TBLMOE were solid for quite a while, but I think they were physically separated by other issues. Most other telenovela couples are much more volatile.)

It was very suspenseful, too, wondering when she would finally find the Carta of Doom. For a while, I began to wonder if she would read it at all, or if something even worse would happen to split them up.

But what I really liked about the 30-episode interlude was that it made the sense of loss that much greater when it finally happened.

It wasn't just the emotional investment. The extra time meant that more things had happened at Conceptos; more things had happened in Marcia's and Fernando's and Lety's heads; more things had happened at home between Lety and her parents. And now all of this progress was at risk of being nullified or worse, because Lety found something that appeared to confirm every bad thing she'd ever believed about herself and her place in the world.

Ah, the tension. You can cut it with a knife and serve it on a plate.

Shoot, I had a lunch date and missed today's episodes. Must rush to You Tube. Thanks for all, everyone.


Paula, Please explain to me how Fern could have done such a 180degree turn about marrying Marcia? Why is he so set on the boda when not 24 hours prior he was swearing to Lety he was going to cancel. Why did he let Omar get away with the ring and note? This episode has really killed all the lovely romantic scenes we have seen previously. It seemed Fern was growing as a character and then BAM, he's back to the original. I don't get it...
Plus, I know, no spoilers, but will we be able to root for Lety? Thanks Paula, Diann

I'd love to hear other people chime in in Diann's question too. I intend to answer, but I might not have time until morning.

First the easier question. Why the 180 degree turn? It’s evidence of a major character flaw we’ve seen in him all along. Every problem that arises, he jumps on an immediate solution without thought to consequences, without even thought to how it lines up with his values. Pilar wouldn’t ride the horse, so he told her he was Pavel, without thought to how that would hurt Lety or that it would make Pilar’s obsession with him worse. He started to romance Lety, without considering that he would have to dump her to marry Marcia, while Lety still owned his company (i.e. a woman scorned). So when Lety was crying in the bar, and remember his prime directive is “Lety must not suffer,” he told her he’d break the engagement. It was the perfect solution to his immediate problem. Not only would Lety be happy, but he doesn’t want to marry Marcia anyway. But when he finally stopped to think about it, and Lety’s tears were not in front of him, then he remembered his other problems, and he had to fix THOSE problems. He goes through life playing Whack-a-Mole, and with about as much forethought. He has a ton of lessons to learn, but one biggee is to make his decisions based on his convictions and not his impulses, and to stick to his decisions.

One thing to remember. He wasn’t just guarding the presidency by keeping Marcia’s vote. If he canceled the engagement, Ariel would move to split the company, and everyone would find out that Lety owns the company.

Oh man this sucks. I knew that Lety would eventually find the letter but argh, it's just horrible.

I'm also a bit befuddled at Fernando's backsliding. It's like he's two different people. On the other hand, Lety is two different people too. I guess that's what happens when one lives a charade.

I'm too traumatized to comment further.

Why did he let Omar get away with the ring and note? Personally I think Omar orchestrated that. First Omar presented the problem in a way to make Fernando panic (Omar’s good at manipulating Fern’s panic). Then Omar suggested that Fern do something nice for her. Fern made suggestions and Omar shot them down. Then, watch it carefully. Omar started to steer Fern to the answer Omar wanted, but Fernando said, “Just go do something. I don’t care what.” Omar hung up, then whooped and hollered with glee because he didn’t have to sell Fern on his idea. Just like when Lety’s dad wouldn’t let Lety tell him where she was going for the weekend. Now, I don’t know how the ring and the card about nietos helps Omar’s goals. But I know that he was deeply disturbed when Marcia said Fernando’s amante has his heart, and Omar wants to rob it back. Wasn’t Omar’s call right after that? (I’m not positive.) And by the time Fern found out what Omar had done, Marcia already had the ring.

It seemed Fern was growing as a character. He’s growing because he has fallen in love with Lety. He has a strong desire to protect her, take care of her, and make her happy. The problem is, it’s a selfish love, like a 2-year-old has for his mother. He loves Lety, but he loves himself more and he loves the presidency more. Look what he said in the bar in #126. “My happiness is you, Lety. Not Marcia. I don’t want to suffer.” See how self centered that is? The focus of his love is his own happiness, not hers. He gives love when it doesn’t cost him anything, but when given a choice between suffering himself or making Lety suffer, guess what?

Now that we’re back to the original Colombian script, the characters will behave according to character. Even when Fernando seems inconsistent, his behavior is consistent with his character flaws (selfish love and weakness of convictions). And when he starts to transform, Gaitán’s genius really shines.

I'll try to tackle this without spoilers:

Can we root for Lety?

First, let's consider: have we been rooting for Fernando? Yes. Have we loved everything he's done? No. Do we still want him grow and learn and become the kind of person who can have a happy life with the woman of his choice? Yes, because the world will be a better place if that happens; it will be a worse place if he keeps stinking it up with self-centered, weak-willed behavior.

We need to root for Lety for the same reason. Even if you're angrier with her than with Fernando, you can still do it for his sake. Also remember that a person like Lety who's entrusted with other people's money can really stink up the world, too. That's another reason to want her to get better.

But this isn't like one of those telenovelas where an annoying heroine experiences a big dramatic crisis, learns her lesson, and then gets a haircut to signal that she's had a sudden great epiphany and is now ready for a mature and fulfilling kind of love, all in the last three episodes of the show. No, no. Instead, we will be watching some serious emotional haircuts - more like gruesome surgery - in real time. It won't be easy, or fast.

It'll often be easier to favor one's point of view over the other's. Sometimes you'll be able to root for both of them. Sometimes you may be disgusted with both and look forward to the cuartel scenes for relief. But just remember where they're each coming from, how much pain they're in, and how desperately they're trying to grow and learn from their mistakes.

Just repeat all of these things to yourself, again and again. Maybe it'll help. No promises. :-)

Sylvia, actually, they kind of are two different people. If you think of the characters as Original Recipe Fernando vs. Extended Episodes Fernando, a lot of these inconsistencies are easier to take.

Extended Episodes Fernando is an impostor who knocks out Original Recipe Fernando for weeks at a time and then sleeps with his girl, uses his credit card, dirties his dishes, says beautiful things and makes wild promises; and then disappears, leaving Original Recipe Fern to deal with the mess. (Not that O.R. Fern can't make perfectly good messes on his own!)

Rosy Ocampo (or whoever was making the creative decisions for LFMB) seems to have had a very different take on some of the characters than Gaitan did. As you have noticed, it really shows during the extended episodes.

Julie a pretty good analysis of rooting for Lety. Personally because of the way she changes I had problems caring much for her from this point on but Fern from the beginning and actually Omar as well are far more interesting character and what happens to them the bad, the very bad and the good are fun to watch and particularly the friendship between them

Watching Lety with Christina yesterday crystalized something in my mind. Lety uses her lack of looks as an excuse for eveything bad that happens to her. Throughout her life it has become a kind of crutch and she knows she can always fallback on Mommy, Papi and Tomas to keep her safe (and childish). In her own way she is as self centered as Fern. She didn't want to hear that other people have problems, suffer and feel pain because it doesn't fit her idea that pretty people are exempt from pain, only ugly ones suffer. She annoyed me even while she was suffering when she said she was born ugly and would die ugly. Oh please in this day and age (OK ignore the lime green makeover) all she has to do is go to a good dermatologist for her skin, talk to all the pretty girls around Conceptos and find a good hair dresser and get some contact lenses. It isn't as if she has to spend her money on anything at home.

I know the motif of the story is that beauty is on the inside but there is nothing wrong with giving nature a little help.

We are getting close i think to where i came in the first time around and am curious to see if my original impressions of the going on remain the same now that i have more background information.

Thank you Decie, Julie, and Paula.
You gave me some great insights into these characters. Seems like this is going to be some wild ride.... See you guys here later.

Deciegirl, that's a good observation about Lety hiding behind her ugliness to avoid dealing with her problems.

When we grow up with any kind of disadvantage, we develop specialized behaviors to help us cope. Likewise, if we suffer a trauma, we may develop specialized behaviors to avoid that trauma again. But behaviors that helped or protected us before can become ineffective or even destructive once the disadvantage and/or threat is gone. Oftentimes we're not even aware of these coping mechanisms - we didn't necessarily choose them consciously in the first place - so we don't automatically discontinue them when they're no longer needed. (We may not even notice right away that the disadvantage or threat itself has disappeared.)

It's that much harder when your family and old friends are just as traumatized as you are, and are reinforcing those old defensive habits. I hadn't thought of it that way until you pointed it out, Deciegirl. Thanks!

...come to think of it, Impostor Fernando didn't sleep with Lety during that happy 30-episode stretch, did he? Scratch what I said about that before. But he romanced Lety and got her hopes up. That's even worse!

Julie, fabulous post about "Can we root for Lety?" Exceptional analysis. For me, I always liked Lety until we got to the 50 cap's Mexico tacked on at the end. She was no longer Gaitán's well developed, coherent character, and her decisions were motivated by series extension, not by who the character was.

Paula interesting thought about the extension and how Lety became almost unrecognizable because of it. It was odd because the other characters with a minor wobble by Fern continued to be on the same path. The major problems with extensions is that the writer usually has the whole story plotted out and the sudden requirement to add more time throws the whole story arc off center. It is incompressible to me why they changed Lety so drastically (In my mind) that someone you could root for became unlikeable. Worse than that was what some of us though was a rather abrupt resolution of everyone's problems. (Then again that often happen in novelas.)

Let's all be careful to be very vague about the future. Times like these, when we've just seen a MAJOR turn in the plot, naturally we think of other important landmark events, so let's be careful.

Great insights and comments everyone. Deciegirl, I very much like your point about Lety using her fea-ness as a crutch, even as a bit of a power trip at times.

Are you still around this site Paula H? I just watche La Fea for the first time this summer and am dying to talk about it.

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