Friday, December 03, 2010
La Verdad Oculta EP57 12/02/2010 - Truth explodes

* FaustoMario drags Yolanda and screams "You lie, you lie! Get out of here!" The woman swears she gave shelter to Carlos when he was five years old, and when she found out it was Adolfo who had murdered Marta in exchange for her silence she obliged him to acknowledge Carlos as his son. Marta wasn't a decent woman: she abandoned her son, she didn't want to tell Santiago she was carrying Mario's child, and when she got tired of him she wanted to return to Mario. Oh, and she drops another truth bomb: the car accident wasn't an accident at all.

* In her bedroom Bertha sulks about Mario's behaviour again, and doesn't appreciate Alejandra's idea of looking finding a profession at last. Ale isn't worried about being kicked out of the Genovés villa since she has her own business and she's is looking for a flat anyway, but warns Bertha, who now places all her trust in rich, generous Adolfo, to be careful with that man.
* Mauricio brings Elsa home and he doesn't let his girl go until they share another sweet kiss.

* JJ gives a beautiful diamond pendant to his Alejandra, and while the big horny guy is talking with the hotel manager about booking the Fornication, I mean, Presidential Suite, Ale musingly check how the glittering stone would look like - on her finger.

* Next morning the heartbroken Faustiago, who spent all night crying about Marta and the cruelty of life, visits his wife's tomb. Damned woman! Why, why, why? He picks up a rock and damages the gravestone. In the meantime Leo learns his neighbour's left town, and not even his daughters know where he is now.

* Well, he's only a few yards away from the Genovés villa. Juan José, who's guiding the moving men, notices Fausto who's just arrived at the tunnel house. He heartily welcomes him and wants to show him the beautiful house he inherited from his cellmate. It must be a hobby of his. But Fausto wants to be in the headquarters as soon as possible so he says maybe next time. In the make-up room the viewers and Abelardo get another tantrum. Now why so serious? That Juan José lives in the neighbouring house and guess who reconstructed his home? Alejandra! There are too many connections, there's too much pressure, it's enough! However, our patient Abelardo gets out of him what his real problem is: Marta. He always thought she was a good woman and mother. Abe encourages him and advises to think about his daughters and the vengeance against Adolfo.
* JJ shows Alejandra the huge dining table he bought... But he forgot the fact there's no dining room in his house. Anyway, Alejandra tells him her plan to move out of Mario's house (which became a madhouse lately). She has to live her own life and she wants to be with JJ. What about moving together, asks JJ. Me encantaría! (I'd love that!)

* A nervous, confused Roberto shows up at the Genovés house to make sure that Mario is really alive. He meets Susana who tells him the "my husband left me so now I work here" tale. And what about his bruises, did someone beat him up? Oh, he's just had an accident. Anyway. He asks her to meet him privately later. Their friendly chat is interrupted by the appearance of the living dead, the first zombie of Mexico City. Roberto can't believe his eyes and he almost touches Mario's shoulder to check he's not a phantom.

* The happiness of Ale and JJ doesn't last long. When she learns Asunción and Caramelo are going to live with them she explodes. She understands he'd like to help them but why on Earth does he want to bring them into his house? JJ starts to raise to voice too: because they're are his only family, what should he do now, should he kick them out? She doesn't want to live with people like them and it doesn't help either that JJ reminds her he's one of those simple people.

* Leonardo visits SantiMario to ask a few questions about his friend, Fausto Guillén. Does he know where he works? No, to SantiMario's knowledge Fausto has no job. Strange, says Leo. Though he's unemployed he's on a business trip. *Viewerville: Busted!* And does he know a man called Santiago Guzmán? No. Or Marta Sardíval? No. No, no, no, actually he never heard of them. But Gabriela heard them talking about Marta. Fausto denies everything: no, that must be some kind of misunderstanding. Leo is definitely worse than Columbo and Poirot put together and his cross-question make Fausto feel like he's a butterfly in the spider's web.

Now he asks him about Adolfo, who actually does know Santiago and Marta. There's one thing he doesn't understand: how could he, an experienced businessman team up with Adolfo Ávila who knew nothing about hotels by that time? Errr, because he needed an associate, says Mario. Anyway, what is this sudden interest in Adolfo? Does he investigate after him? Fausto mentioned him that Leo thinks he may be a smuggler. Leo stays silent and Mario asks him not to tell about Fausto's past to his daughters. Outside a very curious David, Gaby and Bertha, who's enchanted by the handsome detective, try to find out what the hell is happening inside the study.
* Mina notices Alejandra's nervousness so Ale tells her everything about JJ, his little friends and what she thinks about living together under the same roof. And did she use that tone of voice when she told her opinion to Juan José? Worse. Mina understands her wish to be alone with her lover but she thinks Ale should've been much more polite and diplomatic. *Viewerville: Team Mina*

* In the hotel apartment JJ pours his heart to Asunción. He's a little bit depressed, he wants to work and to do something good because he feels useless. He's tired of spending money all the time ... the money he didn't even earn!

* David fumes in the study. Hinds very strange that a detective investigates after Fausto and thinks his father-in-law's behaviour is suspicious. SantiMario fiercely defends Fausto which makes David completely confused. Why does he behave like that? Why does he treat him like a child? Something must've happened to Mario. Outside Bertha rushes to David to ask why Leo visited Mario. Blondie shouts at her: because you stole her photos and gave it to Carlos Ávila! She denies everything. David swears if he ever finds out it was her he'll kick her out of the house, understood?
* JJ brings Asunción and Caramelo to their lovely new home.
* David shows up at Carlos's office demanding to know if Bertha gave him the photo. Moustache is quite amused at his anger... Until he insults him and his father and reproaches them for their dirty business tricks. How dare he?! He's the son of the owner, he has every right to say what he wants! And Carlos drops the bomb: well, well, well he isn't your father. Whaaat?!

* David immediately drives home and storms into his father's room. I'd like to talk with you... Dad. He sends everyone out and repeats him what Carlos said. Is this true? Is this why Mario tolerates Adolfo? Is he is father or not? And Fausto, who's completely fatigued by lying, role-playing and scheming, decides to show him the whole truth. While poor David is fighting against heart attack and faint, he removes his wig, the prosthetic nose and the denture, and there he is: the morbid hybrid of Mario Genovés and Fausto Guillén.
Labels: verdad
Here are the You Tube links for Episode 57:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Couldn't 'Mario' just say to David that he was adopted legally, etc., etc., but no, he took it a step further by taking off his disguise and scaring poor David out of his wits. Talk about shock treatment David must have felt like he was in some horror movie. Surely there must have been a better way to reveal who he was and thye whys to David. Not very subtle of 'Mario'.
Ale and JJ have another fight about JJ's 'instant family' moving into the new house.
What about Roberto's face when he came face to face with 'Mario'. He physically cringed away from him then wanted to touch him to see if he was real. Fantastic scene. Susana is observing all this and everything else that is going on in the house with interest. Wonder what she will do with all the info, or even who she will give the information to.
But, what am I doing? Ruminating about why we were shown several shots of the red light David ran rushing home.
Second, replaying the last scene between "Mario" and David over and over a la "Groundhog Day". I don't think any telenova secret has bowled me over as much as this.
While Laura Flores and Eduardo Yanez' scenes in CS (particularly her death scenes) remain the most moving for me, this show continues to amaze with its wonderful and creative writing.
Margaret, I was very disappointed in Ale. Her proclivity toward snobishness is very off putting. Caramelo is a sweet, lovely child. I know she would melt Ale's heart if Ale would only give her a chance.
Jeri, thank you for the links.
Aribeth, I cannot wait to read what you have to say!! :)
Wow, what a blow up JJ and Ale had. And just when things were moving along so nicely with them. It seems they both have some growing up to do.
Did you all catch how David pulled Gabi in really close to him when Leo came out of the study? I had to lol at that. He didn't even seem to be aware of it, but he was definitely sending off the message, "she's mine".
Vivi, David was really defensive when he saw Leo and pulled Gabi closer to him. That was so funny. Leo was not fazed at all over David's childish antics. He was amused.
Oh no, now Bertha is trying to put her hooks into Leo, and he is rich as well, just what she wants in a man, lol.
I, too, had a feeling of dread when David ran the red light but, hopefully, it was to demonstrate his overwhelming anxiety and that his hot head continues to control him and not a foreshadow of anything else.
I prefer Ale for J J, over Elsa, but Ale would never be with J J if he wasn't wealthy. Yes, she is a snob but not, of course, as horrible as her sister Bertha who gave poor Abelado a verbal bashing. Also I'm glad J J wants a purposeful life since money hasn't produced complete happiness or justice for him.
Loving this novela even more and am looking forward to Aribeth's recap.
Regarding the red light scene - did anyone else think David was going to run the light and get into a terrible accident further complicating the plot?
Neither was I expecting Carlos to tell David he isn't Mario's son which led to the big reveal at the end. That bomb was bigger than the bomb Yolanda dropped on Fausto.
When Fausto desecrated Marta's grave, I was afraid supercop Leo would show up.
Thank you for your patience, I sent the recap to Jeri, see you tomorrow! :)
So Yolanda gave shelter to Carlos when he was 5 years old. So did Marta have him until then? Why did she dump him onto Yolanda? Was it because she met up with Mario?
Carlos threw it in David's face that Mario isn't his father, but I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out he is brother to Gabi and Juli. He won't feel so superior then.
So now we know why Adolfo can't stand Carlos. He never wanted him in the first place and only acknowledged him as his legitimate child and took him in AFTER Yolanda blackmailed him about being Marta's killer. Carlos would have just been some abandoned/orphaned bastard child if it weren't for Yolanda. She loses major points for framing Santiago for the murder, but gains some points for using the situation to help Carlos and give him a home and wealth.
I was also really worried that David would get into a huge crash when he ran that red light. I could feel the tension and aggitation building every second until he put his foot on the accelerator.
I thought the look on Gabi's face as she was listening to FaustiMario lie about why Leo was there was funny. You could tell she didn't believe a word of it, and she was staring at him hard, as if she recognized something else. A bit of her dad, perhaps?
I could tell Bertha was feeling in the dumps this episode because she wore a skirt that actually went past her mid thigh! Seeing Leo perked her right up though, and she never loses that sashay of hers. :)
Yes, the truth bombs were exploding everywhere last night. Will David be damaged or now get on board to defeat Adolfo, which he should certainly enjoy? And life for Mario V 2.0 should be easier with less lies to keep up and less tension with David. Will everyone in the household know about Mario/Faustiago except for Bertha and the help besides Dora (though Susana is suspicious)? And will Susana tell Roberto about the suspicious happenings concerning Mario?
I agree that this is the best acting I've ever seen from Gabe Soto. Although I like him, he's been rather wooden in most of his roles. He certainly wasn't here! And of course, Fausto/Mario has been continually stellar.
Aribeth, this was simply wonderful. My favorite was: "And Fausto, who's completely fatigued by lying, role-playing and scheming, decides to show him the whole truth. While poor David is fighting against heart attack and faint, he removes his wig, the prosthetic nose and the denture, and there he is: the morbid hybrid of Mario Genovés and Fausto Guillén".
A-MA-ZING! Gracias!
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