Wednesday, December 15, 2010
La Verdad Oculta EP65 12/14/2010 – Lionheart joins the Fantastic Five

* Leonardo visits Mario in the tunnel house, but instead of him he finds the long lost fugitive inside. Now he’s the mouse and Fausto is the cat: the old actor alters his voice and tells the shocked cop that he’s Mario, then he shows him the make-up room.

* Félix and his little friends spend the whole day in the hall of the hotel where Roberto lives. Ex-Patchy call Adolfo to tell him that when Roberto left the building they scanned through his room but they didn’t find anything. However, guess who’s just arrived at the hotel? Carlos!
* Julieta and Gabriela talk about David and their father who should be there with them. Will Gaby ever reconcile with David? No, never, he fooled her around. The girls open a newspaper and look for a job… Just like the good old times.
* Adolfo is worried about that Carlos and Roberto may meet since they live in the same hotel and orders Yolanda to call the boy. She tells her hurt muñecito she’d like to meet him, please, visit her in her flat.

* While Fausto is transforming into Mario in front of the mirror, Leonardo watches the famous tape with Roberto and David. Yeah, it’s ugly, but David loves Gabriela. And now that he knows everything he congratulates to Fausto for his extraordinary acting skills. He learns many valuable information from Faustiago: the security guys guard the house because the Genovéses suspect Mario’s death wasn’t an accident; Dora is David’s mother and she knows Juan José is innocent; but the letter was stolen (either by Bertha or by the maid, says Leo), oh, and there was a policeman called Víctor Águila 20 years ago who promised to help him, but he was murdered. Leo promises to investigate after his death.
* In a restaurant Gabriela pours her heart on JJ and tells him everything about the almost fake wedding. She wants to divorce and she’ll work again. No, she doesn’t want to be a waitress anymore, she’s looking for another job. What about hotels, asks JJ. No, she doesn’t want to get involved in David’s businesses. Come on, Juan José has a hotel, too! Would she be interested in working for him?

* Leonardo asks Fausto and Abelardo not to tell David anything about their conversation, They all know he’s a very impulsive man. He’s going to talk with him because he needs information about Roberto Zárate. Oh, Roberto. Fausto says he discovered the scam and they had to give him money in exchange of his silence. And by the way, he’s sure Rob’s got something to do with the maid’s death. Dora said it was Carlos who killed the girl but those two looked very similar when they were younger.
* Susana tells Roberto the newest rumors: guess what, she heard Bertha and Alejandra talking about Leonardo Faidella and the cop had an interesting conversation with Alejandra.
* David is depressed because Gabriela doesn’t want to see him again. Fausto comforts his idiot son-in-law and says Gaby is a proud woman and he has to keep fighting for her. After Blondie leaves he calls Yolanda. They have to meet.
* In the study Leonardo asks David about Roberto’ whereabouts. And what kind of relationship does he have with the Ávilas? Carlos and Roberto are friends, says David. Leo suddenly changes the topic and tries to convince him to cooperate with the police. David knows about the smuggling because he kicked Bertha out BEFORE Leo told him about the investigation. And only two persons could’ve told him about it, the smuggler or Fausto Guillén. Where. Is. Fausto. Guillén? Leonardo knows the Ávilas aren’t smugglers, Adolfo Ávila is the real criminal. Actually, he as an impression that he’s pressurizing Mario… with revealing a secret about Marta Sardíval. David denies everything.

* After long hesitation Alejandra calls JJ to find out exactly what “everything” is he knows about Fausto. He would like to discuss things with her in person, but she isn’t fond of the idea and denies that she wants to meet him, too. The discussion ends in the usual childish insults (you’re arrogant! –and you’re a princesita! – go to hell!), and JJ’s so desperate about his messed up love life that Asunción has to give him a few advices on how to treat a lady.

* Fausto is about to leave to meet Yolanda when David shows up and tells him what he and Leo were talking about in the study. Then he shyly asks his father-in-law if he’s going to visit Gabriela. Maybe, says Fausto briefly.
* At Guilléns’ flat the girls learn from Doña Pachita that Abelardo Sánchez’s already paid the rent and probably it was Fausto who ordered him to do so.

* David shows up in the Ávila condo demanding to end the partnership for good and all, and when Adolfo informs him that he isn’t interested in stupid photos, he mentions the investigation after his dirty businesses and that he knows a thing or two about Marta Sandíval. Mario isn’t murderer of anyone, it was Adolfo who killed the woman when he realized he couldn’t use her for smuggling diamonds. The Genovéses have a proof of his guilt and if he doesn’t obey they’ll give it to Faidella. Fine, says Adolfo. The contract is over.

* Alejandra visits Bertha who’s so scared of Adolfo the Smuggler that she wants to return to the Genovés villa. She begs Alejandra to help her, talk with Mario and David, please, please, please!

* Sue tries to sneak out of the house, but runs into Abelardo who scolds her for leaving too many times.
* Roberto is in the driver’s seat again: although his flat and the hotel room he booked are in ruins, he doesn’t disturb himself, he just calls Adolfo to tell him very politely that it was unnecessary because he doesn’t keep the photo and the shoes in his possession. Oh, and the girl who visited him last night? She’s the wife of the man whose truck he used when… Dolphie knows what he’s talking about. And one last advice: be careful with Faidella because he visits the Genovés family way too often. Adolfo accepts his defeat and promises he won’t hurt neither Roberto, nor Susana. Wise decision, says Roberto. Very wise.

* Mina calls Alejandra to tell her excitedly she has to come to their office right now!
* Susana calls Marcos. She tells him she’s living in the Genovés villa and he find many interesting things like the letter that proves JJ’s is innocent and Carlos is the murderer. Fine. Let him think things over, and he promises that he’ll invent a plan.
* Alejandra arrives at the design studio nervously. She’s afraid on finding something disastrous inside her office… But there’s nothing special inside, just a few hundreds of red “please forgive me” roses that Juan José sent her.

* Fausto and Yolanda meet in a park. The old man confronts her with the list of her sins: first, she told Adolfo about the photo. She mumbles that she has no idea what he’s talking about, but he isn’t finished yet. She’s been helping that man for ages! He’s sure Adolfo wanted to use Marta the same way he used Gaby, but in the end he killed her! No, Santiago, that’s not true! Of course it is! How could she stay silent, Marta was her friend. No, no, no, please… She always protected him and his daughters, Adolfo doesn’t know who they are. Yes, maybe now he helps them, but how could she let Adolfo to use his daughters while she knew perfectly what he had done to Marta 20 years ago? She ruined his life! Yolanda swears she doesn’t know something. Liar! She’s a liar and a bad woman. Mario told him everything, now he knows Yolanda was in love with Mario and for his safety she sacrificed Fausto! And one more thing… Carlos is Marta’s child and he is a murderer, too!

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Explanation: Fantastic Five means the characters who know about the scam and who are in Team We Want To Kick Adolfo's Butt.
Fausto, Abelardo, Alejandra, David, JJ - and now we can add Leonardo, so it's F. Six. :)
The Fugitive (versatility), the Butler (loyality) the Architect (smartassness), the Pater Familias (vehemence), the Billionaire (vengeance) and the Detective (brilliance).
Gosh, this sounds like the poster of Inception 2.
Adolfo said they have two months left of the contract which means approximately four months passed by since the first episode.
So now Leo is in on everything. It was funny how Leo still wanted to play his cat and mouse game with David instead of letting him know he knew all. Fausto said to Abelardo that he suspected Leo wanted to keep mum about being in the know because of the rivalry between the two young men. He seemed amused by the young men’s competitive nature.
One correction- they didn’t say that Carlos and Roberto looked alike in youth, just that Dora saw Carlos and another boy throw the girl over, and since Carlos and Roberto have been close friends since youth, they were sure the other young man was Roberto. It was the same thing Fausto told JJ the other day.
So Gabi is going to work for JJ at his hotel. Should be fun. The two of them have a nice chemistry, as friends.
The problem with David bluffing about the cufflink, is the same problem with the photo- the good guys don’t have it anymore. In fact Adolfo has it, but he hasn’t seemed to put together yet that he lost it on Marta’s body and this WAS a key piece of evidence that he killed her. Really, the good guys don’t have much of anything to pin any crime on Adolfo at the moment. He’s also off the hook for the false accusation of JJ, and so are Roberto and Carlos, as long as Dora and her letter remain missing. Lucky bastards.
Sometimes it's the small, carefully worded touches that make a summary: "Félix and his little friends" and "The girls open a newspaper and look for a job… Just like the good old times" made me smile. Wonderful Aribeth.
I have simply not been giving Roberto sufficient credit. He is far craftier than I thought. Mad and sniveling - yes but also clever enough to cover his tracks.
Glad Gabi will work for JJ, she deserves a break.
Now, fewer people don't know the secret than do, right? :)
Jeri, thanks for the links.
Aribeth, sign me up please for "Team We Want To Kick Adolfo's Butt". You always stike the perfect note.
Can't wait til tonight.
Those who know and should NOT: Roberto (but thankfully does not know about letter)
Those who don't know, but SHOULD: Gabi, Juli
Those who sort of know: Susana (knows about letter and dangerously close to knowing about FaustiMario's true identity)
Those who should never find out: Adolfo (and all his goons), Yolanda (can't trust her loyalties); Carlos (implicated and too much of a wild card)
Sure looks worse in the divorce department if she does; like she's definitely moving in a new direction.
Vivi, thank you for the correction! You're right. Like Richard III. said: "Closed captions, closed captions, my kingdom for closed captions!" :) And for some reason the conversation between Pachita and the girls was a nightmare for me, it was hard to understand what the hell she was babbling about Abelardo and Fausto.
Carlos's to do list:
1. apologize to JJ
2. discover Adolfo's shady businesses, including the old Marta story
3. apologize to JJ
4. find out who his mother was and reconcile with the girls
5. apologize to JJ
And then he may join the team.
of the past 2 evenings. I missed a tremendous amount of dialogue and intrigue. A family trip forced me out of the novela loop; I am hoping to get back to viewing this evening/morning. The pictures along with the vivid writings
were awesome...again most appreciatively for your efforts.
And with the maid's murder, wasn't the scenario that Dora could not
see the face of the other person?
We had the same vantage point and could see the face of Carlos,
but only part of Roberto but not
his face. We also know that Mario
knew that Roberto was present,
but perhaps David does not. Also
I thought that Adolfo was unaware
of the 2 boys involvement until
JJ when attacking Carlos brought it up. Then Faidella got wind of it.
About the divorce. If Jarocha is around, maybe she can explain. I thought it was easier to get a divorce if only a civil marriage was performed, but with a Church marriage that's almost morally impossible. Gabi being a moral and believing person should be having a much harder time considering divorce. We all saw the Church wedding. It's one episode I haven't recorded over yet.
Gabi's pain and anger over what David did was unbearable.He should have confessed before she found out. I don't think I would have forgiven him either. Granted they love each other but some stupidity is hard to forgive.
A hearty thank you to our fantastic three. Aribeth, Jeri and Vivi.
Am I crazy to be sympathetic to both Carlos and Yolanda???? Yes.....they’ve made grave mistakes! Sandy, get over it!!!!
This is an outstanding place for comments....thanks Jere, Aribeth, Xint, Vivi, Diana, Floridia, Newbie, and Hanna!!!!!!
It might be nice to let Gabi and Juli in on the intrigues but it probably is more than Gabi could tolerate as David has her on the emotional edge already. And Santiago is afraid of his daughters' judgments of him. Also it would be safer for the girls to live at the mansion since Adolfo is a killer and Gabi was the ugly shoe recipient.
I have a feeling that Adolfo surmised the boys might have been up to trouble with the maid but we don't know if Carlos confessed or if he ever mentioned before that it really was Roberto who threw the maid over the railing. Vivi's explanation seems like the likely scenario. Dora, as eye witness, would really be better than any letter and take away Roberto and Susana's leverage. Dora come back and be brave.
David needs to rush to the jeweler and have a facsimile cufflink made which would certainly be easier than the facsimile Mario situation has been.
Busy day, gotta run.
Can't wait for another anxiety producing episode tonight.
GinCA (I can't believe my word verf = fartnest. )
But then we saw that after the ceremony, David couldn't go through with the second part of the plan (taking her to bed and then humiliating her), even before knowing his father had fixed everything. So even under the worst of circumstances, we the audience know that he would never have gone through with the worst part of the plan. But Gabi doesn't know that, and it's totally understandable that she can't forgive him easily. He has to earn the forgiveness. But in the end, it's Gabi's choice. I wouldn't fault her for either choosing forgiveness (because she loves him so much and knows he's really a good person at heart), or not being able to get past such a huge betrayal and maliciously intended act.
Vivi, your chronology of all the "wedding" events is so helpful. After recovering from a huge mistake, David has been a really stand up guy. He DID wait until after the church wedding for the noche de bodas. One of Gabi's sticking points is the thought that it was because of her position as a waitress that David, as a wealthy guy, sought to take advantage of her. That can be no further from the truth. Her lower economic position has never been an issue for him. We can put that in his plus column.
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