Wednesday, December 08, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #119-120 12/8/10 Germany!

Capitulo 119.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety tosses out several excuses for why she can’t travel, but none of them succeed. She’s worried what her father will say. Lety doesn’t want Marcia to know they’re going to Germany, but Alicia will tattle. So Fernando gives everyone two days off for the soccer match.

2. Lety tries to ask permission on the phone but she loses her nerve, so she goes home early. Mama asks if they made her president. Pop asks if she got married.

3. Marcia calls to ask why Fernando shut down the office for two days. Fern says to himself, “So Lety could travel without worries (tranquila).” They argue as usual, and she says it’s impossible to talk with him. (Not an auspicious sign for a happy marriage.)

4. Lety tells her family that she needs to travel to Germany tonight. At first Erasmo forbids it, but he’s impressed when Lety says Fernando doesn’t sign any contract until she reviews it. Mama pleads that it’s her work and her future. Later Pop puffs up with pride because Lety’s boss puts so much trust in her. He gets nostalgic looking at her empty bedroom and her stuffed animals.

5. Fernando realizes that Lety is afraid of flying, and he is marvelously caring and nurturing with her. He also uses tequila therapy. On the airplane Lety gets quite drunk and Fernando gets quite impatient with her.

Pata sent this picture of Fernando's smile simply to brighten your day. Works for me!

Capitulo 120.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. RoboPop and MamaJ imagine traveling. Pop wants to see historic Greece and MamaJ wants to see romantic Venice.

2. Fern & Lety have to wait three hours to see the head of publicity. They consider what this contract could mean for Conceptos – it would be out of debt and out of embargo. Fernando says, “Nothing would make me happier.” The German woman tells them they’ve chosen another firm instead. Fern and Lety are disappointed, but he decides to go to the World Cup Mexico game instead.

3. The cuartel plans a soccer party. They want to get Mexico jerseys (playeras or verdes). Fernando is excited to see the game, and he calls Omar and orders him to get two tickets.

4. Lety feels uncomfortable so far from home, and she asks Fernando to take her back to Mexico. She’s afraid Marcia will discover them. At the Olympic Pond, Fernando tells her he adores her. With them both in white, it’s almost like an outdoor wedding, don’t you think?

5. In the park they see Eugenio Derbez. Fernando asks him to get them tickets, but Fern can’t get anywhere because Derbez misinterprets everything he says. See the details below. Fernando gets frustrated but Lety is loving it. Fern asks for a minute so Derbez times him like Fern does to Alicia.

6. Derbez's crew think Fern's nuts if he wants to get tickets a day before the game. Lety says, “Excuse me, Don Eugenio,” and Derbez loves that. He stops the clock and starts flirting with Lety. Fern gets jealous and asks, “Do you always talk like that to women you don’t know?”

7. Luigi hears Omar on the phone, trying to get tickets for the game in Hanover, and he and Marcia lecture Omar for planning to abandon them with all the work.

8. At broadcast HQ Fern and Lety meet comedian Omar Chaparro (remember Megatron?) and sportscaster Toño Valdez (of the comb-over). The men argue, both wanting credit for providing the tickets. Marcia calls with her usual harangue.

The Derbez Scene

IMHO Eugenio Derbez is one of the funniest people in Mexico. He’s a comic genius. Today's cap includes a shtick he's known for, drawing humor from double meanings. Here is what I caught of today's scene.

Fern wants to go to the partido (game), but Derbez says he doesn’t get involved in politics (partido: political party).
Fernando says, “I don’t have entradas (admission),” but Derbez says Fern doesn’t have entradas (receding hairline) because he uses Toño Valdez’s shampoo (Toño does an obvious comb-over).
Lety says, “We know you have palancas (influence, leverage),” and Derbez answers, “Palancas? Do I look like a car to you?” (Palanca: gear shift lever.)
Fern asks, “Can you help me or not? I’m retrasado (running behind).” Derbez says, “Yes, I see you’re retrasado (mentally handicapped), and you’re also late.”
Lety introduces herself as Leticia Padilla Solis, and Derbez flirts, “Leticia Padilla, why are you so solis (alone)?”


Paula - the picture of Fernando smiling certainly brightened my day.
¡ Fórmula mágica!

I also appreciate the translation of the conversation with Derbez.

BTW, & OT - what did you think of "El Gran Show"?

Wow Paula...thanks for the Eugenio Derbez conversation. Wouldn't have known anything but "partido". Thanks for that amiga.

I didn't blame Fern for being annoyed with the way Lety was acting on the plane. Yes you can be afraid but must you act like a five year old. Then we get to Germany and when things don't go well all she does is whine about wanting to go home. Talk about a wet blanket. I couldn't help wondering if they had separate rooms because if they didn't they certainly weren't acting very romantic.

I couldn't help thinking I was glad the commercial was finally over but now must endure the World Cup shrieking and stupidity with the cuartel.

Loved the scenes with Julieta and Erasmo trip planning and him setting up the music to get in the mood. He my be a bit cranky most of the time and with the rest of the world but he is always sweet with her.

Paula thanks for the post and thanks for the derbez translation.
Lety doesn't fly very well does she. I will have to watch these again later but wanted to thank you for the post.

Thanks, folks. Derbez had one more joke. Fernando said he leads (a word related to 'dirigir') Conceptos, and Derbez said something like you can't lead concepts. That one was over my head.

We got a few more installments on the symbolic wedding.
* When Lety comes home early, MamaM asks, "What’s the big news?" Pop asks, "Did you get married?"
* Lety asks her father’s permission, and MamaJ says, "it’s her future."
* After Lety leaves, her parents get nostalgic in her empty bedroom, just like empty nesters.
* Mama & Pop plan/dream about a romantic cruise, something you'd do after the children have moved out.
* Even Mama & Pop dancing together reminded me of weddings, but maybe I'm grasping at straws.

Obviously German instruction is lacking in Mexican schools! Last week Sergio (Luigi) tried to say goodbye, and it came out Advértense instead of Auf wiedersehen. Today on the plane Camil couldn't remember “Entschuldigen Sie” (pardon me), and it came out "desfrasenschoen" which was a pretty good fake. (Have you ever heard Mel Brooks's fake German, or any other language for that matter? They're hysterical!!!)

Camil's new show, El gran show. I liked it! Sure, it's not Jeopardy. But I liked that there was plenty of variety, and the pacing was quick. Unlike the stall tactic popular these days, "Are you sure? Are you really sure? Are you sure you're sure?" I also liked that nobody was wearing a thong, nobody started punching anybody (ala Morey Povitch), no bearded ladies or dwarves, nobody getting hoochie-koochie with total strangers, nor any of the other low class stuff common on Spanish TV. The contestants were having fun, and there was plenty to hold your interest. I didn't like Camil's look for the show. The black and white made him look like an IBM engineer. And the slicked hair is fine for Don Fernando, but outside Conceptos, I think Camil's recent LA hairstyle is much better.

Bit by bit, Fernando's love is growing. I love how his kisses are getting better and better. Now he often kisses Lety impulsively. And at the airport he doesn't mind a bit, being seen with "la fea."

Without Marcia & Omar’s influence, Fernando's primary concern & consciousness is becoming Lety. e.g. When Marcia asked, "Why did you close the office?" he said to himself, "So Lety wouldn’t worry about the trip." At least he's STARTING to think about her needs, at least a little.

Cada día te quiero más (every day I love you more).

As his concern for Lety grows, his concern for Marcia shrinks. Since Marcia left for Germany, Fern doesn’t even try to humor her when she calls. He’s always annoyed, and he hardly even tries to calm her fears.

Fernando still has a long way to go. Just yesterday he said, "“What’s most important is Lety.” But today he said, “Nothing would make me happier (than getting the German contract).” He loves Lety, but he loves Conceptos and the presidency more.

Paula I agree about Fern. He still is more conceded with the business than he is with Lety.I also don't think he totally knows that he is in love with her. I think real committed love is still a foreign concept to him. I also sometime think Lety is more in love with the idea of love than she realizes. She is very busy putting Fern on a pedestal which all of us know is a very bad idea.

Found it very funny when Omar's phone conversation is misunderstood and now he has to take a dose of Marcia's bad temper and nagging,

Paula, the Derbez joke about Conceptos went like this: F: Im Fernando Mendiola, Director of Conceptos. D: How do you direct concepts? Kinda stupid, I know, but his whole humor thing is way lost on us in the US.
I was a bit annoyed at Lety's bad mood. Good gosh she's in a foreign country with the man she loves and no one they know is around. Girl Get A Grip!! Diann

Did anyone notice how bad Alicia's roots are looking? Probably another sign of her probreza.

Paula, thank you for translating the Derbez quips. This is very funny stuff. I've gotten an inkling of his humor because he's hosted the last couple of Latin Grammys and/or some other shows I've watched. Is it me or did they make him look very Lety-ish? Parted and slicked hair, big glasses, was this deliberate I wonder?

Pata, LOVED the screen shot of Jaime Camil's big smile. Wow, what charisma.

Sylvia, that's one of Derbez's established characters. But of course, maybe they chose that particular Derbez character because he was Lety-esque.

And re: the Camil photo. To me, part of the magic of watching him is that his emotions are so intense, that whatever he's feeling is contagious - I get pulled along in his wake.

Thanks Paula, I had no idea. He just had that Lety/Thomas Mora dweeby look about him which made me think "ah, kindred spirits".

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