Thursday, December 09, 2010

Llena de Amor #84 (Mex. 89) Thu 12/9/10 No Lovin' For Nobody....But A Lot Of Perdonames

Well, Ilitia and Emanuel's wedding night was a complete disaster, thanks to Mauricio. And nobody else got any loving either. Emiliano rejects Fedra's advances. Brandon gently peels Consuela off his chest and Mauricio sends Kristel packing, under pretense of being concerned for her safety. A dearth of kisses and an overabundance of "perdonames" made this a pretty insipid episode, but at least some interesting plans were hatched. Disguises were contemplated. And secrets were still kept.

Let's get the wedding night scene over with first. It was very painful. Well-acted, but painful. Each time Emanuel approaches Ilitia she has a flashback of the nightmarish rape. Both she and Emanuel keep trying to maintain the noche de bodas charade but each time she breaks down, finally dissolving in sobs and asking him to just leave. Leave and leave her alone. Seriously? That's what you want? You should have said so earlier, Emanuel notes quietly. I wouldn't have bothered you. And he leaves.

As I said, a very painful scene. But kudos to the actress. Quite an extension from the usual smarty-pants fresa scenes she's usually stuck with.

Now on to the other elements of the episode. Paula returns reluctantly from the hotel with Benigno. The latter gets a verbal drubbing from the General for even taking her there. Then he informs them that they have a new soldier in their army-- Victoria. Whose aptitude for the job was determined by her clear honest eyes. He reassures Paula that Victoria will be able to help protect Gretel and she answers "Dios te oiga y asi sea" (May God hear you and may it be thus). She bustles off to fix him dinner and he and Benigno toast the outrage upstairs. The General's glad Mauricio lost a ton of money and even happier that Fedra is in high dudgeon over the ruination of her son's wedding. But he's also having a drink because he must still keep secret from Paula that Gretel is their daughter. If he told her, there would be no way he could keep Paula from her. And right now that would be dangerous.

Well, danger is seemingly everywhere tonight. Mauricio is under threat of losing his life over the lost money. Seemingly unfazed, he protests over the phone that it wasn't his fault, and what's more, killing him won't get the money back. Now call off those two gorillas outside my house and quit threatening me. He sends Kristel home, intimating there may be gunfire very soon and talks to some of his own henchmen about getting rid of the goons (guaros) outside. Then thought bubbles that he's really got to come up with some big scam to get some major money back.

The scene now moves to Gretel's hotel. There's a knock at the door. Surprised, worried, and cautious, she approaches and opens it. There's "Victoria", sent from the General. And she's worried about Gretel. Who looks even more worried about this stranger. And we break for ads.

When we come back the scene has changed to the boarding house. Consuela, still making googly eyes at Brandon, is proposing to cook enchiladas and she knows HE wants at least four, right!? Much girl talk about el Lirio de Plata. Fantasizing about what a man he must be. Even Doris, who heard news of this mysterious Robin Hood in LA, is fascinated. Brandon points out that he tied and gagged one of the women at the party and that tomorrow they will meet her. She's a friend of Marianela's and is coming to rent a room. Ooohs and ahs.

Said friend is back in Gretel's room trying to convince her that she really IS Marianela, not her buddy. I found out I'd been poisoned; the doctors told me I had to lose weight in order to regain my health. I did what they said. Ate nutritiouslynutritiously and exercised. I'm still the same Marianela, just without all those extra kilos. And voilà, light dawns and Gretel recognizes her. Just like that. Big hug.

Time now for Gretel's story. The nightmare of her two years in the wine cellar. Trying to keep her sanity...trying to survive another endless night and day. Didn't you ever try to escape? queries Mari. Several times. But never succeeded until now. And I must flee! Far away. Because Fedra will pursue me forever. I'm the only one who knows about her past. My own mother will kill me.

After more ads, Gretel learns she's not the only one with the knowledge of Fedra's past. Mari also has the knowledge and the papers to prove it. Furthermore, she knows Fedra was behind the death of Tia Carlota and probably behind her own mother's death as well. And all will be revealed when the time is right. There's some more breast-beating about Gretel's sense of guilt. Mari assures her she was only a child, quite right to be afraid, and she had no rancor or reproach. She knows the deep and painful imprint (huella) seeing that murder made on Gretel's life. But reassures Gretel that she's safe for the moment. And asks if she can stay with her that night. Gretel accepts, realizing happily that at long last she is no longer alone.

Not happy is Fedra. First of all with Bernardo. He let Gretel escape. Putting her nibs in danger. And furthermore, mighty suspicious that he wasn't around during the robbery! Could HE be el Lirio de Plata? Who else would even know that name? Very suspicious coincidence.

And she's even more unhappy with Emiliano. Who's leaning back in an armchair drinking. She's outraged that el Lirio ruined the wedding. He's philosophical. There's nothing more we can do, he sighs. Well, you could put down that drink and give me some marital attention she coos, leaning over the chair and pretty much spilling all the merchandise out of her low-cut dress. Emiliano shrugs her off with the excuse of her weak heart and delicate health. Not to mention his early work schedule tomorrow. And off he goes, leaving her swaying slightly, dazed, confused and definitely disappointed.

It's the next morning and Netty and Gladiola are tucking into a sumptuous breakfast. Eugenio arrives and helps himself to quite a bit of it himself. And then drops the bomb. Netty is seriously in arrears on the mortgage and if she doesn't pay it off post haste, the bank will foreclose. And how did all this happen? Well, remember, Netty took out the loan in order to pay for Marianela's studies at the university. And could have paid it back when she hit it big on the telenovela circuit. But, oh well, she forgot the loan and spent it on clothes and limousines. Couldn't ride in a taxi like ordinary folk, right? And didn't she have even a "guardadito"? (little savings) queries a horrified Gladiola. Nope. Not a dime. Maybe el Lirio de Plata could bail her out, muses Netty hopefully.

Well, high drama at the boarding house. And back at the hotel also. Doris has arrived, hauling all her make-up gear and not understanding why. After all, she disguised Mari so effectively that not even her own brother Brandon recognized her. Ah, but you have to disguise Gretel as well, notes Mari. Catfight coming up. But first, some more ads.

Still no Gretel/Doris confrontation. Hold your breath. Instead, we have another Consuela stalking incident. So uncomfortable with this! She's in Brandon's room ironing his knit shirt. It's a nice reason to admire our naco policeman's torso, and he's flexing his muscles for all he's worth. But still, a miserable scene. Consuela's pretending she accepts that they're only friends and colleagues. And he pretends that she could have any man she wants. But she admits she only wants him. And he gives her a gentle cheek/buddy kiss which she takes over and turns into a tonsil tickler. After a noticeable pause, he disengages his lips and gently unpeels her. But as he makes his escape, she goes all dreamy-eyes, vowing "to make him love me". Yikes. I hope the writers drop this storyline soon.

Okay. The catfight is a relief. Particularly since it's over very quickly. Doris rags on Gretel for ruining Oliver's life, turning him into a drunk in danger of losing his job. Gretel explains how she did it to save his life. But now she sees that he's forgotten her. And is involved with Doris. The kiss and the change of heart is explained. Doris assures Gretel that Oliver still loves her and will forgive her as soon as he knows the truth. Well, the truth can't come out. Mari and Doris both have to promise not to reveal Gretel's identity. If not, she'll have to run away. Fair enough. Now, down to business. Can you walk and talk like a man?
asks Doris. Gretel looks perplexed. Hmmm...clearly a big disguise coming up.

Back at the big house, Fedra is beginning to get anxious. Huddling with Bernardo, she seethes about that Spanish Little Red Riding Hood skulking around and feels the breath of Chema on her neck. What if Capitan Sevilla didn't die in that fire? What if he....and her past....are coming back to haunt? Bernardo's more worried about her daughter? What? Kristel? No, "la loquita" (the nutso). Well, we'll have to watch Netty's house. And Oliver Rosales. He'll lead us to her. And when you find then, kill them both! counsels Fedra.

Another tension-filled breakfast now. Emiliano, Emanuel, Fedra and Kristel. But no Ilitia. Fedra and Kristel both chortle that she's probably exhausted from the nudge nudge, wink wink wedding night. Ilitia drifts in, looking ghost-like and not hungry. Emanuel gets up, hugs her gently and proposes that they go off on an actual honeymoon (before he was pleading too much work to travel). And where will they go? How about Switzerland? We can kill two birds with one stone, enjoy our luna de miel and see my sister Gretel. Fedra looks worried. And speechless.

At the boarding house, breakfast is long over and we're getting ready for another meal. Netty frets about the looming foreclosure and demented Consuela assures her they'll all pitch in to help her. The doorbell rings and Victoria arrives. Everyone looks impactados, especially Netty. And even more so when a wimpy little guy schlepps in behind her, dragging a suitcase. Who's he? queries Oliver. And there we end.

The announcer intones that "revenge begins tomorrow". Emanuel talks about his failed wedding night with his buddy and Victoria/Marianela arrives at the agency to apply for a job.

Dios te oiga y asi sea =May God hear you and may it be thus. atosigar = pester, hassle, pressure pelado = someone who's broke, who doesn't have a dime guardadito = savings, a little "put aside Caperucita = Little Red Riding Hood guaros = goons, creeps huella = imprint, impression, also can mean fingerprint
Dicho of the Day
Matamos dos pájaros de un tiro = Kill two birds with one stone (Emanuel's plan for a honeymoon in Switzerland)


Hi Judy, Great picture. Fun recap as usual. Didn't watch this but enjoyed reading it.

Thanks for the recap Judy. Is this your first picture? If so, congratulations!! If not, just humor me. I'm sorry you had a hapless episode but at least the writers did not torment us with Gretel and Doris hating one another for various episodes. With both Gretel and Mari/Vicky at the pension I'm sure hi jinks will ensue. Unfortunately no Axel/Delicia interaction (sigh). And this means Carlos can't make comments that catch me off guard when I'm reading about Axel's hair. Yes, I agree (the hair is ridiculous) and should expect the comments but yesterdays quip about being kidnapped by a barber took me unaware. ; )

Gah!!! It's Agent O!!! You almost gave me a heart attack.

It just doesn't make sense to me that Netty would suddenly be broke. Couldn't her agent, who is also her lawyer, have clued her in earlier? Bah. I was glad that Dolores got on her case. Grow up Netty.

I can't believe that Doris and Gretel actually told each other the truth instead of keeping mum like people usually do in these shows. It's a miracle!

What in the hell was Fedra wearing on her neck? It looked like real human hair sprouting out of a collar. Knowing her they could be shrunken heads strung together.

This may have been an insipid episode (and it was) but your recap was as lively and snazzy as ever. Congrats on the screen shot, it looks great, considering the subject.

Gretel's disguise made me laugh out loud. So silly and not much of a disguise at all. Still, it's better than the outfit she wore for two years.

I love watching Fedra get irked. First El Lirio is haunting her, then her husband rebuffs her, now Eman wants to head off to Switzerland to visit Gretel. I wish every night was so fun.

Judy, thanks again for the superb recap, the vocab words and dicho, and, okthankyouforhtepicturetoo. There, I said it.

If I don't get a chance to check in again I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. (I'm not actually going on a trip, just anchoring out for the weekend with no wifi.)

Judy, a superb recap of an episode I enjoyed more than you did, sounds like! I thought it was a lot of fun, actually. But I wish we’d gotten a closer look at Gretel’s getup. Was that a hat she had on? Or is it supposed to be hair? It looked like the wig of a bad Elvis impersonator. As always in this show I got a big kick out the performances, and Altair hit it right out of the park.

Good morning everybody. There's a new dusting of snow on the ground, predictions of a big storm for the weekend (when we're invited to three get-togethers) and here at Llena de Amor the techtonic plates, or whatever they're called, are shifting.

Karen, I did ONE picture eons ago (when I was recapping Tontas). I found it such an exhausting exercise (plus I didn't know how to place it correctly; Melinama had to do that) that I just let it slide. And then totally forgot how to do it.

But in the interests of keeping senility at bay, I took up the challenge again last night.

But as you can made me cranky! I just trudged through the recap, worrying about that dang picture. So it goes. It's a learning curve, I know.

And trust me, Carlos can make hilarious comments about any of our characters. Though he's been particularly funny with Axel, I admit.
# # # # #

Sylvia, "perdoname" for putting that big ol' picture of our devil incarnate up there. But he was th principal motor for the most dramatic and painful scenes last night. I found them so painful I condensed them into a paragraph I think. Just couldn't bear coming back to it again and again.

But for you, amiga, I just now threw in a picture of Fedra in her bizarre and troubling necklace. Enjoy. Enjoy.

Hi Maggie. Well goshdarnit, you ALWAYS enjoy the episodes more than I did. I want your brain in my next life because you always find the positive and the well-done in the murkiest of episodes or shows. And I truly admire and envy that gift.

On Gretel's head, that lump looks a little like a muskrat, doesn't it? Or maybe a large, somewhat stringy brillo pad. Oh no, that's Axel. Well, I'm pretty sure it's meant to be hair. Stay tuned.

I do think we're probably all in agreement that Altair did a superb acting job last night. Vulnerable. Raw. Painful. Hurts to even think about it.


One would never know that you found this episode boring. Your recap was so zippy and I love that you added pictures! Great job. :)

Hey Vivi. I did it because of you. Seriously. First my old teammate Pata learned how.--from our very proficient colleagues Hombre and Carlos. Then YOU put in a picture last week. Of course Melinama knows how. So I couldn't stand being the last Dinero recapper to not be able to take a swing at the ball. Tortured my adult son (since I'm a slow learner) to teach me how, but we both hung in there and now I can do it. Whew!

And a special thanks to Pata who gave me encouragement last week when I was struggling with the "dress rehearsal". And to my original teacher Paula. Who taught me how a couple of years ago and warned me that if I didn't keep using the skills, I would forget. And she was right!

Judy, your "picture perfect" debut was stellar. It was as though you have been posting picures for years. Yes, you had to include Mauricio as his wretched personna is so pertinent to the present plot line.

The recap was beautifully "narrated". Dios te oiga y asi sea is one of my favorite phrases to date. Thank you for your heart felt recaps that continue to delight and educate us.

Ilitia is breaking our hearts. I forgave her when her luminous eyes filled with tears at the altar, now her suffering is almost unbearable to watch. As you noted, Altair is proving to be a marvelous actress.

"Putting his nibs in danger", "flexing his muscles for all he's worth" and "tonil tickler" were only a few of your wonderful phrases.

Between Gretel "My own mother wants to kill me" and Ilitia, I'm keeping kleenex close by.

Gretel's disguise made me laugh but hey, if it fools Fedra, it's good enough for me!


Hi Diana. Thanks for those kind words. I'm laughingly inept at any new process. I still remember my hot flash nerves the first time I tried to pump my own gas. This picture business was a lot harder (for me). another notch on my somewhat frayed belt. It's all good.

I agree...Gretel makes a pretty funny looking guy. The hair and mustache--not flattering. But then, that's not the point. Going to be hard to flatten out her generous chest though. Guess she'll always have to dress in layers.

I guess we'll both be hunkering down this weekend Judy with the winter blast roaring through Ohio. I already am planning a work from home day Monday. Be careful.

Your recap was fantastic and that pic of Fedra pretty well sums up her character last night. Too funny. Love the scene with Emi...guess her "heart attack" has now come back to haunt her. And after what she did to Low, bet he cut her off in the luuurrrvvvv dept, too. Ha!

well, I guessed it right about Doris doing the makeover for Gretel, but dang, that's the best she could do for the poor girl. Yikes that wig! when she and Axel get in the same frame, viewerville will be heading for their scissors. But I love that Doris cleared up the whole Oliver kiss thing, so maybe we can get those two back together sooner rather than later.

Altair is doing a great job in portraying Ilitia's torment. Just wish she would have confided in someone or told the police. TN syndrome - truth can't come out until the villian gets their comeuppance. Frustrating.

And have to say as much as I love Eman, I was a little ticked he kept pushing the kisses, etc. when it was apparent something was amiss with his bride. I finally was yelling at my screen "leave her alone already".

Everyone in the snow path, please be careful today and this weekend.

Dang, Daisynjay...I want to come over and watch TV at your house. Too bad you live in Cleveland. But it would be fun to scream and shout, throw stuff at the screen and kick the coffee table over with a good buddy. Do you serve snacks? Or should I bring something?

I thought Eman was clueless in a sensitive sort of way. Does that make sense? His head was telling him to make it a romantic memorable night for Ilitia since that was expected. But his heart wasn't paying her obvious distress...because of his conflicted feelings about Marianela. And she DID keep protesting that nothing was wrong. Even though it so clearly was.

To his credit, he didn't get mad. Or sulk, really. And that would have been understandable, given his lack of information as to the real reason for her rejection.

So I'm giving him points for that. But ooooh....those scenes were so painful. Again, kudos to the actress. Top-notch.

Judy, maybe we can plan a play date one of these days. :). I always curl up with my evening coffee, maybe a little "treat", when I watch Llena since it's right after I get home and had made dinner for myself. You might have to deal with kitty wanting to curl up on your lap - she starts yelling at me @ 7:00 pm if I'm not sitting down and relaxing so she can take her nap on me. Swear she can read a clock.

I have a similar feline, Daisynjay.She was raised on dry cat food before we adopted her (owner had cancer) so we kept on with that, but added soft cat food, or tuna, when we had meals. She's down right on cue at 6 am, noon and 6 pm and lately rouses from slumber if I even set foot in the kitchen. She prefers my husband's lap though because once seated, he doesn't move for at least three hours. Me, I'm up and down.

Thank you, Judy B! Hi, guys. I started watching just before the transformation and scanning the caps. I'm at work so I'll read comments later. I see titanium beanies are needed here, too, not just in STuD. (Not even the wise old General recognizes Marianela and Gretel, a man! sheesh!) That's cool. I haven't been able to go back and read old caps. Can anyone tell me, or direct me to the cap or link that explains how all these de Teresas are related? And the leading man and lady are related? or thought they were when they made love? What are they doing, assaulting the walls of familial sex? Thanks!


nice recap for last nights show. But seeing that orange face first thing this a.m. made me sqirm & possibly wanting to spit at the computer screen like I wanted to do anytime he is on the screen.
Totally in agreement with those saluting Altair's acting, someone else could very well go overboard with it but she is playing it very real Kudos to her.
I think Doris maybe praticed on Axels hair before heading to LA because he and his sister now have the same bad haircuts.
And Gretel- in the words of my favorite spy/Austin Powers: She's a man, man!

Carlos, you may want to check out La Otra running on Telefutura at 4:00 p.m.

I got home a little early the other day, flicking the channels and there, lo and behold was our beloved Ximena from Gancho. I looked the show up (I'd never heard of it), and she plays a villain!


Judy your added screen shots are awesome! I love how you captured Fedra's look of dismay. That's my favorite way to see her, not happy.

Daisy, you called it! Gretel looks kind of like Gabriel Gael Garcia when she's dressed up like a guy. I still can't believe that she and Doris worked out their misunderstanding. Now Gretel has two strong female personalities on her side, thank goodness.

The family tree is very murky Khalilah. I'll explain, but if I goof up something, I'm counting on the other recappers to correct me.

Emanuel and Marianela/Vicky fell in love even though they were cousins. Well, she fell in love. He thought he had the hots for Ilitia but gradually the light dawned that he loved Mari. But the cousin thing was an issue.

Then it came to light (to Mari and Emanuel anyway) that Fedra was probably pregnant with Eman when she met and rapidly married Emiliano (busting up his romance with Muñeca, who later married slimeball Lorenzo)

Gretel is purported to be the daughter of Fedra, but in fact is actually the daughter of Paula and the General. Now the General knows but Paula doesn't.

Kristel and Axel are also Fedra's whelps. But we are doubting the paternity since we know how loose she is.(She became a prostitute at age 15 and has retained a light leg, shall we say.) No one knows for sure who's the dad of these kids. But Kristel, Axel and Emanuel are half-sibs anyway.

Emiliano? well someone, found Fedra's nude and curvaceous body on the beach after the ship she was on burned to bits and sank. Presumeably her lover Captain Sevilla (Chema) went down with the ship. But now that el Lirio de Plata has it Chema come back to haunt? Or is it Emanuel? We all think it's Eman.

To further add to the genetic confusion. Muñeca is not the biological mother of Ilitia. She's the offspring of one of Lorenzo's fertile affairs. He had the mother killed and arranged for he and Muñeca to adopt the little girl. He had the same plans for little Christian before he got left on a trash heap. (Mom Begoña has also been killed. Lorenzo has a lot of collateral damage in his romances.)

Maureen...thanks for bringing up Austin Powers..."she's a man, man!" And sorry I gave you that unpleasant morning shock with the Face of Evil. Alas, his imprint (huella) on this episode, was tragically powerful. I still hope one day, this actor can drop the hair gel and the Man Tan and play a nice guy for once.

Doris' wig collection is unfortunate. The wig she wore when pretended to be a home invasion robber was equally unattractive. Or was that her hair just mussed up. Anyway, she looked awful.

Judy, have you noticed when the episode makes you cranky (as you say) your recaps are hilarious. While I don't want you vexed, it is our gain.

And yes Carlos can and will comment on characters in his own ingenious way. He has been making amusing statements about Axel's hair since the new do but yesterday's sent me off my chair.

Judy, what a nice surprise this morning. I knew that you had swapped days with Sylvia this week, but when I saw Orangeboy at the top of the recap I was confused. After reading the first few sentences, I knew it was a Judy recap, but with pictures? Congratulations. Good job.

I enjoyed this episode, though it painful to watch poor Ilitia trying to hold herself together. I agree, that was superb acting. I vaguely remember when this show started that some were critical (based on another TN) of her acting skills. This is my first exposure to her, but I'm finding her to be very talented. So far, she has cracked me up, made me want to spank her (in a fatherly way), and now has brought tears to my eyes. She is very beautiful, but like Ximena in Gancho, does not rely solely on that.

Speaking of Ximena, thanks Diana. Several people have told me that la Otra is very good but I did not know that Ximena is in it. We're taking off early today so I may get a chance to see it this afternoon.

The Lovely Linda's birthday is this weekend so I won't be recapping tonight's episode... but not to worry. You guys are in for a real treat. Tonight's episode will be recapped by a surprise recapper so be sure to tune in. I promise that you won't be disappointed.



No Axel last night but I was able to find a copy of the poster that hung in the barbershop of my youth. I linked to this chart so that we can chose a suitable style for our hapless lad. I was always partial to the next-to-the-last style but my mother would never allow it. What do you think?


Oh boy, does that chart bring back memories. I think I dated most of those guys.

I'm trying to imagine Karen falling off her chair. That's a powerful laugh, lady.

Carlos, please wish the Lovely Linda a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us. I'm sure you have a great evening planned.

And a surprise recapper for us!!!! Way to go, amigo. Will look forward to being astonished.

Oh shoot, I won't be able to watch until Sunday night. Now I'm going to be wondering about the mystery guest all weekend long. Is it Hombre de Misterio? Mystery...misterio...get it?

Oh, I forgot, Happy Birthday dear Lovely Linda!!!!

(Great haircut chart, what a hoot.)

Thanks Judy for the recap. With Gretel and MariVictoria in disguise and staying at the pension, I'm sure there will be plenty of hijinks. Now that Netty could lose the pension, I wonder if somehow Mari will help her. No Axel and Delicia in this episode. At least Dora and Gretel came to an understanding.

Mysteries drive me crazy, Sylvia (I'm the type who looks to the end of the book before I've finished it) but I have an idea...and it's not Hombre.

Pirate Babe. I'm pretty sure we're all on the same page. Hooray that Gretel and Doris worked our the misunderstanding quickly. After two hellish years in the wine cellar, Gretel should not suffer one more minute....ever!

Crikey, it's barely after the crack of dawn (dawn cracks very late in my household) and already there are almost more comments than I can read.

Splendid recap; ditto to the comments everyone else said they loved.

I thought Altair and Valentino both played that scene perfectly, and I can understand Emanuel's response. He was just the right mix of concerned and perplexed. He wanted to be sensitive, but she wouldn't tell him what was wrong and kept insisting she was okay. So until she threw him out, I think he felt he had to keep up the amorous behavior that would be expected on a wedding night...otherwise he might be accused of rejecting her.

I'm so, so glad Doris and Gretel cleared things up. I wonder how long it will be before Gretel tells Oliver who she is. If she and Mari live in the pension, she'll see Oliver a lot, and when she figures out how much he's suffering maybe she'll put him out of his misery. Or maybe he will actually recognize her through the disguise? Or wonder why he's so attracted to this twerpy-looking dude?

Oh, and great job on the pictures! That Medusa snake collar thing Fedra is sporting is gross. I hope she paid a fortune for it, so the homeless person who made it out of trash can live well for awhile.

Great snark on the Medusa necklace Julia. Also love the "dawn cracks pretty late here".

I have to agree with you that both Emanuel and Ilitia played their scenes well. And both seem to have really matured in their acting skills since their early roles in telenovelas. Nice to watch them honing their craft.

Judy, I never read ahead. I love a good mystery and like to draw it out as long as possible. OK I'm going to guess Schoolmarm then and this is my last guess until I find out on Sunday.

Love Julia's comment about Fedra's neckace.

Aha partner. That's my guess too. Soooo....I'm the only one who peeks ahead to the end of the story? I have two reasons: 1) don't want to spend any more time on it if it doesn't end well 2) I don't handle anxiety well. Need to know it's a good ending early in the game.

Too bad this technique doesn't work in messy old "real life".

Hi folks, missed the last couple of shows but read the recaps, fun stuff, poleeth etc...thanks for the recaps...only saw a bit of this one with Gretel/Doris reconciliation towards end I hope she will tell Oliver the news...I hate that more than anything about TN, when people know two people want to be together yet they pretend and say they can't because of x!! Argh!!!

Thanks again....

What fun stuff in the comments too, hair cut charts, surprise recappers, anchors out? my my what fun!!!

A very Happy Birthday to Linda! Hope you have quite a day planned for your lovely lady. bet you rival anything Eman could throw together.
I'm with Judy,gees that chart was a hoot, but I have to unfortunately admit my age here. Use to see charts just like that when I use to take my kid brother for his haircuts. I may hate Axel's current "do", but maybe we can find a nice compromise between the chart and the atrocious mess on his head. He does have beautiful thick hair - just needs a little guidance.

Hi Gancho Kris. Good to have you checking in with us. I think we all agree "poleeth" was pure genius on Sylvia's part.

Daisynjay...just remember. Axel's hair could be worse. Remember the oiled down mess in Mi Pecado. Blech. And ack as well. Don't know why he's so challenged in the hair department. They've even given William Levy some odd do's, but it's hard to ruin our William's looks. Would take a lot of doing.

I suspect Diego Amozurrutia has hair like my brother' thick and springy that it all stands on end unless it's either really long or greased down. Personally I like the ridiculously spiky and poofy look better than the oil slick.

I didn't mean to trigger a guessing game. Suffice it to say that everyone will be pleased.

Thanks to Diana, I got a glimpse of a younger Ximena and a rather puzzling steamy love scene. Puzzling because the couple were making love on white sheets on a bed covered and surrounded by a flock of white pigeons... yet not a trace of bird poop... miraculous.

I think Axel's best bet might be a neat discreet pony tail, though with long black hair, a man can never go wrong with that greasy slicked-back look.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for the Lovely Linda. You guys are so sweet and thoughtful.


Well, the oily slicked back look did do well on Jaime Camil in Fea Más Bella. But he had other things going for him. Diego looked dreadful in Mi Pecado with that oil slick. I still shudder.

Congrats Julia on always knowing these actors' names. I can barely remember their role names, much less their actual monikers. Ah to be 30 again!

Thanks, Judy B., for the cap and the family tree. What a tangled web! I think I'll print this out. One thing about it, this seems to be a comedy which is cool if it's supposed to be funny vs. inadvertently so. I'll try and hang w/this so hubby can get the tv back at 9 after STuD.


Khalilah...It IS a comedy even though horrid things are done. Most of the criminals are bumblers and yet people DO get killed.

It has a schizophrenic feel to it for that reason.

High-camp, then tragedy, then over the top wink wink nudge nudge again. You have to step back and enjoy the goofiness and try not to get caught up in the evil machinations.

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