Thursday, December 16, 2010

Llena de Amor #88 (Mex. 93) Wed 12/15/10 She's a he, he's a she, she's not herself, the queen's a fraud.

Judy and I are doing tradesies again tonight. Enjoy your evening Miss Judy!I realized that in this show there are a lot of people pretending to be someone else. Mari is Victoria, Gretel is Manolo, Eman's pretending to be Ilitia's husband, she his wife, Juana is Fedra, someone is el Lirio de Plata, etc. It's very confusing!

We get a few flashbacks from last night and a tantalizing preview of Mari making a crank call to Fedra. It’s kinda creepy except for Fedra’s horrified look so OK, we’ll be cool with it.

From last night: it’s up against the wall for MariVicki. Will Eman kiss her?

Ilitia won’t tell Brandon the truth about Agent O. He begs her to give him something against Orangey. Her beautiful eyes well up with tears and he starts guessing the truth. Tell him!! But she denies that Agent O raped her. Gah!! Then she wants daddy’s gun back but of course Brandon’s got to keep it for evidence of something or other.

Brandon suggests that since Orangey is her BFFs boyfriend that Ilitia is jealous. She tells him to remember that he is the first one she came to when she needed help. He let her down and she’ll never forgive him. He gazes pensively at her wake.

MariVicki pushes Eman away. She flashes back to Eman and his gordita then tells him he’s a damn liar. He wants to know who sewed these seeds of hate in her, was it Mari? Why does she hate him so much?

They stop talking and try to communicate via mental telepathy. She thought bubbles that she hates him because he destroyed her life and her dreams. He thought bubbles what is going on with this woman? There’s something about her but it’s not her looks. She thought bubbles “Kiss me you fool”. He thought bubbles “I can’t resist you”.

There is a knock at the door and MariVicki leaves Eman puckering up to the empty air. She hugs Andres her rescuer.

Oliver and Doris are dancing up a storm. Dang he’s got the moves. Me next, me next! Frowny Gretelman arrives and sucks up some suds for consolation. The winners of the dance contest are…Oliver and Doris!! Ollie’s so happy he even hugs Manolo, whose flattened chest heaves and huffs in heightened ecstasy. So near and yet so far.

Andres is surprised to find our duo at the office after hours, much less half clad. He asks Eman why didn’t he just use his keys to get out? He knows he has a set because he made copies for Andres. This is a good excuse for MariVicki to slap Eman AGAIN and stomp out of the office. She grabs his pants for good measure as she and Andres head for home. Eman gives her a parting flash of his undies so she takes his jacket too. Now we know how he ends up wearing her black and white headbands, I mean skirt and top.

Doris, Ollie and Gretelman are in the club basking in their victory. Doris runs into Mari’s old friend Carolina who takes a shine to the suave Spaniard. Gretelman raises his fake eyebrows with interest. That is until he’s forced onto the dance floor. I wonder who’s gonna lead?

Axel bursts into Delicia’s room to tell her that he feels awful about the way he treated Mari. He needs to call her in Spain right away. Delicia sighs in exasperation. Mari is married and living in another country, now out of my room young Mr. Dumbass.

Poor Axel, rebuffed by his only friend he wanders the halls and overhears his parents talking about him. Momster dearest is on a tear and snarls that he’s got his memory back and she fears he’ll regress to his prior predilections and become a mockery of society. Emiliano regrets the way he treated Axel before and asserts that his son is a marvelous and noble human being. He orders his wife to respect Axel’s decisions. Fine but these four walls are driving her crazy and this is a good excuse for her to escape, probably for some much-needed horizontal therapy.

Axel smiles and tells his father how much his words and support mean to him. Whew! At last these two are on the same side.

Uh oh, a slow song breaks out in the club. Gretelman squirms with discomfort and Ollie tells Doris he thinks Mano bats for the other team. Doris says he’s just timid. The cute Carolina puckers up for a kiss and Gman scrunches his/her face in disgust.

It’s time for a father to son talk. Emiliano truly regrets the way he treated Axel before. Axel tells him he always thought Emiliano preferred Eman because he was the champion, the winner. Axel never felt that his dad was proud of him. Emi takes responsibility for Axel thinking that way and he’ll support Axel in whatever he wants to do. Axel says music is his life. Emi’s ready to help, let’s start with tuning the guitar! (OK, he didn’t say that exactly.) Ax sez there’s a problem, Bernardo stole his guitar.

Caro comes on too strong to Gretelman “el timido” and he pushes her onto the floor. Oops, bad move there Gretel.

Brandon gets home and Consuelo, big chops grinning like a hungry she-wolf, lunges in his general direction. She’s thwarted by Mama Gladiola who wants to dote on her son. Consuelo huffs off and Glad asks Brandon does Consuelo seem a bit jealous to you?

Ilitia recalls her pre-wedding morning of horror and Brandon’s words that if Malicio ravaged her it’s because she was looking for it. (Really, that’s an unbelievably dreadful thing to say in any situation. Shame shame shame on you Brandon!!) “It’s a lie,” cries Ilitia. As she bites her knuckles Emanuel tries to sneak into the house wearing MariVicki’s super-stretchy headbands. And he’s got the pantyhose on too!

Mari gets home wearing Eman’s shirt and pants (that miraculously fit) and is intercepted by Netty who wants to know what she’s doing with Eva’s ashes and other things that Mari would never but never let out of her possession. Eh? MariVicki has the commercial break to think up an excuse.

Gladiola joins in the inquisition and the two lovely matriarchs form an impenetrable barrier of righteous indignation. Netty goes off on MariVicki but MV’s not about to be bullied, she tells Netty that if Netty thinks she’s there with bad intentions then she’ll just pack her stuff and go that very night. The battle of the jutting chins ensues.

Ilitia scolds Eman while he scratches his legs. Eman, those pantyhose sure can itch if you haven’t depilated properly. She demands to know how he can go out of the house in such a getup. (Fachas, I couldn’t find a good translation. Help?) He says it’s not a getup, it’s evening wear. Fine, she wants to talk about the wedding night debacle but then remembers she demanded an explanation. What’s with the getup? He says he worked late, had to borrow an outfit from the company, and now he needs to take a bath. (That’s it for the cross-dressing, it just kind of petered out, no pun intended.) Ilitia mutters he’s up to something and she wants to know what it is.

Brandon writhes on his bed showing off his six-pack and muttering that Ilitia is driving him crazy. He throws a vase, breaks it and thinks about their hot kiss. Speaking of crazy, Consuelo sneaks in and announces she wants to spend the night with him and make sweet love. Ah Caray, he says, while more or less checking her out.

Oliver scolds Gretelman for pushing Carolina. Gman gets very indignant, s/he tripped and s/he doesn’t attack women, OK? Ollie says it’s very clear, Gman doesn’t like to be around women. Gman leaves in a huff and Doris follows. Oliver’s all Que the hell with those two? “Claro” sez Caro, those two are in love.

Netty grabs MariVicki, shakes her and demands to know what she did with Mari!! MariVicki thinks fast and says Mari wanted Vicki to deliver Eva’s ashes to Netty because she thought Netty deserved the honor of watching over them. (I think that’s what she said.) Netty makes some great facial contortions and hopes she didn’t hurt Vicki’s little arms.

Consuelo is all over Brandon like white on rice. I’ll give her one thing, she’s very focused. She persists. He weakens. Will he or won’t he?

More sucking face but this is over at the big house. Gross, it’s Spiderus and Nereida sharing toxic spit. They are interrupted by a bang on the door and Emiliano’s booming voice. Spidey pushes her under the bed, tucks it into his pants, answers the door, and gets a punch in the face. Hooray for dad!! Kick the goat-sucker out! He reminds Spidey he’s nothing more than an employee. Spidey says he was just following Fedra’s orders. Axel reports that Bernardo also smacked him in the face. This gets Spidey a punch in the eye for good measure. Emiliano tells him to pack his bags, turn over his keys and leave. (I swear Spidey thumbs his nose at Axel.) Nereida is agog at the performance and Spidey tells her Axel is going to regret this. This was probably my favorite scene of the evening.

Brandon sees Ilitia in his bed, smiles, then shakes the image away. It’s Consuelo underneath him, yelling “Si, si” and grabbing his head.

Ilitia tells Eman she’s not ready to sleep with him yet although she’s not entirely happy that he’s sleeping in Mari’s old room. She still blames the stupid fatty for all their problems. He tells her sorry but Mari is the woman he has loved most in his life.

Emiliano listens to Axel croon his sad song and tells him how impressed he is. He can’t believe he didn’t know about Axel’s talent all these years. He says Netty was right, their house has lots of money but not enough love. Axel asks “you’re in love with Netty, right?” Dad says his feelings toward Netty are pure and honest. Axel says if you love her then dump the Momster and fight for her. Emi says he’s bummed that none of his kids is happy and he needs Axel more than ever.

Netty apologizes to MariVicki and they make up. Netty asks Vicki to promise that Mari is fine. Vicki thought bubbles a bunch of crap about how she’d love to tell Netty who she really is but she can’t, she simply can’t. After Netty leaves MariVicki vows she can’t reveal her true identity until she fulfills her promise to Tia Carlota, to destroy Fedra Curiel and make her suffer as much as she made her mother suffer. Works for me.

Fedra is at Lowrenzo’s love shack and cheers herself up by reminding him of how she punished him that one time. He wants to change the subject and ease her tension. “Call me your queen,” she wheedles. Blech.

Her phone rings, oh goodie the crank call! Fedra answers and the mysterious voice that sounds exactly like Marianela tells Fedra that soon everyone will know the truth…that she’s really Juana Felipe Perez!

Mañana = Mari and Gretel plot against Fedra. Fedra sees a headline proclaiming that she, socialite hostess, is the most corrupt in the country. Vicki gets Eman in trouble with Ilitia

Dicho (Garduno said this to Brandon last week when Brandon kep pestering him for information):

Otra vez la burro al trigo = Here we go again with the same old crap. It’s the same old story. (Lit. Once again the female burro goes to the wheat.)

Fachas – getup, appearance (I think)

Me decepcionaste = You let me down

Me sacas de mis casillas = You’re driving me crazy

Mofas de la sociedad = taunts of society


Man you had a fun episode Sylvia and your recap did it total justice. We are getting some classic slapstick type scenes right along with the semi-serious stuff. The actors must have had a great time filming this stuff.

First, I have to agree. The whole Axel/Emi makeup was awesome. Cesar, with that silky, sexy voice,(sorry,small hyper-ventilate there), can just nail those intimate scenes whether it's with a lover or a son/daughter. He use to kill me in Un Nombre. When he told off Fedra, and smacked Bernardo, I could imagine viewerville out there doing a collective cheer. Now, a father son trip to the barber would just complete the whole thing.

As for the slapstick, could Valentino have been any more screwy, but funny. I have to give kudos to this galan again for not being afraid to yuk it up or be silly. The pantyhose...the images I had of him putting those on...I was smiling all the way thru Eva Luna on that.
And then Gretel - again, the actress has gone from abused and tragic to comical with mixing in some sadness. Her reaction after the hug was endearing, and her whole fighting off Carolina was priceless.

Now we just need to make Consuelo go away - I am not enjoying that whole mish-mash. I wish ilitia had confessed to him, but that's not the way things work in TN's, but I think he'll keep digging to see what's going on with her.

Hi Daisy, clearly Brandon can't keep his mind off Ilitia. I'm pretty sure that whole Mauricio thing is really bothering him, he's knows something's not right. I guess Consuelo keeps sidetracking him so he has a hard time concentrating. Her obsession with Brandon is still one of the all time weird and unbelievable sub plots. I wish she would go away too. Of course he could TELL her to go and mean it; that would be a start. I can't wait until Gladiola finds out, that could throw a monkey wrench in the works.

Yes this was a fun episode. Seeing Bernardo get his just desserts was wonderful, especially in front of his lover. Most people would be humiliated but since he's a graduate in the Fedra school of revenge I fear he will focus his wrath on poor Axel.

Wasn't Gretel wonderful? What a great role for a young actress and it's fun to see her really sink her teeth into it.

There is a lot of good acting in this one. Altair in particular is doing great things with her role. Ilitia could easily be either a whiny fresa or a complete victim, but instead she is a very complex character. She keeps me engaged and wondering how she will handle her crisis.

Sylvia, I think this was your finest recap yet. The summary, title and vocabulary were wonderful, but "Dang he’s got the moves. Me next, me next"!", " Frowny Gretelman arrives and sucks up some suds for consolation", "hungry she-wolf" and "battle of jutting chin" sealed the deal. Marvelous from beginning to end. I can't recall the last time I laughed so much. You made the day a little brighter.

I just love the Gretelman/Oliver scenes. I could watch them all day long. What fun the actors must be having!

Sylvia, Spidey did indeed make some kind of gesture to Eman's retreating back after his long overdue and (hopefully to be soon repeated :)) smackdown of Spidey. Daisy, "silky, sexy voice" indeed. Cesar can speak to me any time!

I agree that Brandon does realize something is off kilter with Ilitia but she is throwing such a confusing gamut of emotions and words out there, I can't totally blame him for not realizing what happened.


Oh and I forgot to add, thanks Diana for jogging my memory...I was lost in that Cesar moment there, I LOVED watching Oliver and Doris dance. Your "Me Next! Me Next!" nailed my reaction to. My feet were itching watching just have to find someone to trip the salsa light fantastic with.

Thanks Sylviafor the recap. Judy B. has me watching this off and on and since I thought she would be recapping I watched it last night. I usually end up seeing all the "icky episodes" where very "bad things" happen to the "good people." I will admit that last night was funny. Still a little confused with all the characters since I haven't watched this from the begining but your recap was great fun.

Maybe I will start watching with more regularity. I have been trying to catch up with the recaps and have found all of them halarious and informative so thanks to all the creative recappers on this novela.

Sylvia, I'm not often in this neighborhood but am sure glad I stopped by today. What a fabulous and funny recap! As others have said, the Gretelman scenes are priceless:

"Doris runs into Mari’s old friend Carolina who takes a shine to the suave Spaniard. Gretelman raises his fake eyebrows with interest."

(TN writers do like cross-dressing themes, don't they, with ladies dressed up as funny little men and handsome men transformed into giant, lumbering hags.)

Fachas -- yeah, appearance but more specifically clothes that are too casual or cheap-looking for the occasion. I've never seen this as a translation, but when I hear someone say, for example: ¿En ESAS fachas?, I understand it to mean: In THOSE schmattas?

Thanks for the recap Sylvia. Like others, I had your same reaction to Oliver's dancing; he's quite smooth on his feet.

I am happy that Axel and Emil are functioning like a real father and son. Though Bernando did threaten (and mock) Axel, at least now there are two people who are on to his evil deeds.

Yeah, I have "fachas" as "slovenly dress" for Mexican Spanish.


"Me next, me next!"

What a delightful recap Sylvia. This episode was a real treat and you elevated my enjoyment of it to a higher level. Your narration of the fun made the good even better. Thanks.

Since Axel was in a tattling mood, I was hoping that he would mention that Fedra wrecked his first guitar. By the way, Bernardo seems to be accustomed to being slapped and fired. He barely blinked.

You understandably left it to me to describe (what for me at least) was the most arresting scene. It was Netty's regal exit from Vicky's room. Two free-range soccer balls struggling to escape the confines of that flimsy white knit dress. Simply awesome... dangerously daring... but awesome.

I think that I must be the one lonely fan of Consuelo. Though she is clearly all wrong for Brandon, I admire her hopefulness and persistence. He certainly isn't helping much with his rather weak half-hearted resistance. She is extremely honest (remember the found money?) and a caring mother, and is attractive in a weary sort of way.

Manny in Vicky's clothes? Funny, but... I prefer Netty's dueling soccer balls.


Ay yi last I get a moment to breathe and can enjoy your fine recap, partner. Loved the opening paragraph, setting the theme.

Like Diana, thought "battle of the jutting chins ensues" was really choice. And I also think "get up" is a great translations for "fachas", but enjoyed seeing the other definitions commenters offered as well.

"Just kind of petered out (no pun intended)." WICKED! and perhaps my favorite...Nereida and Bernard "sharing toxic spit".

You DO have a way with words, and will sure be a hard act to follow. But muchas gracias "noch ein mal" for pitching in last night. Got to see Diebler tie the record for made 3's. Great win.

Oh, and speaking of a way with words, Carlos...ahem...dueling soccer balls. Well, that WAS a tight skirt. I think Netty would be entranced you noticed. If you have a smoky, silky voice, Emiliano might have some serious competition.

Thanks for a superb recap of a fun episode, Sylvia.

I was so glad to see Emiliano and Axel finally start to have a good relationship. It's about time you decided to stick up for your kids, Emiliano! I was cheering for real out loud when Emil gave Bernardo the smackdown. Now can he please divorce Fedra? To heck with her "bad heart."

I'll be next in line to be Oliver's dance partner. What fun.

Thanks Sylvia for the recap. I agree that the Emil/Axel scenes were the best scenes of this episode. I was glad too when Axel told Emil that Spiderus smacked him. Loved the punches Emil gave him as well as kicking the fool out. Somehow, I see Fedra keeping Spiderus around since he's her accomplice. I was kind of hoping that Mari would tell Netty who she really is but no go on that.

Blah on the whole Consuelo/Brandon thing.

I was LOLing when Eman not only wore Mari's dress but her pantyhose too. Too funny. I bet they probably had to do numerous takes of that scenes.

It was funny when Emanuel kept tugging the top of the dress overexposure of the chest was the issue with that outfit on him. Sorry, dude, I guess you're too flat-chested to wear strapless.

Consuelo is kind of scary. From the very minute she first set her sights on Brandon, she went full-throttle, pedal-to-the-metal to coerce him into cositas before he had a chance to think about it. I don't see this ending as well as she seems to think it will.

Great recap, full of brilliant lines. Love the name of Gretelman! It's a keeper!

My admiration for Valentino Lanús grows every day. The deal with the dress and the pantyhose was over the top! He was great! If he wasn't a favorite already, he would be now just for the pantyhose alone!

Yeah, I've been really enjoying the total hamming of his part by the Emanuel actor. So silly - but then you see that twinkle in his eye and great smile - and he's having so much fun, he is just adorable!

Now that Mari has her fat suit off (yay!!!) and Eman is just over the top (actually I have even been enjoying the comedic sexual aggression), I'm quite enjoying this novela. Before, for me, it was just - meh, whatever.


Sylvia, thank you for the great recap and the comments today have been LOL.

This is the first TN that I have seen with Valentino Lanus and I find him very good and not afraid to do the pantyhose and headband thing.

Oliver's dancing skills were a real surprise. I am glad to see him dancing the night away instead of drinking.


I hope that Axel has some musical skills other than the guitar and singing. If not, maybe he should think about accounting or gardening.

Isn't Carolina a firecracker? I didn't pay much attention to her before, but she is a cutie. Manolo could do worse... oh, that's right... he's already interested in Oliver.

What a fun couple Fedra and Lorenzo are... reminiscing over the day she considered taking possession of his assets.

Facha... I've been using this word often for quite some time to mean face and facial expression and everyone seems to understand what I mean. I've seen it used a lot in some of the literature that I've read. I like it for the other meanings offered here as well. Thanks.

Hurrah for Dee. If Axel is going to have her, it'll clearly be on her own terms.


I loved that bit where Axel was playing guitar and singing for Emiliano. Emil sat there with a smile frozen on his face, like he was hiding the pain and thinking how desperately Axel needs lessons. But he was totally supportive, as he should be. Get the kid some music training, and if he still sucks, the world will let him know that. No reason for the dad he's just barely bonded with to break it to him.

Sylvia – What a delightful read this was, start to finish! Outstanding!

Last night’s episode was fun, but I sure could do without all these people forcing themselves on others. Carolina trying to kiss a fellow who keeps saying he’s not interested? (And why is she drawn to such a strange little gnome with completely bizarre hair?). Consuelo forcing herself on Brandon.

Carlos, I loved your description of Consuelo as “attractive in a weary sort of way.” For me, she seems a bit frumpy, like Doris should update her hair for her, and her wardrobe too.

I wonder if they did the dance contest scene just to showcase Oliver’s skills. He really was a joy to watch.

I wonder why Eman put on the panty hose. Maybe he thought if he was going to look like a cross-dresser, he wanted to make a good job of it. Or maybe the hairy legs were just too hard on the eyes.

Sylvia- Sorry to be dropping in so late. Your recap and the comments have been just fantastic today.

Carlos- Soccer balls! Tsk, tsk. (shaking my head, but smiling)

Both Eman and GretelMan cracked me up this episode. Gretel seems to be having fun for the first time this whole novela. She also seems saner than ever! Maybe she should have started this cross-dressing secret life thing a long time ago.

I think Brandon really let Ilitia down when he said he wouldn't kill Orangy for her if he had raped her (he is an officer of the law after all). That's when she recanted her admission of the rape. She wants someone who loves her so much, he would kill to protect her. She shouldn't have fallen for an upstanding cop then.

Tell me why Mari can't tell Netty who she is again? I don't understand, and I usually understand the illogical magical thinking of novela characters.

Finally, add me to Oliver's dance card. I love to dance salsa, merengue, chacha, bachata, etc. I could tell that he was a good partner- not too showy or too handsy, but energetic and fun.

Vivi, I also do not understand at all why Mari would completely cut off communication with her dear auntie for two whole years, then come back and not confide her real identity. Maybe she doesn't think drama queen Netty can keep a secret?

By the way, how did Vicky get that job? Does Mari actually have identification and some sort of work visa in Vicky's name? Or are we not supposed to think about details like that? Let me just tune up my beanie...

Jeanne: to answer your questions from yesterday...ZERO! Zero years of Latin! Can you tell? ;)

And yes, the fire hazards really do bother me. Proper building function is one of the primary topics on my mind, and I just can't turn it off. Also I have a major fear of being trapped or confined.

Hi, Vivi, Sorry. Basketballs would have been exaggerating. I think, considering her age and gravitas, that may have been an unfortunate fashion choice... but one I'm glad she made.


Thanks for the comments everyone! I thought I posted a comment earlier, but I guess I forgot to publish. I want to thank Novela Maven, Audrey and Carlos for the assist on the meaning of fachas, it's very helpful.

Carlos, I was wondering if you would comment on Netty's loveliness. I didn't realize you were such a sports fan, heh.

Vivi, thanks for the insight on Brandon and Ilitia's conversation. Truthfully, my CC's were bad AGAIN last night and sometimes I just couldn't keep up.

Judy, I hope you have a good episode tonight. I feel like I hit pay dirt last night because mostly the scenes were silly, fun and satisfying.

Gretelman and Momster are all Julia, she of the cleverly diabolical monikers. Thanks Julia!

Sylvia, what fun, starting with the title! Thank you for an awesome recap! You know how I love your sense of humor. ☺ The summary of who is who at the beginning was so cute! (I had to quit backquoting after awhile, there was so much good material). Sorry to be so behind in reading/posting.

“crank call to Fedra. It’s kinda creepy except for Fedra’s horrified look so OK, we’ll be cool with it.” ROTFL! We are so okay with it!

“They stop talking and try to communicate via mental telepathy. She thought bubbles, etc.” LOL!

“dancing up a storm. Dang he’s got the moves. Me next, me next!” LOL!

“black and white headbands, I mean skirt and top.” ROTFL!!

“Gretelman raises his fake eyebrows with interest. That is until he’s forced onto the dance floor. I wonder who’s gonna lead?” I wondered that, too. The whole Manolo/Carolina thing left me cold. That part they could have done without or done differently and gotten the same idea across. Gretel didn’t have to knock her down.

“Emi’s ready to help, let’s start with tuning the guitar! (OK, he didn’t say that exactly.)” LOL! Thank you, Axel, for finally busting Bernardo.

“Eman, those pantyhose sure can itch if you haven’t depilated properly.” ROTFLLLLL!!!!

Who knew you were such a great punster without even trying?

Pretty cool that Caro gave Manolo/Gretel a new cover-in love with Doris, for Pete’s sake.

Loved everyone’s comments. No, Julia, I thought for sure you had four years of Latin!


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