Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #12 1/18/11 Guilleremo's Satan; Fernanda's Almost Cain; Will Maria Forgive Max Once Again?

Hey, all. I'm back from Nueva York. All caught up now so let's begin.


Victoria asks Maria why she was a no show today. The obvious, simple, and correct answer is because you're a freakin jerk, but Maria expands on the thought. "You're asking me this?" It's because Vicki treats her like crap and humilates her. Maria asks her to leave. She doesn't want to have anything to do with her. Stare down.

Osvaldo and Linda are kissing. Linda wants to go somewhere where they can be alone. Osvaldo thinks a second and agrees, but just when they get up, Os's phone rings. It's Pedro. He wants Osvaldo to meet him at Televisa. Os says he'll be there and hangs up as he sighs and looks toward Linda.

Bernie tells JP that she likes Maria Desamparada, and she'll always be welcomed here. Juan Pablo's glad, but he looks down. Bernie asks him what's wrong. JP explains that there's this sick kid...he feels weird asking, but could Bernarda lend him some money for the operation for the child? Bernarda looks like JP just asked her for both of her kidneys, her liver, and heart. She says all Octavio left her was the house, and Tomasa and I both have the WTH, you expect him to believe that? look on our faces. Does Tomasa get paid or is she a slave? Bernarda claims she doesn't have anything and dismisses Tomasa for looking annoyed.

Victoria is surprised that Maria doesn't ask her to sit down. Maria says Vicki is wasting her time because Mari has decided she's done with La Casa de Modas. We'll see about that, Vicki says.

Linda comes running into the house excited as heck. Calm down, hun. So much happiness is gauranteed to transform into suffering in novela world. She says she has a surprise, but then turns and sees Victoria. She asks what she's doing here. Victoria doesn't think she has to answer to her.

At Televisa, Pedro tells Os that his contract's been cancelled. Eeee.

In the bedroom, Linda tells Naty that she and Os kissed. Naty is not happy. Linda eavsdrops on Maria and Victoria.

Vic tells Maria that she's determined to obtain everything that's of interest to her, and right now, Maria is of interest. Ya don't say, Maria laughs. She thinks Vicky just wants to humilate her. She asks her to leave again because she NEVER wants to work with her. Victoria says Maria can't be so stupid to deny the future that Vicky has planned for her. Blah blah blah. Maria asks her what she wants in exchange--that Maria abandon her self-respect? She will not be there for her to humiliate. It's like she's her daughter. [Dramatic music.]

JP goes to La Casa de Modas to meet Victoria, but he's told she's not there. He says he'll wait awhile and takes a seat in the lobby. He's determined to convince her to stop humiliating Maria Desamparada [I just love saying her full name.] As he sits there, he has a flashback of Octavio giving him advice as a kid about soccer. When mini JP makes a goal, Octavio greets him with open arms. Touching.

Victoria denies mistreating her daughter. She just disciplines her. Who are you kiddin? I could tame my parakeets plus a lion before you could discipline that gal.

Anyways, Victoria says Maria has a lot in common with Vicki. They both come from humble backgrounds and are orphans. She says Maria has no idea what Vicki had to deal with to get to where she is. Maria is sure she stepped over many people. Victoria says she was stepped over, betrayed, humiliated. She kept it all inside. Maria tells her to give it up because Victoria isn't going to convince her or evoke any sympathy. (Ha. No pity party for her.) Victoria looks taken back. Maria continues that she'd rather give up her dreams than be humiliated. Vicky can leave now. Before she does leave, Victoria tells her not to let this opportunity go. She'll regret it for the rest of her life. Think about it.

Osvaldo calls Guilleremo. He needs to talk to him about some bad news. Guilleremo says he's busy, but he'll call back later if Os wants him to. Os would appreciate that. Guilleremo hangs up and we see he's sittin with Pedro who offers him Os's role. Guilleremo wonders how Osvaldo's going to react. Pedro says the same way Guilleremo reacted when Os was offered. He signs the contract.

Fer is bashing her stupid boy friend for not answering her calls. He has a surprise for her. She jumps in his arms. He shows her a picture of herself in the paper. She's not happy.

Max walks into the lobby and greets the receptionists. They tell him that JP is waiting to speak to him. Max welcomes him and asks how he can help. JP needs to talk to Victoria. The receptionist repeats that Vicki isn't here, and she can't try her cell unless it's an emergency. Max asks Padre if it's an emergency. No, it can wait. Sooner or later he'll speak with her. He's off, and he wishes Max well. Max says ditto.

Maria is off to see the sick children. Once she walks out of the door, Linda asks Nati why she didn't let her tell Maria that she kissed Osvaldo. It's cause Maria and Nati aren't happy with it. Os is MARRIED and can't offer Linda anything. Linda says Nati knows nothing about men.

Max is going to see "the boss lady." He has documents for her. Fab wonders if Max isn't nervous about bumping into Maria. Max says no, she doesn't work here anymore. He gives him the 411. Fab declares that Maria has dignity, and Max finally agrees. (Took you long enough, but I forgive you, Max.) Fab asks if Max has changed his way of looking at Maria. Max says completely. He has no doubts about her purity and goodness, and he's going to treat her like she deserves to be treated--decently. Fab is glad, but brings up a problem. What is Max going to do when Maria finds out that he's Victoria's son?

Linda: There are two types of married men. Rich and poor. Poor can't offer anything, but rich can offer everything. Nati asks why she doesn't find a single rich guy. Linda says it's too hard. Married guys are bored of life. Ya just gotta make 'em feel special. Like you adore them and whatnot. That's what she's going to do to Osvaldo Sandoval.

Osvaldo is in his office crying. Poor man.

Victoria is telling Max that Osvaldo's down. Fer and he need to be more sensitive to Os's work. Max tells her to relax, but Fer comes in screamin like a maniac about her ugly picture. She says her friends are laughing at her. Vicki says she did it with good intentions. Fer wants Victoria to butt out of her life. Max gets angry and tells her to cut it out. Stop yelling at his mother. Fer tells him to stay out of it; Victoria's not his mom. Victoria demands that Fer apologize to Max. Fer says it's the truth. Max tells her it's fine. It is the truth. He thanks Fer for reminding him. He asks if she'd like to be called half-sister or daughter of his father. [I offer my shoulder to him at this point.] He sadly leaves, and Victoria says Fer unnecessarily hurt her brother. The party is cancelled.

Maria brings gifts for the sick children. Bernarda is in the hall of the hospital, looking very sickly. She opens the door and falls to the ground. Maria runs to help her.

Milagros madly knocks on the door with news for Nati. There's a letter for her.

Maria helps Bernie.

Victoria visits Max's office and asks if she can speak to him. She tells him she's his mother despite biology. She's been with him since he was 10. Yes, he was just an orphan before, Max says. No, he was Osvaldo's son, Vicki tells him. The man she loved and still loves. When she first hugged Max, he planted a place in her heart as her child. Her eldest child, her support/strength, her pride. Max smiles lovingly at her, and they hug. He thanks her for being a mother to him, and she thanks him for being the greatest son in the world. She loves having him at her side at work [too much crying]. she tells him to ignore Fer's words. He kisses her head and tells her to relax. He knows his sister loves him but has attitude problems. He knows she's kind of jealous. He again thanks Victoria for being the greatest mom because he is her son. As they hug again, we see a tear drip from his eye as well. [I'm moved.]

Bernie awakes in the hospital. Maria asks if she feels better. The doctors said her pressure was high. She just needs to rest. Bernarda nervously says she wants to go home, but Maria tells her she can't yet. To make sure she doesn't risk her life by leaving, Maria is going to sit with her. Bernarda notes that Maria is even more strong-willed than she is, but she sincerly thanks her for caring.

Victoria is complaining to Antonieta about Fer's behavior. She hurt Max's feelings. She needs to learn that she can't treat people like that. Look who's talking--wow, I said it right with Antonieta who brings up Vicki's treatment of Maria Desamparada. She points out Maria's dignity. Vicky is treating her like she was treated. She asks if Vicki would treat Maria like that if she were her daughter.

The doctor makes Bernarda "promise" to take his advice. Bernie thanks God for sending her Maria. She asks Mari to drop her off.

Victoria is in church, asking the Virgencita to forgive her for treating Maria Desamparada so poorly. Behind her, Maria, Bernie, and JP walk in. Bernie tells JP how good this girl is, and JP thanks Maria for being kind to his mother. Bernie wonders how they know each other, and JP says she comes to him for advice.

Victoria asks again for forgivness cause she's suffered oh so much. She turns around and wonders what Maria is doing with Bernie and JP. Maria sees a crying Victoria leave.

Vicki comes home and is welcomed by Osvaldo who says he has bad news. Sweetheart that he is, Os notices that Vicki's been crying and asks what happened. She says he's not the only one who suffers, she has lots of things going on too. Anywho, Os says it was the worst day of his life. Televisa contacted him and--

Guilleremo walks in and asks how he can help Osvaldo. Os tells them how his contract was cancelled, and they give condolences. Guilleremo says he's there for him as a fiend. Oops, friend. That's why he wants to tell Os on his own that he's the new actor chosen to replace Osvaldo. Victoria looks even more impactada than Os.

Tomasa notices Bernie is in a good more for a change. Bernarda tells her about Maria Desamparada. She's very impressed with her and wants to invite her over. Tomasa can't seem to stomach that Bernie could like anyone. Bernie says Maria is different than others, and she wants to remain close to her.

JP thanks Maria for being there for his mom. He tells her that Bernie would like Mari to visit her, and Maria gladly accepts. She feels something special with Bernie just like she does with JP.

JP says he went to see Victoria, but he didn't get to see her. Maria thinks it's unnecessary. JP thinks Maria has a chance if Victoria went to her house to talk to her. He says Maria is letting pride forbid her from forgiving Victoria.

Guilleremo says he hopes this doesn't end his friendship with Osvaldo. Os is a caballero; of course it doesn't. He congradulates Guilleremo. They're friends as always, and he appreciates that Guilleremo came to tell him personally. Guilleremo calls him his bro and friend and leaves. He thought bubbles that he'll never forget Os's reaction. It's the best day of his life.

Inside, Vicki tells Os that it's not the end of the world. He thinks his career is ruined. Victoria tells him to have faith; he's a professional and will overcome this. Does she really think so? Yes, she does.

Guilleremo tells his dog that he is a true Machiavellan. The end justifies the means. He turns satanic and in John Swift's words, says, "It's better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven."

Fer tells Victoria that she's unfair, but Vicki insists that the insensitive jerk ask Max for forgivness. Fer says it's Max's fault for butting in to which I say that it's her fault for coming into Vicki's office in Max's presence. Victoria shouts that Max just wants to protect Fer, but Fer says that he isn't her brother; he's her father's son, and she's not apologizing no matter what the consequences are. Ugh. I can't stand this beyotch. Victoria is still trying to knock sense into her besides knocking her teeth out. Geesh, take a parenting class, will ya? She says Max took care of her when she and Os were too busy, and he always protected her. Fer says she's bored. Victoria continues that she loves Max like a real son, and he is a real brother. In any case, since Fer won't apologize, the party is cancelled. I wouldn't give her a party even if she did apologize.

After her talk with JP, Maria tells the roomies that she's going to work for Victoria. Linda overreacts. She thinks Maria's going to be unhappy. Naty says it's Maria's life. In that case, Linda says she doesn't want to be criticized any longer by any of them, and she's not going to tell more lies. Maria is confused. Naty explains that Linda has conquered Osvaldo Sandoval. Maria is surprised.

Fer wants to talk to Max, and surprisingly, she's lowered her volume and softened her tone by hundreds of notches. She thinks Max knows how she is--impulsive. She says things she doesn't mean. Max nods. He knows, but she needs to think of others when she speaks. She asks if she hurt him. No duh, dimwit. He answers, much more than she thinks. It's because he loves her and wasn't anticipating anything of the like from her. She apologizes. She's stupid, foolish, etc. Much more, says Max. She hugs him and tells him that she loves him. He hugs her back but tells her that it's much easier to hurt people than to forgive them. She asks if she's forgiven. No, she's not. She sadly walks to the door (thinking of no party?), but Max was just being a kidder. He picks her up and tells her of course he forgives her. He throws her on the bed (awkward to me maybe because I don't have an actual brother?). He calls her mi amor and tells her that he loves her, and it's like nothing happened.

Max sweetly asks what Fer wants for her birthday party, and she tells him that it's cancelled because of what she said to him. Max says they're going to talk to Victoria about it right now. Fer says no, Vicki is really angry. Max asks, are you questioning my talent with my mother? (That makes me cry just a little. My sisters use to make me ask my mom anytime they wanted something because she couldn't say no to me.)

Victoria remembers seeing Maria with JP and Bernie. Why were they together? What could connect them? Max and Fer come into the dining room where Vicki is seated, and Victoria tells Max that if he's there to ask for Fer's party, he's wasting his time. She needs to be punished. Max says we all say things we don't mean sometimes, and all of Fer's friends, including her idiot boy friend are already waiting for the party. He says he understands that Victoria wants to discipline her, and he totally agrees. But he already forgave Fer, and he doesn't want the party cancellation to be the punishment. Max kisses Victoria. Moreover, he'd enjoy the party too. How noble you are, says Victoria. She agrees to continue everything as it was going. Fer hugs Max and calls him hermanito. Everyone looks happy.

Maria is reading a magazine, but thinking of Victoria in the church. What could have broght her there? Damn, these folks are noisy. Doorbell rings. Maria gets up, but no one is there. It rings ugh-ain. She gets up, swings it open, walks out to see who it is. Max pops out of the corner and puts his arms around her. He wants to spend the whole day with her. Does she accept or not? They kiss in the hallway and the beautiful song plays for them.

They're at a park kissing and hugging. Eating cotton candy and kissing. Buying ice cream. Max closes his eyes as Maria feeds him her ice cream. She puts it on his face and he grabs her and kisses her, wiping it off on her. He says, "Wow, that was the sweetest kiss I've ever received." Maria tells him not to anger her. Why would she be angry, Max asks. Maria says he's saying that he's had lots of girl friends. No, not lots. Just enough, he says. Maria says uh huh, don't talk to me. He grabs her by the waist and tells her that out of all of the girls ever, she's the only one he cares about. She puts more ice cream on his face as they laugh and kiss. They take those fun pictures where you stick your head in those funny bodies. Max buys balloons, and takes out a heart-shaped locket. He says it has a lot of feeling and value because he's giving it to her. She likes it. Maria proposes that they give the balloons out to kids. They do exactly that.

At home, Maria caresses a picture of her and Max kissing. She tells the roomies that today was the best day of her life. Max has given life to all of her dreams. Naty and Linda look at the picture. Linda admits that Max is VERY handsome, and Maria protectively takes the picture back. Naty asks if Maria told him about JP telling her to be humble amd return to Victoria's Casa de Modas? No, Maria wants to surprise him. Surprised he will be. She kisses the picture, and all three girls smile.

Maria is at the Casa de Modas, practicing walking in front of Victoria. She thanks Vicki, and Vicki says it's more important that Maria changed her opinion. She advises Maria. More force, so the hair moves. Well done. Victoria is being HELLA nice. Maria says when she's a big model, she'll always remember Victoria's role. Victoria says she's determined to make Maria the best model in Mexico. Now, with lots of force and attitude. Maria turns around, and Max walks in saying Madre. He has papers for her, and he is "surprised" as can be to see Maria there. Victoria introduces her as Maria Desamparada--the next star model of La Casa de Modas, and Max as her son. Uh oh. Max knows he's screwed. Maria looks at him painfully.

Got home late, and my recording cut off the kayak? So ends the episode. And what do ya kno? It's past 12. So ends Cielo's 20th birthday. The first ever without her mother. May she rest in peace.


Cielo a belated Happy Birthday and i'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. Thank you for the recap amiga:)

I would substitute jerk in your first paragraph describing Victoria with a capital B E Y O T C H and call it a day with that heifer.

As for wondering how her own little bitchtoria is acting and where she get's it from pot meet kettle.

Victoria seems to believe her little sob story of her hard life up to her success gives her the right to act the way she does with people. Love that Maria D. call her out on her B.S. hypocrisy.

Poor Os but he does have easy Linda to give him comfort.

Max my dear your lies have all caught up to you let's hope this is the last one you tell the girl of your dreams.

¡Feliz Cumple! A great recap.

I'm really getting tired of Victoria's beyotchy routine. Aren't we supposed to like her? I am glad that MD called her out.

My favorite is turning out to be Osvaldo and every time LindaHO gets near him I find myself yelling "run!" at the TV screen. Sure, LindaHO is easy, but she's probably more trouble than she's worth.

Remember Ivanna from STuD? I think by watching Fer I'm getting a glimpse of Ivanna at a younger age. When she hugged Max after the "perdóname" speech I fully expected an Ivanna scheming face. And I agree Cielo, I thought the hug and throw her on the be routine was disturbing. All the males in the house have a creepy dynamic with Fer. (Maybe it's because the actress is too old?)

As for Bride of Satan-when she was getting dizzy in the hospital my first thought was "She must be having a reaction to being around so much poverty." And I fully expected her diagnosis to be cancrum a la Alborada because I don't see any difference between this character and that one. Same hair, different costume...more piety to be sure, but just as evil.

I'm feeling pretty good about my understanding of TNs now. As soon as MD said "it's the happiest day of my life" I threw up my hands and knew it was all over.

Dear Cielo. So sorry for your loss. My mother died a few years ago. Losing a parent is hard no matter how old you are. I am sending you best birthday wishes. Thanks for that excellent recap. It looks like Os just might succumb to LindaHO's persistent advances. Blech. I have to switch the channel when Ferocious Fer starts screaming at her mother . Nasty, spoiled girl. She needs some tough love .

Great work, Cielo, and a belated happy birthday to you. My sympathies about your mother.

I'm not buying Fer's apology to Max. I am seeing the beginnings of Ivana here. Fer has an ugly attitude and is a flaming narcissist. This will have grave consequences.

As will Linda's recent activities. A fool and her dignity have parted and she isn't thinking of the consequences.

Karma is waiting in the wings.

Is Padre Hottie growing a Van Dyke beard? It'll make him look like something out of Alexandre Dumas' books... not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's good that JP has such great memories of Octavio because he needs them. He will need them even more in the next several episodes.

CdL - Thank you for the recap. I watched some of this last night and unfortunately became bored. I haven't been watching or participating, so perhaps my telenovela beanie hat is lost. (ack!) I so wanted to like this telenovela, but the magic just is not there. ~sigh~

What on earth was Bernarda doing in the hospital before she nearly fainted? She doesn't seem like the type person to 1) have friends, or 2) go visit anyone in hospital. They don't know why she nearly fainted, either. Ah, well, maybe it was the DNA vibes emanating from María.

Cielo: I am so sorry to hear that you recently lost your mother. Having been in your place, please know that I know how it feels. Thank you for doing this recap for us.

It is going to be interesting to see what will happen with the threesome of the producer, producer's wife, and Guillermo. Is the only reason producer canceled Oz because of the poor film showing?

I am literally astounded that MD found any connection to St. Bernard. This will surely cause huge problems in the future.

LindaHO: her explanation of the types of married men clearly show that she is an expert at using men with money. What is her background story that she found she had to do this at such a young age. Oz, in his moment of despair, will be ripe for the picking.

Also...where did the three 'girls' get the idea that Mad Max is a 'pobreton'? Yes...I actually caught a new word that didn't fly by me. Linda specifically called him that. Did Max give that impression or did they just assume that? Furthermore, how oould they make that assumption given the hot car he drives?!

The stage is certainly being set for major explosions down the road!

Thank you again, Cielo.


Cielo - Where are my manners!!!?! I am so sorry about your mother. (((Hugs))) and belated happy birthday. (((más abrazos)))

Sara: We both thought the same thing about St. Bernard!!! I was just sure that having to be around poverty was making her sick! I was actually laughing during this scene.

Wowsers. So many complicated relationships that are just time bombs waiting to happen.


Bernarda might have been at the hospital to look for JP if he wasn't in the chapel or the rectory.

JP did talk to her about donating money for a sick child. She might have been there to do that for appearances' sake. She cries poverty at him, but we know she has rental income from Padilla (presumably for the same sweatshop). She must own other property (inherited when she murdered her husband).

I forgot about the "pobreton" reference. LindaHo is making what another forum I'm on calls an "interesting assumption." To her Young Single Man + Job = Lives Paycheck to Paycheck. She may not have seen the car.

Thanks everyone! Love ya all mucho.

Blu: I thought I was too harsh when I originally wrote moody, so I took it back. :) Glad to know you're there with me.

BTW, I stopped by in New Jersey and thought of you. What a great accent you folks have! I love it. :D

Sara: "I'm feeling pretty good about my understanding of TNs now. As soon as MD said "it's the happiest day of my life" I threw up my hands and knew it was all over." lol! So true. :)

Susanlynn, thank you for your compassion.

Urban Anthro, I'm with you. Fer is a strange character. She apologizes but keeps messing up. No sincerity.

Doris, mucho amor. And I totally agree! WTH possessed Bernie to go to the hospital?

Susanita, yeh how could Max's car ever give such a vibe?!

Oops, I meant "beyotch" not "moody". Ya see where my mind is? Lol

Cielo, thanks for the fine recap. Good wishes for your birthday and sorrow for your mother's loss.

So many of the female characters are self-centered, but Fer is definitely the worst. She needs to go help the little children and sell some tortas for a while before she gets any kind of party.

The carefree happy day montage where Max and MariaD painted each other with ice cream caused a serious blood sugar spike and nausea. Should have been wearing my TN beanie.
La Paloma

Tks Cielo, great recap

I haven't read the comments yet.

If you really like a guy, wouldn't you find out his last name early in the game? I thought I even heard MD say te quiero to Max.

Doesn't Victoria recognize Bernarda as the bitch that threw her out? I thought she hadn't seen her in the church.

Uni sure isn't as strict will schedules as the US networks. It ran over about 5 min.

Isn't the man that Bernarda was talking to the one in Corazón Salvaje that kept watch over the poor woman in the cellar for 25 years?

Variopinta, that is the same actor who played Arcadio. I suspect he is heavily typecast as a henchman.

Of course Victoria recognized Bernarda. She would have had to expect to see her eventually with JP being the local priest. She ducked out of sight to avoid being seen because she's not ready to confront her. But that won't take long.

In a thread from about a month ago there was a discussion of the flexible start and end times for Spanish prime time. Just set your recording device to run at least 5 minutes over.

Cielo: Happy birthday! My heart goes out to you on the loss of your mother. I lost mine over 14 years ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. I can only tell you that the pain does lessen in time. God bless.

This was a wonderful recap. All encompassing and perfectly detailed. I enjoyed the humor you sprinkled throughout, especially "Bernarda looks like JP just asked her for both of her kidneys, her liver, and heart".

"Guilleremo tells his dog that he is a true Machiavellan". Absolutely! I laughed how the dog never really looked him in the eye. Must recognize evil when he sees it!

I am so disappointed in Osvaldo. So much for true romance.


TDA vs. Sortilegio...a comparison

Wm Levy playing a character whose real first name ends with "o" but whose nickname ends with "x"...check

Playing rich dude with fancy cars and loads of girlfriends...check

In love with a poor girl wearing poor girl braids named "Maria"...check

Loving stepmother named "Victoria"...check

Best friend whose name starts with "F"...check

Nasty attitude half sister...check

David Zepeda DID make a cameo at the beginning of the

I'm more interested in the trials & tribulations of Osvaldo than anything else on this show. Even Guilleremo bores me.

In (sort of) defense of Fer: this girl has grown up seeing Victoria be nasty and rude to everyone, and there are no consequences to Vicki's actions. Everyone kisses Vicki's ass and tells her how great she is. So why wouldn't Fernanda be a rude nasty bitch to everyone she encounters? Her momma does it and nothing happens to her.

I just hope they don't rely on the American TV way of delivering comeuppances to rude nasty young girls: rape.

Agree that Fony Fer has had a bad example in Victoria, but Fony Fer exhibits a cruelty that is not seen in either parent. Maybe she was switched at birth (I say half jokingly).

There are just so many explosions waiting to happen...which one will go first?


Belated happy birthday, Cielo, and my sympathies about the loss of your mother. I know from experience how painful that is.

I'm grateful that in spite of some sad thoughts, you were able to put together such a delightful recap. I loved your snide (but well founded) comments, such as "Who are you kiddin? I could tame my parakeets plus a lion before you could discipline that gal," and "The obvious, simple, and correct answer is because you're a freakin jerk, but Maria expands on the thought."

I agree with Variopinta that it's VERY strange that Maria hasn't bothered to learn her beloved's last name. Duh???

Interesting comparison, Anon 11:02, between TDA and Sortilegio.

otra cosa

Max is such a ladies man I would think the other models would have been talking about the jefa's guapo son, Max.

Fer does display a major cruel streak, so I'm wondering whether she learned it from Tattoo Boy who would have it in his DNA.

I'd pit her against Padilla, though. I think Fer could take him down if it comes to that (but I don't think it will).

For Fernando Colunga's Fans

MEPS will be rerun on Telefutura at 6PM starting next Monday.

Variopinta, we must have posted at the same time.

I doubt that the other models would have warned Maria about Max. They are competitive and not likely to embrace her as a colleague.

Somebody will have it in for her shortly.

I didn't mean warn María, I meant as young women do in conversation, the boss's son
"is so cute"

My Little Fony needs to calm the hell down. She needs a spanking.

Was the role that Osvaldo got fired from the same role he wasn't trying to audition for in the first place? Because that role seemed like the producer only wanted him in the role because he was "hot" but now that he's "not" it makes sense to dump him from the role.

Felt very sorry for Os when he was trying to tell Victoria about getting fired and she basically was like "Everybody has problems, Oz."

Anon at 1225: I do believe that the role Oz lost is the very role that did not interest him in the first place (which makes one wonder why Guillermo was gloating at all).

Vario: I would agree that in such a huge operation as Victoria, why no one has commented upon the boss' son. It seems that MD has lived in a bit of a vacuum since arriving there.

I would agree with UA that someone is going to have it in for MD pretty soon (in terms of the other models). One has to ask...what makes MD so much better than the other TALL...SKINNY...same ole same ole models that already occupy a place in Victoria's stable? Someone is going to get jealous. It is the nature of the beast (of that type of business).

Anon at 1225: Also agree that it was sad to see Victoria tell Oz that everyone has problems. I do wonder, though, why Oz was crying about the loss of the job he didn't want in the first place!


P.S. UA thanks for the infos on our man Colunga! I think I could see MEPS again. It was a very good story.

Ha! I have to laugh at my own comments! Aren't I the agreeable one today! LOL!


Happy Birthday Cielo!!!!! I'll be thinking of you today and sending you good wishes. Thanks for giving us a stellar recap on your b-day.

I think it's not just losing that particular role that's upsetting Ossie, it's what it means to his career to be dropped from a project like that, His movie flopped, and now the studio does not have any faith in him. To him this means future good roles will be drying up. I don't think he would be upset if broke and arm and had to be dropped from the project, or the director decided to take the series in a different direction that would require a different type of actor. What they are saying is that "you, Osvaldo Sandoval, are ratings/box office poison." That's pretty major for an actor.

Why didn't Maria D, whose last name is said all the time by everyone, including herself, ask Max his last name? Or maybe she did, and it just didn't ring any bells since Sandoval is a common name. I'm going to go with that, because it just wouldn't make any sense otherwise.

I didn't find the Max-Fer throw on the bed strange. I have lots of firends who rough house with their brothers. And it continues the theme of everyone in that family seeing Fer as a child to be indulged, instead of a young woman who should know better than to do the things she does.

Osvaldo can just go to Azteca.

Time to polish up the beanies everyone & get out the spare, it's going to be a long ride.

I don't think Osvaldo was upset about losing the role b/c he didn't want that role in the first place.

Osvaldo knows his career is circling down the drain. He knew it with the movie premiere and confirmed it with losing the role.

Is Osvaldo fired from Televisa or just this role?

And for being such a hot telenovela star, shouldn't the paparazzis have been getting pictures of him and Linda smacking lips (or people in the public filming them on their cell phones)?

Vivi: You are right. I was not thinking in terms of what this meant to Oz regarding his future, but you have spelled it out quite nicely.

I sometimes get too involved in the moment of the scene and don't think ahead (maybe because I have found thinking about the TN to cause more problems!)

This is probably a major turning point for Oz both in his life and his career. He is also extremely vulnerable which Linda HO senses immediately. Oz will end up regretting his involvement with her, but he has fallen within Linda HO's gravitational pull. To bad he cannot see that she is a Black Hole.


P.S. Another question: why do you suppose that Mejia uses the actual Televisa and the actors who populate that business in this TN? What purpose does it serve?

Dear Cielo...not watching and usually not reading but saw that it was your birthday and know how tough it must be to feel celebratory without your mother. I think of my mom every day so I know you will always be thinking of yours as well. May all the tender and funny memories fill up your heart and nourish it with love.

There's a wonderful meditation in which one says "Mother is always at home" and in our dreams, it is so.

Carla Estrada did the same thing in EPDA. I think it serves two purposes:

-- No need to create a set; they can shoot on their own turf
-- It's an inside joke, like when a character says something like "You've been watching too many novelas." In novelas de epoca they'd say "That only happens in novels."

The next explosion will be between Victoria and Padre Hottie.

Gracias a todos. Judy B, special thanks for always popping in for me. It means much more than I can tell you.

I know I will be in the minority here, but I actually appreciated Linda’s candor. It was the most honest/common sense reason I have ever heard a ho in a novela give for her motivations and methods. Usually the ho’s motivations are driven by: the desire to be the next wife; the desire for revenge; obsession with the man and the need to make him love her; and/or getting all the man’s money (via marriage). There is a constant struggle to make the man love her best, above all others (including the love of his life). Linda’s not going for all of that. She wants to be the mistress and receive nice pretty things and treats, punto. She knows the reasons why a married man will fall. He’s not falling for her, per se. He falls because she strokes his ego, something he’s not getting from his wife after many years of marriage (despite how much they love each other). I wonder if we’ll ever find out why she lives this way, and why she didn’t stay in Argentina. Surely, there are enough rich, married men in Argentina to keep her busy.

Cielo, I'm not at all up on pop culture, so there may well be a John Swift who used these words, but it's also possible that you meant John Milton. The line "It's better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven" is from Milton's Paradise Lost.

Could be Linda's heart was broken in Argentina, so moved to a new place for a new life & has become a cynic.
She says all men are alike.

CdL: I was wondering about your absence. I had no idea... my deepest condolences to you and your family. And belated happy b-day.

And what is up with the Maria name? Perroni was also Maria (de Jesus) in CCEA; also an orphan. These tns just love that orphan theme.

Fairytales are full of orphans and half orphans too. It goes back to our first primal fear of being abandoned by our parents and left alone in the world to fend for ourselves. But also taps into our ego and aspirations that we CAN do it alone, and overcome all obstacles solo to become madly successful.

There is also the being rescued by a Prince Charming, when you have been left all alone in the world, aspect too. I'd much rather see my heroine make it on her own, without help from Prince Charming, but this is not a new story/theme for any culture in the world.

Cielo, happy birthday! What an excellent recap. You got it all!

By the way, Guillermo only has one "e".

Even if I hadn't seen EPDA I would have known María would go back to work at Victoria's Casa de Modos.

I don't know. I think Fernanda WAS really sorry for what she said to her brother. That tearful apology was the ONLY time I've been able to stand the brat.

The evil Padilla smells money from the connection between his son and Fernanda. By the way, those are by far the UGLIEST fake tattoos I have ever seen.

If anyone minds my no-spoiler comparisons between El Privilegio de Amar, say so in a comment. And please know I'm not griping that the other one was superior.

What I was thinking of is that Sabine Moussier (the actress who played the Linda role in EPDA) was not quite as superficial as this actress is playing her. She seemed very fond of Cristina (María). And she genuinely fell in love with the Andrés García character (Oswaldo).

However, I would KILL to have the actress who plays Linda's hair!

Happy birthday, Cielo! And congrats on another excellent recap!

Like Novelera, I thought Fer was truly sorry for her outburst. In the moment of her apology I thought she was actually likeable.

Vivi, just because Linda sees rich, married guys as low-hanging fruit doesn't mean she'll be content to be a discreet pleasure on the side. I think she'd take great pleasure in breaking up the Sandoval marriage.

BTW, Bernarda was at the hospital visiting the children, just like María and the nuns. She agreed to do it for JP's sake. But apparently being around all that poverty, pain and goodness was too much for her. In fact, one wonders why the presence of María Desamparada didn't trigger anaphylactic shock.

Happy BD, amiga! Terrific recap!

Totally meant Milton, Juanita. I was reading Swift the other day so had him on my mind. Thanks. :)

Thanks, everyone.

Cielo de Levy, I got here late and it took awhile to read all the wonderful comments. I love your recaps and this is no exception. Simply stellar. Happy Birthday and allow me to add to all the heartfelt condolences here. As you, I miss my mom and understand your deep feelings on a day that has always had such significance for you both.

It'll be fun to see how Max explains leaving out that little detail. Of course she never specifically asked but I suspect it may require a bit more than simply pointing that out. Based on his past performance, I have little doubt that he'll be back in her good graces by the end of tomorrow's episode if not tonight's. He still hasn't won me over, however.

NovelaMaven, I never got around to commenting yesterday. Please accept my belated thanks. Your first paragraph was one of the best ever and the entire recap was golden.

More Ophelia, please.


One thing about Max being caught in an omission, the look on his face was pure Wm Levy, I'm sure it has happened many times, the rascal.

Wow, Carlos, gracias! ¡Me estoy poniendo roja!

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