Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Llena de Amor #110 (Mex. 115) Tue 1/18/11 The Siren calls to Oliver.

Garduño, fresh out of the slammer and making up for lost drinking, tells Mauricio either he marries Kristel, or he marries Kristel. Those are the options. Malicio feels the leash tightening around his neck, but Garduño points out that if he misses this opportunity to launder his cash in the resort Fedra’s investing in, Mauron’s corpse won’t be feeling anything anymore. Claro?
Ilitia’s upset that Marianela is back in México and surely will break up her marriage. Eman says not a chance. Mari hates him and it’s Ilitia’s fault, right? She set up the trap for Mari to find them in bed together, RIGHT?! Ilitia swallows hard and says nothing, which confirms it for Eman. Ilitia denies, but Emanuel is in Bad Cop mode today. He grabs her arm and, through clenched teeth, demands a confession. Ilitia just starts to cry, as Kristel sneaks up behind a pillar. Things get a bit heated as Ilitia swears she did nothing to make Mari upset, and Emanuel is highly skeptical.
Over at La Mala Noche, Fedra finally gives up on her lackluster “performance” and leaves the stage. Brandon mocks. Ya tiene recorrido su buen kilometraje (done already),” says Oliver. MariVicky thinks she must have had a fit of nerves; who knows why. El miedo no anda de burro (she ran away scared),” says Doris.
Back in the dressing room, Fraudra wails to Bernardo that Victoria is here with those petisos asquerosos (yucky midgets), and she thinks she recognized her! She orders Spidey and the pirate host to get rid of Vicky. Then she frantically looks around for a drink.
Lowrenzo lurches into the dollhouse in his neck brace and is busted by Muñeca. “Going to bed early, huh?” He claims he took her advice and went to the hospital to have his back checked. Turns out his little tripping in the agency was worse than he thought, but he just has to wear this brace for a few days. Muñeca laughs that it must have been quite a fall. “This is what happened to my grandfather…he started falling, and he went straight to the geriatrics doc! You should do the same!” Low does not appreciate that.
Axel’s listlessly and tunelessly practicing the guitar. I guess he isn’t enjoying it any more than I am, because he remembers Gretel telling him to stay away from La Mala Noche and immediately decides not to. He grabs sunglasses and a hat (yeah, that’ll work), but as soon as he opens his door, Lorena appears and tries to worm her way back into his life. Actually, more like bulldoze her way back into his life.
Doc Arnaldo has brought Netty roses and invited her out to dinner. She thanks him for the flowers, but doesn’t want to go out. She says she’s made it very clear that she values their friendship, but has no interest in dating him. He understands and says he wants to remain friends, too. Then Emiliano walks in (without knocking, because why would you ever knock or ring the bell at someone else’s house?) just in time to hear Arnaldo say he’d do anything for Netty, and for Netty to says she knows, remember the little favor he did for her yesterday?, and for the two of them to laugh and give the impression they are most intimate.
Fedra snarls at Spiderus about the new dancer he hired. No one here is allowed to have a fancy artistic name except La Reina de la Noche! Spidey reminds her she told him he could run this business however he saw fit. “What the heck kind of name is Sirena, anyway?!” snits Fedra. “De la LUNA!” SirenaGretelMan calls out, entering with some seductive writhing and a butterfly mask. La Reina is furious. No one else is allowed to look so spectacular! People will get them confused! Spidey hardly thinks so. La Reina and La Sirena spat, Sirena actually calling Fedra “mami” at one point, though she makes it sound like a generic label. Spidey holds La Reina back and she tells Sirena to take off that mask, or she’ll bite it off.
Emiliano is furious, thinking Netty spent the night with this fellow. None of your beeswax, say Netty and Arnaldo, but in more gracious terms. Arnaldo courteously takes his leave, and Emil continues his hurt tirade about Netty’s lover. “Since when is that any business of yours?” she asks. “Since you told me I was the only love of your life!” “That time has passed!” She asks if he wants her to pay back the mortgage money en especias (in kind). He says no; the mortgage repayment was a proof of love, which she wouldn’t understand. He walks out. Netty blinks rapidly.
Spidey tells Fedra she can’t unmask La Sirena. That was the deal; she gets to stay anonymous, and Manolo will find out who’s trashing Fedra in the newspaper. SirenaGretelMan thinks to herself that if Fedra unmasks her, mom will have a heart attack. Fedra growls and lunges at her prey like the rabid perra she is, saying it’s her club, her right to know who’s dancing. Fedra finally lets Sirena go on stage, but she doesn’t like this one bit.
Loathsome Lowrena chases Axel out of the house, begging for another chance to make him happy. “Why? Is my mom paying you double?” She claims she always loved him and misses him terribly. Well, he doesn’t miss her, and doesn’t want her back. Her stringy greasy hair probably isn’t helping. Did she get oily from being in Agent Orange’s house? Lowrena finally concedes and asks if she can at least have a goodbye hug. Axel relents, but Lowrena grabs him and turns it into a liplock just as Delicia comes out to the driveway.
Pirate Guy introduces La Sirena to great applause, most enthusiastically from Doris. Oliver thinks that’s a bit strange. Sirena comes onstage in next to nothing and starts shimmying to some tropical music. Though it’s apparent she didn’t have much time to practice, she’s still not as bad as Fedra. Oliver is transfixed. Especially when she struts over and shakes what she’s got right in his face. She finishes her “routine” and gets a big applause. Fedra is furious. “No one unthrones me…much less an atoradora de chango(?).”

Axel shoves Lorena off. “I made it clear there’s nothing between us!” “But when I’m near you I just can’t control myself! Can’t you feel the chemistry?” she asks, leeching onto him again. Delicia mutters something to the effect of “that shameless slut, what an annoying pain she is, coming here to steal Axel again! He’d better not go for it!” I think. She was pretty hard to understand. See vocab. Anyway, Axel unsuctions the parasite again. No means no! Delicia loudly congratulates them and sarcastically says they are just like Romeo and Juliet. Axel tries to defend himself but Delicia’s not listening or impressed. Delicia stomps back inside, Llorena cries some more like that’ll make Axel want her, and Axel chases after Delicia instead.
At La Mala Noche, Brandon makes fun of Oliver’s drooling over La Sirena, but Doris of course encourages it, saying it’s obvious she’s interested in him. Oliver can’t figure out why. Does she know him from somewhere? MariVicky is spaced out, thinking that La Reina, Fedra, and Juana Felipa are one and the same. Brandon thinks she’s bored with his company, but she says not at all, and she likes feeling safe and secure with him. Pirate Guy tells Oliver that La Sirena has requested his company in her dressing room. He clutches his bullet-wounded side and heeds the call of the siren, making some gesture of licking his fingers and rubbing them on his ears as the others hoot and tease.
In the kitchen back at Misery Manor, Axel tells Delicia to admit she was jealous when she saw Lorena kissing him. “Jealous? Better come down off your cloud, buddy, or you’re going to get another big bump (chipote) on your head when you fall.” “Why are you so stubborn? I’ve asked you to forgive me a thousand times! What more do I have to do?” He gets down on his knees and she walks away. Axel chases Delicia across the kitchen, still on his knees, and she tells him to get up or people will think he’s crazy. “I am crazy! Crazy about you!” Still on his knees, Axel asks Delicia to be his novia. “You’re asking a chacha (maid) to go out with you?” “No, I’m not asking a chacha. I’m asking YOU.” He wants a chance to prove that he is as kind and sweet as she deserves. He finally stands up, and she smiles. “Am I going to like the song you composed for me?” “Yes. Well, more or less.” He’s not THAT delusional about his musical skills, but whatever, he’s achieved his goal. They kiss.
Oliver nervously lets himself into La Sirena’s dressing room, where she continues her seductive song. She offers him a drink, and WHATEVER ELSE he wants. “Not so fast; I am not that easy,” he says. He wonders why she’s interested in him. La Sirena says, amid wriggles and writhes, that she’s dreamed of being with him so many times. That doesn’t clarify anything, but he weakens when she starts rubbing herself against him.
Netty tries to tell Gladiola that they’ve judged Emanuel unfairly all this time. He didn’t do what Marianela thought he did, and with all his other good deeds, he just can’t possibly be that bad. Emanuel walks in and says he knows Marianela is in México, and he wants them to tell him where to find her. Caras impactadas de Netty and Gladiola.
The patrons are now dancing at the club. Brandon tells Victoria she’s a really good dancer (she isn’t), just like Marianela. Vicky says she learned lots from Mari, including her hate. Brandon says he thought Mari was happy now. Oh. Right. Vicky excuses herself to the ladies’ room.
MariVicky lurks outside La Reina’s dressing room and listens as Fedra yells at Spiderus to get rid of La Sirena immediately. “Queen of hypocrites,” Mari thinks. “With all the money of the Ruiz y de Teresa family, she’s still practicing her old profession.” She tries to sneak away, but knocks over a large vase in the hallway, making a loud crash.
Victorianela runs down the hall and into the first room available, which happens to be the mens’ room. “Don’t mind me; carry on,” she gasps to the fellows present, leaning against a wall and pulling out her inhaler. After Spidey and Fedra and Spidey’s gun pass by in the hall, MV runs back the other way.
Emanuel insists that he is sure Marianela is in México. Netty and Gladiola insist that it can’t be true, because Marianela would have come to the pensión, and they haven’t seen her. Emanuel demands to know where she is. Netty says Victoria de la Garza is the only one who would know.
La Sirena tells Oliver she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. “Why me?” he asks. “Don’t you want all this?” she asks, gesturing to her nearly-nekkid self. She kisses him passionately. “With all respect, I’m not so indiscriminate. Women throw themselves at me all the time, like they want to use me as a semental (stud), but I’m not the type to just fall for any dame.” La Sirena says she never imagined he was afraid of a free and passionate woman like her. “I’m not afraid of anything, and I’ll prove it to you!” He flings himself at her, and they fall onto the dressing table, tangled together.
Delicia still isn’t agreeing to be Axel’s novia. She’ll think about it, but she’s not letting him off so easily. He’s happy with that and wants her to stop calling him “joven Axel” and to tutear him. She thinks that’s a bad idea. She wants to keep their relationship a secret so Fedra won’t chop her into pieces in her sleep. Axel wants everyone to know that Delicia is the woman he loves, but to protect Delicia he agrees that they will act the same as usual around the rest of the family, but more friendly in private. He thanks Delicia for being fabulous and says he’s got to run. Delicia wonders to herself where he went.
Netty tells Emanuel he can’t ask Victoria about Marianela right now, because she went dancing with Brandon. “Qué sexy,” he says sarcastically, but at least he didn’t say “No está sexy.” Emanuel tries to unpeptalk himself, wondering what difference it makes if Marianela is around. She’s married and wants nothing to do with him. Netty tells him he can’t give up on Marianela. “My life is a disaster,” he replies. “I’m only good for helping other people. When it comes to myself, I’m a coward.”
Kristel tells Ilitia how super cool the new nightclub was. “Then why are you home so early?” Kristel says she never has fun without her dear Mauron. But she wants to know what Ilitia and Emanuel were fighting about. Ilitia whispers that he discovered the trap they set for the whale, so they have to do something to save things. “WE? This is YOUR problem,” Kristel says. Ilitia tries to appeal to Kristel’s nonexistent empathy. “What you should be doing is throwing a huge Goodbye Marriage Megafiesta. Because if you keep this up, this no mochi-mochi, your marriage is going to bomb in no time. Tick-tock, tick-tock!” Kristel laughs. Ilitia is not amused. She tells Kristel she’s been living in hell, and she’s going to tell her why.
Lowrenzo plays with Cristián and Manzanita and throws a tantrum when Muñeca sends them to bed. He’s mad that she won’t let him get close to his son, especially now that Ilitia wants nothing to do with him. Muñeca tells him to calm down and try to be understanding. Ilitia’s having a hard time, what with being raped, finding out her dad is a lowlife, and with a failing marriage. Even her therapist says she isn’t in love with her husband. That’s news to Lowrenzo. He isn’t having such nonsense from some cheap quack doctor. Ilitia is in love with Emanuel, and they’re staying married, y punto! Muñeca says he can’t make her stay married to Emanuel when she’s in love with another man. QUÉ? She won’t tell him more. The doorbells rings. It’s Tejeda, with backup. He heard Muñeca helped El Lirio de Plata to escape.
La Sirena rests on her sofa, her feet on Oliver’s lap, as he tells her about his sweet little poison, whom he’ll never forget even though she sent him to the devil. La Sirena thinks one day soon he’ll get his happily-ever-after. He doesn’t want to keep talking about it when he’s got such lovely company to enjoy. They smooch and SirenaGretel is thinking she’s about to get lucky. “Well, the moment of truth has arrived,” Oliver says, unbuttoning his shirt. “Time to take off that disguise.” “NO!”
Axel parks across the street and heads over to La Mala Noche.
Fedra swills the sauce in her dressing room, nuttering to herself that Victoria is even worse than the gordinflona, and she’s brought those nasty polis with her, and with La Sirena, too…it’s ruining the whole night! Victorianela walks into the dressing room.
Ilitia has told Kristel that she was raped. Kristel is incensed. The horror! And on her wedding day! The rat should be choked to death! Ilitia is more concerned about saving her marriage. Okay, here’s the plan, says Kristel. FOCUS! When Emanuel comes home, you go in the bedroom, put on something super sexy, and seduce him! And you forget all about that other jerk! Ilitia likes this brilliant bit of strategery. Just then, Emanuel walks in, and couldn’t look less interested in Ilitia. “Where have you been, baby?” she asks. “Looking for Marianela, but you’ll be happy to know I didn’t find her.” Ilitia is perturbed, but Kristel coaches her into staying on track.
Fraudra tries to threaten Vicky, but she says give it up, Juana Felipa Pérez. Fedra forbids her to use that name, but Victoria says she knows all about Fedra’s past, and she can’t wait to see Marianela’s face when she hears it. “Who are you? Sometimes I’m sure you’re Marianela, and other times I’m sure you can’t be.” “One thing I am NOT is a slut, like you.” “Immigration records at the airport show that Marianela is in México, but not you. I’m not the only one leading a double life, right?” Bernardo walks in and Fedra grabs Victorianela around the neck, holding her stabber in a threatening manner.
Mañana: Emanuel and Ilitia get busy in the shower. Fedra, Bernardo, and Marianela fight in the dressing room.
Ya tiene recorrido su buen kilometraje – It’s already run its mileage; it’s done
El miedo no anda de burro – fear doesn’t ride a donkey; a teasing way of saying someone acts brave but then runs when things get scary.
Pitufos -- smurfs
Petisos asquerosos – disgusting shorties
En especies – in kind
Atoradora de chango – a monkey blockader? Or maybe she said toreadora de chango, like a bullfighter but with a monkey? Honestly, I’m not sure what Fedra called Victoria, but it wasn’t complimentary.
Guanga – loose (rude thing to say about a woman; what Delicia thinks of Lorena)
Gachona – annoying pain-in-the-neck drag (i.e. Lorena)
Venir de robona – I can’t find an official translation, but I’m thinking it means Lorena is a manstealing strumpet
Chipote – bump, lump
Chacha – housemaid
Semental – stud. As in the male horse or bull sense; kinda vulgar when said about a man.


Wow, what a lively recap of a very lively episode. ITA that our Sirena is not the best dancer, however her performance was at least ten times better than the lackluster Reina's whatever-it-was. I loved how Sirena kept calling Reina "mami". Nothing like a daughter to know how to push her mami's buttons, eh?

Interesting, Brandon has no rhythm at all. Zilch. Zero. It looked like it was painful for him to dance.

Axel and Delicia are just too cute. Their young love subterfuge ought to be fun.

When Fedra was holding MV hostage at the end it looked like she was about to cut her own arm. Her knife was nowhere near MV's throat.

Does it seem like Muneca is taking every opportunity to stick it to Lowrenzo these days? She really seems to enjoy taunting him.

Julia, this was a terrific recap with fantastic vocab words. Especially since tonight's closed caps were simply dreadful. How did you get all of it? Well done! I thought I heard "toreadora de changos" and supposed it meant something like "monkey wrangler", that MV had wrangled her monkey friends into coming with her. Not sure what it really means though, if anything.

Julia,it seemed that you enjoyed every moment of last night's show. Your amazing recap echoed every word and nuance perfectly.I had fun reliving every moment of "SirenaGretelMan's" performance. "Sirena actually calling Fedra “mami” at one point, though she makes it sound like a generic label" was my hands down favorite line. The vocabulary was great - thank you.

I agree with you and Sylvia that what Sirena may have lacked in dancing ability, she made up for in enthusiasm and quick, gyrating motions.

I also love Axel and Delicia and hope this is the beginning of a beautiful romance.

This is really getting good and the marvelous recaps and comments are greatly adding to the fun!


Good morning Miss Julia. Snappy snazzy recap beginning with the first paragraph {Garduño} "making up for lost drinking" and later, {Lorena and Axel} "unsuctions the parasite again".

Loved the photo of Oliver. His dazed expression all during the Sirena's dance was adorable. And I'm going to disagree with you all...I thought la Sirena's dancing was quite good. Terrific hip movement and a nice kick. Not bad at all. She's was on beat and energetic.

The vocabulary was super-terrific this time. Especially loved the "ya tiene recorrido su buen kilometraje" (I fear this may be true of my raggedy '94 Honda) and now I know how to say "smurfs" in Spanish. Love it! "Faudra"...another great play on words.

And I got a kick out of Kristel's Tough Love lecture to Ilitia. Interesting that the therapy, Emanuel's understanding and her confession to Brandon hadn't helped her get over the hump. But the threat of Marianela in Mexico and Kristel's blunt warning seem to have thawed out our little victim. Or perhaps it was the culmination of all those processes. Whatever....once again, the comic flair of the actress playing shallow Kristel really came through.

Julia, you did an excellent job despite no help from the ever-deteriorating cc's. Honestly, they get worse every night! I and others have complained about the quality of the cc's to the FCC, but it doesn't seem to help. With Univision's growing popularity in the US, you'd think they'd realize that a small but significant portion of their audience is not fluent with el espanol. Beefing up the quality of the cc's would only help their ratings. Just saying...

The episode and your great recap were such fun! Man, I so look forward to this TN each night.

Loved so many moments last night:

Oliver and Brandon's expressions while Gretel danced ( very nice legs!) were hysterical. (But I don't see much of a future for whoever stages the choreoigraphy on this show). Love to hear Carlos' take on our lovely ladies last night...

Kristel's "instructions" to Ilitia. That "Focus", the eye to eye motion, it was everything for Altair/Ilitia to not crack up, you could tell.

Muneca's giving it to Low - she didn't even flinch when she saw him in the neck brace.

Axel and Delicia - yeah! now with the love of a good woman, maybe he'll get a new "do" & strum a bit better. He actually looked decent in that hat since it covered his mop-top. Lorena - gees, good to know I wasn't the only one who noticed her hair. That was just nasty to look at (and her face looked really puffy). That last look of hers those leads me to think she's going to try something again. Liked it better when she wasn't around.

Not loving the previews - That shower scene, though certainly I'll enjoy the shirtless Eman, not him reconnecting with Ilitia.

Methinks Axel will save the day for M/V? Or he'll run into Brandon and they both will? Can't wait to find out...

Thanks for the recap Julia. Your vocab list was great too. I also liked Fraudra.

Hooray that Alex and Delicia are together. Like Diana, I look forward to seeing their romance develop.

Sylvia - ITA that Muneca is having great fun sticking it to Low. I keep wondering when she's going to ditch him and turn to wonderful Fidel.

I'm with Judy in thinking our Sirena did a good job. Compared to what we've been exposed to at La Mala Noche this was great stuff.

Daisynjay - my thoughts are also MV will be saved from la loca Reina by Alex or Brandon.

Great Julia, and without any reliable CCs... I'm even more impressed.

I'm with Judy on Gretel's dancing. Not bad at all. She certainly impressed the one person she was wanting to impress. Oliver was fortunate that a bug didn't fly into his mouth as he sat there gaping. Of course, as enthralled as he was, he wouldn't have noticed.

The disappointment of the evening was Fedra. I thought she was a trooper. Hasn't she heard the rule, "The show must go on?"

As to the CCs. I'm not giving up. I wrote to the representative for our local station assigned to field my complaints. Those offered last night were inexcusable. I'm also filing another complaint with the FCC and will write my congressman and senators. This has simply gone on for too long.


Julia- I am impressed with your fabulous vocabulary, and of course with the funny recap. Love that you captured that gaga look on Oliver's face, and the cause (Gretel's gams).

Daisynjay- I too noticed how hard Altair had to work not to crack up when the Kristel actress was doing her FOCUS bit. But the actress never lost her focus. She stayed completely in character. She really is very good.

I give Gretel a thumbs up for her performance, given that neither she nor the actress have exotic dance experience. She was on beat, had wonderful hip action, threw in kicks (and remained on beat), and danced with enthusiasm (are you paying attention Fedra?).

"atorada de chango" (which is what my captions said) - one of my translation pages changed it to "adorada de changos" and translated it as "monkey worshiper" LOL! Who knows? "toreadora de changos" makes more sense - maybe!

Thanks for catching so many of the others. I loved Delicia's warning about Alex falling off his cloud - LOL!!!

Woah - GretelManSirena - hold that woman down! She's gone wild! She looked great in that imaginative getup. I totally enjoyed her performance - in public and in her dressing room.

That "serious" tête-à-tête between the two fresas was just too cute for words! Yeah - it looked like Ilitia could barely keep a straight face! Kristel is such a trip!



I just thought of all the confusion Axel being novios with Delicia, and Axel being novios with Manolo will cause. Some fun misunderstandings ahead. Can't wait to see Emil's face when he first catches Axel with Dee. He's just gotten used to being ok with a gay son, will be be ok with a two-timing, bisexual one? And what will cause the most grief- the two timing or the bisexuality? LOL!

It's all very Shakespearean.

Missed the first 30 minutes of show last night due to shoveling the snow, rain, ice combo that was the sidewalk after work. The screencap of Olivers face told me I miss something fun, made be guffaw out loud(& on the bus no less, the joy of smartphones). Came in just aout the time VickyMari & Brandon were doing the white man overbite i.e. Really bad dancing. love Axel & Delicia they are so cute together. La Sirena & Manolo have that sae low voice, surprised that Oliver didnot notice but then he is a man & noticed other things! Like Sylvia I have noticed this TN is very shakespeare, I keep thinking about , oh why cant i think of the title, the one where the lead woman dresses as a man. I will remeber it sometime like 3 a.m. I am looking forward to tonight, shower, Eman, yeah with the wife but he may think of another.

Kristel is a trip. The actress is amazingly talented and I hope we'll be seeing a lot of her in future shows. I'm still hoping Kristel and Ilitia will both be redeemed Neither of them has murdered anyone; they just need to grow up and learn some consideration of others and common sense, and they are SO FUNNY. The "Focus!" speech was so entertaining I had to watch it twice, even though she was speaking understandable. her, but when she gets rolling with the colorful language, I have no clue, and the captions certainly weren't any help.

Gretel sure has turned out to be uninhibited, now that she's out of Fedra's talons and in disguise. Remember when she was so horrified at the idea of her mom dancing at the hoochie club? Maybe it wasn't the dancing itself that bothered her, but that she figured Fedra was throwing in less-moral "bonuses."

I kind of hope Sirena won't get any action with Oliver while she's in disguise. Won't it be a little disappointing if he has cositas with someone he thinks is not Gretel?

As You Like It, Maureen?

@Audrey...your "adorada de changos" might be the one. "That monkey's girlfriend" would be a plausible insult Fedra might use. And somehow it reminds me of Julie's "hawt monkey love" when she recapped Fuego en la Sangre. So, whether it's Monkey Wrangler of Monkey's Girlfriend,it's been fun trying to puzzle it out. And maybe Dr. Carlos can get the CC's fixed!

As you like it, that is the one Sylvia, thanks. Lots of dress up in that play

Adorada de changos...actually, that makes way more sense. That dame that all the monkeys (i.e. all the men Fedra knows) like. Or she loves the monkeys. Either way.

Wonderful recap as always Julia. The Sirena dancing scene was not as painful to watch as Fedra's. That was horrible. I was LOLing watching Brandon and MariVictoria dance. They were just as bad.

So I guess Gretel didn't realize that Oliver would want her to take off the mask. What's she going to do?

From the previews, Eman apparently gets over being angry at Ilitia for the trick she and Kristel played on Mari.

Axel and Delicia were too cute for words. Loved the kiss.

Hi everyone! This is my first time commenting, I just discovered this sight a few months ago and truly enjoy reading all the witty recaps and comments everyone posts after I watch each episode. Congratulations!
I've been keeping up with this novela from the start, and after StuD finished, it is now my favorite.
I'm married to a Cuban so I pick things up about the culture and in regards to Fedra's calling Gretel an "adoradora de Chango" I think she is referring to one of the gods revered in the Santeria religion which is practiced by some Cubans. Gretel as Sirena had taken on a Cuban accent so it is merely Fedra's way of associating Sirena with being Cuban. Gretel's way of saying "mami" sounfs very much Cuban. Hope this helps and I look forward to more excellent recaps from all of you!

Anon, thank you for commenting and helping out with the translations! Please comment again because it's incredibly helpful to have the input. After all, we are here to learn, right?

Regarding Gretel / Sirena: She has indeed taken on a very strong and funny cuban accent. The "adoradora de changos" phrase from Fedra certainly refers in some way to Sirena being cuban. When you hear Gretel/Sirena say mami / papi (which she will constantly do in her speech) it has nothing to do with her saying "mother" or "father" (in the case of Fedra it has an extra element of fun, being Fedra Gretel's "mother"). The word mami / papi the way Sirena is using it, is very characteristic of the way of talking in the caribbean, specially Cuba / Dom. Republic. It's equivalent in english would be like the word "baby/babe" used to address a hot woman or hot man (thus, not really a baby).

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