Saturday, January 15, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #10 1/14/11 Pleasant and Not So Pleasant Surprises

Cap. #10
First the redux:
At the cast party Victoria has just shut down Ofelia for giving her negative “critique” about the heartless way she treats hubby. “--When I want your advice, I’ll ask for it!” Since there's no reason re-inventing the wheel, I'll paste in NovelaMaven's excellent translation (with appropriate kudos to her) of the scenes between Maria and Max.
María apologizes for the cold shower [vis a vis the bucket of water Linda threw out the window at him during the serenade] but says she can’t forgive Max for his previous behavior. He begs her to go someplace warm to talk about it and promises: No more apartments! You pick the place. Ok, says María, just stop shivering.
We FF>> to Max and Maria making goo-goo eyes at each other while conversing over malteds. At the [nearby hotel coffee?] shop, María explains it isn’t what he did so much as why he did it. He just wanted to be with her, he says. It was just a mistake in judgment… About what? she asks. About feelings, he says. He tells her he thinks of her all the time. He can’t get her out of his head. I’d rather be here, she says touching his chest. Do you believe in love at first sight? he asks. She tells him love can begin in many ways, like a seed dropped by a bird that, with much care, can flourish and grow into a tree with strong branches. He’s impressed. He asks her: What does love mean to you? Her answer: Giving (dar). Flowers fall so that fruit may grow. --Your way of thinking is really beautiful, he says. I didn’t know you were like that. He takes her hand and says: Here is where our story (lo nuestro) begins. We’ll see where it goes from here. She corrects him and tells him they have to think that it will last. He agrees. And his mantra will be: Quiero a María Desamparada, quiero a María Desamparada… Maria moons over this and says she loves Max also. They officially make –up and then make out over their melting malts.
At the same time, Alvaro is discussing the facts of adult married life with Osvaldo—something he’s not exactly equipped to cover. However, he tells Oz that his problem is Ozzie thinks life is a bowl of cherries because fate has always smiled on him. But he’s got a news flash for his BFF: it doesn't happen that way for most people. Oz wonders if it's asking too much for others (in this case, Vicki) to love you, to seek you out, to caress you, and spoil you? "--Why do I always have to be the one who wants to be alone together?" Al asks if Oz has ever had an affair. Oz doesn't answer right away (probably cuz this time he’d have to say “not exactly….”).
Speaking of Oz's would-be amante flagrante, Linda, is secretly trying to call him again. Nathy, tho’, like a mother hen, comes out of the bedroom and begins to scold her chick. She tells Linda to hang up and actually grabs the phone out of her hands (obnoxious busy-body) because Oz "is a married man and married to Sra. Victoria, who Maria greatly respects!" Linda knows, she says, but so what? And anyway, has she already forgotten the way the woman humiliated and abused her? (Word up, Maria’s the heroine in this thing; she’s supposed to take it on the chin and grin.) Doesn’t matter. Linda says she realizes that it will be impossible to continue to live there with these two goody two-shoes any longer and stomps out of the room.
As for Bernarda, she’s unable to sleep after her nightmare about Gonzalo, the married guy who knocked her up years ago. She is performing a make-shift cleansing ala The Exorcist, sprinkling holy water around her bedroom. “--Stop harassing me! You and your family got what you deserved! You betrayed me and chose your fate. You had to pay for that! I only did what was proper. You should be burning eternally in Hellfire!” She turns to the gin-normous crucifix on the wall. (Anyone else waiting for that crucifix to turn itself upside down and evil laughter to fill the room?) “--As for Victoria, I punished her in Your name.” She proceeds to tell Dios then how He should run his shop. “--You should be punishing her still, and mercilessly!”
We beam to Victoria, blind as a bat when it comes to her own long list of faults, weeping pitifully and asking Dios if in fact he is beginning to punish her. (Viewerville’s sympathy meter is pushing zero at this point.)
Back in the barrio, Maria returns home all smiles because, as she tells Nat, she and Max are going steady. Our young Mother Hen hugs her and lets out another “M’ija!” (Ugh!) Nat then tells Maria about the dust up between her and Linda. Linda comes out of the bedroom to tell them she’s leaving for good. They apparently talk her into staying for the night at least, cuz next morning at breakfast she’s got her bags packed and says she’s leaving that morning instead. Maria tells her they’ll back off the constant criticism, even though she does not approve of the Osvaldo thing. Linda decides she’ll stay. Problem solved.
Meanwhile, at the church, Juan Pablo has organized a trade school at the parish for the neighborhood men.
Back outside the apartment house, Milagros is giving Nat the letter from the guy who was asking her to find him a match made in heaven. Juanjo and Napo get back from working the nightshift. Nat excuses herself but stops just around the corner to eavesdrop on their conversation. Napo The Naco asks JJ if that’s the neighbor girl he’s been head over heels about. JJ says no, it’s Linda, the other one. “Natty’s so homely she couldn’t get a boyfriend, even dancing nekkid!” Nat’s crushed and runs off crying. Linda runs into her and asks what’s the matter. Nat won’t say and runs into the apartment. A concerned Linda follows her inside.
At the fashion studio, Vicki whines to Antioneta that she’s tired of the constant criticism and complaints from Ozzie. Maybe it’s because she’s been so successful, she says. Toni doesn’t have an answer. No matter. Peppy Pepino pops in to invite the two of them to lunch.
While Vicki waits for Peppy to bring his car up she notices a man across the street staring at her. He tips his hat. She freaks. A bus drives by and suddenly he’s disappeared. Vicki is shaking when Toni finally gets down to the sidewalk. Toni says she looks like she’s just seen a ghost. Vicki tells her that she has. She just saw Rodolfo Padilla, the sweatshop owner who raped her years ago. Toni wonders if that’s possible all these years later.
Oz, meanwhile, just happens to be driving through the barrio in his Lincoln Navigator and nearly runs over Linda. They recognize each other and Linda turns on the charm.
Back upstairs in the studio’s offices, Max tells Fabian that he and Maria have reconciled and are now actually going together. Fawning Fab is overflowing with hero worship. He asks Max if Maria knows he’s the boss’s son. Max says of course she knows. She couldn’t work there and not know. Fab says well, she seems a decent sort and not the usual gold-digger. Max is a bit more cynical. He wants to see if she’ll end up lying after they’ve done the deed. He’ll play along at least until then. Fabian insists she is proof that decent girls do exist. Max is still skeptical.
Maria has gone to visit the nuns to tell them about her boyfriend. He’s got to be a decent guy cuz not only is he handsome, but he works hard at the fashion studio for Sra. Sandoval. Padre JP walks in on them at that point and asks who Sra. Sandoval is. Maria and the nuns explain about their favorite benefactor and JP expresses an honest desire to meet her.
Down on the curb, Vicki is still in hysterics over seeing Padilla. Toni wants her to calm down. She says she will try. FF>>
Linda has wasted no time. She’s cuddled up to Oz in the SUV and he asks her where she’d like to go. She says anywhere as long as it’s with him. He obliges.
At the restaurant, Peppy wonders why Maria is upset. (Why? It seems to be her natural state.) Is it because he took too long to bring up the car? Toni tries to cover for Vicki. No, nothing like that, she was just discussing some bad memories. Vicki offers to give him the whole run down. We are left to guess whether she does or not.
Oz has driven Linda to a scenic overlook of the city, his favorite place in the world. Linda isn’t that interested. (Me neither. I get the heeby jeebies just looking at them dangling their legs over the side of that wall, though!) She’s sprawled out on his shoulder. She turns around and they kiss a bit tentatively. She’s definitely just what Dr. Al ordered. Oz takes a quick second to consider his options and then the two achieve a major mouth-meld.
Back at the Televisa lot, Ofelia and her producer hubby are arguing over her inviting the press to the cast party the night before. They’ve done a real number on Oz and Vicki and he doesn’t like it one bit. Their reputations are up for grabs now. She insists she was doing it to help with publicity for the initial phase of the new show. She had no idea the two would start bickering in front of everyone! Anyway, she says, Victoria deserved it as arrogant as she is! He accuses her of hating Vicki and wants to know the real reason she brought the press with her. Ofelia doesn’t reply, but she doesn’t deny it either.
We beam back to the scenic overlook where Oz suddenly remembers he’s married and begins to pluck Linda’s suction-cupped appendages off him in hopes of reminding her also. Linda’s motor though is humming and has shifted from 3rd gear into overdrive. (No problem for her if they got down to business right there on the side of the road!) He breaks the embrace eventually and tells her that he’s very much in love with his wife. He says he doesn’t want to deceive her (Linda or Vicki?). He doesn’t think they should continue. She’s a lovely girl, etc., etc. Linda doesn’t seem to think that one thing has anything to do with the other. He drags her back to the car.
At the fashion studio again, Fabian tells Max he’s going to spend his lunch hour at the corner video store.
At the same time, Oz leaves Linda off in front of her apartment house back at the barrio. He guesses right. Yes, she lives here. Linda asks if they’ll see each other again. He can’t say and still doesn’t think they should. He doesn’t want her hurt in the end. Linda plants a sensual kiss on his puss and says, “Oh, we’ll be seeing each other again!” She struts up the stairs and leaves Oz wanting more of that.
Vicki still can’t get the image of Padilla out of her mind. Toni tells her she has to and Vicki says she will try. FF>>
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Across town, Rough and Ready Rudy is smashing cucarachas in his bug infested pigsty of an office while begging the landlady to give him another extension on the rent.
In the barrio again, Linda talks Maria into letting her change her “look”. During the make-over, Maria asks where Linda was all morning. “—It’s a secret.” Maria says she hope it wasn’t with Sr. Sandoval.
Vicki enters Oscar’s office for a chat and sees him with the gossip section of the morning papers. She grabs it off his desk and sees the article. “A tipsy O.S. accused his wife of alienation and of being no more than a money-making machine.”
Oz is at home and has just read the same article. He calls up Shani, the blonde PR gal, to complain. She swears she had nothing to do with it and respects him too much to pull something like that. Well, then, who got them together? Who else but Ofelia, she says. A light bulb goes off in his brain.
Ofelia, meanwhile, is looking at the gossip section also and is smiling smugly to herself. “This will take Victoria down a notch or two [bajar los humos]!”
Vicki comes home and starts yelling at Ozzie about the stuff in the newspapers. Their private lives are now exposed to the public and she’s sure the cast and the public got a hell of a rush out of it. She refuses to put up with it any longer. He says since it’s obvious she can’t stand anything that has to do with him and his life they will get a divorce. Vicki is suddenly quiet. (Damn, woman! Is that what it takes to get you to put a sock in it????)
At the same time, Fernanda and Scuzzy Tattoo-Boy are listening to CD’s in the video store where Fabian’s looking for his movies. She and Scuzzy start trashing CD’s till life in the fast lane hits a minor bump in the road and the owner comes up to complain. She throws her credit card at him and says she’ll do just as she pleases jack-ass! Scuzzy keeps on trashing CD’s to make the point. The police show up and drag them off. She notices Fab and yells at him to do something! He tells her to go with them and he’ll let Max know to get her.
Vicki wonders why Oz has just let the axe fall and said the “D” word. He says she’s made it plain she doesn’t like what he does for a living and the public and press are a part of the job description. It’s pretty much put up or shut up. (Shall we have a show of hands for those voting “Shut up”?) Vicki, he says, is obviously too delicate to be exposed to this lowly situation and he won’t force her any longer. Anyway, he can’t stand her long work days and refuses to compete with her modeling world. It makes him uncomfortable. He just won’t do it any longer. Vicki asks him if he’s unhappy with her. (A big “Duh!!” goes out throughout the whole of Viewerville. Excuse me? Sounds like it!) She insists she really does love him. He tells her she has a hard time showing it. (That’s the understatement of the year!) A penitent Vicki begs him not to bring up a separation ever again.
At the police station, Max is there with Fabian trying to bail out his juvenile delinquent kid sis. He promises the guy that their parents will give her a good bawling out. (Probably it’d be the other way around--just sayin’…..) The cop is wise to that and says as much. Once the kid’s out of jail, he says, the parents’ memory goes dead. The detective then asks about the boy she came in with. Max asks if he doesn’t have relatives or something. Yeah, he does, the cop admits. Just then, Rudy comes in looking for his son. (As Viewerville knows, life has a way sometimes of biting you on the backside when you least expect it. ) The cop asks the name of his son. “Federico Padilla.” (Well wuddayaknow! Tattoo-Boy's papa is none other than than Vicki’s old rapist, that pathetic worm, Padilla! Now that’s Karma!)
Back at the mega-manse in the master’s bedroom (still don’t know which of the two that is, him or her) Vicki and Oz have just made up the oldest and best way known to either man or woman. Oz apologizes for treating her so badly the night before. She’s already forgiven him and says she loves him just the way he is. “—You’re my pillar of strength. People will fail you; the kids will judge you at times, but you are the only real thing I have. I’m certain you’ll never disappoint me.” (The pulleys on that anvil are beginning to creak.)
Back at the police station, Max and Rudy introduce themselves. He’s paying Fer’s bail, he says. If he wants his son freed he’ll have to do the same.
Across town in the barrio at Maria’s apartment, Linda has finished Maria’s make-over. Nat rushes in with a simple bouquet of red carnations that were delivered as Maria rushes off to work. Linda reads the note from JJ, wrinkles up her nose, and then laughs. “You are one of the jewels our creator gave us.” (Sounds like Millie wrote it anyway. JJ doesn’t have the vocabulary.) Nat doesn’t understand. Linda tells her the guy has no money so he’s not her type, and then leaves. Nat tells herself money isn’t important.
The guards bring Fer up to join Fab and Max. She laughs like it’s been a terrific little adventure. Max frowns and asks why she’s smiling. “—You’re so irresponsible [inconsciente]!” She tells him to get off it. He’s not exactly a saint either. She asks if he’s met Feddy’s father. Yeah, says Fab. She sneers at him and says she was talking to her brother, not him. Max tells her not to be rude since if it weren’t for Fabian she’d still be cooling her heels in lockup. She asks where’s Feddy? Max answers he is probably getting bail worked out. They go on their merry way.
Rudy tells the detective he’s not paying Scuzzy’s bail. He doesn’t have the money, but also the kid deserves being stuck in jail for being such a blockhead. He is tired of the kid trying to act like he’s some sort of young millionaire.
Speaking of said young millionaires, Max, Fer and Fab are in Max’s little lime porche convertible, buzzing along the freeway for home. Max says their parents will probably cancel the party once they hear. Fer whines for him not to tell them. Fab comes to her defense and says it really wasn’t such a big deal. Max agrees to keep quiet as long as she doesn’t do it again. (That detective sure had it right!) They laugh it off and buzz on down the road.
Vicki’s back at work now and tells Toni about her little bit of “afternoon delight” with the hubster, which means that all is (supposedly) smoothed over now. Happy, happy. Joy, joy!! Just then Maria comes in all smiles looking for all the world like a mini-version of Linda –a real naca knockout. (Didn’t somebody once say that art is a window into the soul of the artist?) Maria was apparently hoping to make an impression –and she did! Toni and Vicki are horrified!
At the same time, Burnie has gone to the church to pray and speak to Her Son The Priest. While she waits, a lady lights a couple of candles. This causes Burnie to flash back in time again to her affair with Gonzalo. Gonz is proposing marriage. She’s elated. Later, she’s in bed making love to him. He swears he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She tells him they’ve just sinned. He says not really, since they both love each other. The next memory is of her being so excited because she’s got his bun in the oven. She’s at the park that evening wanting to give him the great news. She notices him with a woman and little boy. The woman says they're Gonz’s wife and son. Apparently, later that night she’s followed him home and brought back a gallon of gas. She pours the gas on the house and lights the flame. The house catches fire. She smiles with sadistic pleasure as she watches them through the window running in panic in the middle of the flames while the walls literally crumble around them. Suddenly Burnie’s back in the present. “I loved you with all my youthful eagerness and gave myself to you. You made a fool of me! You had to pay for it like all traitors must—with death!” Burnie decides she’s had enough excitement for the time-being and leaves without waiting for Her Son The Priest.
Back in Vicki’s office she’s going ballistic over Maria. “--Where did you think you were going? A carnival?” She smears Maria’s make-up.
“You were supposed to be completely under my charge and what did you do? Now I see you are nothing but a poor simpleton! You’re lost! Get out and never come back here again!” (What a friggin’ control freak!) Maria proves that she has much more dignity than her mama. She says fine, and adds that she hopes God doesn’t ever punish her with as much cruelty or suffering as she’s shown her. She leaves and Vicki actually seems stung by those words.
JP comes out and learns he just missed seeing his mother. Maria races in and begins crying at the altar. He asks what he can do for her. She turns and races towards him. She just needs some guidance and comfort from a father figure -–something she’s never had. (Ok. We all know he actually is the father she’s never had!) It might be the call of the blood, or of The Cloth, or some odd combination of both. JP hugs her and promises to be that father figure for Maria….Cue the kayak.


Great Recap! "Cue the Kayak" just cracked me up.

I've noticed that Osvaldo has won the "Rosendo Gavilan Say My Name Say My Name" award. His full name gets said more than anyone else. Maria is a runner up I guess.

I felt so bad for Maria when she stepped into Vicky's office after the makeover. She seemed so much like a little girl who wanted to please her mother and then when Vicky flipped out I just wanted to cry. It was a very well-acted scene.

I predicted a makeover for Nathy. Please dear heavens don't let it be at the hands of Lin-da-ho'. I would rather it be done by the professionals and Maria's workplace.

Making up and making out over melting malts...making up and making out over melting malts...making up and making out over melting malts...

I think I'm going to make that my official warm-up tongue twister of the week :D Oh, I guess I should go finish reading the recap, distracted! Gracias Jardinera!

Great recap Jardinera. I also chuckled at "Cue the Kayak". I really don't want to reward Vicky's martyr complex by having Ossie have an afair. Then she'll just think she's been justified in giving him a hard tim all these year. Woe is she.

Will we have one episode when Vicky doesn't cry? I just don't understand how she can be such a crybaby about herself, and such a bitch to everyone else. At least Bernie is consistent in her bitchiness. She's even bitchy with God.

Oh Max! There are no words to describe your jerkiness. Last night I was hoping the storyline would change and Maria and Fabian would hook up. Instead they are both in love with the loser Sandoval children.

Sara- The "Rosendo Gavilan Say My Name Say My Name Award". Good one. LOL! Yes, Ossie and Maria are both in the running. But at least Ossie's a celebrity so that makes sense. It's like saying Brad Pitt (you wouldn't just say Brad). But what's the point of always saying Maria's odd, made up last name?

Make sure to watch the Soup this week. The Clip of the Week is Triunfo del Amor, and very funny. :)

Thank you Jardinera. You are an ace at somehow capturing both the meaningful and ridiculous. The last few episodes have seemed to favor the latter!

Nonetheless, I was very moved by pobre de Maria last night with her clown make-up and her sad confession to JP that she has no guidance in her life. Maite at her best.

Thank you for mentioning the m'hita business. Cringe-worthy for sure. We have a junior Carmen Salinas in the making with our girl Nathy.

I was quite taken with the throwing of the CDs. Something odd about that particular form of vandalism, but, I guess, why not?

And, finally, Max the cad. What more needs to be said? Novela logic determines that he will get his and then some -- no spoilers, just the inevitable. But until he comes crawling to Maria as a truly chastened human being, it's going to be tough to watch.

Vivi in DC- "She's even bitchy with God"

LMAO! She sure is a piece of work!

Jar: You are correct! Viewerville is having a hard time with this TN!! The only that that is predictable is the "cueing of the kayak! Good one, amiga!!!

St. Bernard: I HATE, LOATHE, and DESPISE that ugly hair of hers. I don't think the long hair looks to hot on Romo, either nor does it match her skin tones. Romo just does not have the colouring for that blonde (or whatever it is) hair of hers.

More importantly...the horrible, evil, vile smile when she saw that child burning to death...that was very hard to watch. I had to turn away.

@Sara: I love it...the Rosendo Gavilan award!!! Perfecto!!

Linda Ho: She's looking trashier by the moment and Oz is weakening. Notice how quick he was to bring up divorcio!!

Maria D: I refuse to say her full name. What in the world was she thinking?! The nuevo "look" was ridiculous!

Karma: always comes back to bite, doesn't it? This time, karma has come back with a vengeance. My word...

Fer: another piece of work and a major piece of trash. There is nothing...absolutely nothing likable about that character. She had better not be in line for forgiveness in the end is all I can say!

Producer's Wife: she will give Victoria a run for the money. I predict that PW and Linda Ho will kill each other over "Osvaldo Sandoval".


Could someone please explain to me how Univision, Televis, and Telemundo are or are not related?



Great work, Jardinera!

Maria and Max make up over malteds while their parents make up over sex. Sounds about right to me.

I have to wonder how much responsibility Antonieta has to claim for Victoria's control-freakiness. They've been friends and business partners for 20 years, so you'd think she'd have told her somewhere along the way that abusing your employees isn't productive.

Especially when the makeover isn't anything permanent. Makeup comes off, so do clothes, and it's not like she cut or dyed her hair.

Bernarda just outdid Gabriela Elizondo and Rosario Cordoba as Monster Mother of the Year. With four murder victims and it's only episode 10 she will outdo Carloca of ENDA. Cual es tu pecado? If you don't know she'll invent one for you.

If Fernanda were my sister I wouldn't have bailed her out. But Max could eventually max out on tolerance for her crap.

To Susanita:

Televisa used to own 25% of Univision. That was always somewhat controversial because foreign companies have historically not been permitted to own media companies in the US. During the ownership period there was a contract drawn up that allowed Univision the exclusive rebroadcast rights to Televisa's programming at a bargain-basement price. This contract is good until 2017. There appears not to have been any clauses allowing for major increases in per-hour costs for Univision in the event of audience growth or ownership change. Their ratings are consistently the highest of all Spanish-language networks here because the programming appeals to people other than Mexicans.

Telemundo was independent until a few years ago when it was purchased by NBC, which is pouring money into it. Ratings have improved but are still only a fraction of Univision's.

Spanish-language TV networks operate like US movie studios did in the 30s and 40s. They now make deals with each other over actors, which is why you now are seeing Eugenio Siller in Aurora and Diego Olivera in TDA.

Nothing makes me madder than some male chauvinist stud asshole going out to sow his oats with all the innocents & then criticizing their behavior as loose women. Max has pissed me off. He's adorable though.

UA: Thank you SO much! It gets rather confusing at times, but really wanted to get this straight in my mind.


Thanks, Jardinera, for the great recap. I missed seeing the episode, but I think the recap may have been better anyway. Loved remarks such as "(Shall we have a show of hands for those voting “Shut up”?)" and Oz "begins to pluck Linda’s suction-cupped appendages off him." And, of course, "Cue the kayak."

Susanita, I think Urban Anthropologist did a fine job of explaining the relationship among Univision, Televisa, and Telemundo, but I'd add one point. While it's true that Univision shows get larger audience share than Telemundo's, I think that may not reflect quality or viewer choice so much as it does the fact that far fewer viewers are able to receive Telemundo. Fewer cable companies, etc. carry Telemundo. Frankly, I've been impressed with the few telenovelas I've seen on Telemundo. Though they certainly had their share of estupidez (a requirement for telenovelas, I think), they seemed more original and depended less on tired plot cliches than the standard fare of Univision.

Wow, Jardinera ! You were on fire , amiga. Burnie would flinch if she read your flaming recap. My fav line was ''Cue the kayak.'' That kayak sure has engendered a lot of comments. Has anyone seen this week's ''The Soup'' that Vivi referred to ? It's really a funny sendup of TDA.

Jardinera, thanks for a great recap. "Cue the kayak." Har!
La Paloma

Juanita: Appreciate your thoughts re Telemundo. I don't believe I have it on my satellite stations, but I am going to look again as I am now very curious to see their TN!

During STuD, I think it was Vario who mentioned that Spanic and Capetillo were going to Azteca. Is Azteca a production company? Is it similar to Televisa?

Are there advantages for actors to work with Azteca?

I hope these types of questions are not prohibited. If they are...let me know and don't worry about answering.

I find the world of the TN to be confusing at times!



Juanjo is the LAST person that should be criticizing Nati over her looks.

Just sayin'.

Telemundo is available over the air and via satellite; I don't know their cable clearance rate. The digital conversion may also affect clearances, but the last time I read stats on it, Telemundo was in all the same places as Univision.

TV Azteca is the Telemundo of Mexico but I think they aren't as far behind Televisa in their ratings. Azteca America doesn't have full clearance in the US because -- except for L.A. and Houston -- they only have low-power stations. My cable company doesn't carry them anymore.

I've seen a few excellent novelas on Telemundo, but I honestly think that their "al aire" shooting schedule is a mixed blessing and does not always have a positive impact on the quality of their series.

I can get Azteca on my digital TV, but they are not on cable.
Silvia Navarro came from Azteca.

David Zepeda also started in Azteca as did Barbara Mori from Rubí. From Telemundo both protagonist of "El Clon" Mauricio Ochman and Sandra Echeverría started in Azteca and Echeverría has moved now to Televisa.

Many actors from Azteca used to go sort of "borrowed" to Telemundo and when they finished a novela they'd be back but several stayed there like Ochman, Lupita Ferrer and Jorge Luis Pila.

However, for a couple of years now Televisa has made its own deal with Telemundo to broadcast the Telemundo programing in México in one of its channels. So they (Televisa) are the ones that can lend their actors now and if an actor from Azteca wants to do casting for a novela in Telemundo they have to resign or finish their contract with Azteca first (if they have it, since Azteca doesn't handle exclusivity contracts in the same way as Televisa, so it is still easier for them to jump to Telemundo than to Televisa).


@UA, a while ago there was some discussion about why CarayCaray covered very few if any Telemundo TNs, and several people commented that far fewer people were able to get Telemundo. I get it on cable, but I wasn't able to find it on the one set I have that's not connected to the cable.

What do you mean when you refer to Telemundo's "al aire" shooting schedule?

Another touchdown pass, Jardinera! (Forgive me, I'm watching the Packers destroying the Falcons, 42-14 right now!) You are sooooo witty! (And thanks for the nod, but you give me too much credit. A single kudo would have been more than enough)

I had completely missed JuanJo's zinger about Nathy's looks. I gotta go with anon 9:33 on that one. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Vivi -- Thanks for the tip about "The Soup". I saw it online and it IS funny. The funniest thing is that it's hardly a parody; it's just the facts, maam.

As Juanita says, Telemundo has some interesting programming. That's why we have a Telemundo weekly discussion posting here on the blog. BTW, I'm able to get Azteca through my cable provider although it isn't a basic station. It's part of a Spanish language package.

Telemundo shoots two weeks prior to air date and finishes 5 episodes per week, like US soaps. For this reason most of their novelas are very studio-bound and indoorsy.

Televisa occasionally shoots this way; I heard that La Esposa Virgen was done al aire.

Shooting al aire can allow the production company to fix a series if it's not doing well. However, it also permits them to drag out a novela that is doing well. PDG was their biggest hit in the 7PM timeslot, so the last chapter of the story ended up being twice as long as it should have been. Some of you noticed that their rerun broadcasts of it were shorter, so they obviously saw that it could be improved with some editing.

Thanks very much, UA, for the interesting explanation of "al aire" shooting schedule.

Actually, the two TNs that I've watched on Telemundo--"El Clon" and "¿Dónde Está Elisa?"--did not strike me as being studio-bound or indoorsy, but these were the only two I've seen.

Though I'm not watching Telemundo at the moment, I'm eagerly awaiting their forthcoming presentation of "La Reina del Sur," based on the novel by Arturo Pérez-Reverte. If it's anything like the novel, it will definitely not be in the stereotypic telenovela mode. I read the novel in English years ago and loved it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there will be enough interest in it so that CarayCaray will offer recaps.

In my area, I can get Univision on basic cable or even with an antenna (though this is fuzzy because of hilly geography), but to get Telemundo I'd need a more expensive premium cable package. I think this is fairly common, which is why Uni shows get higher ratings.

Am I misinterpreting things, or is JuanJo supposed to be a bit...slow? You know, a short-bus rider? His mannerisms are grating on my nerves just a tad, and if he can't see how pretty Nathy is, I'm not sure there's much hope for him.

I can't believe Victoria has become so successful, if this is how she treats people. Firing someone over makeup that can be washed off and hair that can be changed back in minutes? Whatever, crabcakes.

I do like the fatherly conversations JP has with Maria. Though I also think they carry their own import well enough and we don't need to be clobbered with "THIS IS SIGNIFICANT" music.

I think Telemundo makes some good novelas and some bad ones too. The style is a little different from Televisa, the acting is more restrained (a trait that is shared with TV Azteca) so even the bad ones don't appear to be as ridiculous as a Mejía novela can be. But they have other simmilar traits and most of their novelas are also remakes.

I've heard only good things about Alguien Te Mira and Donde Está Elisa and my mom loved Mas Sabe El Diablo but I thought El Clon and Victoria were below the quality of earlier versions. I thought Amor Descarado and La Viuda de Blanco were good but I still prefer the originals. I really liked Gitanas but that one had its own stupidity too, I can't compare it to the original since I didn't see it.

And Tierra de Pasiones was a full blown circo but very entertaining.

I think Televisa is producing its worse telenovelas right now but there are still little gems here and there. I really enjoyed Mi Pecado and Un Gancho al Corazón last year. I've also heard great things about Para Volver A Amar (but I'm sure that one won't go to Univision, too crude) and people love Teresa but I thought that (especially) Sortilegio, STuD and TDA were major dissapointments since they had the best timeslot.


Back to TDA: Juanjo is being jerky in a very common way regarding Nathy's looks. How many average to ugly men do you know personally who are guilty of this? Trust me, I've witnessed this enough times for it to become a major pet peeve.

Shallow Hal, anyone?

In general, I wonder whether Mejia is the reincarnation of anyone who directed theatre or silent films about 100 years ago when the Snidely Whiplash and Little Nell stereotypes were born. It's a good thing that novela music has evolved from organists playing "suspenseful" chords. TDA would be full of them.

To UA, Juanita, and Jarocha: your explanations are very much appreciated. You all amaze me with your background knowledge on the TN!! I find that the back story is just as interesting as the TN themselves.

The TN intrigue me from the standpoint of learning about the culture and how a culture thinks.

On another handsome as Oz is, there is still a part of his face that looks almost 'frozen' and not believable. Not quite like Sylvia Pinal,but with some aspects of that type of frozen face.

Garcia-Cantu, on the other hand, just has that evil little face, doesn't he? I don't think I could ever picture him playing the 'good' guy.

Don't forget...Goyri and Colunga on Sal y Pimienta tonight! Check your local listings!!


I have two minutes, and I just wanted to thank you for a great recap, Jardinera. =] Entertaining as always. Can't wait to return home and catch up.

I agree, Susanita. García-Cantú has the perfect villain face. I want to see more of him in this one.

Ofelia still looks terribly familiar to me and I don't think it's just the Kate Middleton angle.

A-ha! She was Zulema in Al Diablo con Los Guapos...though it's been a while since I saw that one.

Sara: Agree about Ofelia. NovelaMaven pointed out that she is the daughter of Andres Garcia in real life. Imagine that!

I just know I have seen her elsewhere.

Been thinking about that closing kayak scene. I could be way off, but Levy hardly gets those paddles i the water. Just watch closely again next time. it is the cameras that are moving so quickly to give the illusion of speed.

Not saying that in a negative way, but it was something that really stood out for me Friday night.

The first time I saw the kayak scene, something was 'not quite right' (yes...there I go again with the not quite right business), so on Friday night, I looked at how those paddles were going in the water...hmmm.

Could be way off base, but that is how it struck me on Friday.


P.S. Sara: I, too, can't wait to see what Garcia-Cantu is really going to come up with in this TN!!

Buenos días, amigos. If the print job looks weird, well, it is. I'm trying out different browsers for posting compatibility with recaps and it's a brand new adventure everytime.....
Glad to see y'all dropped in this weekend again to commiserate about the rotten, selfish, self-centered group of characters we're dealing with this time. Wouldn't be the same without ya! Right now, I just about have to agree with our staff médico, Carlos, that this bunch of characters--including the HRSTP--isn't worth a plug nickel. Not a single sympathetic one in the group except for Maria and maybe Toni are the only 2 that are worth saving and I'm starting to wonder if Toni isn't a bit of a "yes-man" for Victoria. I had hopes of Fabian's feelings going more than skin deep until he sided with Fernanda. It's unusual for a telenovela to present itself that way, IMHO.

Sarah: "Rosendo Gavilan Say My Name Say My Name" award. That's a keeper.
5ft: YW. LOL! =/: ? )) Let me know if I can assist professionally in any way again as you inevitably make your way to Broadway!
ViViDC: Martyr complex! Victoria The Victim. ITSA! Oz is like water seeking its level though. The dam was cracked and the crack is too long to patch. He's going to fall I'm sure. I think, though, that ♫ D.I.V.O.R.C.E. ♫♪ and a legal separation would be the right way to make the point and to have him reconcile (which I wonder if by they end they will do) after he's tired of the other naca.
Traveling Lady: Max is a cad, isn't he? Fabian is just as bad, idolizing him that way.
Susanita: Ofelia is a piece of work, definitely. ITA that she will try to make life difficult for Vicki, but I wonder if Oz will treat her as politely as before and if so will it be because she is his producer's wife.

****Another reminder, FC on Sal y Pimienta tonight 10PM EST*****

Saw The Soap last night, Truinfo was funny, but nothing can compare to La Madrastra. Wish that show was on at a more convenient time.

Gárcia Cantú is a fantastic villain, just hope he doesn't sport a wig & pink heels. Looking forward to his evil deeds, just a little difficult to beat Bernarda on that score. Was he a villain in Camaleones, I thought that was supposed to be a comedy.

Thanks for the recap, Jardinera.

Speaking of al aire, I really love that on T-mundo, Herederos is not done in studio like the others. I find it to be very scenic, beautiful, wonderful wardrobe, and has plenty of (male and female) eye-candy. I'm a Tmundo fan myself. Apart from the fact that they do CC3, I agree that their tns are better over Uni's. I wish Uni would also do CC3. They do it (poorly) on Eva Luna, but at least I still understand it. I don't get why not with TdA. Thank goodness for the 'cappers translations.

Shallowgal: Welcome!
Juanita: O/T: you got me to purchase that paperback --tho' no time to read it in Spanish. Got it in English! Thanks for the heads up!

Susanlynn: I guess I'm doing ok if Burnie doesn't like the way she appears in my recap, huh? : ? ))
NovelaMaven: Hubby was watching Pittsburgh and Baltimore all afternoon. I'm a football widow. He's sitting out tn's this time around. He'll wait for another swashbuckler I guess.
UrbanAn: "ntonieta has to claim for Victoria's control-freakiness. They've been friends and business partners for 20 years, so you'd think she'd have told her somewhere along the way that abusing your employees isn't productive." ITSA!
La Paloma: Blame it on NovelaMaven! LOL!
Jarocha/UA/Shallow: I've watched La Traición and El Clon on Telemundo. Both had a more professional look and feel to them than Uni/Televisa. I don't know why, but maybe it was the type of video feed? It looked more like a t.v. series than a soap opera filming.

Jardinera: I've been here. I used to be mrslmgallego. I'll always be where William Levy is. but thanks for the welcome.

Shallow: Ahah! I seem to remember you'd said something, but didn't put the two together. Glad you're along for the ride again. " : ? }

Jardinera and La Paloma – I just call ‘em like I see ‘em. :-)

About the Good, the Bad and the Ugly--

I think JuanJo is supposed to be a good guy, a working-class hero who rescues people – and kittens – from burning buildings, loves his ma, is kind to the kids in the barrio. He just has a blind spot when it comes to matters of the heart. He can’t see beyond Nathy’s dowdy duds or LindaHo’s great big… smile.

And I don’t see Max as all bad either. He believes that María is playing him just as he is playing her. He doesn’t understand that she IS as naïve and trusting as she appears to be. He’s never met anyone like her before; his romances have been with higher-class versions of LindaHo.

When he’s not being a playboy, he actually shows some backbone. He stands up to Victoria and tells her when she’s wrong. He seems to care about his sister and would like to help turn her around. His visible commitment to personal hygiene and physical fitness are to be admired. Literally. If William Levy appears uncomfortable, that’s appropriate. The character he is playing is in an uneasy position.

Guillermo is of course uber-creepy. Personally, I’d love to see a reprise of his tranny killer in tacones, a la Madrastra!

Juanjo is just being a guy like Horacio was in STuD, basically a good guy but blinded by boobs.

One thing I've noticed is the not quite so elite speak in a lilting tone, the end of the sentence goes up, like it's a question every time.
Can anyone explain this, maybe
Jarocha can if she's around.

Jardinera, another great recap, thanks. I am still on the fence about this one. If it just had some sort of storyline! It just seems to be going around in circles. But I do love the recaps and of course the comments have been terrific today.


NovelaMaven: I did not know that Max believes he is being played by Maria. 'guess I was not paying attention as much as I should have. That, to me, sheds a different light on him. Thanks for the insight.

I think all networks that produce novelas have high- and low-budget productions. Televisa has novelas de epoca that must cost a fortune and studio back-lot ones like La Esposa Virgen; Telemundo had El Clon, which must have cost a lot while Aurora looks low-budget by comparison. I never catch the credits, but I'm sure the only footage of New York they use is stock footage for the opening shot of each segment.

Who else saw the original of El Clon? Ii caught it in 2003 in reruns and (despite my hatred of dubbing) was very impressed. The music in it was absolutely stellar.

Thanks for the great recap! loved:" Linda’s suction-cupped appendages" this girl makes my skin crawl, yuck. But what's her name...Natalie,the daughter does too.

The scene in the record store was ugly. They are really making me hate her, and not in a fun way like Bernarda.

I agree with what some of you are saying, most of the characters are less than likeable.

And honestly don't know how this supposed fashion empire operates when the two women at the helm spend all their time sitting around crying.

On the plus side I love Victoria's wallaper and how it looks with her custom pink Herman Miller chair!

The re-cap clarified Max's character to me too. I think I've been blinded by that grin. He grins and I somehow think his heart is in the right place and can't quite see him as the cad that he is.

Jardinera: Right now Televisa has been suffering through the economic problems of the country so they aren't putting as much money on their productions as they could. If you ever catch an Ernesto Alonso epic, you'll see the difference. There was one novela "El Pecado de Oyuki" in 1975 where they built an entire new studio so they could create their own version of Tokio. It is still their biggest studio nowadays.

NBC has more money to invest on Telemundo. And in big budget novelas like El Clon, it shows.

Urban Antropologist I saw the original O Clone too. I thought Lucas and Jade's song was beautiful (it reminded me of the Disney classics) and Mel and Xande's was so catchy.

Hee, my word verification is "ulcers"


UA, I watched the 2010 El Clon version and was not impressed. I did not like the end at all and became very tired of the belly dancing and the learing dirty old men. They could have done a much better job.


Thanks, Jardinera. Great job. This recap is certainly more entertaining than the episode itself. So far, the only reason I've found to stick with this is the great recaps that you guys are managing to extract from this ho hum production.

So far, the women in this are rather forgettable although I do see potential in Ofelia. I'm afraid, however, that she has already served her plot purpose and will fade into the background. Hope I'm wrong, because I really like what little I've seen of her attitude and style.

Max is such a disappointment. I'm not a fan of WL, and now I already have a very strong distaste for Max. I think the thing that troubles me the most is the mockery he makes of sincerity. What in the world gives him his jaded opinion of Maria?

Speaking of Maria, one would think that the good Sisters would have warned her of just such reptiles lurking out there in the world waiting to pounce on pretty little girls like her.


Rosemary: Glad you're sticking to it. I'm sure something's about to give now that we've gotten all the characters sorted out and brought up to date for what remains.
Randy: Fernanda is the bratty kid sis and she gets me so angry I start screaming at the screen. >:?/
Jarocha: Thanks for all the great background information. It is always an eye opener for those of us north of the border and it adds so much to this blog. We have questions and you're always there to answer them for us. Your knowledge amazes me!
UrbanAn: I didn't get to see more than one episodio of the original Clon. However, I will say that I loved the theme music from El Clon 09/10. I felt the recappers also did an excellent job of going out of the way to give us cultural background info and it made the experience a memorable one. I actually had Clon withdrawel. :? )

Carlos: Ahah!!! I knew you'd find a nasty broad in this one to latch on to, you devil! >;?} Something tells me she's going to be a major thorn in Victim Vicki's side. If not, the writers are really missing the boat.

Just one more OT note: I loved how the 2010 El Clon looked. It was a beautiful production. However, I was disappointed in that it was almost line for line the same as the original. I was hoping that Lucas would be more macho and my hopes were dashed. There just seemed to have been no point in that remake, especially so soon after the original.

So...Max is playing Maria? Wowsers. I am really missing the boat, then, on his attitude towards her.

Saw Goyri on Sal y Piemienta this evening. Honestly, the hosts speak so quickly that I can hardly catch a thing. Goyri was wearing one of his super expensive custom hats. The guy looks darn good, but I honestly can't tell you what happened! He was speaking just as quickly as the hosts and I know I missed a lot about his current wife or relationship or some such.

I did understand them to ask him how many villains he has played. I am sure he said 4. Other than that, I was disappointed in myself that I could not get the gist of the conversation.

If I might ask (and somewhat OT) there a re-cap for Friday's "Eva Luna" out there and I am just not seeing it? I know that some on the blog have not been able to see all of the recaps.



Susanita: O/T I see a finished draft.

What a disappointment, the only FC on Sal y pimienta were scenes from STuD. Lots of Goyri though. I did think to myself that this isn't the kind of show FC would be on.

OT: Jardinera, I hope you enjoy Queen of the South. You'll find there's a good deal of Spanish in the English version, since for the most part they left the abundant palabrotas in Spanish!

OT: I didn't see the original version of El Clon, but I very much enjoyed the 2010 version. I loved the music and enjoyed the culture clash, though I was disappointed with the ending, which seemed weak.

OT: Jardinera, when you say you saw a finished draft of Friday's Eva Luna episode, do you mean it has been posted somewhere or that it will be soon?

*****Cristina on tonight after Triunfo****** Temas actualidad

Juanita: O/T --I see Gloria had the finished draft up yesterday so I e-mailed her just in case. Sometimes I am later in getting things up also depending on unexpected publishing problems or whater. I'll Keep checking.

Jar: OT: gracias, amiga! Sometimes, things can be staring me in the face and I don't see them!

Vario: OT: You are correct. I can't fathom FC on S and P. It is definitely not his style. Did you catch everything Goyri said? I guess everyone wants to be blonde on that programme. Thank you for the Cristina infos!!!


OT: Thanks, Jardinera, for putting up Gloria's "Eva Luna" recap.

This is OT. I want to apologize if someone has already addressed this. I'm not watching this TN but didn't know how else to contact STuD people and let those who are interested know that it seems that Manana es Para Siempre is being repeated on Telefutura starting Jan 24. I assume they'll show all eps. For those who don't know, that is the TN that FC and Lu did before STuD. Silvia Navarro is the heroine. Lu plays a villain.


no I didn't catch much of what Goyri said but I really wasn't paying that much attention, I was waiting for FC, then it would have had my undivided attention.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Yeah, I don't understand why most of the characters are so unlikeable.

Thanks, Vario!


Jardinera, Thank You!


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