Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Eva Luna #57 Tue 1/25/11 Tantrums and tantrums and tantrums. And then tantrums.
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Can Daniel be any more of an idiot? Discuss amongst yourselves. |
I'm going to have to streamline some of the scenes and storylines, otherwise we'll be here all day. . .
We recycle the end of yesterday, where Justa is going to tell Don Ricardo her whole story. Then we go to the reading of the will. Then we cut to a nauseating scene where Daniel is apparently suffering from some sort of amnesia because he is treating Icky like she is not some homicidal FREAK.
Justa continues her story to Don Ricardo, about getting pregnant with this guy but he's marrying some other lady so she never told him, blah blah blah.
That FREAK FREAK FREAK Icktoria is talking to Daniel as if nothing has happened, and they are playing out some sort of sick, twisted reconciliation scene, where he asks "forgiveness" for how he treated her. (Whiskey tango foxtrot? For real?) Oh, I can't stand this. You get the picture. It's just awful. Delusional. Whatever. Anyway.
Justa is telling Don Ricardo that she had a lot of resentment towards the father of her undead baby (okay, she doesn't know the kid is undead yet, at least not for sure). She never looked him up, but now the memories are resurfacing.
Leo and Icky are having a discussion about their reversal of fortunes. Icky is actually sounding VEXED that she was sad about her dad's death, and now he does this! Some kvetching about that nobody Eva having more money than they do. Leo keeps on saying he's got a plan, not to worry . . . all Icky has to do is secure Daniel once more for herself.
At the happy pension they're sitting down for a meal. Tony says (in English) "Hello family! I'm so hungry!" but his hunger is suddenly suppressed when Alicia gets a phone call from Eva. He stealthily hovers in the background and eavesdrops.
Basically their conversation is about Eva making it down to San Diego to the tia with the tarot cards, and Alicia telling Eva that she should stay hidden, because Daniel is MAJORLY PISSED at her. Eva looks impactada at this news. Eva wants Alicia to come join her, but Alicia says she's doing okay with her great new job.Then Eva warns Alicia not to trust Tony and DEFINITELY not to tell him anything. Eva doesn't get into details about why, of course. I am not sure but I think that Tony (while eavesdropping) does not hear where Eva is staying.
Meanwhile Daniel is at home, kvetching to Francisco about Eva inheriting all that money. Obviously she was scamming Don Julio too! Daniel is in self-righteous pr*ck mode. So wow, he's going to have to do a lot of groveling later, isn't he? Anyway, Francisco makes a comment that they're going to have to call Eva a "lady" because she's going to be the boss at the company, right? Daniel doesn't like the sound of this.
We then go to a scene were Evil Marcela is having a major meltdown about losing all that money. All through this episode she blames EVERYONE for what's happening, expecting things to turn her way just because she demands it and screams for it. She also makes ample death threats, mostly towards Don Julio (if he were only alive she'd kill him—but wait, she thinks he IS dead because she killed him!) and also she makes threats towards Eva. We first see her screaming at Leo and blaming him for everything and basically having a tantrum. FF>>>
Then we have a scene that drags out throughout half of the episode where Don Julio shows up at the door of the pension, wanting to see Eva. Alicia answers the door and of course is uncertain about what to do. Don Julio is able to convince her that he's not the cops and is indeed that nice old sick dude that Eva was looking after. He really needs to get in touch with Eva so he can help her, but Alicia hems and haws.
Don Julio also warns Alicia that it's very dangerous for anyone to know that he is looking for Eva.
Then we have a series of scenes between Daniel and Icky, where they have this "nice" talk and you know it's all leading up to how maybe they can get back together. I don't think Daniel is ready to think about marriage, but he even (gag) kisses Icky, so he's just totally giving up here. There is a flashback scene where he remembers being stood up at the altar and all the stuff with Eva supposedly betraying him. He thinks this is it, I guess. Icky is all he can get. Then we have Icky (with her mascara getting clumped up a bit with tears) saying that she's worried that he is just settling for her and that he will always be trying to forget Eva.
Icky also worries that when Eva returns he'll fall under her spell again. Daniel assures her that won't happen. (Don't bet on it, dude!)
More with Marcella pouting about the loss of fortune. This time at breakfast, over orange juice, Leo promises that he'll take care of it all and Eva won't touch any of the inheritance. If he doesn't take care of this problem, Marcella threatens, she will. She also says that Icky has got to secure Daniel again.
Down at the house of the tia with the tarot cards (I can't remember her name right now, sorry!) Eva and auntie are having breakfast and talking about that evil jerk, Daniel, who ran over dad (and tia's brother). Eva says that it's hard to believe that the man who taught her love could also be the man who taught her hatred and revenge. Tia sees the conflict here—she sees hatred and love in Eva's eyes.
We have a little petulant scene where Marcella asks an uncomfortable Renata if she knew anything about the will. Renata says of course not, and she's so shocked that she got the house in Mexico. Marcella then starts on a little tirade saying that Renata won't get that house, because everything is HERS!!! HERS!!! Yeah, whatever.
The chofer comes in to tell Renata that a lady is waiting to see her. It's Justa!
Justa has come to confront Don Julio and tell him about the undead baby. She's got a defiant way about her, like she's made up her mind and she's not taking no for an answer. After some back and forth, Renata spits out that Don Julio is dead. Justa is understandably shocked by this. She wants to know where he is buried. (I think this may end up being significant later on.) I was expecting that Marcela would say "Forest Lawn" (they are BIG in S. California) but hey, this is really Florida, so she names some generic sounding cemetery. The sisters have a moment where they express regret at not being able to tell Julio how they feel, but it's interrupted when Marcela pops in, is outraged to see Justa there, and they exchange some words. Marcela tells Justa that Don Julio always thought she was dead in the earthquake. Then Marcela kicks Justa out and Justa casually walks out with her head held high. Marcela threatens Renata, warning her to never tell Justa that Icky is the undead baby.
More nonsense between our Millionaire wannabes (Francisco and Marisol) scamming each other. Francisco is driving in the car and Marisol is polishing her toenails. This is just filler. Moving on.
Eva is having a flashback of all the nonsense that went down with Daniel and his supposed betrayal of her. She then asks Tia Tarot Cards (Tilda) for a reading. Wants to know what's going to happen in her life.
Then we have this whole long painful scene (split up between other long painful scenes) between Marcela and her lawyer. The lawyer looks at the will, it's good to go, he says, nothing he can do, he says. He can't find a way to break it. Marcela does what she has done all episode—she rants and raves and screams at him and blames him for this. He is shaking his head like whatever, you freak, but she keeps yelling, as if by abusing him and screaming at him will suddenly make him find some nonexistent loophole. She even tries to hit him as he tells her that she must face it, Eva owns everything. She even utters some threat towards Eva and her family and you can bet that the lawyer's ears perked up at hearing that. He warns her that she better watch out what she says or she'll end up in jail.
Tia's card reading is interesting. She sees things rightly—a beautiful woman is influencing this man (that's Daniel and Icky is the beautiful woman) and he is confused, but in the midst of this confusion he thinks a lot about her (Eva). But he's also still in love with her. "No puede ser," (It can't be) Eva says, and thinks the cards are mistaken.
Tia is so confused by what the cards are telling her that she asks Eva to re-cut them and they say the same thing again—much money, and not the supposed stolen money but a lot more than that. And there's also that man who is related to the woman who is with Daniel (meaning Don Julio). But he's dead, Eva says. Not according to the cards, apparently! Wow, Eva looks impactada at this.
Don Julio returns to his doctor and is elated. It turns out that he was able to convince a reluctant Alica to give up Eva's location—the auntie's house. Don Julio wants to go right away, but he has a mild episode and is not feeling well and realizes that if he doesn't rest, he could possibly begin to assume room temperature and then what good will he be for Eva. Tomorrow he'll go look for her, he vows.
At Alicia's job, we have Leo hovering over her, sliming all over her. We have this revolting scene where he wants to take her out to dinner and he'll pay. Slime slime slime. This just seems like a standard seduction scene until Daniel shows up and is full of self-righteousness. It all comes out that Eva and Alicia are siblings. Leo didn't know this and looks impactado. But Daniel thinks that Leo knew all along. Angry words are exchanged and Alicia gets so mad that she takes a lunge at Daniel and Leo has to restrain her!
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Daniel in full self-righteous mode at seeing Alicia and Leo at the modeling studio. (Click on image to see much larger version.) |
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Both Leo and Alicia are open-mouthed impactado at Daniel's ranting, raving, and accusations. (Click on image to see much larger version.) |
More nonsense with Francisco. He's talking about his problems with Jacky, and she totally doesn't want to hear it. He's trying to say he's in love with Marisol, but Jacky knows it's B.S. He then accuses Jacky of being jealous. That doesn't go over well with her.
There is a brief conversation between Renata and the nice maid (whose name I forget) about Renata dealing with her problems. More filler. FF>>>
At the office, Marcela finds out that her bank accounts are frozen. Curse that Don Julio! LOL! It just gets worse and worse for Marcela!
The end of the episode!
VIDEO CLIPS: (Right-click to open link into new window. These are streaming Flash clips, like you get on YouTube.)
Clip One: Daniel is angry about Eva (as usual).
Clip Two: Tia Tilda and Eva are confused about the tarot card reading.
Clip Three: Avances.
Labels: eva
He has all the information now except for the 25,000. Alicia told him everything, why o why isn't he putting it together.
I'm so disappointed in him, Eva needs him now more than ever. I really like Tia Tilda b/c she seems to be able to talk since into Eva at this moment. Like when she was telling her(Eva), that what she says about Daniel isn't what's in her heart. Michele in PA
Una Norteamericana
Eva is a complete idiot also. Why isnt she wondering why Tony was at Leo cabin and why is she believing everything that Leo tells her.
As to Icky, I'm sure she puts her best face on in front of Daniel with regard to Laurita. That makes it all the more important for Daniel to get his IQ back or he will never see Laurita or Chico again.
For however long he lives because I'm sure he's the name after Eva on Marcie's hit list.
I was very nervous while Alicia was on the phone with Eva. I was sure she was going to give away key information while Tony was eavesdropping. I was really surprised (and relieved) when the phone call ended without any apparent disasters.
I think you're right, Elvira, about Justa's question about the location of Julio's supposed burial plot ultimately being important. I bet Justa is the one who will find the note that Renata left.
I have to confess that I'm more and more convinced that Don Julio is not long for this world. He keeps having attacks, and that plus the presence of Ricardo as a likely partner for Justa (I'd much prefer Don Julio, myself) makes me very apprehensive about Don Julio.
I found that short scene with Tony especially nauseating, "hello family.."?? yuck. He has a bad case of the Eddie Haskell syndrome if you ask me. Smarmy little creep.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems especially stupid to get all your information from Taro cards. And the detail they seem to be getting from them-the beany, quick!
Urban-I don't think Marzilla wants to do away with Dan, does she? She wants Icky to end up with him, no?
And Juanita-I am afraid DJ is not long for this world, and I, too, would prefer Justa to have him.
I hope Justa tries to find D. Julio burial plot and reads the note. That will bring a mix of emotions for poor Justa.
It's time for Renata to move to the house/farm/ranch Don J left her. She needs to start dealing with her own guilt and accept the fact that Marcella will most likely want to kill her too, lol
I sincerely hope that Don Julio makes it through to the end, but who knows? Now I'm worried! He's such a sweet old fellow, but if he ends up with Justa, where does that leave Don Ricardo? I don't know what to think quite yet.
Daniel is so bitter right now, he's going to have to do serious groveling when the truth comes out. And I agree, where are his brains? GAH! So frustrating. But then, all telenovelas rely on the stupidity of the galán. Without that, there would be no plot.
I still think Bruno has left town with all the money from Marcella's own project. (remember Julio wouldn't invest) And all the company assets are frozen. It is a hoot to think of her as penniless. She sure was in super rant mode yesterday.
Thanks again Elvira, love your wry sense of humour.
A couple of things that caught my attention last night...
the Julio/Doctor Marcos scene... Julio has a small attack, Marcos immediately says sit down, relax and breathe deeply! I can tell Julio senses that Marcos is right and that he might not have much time left so he begs Marcos to help him live enough to get to get with Eva and to see his revenge on Marcela through.
Renata /Aurelia... Aurelia was telling Renata that she could tell Renata had a huge burden/sadness about her, and she must carry a huge load... but Renata does not have friends to share her feelings with. Renata agreed with her somewhat.
Fran/Marisol ff worthy scenes last night were about them getting together to go look at mansions for sale (since they need a love nest by the time they marry ... BLEH!)
I dont know much about tarot card reading but this level of detail I had never heard of someone getting from cards 'there is a man who is related to the woman that is with the other guy... this man is elderly and is quite fond of you Eva.'... really??
ITA with you all, Marcela has completely lost it, any moment she will make a mistake with her tongue right in front of daniel or someone else that represents high risk for her... how about she slips the little detail that she had to do with his late wife's and parents' deaths... then we would not have deer in the headlights stare from Daniel... we would have an implosion of sorts in his head.
Daniel and Icky kissing? That's not fair. Once he and Eva did their noisy, delicious, suck-face kissing, he should not be tarnished or tainted by anyone else's lips.
Ebony--I agree that Dano is being a complete dope. But, he didn't know Don Julio was going to kick the bucket and presumably neither did Eva, so he's probably not questioning the discrepency just yet.
Juanita--I suspect the burial is legitimate--it's the family plot. After all, they had family and business colleagues at the site. Julio himself wanted to make sure Marcie thought he was dead. That's why he asked for a new identification. Sooner or later, in him mind, he will re-emerge, but then "The Law" will get after him for not being dead and Eva will have to give up her ill-gotten inheritance. So, I agree with others, that DonJ will not make it back on the scene as Don Julio.
of course, have to say, reading the recap, I don't think watching would have helped a nauseous stomach. Yikes - the patients have fled the asylum haven't they?
I guess we figure that to stay true to typical TN plots 9why can't anyone ever deviate?) they will have Dano go back to Icky, and then once they are all lovey dovey and maybe even mariied, a new, richer, savvier Eva will surface and he'll be all over her again when he realizes they were played. Like we didn't see it coming....
Icky isn't necessarily part of the murder plot, which would likely involve tampering with Dan's car so that his -- and his daughter's -- deaths would look like an accident. Icky could then end up as collateral damage, which I don't think would bother Marzilla one bit.
Well, soooo many possibilities! I love what you guys have all come up with for possible plot lines. This TN really lends itself to that. Yeah, Dano is giving up and giving in and Icktoria has got to be in hog heaven about now. I keep thinking that she is going to have to lose her cool and show herself to be a liar to get Dano to wake up.
Leo is the ultimate Eddie Haskel IMHO. I wonder what will eventually trip him up and give either Dan or Eva or Alicia a clue. Darnnnnnn!
An unwed pregnant Eva.. it can't be!!
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