Wednesday, January 26, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #185-186 1/26/11 NO, PANDORA! Noooooooooo!!!!!
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fausto says he was too stubborn and he’s missed his son. Aldo says he’s happy with the life he chose. Fausto gives him a 2-year-old letter.
2. Fernando is dragged out of the bar and returns for a third time, but he passes out. Libardo says he acted like he wanted someone to kill him. Marcia starts to take Fern home, and he says, “Marcia, you don’t deserve this.”
3. Aldo is afraid to read the letter from his cuñada. It says Lenora did it because she loved him too much and was afraid he didn’t love her, so she wanted to make him jealous. At least now he knows she did it for misguided love and not rejection. He asks Lety to stay on the beach with him to greet the dawn.
4. Julieta cries for Lety’s pain, and she cries because Lety told her diary instead of her. Erasmo is discouraged because he can’t find work, and he reaches for the tequila.
5. Fern asks for an exorcism because he can’t take it anymore. He doesn’t want to stay and impose on Marcia. She says that even though they’re finished, she can’t watch him destroy himself.

7. Fern asks why their photo is still on the nightstand. Marcia says it’s not easy to throw away something very important to her, and the heart is a traitor. He asks for a hug. She says now it’s time to think about herself and forget about him.
8. Back in her room, Lety asks, “Why did I kiss Aldo like that if I love Fernando? The only kisses I desire are Fernando’s.” Meanwhile Aldo thinks about that kiss. He realizes that he’s cured; he’s able to love again.
9. In the morning, Marcia brings Fern breakfast and a suitcase to carry all his things away.
Capitulo 186.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Lety tells Caro that she and Aldo shared a (as in one) kiss, and she doesn’t want to see him again. She regrets it because she still loves Fernando. Caro asks if she’s holding out hope since he and Marcia broke up. Lety says no because he never liked (querer) her.
2. Marcia has a new haircut. She tells MamaT the suitcase was a test. If he takes everything, there’s no chance of them getting back together. Fern starts to pack, looks at his clothes, shakes his head slightly, and says, “No, it’s better to leave it here.” No, Pandora, Nooooo!!!!
3. Caro tells Lety why Aldo is a much better option. Lety says it’s very hard for her to believe in love again. Caro advises Lety to grab what life has offered. Aldo calls to arrange lunch. On the old recap Alma has a Freudian slip and calls him “Also.”
4. Ariel heaps a load of insults on Fern. A: Are you here to defend Lety? F: No, that finished. A: Do you accept that you gave the company to a fugitive? Fern doesn’t answer. A: Do you accept that that woman could be anywhere in the world squandering our patrimonio? F: Maybe.
5. By phone, Humberto tells the board to hire a criminal attorney to file charges against Lety because she stole the company. He tells Fern to talk to Lety’s family.
6. Tom tells the HaHA’s (Happy Hour Attorneys) that they need to reverse the judgment. Lety wants to return the company. The HaHA’s tell him that’s complicated, and they’d have to do it before the liquidation.

8. Tom tells the HaHA’s that Lety returns tomorrow. They insist that he explains the real story of FI.
Labels: fea-2010
I liked Alma's Freudian slip; she wrote "Also" instead of "Aldo."
Well, Fernando has finally hit rock bottom. Geesh! The board meeting almost seemed like a walk in the park by comparison! Well, maybe not. Anyhoo. His suicide attempt was like a death. He has been stripped of everything, even his hope in Lety. (I think he's still hanging onto faith in her; just not hope. What do you folks think?) He has passed through death, all his old life burned up, and now he's ready to be reborn, like the phoenix. Interesting that Lety also went through a death experience in Aca when she nearly drowned, and her rebirth started thereafter as well.
I said earlier that in Fea, Mexico City is the Real World, while Acapulco is a vacation spot, a place to retreat from the real world, but with a purpose - to heal, to recover, to recharge. So you can go back to the real world and be productive again. It's not an escape, it's a retreat.
Lety went to Aca to recover, and she knew it before she left. Fernando went to Aca to die, but Life had other plans. It will be the start of his recovery. Aldo went to Aca after his wife died, but it wasn’t to heal. He went to run away from the real world, and he intended to stay there. That’s not right. You can’t LIVE on vacation. You have to live in the real world, and Acapulco equips you to do that.
Ok now onto the good stuff...
LOVED Alicia's reaction to Fern's face. Then the cuartel's reaction to her freaking funny!
ANNOYED by Lety's facial ticks and expressions...ugh - sometimes they drive me crazy.
LOVED Julieta giving Fern the verbal smackdown today
HATED that Fern was so horrible/weak in these eps. I especially was disappointed that he left his things at Marcia's house. But as Paula H (or someone) pointed out - two steps forward, one step back. I felt like today's eps were like 15 steps back for him, but I digress. I'm not sure I see much of a re-birth in him yet.
SAD for Marcia today. I could really see today how much she loves Fern. It's probably the most I've seen it this entire series to-date. She is right - the heart is a traitor.
I understood Lety's guilt about kissing Aldo when she still loves Fern & is actively fantasizing about him (in the middle of the kiss). I think that she gets that it wouldn't be fair to Aldo to use him like she was used by Fern (maybe not for the same reasons, but I think in her mind it would still be using him when she has another man in her heart).
I didn't believe Aldo when he was emoting over the letter from his sis'n law, but I did believe his happiness on the beach post-kiss with Lety when he jumped into the sea. Juan Soler does that giddy, happy thing very well.
I really hate Teresita. She just drives me bananas. That is all I've got for now. Thanks for working so hard to get these re-caps up.
Lety with all her tic's and pouty faces has gone over the top annoying. She also for the first time exhibited another unattractive trait. She is a bit of a dog in the manger. She tells Caro she isn't interested in Aldo, that way because she loves Fern but she gets all ugly face when a couple of the girls indicate that aldo is hot (not in my book).
I can't help wondering what she considers love when she destroys his life at the junta, causes a rift in his relationship with his father, gets the broken engagement she wants, throws a wedge in his lifelong friendship, steals his family business and then after getting the revenge she wants bolts for the beach and goes gaga over the first guy to come along. So much for her eternal love.
Interesting isn't it that Ariel the snake always calls Humberto by his name until he had the chance to shaft Fern and then it became Papa. I do wish he would just slither off the scene.
I also am annoyed at h**ll that Lety can be so googly-eyed over some "too old for her" hippie yahoo. Its only been 3 days for gosh sakes, and she's acting like shes known him for 3 months! Yeah, I know the saving her life thing was suppose to speed their "connection" up , but blechhhh. He seems to more of a pervert and she's trusting him waaayyy too much. Going around town alone with him both daytime and nightime??? Not smart for any woman. So in my eyes, Lety is still childlike naive.
Like on the old board, I found it hard to believe Lety wouldn't recognize Fern at the bar. Even from behind and on the floor beat up, *I* can recognize Jaime Camil!!!!
I am anxiously awaiting Acapulco to end. Not that I think we are going to get rid of Aldo, but I just want Lety and Fern to be in the same city and to have scenes TOGETHER. That kiss was a MUCH needed Lety/Fern fix.....
I would rather see a hundred scenes of the cuartel , versus one scene with Aldo.
Even though I hated the fact that it was actually Aldo Lety was suppose to be kissing I am glad we got to see the fantasy kiss of her and Fern.
Jenn, you say, "he has not learned anything." You're right. He's hit bottom, but he won't start learning until he turns the corner and starts climbing back up.
GP, Fern's curly hair on the beach - I have no idea. Interesting point. I think Lety has never seen his curls unleashed. His hair was less imprisoned at Cuernavaca, but still greased.
fernando having the curls shows him in more of a 'free' light--free from work, free from the craziness back at Conceptos (marcia, parents, even omar)--and his freedom to be with her. it is a fantasy!
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