Thursday, January 13, 2011
La Verdad Oculta #82: Loose lips sink ships

At Mario's, Gabriela heads out to her dad's apartment; and Abelardo heads out through now-David's bedroom to bring Leonardo back through the tunnel house. On the return through the tunnel, Leonardo points out that cyanide kills in about five minutes and learns it only takes about one minute to traverse the passage.
Once inside David's bedroom, they note a flashlight on the bedside table that becomes fingerprint evidence. At the prison, Ramón confirms from Marcos their suspicions that Garnica probably heard through him via Pedro that Juan José is wealthy enough to be an investor -- and a blackmail target.
Back at Mario's, Leonardo learns from an anxious and confused Édgar that he should be questioning maid Ramona about events of the previous evening. During the maid's inquiry, Leonardo hears about the partially drunken apple juice; and to his dismay that the maid just washed the pitcher. He wants her to come downtown and give a deposition.
Across town, Mauricio takes Elsa to meet Ulises, his hairstylist who owns her prospective apartment. Predictably, Ulises thinks they're both gorgeous -- but in need of a good cut. Elsa is tickled the lovely building is so small, with few apartments.
She is blown away by the beauty of the apartment -- and unfortunately the monthly rent of $20K pesos, too. But Mauricio tries to allay her fears; and as they sit companionably, Ulises muses that once they two are married, she'll be living in Mauricio's awesome digs, as he's the best architect around.
Back at Mario's, mystified Édgar is stunned when "Mario" enters the front door in the pink of health. Outside Mario's office, Abelardo admonishes Santiago for never being around and risking Adolfo learning he doesn't live there. Then he terrifies Santiago with news Roberto was killed with poison obviously meant for himself!
Over at Juan José's, Caramelo refuses to eat greasy street food Asunción brings home, having learned about healthy eating at school. But Chicles has no such reservations and digs in. At Adolfo's condo, Bertha enters furious at him for her ordeal that morning at her deposition.
When she wants yet another drink to calm her nerves, Adolfo warns her against losing control and saying something stupid. She resents his tone after she did him such a big favor; and he regroups and apologizes. Taking a frantic call from Édgar about the blunder at Mario's, Adolfo orders Édgar to the condo right away.
At his hanging up, Bertha observes crossly that things have changed with him: Adolfo used to be confident, but now he's insecure -- obviously disturbing Adolfo. Back at Juan José's, Caramelo plays with the infamous letter again, claiming she wrote it -- which Chicles derides as impossible since she can't write yet.
When he whisks it away, she threatens him with tattling that he stole the briefcase in Puerto Vallarta, and Chicles reluctantly returns it. Sad Asunción overhears Caramelo call Chicles a dummy for being illiterate -- and say matter-of-factly that she's going to live with Elsa and Mauricio without her uncle.
Édgar visits Adolfo in his condo office, relating the strange events that resulted in "Mario" still being alive, with apparently no other dead body anywhere! Adolfo is sure Ramona will incriminate Édgar in making the apple juice and instructs him to leave David's employ and go to a designated safe house to lie low.
Alejandra is astounded to learn about Roberto's poisoning during a visit to David's bedside. At Santiago's apartment, Julieta finally remembers to tell Gabriela she and Leonardo are a couple -- setting Gabriela off, frustrated that she's always the last to learn everything! Tomorrow she's going to grill "Mario" and Santiago together!
David phones then and also astounds Gabriela with the news about Roberto. Across the way at Juan José's, Asunción's concerned the police may suspect Juan José. When they argue Juan José shouldn't pick up Caramelo and irritate the situation, Asunción's satisfied to hear Juan José vow angrily she's going to return home to live with them.
At Adolfo's, he's disregarding his own advice and become a sloppy, talkative drunk. Yolanda enters, and he spills his anxiety to her. At David's bedside, when Gabriela assumes everyone hides truths from her because she's sheltered and can't handle situations, he maintains he's experienced -- and he can't handle everything either.
Gabriela declares she's going to take advantage of her training and help him manage the hotels and fend off Adolfo's advances, to which David insists he married her not only for her beauty but her intelligence and determination and will be the proudest guy when she does.
Back at drunken Adolfo's, he claims his failures are due to being surrounded by idiots! Yolanda points out it's his own arrogance and cruel domination at fault and that he should give up the life of crime -- unless he just wants to be the richest corpse in the cemetery. He has more money than he can spend in a lifetime!
They list out loud the heinous crimes Adolfo's committed; and he sweeps them away with a hand, lamenting he can't help it -- he can't help it! What can he do! Grabbing Yolanda, he shouts they are both the same! They two are in a pact with the devil. The devil! And up above on the landing, the noise has brought Bertha to listen at the railing.
With Abelardo and Santiago attending, Leonardo visits David's office to fill him in on the investigation; that they suspect now-missing Édgar and that hapless Roberto was collecting photographic evidence and got thirsty. David's furious as it becomes clear Adolfo intended to poison "Mario."
Bertha visits Yolanda and finds her with a hangover. Things don't improve when Yolanda learns Bertha overheard their conversation last night and fears for her life now. Yolanda repeats she warned Bertha to stay away from Adolfo and should still flee. The worst is: Bertha observes that Yolanda and Adolfo together are apparently hiding a very dirty secret.
In his condo, Adolfo takes a call from Garnica-associate Danté Sevilla and plans to meet him at the club that evening. Juan José visits at Mario's for David and runs into Alejandra, who is frantic to explain; but evidently she misunderstood. He never broke up with her, he clarifies; and they still love each other.
In David's office, Juan José reviews everything he knows to David and hands him the card from Roberto's luggage that has Susana's name on it, which they will give to Leonardo. They agree Roberto's inadvertent poison was meant for "Mario" -- and renew their determination to work together to bring Adolfo to justice!
Labels: verdad
Love that even though they couldn't salvage the pics from the camera, Leo guessed exactly right what Roberto was doing, and who he was doing it for. Glad they let Romona go free and back to work.
Glad hear that Gabi is driving, although like David, I'd feel more comfortable if she was being driven around by a driver (and a guard) with Adolfo on the loose trying to hurt the family. I'm also glad that she told him she's not mad at him, just the situation. I think they are handling this disagreement very well and maturely, even though he can't tell her the whole truth without Faustiago's permission.
I was LOL at Mau's hairdresser pawing him. Mau just took it in stride. I guess he must get felt up every time he gets his hair done and is used to it. :) They showed quite a bit of lovey dovey hand holding and kissing with Elsa and Mau. Looks like things are moving along with them- slowly but steadily.
David was looking quite handsome last night after they removed his neck brace.
Mauricio and Elsa did look cozy, and they didn't drag out putting Juan José and Alejandra back, which is a relief. I wonder if they will do a little bit with Ulises's character.
Speaking of Carlos: Aribeth, thank you for yesterday's recap. I really liked your picture of Carlos chuckling and teasing Bertha about going to prison. That was a nice scene. They have gone from being lovers to confidants, and Carlos seems to want to protect her. He also doesn't seem to mind her spoiled girl ways and can tease her about them. He's way too good for her. He's on the slow road to redemption. But although Bertha keeps hesitating to enter Adolfo's shadowy world, her main concern is not that what Adolfo is doing is wrong, it's that it might land HER in jail or in danger. It's all about HER. She doesn't seem to care that Adolfo is out to hurt her uncle or cousin. Carlos has more concern for the well being of her family members and keeping them safe from Adolfo. I wonder what she would do if Adolfo did something to threaten her sister's safety?
a few parts of conversations and after reading the recap, I viewed
the novela once again to firm up my Spanish - although I usually like to watch the show twice for
the sake of pure captivating entertainment. With regard to Adolfo's state of deterioration, I thought it was portrayed amazingly well with great realism. I'd have to see the episode again to look for shame, but there is no question about the fear. His daily dose of booze is becoming inadequate to quell the anxiety over his mounting problems; however, he pulled himself together with a fair amount of bravado for his upcoming meeting. The glamourous personas of Al Capone and John Gotti died terrible deaths in prison. I won't go into the gory details.
Love it how Fausto/Mario switches
gears in the middle of a hallway -
one moment laboring at a hesitant, semi-invalid pace, and the next
walking vigorously,swiftly, and frantically into the office.
I was thinking Juan José will not be able to make good on his vow to Asunción to bring Caramelo back to live with them as long as Caramelo wants Elsa as her mother.
It's possible Elsa and Asunción might live with Caramelo, but not Juan José.
I can't picture Elsa will ever live with him, regardless of Mauricio -- or Alejandra, which is a whole nuther problem.
Adolfo's shame peaked out when he was going on about how he couldn't help what he was doing.
Like he had no choice; would have liked a choice, but it was his destiny somehow.
I loved the drinking scene with Adolfo and Yolanda. It was good to see that Adolfo does have his moments of insecurity, but I am hanging on the edge of my seat wanting to know what is the horrible secret they share. Are they siblings with an evil gene?? Don't know just guessing.
I don't think Bertha is scared of Adolfo, she is just angry and/or frustrated that her 'money source, Adolfo' might not be around too much longer and she will either have to find a job or suck up again to David to take her back.
The details of Capone's death are
described in the new book "Get Capone." The author was interviewed on NPR in July or August offering vivid depictions.
I cannot tell from what we know of
Adolfo if he would be subject to the same fate. Mostly likely in
these modern times, he would not.
Clue: it was a health issue
involving promiscuity.
Floridia, I was looking them up, and it appears it's a common fallacy Capone died of syphilis. That's odd a biographer would say so. From wiki:
[i]...On January 21, 1947, Capone had a stroke. He regained consciousness and started to improve but contracted pneumonia on January 24. He suffered a fatal cardiac arrest the next day..."[/i]
As stated, I hope we eventually learn why Adolfo and Yolanda are bonded together and why Adolfo is so evil. As mentioned, is it due to criminal DNA or some faulty upbringing?
Oh my, they just keep teasing us with that letter, thinking it may be torn or shredded in some argument between Caramelo and Chicles. I know Caramelo is a child and so proud of learning but Elsa needs to have a talk with her about denigrating others who haven't had an opportunity for education. But I don't think Elsa has actually heard her refer to Asuncion and Chicles as burros for not knowing how to read.
Jeri, I always enjoy your recaps and they are very so helpful tand let me know if I'm I've gotten things right or not. And I, too, usually use the links to improve my comprehension. Thanks and thanks to Aribeth for yesterday's recap (how could they take away Roberto...he had so much more screwing up to do?)
I'm glad Edgar is running away and now is suspect. It was too disconcerting having him lurk around as another potential killer of "Mario."
Sandy, I have been thinking of getting creme de menthe myself after seeing Yolanda always pouring herself one, lol. Can't wait for your report on the taste.
Glad the misunderstanding between JJ and Alex was cleared up and JJ and David are determined to take Adolfo down.
So this letter situation is starting to grate my nerves. When will it be discovered?
Perhaps not for others, but this is a groundbreaking novela for me, we have three couples who, besides having a few bumps in the road, have been together almost the entire time. Not only are our couples together, they are maturing and growing in their relationships; Gabi and David, JJ and Ale, Mauricio and Elsa, and now Leo and Juli. It has been a joy to watch. I didn’t realize how much I disliked the artificial and silly novela misunderstandings that usually keep couples apart for months, I just hope that I haven’t jinxed the situation by mentioning it.
I have to give cyber applause to Julio Aleman for his portrayal of a drunk Adolfo. So many actors over play drunk and make it seem like a bad Saturday Night Live routine. Julio hit just the right tone, tipsy, morose and doubtful. Rather than falling all over the place, he took just one tiny step backwards to demonstrate his inebriation. I’m DYING to know what the big secret between him and Yolanda could be.
The writers have created a unique problem that needs a finessed solution. Limon saved Caramelo and loves her, but the child is currently happy with Elsa. We are a bit divided among ourselves on the JJ, Limon, Elsa and Cara quadrangle. I’m not so much talking about Cara, she’s seems happy, we just need a miracle solution for the adults to be satisfied in “el fin.”
Jeri, thanks for your well tuned recap, my favorite, “Back at Mario's, mystified Édgar is stunned when "Mario" enters the front door in the pink of health.” You described that funny scene well. Aribeth, thanks to you too for yesterday, “*Viewerville: open a brothel*....hilarious!
It's so unbelieveable that Julio played the judge in CS09 and he was the narrator whom I hated so much. Awesome voice, great acting skills, elegance, dignity... He belongs to another world of telenovelas like Enrique Lizalde and the late Ernesto Alonso. Gawd, that man played in Senda prohibida, the first Mexican telenovela ever!
And he reminds me much of Christopher Lee.
It'd be great to watch the 1968 movie version of Corazón salvaje with Angélica María and Julio.
It's amazing how all these characters suffer from such a deplorable lack of curiosity. I remember when my kids were in grade school,I always checked their backpacks. If someone had checked Caramelo's backpack, they would have found the letter.At one time Elsa saw it,opened it but didn't read it.Incredible!!Thanks once again Jeri for all your hard work.
Hanna, I agree with you. I can't imagine someone not going through Caramelo's backpack. My kids always had old homework or permission slips that needed signing or school newsletters in there... along with the half-eaten old hard sandwich and/or black banana... brings back memories... eeewww. (I once found an old sandwich between my son's mattress and box spring. I have no idea how long it had been there but it was flattened like a piece of cardboard and petrified to boot. I think in a past life it had been a PB&J.)
"I'm glad Edgar is running away and now is suspect.
Me too. I didn't like him grabbing the maid's behind. And though he was kind of a cutie he reminded of those guys who use waaayyy to much cologne.
Re: Al Capone,
You are right - according to Wiki -
the immediate cause of Capone's death was cardiac arrest, but earlier in the Wiki article it mentions him as a victim of neuro
syphillis, an infection of brain or
spinal chord which occurs after
years of untreated syphillis.
In the book, "Get Capone," (2010)the author, Jonathan Eig, discusses
his later years at length, and from what I recall from the NPR
interview, his brain, rationality etc. was pretty well shot for several years...a pretty gory story far from the glamorous
gangster image. Perhaps that could
be a telenovela ending - comparable to the burned Barbara
Greco in MEPS or the severely
disfigured Rosendo in STUD.
But I digress.
I agree, the drunk part was just
right - not overplayed.
Another thing about the couples -
Each seems to be paired as follows:
Educated - No Formal Schooling
David - Gabi
Ale - JJ
Leonardo - Julieta
Mauricio - Elsa
Each person can complement the other with different skills.
Thanks to everyone for the great comments and the very kind words. :-)
Aribeth, CS 68 is amazing. Thank you for the link!
Floridia: that's an interesting observation.
My favourite scenes from this episode:
* The conversation between Adolfo and Yolanda. They rock.
* When Elsa grabbed Mauricio's hand. They were cute. I also liked that apparently gay guy, Ulises.
* When Alejandra greeted Juan José with a lame "hi" and then she virtually banged her head against the wall when she realized how stupid she sounded.
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