Thursday, January 27, 2011
La Verdad Oculta #92: Moments of truth

Lucha and Asunción send to the doctor for agonized, treat-stuffed Chicles; while Zaida waits impatiently and fruitlessly at the ice cream parlor for his return with the letter. Across the way, Leonardo, David and Santiago stew over Adolfo's cool reaction; but Leonardo noted something worried in his demeanor.
He encourages them to keep the pressure on, and they will break Adolfo. Back at Juan José's, to avoid his wrath, Lucha feigns a friend got Chicles sick. But privately to Caramelo, Chicles has to admit it was Zaida, while convincing Caramelo to run and meet the woman, since he cannot. However, Caramelo's afraid to go.
Absent this solution, Chicles hides the letter in a narrow crack behind his dresser mirror. Later at Elsa's, Caramelo mystifies her with news a woman wanted to buy Chicles's letter for $1K pesos; but Caramelo can't divulge who, under pain of harm coming to Limón, as Caramelo swore in order to learn Chicles's secret.
Zaida visits Ulises at home; and while he makes tea, she returns Elsa's apartment key to the door rack. She then alarms trustworthy Ulises by handing him her safeguard letter to give to the police in case something happens to her, without elaboration for his own security.
Back at Elsa's, she gets busted trying to surreptitiously sneak an update on Juan José's romantic status, when Caramelo notes Elsa's long face at news he's doing fine in that department. Next morning at Mario's, David relieves Gabriela's frustration that Adolfo slipped their trap with news Leonardo thinks he has personal problems.
Up in Adolfo's condo, he's satisfied two genuine cuff link rings remain in the wall safe -- unbeknown to him that Yolanda switched in the fake to return Carlos a real one. At Juan José's, Chicles tries to fish the now-stuck letter from the mirror crack with a coat hanger, but fails.
Anxious Adolfo arrives outside Yolanda's hospital room and offers Carlos to even fly her to the U.S. if necessary, but Carlos doesn't think it will be. Carlos angers and worries Adolfo admitting he gave the trefoil ring to Leonardo as evidence in a murder; but Carlos ignores him.
Warm and loving Carlos assures troubled Yolanda they're going to put her right and that he doesn't want her ever harming herself again; that they're going to get her therapy for depression. And when he mentions Adolfo seems very concerned and caring, Yolanda weakly urges that Adolfo's not as bad as Carlos thinks.
In Michoacán at Jorge's store, he turns the tables on Dora scolding him for not taking advantage of time now to fulfill a dream of traveling with his granddaughters to theme parks in the U.S. And what is she doing? They two are not getting any younger, and yet she's hiding out and not spending her remaining days with David.
And in Mario's office, David phones Carlos to come meet him at home. Meanwhile, Zaida stakes out Juan José's house, waiting for Chicles, who brings her a bogus letter for her $1K pesos paid. She's furious to learn he lost the blackmail letter -- behind a mirror, he yells, as he escapes her clutches.
Chicles bursting through the front door, Juan José drags out of him he was meeting Zaida to give her a letter; but Juan José only connects Zaida to Garnica and proceeds to expound on the scum bag's whereabouts with Alejandra, who is still ticked off Juan José let Garnica play him for his millions.
Juan José excuses himself as wise in the ways of prison life, but not those of a millionaire; and Mauricio's involvement also assured him. Alejandra understands and sympathizes but insists now Juan José must spill everything to Leonardo; and he reluctantly agrees with a kiss and hug for her affection toward him.
Carlos arrives at Mario's and sincerely commiserates David's crippling accident, noting him in the wheel chair. David wastes no time explaining the origin and significance of Carlos's cuff link ring and Adolfo's guilt in Márta's murder and also Yolanda's in framing "Gabriela's father." Carlos is very upset, but David's convincing.
He continues explaining how Roberto stole back the cuff link and returned it to Adolfo; and as the only evidence, David astonishes Carlos asking him to retrieve it again for them. David mollifies Carlos and gives him pause, surmising Carlos is not like his father and should help make Adolfo pay for all the harm he's done to people.
Édgar phones Adolfo at home to report about the letter, and Adolfo charges him with retrieving it so he can see for himself what it says. At the AFI, Leonardo tells Ramón he doesn't think the two jewel heists are connected, but still wonders what happened to Susana and Garnica; he's thinking they might both be dead.
At Zaida's, Édgar chuckles at Zaida's obvious discomfiture at being played by a pint-sized con artist. More seriously he warns her in case the boy squeals about what she tried to do! Back at the AFI, when Juan José explains the blackmail caper, Leonardo's disgusted with his action-movie mind set.
He could have been killed or kidnapped! Having not yet learned his lesson, Juan José still demurs when asked how he met Garnica, earning Leonardo's penetrating scorn. Zaida visits Adolfo at the condo, explains the white-board fiasco, and Adolfo deduces that the letter the boy found was indeed written by a real witness.
Adolfo offers nervous Zaida to escape to the beach house to lie low. With Zaida noting his heightened anxiety, Adolfo soberly admits he's realizing how much he loves a certain woman, a woman with a very dark connection to him -- the lovely woman who's lying in a hospital bed right now after attempting to take her own life.
And at the hospital, Yolanda's nurse reports to Carlos they had to sedate her, due to panic attacks; despite that, she still seems to be having nightmares. The nurse hopes Carlos can calm her with kind and affectionate words; and as the nurse exits, he leans over to sooth Yolanda.
But instead she disconcerts him with her disturbed murmurs, and he can only anxiously make out some desperate hints of what's deviling her subconscious. What does she mean by "jewels" -- "shoes" -- "Santiago" -- "Márta" -- "Adolfo" -- for God's sake, what is she trying to tell him!
The nurse returns and pulls Carlos away, concerned he's only upsetting the patient more; but just as they're out of ear shot, Yolanda murmurs again. "Baby doll, Carlos -- Márta was your mother!"
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Aribeth, thanks for your recap yesterday. I enjoyed you nick names for Eddie and Z. And it seems you are right about Elsa. She seems to be stuck on JJ. That does seems odd b/c based on this script (your analysis of the TNs this one is based on have been great), she knows that ship never came into the dock. Sigh, I hope gets over JJ and returns to Mau. If I thought Mau could get over her, I'd be setting him up with Mina yesterday.
I hope Yolanda spills more info tomorrow as we already know Marta is Carlos's mom.
Yipee, Zaida didn't get her hands on the letter. This is so much fun. Chicles got the rest of his money before handing over the fake letter to Zaida. Clever boy.
Did anyone else notice that when Chicles was searching behind the mirror for the letter it was actually hanging out down the bottom. Was that bad editing or Chicles didn't notice it.
When Chicles mentioned that Zaida was after a letter, why didn't JJ, Asuncion and Ale's antennae go up at once with that info. Were they all suddently struck dumb.
So, Elsa is still stuck on JJ and was quizing Caramelo about the goings on over at JJ's. Clever little Caramelo, she quessed it was JJ that Elsa was most interested in.
Oh no, Carlos had to leave the room just when Yolanda mentioned that Marta was his mother. Wonder if Carlos will help David against Adolfo.
Thanks so much for the recap. So many close calls- Zaida nearly gets the letter. Carlos nearly learns Marta was his mom.
You have to admire Chicles' hustling abilities. Now he's got 1,050 pesos and two ice creams and cake out of Zaida, and she's got nothing. LOL! I just knew she was going to give Ulises that confession letter. It must mean her storyline is going to get more interesting soon.
I'm glad Ale is there again to help JJ think rationally in the real world outside of prison. Now if only both their brains had been working when Chicles mentioned Zaida was trying to buy a letter from him. If JJ mentions that bit to Leo, I bet he could figure it out. I loved that scolding stare Leo gave JJ at AFI.
The kiddies continue to charm me. They were great in their scenes together and with the adults. They are both being pulled into danger now that Adolfo and Eddie know they have the letter somewhere. I worry for them.
Adolfo really is losing it with Yolanda hospitalized. He was nearly in tears as he spoke about her to Zaida. I think Zaida was in shock seeing him that way.
"surreptitiously sneak", "penetrating scorn", "disconcerts with her disturbed murmurs" and "deviling her subconscious" were great and my favorite was: "he can only anxiously make out some desperate hints of what's deviling her subconscious". Ahh, dear Carlos.
I'm savoring Zaida's continued trouncing by the children she's so masterfully maniopulated. She's come perilously close but the letter (like the famous "one ring to bind them") thankfully appears to have a mind of its own and has evaded "capture" thus far.
Now that Adolfo realizes (too late) what he might have lost if Yolanda passed, is there any possibility he might feel differently about the son he callously dissed and dismissed? I hope not. I feel the only way Carlos can continue to bring his father to justice is if Adolfo continues his abusive treatment. Should Adolfo show a chink in his armor, Carlos might not have the heart to pursue his perpetrator father.
Karen: "I thought Mau could get over her, I'd be setting him up with Mina yesterday". Ditto that!
Ale needs to moderate her tone as she speaks to JJ, she really shows a little too much impatience and anger. I'm a proponent of the flies and honey approach to family conversations.
Adolfo is really upset, more so than I would have ever imagined. That's why Yolanda has been able to talk to him so openly all along. He loves her.
More later.
"When Chicles mentioned that Zaida was after a letter, why didn't JJ, Asuncion and Ale's antennae go up at once with that info.
I wondered that too. Surely they know Zaida was connected to Garnica; wasn't he the one who brought her into the deal? I thought Leo already knew that JJ had been blackmailed. Wasn't there a discussion about the owner of the helicopter?
I wonder if Caramelo will try to play matchmaker between JJ and Elsa now that she knows her Mama is interested.
Wonder Braless got conned by a kid. Too funny.
I'm sorry, Juan José, but eleven years in prison did not make you a dullard. I think we can thank your DNA for that.
It's really for the best that he's not with perennially naive Elsa; thank goodness Alejandra is a little sharper.
I really liked their recent interactions, btw. I feel like Juan José and Alejandra's bond is deepening.
The picture of Adolfo was taken with Zaida when he's confessing the realization of how much he loves Yolanda.
The picture of Yolanda was taken just after Carlos and the nurse left, when she has told him in his absence that Márta is his mother.
Those were the moments of truth...
It appeared to me that both JJ and Ale skipped over the important part of the letter info and went to ZAIDA, the kisser. They let that previous dust up cloud their digestion of the extortion component of it all.
I'm so glad Lucha is strong, Chicles needs a mom like she is and many minutes in time out to keep him safe in the coming years.
Our pinhead hero, J J, will not react to the word" letter" until said letter is placed under his nose. His attention span was about two seconds after he heard the word Zaida and letter and he knows Chicles found the letter in Puertp Vallarta and that Zaida worked with Garnica. Even if there is only a remote chance it's the ransom letter, he should check it out. David and Carlos have shown personal growth but J J? Like I've said I'm waiting for a role for E Y where he is not a hotheaded not too bright galan where he could play someone bright and heroic like Leo.
Adolfo does love Yolanda and we still need to learn why he has been connected to her all these years...another hidden secret.
Only twenty something episodes to go and I am going to miss this wonderful novela even at midnight.
Jeri, your recaps are super and the links so helpful. Your pics show like father, like son in this one instance in their concern and love for Yolanda.
Really, what in the hell would Zaida be wanting with a letter from a kid? Why would she be coming all the way to the house for a letter?
What the dialog in that scene did was not take the focus from the letter for the characters, but rather for the audience!
I think the characters should have thought it was incredible Zaida would be wanting a letter from Chicles.
Gosh, Julio Alemán and Marco Méndez impressed me again.
Karen, Diana and everyone else: thank you for the comments. :)
I really liked their recent interactions, btw. I feel like Juan José and Alejandra's bond is deepening.
I'm completely in Team Alejandra since day one, their relationship works better and better since he realized he was an insecure idiot and she realized she was a cold, pretentious princess. She's the brain, he's the power, and they're pure fun together. I also sense more respect there. And while I also prefer the gentler, wiser way of arguing, JJ's thick head needs her strong words.
Funniest moment:
Ale: You have to tell EVERYTHING to your Dad, I mean, Faidella!
JJ: But Dad, I mean, Faidella will freak out and he'll be all huahuahua-yaddayaddayadda-pffffff!
Yes, like a child.
Something I don't understand:
Ale: How could you trust a guy like Garnica and take him at face value!
JJ: Prison blahblahblah, education blahblahblah... I believed Garnica because he mentioned Mauricio Medina and I was very grateful to him because he introduced you to me and helped me to sell the gold...
Viewerville: If you are so grateful to him then why do you treat him like dirt?
Yeah, we know the answer, it's the triangle from Al final del arco iris, but it's frakking frustrating anyway.
Like I've said I'm waiting for a role for E Y where he is not a hotheaded not too bright galan where he could play someone bright and heroic like Leo.
He usually plays jerks - brilliant and dumb jerks. I think his Yo compro esa mujer character was the most heroic and respectable one (and clever, too). Thanks to Ernesto Alonso. In Guadalupe he played a strong-willed, manipulative, very smart lawyer but he was the jerk of jerks for a very long time. His character changed much and he was very likeable in the second part, but it was hard to forget the first part.
I dunno, maybe Dulce desafío - if I remember well, he was nice there. He was the calm school psychologist and his love interest (Adela Noriega) was the hothead, stubborn rebel with a difficult personality.
Next episode: OMGWTFBBQ.
So now the letter is stuck in the slint of the mirror. Goodness gracious. Now Adolfo has put his henchman Eddie on retrieving it.
Loved how Leo gave JJ that stern look when he sheepishly admitted for falling for Garnica's blackmail scheme.
Carlos is coming more and more into the good side. I hope the next time he talks to Yolanda, she'll repeat what she said about Marta being his mother.
Adolfo truly loves Yolanda. Who would've thunk it.
When Elsa finds out that JJ and Alex are now engaged me thinks she won't be too happy about it since she's still hopelessly in love with our favorite lumphead.
It's just one person's word that he found the cuff link in a dead woman's hand. And that person is dead.
Yolanda would have to testify against Adolfo -- and even she is not an eye witness. There was none.
I am not seeing any evidence to pin any murders on Adolfo so far. So fill me in if you think there is.
I mean, Adolfo is a guilty man; but really what can they pin on him? No wonder Leonardo is cranky. He couldn't pin his wife's murder on him either.
ITA on all about the adults not getting the Chicles/Dora letter link.
Now that Zaida knows the letter is behind a mirror, I guess she's going to find a way to snoop in the house. Zaida works for dangerous men, but I'm wondering who/why someone will off her. She's doing Adolfo's bidding, so I guess it won't be by his orders. Dante doesn't seem to have a problem with her now.
Dante is ruthless of course, but the way he was treating Elsa (asking whether she'd get back with Mauricio, etc.) was really kind of cute. He seemed like a kind-heartened boss who cares about his staff, and he has a lovely smile. Its probably going to be chilling when he reveals his true nature.
Its ironic Elsa asks Caramelo about JJ just as JJ and Ale are closer than ever. I can't help but wonder if Elsa thinks/dreams/misses Mauricio at all.
The one isn't getting them anywhere -- why would the other? They're just trying to rattle him?
Leonardo said to keep the pressure on and he'll crack, but the only thing going to make him crack at this point is Yolanda.
I really don't know how Leonardo noticed Adolfo has personal problems; it wasn't apparent. He found the diamonds in the butter the same way -- psychic cop.
Niecie, I'm thinking Dante was just checking Elsa's personal life to see how isolated she might be. Having no boyfriend around is probably better than a fiancé or husband.
Gracias por todo: the fabulous recap,emphatic title, pictures, and the links. You are indeed a wordsmith....too many wonderful
phrases to mention.
Here are some stark contrasts:
Instant intuitiveness - 1) Carlos tried to lie to Adolfo about the ring, but Adolfo knew instantly that he was lying.
2)Faidella instantly attributed part of Adolfo's reaction to personal problems and encouraged the others not to give up
These quick reactions have kept up the fast pace of the novela and placed it in the category of a great thriller ......
While all of the delays in regard
to the letter - especially the recent episodes with Zaida's involvement make the characters seem like dunces and for me likens
the novela to so many of the others with all of the foolish misunderstandings and miscommunications. It's one thing to have the letter pass from place to place as has been going on, but
to have so many characters miss the clues about the letter weakens the thread. Persistent Gabi would have done better with this.
Am I correct in thinking that Elsa does not know of the existence of this letter? She was out of the loop for a long time.
Favorite moments - when Ulises
said he would hang up a shingle
and be available in his office 24 hours a day to counsel his friends.
when Caramelo gave Elsa her knowing look about JJ
when Adolfo admitted his love for beautiful Yolanda
when Leo chastised JJ for acting as if he were in a novela
Annoying moments - whenever la buscona emits her nervous laugh;
I also thought she was overacting
(apparently director's decision) when she returned the key, jerkily looking around; Édgar was far smoother.
Realistic portrayal - David's gradual recovery. A year ago, my brother had surgery for a non malignant tumor on spine. He went from immobility in a wheelchair to a walker to a cane. I noted with interest that David now has the assistance of a cane. I like the
way the directors do not rush the
recovery period. Yolanda is also
gradually coming back to life.
Vivi, like Xlnt, I thought that JJ had told Leo all that was needed
with regard to Garnica. You and your colleagues are the masters
of plot details.
For the experts,why is it important for David to
remain an invalid at this point?
Why not robustly grab the reins
of the firm and oust Adolfo?
Jeri, I have been thinking the same thing about the cufflink.
That is not ironclad proof that
Adolfo murdered Marta. Adolfo was often in her dressing room; that cufflink could have been there for a while. Hypothetically, Marta could have found it and been intending to return it to A. when she was murdered by him.
Floridia, you're exactly right, IMO: the letter subplot is just the kind of dumbnation that goes on in lesser telenovelas.
Luckily we've had little of that; but I have been really annoyed at this subplot. In the first place, I find it hard to swallow Caramelo would be so fixated on any letter.
Then it makes the rounds ad nauseum in harrowing style like keystone cops. Personally, I have not been on the edge of my seat. :-/
For a minute I had a freezing feeling that I might have misunderstood and wrongly translated a scene but I just rewatched episode 78. In that episode JJ told Leonardo almost everything. JJ told Leo Garnica stole 10 millios from JJ. Then he asked how could he be so sure about that the blackmailer was Garnica. Answer: because the second time he used a hidden camera and he identified his helicopter.
So. What the hell was this fuss about? Leo knew about the blackmail. Knew about the video camera. In episode 92 he learned only one new information: the paper-in-the-backpack operation. He didn't freak out when JJ told him he hid a camera - though it was a very dangerous act -, but he freaked out when JJ told him he didn't give 10 millions to the blackmailer again, on the contrary, he fooled him?
My aim is to always figure out the point of a scene, what's new that advances the story.
But the only thing I can think of there is that they wanted to remind the viewers what happened.
Usually they do that without commiting ploticide, though.
This would be the first time when Leo overreacts something.
- He said JJ could've had been killed or kidnapped when he'd given the papers to the blackmailers. And what about the first time, when he gave money? He could've been hurt that time, too. Blackmailers rarely ask for bank transfers, the transaction must've been personal. However, Leo didn't get angry when he heard about the blackmail.
- And what did he think, how on Earth did JJ get a video tape of the helicopter? He asked Garnica to send him a video on youtube? Of course not, he must've played James Bond. Leo didn't have problem with that, either.
Even if this Leo-blackmail thing was a mistake indeed, in comparison to other telenovelas, LVO doesn't have many plot holes and stupid storylines. Fortunately. Elsa/JJ/Mau and that damned letter are the weak links here.
On the importance of the cufflink, it was in dead Marta's hand as if in a struggle as we know. Marta had already confronted Adolfo on the early jewelry shenanigans, she was in his cross hairs. I think it is the combination of this confrontation and his cufflink in her hand that makes Adolfo look guilty. The slightly missing link is the evidence trail (from NCIS) between Marta/Mario/Fausto/Roberto/bad guy/ Adolfo/Yolanda/Carlos/David. Leo needs to handle this more difficult part of the investigation for us!!
Children dragging a letter around is a stretch, but due to this clumsy plot device, we've gotten to know two cute niños and have had lots of chuckles!
So many good points made today, it is impossible to point each out!!
Sandy, I am addicted to NCIS. I watch all they run on three channels. The entire cast is adorable.
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