Friday, January 21, 2011

La Verdad Oculta EP88 01/20/2011 – Hell hath no fury like foster parents fighting for custody

*Elsa tells Ulises she broke up with Mauricio and also quit her job, therefore she’ll have to find another flat. But don’t worry, mi reina, Mau paid the rent for 6 months in advance. As for the new job, Zaida has connections and Ulises will ask her to help. Anyway, he’s sure one day Elsa and Mauricio will get together again. No, says Elsa, she likes him very much but she isn’t in love with him, and she can’t play with his heart. But Ulises, who’s the founder of the Mau Fan Club, gives her a some love advices. Outside he meets Zaida and Édgar, who apologizes for his horrible behaviour. He thought he was harassing Zaida and his job is to defend her, that’s why he hit him. Sorry, sorry, sorry. All right, all right, Ulises forgives him because he likes Zaida so much.

* At JJ’s Elsa shows up to take Caramelo home. Asunción pulls a beaten dog again: but it’s too early, Señorita Elsa! However, now that she has no job she has more time to spend with the girl. Naturally Asunción may meet Cara anytime… at her flat. But he doesn’t want to bother her or the architect… No, don’t worry, she and Mauricio are over. In Michoacan Dora and her dearest old friend Jorge talk about her fears and hopes. She couldn’t put the members of the Stupendous Six and their families into lethal danger, that’s why she left. She thanks to Jorge for treating her so kindly.

* While David and Gaby are walking (!) in the sunny garden of the Genovés villa, they’re talking about their favourite villano, Adolfo. Although Dolphie tried to hurt them, all he’s achieved is to make David braver and more determined. Gaby is content because finally she realized David truly loved her and she’s already forgiven for the fake marriage. However, David’s very worried about his poor mother who is alone in the world without a penny; hopefully Leonardo will find her soon.

*At the bazaar Chicles falls in love with a cute party mask, a giant nose with glasses and a moustache, but it costs 30 pesos. Lucha doesn’t give him money and she doesn’t let Asunción buy the mask either. The kid has to learn he can’t get everything he wants. Bertha visits Carlos to say goodbye, she’s going to have vacation by the sea. With Adolfo? No, with Jimena. When Carlos learns his father gave an apartment to Bertha his brain explodes. Bertha objects to his tone: she never slept with Adolfo and he always treated her very well! Carlos tries to make his stupid lover realize Adolfo doesn’t give gifts out of charity and she’ll have serious problems with him later, but she’s a stubborn little mule.

* When Juan José arrives at home he finds a very depressed Limón *Viewerville: baby, seems like everywhere I go I see you…*, who tells him Elsa took the kid. JJ swears he won’t swallow that insult, Caramelo is theirs and he’s going to speak with Elsa right now! *Viewerville: baby, I swear it’s déjà vu* Twenty minutes later the hell breaks loose at Elsa’s. Why did she come for the kid so early? Because she had every right to do that and she wanted Caramelo to be with her. Oh really? He and Asunción also have every right to be with her and he will pick up Caramelo every day. No, she doesn’t want JJ to come to her flat. And why not? Because I don’t like it, says a voice behind JuanJo. Hi, Mauricio. The guys continue the peacock fight outside the flat, and in the meantime Elsa tries to calm upset Caramelo down.

Get the hell out of here! - You don’t tell me what I can’t do! - If you keep harassing Elsa you may get back to the prison! - I don’t care for Elsa, I want to see Caramelo! - I’m going to break the contract, because I’m fed up with you, JuanJo! - You can’t! And by the way, who was the one who introduced me to that blackmailer Garnica? - How dare you assume that of me! – Oh really?!
Ulises and Elsa join the Fight Club which leads to more insults and shouts. Finally Juan José and his loud voice leave but he’s determined to pick up the girl next day. Poor Ulises doesn’t understand what happened to people lately, this calm house is filled with violent men… Though they are very handsome… Back in the flat Mauricio says Elsa’s problem would be solved easily if she married him. Anyway, she’d better spend a few days in his condo; therefore JJ won’t be able to harass her and Caramelo anymore. But no, Elsa wants to stay. After Mauricio leaves the girl collapses and Ulises tries to comfort her. I smell a new friendship.

* Fausto is worried about David’s plan, it’d be a disaster if Adolfo found out he can walk again. Yes, but they have to do something. He only wants to confuse Adolfo and force him to commit an error. Fausto says at first he found David’s plan of playing Q frightening but lately a stunning idea has come to his mind… David should transform into another person! What? At first David finds the idea embarrassing, he isn’t FaustiMario, he can’t play someone else… But eventually Fausto’s enthusiasm convinces him.

*Valentín gives back the content of the safe to Sevilla. But where’s the letter? Oh no, it’s surely in the ocean with Garnica. Never mind. Sevilla thinks he can use the content of the letter anyway, it won’t be hard to scam that naïve Victoria, and if Valentín behaves well he’ll be given another opportunity.

*In Zaida’s apartment Ulises flirts and chats with Psycho Eddie, who’s suddenly very friendly and humble. Their bromance is interrupted by nervous Zaida, from whom Ulises asks a favor: that lovely girl from the next door has just broken up with Mauricio and needs a job. Zaida says she’ll try to help her, but hey, what happened between her and the architect? Ulises doesn’t know, but it may have something to do with the hunk with whom Mau had a fight a few hours ago.

* David and Gaby are woken up by the phone call from his upset secretary who has to bear Adolfo’s presence in his office. David tries to tell Gaby about his great plan and her future leadership of the hotel chain but she doesn’t want to listen to him. Oh, mi amor, you’re crazy, I don’t want to do that!

* Zaida shows up at Garnica’s office to ask him a favor. *Viewerville: Zaida, we beg you for a favor. Please buy a bra.* There’s a girl who needs a job. Is she a tigress like Zaida, jokes Sevilla. Zaida feigns ignorance, she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But Elsa doesn’t seem to be a very intelligent girl, she’s rather naïve. Well, then she could serve Sevilla well. Ewww.

*At JJ’s Chicles tells Caramelo he has got a letter… the letter she wants so much, but it costs 30 pesos. Caramelo asks JJ for money who gives 30-30 pesos to both kid. Now Caramelo can buy her favourite letter that she puts it into her backpack. *Viewerville: scream and scratch the wall*

* After learning that David can walk again and the Genovés men have another mysterious plan, ruminating Alejandra confesses to Gaby she broke up with Juan José. Gaby feels very bad for telling David about the kiss but Ale assures her it wasn’t Gaby’s fault but JJ’s. Actually, she’s grateful for Gabriela. In the meantime the Mini Goon of the Victoria household buys the cool mask which makes poor Lucha very angry at him, but JJ convinces her to let the boy keep it. The family plans to go to the cinema.

* Guess who shows up at the Genovés villa? The Guy With Real Moustache who’d like to talk with David privately. Qué the hell? David sits back to his wheelchair and asks Carlos if he came to help his pig of a father to steal their company. Believe or not, Carlos came to give him something that may help him. He puts the ring on the table and leaves without a word. Cool.

Viewerville: Mau in a kayak.



LOL Aribeth; thanks!

Here are the You Tube links for Episode 88:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

I'm tired of this custody battle. Everyone is right and everyone is wrong.
1. JJ. Of course Elsa has no right to take the kid away from you, but you overracted the situation. And why do you act like an ogre every time you see Mauricio? You were rude.
2. Elsa, I know you just wish to distance yourself from JJ and you don't want to take Cara away from Asunción, but if you have the child you'll have JJ, too, like it or not. You acted like a bitter, vengeful ex-wife. "The kid is mine and your parental right are over!"
3. Mauricio, you're a gentleman, but this time you can't help Elsa. She has to fight this battle with herself and with JJ on her own. You just made things more complicated.
4. Asunción, you manipulated JJ again. Elsa told you you can see Caramelo whenever you want but this time she'd like to spend some time with her.

And I could hit those four pretentious faces with a frying pan.


I have a feeling Ulises is going to be my favourite character. :) I find him cute.

Oh, and how adorable were Caramelo's scenes. She's a talented kid.

I love your rundown of the rights and wrongs of the folks in this custody triangle last night. I was most mad at Asuncion for stirring up JJ and making a tempest in a teapot. But I was less hard on Mau. JJ needs to learn he can't go around bullying people, and he is awful about bullying Elsa. Yes, she needs to figure out a way to fight JJ fairly and on even footing. But I would have been mad at Mau if he just stood around and let someone shout down the woman he loves, even if they aren't in a relationship any more. No way. And he told JJ it was none of his business what the status of his relationship with Elsa is. Neither one of them is asking about the status of his relationship with Ale.

I cracked up at Ulises lamenting all these handsome men entering the building who turn out to be brutes.

I am starting to think more and more that JJ and Limon need parenting classes. They act like big kids, instead of adults/parents- like really fun, loving older brothers, who have lots of money. They spoil the kids and give in to their every whim. That might be fine now, but just think what Caramelo will be like as a teenager if this kind of parenting style keeps up. I kept seeing visions of the Fernanda character in Triunfo del Amor. Yikes! Elsa (and Lucha) is better about setting bounderies and rules.

THE LETTER continues to roam!

Good morning. :-) Still need to watch the episode yet.

I was thinking yesterday (though I don't like to disparage the galans normally and ruin things for people who like them) that one reason Mauricio has been patient with Juan José -- besides the fact Mauricio is a good person -- is that Juan José is a child.

To me his character is not sexy, despite being in a man's body. And never mind Asunción; I think everybody knows I think he's a child. In fact, these two may be an insult to children everywhere.

P.S. It's minus 8 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 22 Celsius) here this morning.

Oh, poor Elsa...!!! What kind of problems will she have if she gets a job with Zaida's help???
she will be going from the frying pan into the fire!!!

I love the way she handled Cara when JJ and Mau were arguing.

And that little he manuevered that deal with Cara. He even tried to get the man in the store to come down on his
price!!! It's a good thing Lucha tries to control him. He could end up as a henchman for someone like Adolfo.

Anxiously awaiting your recap, Aribeth and thanks Jeri ffor the links.


Oh, poor Elsa...!!! What kind of problems will she have if she gets a job with Zaida's help???
she will be going from the frying pan into the fire!!!

I love the way she handled Cara when JJ and Mau were arguing.

And that little he manuevered that deal with Cara. He even tried to get the man in the store to come down on his
price!!! It's a good thing Lucha tries to control him. He could end up as a henchman for someone like Adolfo.

Anxiously awaiting your recap, Aribeth and thanks Jeri ffor the links.


Aribeth! I just had do drop in to tell you how cool you are. I love Tangled. Lol


I was just getting ready to post and saw that you had popped in! How are you? I wish you were here, but know you are on Triunfo.

Aribeth, I agree; Ulises is a breath of fresh air although his eyeyelash maneuvers remind me of the doily moves of Benita in STUD.

Vivi, JJ and Asuncion need a great
deal more by way of education: parenting skills along with the critical thinking and much much more.

Jeri, you are exactly right; JJ is a child. He never matured in prison...just busy making furniture and watching his back.

Oh Ariberth. You made me laugh out loud at your terrific pictures! Gracias. I also think Caramelo is adorable and Chicles has stolen my heart (in addition to everything else he's filched :)

The custody battle (good hearted people with basically honorable intentions) has degenerated into an accusatory, thoughless, sometimes heartless battle between (rather than for)children.

The comments today are already great. Vivi, "JJ and Limon...act like big kids, instead of adults/parents- like really fun, loving older brothers, who have lots of money". Exactly the kind of sibs you'd love to have!

Jeri, you are spot on in your assessment of Juan. A petulant child indeed. I thought I'd be relishing every scene he's in. Now, I keep thinking "when is Gabe coming on??) ;) Also, you have my sympathies about the weather. I drove through another storm to get to work today (fool that I am). This weather has been the pitts.

Ann, "He could end up as a henchman for someone like Adolfo" was great.

Can't wait to read the recap.


Thank you very much, Cielo! :) Tangled is the greatest thing Disney created since The Emperor's New Groove.

Guys, I'm going to start a club called "I like JJ and Bertha". :) In prison he was the one who never got into trouble (while his best friend was a real pain in the ass), so there must be some brain inside that huge skull.
But his household definitely needs a woman who doesn't let him and Asunción spoil the children.
And he wasn't shouting at Elsa when Mauricio arrived.

As for Bertha, I'm sure she'll get her punishment for fraternizing with the devil but I really hope she'll end up on the light side of the force - like Carlos, who's getting a little bit closer to redemption every day. I liked when he told Berthita that everything he worked for the money he spends and the only thing he ever got from his father was that ring.

(minus 22 Celsius) here this morning
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! You have my sympathies, too.

I do like JJ. But I think he has a lot of growing to do. David has grown by leaps and bounds since the beginning of this tn, and JJ takes small steps, but then regresses to cave man stage.

I won't so far as to say I like Bertha, but I don't hate her. :)

True, he wasn't shouting when Mau arrived but he was bullying her. I was running a meeting last night and a disagreement broke out between a guy and a woman. The woman was standing and arguing her case. The guy was sitting. As soon as the guy stood up, the dynamic changed. There was no yelling, but I could see how he used his height and size to intimidate the woman (not on purpose). I was sitting down and politely told the guy to sit down because I could see how uncomfortable it was making the woman. When JJ last saw Ale in her office and tried to smooth things over, what did he first do? He sat down. He did not loom over her. Men learn at an early age how to use their height and presence to intimidate. A big guy like JJ knows how that affects people. He was trying to intimidate Mau with his size too. When Mau didn't back down he turned to yelling at him. The whole thing from beginning to end was JJ playing the big man and trying to intimidate everyone to go along with his wishes.

BarbaraM loved your comment from yesterday. " Elsa did not commit her heart to Mauricio and always compared him (silently) to JJ." More than anyone that I have seen, Elsa built a castle of hope from a little shack of a kiss and a hand squeeze. Everyone of us has had to walk a friend  or even ourselves through disappointment, but never from so little a relationship.  Is Elsa just a victim of depression, or is she completely unable to move on from a complete nothing of a romance.  Do you notice how seldom she is joyus or even simply happy.  She gets top marks for being a great "mom" to Caramelo, but she needs to shake herself from her permanent sad sack mood. 

Great comments today, impossible to quote everyone.    

There are lots of JJs in the world, people, a lot of them men, who over react to  situations,  so they get to live their lives in blessed peace, no one tells them about problems for fear of their reaction.  Those of us who have a reasoned mild problem solving response to things get to handle all the bad situations at the office or other places! Ha!  

Just saw the ep, and I was gratified to see Mauricio is not done with Elsa. It ended so abruptly yesterday, I kind of thought he'd be back.

Elsa should take Ulises advice and stick with him even though she does not love Mauricio. She's going to need backup if she goes to work for blackguard Dante.

Floridia, I liked Juan José in prison better. His priorities were clearer there, and he seemed wiser. Also, he soared in comparison to the mentally deficient rabble around him.

OT Diana, we don't have much snow; it's very sunny like it usually is when it gets really cold: a clear sky open to the vacuum of space is necessary to suck in Canadian air.

You should have seen black sky, the stars and the full moon on the snow last night. Literally heavenly.

But at least we do have snow and everything is white and covered so all the plants won't die, like when it's frigid without snow cover. That's tough on everything.

I keep a big heated water bowl on the porch for all the critters, and there are paw prints all around it.

Plus I keep a bowl of kibbles for anybody, and they are disappearing. They need the carbs and fat in this weather; I always put out kitten formula, which has the most calories.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled discussion. :-)

P.S. Oh, gawd! Wasn't that hilarious -- cute Ulises going from doubled over to sweet talking Édgar. And Édgar didn't seem to mind.

Has anyone on this blog ever met a guy who has EVERYTHING going on like Mauricio?  Of course, it goes without saying that all husbands and boyfriends of  LVO viewers are perfect in every way (ahem!) but ole Mau takes perfect to newer level!  Wow!

P.S. Mau is kind to Ulises too!  

Doctorcito in CS! :))

Which CS? I only watched the one with Eduardo Paloma! 

His imperfection is loving Elsa, a woman who doesn't love him back. But at least he's proactive about it and doesn't sit around pouting.

Oh, sorry, I wasn't specific enough. Doctor Pablo Miranda was a side character in the 2009 version and everyone liked him, even the haters of the show. He was wise, loyal, kind, caring and intelligent, and he converted one of the biggest scheming bitches of the show into a purring kitten. Alejandro Ávila played him.

"His imperfection is loving Elsa, a woman who doesn't love him back. But at least he's proactive about it and doesn't sit around pouting.". Yes Vivi!

One thing that has me worried is that Elsa never slept with Mau. If she had, I would imagine that she would have ended up with him. Since she hasn't, that might mean that they'll put her with JJ eventually. We all know the wierd  novela sleeping rules!

Aribeth, after watching EP, it was impossible to convert to EY in that later CS role.   

Ready, I sent the recap to our dear Jeri.

Sandy, EP was adorable in the 1993 version, but since I have some problems with that telenovela (therefore for me it's far from perfection) and I like CBA's story much I try to watch every single version of it. CS93 - check, CS09 - check, CS68 - check. :) Moreover Chava Mejía decided to mix it with my favourite costume telenovela (Yo compro esa mujer), so there was no power on Earth that could've kept me from watching his mutant version. :) By the time he chose EY I was already interested. It was a stupid choice but I won't lie, I loved him in CS.

Ok, recap is posted; thank you, Aribeth!

EY's hair do was enough to avoid his version of CS! To each his own. I think you know more than I do on the topic of CS, I'm just not a fan of EY's work in general.

"Mau in a kayak." LOL! :)

Thank you, Jeri!

Sandy: I can feel with you, that hair was an insult. When I saw the first promo picture (big guy in a dark suit, with long hair and a pale face) I almost got a heart attack, he looked like the lovechild of a zombie gorilla and a vampire.

Vivi: I couldn't resist, I love that TDA recappers always mention that moment. :)

P.S. It's the middle of the afternoon here, and I just check the airport temp:

1.9 F (-16.7 C)

This sux!

Fantastic recap Aribeth!

Yes, Zaida needs a bra or a boob job. Cover the girls up, and/or give them some support!

Great funny pic of Chicles in his Groucho Marx mask. Even Lucha couldn't resist laughing. When these two kids get an idea into their heads, there's no stopping them from getting it. Caramelo and her obsession with all things reading/writing related; Chicles and his obsession first with Garnica's case, and now with Fausto's disguise.

David walking in the garden in his undies. Woohoo! And David trying to rouse Gabi from bed by burrowing under the covers with her...somehow I don't think they got out of bed right away after that. :)

Ulises is sweet, but ay yay yay...Elsa has now fallen into the clutches of Dante due to his good deed. Interesting that both Elsa and JJ were described to/by Dante in the same way- dumb and naive.

Aribeth, "he looked like the lovechild of a zombie gorilla and a vampire," while a bit understated, still a good description !!!!!! 

Jeri, winter sucks. Gimme a place like Hawaii.

Wasn't that hilarious -- cute Ulises going from doubled over to sweet talking Édgar.

Siiiii, Ulises likes Eddie's handsome face and badboy aura. And Édgar knows how to charm people.

Loveliest moment of the episode: Gaby and David in the bed! They are so adorable and realistic.

If I was Lucha I would've gone mad already, Chicles is a walking time bomb. Ann's description ("henchman for someone like Adolfo") is perfect.
But I can imagine him and Caramelo together 12 years later. She could kick his ass easily. :)

He was trying to intimidate Mau with his size too.

Yeah, I found that hilarious. He doesn't have enough wits to fight against Mau so he tried to use his presence, and as usual he insulted and accused him with delight. When I watched that scene I thought "guys, just put your package on the table and measure them already, mmmkay?"
But hey, he didn't use his physical advantages against Elsa.

Interesting that both Elsa and JJ were described to/by Dante in the same way- dumb and naive.

Elsa is more intelligent than JJ but she's also more naive. Salomón, Carlos, Roberto, the lawyer... Hopefully the guys will save her from Sevilla.

Excellent recap Aribeth. I blame whiney Asunción for the lastest blow up between JJ and Elsa. I was certain that JJ and Mau would come to blows.

I fear Elsa is about to go in over her head with Zaida mixing her up with Sevilla.

Now the letter is with Caramelo again. I'm afraid that letter will be found by someone with nefarious plans. Zaida maybe? Or possibly Ulises. No spoiler just speculating.

no one tells them about problems for fear of their reaction

That's my dad. :) He's hundred times more intelligent and wiser than JJ, and he's a nice guy, but he also likes to overreact problems. I prefer solve them on my own. Btw, he's an architect. :)

Do you notice how seldom she is joyus or even simply happy.

Our own Bella Swan. But since I understood why she's written that way my contempt has gone. Mostly. I just feel sorry for her because her and JJ's characters had been seriously frakked up by the writers.

I warn you all, this will be long and boring.

Part. 1.

Here's my theory - the same I mentioned two (?) days ago: Juan José, Elsa and Mauricio are remnants of a previous telenovela, Al final del arco iris. JJ & Elsa were the protagonists and Mauricio was the loyal admirer and helpmate of the heroine, the perfect guy, the counterbalance of the flawed protagonist. It's an archetypical role of telenovelas, and these guys usually don't have layered personalities. They just exist and love the girl until she dumps them for the protagonist who dumped her ten times before.

When the writer of LVO started to mix the story of El camino secreto and Arco iris they kept the JJ-Mau-Elsa triangle which was a HUGE mistake because in the meantime they changed JJ's goals. He and Elsa are just friends, only friends and his archetypical one true love is the Proud Rich Princess. JJ commited errors, and most of them are forgivable, but his behaviour towards Elsa and Mauricio is awful and unacceptable. And how could this happen?

I'm sure JJ 1.00 did exactly the same in Arco iris, he was bickering with Elsa and couldn't stand Mauricio. But at least he had a serious motive: he was in love with his best friend and he was dying of jealousy. David was in the same shoes for a very long time, that's why he acted like a jerk.
But JJ 2.00 doesn't love Elsa, he belongs to Alejandra. Yet he wanted Elsa to dump Mauricio, to be a nun, to be loyal to him, but of course in the meantime he can sleep with Ale... It's madness. And it's mean because he couldn't "compensate" Elsa for the bad moments with his love.

And Elsa 2.00? She did exactly what a heroine would've done: she tried to start a new life, she let JJ go, she found a man who loved her so much, she had a new job, she became a confident woman, she adopted the child who was meant to be her and JJ's daughter in the previous version... But she can't forget JJ. And it's madness, too, because they never had a romance and JJ told her and other characters fifty times he loved her as a friend or as a sister. At least in Arco iris she and JJ 1.00 wanted to get married in the middle of the novela but they got separated.
She's a secondary character with slight screen time, she didn't get enough opportunities to show her vivid, interesting heroine side - we just see the depressed, serious, mostly humourless and boring side of a sad heroine.

Part 2.

So what do we have? Two characters who are the shadows of the original ones.
JJ does change positively - he accepted Alejandra's past (I'm sure he'll swallow the Roberto part, too), and after his rich golden boy phase he does his best to become a responsable hotel owner. He isn't the brightest candle of the Christmas tree, but he can learn. But when it comes to Elsa and Mauricio he acts like a complete ass - because of the script kept the triangle.

And Elsa? Instead of creating a character like Mina who has a strong, vivid spirit and who's very intersting despite of having 15 lines in the last 90 episodes, we get a mosca muerta (dead fly) who's doomed to play the watered down version of a protagonist who's pining after JJ. If she was a heroine I'd say it's okay but since most likely she'll never get JJ (sorry, but that's my opinion), she should have an own life and an own storyline, for God's sake.

And Mau? As I said before, he's the Second Guy. He's unrealistically perfect and that's not a compliment. He's a sketch but he's much more interesting and he deserves better than being the protagonist's rival who's only purpose is to defend Elsita and to be JJ's contrast. Especially because he's just a secondary character, too. He isn't Renato Vidal Montes de Loca. He is Doctorcito.

When he and Elsa met I had high hopes that they'd become a great couple but their relationship is disappointing. Why? Because despite the beautiful moments they shared it's the cheap retail version of an already pointless romance, aka the perfect-yet-dead relationship of a protagonist and a second guy. She has feelings for JJ and they script always makes them clash with him. They aren't like Julieta and Leonardo who built up a relationship without involving their previous love interests.

Ya basta. I think these characters and their relationships are still redeemable, but the scriptwriter has a long to do list:
1. JJ and Mauricio get to know each other.
2. JJ doesn't act like Elsa's ex husband.
3. Elsa doesn't act like JJ's ex wife.
4. JJ grows a brain or at least learns to respect Mau who could become his friend.
5. Elsa grows a lighter, more vivid personality.
6. Elsa and Mauricio make up, get together again and start a normal, realistic, less cheesy and more layered relationship.
7. They share the custody of Caramelo.
Come on, kids, you have 32 episodes.

But if it doesn't happen, I don't mind it. Since this whole sitation is a deep flaw of an otherwise great script, I decided to not to care about it. I enjoy the sane, normal scenes of JJ and Elsa and don't care about the ones where they act like bipolar trainwrecks.

Aribeth, great recap as usual;
loved the photos especially of Chicles!

I am a very shallow person who will be incurring the wrath of many Mauricio fans. I realize that he manifests wonderful qualities - all that an excellent husband should possess, but sorry, his looks just don't turn me on. I find him to be very bland in manner and looks; however, last night, he demonstrated passion when dueling with JJ, so at that moment I found him more appealing.
I'm sure that you've all known someone who broke up with someone and referred to that person as a "very good person." When Elsa told Mauricio those very words
that same night when he advised her to distance herself from Limón
and JJ, I sensed that all was not
well. That very good person could not capture her heart. In this novela, my heart belongs to David with his looks, passion, and brains. I am totally intrigued by the Fausto/Mario proposition. FM could barely contain himself with the idea of his ingenious plan.

Sandy, I agree that Elsa does not often appear happy, but I do believe she feels a sense of great pleasure when she is with Caramelo in spite of the tension surrounding that scenario.
She seems fulfilled in her role as a mother.

The letter is disintegrating.

I find him to be very bland in manner and looks

I find his looks great and very appealing, but his manners? Yawn.
And not because he isn't a bad boy. It's because most of the time he is painfully perfect and one-dimensional.

Aribeth- Great analysis of why the JJ/Elsa/Mau triangle is so vexing--leftover, misplaced angst from Arco de Iris! Well, I hope the writers find a way to settle it all by the end.

Aribeth, I am LOL at the pics especially the one with the frying pan (except I'd like a larger frying pan), the whole recap and the final line "Mau in a kayak." The comments are humorous and insightful as well. Don't have much to add except the friggin' letter, J J, Chicles and Zaida's flat saggy chest will soon drive me bonkers. Onward with the high tech meeting, please.

Aribeth, I loved C S as well, flaws and all.

I thought I was the only person who was crazy about "The Emperor's New Groove," which to me is the funniest and coolest of Disney's animations as well. I will now make sure I catch "Tangled."

Jeri, thanks for the links.


Aribeth thank you for the recap. Loved it and I also loved the pictures.

Count me in as another fan of the "Emperor's New Groove". I've watched that film so many times and Yzma is my favorite disney villain ever!



Haa, haa, put in a box and then another box....and then smash it with a hammer. Jarocha, you speak English so well, do you also speak SQUIRREL? (Also from "The Emperor's New Groove." Okay, that's enough, I'll stop.)


I wish I could GinCA. Kronk has me beaten there.


Aribeth: I just got to read your wonderful, entertaining recap. Loved the pictures. You are the best! Hard to pick my favorites but a few were: "Stupendous six", "David’s plan of playing Q" and lastly, "*Viewerville: Zaida, we beg you for a favor. Please buy a bra.*" Excellent!

The squabbling and screeching among the adults is getting completely out of hand. I hope cooler heads prevail so we can get back to the romance and intrigues.

Why DOES Ulises like Zaida so much?? What does he see that we don't. ;)

Thanks again Aribeth.


Thank you, Diana! :)

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