Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Llena de Amor #101 (Mex. 106) Wed 1/5/11 Surly Girls 'R Us
First, a replay of last night's passionate kiss.

Yes, Emanuel taunts Vicky until she loses control and grabs him herself for some heavy duty lip massage. Looked pretty hot to me, but he dismisses it as "iceberg" kisses and reminds her he's a married man and will not permit himself to be sexually assaulted like that again. So control yourself Vicky! She gnashes her teeth in fury and frustration after he leaves. Well played, Eman!
And yeah, speaking of sex, we find ourselves at the boarding house where a shocked Ilitia learns that the little demon Christian is actually her half brother. Muñeca wonders why the shock though. It's not as if it's the first time. Ilitia resents Mom exposing her private life. But Brandon points out that everybody in the boarding house knew about it anyway. He and his mom were the witnesses when Begoña went to have Christian's birth registered.
And the scene switches to the man himself. Lorenzo, looking much the worse for wear, is knocking back the drinks and remembering Begoña's taunts about him losing the love and respect of his wife and daughter when they find out.

And assuring him he will never have the love of his own son either. He's so deep in his cups and bitter memories, he sees Begoña's face in place of a puzzled Flor who has come to see how he is. But he comforts himself with the bromide that Begoña's death was her own fault. Why couldn't she have been nicer about everything?
Vicky goes back to redo the super lame blue jeans commercial but wants Emanuel to stay around to give input. He declines but says he will see her later. Dum de dum dum.
Back at the boarding house, lots of cooing and fussing over Christian (except from Ilitia who looks like she smells something bad). And lots of sighing over Begoña when they find out she's dead. Well, actually no one seemed especially disturbed by her death. They plowed right on into what a great parent Muñeca would be for the little tyke. More fish eye from Ilitia. Actually the combination of pozole ("pozo-qué!?) and the news she has a pesky little brother has thrown our fresa for a loop. Worse yet, she finds herself sitting down at the dinner table with all these nacos, including Delicia. Not bearable. Not for our Top Model. Lots more growing up to do before she's ready for that. After exiting the table, with Brandon hot on her heels, she digs out her purse, drops the sexual problem psychiatrist's card (shades of Dinero!) and guess who picks it up. Yep, our sexy policeman Brandon. Who wants to know why her husband doesn't make her feel like a woman. She tells him to butt out. He tells her he's butting in. So deal with it. Stalemate. For now.
And speaking of sexual problems. Oliver thinks he has the answer to Manolo's. He's going to fix him up with a guy who could respond to Manny's affections. Our little pollito tells him it's no good. And besides, he'd rather help Oliver. Placing a hand on his knee (and getting it quickly swatted off) he tries to comfort Oliver by proposing that maybe Gretel truly loved him but was forced by her wicked mother to reject him. Nope. Oliver asked. And she said no. Well, Manolo's going to get to the bottom of this. Palabra de hombre. Gallo. "Será gallina" quips Oliver. But he's game.
Back to the games at the agency. The second pathetic jeans sequence has been filmed. Everybody's exultant, chortling that it's much better than the first "tomo" (take) and even snotty Emanuel allows as how it's now up to the agency's standards. Vicky's ready to go home. But wait. Now he fires her. In front of the whole blue jeans cast. Very poor management technique no!? She's argumentative, impossible to get along with. Maybe if she had a personal life she'd be better. But she doesn't So out! We'll send you your severance check. Lots of shocked faces including Vicky's. She stomps off vowing that he won't "salir con la suya" (get his way). And that's probably true, given that he wields only moderate clout in the agency. Papa Emiliano is the head honcho after all.
Conflicts a-plenty back at the boarding house as well. Consuelo has picked up on the potent sexual chemistry between Ilitia and Brandon and is fighting mad. Oh, ya think Ilitia likes me? queries Brandon hopefully. I'm not about to be your Doctora Corazón she snaps. Even though we have a "free" (she says it in English) relationship with no commitments, that's asking too much. Mama Gladiola interrupts and wants to know just what in the Sam Hill is going on. They try to weasel out of it. More later.
Ilitia has stormed back to the ugly white concrete mansion the Ruiz y de Teresas call "home". She's fed up with naco food and naco folks. And even more fed up with having a younger half...or make that quarter-brother. Ya mean that adorable little kid your mom brought to the wedding? gushes Kristel. Oooooh he was soooooo cute. And heck, Kristel understands. Ilitia's dad is a hunk. Lots of women after him. Begoña probably just got pregnant to get him away from Muñeca. Well no problem. Begoña's dead. reaction. Well, your mom's a great mother. So charitable. Like she's a soul sister of Mother Teresa, ya know. Mother Teresa's dead too, snaps Ilitia. Kristel processes this new information with some difficulty but then segues to the real issue. SHE needs support too. Top Model type support. Because Mauricio doesn't want to marry her. And gets very riled up when Ilitia takes the stance of No Boda. Good Riddance. NOT! says Kristel. She's like some little rodent. Has her eye on a piece of rotten cheese and nothing, absolutely nothing will keep her from going after it. Ay, pobrecita!
Gladiola's still giving our guilty pair, Consuelo and ,the third degree. Their spat sure sounded like the kind of fights Glad used to have with Brandon's dad. So whassup? This line of questioning gets short-circuited by a tearful Vicky arriving home to say she's been canned. Good news for Consuelo. She helpfully points out that Vicky will have to move now that she's got no money. Alas, Vicky is "the guest" of Netty. So Consuelita can't eliminate this particular rival for Brandon's affections. Now Netty and Emiliano arrive. He's informed of Eman's dastardly action and promises to rectify it. Vicky's none too gracious response is that she won't allow herself to be humiliated like Fedra and Eman did to Mari. For someone who's described as "educada" (well-raised, well-reared) she's giving a very surly performance. Sounds like the Forgiveness Nazis need to work on her some more.
Ilitia and Kristel are continuing their surly spat as well when Head Surly Girl Fedra arrives. She agrees with Ilitia, of course. Kristel would be much better off without that "bestia". So Kristel brings up Lorenzo. And swishes off. And Ilitia grills Fedra about what she has going with her dad. Fedra, our accomplished pathological liar, dismisses the whole thing. Surely Ilitia isn't going to imagine goings-on like her mother does. She and Lorenzo are Just Friends. But good heavens! you mean to say that Lorenzo has another illegitimate child, IN ADDITION TO YOU ILITIA! Wow...he did that to Muñeca AGAIN!? And with that dagger thrust, she smiles and heads off to bed.
Next day at breakfast, Fedra's in fine form, waggling a strawberry around on her fork while gloating over the latest Lorenzo scandal. And God forbid that Emiliano should ever do something to make her the subject of gossip! She would kill him! (Alright, we're remembering the photo of Emi and Netty kissing in the restaurant, even if he isn't. Clearly there are more storms to come.) While a beleaguered Paula serves breakfast (too slow for Ms. Fedra) Ilitia wonders where Eman is. Not up yet? And behold! in he bounces, fresh from exercise. But Emiliano is confused. And worried. What do you mean, you don't know if he's up! Aren't you sleeping together? Stay out of my business dad. But dad won't. And neither will Mom. Ilitia, I've told you, if you don't start functioning like a wife for my son..., she threatens.
So Eman and Ilitia aren't sleeping together. But Oliver and Manolo are. Our two sleepy fellas are slouched together in snuggly police chairs, heads lolling, shoulders rubbing, snoozing away when the Comisario arrives.

As always, he's tolerant, open-minded, yada yada, but wake up! Get going! He's just gotten a tip-off ("pitazo") concerning some stolen merchandise and they have to be on it. Now! Manolo wants to go too. Oliver wants him to stay here in a safe place. Comisario thinks it's good that a journalist tags along. These thugs are more scared of a camera than a pistol. And with that lame and far-fetched justification, we have Oliver and Gretelman off on another excellent police adventure.
Well, get ready for another tip-off. Vicky wants Delicia to get back in the Ruiz household so she can keep an eye on what Fedra and Eman are up to. Delicia defends Emanuel. No way could he have poisoned those chocolates. He truly loved Marianela. And what's more, there's ñaiñai (nothing) going on, bedroom-wise, with him and his wife. Separate chambers for our newlyweds. Whaddya think of that. Surly girl looks thoughtful.
More acrimony at the mansion breakfast table. Ilitia's complaining about the lack of privacy. No wonder her marriage isn't working! Kristel, with a sidelong look at Fedra, assures her that one can get up to a lot of hanky-panky in this house. You just have to know how to fake it....right, ma? Eman's still telling Dad to stay out of his business and Emiliano is taking son to task, reminding him that there's a director's meeting this morning and he'd better be there, rather than spending the day squiring around his wife. Take that!
No sweetness and light in the kitchen either. Paula's dragging her ass and Nereida's not having it. She's the housekeeper after all. And SHE gives the orders. After 40 years in this household, the only one who tells me what to do is Fedra, snaps Paula. And drops a plate full of food on the floor. And Fedra would want YOU to clean that up, Nereida. Unless of course, you want to bring Delicia back to help. Hmmm. Looks like our De's stay in the boarding house will be short-lived.
Our last scene before ads is Vicky on the phone to Almudena where she learns Emanuel called to find out if Marianela had gotten her inheritance. Will this help his case or hurt it? Don't know... but Vicky looks thoughtful again.
After the next set of ads, we've got Christian in full screech while a flustered frantic Lorenzo tries to interest him in the mountain of toys he's brought home from the store. Our little thespian is really into it, howling, wiping his nose on his sleeve and glaring at Lorenzo. Muñeca scoops the little fella up and Lorenzo worries about Fedra killing him now that the news of his blow-by is out. Guess that's the closest he can get to a guilty conscience.
Does Ilitia have one? Not sure. Flor's playing counselor, wanting our spoiled Top Model to support her mom now that she's dealing with Christian. No way. Bye. Ilitia's got her own problems with her marriage. That's job one. Well, no wonder you've got problems, with your character, blurts Flor. And then, remembering that kiss she saw between Ilitia and Brandon, suddenly crows...But that's it! The fight's about your romance with that policeman.
Whoops. Kristel enters. Overhears. And has new emotional blackmail material.
THAT policeman is currently being undressed by Consuelo. All part of her plan to get him into a freshly laundered, freshly pressed shirt. But she gets distracted looking at those sculptured pecs and chiseled biceps and starts to nuzzle all over, rather than dress. Not the ear, moans Brandon. Guess that's his point of no return. Fortunately Gladiola arrives and puts an end to this madness.

On the other hand, Kristel's just getting started. On the blackmail that is. So you've been getting it on with that naco policeman, she crows. No nookie in the marriage so you've got your dirty little fantasies going with that street cop. Well, you'd better go along with my plan to hook Mauricio then. 'Cause if you don't, I'll rat you out to my brother. And with that Top Model Threat, we end.
At the shareholder's meeting, Emiliano announces that Victoria de la Garza is now the legal representative of the board. Whatever that means.
And Emiliano has Vicky in a clinch and tells her she's not getting out of said clinch until she tells him the truth Well we DO know what that means....
ñaiñai = nothin'
salir con la suya = get your way (a frequent phrase in telenovelas)
pozole = soup consisting of pork, hominy, chiles, pork broth and usually garnished with radishes, chopped cabbage , limes and lemons, cilantro and fried corn tortillas
etc. "Naco food" as opposed to the high-falutin' stuff Ilitia eats
dimes y diretes = gossip, palaver,
pitazo = tip-off
meter la pata = to put one's foot in it (what Almudena feared she had done talking to Emanuel)
peluso = street kid, urchin, naco (Kristel, talking about Brandon)
andas de zorro = acting like a slut (Kristel accusing Ilitia of romancing Brandon)
huele a pobre = smells of poverty (Kristel about Brandon)
tomo = take, as in a scene
gallo = cock (as in rooster)
gallina = feminine version, as in Gretelman
Dicho of the Day
Su una vela se te apaga, otra te queda encendida. (lit. if one candle goes out, another one is still lit).
Fig. If one thing doesn't work, you can always try something else.
Kristel's philosophy as she tries various blackmail maneuvers to get support for her desired marriage to Mauricio
Labels: llena
I agree with you BarbaraM. Eman talks about the kisses being like kissing an iceberg yet he can't keep his hands off MariVictoria in his El Lirio disguise. Hypocrite thy name is Eman.
Ilitia is stuck on class and I think Brandon is more suited for her than Eman is. Of course, she probaly won't figure that out until ultimas capitulos LOL.
"Like she's a soul sister of Mother Teresa, ya know. Mother Teresa's dead too, snaps Ilitia. Kristel processes this new information with some difficulty..."
Kristal is doing such a great job with this rather thankless role, a fact that you pointed out just recently.
Pirate Babe:
"That was really low how he fired her in front of everyone like that."
Boy are you and I ever on the same page with that. I was appalled. Right now I'm not the biggest Marivicki fan but that was outrageous. Of course now Emiliano will upbraid Manny in front of everyone and revoke his decision. Where did these guys learn their management skills.
I like how Paula is feeling her oats. Good cooks are hard to find, and Fedra clearly likes to eat.
My Profa Adriana had everyone from our office over for pozole a while back. I enjoyed it a lot, but it wasn't a favorite of the ladies. Years ago, my neighbor was complaining that hominy tastes like boiled wool, so I suggested that she add bacon like my grandmother and mother did. She did and said it tasted like wool boiled with bacon.
The director is probably ready for Cristian to be kidnapped again... or worse.
I absolutely loved Ilitia's facial expressions when Brandon discovered she was having sexual problems. She is somehow able to reveal things to him that she cannot to others. They are destined to be together and practically everyone can see it expect them. Clearly we are all on the same page with this except those two!
Very cute how Gretelman had her hand in Oliver's shirt (great screen shot!!) and how their outfits were color coordinated. Could those two be any more adorable?
I'm glad that Delicia is in on the scheme but she really must remember to stop calling Vicky Mari. Stop it!! Will Netty figure it out?
Little Chris rocks. Wasn't it awesome how he screamed and ranted at Lorenzo? I didn't like the little twerp at first but now I am totally in his fan club.
weee, great screen shots tonight, especially of our favorite polis. He's quite the cuerpazo. Thanks Judy for the terrific recap. Loved the any surly girl would.
Plus "W-w-e-e-e" whatever that was. Clearly it's past my bedtime.
The firing was crazy and Emil will probably take Eman to task in front of the entire office. Oy.
I love Eman, and lately with M/V being so whiny, I was siding more with him than her. But he really caved to the "me the man" emotions and that was a crap move firing her in front of everyone. He could have proved his point in the office like a manager would. Harassment laws must be pretty lax in Mexico?
Kristel's obsession with Moron is getting tiring, and now she's pulling poor Ilitia back into it. Honestly, after that breakfast, if I was Ilitia, I'd walk....far, and take Brandon with me. Just give everyone a nice "Byyyyyeeee".
Judy, add me to the list of admirers loving your "surly" theme. A night of bad behavior indeed captured perfectly by your pictures and unparalleled masterful writing style. Needless to say, the picture of Manolo and Brandon was my favorite! Divine from title to dicho. The vocabulary was stellar and as always, appreciated.
"full screech", "lusting plaintively" and "couch casting" were several of my favorites.
Ilitia's thin veneer of bravado is wearing thin. Being blackmailed by Kristel is the very last thing she needs. BarbaraM, I am in staunch hope that Brandon does put things together - and quickly. As Sylvia noted, they are meant for each other, but nothing can happen until revelations, justice and healing begins.
The Manolo/Gretel scenes were priceless. I hope they are having as much fun filming as we are watching!
I just don't care about MariVicky at this point. I want Marianela back.
Thanks for starting my day off on such a high note Judy.
I'm ready for VicMar to stop the bitchin' and moanin', and start kicking Fedra's butt like she's supposed to. So far she's put more effort into lame jeans and shampoo ads, and annoying Eman, than avenging her parents' and aunt's murders and the theft of their inheritances.
And for all Eman's Lirio escapades, he hasn't seen fit to rob Fedra, whom he knows is a crook (although he does not yet know she's a murderer).
Someone needs to light a fire under these two, and not just the fire burning in their loins each time they're close enough to pant in each other's face! your "boiled wool" story. With a Kentucky mama, I've tasted hominy but I'm not a fan either. Tried making a vegetarian version of pozole and it was blah, but I bet Adriana's would have been scrumptious.
@Sylvia...good point about Ilitia's facial expressions conveying so much to Brandon. Her body language with him is vulnerable and open, as much as she tries to pretend she wants distance. No babeee, you want HIM!
@Karen...glad you enjoyed the Mouse comparison. Kristel reminds me of a clever, persistent rodent. Her cognitive skills are low but she makes up for it with focus. And the actress is doing a terrific job with a somewhat thankless part.
@Daisynjay..."Bratpack" Another good one. And "taking lessons from Christian". Like Sylvia, I'm liking that little monster more and more. I'm sure he's giving everybody fits but he's also a magnet. When he's on the scene, your eyes are drawn to him. What will the mini-demon do next? He certainly takes after his dadddy.
@Pata..."nuzzle picture". Yep. Perfect description. When Oliver's asleep, he relaxes his distance and nuzzles in to the person he loves....but doesn't recognize.'re cracking me up. "Light a fire in those two...and not just in their loins." Alas, I think we're going to say in the Loins Area for many more episodes. Steam is the theme in these telenovelas.
@Carlos...thanks for the tech appreciation. Actually my adult son patiently coaxed me through a tutoring session a few weeks ago. And then I practiced and practiced because new skills come slowly for me...and go fast! But I'm pleased and even a little proud that I can do it now. BUT I HATE LEARNING NEW STUFF!
I thought that conversation between Kristel and Ilitia was hysterical. They're such snotty brats, but so funny. Part of what makes this telenovela so enjoyable is that the minor character actors put so much into their roles. They don't let themselves become filler. I wish Ilitia would finally tell Kristel WHY she hates Mauron so much, though.
I also loved the breakfast scene, and Axel's reactions to the hellishness. Can you imagine having parents who want to analyze your intimate life over breakfast with the family? Ilitia's right, they need more privacy. Why wouldn't she and Emanuel get their own apartment? It's not like they can't afford it.
Judy, this was so beautifully written. I loved the line about the fortress that the R y de T call “home.”
Yeah, Eman was bad, but Vicky is the employee from hell, too. Brand new at the company and she insults her bosses, also in front of others. She’s deserved firing for a some time now. And what did she do to improve the jeans shoot? It looks like she just re-shot it.
I got the impression last night that Fedra was quick doing the math on the little boy’s age and is going to get Low big time for cheating on her.
My favorite line of the night was when Kristel said to Ilitia “I am anything but stupid.” I about fell off the couch when she said that. Priceless!
For someone who thinks she's become so tough and in charge, Marianela certainly has a deep and lasting victim complex. Since she's been hurt, she seems to think it's okay that she hurt and manipulate everyone else...cutting off ties with her aunt Netty, who's never been anything but loving and supportive of her (as far as Netty knows), crabbing at everyone in the office, coercing Doris and Gretel into keeping secrets for her benefit, trying to get Delicia to go back to the House of Hate just to be a spy for her.
Ugh. She is really not my favorite right now.
@Julia...the hatchet job the writers have done on Marianela reminds me of the one they did on Valentina in Dueña. From saccharine sweet to intolerably bitter and rude to even dear friends and supporters.
It's like they can't trust us to respond to subtle gradations of character, so they slap on the changes with great big daubs of primary colors.
Maybe it's the target audience. I'm not sure what the biggest market is for these stories, but I assume only a small percentage are folks,many with advanced degrees, looking to improve their conversational Spanish skills.
I'm going to admit something. When I saw Vicky's commercial I thought it was the best thing the agency had done yet. Yes it was crap, but it just goes to show how low my expectations for them are. Hard to believe she was
a high-powered European art director.
It's still hard to believe Marianela achieved this level of career success in only two years, though, including her schooling. She must be REALLY talented.
Living here in the Rio Grande Valley, Menudo is king and people look at you crazy if you ask for pozole instead. Like - why would you ever want that instead of menudo? There are a couple of places that serve it, but only occasionally.
I have made it myself a few times to satisfy my craving - not that hard actually.
OK - So first Emanuel taunts MariVicki into kissing him, and obviously thoroughly enjoys a smoking hot kiss, and then tells her it's like kissing an iceberg? LIAR! What a liar.
And then tells her he is a married man and to keep her hands off and quit harassing the boss! Hypocrit!
And then later after all that he fire her!
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