Friday, January 14, 2011
Llena de Amor #107 (Mex. 112) Thu 1/13/11 Vicky, change your dress!!
Last night we left our two two-faced protagonistas glaring at each other through the bars of the local jail. EmanueLirio is outside with coffee and a sandwich and MariVicky is inside with a sneer and a no thanks.
But first let’s go to a couple that’s warming to each other a bit more quickly. Brandon helps a hobbling Ilitia to some stone steps where he can tend to her scraped knee.

And tend to it he does, after a few impish pokes he soothes her wound with salve and urges her to be more accepting of little Christian. But then she admits that when she was little she pretended she had a little brother called Christian. She wonders if her dad named the little tyke after that but forget it, she’ll never ask him. (At least I think that’s what this was all about.)
Over at the cell block MV is surprised, she thought Eman would have moved heaven and earth to keep her locked up. He laughs, even though she’s a pain, a buffoon, a spoiled brat, unbearable, and cold as ice, he’s there to prove she’s innocent. After some discussion about El Lirio, he thanks her for sticking up for him when he was robbed, she says maybe she just did it to throw off suspicion, Eman claims he just has to look into a person’s eyes to know who they are. (!?!? Dude, open YOUR eyes!) Her eyes are full of hate, the same unjustified hate that Mari had for him. And after two years of torment today at least he knows why; it was a lie, a trap to drive Mari away.
Ilitia thanks Brandon for saving her life, AGAIN. He tells her he knows something is bugging her, what is it? She doesn’t want to say, it’s too personal, but I guess she just can’t keep it bottled up any more. She reveals that Eman is very nice to her but she hasn’t been able to spend one night with him. The day of her wedding, before the ceremony…a man raped her.
Eman tells Vicky that Netty told him why Mari hates him and then he remembered how he was tricked that night. As a single tear rolls down her cheek he tells his tawdry tale…at work they were celebrating his engagement to Mari and they got him drunk. He was wasted but he is completely sure that he would not make love with Ilitia because he was totally in love with Mari. Vicky loses it and yells “Shut up, you’re not going to betray me again; I’m not the same idiot I was before!” Eman squints his eyes like he’s thinking REALLY hard. Think Eman, think!! But no, “When have I ever betrayed you?” Doh!
Nope, he didn’t figure it out during the commercial. VM quickly goes into full blown Ethspanol, uthing it ath a thmoke thcreen. He falls for it and I’m getting tired of these two. She’s bitter, he’s a liar, blah blah blah.
Let’s return to Brandon the volcano who’s rumbling wrath is about to erupt. He apologizes for saying all those horrible things to Ilitia about being a loose woman. She’s right, he is a gorilla, a stupid naco; he kisses her hands and begs to know who did it. She shakes her head sadly, she doesn’t know, he could kill her and her family. Luckily someone’s little grey cells are working overtime. “It’s him,” Brandon growls, putting two and two together, “It’s that stupid Mauricio Fonseca!”
Hablando del rey del infierno, and who should come knocking at the prison door but the rapey snake himself proclaiming he’s come to help Vicky out. Seems this is her day for unwanted assistance. She tells him to beat it, Mari told her all about him and his dirty tricks. She brings up Kristel and he sneers. Kristel is just a hobby; he’d dump her in a second for a hot roll in the camita with his Espanolita chiquita, amorosita; he gives her an air smooch as he slimes away.
Two doors down Eman is in a face off with El Comis insisting that Vicky is innocent, a trusted employee. El Comis wonders why Eman isn’t more concerned about his sister who is missing.
This is only a momentary setback. Somehow Emiliano found out about Gretel, fine but Eman is there for Vicky. El Comis throws out his zinger; did Eman not know that his trusted employee has no papers, no passport, no documentation? Sorry but apparently she doesn’t exist at all. (Think Eman, think!)
Finally, a welcome guest for our little jailbird. It’s Delicia and she’s the first to stick up for Eman. She believes he got tricked because he’s not a bad man and he loves Mari. Dee wants to know what’s all the hullabaloo between Doris and the skinny guy pretending to be Mari’s brother? Shhhh, MV says keep it on the down low, everybody has to think that Gman’s her brother. Dee says there’s something about the guy, hmmmm. But Eman on the other hand, that’s a guy you can really trust.
Speaking of trust, MV asks Dee to go back to the Casa de Crazies to be her eyes and ears. Dee’s not too keen to return to that vulture’s nest, MV know how she hates gossip, nudge nudge wink wink say no more.
Back at the vulture’s nest Axel admits to Eman that he blabbed to their dad about Gretel’s escape. The two brothers scratch their chins; somebody must have helped her, but who?
Moments later Eman finds Fedra and confronts her with the truth about Gretel. How could she keep a member of the family trapped like an animal for two years? She tries the same crap she tried on Emiliano but it doesn’t work out quite as well with Eman. She’s not his mother, she’s a monster.
Oh goodie, we’re at Malicio’s blechelor pad and it sounds like a pissed off gorilla is thumping on his door. He opens up and is nearly flattened by an explosive fireball of fury. Brandon doesn’t even hear Mauron’s feeble attempts at threats. With his gun up the rapey snake’s nose he yells that nobody will hear him and nobody will save him, he’s going to pay for what he did to Ilitia. Get ready to die!
Ha! The way Mau is craning his neck to get away from the pistol he really does look like a snake.

Brandon decides he’s not worth becoming a murderer so he’ll beat the RS within an inch of his life. He shoves his gun down his pants (dude, really?),

and tells Orangey to stop caterwauling and proceeds with the thrashing.
Back at the vulture’s nest Fedra is still whining. She tries the “I sacrificed everything for you, you’re my life” crap but Eman rejects it. What about her other kids, his brother and sisters? “Here we are…Fedra Curiel,” he whispers ominously, vowing to never forgive what she did.
After a small break we return to the jail where El Comis is telling MV that he’s about to let her out when hurricane Netty blows in and demands MV’s release. El Comis indicated it’s because of Eman that she’s free which prompts MV to grab her flowers and vow to never thank that hypocrite for anything.
Oh dear, Eman is sitting on the diving board blaming his mom for Mari leaving. “Mari where are you?” he wails to the sky.
Nereida tells a newly-arrived Emiliano that Eman’s in tears so Lowrenzo decides to walk on ahead.
Cut to Fedra weeping and wailing to Bernardo about the recent turn of events. He has no idea the pain she feels, what it is to feel such love for another being. He massages her arm and thought bubbles “Oh but I do, I do, and I’ve had to be silent for so many years.”
Lowrenzo comes through the door and ANOTHER hurricane hits. He can’t stand to see Bernardo’s hand on his mujer and he lunges. Bernardo deftly twists Lowman’s arm and even takes a full-on punch to the face without flinching. Lowrenzo is left crying to mommy cuz his hand hurts.
Out by the pool Eman is conserving water by filling the pool with his own tears. Mari hated him and he didn’t know why. “Oh dad, I can’t talk to her and I can’t find peace.”
Inside, Lowrenzo’s ineffectual posturing is no match for Bernardo’s calm confidence. The servant is dismissed but everyone knows who the bigger man is. Fedra twists the knife by telling Lowrenzo that Bernardo has been with her all her life and would do ANYTHING for her. “Would he kill for you?” Lowrenzo asks. Pretty much, yeah.
Wow, Brandon’s been beating Malicio to a pulp all this time. He makes Mau stand and says he’s decided not to kill him. Instead he’ll make sure he never hurts another woman. He lowers his gun toward the offending weapon while Mauron wails for Dandy. (Sounds really stupid, doesn’t it?) Brandon is momentarily distracted by…

…the scared little boy wet his pants, aw! Thus answering the question we never wanted to ask, the Rapey Snake dresses his junk to starboard.
Whew! Let’s take a break from all the yelling and join Ilitia in calm conversation with her shrink. He says he’s not there to judge her, just to help her. He’s interested in her relationship with this other guy. She says he’s a nobody, a naco, but those eyes, those arms, his six-pack you wouldn’t believe, and he listens to her, he rocks her world. Is she crazy? The doc says no, he just thinks she’s not in love with her husband; she’s in love with the other guy.
Now we’re at Netty’s house where MV continues to natter ad nauseum about how he slept with Ilitia and betrayed Mari. She accuses Netty of being brainwashed by Eman. She wasn’t on his side before, what does she know about him?
Eman has stopped bawling and is having a productive conversation with dad. They let mom get way too out of hand and now they’re paying for it. Emiliano vows to return the house and every last cent that Fedra stole from Mari. The optimistic bells ring in the background and Eman says he’ll also return everything that belonged to his gordita.
MV and Netty are having an argument, with Netty saying Mari was wrong to just leave without saying anything, when they are interrupted by Gretelman who is thrilled to see MV out of jail. This derails MV who pushes Gman upstairs for a talk.
Netty, on the other hand, maintains her focus and follows them upstairs. She shouts at MV to stop applying the law of ice to her in her own house (see vocab below). And by the way, Mari’s stuff belongs to Mari, not to Vicky, so stop trying to be Mari, OK?
Netty exits and the girls with fantastically French-braided hair rip off their wigs. They feel the noose getting tighter. Brandon is starting to suspect MV and Gman is, well, let’s just say her loins are on fire. MV talks about kissing Eman at the office. Gman talks about kissing Oliver at the hospital. I’m very distracted that Gman has sideburns. What are they going to do?
Gman has an idea. La Mala Noche! At that place the dancers dress up and wear masks. There, she can be with Oliver without putting him at risk. Mari is still confused, la Mala Noche? Oops, there is still one little thing that Gretel has not told Mari about Fedra Curiel.
Tomorrow: Fedra gets a gift in a box.
And Thank You Miss Judy for the help with my first screen shot, hooray!!
asi que a deja chiller = So stop your caterwauling
Asta aqui llegamos = Here we are
Jolgorio = hubbub, hullabaloo, revelry
La ley de hielo = to be indifferent to someone, to cut them off, to ignore them (Lit. the law of ice)
Meto las manos al fuego por ello. = I trust him completely (Lit. I’d put my hands in fire for him.)
Nido de buitres = vulture’s nest
Se moviendo el mundo = He rocks my world
Starboard = the right side of the boat (when one is standing at the helm and looking at the pointy end)
Port = the left side of the boat (when one is standing at the helm...)
Labels: llena
I loved this episode. Such wonderful scenes, such wonderful acting. Fedra & Eman, Fedra & Bernardo, Brandon & Ilitia, Brandon & Mauricio and many more.
I couldn’t believe it either when Brandon stuck that loaded gun in his pants, and I just loved that Maricio wet himself. Is that a telenovela first? And which side is starboard? I’m a landlubber….
Like Maggie, "Ethspanol...." was my favorite. Also loved {Mauricio} "gives her an air smooch as he slimes away".
And your snark about Emanuel saving water by weeping into the pool.... I'm finding his bleeding heart numeritos as wearing as Vicky's rancor scenes. They both need to get over themselves.
Ilitia was quite the charmer in this one, both with Brandon and her psychiatrist. I loved it when she suggested HE needed therapy after pointing out she loved the naco policeman rather than her husband.
Thought the actress playing Vicky looked smashing in her braids but poor Gretel, she needs her abundant mane to look attractive. La Mala Noche number will no doubt be funny.
We're definitely in high season with this one now. Looking forward to the episodes instead of dreading them as I did in the beginning during the non-stop fat joke stage.
Sylvia, I will echo Maggie and Judy's praise. And you weren't feeling well? Well, that certainly didn't come through.
Ilitia and Brandon were my favorite part of this episode. We need some sweetness from one of our couples since all we're getting is bitterness and tears from Mari and Eman. Ya! Basta! Netty should give Vicky a good spanking and Emil needs to tell Eman (and himself) to man up. Get going with the plan to bring Fedra down already and stop griping about it.
I'm glad that at least now Eman has a legit reason (Gretel's celler captivity) to openly show his hostility to Fedra. No more sucking up. That plan wasn't going well anyway. After two years of sucking up, he was still her favorite child, but no closer to getting the real dirt out of her.
Isn't it about time Eman and Emil start learning some of Fedra's dirty secrets? Her real name, her real past, the real daddy of Eman, she murdered Mari's dad and mom, mudered Carlota, is not Gretel's mom, stole Mari, Carlota, and Max's money through fraud, has been having an affair with Low for decades, has other lovers, is an exotic dancer by night, and has connections to the underworld. I'm ready for her world to start crumbling.
I thought both Mari and Gretel looked cute in their braids, however I was a bit thrown off by Gretel's sideburns. And didn't her head look huge in Mari's wig? I can't wait until Mari gets rid of that mop.
@Judy, I loved Ilitia's retort to her shrink. I originally had it in my recap, must've edited it out somewhere along the line.
I think with all Eman's blubbering and MV's shrill complaining they really are the perfect couple after all.
I can't wait until tonight's epidosde. Unfortunately after 3 days at home I'm going to try to drag my sorry butt to work so it will feel like a long wait I'm sure.
Special note to Audrey and other commenters, if ever you hear something on the episode that we didn't translate but that you are curious about, please let us know and we will happily go back and try to translate it. This benefits all of us so please no hesitation, OK?
This whole week has been nonstop fun. Brandon's slap down of Super Mau was one of the most satisfying comeuppances ever. Credit to the actor playing Mauricio, he handled his role with perfection.
I want to give a nod today to Angelli Nesma Medina. She brought us Gancho and now this. How in the world did I manage to miss al Diablo Con los Guapos? Did any of you watch that? Was it as good as Gancho and Llena? I certainly hope that she will follow this with another gem. I think that she has the magic touch.
Brandon and Ilitia remind me so much of Beto and Coni. There is such a sweet yet extremely sultry chemistry between them.
I didn't need to know the intimate details of how RP was, um, "dressed" - LOL!
Brandon and Illitia are so adorable together! I forgot yesterday to comment on the wonderful raspas scene. Wow - Illitia - what a tongue!
Yeah - that was a pretty pathetic attempt of Eman's to explain his drunken "trampa" to VM. I wouldn't have believed him for a second!
Did Brandon really shove that huge gun down his pants? I must have blinked. You have the photo to prove it! Great shot - the body language!
That last scene with Gretel and VM with their wigs off, both lamenting their kisses and heart-break. Wonderful.
Really GREAT snarks in this recap - LOL!
P.S. Starboard - right, if you are facing the front of the boat. I wish we had the same directions on land, because in describing locations for things while my house was built I had to use "north, south, etc." whereas if it had been a boat I would have been able to say fore, aft, port and starboard and everything would have been perfectly clear without having to remember how the house was oriented with respect to north. My husband actually had difficulty remembering how our house is oriented and kept getting confused about while wall I was referring to.
This is one of the episodes I've seen of this novela and I have to agree that the scene of Ilitia and her shrink was excellent and funny. Poor girl is in denial, she could be much happier if she admitted the truth to herself.
I had to laugh at the line about Emanuel opening his eyes. At least Marianela's body looks different there have been novelas where basically nothing changes in the leading lady and the galán STILL can't figure out the truth (Mejía's Rosalinda comes to mind).
Carlos: I liked Guapos alot. Half of the cast on Llena appeared in that novela too but their characteres were mostly different. My favorite couple there were Rocky and Valeria, played by Ricardo Margaleff and Altair Jarabo (Oliver and Ilitia in Llena). They were one of the cutest couples ever.
Brandon was sure firing on all cylinders last night (almost literally) - and watching Moron beg for his life and then finally pee his pants..oh my stars. I'll be curious where Brandon now goes with this. He's got to keep this creep away from Ilitia somwhow.
Most annoying person right now: Mari/Vicky. Honestly, she has a real mental block of hatred going. I'm with Netty, notch it down and start listening, thinking. With every character starting to get it and change, she gets worse.
I'm loving watching Valentino even more right now...he just looked great in some of those scenes last night. Wanted to do freeze frames...hey, when a girl feels like crap with sinus and sore throat, a little handsomeness helps make you feel better...
Fedra, for once, she cried real tears. Now, what will she do - everyone is on to her. She just might be more dangerous than ever now?
And I'll throw my hat into the ring as one of those who enjoyed Diablo, and like this TN, the "side" characters were sometimes the best part of the show. Even though he was a smuck, where I learned to melt over Cesar's voice.
Laura F. was especially powerful in that one going thru being a shrew, then becoming a drunk, the withdrawal and rehab...really loved her in that role.
"...goes into full blown Ethspanol, uthing it ath a thmoke thcreen." That made me laugh really hard. Is there anything Spanish about her other than the th?
"Hablando del rey del infierno..." Uck, after Malicio's sliming on Vicky I really felt like I needed a shower...but I didn't want to take my clothes off with any Rapey Snake essence lingering in the house. SO. GROSS.
When Brandon was aiming the gun at Rapey Snake's nethers, was anyone besides me jumping up and down and clapping and yelling, "Do it! Do it!" I'm a little disappointed.
I loved Ilitia in this episode. Yes, she started out as a horrible snot, but I love a good redemption story, and I think she's earning it little by little. Both the scene with Brandon putting ointment on her scrape and the chat with the shrink were so endearing.
Sylvia, thank you for explaining starboard. That’s a very clever idea, thinking of your house in that way, because just right and left don’t tell you if you’re standing in the house, or in front of it. Starboard would be much more clear. Here in L.A. we have very high mountains to our north, so we always know which side of our house is the north side. In fact, I’ve heard that visitors to the area are thrown off by our constant use of compass points to give directions. Once they find out the mountains are north, they’re all set.
I guess Eman won't figure out Victoria is really Mari until ultimas capitulos. Same for Netty.
Speaking of MariVictoria, she really needs to tone down the screeching and think for a second. Geesh.
OK Carlos, if Guapos shows again we've got to watch it. I remember when it ran I really wanted to watch but just not enough time.
Vivi, I missed your comment this morning when I posted but hell yeah I am ready for Fedra's made up world to collapse.
Carlos, last night I had to keep reminding myself, It's Brandon not Beto, Brandon not Beto. They are distinctly different in physique but when they start hamming it up the genes come on strong.
Wasn't it funny how Ilitia got totally distracted telling her shrink about Brandon's abs? Dang those two are cute.
Jarocha, I love your clip of Rocky and Valeria! They are exquisite. (Oh, and it was wetter on the right side than the left.)
Daisy, I'm sorry to hear you're down and out health wise. Sucks, doesn't it? Today somebody at work said "I'm kind of glad you were sick because you got so much done on this project." True, much got done without distractions, but I wanted to strangle her anyway. Instead I just smiled and said "Gracias patana". See, telenovelas DO come in handy.
@Julia, Yes I was yelling Do It, Do It! I wonder if the neighbors heard?
My grandma always used to use compass directions when she talked and it confused the heck out of me until she moved to the mountains. So I know how that goes.
@Pirate Babe, I'll admit that when it's not my night to recap I often mute MV. Hopefully she'll get over her revenge bit soon, but she has been feeding off of it for two years. Guess it takes a while to let go.
Pata, you are the screen shot queen so thank you. I hope you are feeling better amiga.
Oh boy, only 1.25 hours until Llena airs here on the west coast. Can't wait to see what happens.
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