Friday, January 14, 2011
La Verdad Oculta EP83 01/13/2011 – Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do

* Early in the morning Leonardo visits his girl who asks him about Roberto. Is it true he was killed? Yes, he was poisoned. Julieta hesitantly tells him she used to date with that guy… but don’t worry, nothing happened! However, she’s sure he took her keys one day and he’s the one who stole the cuff-link. Leonardo flashbacks to the day when met Roberto in the jeweler. *Viewerville: Smeagol, we miss you!* Julieta says now she’s the one who wants to interrogate: does Leonardo love her? Because he was pretty interested in Gabriela before. Leo admits he used to think he was in love with Gaby, but later he realized he felt only fondness for her and for Fausto. The only woman he’s in love with is Julieta. Kiss, kiss, kiss! *Viewerville: sigh*

* Zaida, her wide smile and her long legs show up at Hotel Mirador and attempt to flirt with Juan José, who’s very busy with trying not to delete every single file on his computer and telling Asunción by phone where Elsa and Caramelo live now. Since Garnica’s disappeared she’d like to associate with JJ. Well, he wouldn’t mind it, but there’s one thing he doesn’t understand: does Mauricio know about her plans? Oh, come on! But she just said a few minutes ago that Medina had given her his address. Busted.

* Asunción visit at Elsa’s flat becomes another nightmare for him: recently Caramelo is much more interested in the cool painter set Mauricio bought to her than in spending time with him. After heartbroken Limón leaves both Elsa and Mauricio feel horrible about the situation.

* Mina and Alejandra discuss the death of Roberto. Ale thinks Rob was always looking for trouble and he was in cahoots with dangerous folks… And that’s why she’s so worried about her sister who lives in Adolfo’s condo now. Then Miss Pride talks about her favourite topic: Juan José. He told her he loved her and she loves him, too. She’d like to explain him the situation, but she won’t look for him, it’s his turn to call her. And although she understands his anger, his insecurities make her worried about their future.

* Nervous Bertha tells her BFF about the false testimony and her fear of Adolfo. She realized he’s a mysterious and dangerous man, and geez, that conversation between him and Yolanda! The phone rings and big sister tells Bertha to get the hell out of that condo. Does she know Roberto was murdered? At home JJ tells Lucha the good news: Chicles and Caramelo are going to the same school. And where Limón? He hasn’t arrived at home yet. Great, it means he has great time with the little girl, doesn’t it? In a restaurant Zaida and Adolfo discuss Juan José and she tells him about the blackmail, the 10 million pesos, the backpack filled with paper and the helicopter. Adolfo is afraid that eventually the police will find out that Garnica is dead. However, it would be magnificent if they could frame Juan José with the murder. By the way. guess whom he is going to meet tonight? Dante Sevilla! Zaida’s face freezes.

* The bunch of problems called Bertha storm into Carlos’s flat to tell him she wants to leave Adolfo’s house. What did he do to her?! Nothing, nothing, but he killed Roberto! WTF? Back at JJ’s the big guy is sitting in his favourite armchair looking very troubled. Asunción arrives at home and starts to cry about Caramelo who doesn’t care about him anymore and who’s going to forget them. In her design office Alejandra sits in her chair looking very troubled, too, but no, she won’t want to call JJ. After Mina leaves Bertha shows up and Alejandra learns her little sister has a relationship with Adolfo’s son. Bertha, Carlos and Roberto killed a woman 11 years ago! Enraged Ale scorns Bertha for everything she’s done and tells her again to leave that condo for good and all. But Adolfo won’t let her go because she knows too much. And last night he said something horrible… What? He called himself the devil’s spawn, a freak of nature.

*At Sagitario Adolfo and Carlos bicker about their relationship and the ring again. Carlos is about to reproach him for the death of Roberto when Dante Sevilla shows up and daddy kicks Moustache out of the office. Dante enter the room and the Alpha Male Fight begins. They start with insults (you’re an arrogant tyrant, Ávila – but you’re worse than me), then Sevilla asks Adolfo about Garnica. When he learns Javier is studying underwater life recently both men burst into the classic evil laugh. Look, that bastard Garnica deserved his fate, the problem is that he offered a fantastic business opportunity to Sevilla: a place from where one could get marvelous archeological stuff. Why did Adolfo get rid of him? Dolphie tells Sevilla about the letter and Garnica’s blackmail. Sevilla asks him to tell him everything and offers him his help but Adolfo says he could never trust a man like him, a man who kills and betrays his helpmates… Does he remember Zaida? She’s a touchy topic for them. Anyway, Adolfo’s is also interested in that seaside touristic-smuggling paradise so why don’t they become associates? And what about Zaida, asks Sevilla. Don’t worry, Adolfo can control her.

* At JJ’s we get another scene that proves that Chicles, who’s just arrived home from school, is a demanding but funny little rascal and Lucha is a steady and wise mother. Sevilla and his armed henchmen show up at Garnica’s flat and order Valentín to open Garnica’s safe. There’s a map in it and it belongs to Sevilla. Sorry, sir, but there’s no safe in that flat anymore, it’s been stolen. *Viewerville: What?* And who stole it? A man called Juan José Victoria. One… one night he showed up in the flat and took the safe away, but Garnica ordered Valentín to keep his mouth shut. *Viewerville: Seriously. WHAT?! Make up a better lie!*And where is that Juan José Victoria now? Ask Adolfo Ávila about him.
* Leonardo visits David who shows him the business card Juan José found in Roberto’s suitcase. Leo’d like to know how could David send JJ to Roberto and why do they want to take the law into their own hands? It was stupid. And illegal. David silently gives Leonardo the business card: Susana Gómez. Tío Juan José brings Caramelo home for a visit which makes Asunción beside himself with joy. He finds out the first painting Cara ever made portrays him and the little girl. Together. Forever. Adorable scene! Juan José gives Chicles a shiny new backpack then he leaves. The kids start to talk about The Letter and Cara shows it to illiterate Asunción. This is the point when Viewerville start to cry of frustration.

* In the meantime Leonardo and Ramón arrive at Susana’s flat and start to explore it. Back to JJ’s: Lucha asks the kids if they want to eat. Of course! Caramelo puts the letter back into her bag and when Asunción asks her when her tía Elsa will come for her she corrects the old man: Elsa isn’t her aunt but her mother. The Merry Men, aka Sevilla, frightened Valentín, armed gorilla 1 and armed gorilla 2 wait for Adolfo in his condo. What happened, Dante? Well, Garnica’s safe and his precious map was stolen by a guy called Juan José Victoria.

*At Susana’s the supercops find the money… and the diamonds hidden in the box of margarine.

Labels: verdad
So. Now that Garnica is spending his time with fishes we get another evil guy. Salvador Sánchez played Padre Matías in Mi pecado and Macario in La duena (the same role Sergio Goyri had in STD). Oh, and he was the antagonist in El pecado de Oyuki (Lucy Orozco's classic with Ana Martín) in which he played a... Japanese guy.
The diamonds have been found! Yay!
I don't remember JJ stealing his money back (since he didn't even know where Garnica lives), so is Garnica's assistant lying and stole the money himself? I don't remember missing an episode, but tell me if I'm wrong.
Limon, Caramelo, and Elsa...Sigh! I don't know what to say. Caramelo is just being a kid. She doesn't mean to hurt Limon's feelings. He is being way too sensitive and taking every little thing to mean she's forgetting about him. By the way, someone asked where Caramelo picked up calling someone a burro for not having book learning, because surely it was not Elsa putting those ideas into her head. Well, it was Limon. That's exactly what he called himself when she asked him to read the letter, and it's the kind of language he uses. If Caramelo uses that kind of harsh language (without realizing how hurtful it can be), it's Limon's fault. No on else. If Elsa heard her speak that way, she would correct her. Just like she scolded her for not going for a walk with Limon after she said she would.
like whack a mole- one pops up just as you knock one down
Elsa really does her best to help Asunción, and Caramelo is just a kid. I guess she won't be in love with her new toys forever and later she'll be nicer with the old man. And Limón has to understand that she didn't forget him.
The scene with JJ and Zaida was funny at the beginning. I liked it when he told Limón where Elsa lived and when he got clumsy about explaining the situation. He's a big flirty teddy bear but he'd better keeps himself away from that woman.
I have fallen behind on this novela and I don't know if I'll be able to keep up but I'm reading the recaps and comments when I came. This week has been just crazy for me.
Aribeth: I really liked hearing how you got started learning Spanish. Your friend learning Spanish and French at the same time, wow. I'm learning French and I studied a bit of German but stopped before I could really understand it, which was unfortunate because I really liked it. My teachers right now expect us to know English and some of our readings are in that language but I have to pass French intermediate before finishing my studies. French is easy to understand but parts of it tend to frustrate me more than anything in English.
a truly evil looking villain. I had
not seen him prior to Mi Pecado.
He played such a wise, understanding, sympathetic priest.
I especially enjoy seeing these older actors plying their trade so
Re: Caramelo - many an aunt or
grandparent has traveled some distance to see a beloved niece, granddaughter, etc. only to find
shortly after a brief initial visit, the child is off to play with a new toy or with new friends.
As others remarked, she is a typical kid - moving rapidly from one thing to another - the lure of a new toy enticing her.
This is life in a process where
children gradually grow up and grow away from their families as they attend school, become involved in a variety of activities, and perhaps go off to college. Families prepare their child for a larger world out there. Still in the long run, it is the immediate family that remains, always there to support the child/adult whenever the need arises. The world continues to offer distractions; good families always offer enduring love. Caramelo's delightful painting was sraight from the heart. What a great kid!
Additionally, I thought that Elsa
handled the sensitive situation well. She couldn't require
Caramelo to stop investigating
the paint set (1) because she was
totally into it (2) it would have
made matters worse for both Mauricio and Limón. I thought that
Mauricio felt bad about what had
occurred, but he had not intentionally done anything to hurt
Limón in spite of his earlier comment about Elsa distancing herself from him. I believe he
realized how hurt Limón was at not
being able to spend the private time with Caramelo as he had planned.
I watch this program very early and quietly because my husband is still in the room. It hasn't been a problem until today. I couldn't understand what Ale was saying to Mina in the coffee shop. It seemed as though Ale was having relationship doubts about JJ, did I hear that right?
Limon, JJ, Elsa and Cara, the best novela triangle (quadrangle) ever, I'm watching like a hawk to see what happens. It's a beautifully crafted and realistic situation. Limon needs to develop a poker face, but gosh, I think I'd have a tough time reigning in my true feelings in his situation, right or wrong, he's lost custody,poor guy. Floridia, your right on with your comments on small children moving from one activity to the other ignoring those who are visiting, it is a realistic situation. I love Lucha, Chicles real mom, she doesn't let anything get past her.....good!
Father Matias as a bad guy, oh dear. Yes Vivi, it IS wack-a mole with our villains.
Aribeth, JJ was a big flirty teddy bear. He seems to be a "party flirt" only, he doesn't act out his flirtations, thank goodness.
I am in high anticipation of today's recap. Aribeth, you already have me laughing with "Now that Garnica is spending his time with fishes we get another evil guy". And it's Padre Matias to boot! Should be very interesting.
I spent the last few days home, trying to shovel out, a portion of it without power. It got so bad I would wrap up my dog in a blanket and ran the car to get warm. I hope everyone here fared better and is now toasty warm and safe. This has been a terrible winter and it's only mid-January. Blech.
I kept wracking my brain as to where I saw Salvador Sanchez before. It was as Padre Matias in Mi Pecado!!!
I love Caramelo and Chicles. They seem to act their parts out so easily.
Years ago some friends of ours were in the same boat in a neighboring community, and honestly I do not know how they managed.
Knowing you, you will make the absolute best of it, dearie. Give your doggy a head scratch for me.
Garnica's "associate" took one look at the semi-automatics in the waist bands of the visiting goons and made up the lie about Juan José on the spot, as far as I can figure. That can't be good.
Caramelo acquiring toys is nothing new; Juan José bought her a boat load. It didn't affect her relationship with Asunción then -- and it isn't now. It's her situation that has forever changed, and she's loving it. That's the case.
There's no reason Asunción can't be a part of it, but he was never her father. Not even she calls him that, which she could have if she felt like it; she now insists on calling Elsa her mother. And she does want a father.
Alejandra told Mina she was going to let Juan José contact her this time; she's wary that he's so insecure that they are never going to get past his incendiary reactions to things like this. She wonders if she's in love with the wrong guy.
Asuncion better get a grip. He is feeling so sorry for himself and acting the victim whenever he visits Caramelo. Elsa is so nice to him, trying to make him feel at home, offering him something to drink, but he acts so stiff and formal with his long sad face, and sad puppy dog eyes.
Just when the letter comes out Asuncion has to be the one to hold it but not be able to read. I felt for sure that either JJ or Lucha was going to walk into the room and Caramelo was going to ask one of them to read it.
Does Leo have x-ray vision or what. How did he know to look more closely in the margarine.
So is the new villian the big boss and an associate of Adolfo. Did he say that Garnica had cement shoes?
Margaret, yes the two villains did talk about cement boots. That was the one phrase I did catch and chuckled at. I guess criminal bosses all over the world use the same technique.
Didn't Chicles tell Ascuncion how he got the letter? I'm kind of surprised that Ascuncion didn't ask Caramelo if he could keep it and let someone else read it because it looks important.
My favorite part of the show: Juli and Leo. It looked for a moment like Leo was going to get angry, but it turned out that they are a loving couple that can actually address problems - or potential problems - without arguing or screaming.
Did anyone else see our "Bertha" last night in Mujeres Assisinas? She played a secretary who works for a doctor, has an affair with him and is killed by his wife. Her first scenes were without all the raccoon makeup she wears in LVO.
When Juli said to Leo she went out with Roberto and he looked so angry, I thought, no please don't do a JJ on Julie. But then he calmed down and then kissy kissy. Phew.
Diana, I heard yesterday that every state in the US had snow, except Florida....even Hawaii. Hope YOU stay toasty warm this weekend, no more power outages! Someday you and your pooch will have a few laughs over drinks (ha) about the winter of 2010/11. It's cold here, and when I look out the windows, I feel like I'm at a ski resort, lots of snow still.
So another baddie has entered on the scene. I'm thinking JJ will regret ever getting involved in Garnica's investment plan.
So glad that supercop Leo found the money and the diamonds. He's getting very close to tying Adolfo to it all. Now he just has to find Susana.
I think this novela has spoiled me with having a smart cop who pieces everything together so quickly. No beanie moments here.
Leo cannot hold the short dating with Roberto against Juli because Leo overtly pined for Gabi for months. And our Leo is so smart, he knows how the criminal mind works. He asked for a spoon for the margarine tub but Susana didn't push the diamonds all the way into the margarine as Leo expected.
Aribeth, I miss Crazy Roberto as well. Thank you for your humorous recaps, fotos and the helpful details. I agree, the backgroumd was louder than the conversation between Mina, Ale and Bertha on the phone, so thanks for the summary of that scene. Thanks, Jeri, for the links.
And I liked how Caramelo's painting looked like she had actually painted it herself....very childlike. I always laugh at the artwork in the novelas-artist Paloma's crappy dove and those bad family portraits in STuD. But Caramelo's painting was spot on.
Geez, Diana, I'm sorry to hear about your awful weather situation!
Poor Elsa and Mauricio, that was a very uncomfortable yet inevitable situation and it wasn't their fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. Btw, when Mauricio was talking about separating themselves from Asunción & JJ they surely didn't think it was going to be just as hard and heartbreaking as killing a puppy. But I think he already gave up that idea.
He seems to be a "party flirt" only, he doesn't act out his flirtations, thank goodness.
That's one of the many element I like about in this show. Neither of the galáns has slept with another woman, they never cheated on their girls.
I'm not worried that JJ may show his own comandante :) to Zaida but he should not flirt with her because she isn't Gaby, Ale, Mina or Elsa (= nice girl). She is dangerous.
I thought, no please don't do a JJ on Julie. But then he calmed down and then kissy kissy. Phew.
Same here! :) Fo me Leo is like Bill Adama from BSG: I like him, I respect him and when he gets angry I'm afraid of him because he's always right. When Adama (played by the magnificent Edward James Olmos) looked at a character angrily, I, the viewer saluted in front of the television and said "Aye, aye, Sir!" Leo has the same kind of calm, commanding charisma. :)
I didn't know it was officially "Frame J J Day."
LOL! You hit the nail on the head.
but parts of it tend to frustrate me more than anything in English
:)) Prepositions and phrasal verbs. They kill me. Get in, out, away, across, by, back, over, up, through, and every single version has at least 10 meanings. Someone shoot me, please. :) In Spanish subjuntivo and le/la/lo/se/las/los/me/te/digamelo/a mi no me gustan are my least favourites. Though I should not complain, anyone who ever tried to learn the strange logic of Hungarian had a hard time with it.
Oh yeah, Salvador Sánchez's portrayal of Macario was great.
1. Adolfo, Sevilla and Garnica has known each other for ages.
2. Sevilla and Zaida: once upon a time they were on good terms but Dante betrayed her. Or whatever. They know each other for a long time.
3. Garnica and Zaida: she was in prison for a while and Garnica rescued her. They also know each other for a long time.
4. Adolfo and Zaida: Garnica introduced her to Adolfo in in episode 16. A few days/weeks later they slept together. They know each other for 5-6 months.
But why does Adolfo act like he's known her for years? Is this a continuity error or I missed something?
Julieta is smart.she told the truth before Leo found out,then turned it around by interrogating him.She is now confident Leo is all hers. Ale can learn a lot from her. Why is Fausto still keeping secrets from his girls? A lot of problems could be solved by just opening ones mouth. Gabi has proven to be quite resourceful.He better talk before she decides to do some more digging. Berta can be under house arrest for all I care.If she is Ale's sister,then there must be some good in her.At the moment it is buried so deeply within her cloudy soul,we cannot accuse her of it.
Aribeth,your caption was so funny. JJ- "why do you always smile? What's her name--"Botox"
Thanks for a great recap and lots
of extra info. The background music
does at times drown out the dialogue. (for me, anyway)
Jeri, Thanks for the links.
Vivi ... all of you have made an exceptional commitment to keeping us informed about this fascinating novela each episode. We love how serious you take this. Did anyone
notice how the first-time recapper
of Triunfo had to leave because of her job schedule? This is no easy task.
Re: Zaida - does anyone know why
she was in prison?
Re: Juli - I loved how she had the courage to ask Leo about his feelings for Gabi; she must be even happier now. You can see Leo's feelings growing daily for
his beautiful novia who loves his daughter so much.
Re: Chicles - I'm sure you noticed how he was enthusiastic about the backpack at first and then somewhat disappointed because it had no Garnica-like chain.
Re: Weather - I live in south Florida; there's no snow here, but I've had the heat on for weeks.
I suspect that the reason Zaida was in jail was because of Dante's betrayal. She probably took the fall for some dirty smuggling job she was doing for him. And he likely did not hire Garnica to help her get out of jail either- just forgot about her and left her yo rot in jail. Garnica probably took it upon himself to get her out because he thought it would be useful for him to have her around and on his side. Like Deborah (L.A. smuggling lady) they all probably run in the same cirlces and know of each other, even if they don't know each other directly. This is all just conjecture on my part. I could be totally wrong.
I just spent the last few hours with my friends and their 3 day old baby. So cute and tiny! It just makes my evening. :)
Adolfo just seemed to be really ticked off that Dante eats his own and then expects to be trusted. That really made Adolfo angry, when Dante expected Adolfo to lay out his secrets. Adolfo is a very tight-lipped, private individual.
And I don't see a reason to conclude Mauricio has backed off on wanting Elsa to distance herself from Juan José and Asunción. I expect he will continue to urge her to do that. And he should.
As has been noted, Asunción is making it harder on himself than he needs to.
Agree about Juli and Leo. Although she doesn't have his education or experience, she’s holding her own in this relationship. But I can’t help but wonder what his reaction would have been if she had been more involved with Roberto than just one date. Not letting JJ off the hook, but it's a lot to take in that Roberto is responsible for his 11 years in cell, was involved with Ale, and is suddenly dead (instead paying for his crime). I can see where JJ would just need some space (aka brooding time).
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