Thursday, January 13, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #8 1/12/11 A triumph of Max's stupidity.

I know, they're kissing and it's all romantic and stuff…but I'm partly distracted by the acne along her jaw line. Yes, yes, I'm horrible! But all the holiday sugaring up I did has my poor jaw line in a similar state. I guess I assumed the show's makeup people would have done a better job of hiding it than I can manage with a cover stick. Upon replay and review with my personal advisor, AKA, Mr. 5ft, he also was distracted by the acne. What a disaster! Maybe they'll do some product placement later that will explain how this got past the dailies? Anyway…Maria breaks it off and says Max has made a mistake. That's it. Period. End of story. A mistake! He just met her and he's sneaking her off to a pal's apartment to mack on her…who the hell does he think she is? "Ummm…a modern girl?" Well what the hell do you mean by that? One with no dignity or decorum? Maria says even though she's no "mojigata" (prude) she cares enough about herself not to be some pretty boy's sex object. Max looks gratified by the answer, but then seems to realize that he has seriously fucked up.

Oscar(?) the accountant tells Antonieta that it's just as possible to live without love as it is to live without caviar at breakfast and champagne at dinner. Well, in that case. Pfft! He says it's a consolation that he doesn't have to live with the roller coaster of emotions. Toni isn't sure she agrees. Or that he's really ok with living without love. He says he's not going to turn being alone in to some kind of tragedy. Antonieta takes it upon herself to turn it into a tragedy for him…by saying that he won't feel the same way when he's old. "Think about it." Well, thanks, Debbie Downer!

Milagros is using the same logic to try to hook Don Napo. Stick to your guns, Don Napo! You be a solterón (confirmed bachelor) if you want to! Milagros says a man always needs a woman around to fill his belly and warm up his bed! Heh…in our house it's the other way around! Juanjo tells her to back off already. Napo says he's not alone…he has a daughter living in the US. Milagros says it's not the same as the love of a fiery woman…"A mí si me urge un bombero que apague la llama de esta pasión que me consume!" (I sho'nuf do need a fireman to put out the flame of passion that consumes me!) Poor Juanjo, having to listen to his mom throw herself at his best friend like that. Here's a thought…maybe Milagros should write trashy romance novels! With prose like that, they're sure to be a hit. Don Napo tries to run off and Juanjo begs his mom to quit coming on to Don Napo like that or he won't come back. Behind her back. Napo thanks Juanjo from saving him from the clutches of his fiery mother! Once he leaves, Milagros says he needs to be her wingman instead of cock-blocking her all the time!

Antonieta cries in the showroom and gets busted by Pipino, who won't take "nothing" for an answer. And he's not buying her "headache" excuse either. He invites her to his place for drinks and talking and promises he won't repeat what she says.

Max remembers Maria talking about wanting to have a family and people who love her and wanting to be joined with the man she loves with God's blessing, because she's not a prude, but she's not going to give it up to him just cause he's hot.

Linda tries to drag the trash out, but Juanjo sees her in the hallway and does it for her, since she's just too darn pretty to do it herself. He pretty much offers his services as boyfriend, but she shoots him down cold. She goes back into the apartment and laughs about it to Nathy. This Linda is bad news. I predict she'll cause more trouble than Fer in the end. We'll see. Nathy doesn't hint broadly enough that she has a thing for Juanjo and so has to listen to Linda talk about how terrible it would be to be married to him and have to work for a living, and then have to come home with aching feet and cook him dinner, and then have to be all sexified for him in bed. Ugh! Poor Nathy. Linda says a man like that is only handsome if he's got money. Just then Maria comes running in, crying. She can't quit crying long enough to tell them what's wrong.

Victoria and Ossy have dinner. Vic is tickling his leg with her foot under the table. She says just because she's a workaholic doesn't mean she doesn't love him. Os says he wishes she were more involved and took more of an interest in what he's doing and that gets lonely and sometimes wants to…"What? Get another woman?!" No answer.

Linda tells Maria "I told you so," but she thought Max was different. And he was such a good kisser she thought she'd found the love of her life and maybe they could really have something. "Why can't things be like you dream just sometimes?" Maria cries that he's the only guy, even though Linda says the world is full of guys.

Max contemplates his stupidity as Pipino comes in. He wants to hear how it went, but Max won't tell him. "Come on, I'm like a tomb!" "Right, more like an open grave!" Pipino can't wrap his head around Max having failed to make a conquest and declares Casanova dead. Max counters that he may have lost the battle, but not the war! He thinks Maria is either "muy lista" (very smart) or "muy buena" (very good). Cut! Can we have a substitution of galán, please? I don't think this one's getting the point. Max announces he's going to go find out right now. So help me, if this involves more deception or some stupid test, I will no longer care how cute he is! Pipino takes a whiff of Max's drink and raises an eyebrow.

Vic admits it was a stupid question. Os says she knows him better than anyone, so she should know that he would never disrespect her like that. He says he's never so much as thought of another woman the whole time they've been together. Vic knows it, that's why she wants him to forgive her. Os agrees, but says there must be something behind the question. He asks if she wants him to cheat on her so she'll be able to be a workaholic in peace. Vic shakes her head.

Bernie is looking at old pictures and Tomasa asks if she can see. There's a picture of Bern and Octavio on their wedding day. She looks pissed off and not youthful at all. Tomasa says that Don Octavio looks really young, and Bernie…came out looking very "guapa" (beautiful)…in that photo. Listen to it again, I am only slightly exaggerating those pauses. There are some other pictures where Vic really does look young and hot, and then one where's she's with some guy… Bernie says he's no one. Tomasa takes the tray and leaves. Bernie remembers Octavio confronting her about not being JP's biodad. Bernie looks at the pictures again and tells "no one" that he's JP's real dad, but JP will never know. I don't know if they used the exact same actor or not, but I can see the resemblance to this guy, with the facial scruff and the floppy hair. "The dead don't speak."

JP prays to God to protect his mom from all evil and also for his father's eternal rest. 1. There is no way in heaven or hell to protect her from herself and 2. Would you like a 2-for-1 special on prayers for the eternal rest of dads known and unknown?

Max goes out to a club with Fabian, who thinks he deserved what he got. Max can't stop thinking she's just screwing with him and is smarter than the other girls he knows, that's all. Yes, exactly. She's smart enough not to let you get into her pants just because you're hot! That doesn't mean she's screwing with you, doofus! Some bimbo comes up to Max and invites him for a drink with some girlfriends at a nearby table. He says he'll meet her there later. Fabian just laughs at him. Max starts to take off and Fabian asks if he'll be at "canotaje" (kayaking?). Max says it depends on how he feels when he wakes up in the morning, heh, heh, heh. Dumb. Ass.

Maria, on the other hand, rather than drowning her sorrows in the beefy pecs of another hottie, is lying in bed crying like the respectable girl she is. She also remembers the afternoon with Max and telling him she's not the kind of girl to be taken to a bachelor pad and macked on. She says she doesn't know how she'll be able to believe in him again.

Out in the living room Linda is glad Maria has finally gone to sleep. Not that she really cares. She figures Maria will get over it once she realizes the awful truth…that all men are alike. Nathy asks how Linda knows so much about men. "Because I have the wisdom of life, of the street. That's what matters most. And I graduated with honors." She promises when she finally shares all her wisdom with Nathy, Nathy's "chones" (slang for "calzones", panties) will fall right off from the shock!

Victoria tells Osvaldo that she doesn't just love him, but she also admires him as a man and an artist. And thanks to his understanding, she's been successful. Os says he's sometimes afraid they'll end up like other couples, like two strangers who end up repeating the same arguments, the same habits, the same routines, and all without love. Vic reminds him they love each other. Os is appeased, but he asks when was the last time they just sat and talked about them, talked about their feelings and thoughts and desires. They always end up talking about the kids or work, but never about their relationship.

Linda asks Nathy if she's ever made love andNathy is shocked at the question. She laughs at the very idea. She gets a little sad and says she's never even kissed anyone on the mouth! Linda says she doesn't know what she's missing!

The waiter hands over the bill and when Osvaldo goes into his wallet for his credit card, and incriminating slip of paper falls out…Linda's phone number. Vic confronts him about it. Os says he can't remember whose number it is. "Oh, please…I get 3 or 4 of those a day, wanting me to call them." He signs the receipt as Victoria thought bubbles that she's not going to forget that name. Ok, how long have they been married? And how long has she been suspicious that he's maybe cheating on her? And how many times in all those years has she been right? And why does she keep wasting her energy being suspicious? And if she's really that suspicious then why doesn't she just do the sensible thing and put a PI on retainer to keep tabs on him at all times?

Pipino serves Toni some tea and cookies. Toni wonders why all men aren't like him…friendly, genteel, gentlemanly. Pipino has noticed she's been sad, but Toni can't explain it. Well…he can! "It's the evil of this age…loneliness." Toni says she knew it was all an act. "Máscaras vemos, sufrimientos no sabemos." (We see the masks, but we don't know the sufferings. It's a paraphrasing of "Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos" meaning we see faces, but we don't know what's in people's hearts) Pip asks her who is the man she's all torn up over, cause he knows it must be something to do with love.

The three musketeerettes slumber on…or at least, 2 of them do. Linda sneaks out of bed and into the living room to make a phone call.

Milagros tells Juanjo that he can stop denying it…she knows he's into Linda. He admits he is, but says she doesn't take him seriously. Milagros says he hasn't learned the art of seducing a woman. That could have gone in a very bad direction, but she just tells him he needs to heap compliments on her, buy her flowers, surprise her every day with some "detalle" (a little gift, a gesture, something nice), say romantic things in her ear. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but women are won over with words…with boleros, presents…. Juanjo says he's going to win her over or his name isn't Juanjo! Time to pick a new name then. Unless we get the usual plot devices and she gets pregnant by someone else, decides she needs a baby daddy, seduces Juanjo to make him think it's his and gets him to marry her. Short of that, there is no way she's ending up with him.

Linda calls the production offices and says she's calling from Pedro Segovia's office and he needs to speak to Osvaldo immediately. She gets the numbnuts on the other end of the line to give her all of Osvaldo's phone numbers. Even Linda is shocked by her good fortune.

Os and Vic get home and Os asks her to quit busting his balls over something so unimportant. Vic says she agrees and asks forgiveness. Os asks for a kiss. The phone rings and he convinces Vic to ignore it, but the maid answers it and tells Osvaldo he has a call from Linda Sortini and she says it's urgent. Os refuses the call and says to tell her he's not in. Vic is upset that he denied knowing her, but here she is calling on the private line. Osvaldo figures it must be someone from production that he's forgotten about meeting (does her really think that or does he know damn well who Linda is and he's covering his ass?). Vic says they've never called the house before and he tries to convince her not to get upset. Vic says she's tired and sleepy. Os can't get her to stop going upstairs and repeats that it must just be someone from production. He takes Linda's number out of his pocket and thought bubbles that Linda is very "atrevida" (daring) but he doesn't look like that's a good thing and he crumples the phone number.

Max goes kayaking. But wait, there's more!

Juan Pablo is downstairs when Bernie calls to him. She's wearing a veil over her face and says this is a painful day from her. Another year since his father's death. JP says he loved his father and it's very painful for him too, but if that's what God wanted, they need to accept God's will. Bernie claims she just can't get over the sorrow. She says "let's go."

Max's kayaking coach is not happy with his time and asks what's up with him. Max says he was up too late last night. The coach yells at him that maybe he needs to quit doing that the night before training or he's not going to qualify. Max puts his sunglasses on and gets back to his training.

Bernie weeps at Octavio's plaque. "Why did you leave me? Why did you abandon me? I no longer have anyone by my side? No one." JP asks her not to say that, since she still has him. Bernie lifts her veil and asks if she really does…"Then swear to me that you'll always be by my side and that no matter what happens, you'll never abandon me…swear it to me!" JP hugs her and says of course he swears it. Bernie thanks him.

Maria has brought some gifts to the sisters at the orphanage. She's been working on some doilies to sell at the upcoming church bazaar. She'd also like to make confession and luckily for her, the priest will be visiting today. And a young'un at that!

Maria asks the Virgen, as a mother, to protect her. She puts herself in the Virgen's hands, since she doesn't have parents. Padre JP covers her hands and says "hija mia" (my daughter) and he and Maria smile at each other.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak!

Tomorrow: Tomasa keeps insisting the JP needs to know the truth; Max le lleva serenata! And how will Maria respond?


So, last night I had the coolest audition EVER! I got to handle a sword! I would be willing to take a non-speaking role just so I can learn some stage combat skillz!

Also, is up and running. Take a look when you get a chance and leave me some feedback on the 5ftLatina blog.

OK, I'm pissed at Max, but I am a sucker for a serenata, so he'll probably win back my affections tomorrow. We'll see.

thanks for this recap chica! I have recorded it and frankly can't stomach watching it! I'm so thankful, they didn't get it on! Total slimeball move on his part- cheeky so and so!

Soy media mojigata then? I agree with Maria D on this one.

Thanks for a super recap. I saw only a few bits, but one of them was Max powering the kayak through the water. Sweet William Levy in a kayak indeed! and evil hypocrite Bernarda draped in a veil, the better to hide her two-faced face!
La Paloma

Thanks for the recap 5ft Latina i hope you get the role. Let's hope your combat training is nothing like Ivanna's like what she did her kung fu moves with the candlestick.

What are we going to do with Max so he took maria to Pepino's apartment to test her out? To see if she was easy or not? Exactly what kind of woman has this boy been dating?

ROFL with the line about Juanjo changing his name, yeah i don't see them becoming a real couple at least not from Linda's end.

When Bernie was looking at Tomasa looking at her pictures maybe it's just me but i thought she was sizing her up to bite her.

Kat, I haven't even finished reading but can't stop laughing at "Max says it depends on how he feels when he wakes up in the morning, heh, heh, heh. Dumb. Ass." You are too funny! Lol :)

Kat, I am jealous of your swordplay and of your recapping skills. Buen hecho.

Liked the twist on the theme..."Max in a kayak...but there's more!" I saw him paddling and was all, "It's over already?"

I noticed the acne, too, and felt terrible for zeroing in on a flaw in all the prettiness. Am I a negative person? But I think I just always notice acne because I've been so plagued with it myself.

Osvaldo's and Victoria's marriage is certainly not sailing smoothly. Are those rocks coming up? What the heck is her problem, anyway? Duh, he's a TV star, women are going to throw themselves at him all the time. It doesn't mean he's responding, and I don't think he's given her any reason to think that he is. I think she has that affliction where she subconsciously sabotages her own life to prove that she's as tormented as she believes herself to be. She seems to get a sick pleasure out of feeling sorry for herself.

"...but I'm partly distracted by the acne along her jaw line."

Me too! But even before the kiss I was distracted by those damn stupid braids. What it up with them? Two braids smack in the middle of her head. Stupid.

"but then seems to realize that he has seriously fucked up."

LOL funny! I better stop quoting. I'm only on the first paragraph. Needless to say, this is a fab recap.

Ok. Is it just me or does Oscar sort of give out a homo vibe? Not that it matters a whit to me, but it just makes it hard for me to believe he's actually in love with Victoria.

In the opening credits there's a shot with Os and Linda in the tub together. For now Os insists he's faithful, but I don't think that will last long.

Bernarda was über-creepy in her black veil. And the whole "why did you leave me?" bit. If I had to make a guess I'd say it's the bottle of poison you gave him.

Bien hecho, 5ft Latina. And what kind of sword? I was into fencing until i wrecked my right knee.

I don't know where Max's head is at: Does he think a convent-raised girl is easier or more of a challenge? What will Mama say about this when she finds out? Did anyone hear about a "no fraternization" rule at Victoria's company?

And if Pablo Montero plays the soloist in the serenata in tonight's episode it would serve Max right if Maria goes off with him instead.

Since nobody in novelas is capable of living without love, Oscar is probably on Prozac; I hear it knocks out your sex drive. Not a bad idea for some people. Maybe it'll occur to somebody to slip Linda some.

Maybe this is a cultural thing but Juanjo and Milagros have some major boundary issues. He needs to move out into his own pad. And Milagros should write romance novels. She'd make a fortune because they're the literary equivalent of potato chips.

Linda is a huge troublemaker. Makes me wonder if she's been taking lessons from Sofia of Los Herederos del Monte. I will have no sympathy for her when the time comes.

Victoria may have a martyr complex (this is Victoria Ruffo, after all) and may not know what to do with a good thing when she has it. This is not good and it won't be long before she finds that out. And am I wrong or after 16 or more years of marriage to an actor shouldn't she be used to seeing other women throw themselves at her husband? What would be really in character would have been for her to grab the phone and tell Linda off. I don't see why a PR person would be calling at that hour when there is no pending emergency.

Ah, now for Bernarda and her veil. They say a snake bit her once... and died. Juan Pablo must have been away at boarding school most of his youth to not spot those crocodile tears. I'd love to see him recommend that she see a shrink. I might rewatch the ep just to see the photo of his genetic father as I am currently wondering whether it's the same actor or Jorge De Silva (whose genes definitely belong in the pool). Whatever. Since secrets never stay buried in La Tierra de Telenovelas, JP will find out eventually.

He will eventually live to regret the promise he just made to his Mother From Hell.

Finally JP encounters Maria. We all know this is a dramatic moment, so it didn't need emphasis from the soundtrack.

Hilarious, Kat.

Wow, I'm liking this Max character less and less. So far, except for a slight edge in the looks department (OK, maybe a bit more than slight) this guy can't really compare with Juanjo. Though I know she will, I can't imagine Maria giving this guy any more opportunities. He started off with a pointless lie about his identity, his actions since shout out, "STALKER!," and now his ham- handed seduction attempt... what? No elegant meal with Champagne? No chocolates? No rose petals strewn about? What was she thinking when she went with him to Pepino's pad? I'm not sure this effort would have even worked with Linda.

Shape up, Max!

Was I the only one who found that last scene in Church between her and Padre JP rather creepy?


Clever stuff, 5ft! Among my favorite lines:

Would you like a 2-for-1 special on prayers for the eternal rest of dads known and unknown?

In the Department of Selective Perception: I didn't even notice the acne in the María/Max scene. I kept comparing them to JP and Vicki and thinking how much worse was Juan Pablo's offense, taking his libido out for a test drive before taking his vows of chastity. For María, Max is some joker she just met. She realizes she's being used and she gets out. He is sticky but eventually hears her saying 'no' and she is able to get away, virgo intacta. But Victoria trusted JP completely and he completely betrayed that trust.
The St Bernard(a)'s wedding picture was quite striking. Apparently she hasn't changed in more than 40 years. I'm thinking that must have been when she made her deal with Satan: In exchange for doing evil for the rest of her earthly days, she would never age (although I would have chosen a baseline of say, 28, instead of being AARP fodder at 60+) but her hair would continue to grow.

By the way, couldn't help but admire her Bride of Satan costume.

Question: Did I read it wrong or did the memorial stone for Octavio read 1960-1990?

Another great recap, Kat. Thanks very much! I'm tiring of this TN rather quickly, perhaps in part because I'm watching "Eva Luna" right before it, and two hours in a row is proving to be more than I can handle. But nothing about "Triunfo" is grabbing me except for the marvellous recaps. Perhaps I'll just stay with those.

Like NovelaMaven, I loved your 2-for-one special on prayers, though I also enjoyed the first part: "JP prays to God to protect his mom from all evil...1) There is no way in heaven or hell to protect her from herself."

Congrats for getting your website up. I especially loved the photos, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the site develops. Best of luck with the site and, of course, your career. Now that you're learning how to handle a sword, there are some TN villains I'd love you to deal with. Come to think of it, I hope to see you as the protagonista--a woman with looks, smarts, and a sword! THAT'S a TN I'd like to see!

Carlos, I don't think it was intended to be creepy so much as overdramatic. Mejia was really talking down to his audience in that one.

I was just trying to find the equivalent scene on Youtube from EPDA, which has to be somewhere in the same spot. It's nowhere near over the top as this. I suspect it works because he's going from interacting with Mommie Dearest to Virtuous Daughter within the last scenes of the episode.

Kat: Thank you, as always! Just loved the 2 for 1 special!!

I actually LAUGHED when I saw St. Bernard come out in that hilarious veil and outfit! There was nothing serious about it for me... it was hilarious. I didn't even have to think about it as it was just too funny. This woman is clearly off her rocker.

...and JP...touching Maria's hand at the word...I could just smell his body odor! How in the world can the actor stand his grungy hair?! The look on his face...I don't know...rather creepy if you ask me.

I think I really need to get a grip about these TN. I want and expect more, but I don't think it will ever happen. I want to see better acting, not the actors playing themselves.

I sometimes get the feeling that when I see Levy acting...I am just seeing Levy and not the character. I felt that way in STuD, too. I love Colunga, but he really didn't show his acting until the very end in the wedding scene.

I am unfairly comparing the TN to some of the wonderful British dramas where I see incredible acting and where the actors are chosen for their ability to act versus how botoxed they are or how perfect their bodies are. As an example, the Brit mystery "Waking the Dead".

I am going to have to stop my complaining and accept the genre for what it is. It will be much easier to enjoy!

The best part are the wonderful recaps here from you incredible recappers! Plus, my vocab continues to grow by leaps and bounds!!

Kat...can't wait to read your blog!


P.S. Can someone make sense for me of the scene when St. Bernard, the most devious of the deviantly Devout, was looking at the picture book.

Do I understand correctly that the man we saw as JPs father in the opening scenes of this TN is NOT JPs father? Did said purported father know that he was NOT JPs father?

Did St. Bernard say who the father was?

The whole scene was rather confusing for me as I missed a lot of the dialogue.



Susanita- Bernarda's husband (the man JP and the world believes is his dad), was not JP's bio dad. He seems to have known that she was already preggers when he married her. It was not a secret between the two of them. He likely did not know that she actually murdered her baby-daddy, because she found out he was already married with a child. So she set his house on fire and murdered him, his wife, and their child. That was him in that photo that the maid asked about. The actor in the photo and in the brief flashback scene we saw a while ago is Arturo Carmona- currently in LVO and Mar del Amor (on in the daytime). He was also in CCEA as a villain.

Carlos, I found the equivalent scene in EPDA:

It's at the very end and continued in Cap 7(1). This was done much better.

The braids have been bugging me from day one. as for the acne, LOL!! I did not even notice; was too focused on his kissing technique... hot flashes alert!

Susanita: re 'grungy hair,' I've made a comment about this on another tn. don't know why a lot of TN men on tv are fond of that greased up/wet look. eck!

Re: the braids

If Maite Perroni is actually 27 years old, maybe this is about making her look like a kid (as if the Catholic school uniform doesn't already do that?). Adele Noriega (who was 31 for EPDA) had barrettes instead.

In searching for that video I see that a lot of dialogue is identical.

Padre JP needs to have something better done with his hair, I agree. A nice Dry Look at the very least.

I was wrong about the phone call thing, but the current actress is overplaying this stuff to a degree that Sabine Moussier didn't. Considering her more recent work I can't believe I said that.

NovelaMaven: "Bride of Satan" is the perfect description of that getup. As for her unchanging face maybe her real name is Elizabeth Bathory.

Vivi: WOWSERS!!! Did I EVER miss out on St. Bernard killing her baby daddy!!! How in the world did I miss all of that at the beginning of this TN?!

Well...that says it all, doesn't it. No wonder she wants JP to pray for her night and wonder she feels that this is his "job" in life!

Romo has never been a fave of mine, but they picked a good one to play St. Bernard. Somehow...the role seems to fit Romo quite nicely.

UA: Now...I am off to see that youtube clip you posted. :)

Shallowgal and UA: Super...we are all in agreement about JP and his wretched hair. The wet look always seems to be for the galan or one of the other 'muy sexy' males on the TN. I hardly think that JP falls into that category!


I think JP is muy, pero muy guapo, even with the oil slick on his head. Last night I thought he looked like his hair had been washed, though, and only had maybe one day's worth of product on it. It was an improvement.

I also think that Diego Olivera is attractive, rather like Eduardo Palomo (I miss him!). He needs a shampoo and a good shave.

I will never understand the 5 o'clock shadow thing on non-villain characters, especially when the actor is really handsome otherwise.

Click on the photo near my post for the evidence.

IMHO, WL's acting is in line with his character - slick playboy, devil-may-care/easy-going attitude, still living at home w/parents.

In Sorti, he was all grown-up, serious, responsible for everyone living in his household.

I agree shallowgal. In Sorti, although WL's character Alex also had an easy time with the ladies, he was responsible for the family business and welfare, and carried himself that way. Max is totally carefree and a playboy. I don't get the same vibe from the characters at all. I preferred Alex.

Max didn't even do his assignment by going to Nueva York, he missed the plane. I didn't even hear any repercussions from that.

I agree, he is just being Wm Levy as Max, though adorable as he can be.

Well put, Vivi. I too prefer 'Alex.' I still have about 50 episodes of Sorti that I'm not prepared to delete from my dvr. I go back to them from time to time to just swoon.

But I can just stare at WL in anything he portrays.

I'm not into the oily looking unwashed hair look just looks to greasy for me.

Shallowgal i'm just as shallow as you are i can just stare at William and be satisfied. I'm just not to happy with his five o'clock shadow but looks a day and half beard look he did in Sorti and besides it covers up too much of his beautiful face.

I didn't notice the acne i was too distracted by William kissing too, i guess a lot of actors are hating HD TV's nowadays huh showing us all of their imperfections.

Urban Anthropologist, Thanks for that link, it really brought back some memories for me. For some reason, I had almost completely blocked out all memories of having watched it though I don't think I missed an episode. Bit by bit, it's coming back to me, however. On the other hand, I can recall Ramona (my first TN) in minute detail as well as most of the characters and who played them.


Re HD: A friend of mine who has lived without a TV for about a year and a half now (long story) recently was kept waiting at her auto repair shop and she saw her old soaps on an HD monitor. She was in shock at how bad some of the actors looked. This raises an interesting question:

Will this lead to more or less realistic standards of appearance for celebrities?

UA i hope not because technology is always going to keep evolving anyway and i'm already disappointed with the over done surgeries from these stars anyway. I would love to see them just age gracefully and stop with the botox and breast implants and what have you. I guess it's their ego and pride trying to maintain their youthful good looks.

Julia: "Oil slick"...I am dying laughing!!!

yes...WL is lovely to look at...I don't deny's just right now...he's not holding my interest in the story...otw...he's a cutie.


Thanks for the recap Kat. You are too funny. And while I love watching WL, Max is a turn off. Put me in the camp that enjoyed Alex so much better.

Susanita, I too enjoy "Waking the Dead" and am an Anglophile regarding period pieces and many modern dramas. I understand your frustration with some TNs and if you want to see a really good one watch/tape La Occulta Verdad; it's on at midnight EST. Here's a quote from Sandy from TN that explains what this TN has going for it:

"Perhaps not for others, but this is a groundbreaking novela for me, we have three couples who, besides having a few bumps in the road, have been together almost the entire time. Not only are our couples together, they are maturing and growing in their relationships; Gabi and David, JJ and Ale, Mauricio and Elsa, and now Leo and Juli. It has been a joy to watch. I didn’t realize how much I disliked the artificial and silly novela misunderstandings that usually keep couples apart for months, I just hope that I haven’t jinxed the situation by mentioning it."

Hello everyone!Wonderful recap Kat, you always keep us laughing with your wicked wit. HDtv must be an actress's worse nightmare. It magnifies all imperfections. Answer? Mineral makeup!! Anyway, Max was simply being true to character. The girls at the agency and elsewhere are forever ready, willing and able.Getting them to do his dirty biding is easy. Maria grew up in the convent,her values are different.His mistake was in thinking she was easy. Good girl.Let him fall in love, then reward.I love JP's "just can't be bothered" look.


Karen: Another "Waking the Dead" fan! Perfecto!!!

I have read many of our bloggers sing the praises of "La Verdad Oculta".

I think it is high time that I look into this.

Thank you so much! You've given me the extra push that I have needed. :))


If you are truly suspicious of a guy's intentions, would you go to an apartment with him? I know she is interested but isn't that sending mixed signals to Max? Maybe she knows how to play the game better than he does.

Pobre Max, I'll comfort you until FC returns.

Blu: can u imagine him w/o the 5-O shadow? ITA, he'd be so much more gorgeous. we'd be catatonic.

I myself prefer actors/actresses who are less nipped/tucked. Danna Garcia comes to mind - she's still so young, and something's just off with her face.

On Period Pieces: Having been in the SCA these are priority entertainment. I get seriously annoyed when costumers and wigmakers get it wrong on TV so you can imagine I had a small problem with Alborada and a huge problem with Pasion. CS 2009 had excellent costumes but some of the hair (the men's hair this time)... Don't even get me started on The Tudors.

As for the nip/tuck phenomenon, it's interesting when one hears of casting calls asking for women with "natural breasts" and contract clauses stating that the actresses can't work out (Mad Men). HBO's Carnivale had a stripper whose figure was correct for the period. The casting director of Dona Barbara should have thought about that when casting the role of Luisana.

Just as the casting director of TDF should have remembered that Fernanda isn't old enough for such surgical enhancement.

5ft - Great recap! Way behind, so sorry so late to thank you.

Your website is coming along! You are so talented.


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