Wednesday, February 02, 2011

La Verdad Oculta EP96 02/01/2011 – Lesson of the day: never mess with Pumpkinhead, Psycho Eddie, Mina and the Genovéses

* After a short panic attack Gabriela pulls a Hermione Granger and explains Adolfo and the business partners what synergy is, and when shocked Adolfo (This thing has a brain? Really?) tries to continue the meeting FaustiMario saves the day with a fake migraine. In the meantime worried Elsa calls Juan José who tells her the story of Alejandra, the mall and the tires. The kids were kidnapped? Yes, it seems so.

* A very outraged *Viewerville: yet handsome* psycho tells Adolfo what kind of violent losers he hired to do the dirty job. They tried to hurt the kids and they hit Yolanda! Look, Eddie isn’t a saint either, but he would never manhandle children, actually, his sons are the same age as those kids. Adolfo, who also gets angry at the news orders Édgar to get rid of the losers. But be careful, Yolanda and the children mustn’t notice what happened!

* Mauricio gives Elsa a lift to Juan José but first she wants to speak with Alejandra. She storms into the design studio to scold the woman who was stupid enough to leave the kids in a car, which leads to an ugly quarrel between her and Mina, who fiercely defends her best friend and kicks Elsa out of the office.

* While David, FaustiMario and Abelardo are proudly praising Gabriela’s intelligence and wits in the Genovés villa, at the other end of the town Ramón and Leonardo are talking about Hernández, the corrupt cop and the newest cunning plan that may bring Adolfo down.

* Half an hour later in the tunnel house David, Fausto and Abelardo are talking about Alejandra and the tragedy that just had happened to Juan José, when the supercops show up with a photo of Luis Hernández and Leo tells David his great idea: he should play the cop for a few days in order to get close to Adolfo. Abelardo worries about David’s well being, since Adolfo is an intelligent and unscrupulous man, but Leo keeps asking David to consider his proposition. This could be a great way to defeat Dolphie.

* Édgar arrives at the hideout with a string and a very determined face. However, judging from the laughs and the disgusting conversation of the goons, he’s already late. But he doesn’t lose his nerve, he hides… and waits. Alejandra tells Juan José on phone what happened in her office. No, she isn’t upset, Elsa was right. Speaking of Elsa, she’s just arrived at JJ’s and they discuss the curious case of the tires and Ale’s mental abilities again… which, not so surprisingly, leads to another quarrel. When Pumpkinhead gruffly tells Elsa she should get off the high horse after being involved in smuggling, the exhausted girl burst out crying. First Asunción tries to comfort her, then JJ apologizes her.

* At the hideout Édgar ruthlessly strangles Ears, and then he shoots Pablo, who’s urinating outside the building. In the meantime Lionheart, Pumpkinhead, Ale and Asunción talk about Zaida and her relationship with Adolfo. At last an adult (Leo, who else) puts two and two together, and explains to the others that the kids must’ve had The Letter and that’s why they were kidnapped. But it’s just a theory. Anyway, he’ll ask for a search warrant for the Ávila condo and Yolanda’s flat and Ale’s car will be analyzed, too. Asunción & co. are completely devastated and Leo tries to ease their pain: don’t worry, they’ll find the children.

* Finally Eddie enters a filthy room of the hideout where half-naked Zaida trembles. The heartbroken psycho hugs and consoles the raped and crying woman, and tells her the goons are dead. He swears he’ll protect her forever.

* While Asunción is crying over that Adolfo kidnapped his little girl, Pumpkinhead decides to play John McClane… again. *Viewerville: double facepalm*He shows up at the Ávila condo in the middle of the night and storms into the bedrooms. Oops, that’s Bertha, who willingly tells him where he can find Dolphie. Okay, let’s try the impressing scene again. Where? Are? The? KIDS?! It takes only five minutes, a huge, crazy caveman, a gun and some shouting to make arrogant Adolfo worry for his life and confess.

However, after JJ leaves, Dolphie calls Eddie and orders him to get the hell out of the hideout. Hmm. Adolfo. You forgot Bertha was standing behind you. What are you talking about? Did you kidnap children?! Adolfo sighs. Yes, yes, yes, but he had to do that. It was about that letter. And she has to testify against Juan José, they could send him back to jail! But sorry, Bertha doesn’t want to do that. Nooo? How dare you! Adolfo slaps his favourite handmaiden and kicks her out of his home.

* Pumpkinhead drives to the hideout hurriedly but he doesn’t find anything but a few bloody rags. John McClane collapses. No puede ser, no puede ser!

*Bertha, who’s still wearing her nightgown and a coat, shows up at Carlos’s flat. Yeah, the damsel is in serious distress. And what happened? JJ. Gun. Kids. Kids? Bertha tells him about the letter that proves Carlos killed the maid and Moustache has a flashback. *Viewerville: hi, Roberto* In the meantime Édgar shows Caramelo, Chicles and Yolanda their new home. He plays the rugged goon but it’s hard to resist those cute kids and Yolanda’s sad eyes. At Carlos’s Moustache is ready to confess everything to Faidella. Roberto killed the girl, but he’s also culpable because he kept his mouth shut! Bertha begs him to forget that idea, he would end up in jail and since Adolfo has the children he would hurt them anyway. Why doesn’t he wait a bit longer? Please, Carlos. All right, all right.

* In the car Leo and Ramón give acting advises to anxious David (just act naturally) and try to convince him he can do it. Of course, but there’s a little problem: David’s spine and legs aren’t healthy yet so he can’t walk perfectly. At the second hideout Yolanda begs to Édgar: she offers her freedom for theirs. He confesses he’s also very worried about the kids.

*The three cops arrive at the Ávila condo where Adolfo is quite happy to see them; at least he can tell them what JJ did last night. Oh, really? The policemen aren’t very helpful and Adolfo has no proof since the maid didn’t see JJ threatening him. Anyway, the boys came to introduce him Ugly David, I mean, Comandante Hernández who will also investigate after the Ávilas. We won’t let you in peace. And one more things: if Adolfo kidnapped the kids he should let them free because kidnapping means 15 years in prison. Just think it over. Bye.

* Yolanda has a cunning plan, too: Eddie lets the kids go, and then he kills Yolanda and tells Adolfo it was all her fault. No way, Madame. Please, Édgar, please! But Eddie just pulls an evil smile and promises her nothing will happen to Cara and Chicles.

* Aaand Adolfo has another uninvited visitor: Hernández El Feo, aka the worst amateur actor ever came to tell him he doesn’t like Faidella at all, and he would love to team up with Adolfo. And how could he trust Hernández? Well, Adolfo could check his files and David gives him a business card. Everything is perfect… But when Hernández is about to leave, Dolphie notices his lameness. Excuse me, Comandante… Did something happen to your leg? *Viewerville: we’d rather talk about synergy, mmkay?*



Pumpkinhead, he he.

We're having a two-day blizzard here, with high winds and thunder snow.

Here are the You Tube links for Episode 96:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Thank you Jeri for the links.

Can't wait for the recap Aribeth and thank you in advance.

This was a real 'full' episode. So much happened.

The whole kidnapping has been a big fiasco from the beginning. Did those two henchmen rape Zaida? That was horrible. Did Adolfo tell Edgar to kill the 2 henchmen, or was that a spur of the moment thing to revenge Zaida.

'Dirty JJ' to the rescue, but unfortunately for him the kids were moved to another hideaway. I am a bit confused about why Adolfo told JJ where to find the kids. Was it just a cowardly action. Well, at least Bertha finally saw Adolfo true self and ran for her life.

Well, Elsa finally got that anger off her chest when she went to blast Ale. It was more than just Ale losing Caramelo, but also Ale taking JJ away from her.

JJ has really been annoying lately. Pumpkinhead is the right description for him. He is so all over the place that to me he doesn't even make sense anymore. Just find a big giant pot, put JJ inside and fill up the rest of the empty space with dirt, then just stand the whole thing in the corner of the room. He is only fit for decoration, lol.


LOL Margaret! JJ can be a dolt, but he has his loveble moments. It was dumb to go to Adolfo's and then the kidnap house all alone adn without telling the cops where he was going. What if those three armed men had been at either of those places? He would have been killed and no one would even know where to start looking.

Adolfo told JJ the location to get him and his gun out of his face. He knew Ed and the kids would be gone by the time he got there since he called him right away, so it didn't matter.

So much happened this episode. Huge stuff! The two goons raped Zaida! Edgar killed the two goons (with permission from Adolfo after he told him about them hitting Yolanda and manhandling the kids). I was glad to see them dead actually. Am I turning into cold blooded killer Eddie? Yikes!

Loved how Mina stood up for her bff and didn't let Elsa spill all her anger and hurt all over Ale. But it was shocking to see those two usually mild mannered ladies, who were on such good terms, going at it.

I cannot believe Carlos let coward Bertha convince him to keep quiet about all, even though he knows the wellbeing of two children is linked to his past crime.

Adolfo slapped Bertha around! Whoa!

Leo is putting David in too much danger with this plan. I'd refuse to do it.

Jeri- I hope you stay safe and warm indoors, and with power. :) I hope you have all that's needed for a snow day-- food, books, internet, phone, electricity, and tv (to watch all those daytime novelas). :)

Aribeth- Looking forward to the recap later. Probably won't check back in till late in the evening since it will be a busy day.

Vivi, thank you very much -- luckily, we're good here.

It's still snowing, but I took this pic after my dear husband shoveled the walk so I could put down some bird seed.

Snow out my front door in Chicagoland.

Jeri, hope you stay toasty warm and have enough supplies that you can stay inside for the duration. It is cold and damp here but no snow.

Well, well, well, Pumpkinhead took matters into his own hands. Really, he is lucky that a solid girl like Ale will have anything at all to do with him, money or no money. Seriously, what if any of us had a boyfriend who took a gun and menaced a bad guy and then without the help of the police, attempted to free hostages on his own with a GIANT pistol. Oh my.... I'll take the pot that Margaret described with JJ and the dirt and stick a plant in it and make it pretty.

I'm unhappy with Mina, she returned Elsa's confused anger with meanness and shouting. She should have been more like Limon in the following scene who calmed the situation, not enhanced it. The snapping of the fingers was was VERY annoying! Shame on Mina.

Poor Carlos, all the mistakes of his life are tumbling down on him and while he is seems happy to have Bertha and she accepts him, I don't think she is giving him the best advice.

Yolanda was wonderful offering herself in exchange for the children. I'm so glad that they have her now.

Sandy- I see your point about Mina making the situation worse. I still give her points for sticking up for her bff. But it was hurtful to see two good people who have been so good to each other previously, have such a bad spat. I hope she and Elsa smooth things over before the end.

An interesting thing to me is that they had Édgar tell Adolfo in an affectionate tone that he has two young kids himself.

Édgar adores Zaida; where is the mother of his kids, I wonder. He can't be an easy guy to live with.

Good morning!

Gawd, Psycho Eddie DOES have a heart. It's wonderful that almost every character, even the newest ones have interesting personalities.

who took a gun and menaced a bad guy and then without the help of the police

That's called a very good Bruce Willis/Arnold Schwarzenegger/Harrison Ford/Sylvester Stallone/Vin Diesel/Jason Statham movie. :) I can totally imagine Leonardo doing the same after being fired from the police by a corrupt police commissioner and having his little daughter kidnapped.
If I was JJ, I would've asked someone to check the hideout while I'm threatening Dolphie with a gun because it was a pointless action. But at least now they KNOW Adolfo had the kids kidnapped. That's not a proof that the jury would accept but they definitely know. Mario and Fausto could've never make him confess he murdered Marta. All they got were his mocking laughs and "I don't know what you're talking abouts". JJ made Adolfo sweat, tremble and confess, and I give him thumbs up for that.

And after all, this is a telenovela, not real life. IRL "we don't need another heroes", but onscreen the big boys may do what they want. :)

I loved when fierce Mina defended her best friend and kicked Elsa's screaming butt, I wanted to do that at the first "esa vieja Alejandra" speech - approximately 55 episodes ago. But she went too far with the "Why is this fuss about? She isn't your child and JJ/Ale will take her away from you!" line. And now Elsa is the victim again (as always) because she really loves Caramelo and she's really worried about the kids. However, her wrath towards Alejandra was the good old grossness she always expressed towards the woman who "seduced" "her" man. If anyone else had left the kids in the car, she would've been ten times more forgiving. I'd say it was 40% about the kids and 60% about her issue with Alejandra.

It's always easier to be diplomatic and nice when one isn't involved emotionally - and Asunción didn't have to listen to someone trashing his best friend. Even if that best friend did commit a huge, stupid error. And after all, the kids would've been kidnapped anyway. Smartass Elsa always ends up as the employee of the devil incarnate and doesn't lock her door.

But it was saddening indeed to see two women who used to care for each other fight like that.

I can see Mina's viewpoint; but unfortunately Elsa was 100% correct, if not 100% under control.

And Alejandra knew it. But enough was enough, and I don't really blame Mina for getting rid of Elsa.

The problem with JJ as an action hero is that he is a convicted felon and is out of prison conditionally. Honestly, he put himself in the position to be returned to back to his cell for many, many years if Leo had decided to follow the letter of the law. If you think about it, the maid saw enough to testify against him. Besides, his actions didn’t work, he didn’t find the children. It wasn’t so much threatening Adolfo as it was taking a gun into a hostage situation that bothered me. Oh well, my subplot is that I just don’t care for JJ in general, so it is easy for me to criticize him.

Elsa is whiny and can’t get over JJ, I’ll give you that. But of the bunch, she is the best parent by far. It was convenient for her that Ale was the one who left the children in the car and I do think, as several have mentioned, that she was taking out all of her frustrations on her, but I was completely on her side and not on Mina’s in that situation. It is interesting that Ale feels so guilty that she just sat and took the chastisement, she comported herself well in the situation. I’m glad I’m annoyed with Mina, now I don’t have to worry about a novio for her!! Ha!

Wow, Edgar, while a murderer, is compassionate at times. Now he is the object of my curiosity. There is no hope for him, he has take three (?) lives, but he’ll be a pleasure to watch for the duration. I think that the depths to which they took the bad guys in other novelas discouraged some watching, I wish that more could have seen this program. It should have been in prime time!

Speaking of duration, I noted at a commercial break last night they have LVO officially in "ultimas semanas."

With emphasis on officially; didn't realize they were paying that much attention. I guess we're for real, even at midnight.

JJ practically can't even breath without risking being imprisoned again. :) If I was his friend and I knew what he wanted to do I would've tried to dissuade him from playing the hero... But dammit, that scared look on Adolfo's face made it worth! :)

In that situation Ale behaved with the most dignity. Elsa was, well, the good old Elsa, the Shrew in the Sheep's clothing, Mina was a fierce yet rude BFF, but Ale apologized, she knew she deserved the scolding and even facepalmed when Mina went completely ballistic.
I still prefer Mina, she's hundred times more interesting than poor Elsa. Though I doubt she could find an own galán in such a short time.

Jeri: I think Uni automatically uses the "ultimas semanas" lines that Televisa created. Or maybe I'm wrong.

Aribeth,; Univision doesn't. That's why I mention it; I've watched a lot of insomniac shows, and it's the first time I noticed it.

Then these are good news indeed. I'm very curious about the ratings.

I mean, they could just not be editing out the original advisory; but still I don't remember that from other shows I recorded in the wee hours.

Thanks for the links, Jeri and am looking forward to your recap, Aribeth. I'm especially interested in David/Hernandez' conversation with Adolfo at the end of the episode.

Too bad JJ didn't think to rip the phone out in Adolfo's bedroom. But I guess he could get to another phone to get Edgar to remove the hostages.

I, too, found Mina very annoying the way she snapped her fingers to shoo Elsa out and her nasty remark that Ale/JJ would take Cara away from her. I thought Ale was terrific the way she took it all and couldn't apologize enough. I hope Elsa gets back with Mau. JJ was annoying the way he felt forced to comfort Elsa. He's only a catch because he's wealthy and handsome, but especially in this case he was very unfeeling for how Elsa felt. I'm starting not to like him.


Did Mina really say to Elsa that Ale and JJ will take Caramelo away from her. She went too far in that. It's okay to defend your BFF with logic and facts and being calm, but that was nasty and cruel. I also hated how she was snapping her fingers for Elsa to get out.

Same with JJ, first he scares us with his Dirty Harry moves, then he acts like a pouting teenage girl when he forced himself to comfort Elsa. Okay, he was defending Ale, but come on JJ, Elsa is also your friend.


Well, J J looks hot in black but that's about all the good I can say about him. What was he thinking? We know he's desperate to find the kids since Adolfo won't reveal any info to Leo but he really put himself and the kids in danger. What if there were a big shootout and the kids had to watch him get shot? And he should have figured the kids would be gone by the time he made it to the hiding spot. He really couldn't let Leo know to send a police unit since he have to tell him he threatened Adolfo. I have a nice corner in my house for the potted plant (aka J J/Pumpkinhead.

Yes, Mena was meana. She went to far with the disrespectful finger snapping and was cruel in saying married J J and Ale would win custody of Caramelo. But she's a great BFF.

I agree, I like the shades of gray in these characters. I always thought Psycho Eddie would kill Zaida if asked by Adolfo but not anymore. I'm curious to know more about his past and if he really has some boundaries when it comes to crime and killing for profit.

Looking forward to the recap, Aribeth. Jeri, I used the links before I watched LVO last night, thanks.


Oops, didn't get my name right. Time to put in contacs.


Hi Everyone!

Regarding Ale and Elsa, I think Mina should have butted out. Yes, Elsa raged on Ale (who deserved it in my opinion) but if Mina hadn't stuck her nose into it Ale probably would have apologized, told Elsa how sorry, terrified, guilty and worried she is now and they might have ended up crying on each others shoulders. Mina made things much worse and now Elsa has no reason to trust Ale if she thinks the plan is to take Caramelo.

Keep in mind - JJ and Ale right now are not parental material. Ale doesn't want Caramelo and JJ doesn't know how to draw the line with kids. Whether JJ, Ale, Limon or anyone else (Mina) likes it or not Elsa is the parent here and they need to respect and honor that, not try to undermine her.

Looking forward to the recap Aribeth. This episode packed a wallop didn't it. Gabi and Fausto/Mario outsmarted Adolfo again LOL.

Loved Mina jumping to Alex's defense when Elsa pounced all over her over the kidnapping. I thought a cat fight would ensue.

Speaking of which, JJ was very harsh with Elsa when she showed up at the house. I grimaced when he reminded her that she was in jail. Ouch. However, he meekly apologized when she started to cry and at Limon's urgings.

Loved JJ confronting Adolfo about the missing children. He scared the crap out of him didn't he when he pointed that gun point blank at his face.

Bertha got to see the true Adolfo when he roughly grabbed her by the hair and shoved her out of his room. I'm glad she told Carlos. Now what will Carlos do about.

I'm so worried about Yolanda and the kids. That look Edgar gave her gave me the creeps. The two thugs raped Zaida and Edgar killed them both and buried them. What a badass.

That last scene when Adolfo noticed David's leg dragging a bit has me worried. It looks like Leo's plan may have backfired.

Wanted to mention that although Mina was defending her friend, she went too far when she insinuated that JJ and Alex would get custody of Caramelo. At that moment, I think emotions were heated and you say things without thinking of the effect it will have. In that case, Mina should have just zipped it instead of pouring more fuel into the fire.

Pirate Babe, "That last scene when Adolfo noticed David's leg dragging a bit has me worried. It looks like Leo's plan may have backfired." I thought the same. Gabriel Soto did a good job of doing a bad job of impersonating rogue cop Fernandez. He was gulping and hesitating too much. They should have slapped some latex and makeup on Gabi, she would have aced the performance. There wasn't a good vibe in that little meeting.

Jeri, I forgot to congratulate your husband for his job snow shoveling....buen trabajo. I was talking with a friend in Florida this AM, Tampa area, who has a daughter in Chicago. Concerned, she called and her daughter told her, "don't worry mom, we're safe, we're all in a bar drinking!" ?????

Sandy, I had to laugh, because last night I saw in the comments section at the Trib someone say that snow storms only make more Wisconsinites go out to the bars.

I think I mentioned before that my husband's entire extended family is from Green Bay.

So, back on topic: I enjoyed the scenes with Carlos and Bertha last night. I think all the baloney that has gone down recently is having a good effect on both of them.

Jeri, somewhere in one of the MANY Chicago bars, there is a Florida girl laughing it up with the Wisconsinites!

Aribeth, can't wait for your recap. And ITA w/you that while JJ going to Dolphie's was one of the dumbest things he's ever done, it was worth seeing true fear in Adolfo's eyes.

Though Carlos and Bertha are good together, her suggesting to him to not do what he knows he needs to do is a problem. She's still out for herself and immature and he's trying to do what is right even if that is a high price.

While I understand Elsa was upset, it's hard for me to see anything see does to Ale not coming from a place a jealousy. Elsa's continued fantasy about being with JJ is a pain in the neck. I don't think I've seen a character hold onto a hopeless love for so long.

And though Mina got out of hand, I can appreciate her defending her bff though she did do too far. I don't think she would have been that crazy if Elsa had attack her but having someone scream at your bff can bring out the worst in you.

Sandy, hmm, yes...bars in Chicago: possibly outnumbered only by churches.

Jeri: and what about CS? If I remember well, some viewers/recappers mentioned the "ultimas semanas" thing, but it was ages ago, so I dunno anymore. :)

That snow looks gross. Brrrrrr.

Oh, Carlos and Bertha. So coward, yet so lovely. Can she get flee from Adolfo and his influence?

What does Eddie want to do with Yolanda and the kids? And where's poor Zaida now?

he felt forced to comfort Elsa

Imho it was a natural issue of ego, which happens to anyone who's just quarrelled and haven't calmed down yet. But both his apologies were honest, imho. "I'm still mad, but I know I was rude, forgive me. I'm stupid, I know."
And he was also right, though his arguments were lame and his tone was just as rude as the girls'. Elsa is usually a shy, introverted, insecure girl, but when she compares herself to her archenemy, she does think of her intelligence too highly. Alejandra has everything, including JJ, but "at least she's stupid, arrogant and a crappy mother". Elsa, the kids could've been taken easily by Zaida and Édgar while you were polishing your nails in the bedroom, and of course your contracts with Salomón and Dante were very shady, too.

They can't take Caramelo away from her as long as she's free because 1. Cara is a loyal kid who didn't forget her boys and wouldn't forget her beloved Mommy Elsa, either, 2. anyway, JJ isn't allowed to adopt anyone.

And I don't think they would separate her from Caramelo forever. She couldn't do that, either. Btw, my nasty bitch side says the ugly, rude remark of Mina (which was nothing more but a stupid threatening) was karma since two or three weeks ago Elsa wasn't in Team Shared Custody either: "you can't take Caramelo to your house anymore, Asunción is allowed visit her in my flat but you aren't". Fortunately she forgot that quickly, or maybe she was just too tired to fight with JJ all the time, so she let him pick the kid up next day. My bitch side also says that the "they will get married" part hurt her just as much, if not more, as the adoption part.


And of course the situation is the writer's fault, not the characters'. Arco iris, and so on. They're all nice, good-hearted but confused. I'm just can't stop playing the devil's advocate. :) If it was a totally JJ worshipper/Elsa hater forum with a bunch of 14 years old fangirls, I would sing very different tunes. :)

Aribeth, yeah...could easily not mean anything, I agree.

Ok, recap is up; thanks Aribeth!

I won't add much tonight. Thank you, Airbeth. You do the recaps and still have time to give us lots of good comments.

I know I was awake for the whole episode, but did anyone else notice the quick scene change? After the Ale-Mina-Elsa confrontation, Elsa went to JJ's for additional information. One instant JJ was consoling Elsa on the couch and the next, Elsa was gone and Ale was sitting behind him looking as if she'd been there the whole time.

And Mau--my, but did he look good last night or what.

What's the big deal with the crooked detective having a limp?

Adolfo thinks David is still wheelchair-bound and Hernandez could have been injured in a car accident, shot, or playing pick-up basketball. Surely David will have a toss-off answer.

Aribeth, " If it was a totally JJ worshipper/Elsa hater forum with a bunch of 14 years old fangirls, I would sing very different tunes." I don't think you have to worry about that....see potted plant comments above!!

What a super fun day at the LVO blog....I send southern warm wishes to all our snow challenged northern friends. In order to keep the Chicago bar/drinking fun games going, I'm toasting ya'll with a glass of wine and hopes that your snow melts quickly!!!

Thanks for the comments! :)

Sandy: the plant comments are hilarious but then please gimme that huge plant for a week. As for debating - when I watched CS09 on youtube I met both sides there (omg this is the best show evarrr/omg this is the worst show evarrr), and it was so much fun. And a bit scizophrenic. :)

Aribeth, just a few of the wild and wonderful descriptions in you top notch recap.....“This thing has a brain? Really?; outraged yet handsome* psycho; Leo, who else; a huge, crazy caveman, a gun and some shouting; Hernández El Feo, aka the worst amateur actor ever” Loved every word of your recap!!! Thanks!

Great recap Aribeth!

I felt bad for Zaida and was glad that Edgar killed those thugs.

Like Xinterperuvian I thought Mina should have butted out of the Elsa/Ale thing.

I give Elsa some leeway because as much as she might dislike Ale, she wouldn't have done what she did if Caramelo wasn't missing. And I think she would have been more suspicious and taken even better care of Caramelo if she was updated in all the happenings in JJ's life.

I felt bad for Ale.

I think JJ let his emotions get the better of him as always but his heart is still in the right place.

Asunción was back on my good graces when he asked JJ to confort Elsa.

(I like and feel for JJ, Ale and Elsa and think they are all flawed but goodhearted individuals)

I thought Julio Alemán and Margarita Magaña were great in their scene and didn't hold back.


Fantastic recap Aribeth. I love all the comments about David el Feo. :) The picture you captured of Zaida and Edgar was heartbreaking. Nope. I did not feel bad at all for those goons when Edgar killed them. Good riddance.

Great points today about Mina and Elsa, JJ and Ale. Good, but flawed, people.

I agree Jarocha that Julio and Margarita brought intensity to the scene when he slapped her and threw her out. She's an idiot if she doesn't think that living with Adolfo comes with strings attached. She can't just get by on being cute eye candy for him.

Hi, Aribeth,

Great recap; fabulous variety of photos! One of my missions here is to defend Elsa and will continue to do so.

SHe may be a little naive,but she goes all out for those she loves -
JJ, her brother, Caramelo; she thought she loved Mau, but when she
realized he deserved more than she could offer, she cut him loose
very quickly. She is independent
and does not accept charity. She could have had part of JJ's fortune, and she could have lived with him in an effort to snare him
much like Ivana in STUD. She could have kept the rather lucrative position with Mau, but she chose to go out again on her own. She did not want to be beholden to him. With regard to taking the job, she took a job
with people that had previously
been in business with Mauricio
and JJ, so she presumed they were Ok. She asked for the bill of sale
immediately, and Dante was smooth enough in a fatherly way and
glossed over it. She is the best parent; she instinctively knows how to discipline, read stories,
supervise homework, and teach some
values to the child entrusted to her.

Now as for her flying off the handle re Caramelo, she had every reason to and this is just coming off a huge emotional upheaval- living in isolation and in fear of being threatened with prison.
One could easily label it post traumatic stress syndrome. The first thing she does upon arriving home is call JJ to get Caramelo and she learns the horrifying news.

I'll grant you some jealousy of Ale, but as long as people are measuring, I count that as only
2 percent. Her motherly instinct
was unequivocally dominant.

Ale behaved well; as for
Mina it was natural for her to defend Ale, but she went out of control and became irrational and cruel. SPEAKING OF JEALOUSLY,
has it occurred to anyone that
Mina was expressing JEALOUSLY
of Elsa because she had captured the heart of Mauricio. Think about it.

I thought Édgar had obvious sexual designs on Yolanda. He appears to enjoy both killing and sex in tandem. Zaida is out of commission
to satisfy his needs. Yolanda
is next; keep the thrills coming.

Bertha is high on herself;
low on the learning curve; Carlos deserves more (my first time to defend Carlos but still only in that at least he is striving to climb out of the muck).

Jeri, awesome picture of the snow;
was that the view looking from your house or toward your house?
In any case, it was amazing. I am a
native of Massachusetts. I had my share of snow.

Floridia, I have already expressed my thoughts on Elsa which are in agreement with yours.

I too noticed that strange scene with Yolanda and Edgar and it did seem sexual, but I'm hoping that he doesn't plan to go there. The writers seem to be promising us a villain with a heart of gold, I don't think Edgar will force Yolanda's hand in that way. He seems to have a latent respect for women and children. We'll see won't we!

Floridia, that's the view from our front door. :-)

Aribeth, great title. I'm not going to be able to relax watching this till those kids are rescued so your humor is just what the doctor ordered. My favorites: "* A very outraged *Viewerville: yet handsome* psycho...” "At last an adult (Leo, who else) puts two and two together."

I was totally thrilled to see JJ going ballistic on Adolfo. Not smart, but at least now it's known that Adolfo is behind the kidnapping. Plus I'm a big fan of action heroes with heart. Mina is my kind of BFF, though she went too far. Mina knows how much Ale has suffered every second since the kidnapping and just wanted to put a stop to Elsa. Elsa should have seen JJ and Limon first; she knows how much they are hurting. And Mauricio, the sweetheart, shouldn't have let Elsa alone to see Ale as her emotions were running too high. Elsa came for a showdown and unfortunately she got one.

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