Tuesday, February 01, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #193-194 2/1/11 Humberto could sell mittens to pythons.

Capitulo 193.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Sanchez calls Lety to cancel the meeting to sign over FI to Conceptos. Lety says Fern doesn’t want to talk to her, no way. Mama doesn’t quite believe that. Alone, Lety that says if she just thinks of Fern talking to her, all her courage disappears. She wishes Aldo were there to give her strength.

2. Fern tells Omar that the only thing he’s wanted since the meeting is to talk to Lety. Yesterday he knew where she was and couldn’t go because he was with Marcia, and because she hates him. They need her help and he didn’t want to aggrevate her. Not to get back the presidency! It’s for his father.

3. Humberto calls Lety and sets up a meeting. He begs, yes begs her. MamaT is horrified that she’s coming to the office. Humb tells them all to swallow their pride and accommodate Lety if they want her help. Marcia runs from the room like a twelve year old girl.

4. The board remembers how they humiliated Lety and now they need her help. Fernando says if she refuses to help, it’s not just for how they acted the last day. He covers himself by saying they were always harsh to her.

5. Lety meets Caro for coffee before her meeting. Aldo calls and Lety feels better. Caro helps Lety buy clothes for a new image.

6. Fern is a bundle of nerves because he’s going to see Lety. Omar suggests that he never really loved her, and he’ll realize it when he sees her.

Capitulo 194.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lola meets with Efren and their lawyers. Paula throws a fit because Saimon gave Ali a ride home. Celso has to detain Lety at the gate because Marcia ordered him to never let her step foot in Conceptos. When she enters, the cuartel gushes and Marcia peers down her nose.

2. Lety tells Humberto that she wants to turn over FI as soon as possible. He says that if she does, Conceptos will be destroyed. The only solution is for her to keep FI. Lety says to herself, “I’d have to be together with Fernando again.”

3. She tells him, “Don’t ask this of me. I know I did wrong and I’m paying with my life. Since I walked into Conceptos they’ve humiliated me. Fernando yelled at my parents that I robbed the company, and my family is sacred to me. I’ve had big conflicts with Ariel, Marcia, and Fernando.”

4. Humberto says they all know this is the only solution, and they hope she’ll accept. He reminds her that she accepts responsibility for the crisis; is she going to abandon them now? She can’t disappoint her father like that. She agrees. Then he tells her to come into the board meeting, and she panics again, so again he invokes her father’s name.

5. Aldo tells Caro that he’s crazy about Lety and plans to tell her that he loves her. He even loves her defects. He identified with her pain of having been betrayed, and his pain transformed into love for Lety. I think Caro wishes that Aldo had fallen for her instead of for Lety.

6. The HaHA’s resign from Efren’s case because he lied to them about his salary. Sanchez tells Lola to persue a different divorce so the judge will dictate child support.

7. Lety goes to the cave and remembers when Fernando hugged her goodbye, when she left the cave, and when Marcia called her a criminal in front of the cuartel.


Look at Humberto’s sensational salesman skills. Is it any wonder that he built a big successful company from the ground up? He hits all the right buttons. He knows when to press and when to pull back. He associates her cooperation to her own self image as an ethical person. And the real zinger, her biggest hot button, he brings in her father’s expectations of her because she tipped her hand, saying that her family is what’s most sacred to her. Yes, he’s quite a salesman. That velvet voice and beautiful diction don’t hurt neither.

Did anyone find any "one step forward's" in Fernando today?

And Humberto did one thing to begin to redeem himself in my eyes. When he walked in on Omar & Fernando they went into some kind of slapstick mode falling all over themselves to get out of his way. He was chuckling over them as one would with adorable children. But when he turned to face them he composed his face into the stern, disapproving one he has been wearing around Fernando for days. Maybe his father love isn't as hidden and harsh as we've been thinking. There was affection in that chuckle.


Wow - I was totally thinking today's makeover was going to be HUGE, because of the camera tricks, but I'm happy they went subtle. In this respect it's reminiscent to me of the American version of "Ugly Betty." Her physical transformation went right on to the very last ep.

Ok - back to today's ep's. I really was laughing with the scenes of Lety in that crazy pink jogging suit. HILARIOUS... They also brought back her mustache in full effect for Ep. 193. I thought maybe this along with the typical Lety uniform she initially put on for her meeting symbolized a sort of reversion back to the Lety pre-Acapulco. It took a pep talk from Caro & Aldo to get her back into the more brave space.

Humb walking in and catching Fern & Omar both times was really funny. Fern's over-reaction each time always makes me just shake my head and wonder how his father EVER trusted giving the presidency to him. He's such a clown at heart.

I think Humb is a manipulator...he knew which buttons to push to get Lety on board with his plans. That line he gave her about her accepting responsibility for your part in this matter and invoking her father was pure manipulation imho. BUT that said - he didn't become a powerful businessman by not using a little manipulation when necessary. He did what he had to do in my opinion, even if it will cause so many others pain (Lety, Fern, Marcia). I realize he doesn't know how deep the pain will be since he doesn't know the full story, but he still knows what buttons to push.

I loved Alicia prancing through the office - HILARIOUS again...

I really can't stand the whole Lola divorce storyline, but it was amusing to see the HaHa's as her hubby's legal team. Anytime we can get them on screen is comic gold as far as I'm concerned.

It didn't take Marcia long to return to her usual sour self did it? From the promos it doesn't look like they'll delay in making this meeting happen. Can't wait to see everyone's reaction to Lety. Can't wait to see the interaction between Marcia and Fern in front of Lety either...I fully expect fireworks.

Oh & here's a link about Angelica Vale's fiance for those that are interested - she tweeted it last night (apparently they are getting married this month on President's Day Weekend). http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2011/01/31/american-dream-univision-executive-decorated-war-hero-iraq/

Paula, I think Fern's acknowledging to Omar it would not be wise to talk to Lety was his one step forward today. As much as he was dying to see her he was able to refrain.

These weren't the most exciting episodes but I am so glad we are no longer in Acapulco. Thanks again Paula. And thanks Amanda and Melenama for the original recaps.

The one step forward I saw was Fern's defense of Lety to Omar - that he sees her as precious. That was a nice moment.

Here's the dissenting voice again. Fernando is a scum bucket. He may not be sleeping with Marcia but he is living with her and sharing her bed. He doesn't love her; he still has a thing for Lety. But Fernando is using Marcia as his safety net, fall-back, his settled for person. That's wrong in so many ways. Wrong to Marcia who has really done nothing but love him and forgive him and wrong to the love he's supposed to have for Lety. He's got a big, big hole to climb out of. He's along ways from redemption as far as I am concerned. Does he have to be knocked over the head a 100 times to realize that continuing the same type of actions as he has always done will end up with the same bad results. The proverb is true that a dog returns to his own vomit. Enough pontificating.

I liked the way Lety used the photo of her & Aldo to give her the courage to face the meeting. It plays off a running photo theme.

GP, I also thought that the big buildup to the Lety makeover was pretty funny. Then when we got to see her her wardrobe choice turned out to be practical & subtle. It's not exactly a power suit but it puts her in a different position vis-a-vis the others in the meeting.

BarbaraM, I don't agree at all that Fernando is a scumbag. He is benighted, yes. He's still self-centered, yes. He's confused, yes. But he has gone back to Marcia without lying to her. He asked if there was a chance to get back what they once had and he asked for her help to get there. She knows about his feelings for Lety and he hasn't denied them. He told her that his relationship with Lety was over because Lety hates him. He never said it was over because he had no feelings for Lety.

My vote for Fern's one step forward for today was when he told Omar that he wants to save the company but not to get back the presidency; he wants it for his father.


Guera, by staying with Marcia and sharing her bed, even with no sex, he is leading her on. He can't love her and no matter how he tries to convince himself and her that he can, he's fooling no one. I call him a scum bucket because he knows he's confused, he knows he's hurt Marcia and Lety, but he keeps returning to his same old pattern. Fernando can't stand on his own. He needed Lety and now he needs Marcia. What's going to happen when he see Lety again? Will he need her and try to persuade her? Yes, because that's what Fernando does - whatever makes him feel good, look good, or help him. It's selfish, immature actions that he has to overcome before he can become the man he's supposed to be. Yes, he's has taken some small steps forward, but he is retarding his own progress by repeating the same dumb actions. Yet, I adore the knucklehead and love Jaime Camill's ability to make even the smallest gestures funny.

Thanx Paula for the recap! Shirtless Aldo wears khaki's well, I might add to the mix. But I like the facial hair-guess i am in the minority.
I love the scenes with Julieta and Lety--and knowing in real life they are mother/daughter makes it all the more touching.
The build-up and final Lety-cam was making me dizzy!
I noticed the moustache back, but no facial tics/odd giggling when Lety was at Conceptos.

@Marie - I don't mind Aldo's facial hair either. I was sort of happy to see him come to Mexico City so quickly...the fact that he's willing to pursue what he wants (Lety) so openly makes me like him more and more. I feel like he's acting as if he's been hit by cupids' arrow and until someone breaks that spell he'll continue to pursue Lety in this single minded way.

@BarbaraM & @Guera re: Fern. I think he's ultimately a good person that keeps making stupid mistakes. Not sure that makes him a scumbag, just a weak man with shaky morals and values. I hope he eventually finds himself and redemption before the end of the show.

Thank goodness the facial ticks didn't return - I hope we see them less and less as the show goes on. They drive me nuts!

Georgia Peach and Marie, I with you on the Aldo part. He's besotted with Lety and willing to leave the safety of Acapulco to come after her and help her. Fernando certainly could learn a few lessons from him. And yes indeed, Fernando is a weak man, repeating past mistakes. He hasn't learned from them and is still using people. In my book that makes him a scumbag, but an adorable one also. Something about that smile that makes you understand why Marcia and Lety are so quick to cut him some slack. But since I'm not in love with him, I can be a little more dispassionate and objective about him. He'll come around, for sure, but until then, ugh!

I love that Fernando's growth is gradual. Yes, it means he's not a hero yet, he's just a man with some serious flaws. He still has a lot wrong with him, and it will take a long time, and going through a few more refining fires, before he's perfected.

I love that it's gradual change because that's how humans are. Yes, there are the exceptions of the person who survives a plane crash and changes overnight. But in most cases, when you recognize you need to change, it's a gradual process. How many smokers do you know who successfully quit on their first try?

I love that it's gradual because we get to watch him wrestle through every step. That wrestling takes Fea beyond "guy pursues girl." In many cases, we'll see the crisis that prompts a certain change. For example, even though Fern is foolish to go back to Marcia, realize he wants to treat her right because she rescued him in Acapulco and he feels he owes her. Cause and effect.

I love that it's gradual because something has to keep the principals apart, and this is better than having Fernando be a rotten shnook until the final week, and better than Lety being kidnapped by wolves and being held captive in Chapultapec forest until the finale.

I love that it's gradual because Fea is the story of how a man falls in love. He doesn't look out his coach window, see Matilde, and have an overwhelming love from that moment forward. He falls in love step by step, and the more he loves her, the more of his sins he will shed.

I love that it's gradual because Fernando's epic struggle is against his old self, and to me that is tremendously gripping. Most of us don't have to struggle against nature nor against evil villains. But every one of us has to struggle against our lower nature trying to pull us down. You don't conquer that nature in one day. Even when God changes a person, it's gradual. Since I have my own struggles, I find it inspiring when Fernando wins his battles against his lower self, one by one. And even when he takes one step back, he still gets back up and works on taking another two steps forward.


I'm with you Paula I TOO LOVE THIS SHOW. It's my first time through and I love it -- even the cuartel most of the time.

BarbarM, I just hate the word scumbag, not your analysis.


PatA, thank you for the "conference call" picture today.

I'm going to springboard from PatA's "one step forward" candidate. Fern wanted to go find Lety, but she didn’t want to see him, so he didn’t go. In the past it was always about his wants. Her wants never entered the picture.

I love the show, too! Maybe scumbag is too harsh; how about dirtbag? I love our psychoanalyzing that we're doing of these characters. Fernando has so much potential but he's still wallowing in the slop with the pigs right now. He needs to realize that he is better than this; that he has great potential; and that what others have clothed him as with their words and actions does mean that's who he truly is.

I think Fernando's reply to Omar's insisting that Fernando will see Lety uglier than ever when she comes in was a HUGE step forward. He has learned to see Lety from the inside out and his reply put that very clear to Omar?
I will see her... nah! I will not see her... I will FEEL her more beautiful than ever.
Btw, IN YSBLF it was slightly different. that whole conversation was pretty much identical word for word except Armando in the end said 'I will see her... as I feel her'.

Loved that hidden laugh of Humberto when the boys scrambled. They do that very well and we will see much more of it going forward. Humb is a master manipulator but that is what helped him build his empire. Fern has none of those traits which helped create the current mess.

Lety's growth isn't much in evidence with her wanting to have Aldo to prop her up. She is doing what a lot of people do "acting" like she is much stronger than she really is. It takes real courage to make that kind of change real and i don't think Lety has reached that point yet. I think she is still holding on to her outrage and the need to strike back. If she was as strong as she likes to think she now is she would relish going to Conceptors and giving them what for.

As for Aldo's feelings I don't believe they are real. In his way he is as emotionally needy as Lety and just as quick to think he is in love. My thought is that Lety is safe for Aldo. He can parade her around and never fear that she will leave him like his beautiful wife did. He reminds me of one of the men I worked for. He told my husband, who also worked with him that he always made moves on the weak and/or less attractive women because "they are always so grateful".

Lety says Fern never wants to talk to her, but MamaJ says, “Do you really think so?” What’s up with that? Does MamaJ’s spidey-sense tell her something about Fernando?

There was one small detail that I need to point out.

The Pic of Lety/Aldo : Lety did not look "good" next to Aldo. Facial expression, body language, it was not a good picture of her.
But if you look back to the pic of Lety/Fern (from the underwear commercial shoot) Lety looked pretty.

I think that was a subtle clue to how Lety truly feels inside as she is next to Aldo. Aldo is not Fernando. Period.


Good point Diann - I'd noticed that as well, I remembered the moment her body language changed as Caro was taking that picture.

It's interesting to me that both Lety & Fern have the (wrong) perception that neither wants to speak to each other. This all could have been solved by a good heart to heart, but then we wouldn't have the drama. LOL.

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