Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Llena de Amor #134 (Mex. 139) Tue 2/22/11 Jorge plays dirty, and Lowrenzo is a dirty player.

Repeats…Oliver is boggled to discover that Marianela and Victoria are one and the same, plus or minus a fat suit and a few accessories. He looks like a cartoon…jaw on the floor and eyeballs bouncing around on springs. Everyone else just laughs…except Brandon, who’s looking like maybe he hopes she’ll keep stripping stuff off. Meanwhile, Muñeca and Lorenzo loll in bed at the dollhouse and cool down, each pondering the understudy waiting in Lowrenzo’s wings. Meanwhile meanwhile, Ilitia tries to get a little action of her own in Emanuel’s room, but strikes out. In rather unusual form for a protagonist, he has not forgotten that he wants a divorce. Eman goes off to sleep in Marianela’s old room, much to Ilitia’s disgust.
And now…back at the pensión, MariVicky comes back downstairs, restyled as fashionable slim Vick, much to Jorge’s clearly-expressed relief. Netty indignantly tells him that her niece is divine, fat, thin, or anything else. Brandon emphatically agrees. Oliver is still wrapping his head around the idea of the deceit, but quickly turns to wrapping his lips around the other damsel in disguise, his jalapeñita bigotón. Maverick apologizes to everyone for lying to them all this time, and Gretel joins in, but they understand. MV asks them all to promise not to mention a word of this to anyone else, and everyone we can see heartily agrees, but Jorge is mysteriously missing from view. Gretel thanks Netty for being *like* a mother to her. MV explains Jorge’s presence, and he finally chimes in with a promise to be protective and helpful. Not exactly a promise to keep his lispy mouth shut. Now Jorrible Jorge kicks his scheme into high gear. He tells the clan they’re so warm and welcoming he could cry (he does not remotely do so), then announces he’s taking them all out to the best restaurant in the city. Where they can surely get a table for eight at a moment’s notice. The ladies head upstairs to get more dazzlingly beautiful, and Gretel asks Oliver to accompany her to get more daffily macho. Thus our two young bucks are left alone to tangle antlers. Brandon remarks that Jorge doesn’t seem to look at Mari as just a friend. Jorge tries calling Brandon “son,” which does not go over well, tries chucking him on the gut, which also irritates, and finally just says it’s true that he’s in love with Marianela.
Emanuel sits in Marianela’s bed, talking to himself about how much he loves her and remembering their romantic night in the studio. He thought he’d never be able to move on, but then he fell for Victoria, how crazy. We get another gander at the waterfall whoopee-makin’. But, alas, alack, Victoria is cold and insensitive and totally used him. His beloved Mari would never have done that. It’s so odd that he fell in love with someone so different. And yet…there’s something about Vicky and Mari that’s so similar. Well, the little hamster is getting warmed up now. Eman remembers Fedra talking about the two being one and the same. Screech. Rusty hamster wheel. No, no puede ser, says Eman.
Netty is the first to join Jorge down in the courtyard. He tells her she looks fab and then, because he’s an idiot, says it’s great that Mari lost so much weight; she looks so much better. “Look, you snotty chump,” says Netty, although more nicely, “Marianela has always been beautiful, personality and character are what matters, Emanuel fell in love with her the way she was, and it’s upsetting to see her now, so full of bitterness and hate.” Jorge says the quest for revenge is understandable because they were all so mean to her. Netty agrees that she wants justice. She wants for Fedra to go to jail and Mari to get her house back. But then she hopes Mari will let go of the anger and live happily ever after with Emanuel. Jorge argues that this is impossible because he’s the son of Mari’s worst enemy. “Pavón women only fall in love once, and Marianela fell in love with Emanuel. She does not love you and never will, dude; get over it.” Netty pleads with Jorge to at least make it a clean and fair fight if he’s determined to win over Mari. He has to tell Eman that Mari and Vicky are the same. Jorge is saved from responding by the arrival of the others in a conga line. Needless to say, one simply must rewind a few times to watch Oliver’s conga. Brandon pulls Oliver aside and tells him he doesn’t trust Jorge a bit. “Whatever, free dinner out!” says Oliver.
Next morning, Emanuel runs around the mansion grounds, pursued by the dogs. Kristel reads a magazine in a lawn chair and doesn’t even notice the commotion. Meanwhile, MV exercises in a park, primly carrying a towel and water bottle as she runs.
Muñeca has brought the kids to the pensión, and Gladiola and Netty make a big fuss over Cristián. “Ahem, I came, too!” says Manzanita. Gladiola indulges her with some attention, for once in the poor kid’s life. Muñeca has come to chat with Victoria, so the other ladies take the kids off to the park. Muñeca thinks Vicky wanted to talk to her about the money Lowrenzo stole, but that isn’t it. Before Vic can state her own agenda, Muñeca jumps right in and asks what’s going on between Emanuel and Vicky.
Emanuel and Benigno walk into the house (Benigno thinking he’s going to drop dead from whatever bit of exercise he did) and Fedra slithers down the stairs. Eman teases her about finally quitting her game of Big Brother and getting out into the world. Fedra’s massively hung over and in no mood for his teasing. She scuttles off for painkillers and Eman and Beni remark that she’s been in really bad shape lately. Benigno says she’s got a lot of charges on her conscience, and the bills are coming due.
Delicia answers the door…it’s Jorge, who shovels on the smarm and charm with a backhoe, kissing her hand and everything. She’s delighted. Emanuel is somewhat less delighted. “Qué the hell are you doing at my house?” is his warm welcome. He asks his campeón and Delicious to leave them alone. “Whaddaya want?” he asks Jorge. Jorge says he’s come to talk to him about Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa and Victoria de la Garza. There’s something he needs to know.
But let’s not tax our little minds with vital knowledge. Let’s join Kristel out on the lawn in the sun. That’s what Lowrenzo is doing. Well, he’s lurking and ogling, and thought-bubbling that he won’t let this tasty bonbon marry that stupid Mauricio. Bernardo catches him in the act and tells him to keep his lechy eyes to himself. They scuffle a bit, and Fedra comes outside. Bernie tells her this creep was looking at her daughter the way he used to look at her, just eating her up. “Admit it. You want Kristel.” Fedra’s too hung over to do more than clutch her head.
Vicky swears to Muñeca that she never meant for anything to happen with Emanuel. Muñeca says she knows if Emanuel had been in love with Ilitia, he never would have wandered, but he’s in love with another woman, and Ilitia’s in love with another man. That is news to MV. “REALLY?! With whom?”
Jorge makes it very clear that he’s only pretending to be considerate because Mommy, er, Netty, is making him. “You claim you were so in love with your gordita hermosa, that she was the only one for you, but then you were able to fall in love with Vicky. Doesn’t that make you wonder?” Emanuel again remembers Fedra’s ramblings. “Are you saying that Victoria and Marianela are…” “Are best friends. And Netty asked me to deny Mari the divorce and fight for my marriage.” {Jorge, you dirty skunk.} More hilarious handplay by Emanuel as he tries and fails to pretend he understands what’s going on. “And…what does this have to do with me?” “I’m just letting you know, because I’m SUCH a gentleman, that I’m not pursuing Vicky. I’m focusing on my marriage and throwing Victoria back in the sea.” “Oh, WOW, what a guy! You’re telling me Victoria is free for me to pursue? You needn’t have bothered, because with or without your permission, I would have fought for the woman I love.” “Oh, no, no, not at all. I’m just asking you to extend the same gentlemanly courtesy, and also walk away from Victoria. For Marianela.” Well, that is ridiculous, and Emanuel and his sage smirk seem to agree.
MV really wants to know if Ilitia is really in love with another man. Muñeca thinks MV just wants to feel less guilty about getting involved with Emanuel. She emphasizes to MV that Ilitia is going through the most difficult time of her life, and as her mother, she’ll do anything to support her. MV understands, and Muñeca mentions that of course Eman couldn’t leave Ilitia when she’d just been raped, and MV agrees to try really hard to stay away from Emanuel. Okay, now why did Vicky call her over here? MV pulls out the briefcase and hands it over and Muñeca gasps. Unfortunately, Mauricio walks in right then, having strolled right over the “Welcome, Thieves and Murderers” mat at the open door. {I have a hot business idea…I’m going to become a locksmith in Telenovelalandia. I’ll make a fortune, I’m sure…the demand is endless.}
“You aren’t the boss of me, and I don’t have to do what you want!” Eman tells Jorge. It’s all fine and good with him, just FINE, MARVELOUS, if Jorge wants to pass on Vicky and stick with Mari, but Eman is still going to get his divorce and pursue true love. “Don’t use that tone with me,” Jorge sniffs. He tries to convince Eman that Vicky and Mari have such deep friendship and loyalty that Vicky will NEVER forgive what Eman did to Mari. “Never! So you don’t have a chance with her! Don’t even try!” Emanuel just laughs. But then he seriously says that Jorge is right about one thing; Eman doesn’t want to hurt Marianela. So he wants to see her face-to-face and talk with her directly and straighten everything out. It’s only fair. Jorge agrees to arrange the meeting. Ilitia strolls down the stairs and asks why he wants to see la gordita. To run into her arms after their divorce?
Kristel is still obliviously looking at the pictures in her magazine. Fedra tells Low if he cheats on her with her daughter, she’ll kill him. He says the lowly servant is just making things up to cause trouble; he was just looking for Ilitia. Bernardo says Lorenzo was totally drooling over Kristel. Was not, sez Low. Were too, sez Bernie. Bernardo knows a slimy leer when he sees one, and that was it. “Oh, you mean the way you look at Fedra all the time?” Low asks. “That’s different; that’s platónico.” “De plato de huh?” asks master wordsmith Fedra. Fedra doesn’t want a scandal and orders Bernardo to get lost. Low starts meowing and tells the little kitty to obey his mistress. Low tells Fedra if she doesn’t fire Bernie, they are through. “I’m not firing him, no way, no how, not for you or for anyone,” Fedra says. “Why? Do you have feelings for him?” Delicia arrives with Fedra’s mineral water and analgesics on a tray and says it took so long because Marianela’s husband dropped by. Fedra swishes off to meet the mystery man.
Ilitia drags Emanuel upstairs for a chat. Jorge is en route to self-congratulating his way out the door but is waylaid by Fedra. “You must be Jorge, the husband Marianela invented to throw us all off the trail,” Fedra says, clutching her head. She wants to know what catalogue Mari got him from; she could use a hot new chofer. Jorge laughs and says he has no idea what she’s talking about. Fedra must really find him attractive because she takes the time, a lot of time, to learn to say his name, and puts her arm around him, which makes him grit his teeth (though he maintains his Cheshire Cat grin). Fedra asks what he’s doing in her house. “No, not your house. This is my wife’s house.” “Tell the whale not to bother trying to get what doesn’t belong to her. This is MY house.” “What a shame that such an attractive woman as you is wasting her time on a lost cause.” He kisses her hand and takes his leave. Fedra swoons and calls him back and invites him to Kristel’s wedding the next day, as her guest of honor. {Ha. I kind of love the idea of making some guy you’ve just met the guest of honor at your daughter’s wedding, because you hate the groom so much. Funny.}
MV asks Agent O why he’s asking about the briefcase. Does he have some particular interest in it? Of course not, he insists. Just curious. MV and Muñeca act like Muñeca just forgot it when she was visiting the other day. Orangey asks if it perhaps contains the money El Lirio stole for the orphanage.
Ilitia begs Emanuel to not meet with Marianela. She’s afraid it will just reinforce his feelings for her. On the contrary, says Eman. He wants to look Mari in the eyes to tell her he’s over her. Ilitia says it’s just the limit, that he wants to ask the hamburger’s permission to hook up with the French fry. “What part of the Happy Meal am I?” “I don’t know; make your own combo. You and I aren’t together anymore! Get that through your head! Don’t cry!” Eman scuttles away, and Ilitia goes out to the balcony and calls to Jorge down in the driveway that she wants to talk to him.
Muñeca tells Malicio that she expects a big donation from him for the orphanage soon; he’s such a big successful businessman. She takes the briefcase and leaves to find the kids at the park. Mauron tells Vicky he’s come for a little bachelor party. He swears he’ll keep his word and ditch Kristel, but he needs a little incentive, an advance payment…how about a little kiss? He leans in…
Low and Kristel toast to her wedding, and she drops her entire tequila sunrise on his foot. He comments that the bride seems a little nervous. Is she afraid the groom won’t show up, or what? Zero cool, she says. He tells her she’s too fab a woman for that icky Mauricio. Kristel tells Low to forget about her. Maybe he should go see her mami for a little R&R. He’d rather do that with junior, and tries to get started. She throws him off. “Move. On!” she says in English. She’s in love with Mau, and tomorrow they’re going to marry. “That louse is not good enough for you! Stand him up! Tonight I can have a private plane ready, and we can fly off wherever you want to go. What do you say?”
Ilitia tells Jorge she wants to stop Emanuel from seeing Marianela. Jorge tells her he’s arranging the meeting, but he intends to stick with Mari and keep Eman away from Victoria, too. Ilitia teases that he wants both of them to himself, the glutton. Jorge offers an alliance to keep Emanuel with Ilitia.
Kiss denied. Malicio’s creeping into Rapey Snake mode, but MV doesn’t seem to realize the hazard. He growls that he’s getting desperate and he’s got to have her. She calmly says he won’t have to wait much longer. He slimes on her hand and Brandon walks in.
Low runs his pervy hands all over Kristel and begs her not to marry Mau. Run away with him instead. She asks if he’s really serious. He says she has no idea how badly he wants to get into her…heart. He’ll do anything for her. “Really? Anything?” Ilitia walks out of the house. “WHAT the HELL is going on here?! Gross, Dad! She could be your daughter!” “I will not tolerate those insinuations!” “What insinuations? Your hands were all over her!” “Oh, no! I was just congratulating her on her wedding! And being affectionate, like a father!” Ilitia gives him a sideways look at that. Kristel swears it’s all true; it’s not at all like what Ilitia’s thinking. Kris suddenly decides she’s got to go supervise wedding preparations. Ilitia apologizes and says she’s just nervous lately. Is it true he’s accused of theft? Low says it’s just a misunderstanding and he’ll clear it all up. Ilitia tells him to do that, and fast, and then never hurt Mommy again. He’s made her suffer enough over the years. Low gets calculatingly teary and shaky and says he’s still hurt that Ilitia took Muñeca’s side when she threw him out of the house. Ilitia softens a bit but stands firm: she wants him to stop being such a jerk and fix things with Muñeca. Not for their own happiness, of course, but because Ilitia is selfish and wants the comfort of seeing that problems in a marriage can be overcome. Low tells Ilitia that maybe all the problems in her marriage are her own fault. Screech. “¡¿COMO?!” Low asks if it’s true that Ilitia is in love with that worse-than-nothing, Brandon Moreno.
Mau teases Brandon about not catching the baddies yet again. Then he slimes on MV’s hand some more, and Brandon grabs him by the collar and chucks him out. Brandon asks Mari what the heck is going on. She says it’s all part of the plan. Tomorrow is Kristel’s and Mau’s wedding, and everyone is going to find out what trash he is. It will be an event full of surprises!
Lowrenzo asks Ilitia if she really wants to spend her life mopping floors and cooking rice and beans. As if! says Ilitia. He knows very well she can’t stand that guy. Although sometimes when she looks at him… Ilitia gets a bit hot and flustered for a second. But then she gathers her wits and swears she would never have anything to do with Brandon. She loves Emanuel, and she will never leave him! Low says that’s good, because if he heard she was in love with that poor dude it would be the worst thing ever. Ilitia looks very sad at that. Low gestures at the luxe mansion and tells her she’s got to hang on to all this. He knows she isn’t very smart, but… “Excuse me?!” Low reminds her that she already lost Eman to la gorda once. And now again, Victoria, whew, boy is she ever a hot property, like a curvy monument, who wouldn’t want to… “Dad! Stop!”
Mari thanks Jorge for spilling the beans to Netty. He uses a lot of words to say no problem. She says that now that Marianela is going to return, she wants Emanuel to think she’s changed her mind about the divorce and she and Jorge are totally together. Jorge says he knows her so well he anticipated that and has already told Emanuel. “Oh…well, thanks.” He tells her he also met Fedra and Fed definitely suspects their marriage is just a ruse. Mari thinks that problem will vanish when Mari and Jorge appear together. Jorge thinks they need to be more bold to get Eman to stay away…Mari should tell him to forget about her friend Victoria. Good plan, says Mari, but they’ll have to wait until Doris finishes the botarga to put it into action. Jorge mentions that Fedra invited him to the wedding and says he wants Vicky to be his date. “Oh, sorry, I already have a date for tomorrow,” says MV. “Who?” Jorge asks. The banty rooster struts in, awfully pleased with himself.
The hapless hoodlums catch up. Mau tells them about the briefcase. Garduño says that Victoria and her brother the reporter have gotten to be a real nuisance. He thinks they should get them out of the way. Mau says to leave Victoria unharmed. Garduño assigns Dandy to rid them of Manolo, tomorrow. The big problem, though, is to get the money back. Low doesn’t think he’ll manage it because Muñeca doesn’t trust him at all. Garduño smirks that he’ll take care of the wifey; Low just needs to make sure she’s at home alone tomorrow. Mau’s only job is to marry his dim fiancée, and to make sure he does it, Garduño is going to have two armed men at his side all day. If he doesn’t get the job done, he dies. And we end on that happy thought.
Mañana: Chaos at the wedding. MV ousts Fedra from the house and Fedra is arrested for fraud.
Jalepeñita bigotón – mustachioed little hot pepper. i.e. Gretel/Manolo
Goloso – glutton
Mafufo – crazy person; nutjob. (Ilitia said this of Brandon)
Botarga – clown suit, costume


Julia, great job on this extremely conversational recap. Some of my favorite snippets: "Screech. Rusty hamster wheel", "Jorrible Jorge", and especially "Welcome, Thieves and Murderers mat". There were many other gems as well. I think your locksmith business plan is very sound and you should move forward with it.

You know, I was quite supportive of Jorrible but I'm becoming less so now that he's showing his true colors. On the other hand, he's fighting hard for what he wants. I admire him for suavely and sneakily standing up to the villains. The way he handled Fedra...brilliant! However when the banty rooster one upped him...even more brilliant.

Lowrenzo showing his smarmy side to his own daughter, yuck!

Julia, awesome recap, Thank you!

Reminder: I will be out of town for the next three Thursdays and cannot recap. Hopefully someone can fill in or at least post a header for discussion of the episode. I can't believe I'm going to miss the wedding, gah! I won't have my laptop but I will definitely read the recaps on my friend's computer when I can.


Sylvia - have a great trip! And Julia, love the recap on yesterday's "The Jorge Hour". Man he was in demand with everyone.
I agree his confrontation with Fedra and Eman were both great ( loved Fedra's hangover routine). Not sure if it was on purpose by the makeup folks, but Eman was looking especially fine last night, hair in place, freshly shaven...and Jorge looked like he could use a little sleep and needed said shave himself. Maybe it's an attempt to make him appear more dastardly...but I still look at him more as an annoyance, albeit a cute one, more than a villian. Can't hate him just because he fell in love with MV, right now, I rather pity him for that. Maybe we should have him listen to one of Kristel's "Move on" lectures?

Where tonight was a lot of talk (and I so needed this great recao to help with that), tonight should be a lot more action. Can't wait.

Jorrible Jorge's true colors are showing! Sneaky, sneaky!

Remember how horrified he was at how Mari looked in her fat suit? He truly couldn't get past the visuals, and commented negatively, in spite of Netty's overt disapproval. Now how deeply in love with Mari could he be and have such a powerfully negative reaction?

Look how shifty and greasy-looking he is getting. Makeup is signaling something here.....

Like Brandon said - me da mala espina - he makes me suspicious/wary.


Oh - just to suggest to add to the vocabulary because it seems to be used fairly often (maybe this has been addressed already)

mala espina - spite, resentment, ill-will
me da mala espina - it makes me suspicious.

The latter when referring to a person indicates "he/she gives me the creeps" according to some discussions on


Thank you for the brillant recaps Carlos and Maggie. I'm just getting caught up.

Julia, wonderful as always. In addition to what Sylvia and daisy wrote, I also enjoyed "each pondering the understudy waiting in Lowrenzo’s wings" and "one simply must rewind a few times to watch Oliver’s conga". It was great. I think even Brandon was having a tough time keeping a straight face.

Kristel and Low are morbidly fascinating. I realize I am making faces even when he's salivating (let alone pawing her). I know I should look away but I can't. Sigh.

I cannot wait to see who and what is going to derail the wedding. Can't happen to two nicer people.

Julia, thia was excellent. Expecially enjoyed your vocabulary.

Sylvia, safe and happy trip. You're always missed when you are away.


“Whatever, free dinner out!” “Welcome, Thieves and Murderers mat" LOL Julia. I love it. I also love Manzanita finally calling the Cristian Fangirl Club out for ignoring her. You'd think the kid was Justin Bieber or something. Jeez!

Diana- I agree that the Kristel/Low (sounds like a diet drink) mating dance is fascinating to watch. He's probably never had a woman resist him so much. But once again, everyone was throwing around how she could be his daughter- not literally, but still...

Can't wait to see what drama happens at the wedding.

Aribeth posted the nominations for the next TVyNovelas awards over on LVO. Here they are (lots of LlDA actors were nominated):

*** Mejor Telenovela
Para volver a amar
Soy tu dueña
Llena de amor
Cuando me enamoro

*** Mejor Actriz Protagónica
Silvia Navarro por Cuando me enamoro
Lucero por Soy tu dueña
Angelique Boyer por Teresa
Rebecca Jones por Para volver a amar

*** Mejor Actor Protagónico
Sebastián Rulli por Teresa
Fernando Colunga por Soy tu dueña
Valentino Lanús por Llena de amor
René Strickler por Para volver a amar

*** Mejor Actriz Antagónica
Margarita Magaña por Teresa
Rocío Banquells por Cuando me enamoro
Azela Robinson por Llena de amor
Jacqueline Andere por Soy tu dueña

*** Mejor Actor Antagónico
Alexis Ayala por Llena de amor
Manuel Landeta por Teresa
Juan Carlos Barreto por Para volver a amar
Sergio Goyri por Soy tu dueña

*** Mejor Primera Actriz
Laura Zapata por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Silvia Pinal por Soy tu dueña
Magda Guzmán por Para volver a amar
María Sorté por Mar de amor
Ana Martin por Soy tu dueña

*** Mejor Primer Actor
Juan Ferrara por Mar de amor
Alejandro Camacho por Para volver a amar
José Elías Moreno por Niña de mi corazón
Eric del Castillo por Soy tu dueña
César Évora por Llena de amor

*** Mejor Actriz Coestelar
Paty Navidad por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Alejandra Barros por Para volver a amar
Ana Brenda por Teresa
Altair Jarabo por Llena de amor
Jessica Coch por Cuando me enamoro

*** Mejor Actor Coestelar
David Zepeda por Soy tu dueña
Arath de la Torre por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
René Casados por Cuando me enamoro
Jesús Ochoa por Para volver a amar

*** Mejor Actriz Juvenil
Gabriela Mellado por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Renata Notni por Mar de amor
Paulina Goto por Niña de mi corazón

*** Mejor Actor Juvenil
Diego Amozurrutia por Llena de amor
Alfonso Dosal por Para volver a amar
Eleazar Gómez por Cuando me enamoro

*** Revelación Femenina
Thelma Madrigal por Para volver a amar
Fátima Torre por Soy tu dueña
Cristina Mason por Llena de amor

*** Revelación Masculina
José Carlos Fermat por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Paul Stanley por Soy tu dueña
Brandon Peniche por Niña de mi corazón

*** Mejor Tema Musical
'Regálame un beso' de Fanny Lu
'Para volver a amar' de Kanny García
'Esa hembra es mala' de Gloria Trevi
'Llena de amor' de Luis Fonsi
'Cuando me enamoro' de Enrique Iglesias y Juan Luis Guerra

Total Nominations:
PVAA: 11
STD: 11
LlDA: 9
CME: 7
Teresa: 7
Zacatillo: 5
MDA: 4
Nina de mi corazón: 3

Thanks Vivi, those are interesting. I'm glad to see that many of our faves are nominated. Azela is up against Jacqueline Andere, that's kind of a tough one but my vote would go to Azela. The only other one of those telenovelas that I watched was Soy Tu Duena so I can't really comment on the others.

Hey Audrey, unless you are already recapping another telenovela do you want to sub for me while I'm gone? If so let JudyB know and she will help set you up.

Adios all, talk to you soon but I'm not exactly sure when. I wonder if they Univision up where I'm going to be? I sure will hate to miss tonight's wedding episode. Kristel looked fantastic in the preview.

Great recap, Julia. As Sylvia notes, you really had your hands full with all that talking. Loved:

"Well, the little hamster is getting warmed up now."...
"Screech. Rusty hamster wheel"

"Welcome, Thieves and Murderers mat"

"Delicia answers the door…it’s Jorge, who shovels on the smarm and charm with a backhoe..."


"{Jorge, you dirty skunk.}"

Well, actually I love the whole thing.

I'm also loving how they are teasing us with the Kristal/Low thing... (Vivi, that does sound like a diet drink)... she actually quivers when he touches her, yet so many suggestions that she could be his daughter.

I don't like Jorge, but he was great with Fedra.

“What a shame that such an attractive woman as you is wasting her time on a lost cause.”

In the awards there are 2 actors, who if they don't win, there should be an investigation:

Azela Robinson as Fedra

Sergio Goyri as Rosendo (StuD)

Two of the best characters and performances... ever.


Hi, Carlos I just loved the whole thing, but I will signal some of my faves...

Yes, the "understudy" apt.
and talking about Oliver "wrapping his head" around the deceit and then "wrapping his lips" around Gretel.
The "was not, were to!" squabble between Lorenzo and Bernardo" and finally "yes, the little hamster is getting warmed up....screech!" You manage to pack so much into so few well chosen words. Excellent.

Emanuel's brain cells seem to be "on hold" still. Troubling.

Thanks also for the vocab. "Mafufo" I should know, but forgot. And "botarga" is completely new!

Audrey, if you or anyone else would want to try your hand at a recap, email me at

We all got started this way. As watchers and readers, then agreeing to fill in when someone was away on vacation.

Hi Cap'n Sylvia:

There are some challenges for me for recapping. I don't have any kind of recording device - DVR or whatever. I do have access to the episodes on the internet, so that is something. But without captions - Spanish or otherwise.

I could do a brief summary without pictures - I don't have a way to capture images as far as I know. I haven't recapped before other than my summary comments on the Telemundo thread.


Thanks Vivi - enjoyed reading thru those nominations. I'm right there with Carlos about Azela and Sergio. There is justice that we're not seeing Gaby Spanic on this list.
For Llena, love that Cristina was recognized. Gretel has been a very challenging role to play - she's been awesome.

I'm always disappointed in the outcome of these awards - lot of sometimes based more on popularity versus the actual performances, but would be nice to see some of our favorites Llena folks walk away with some accolades.

Audrey...don't worry about images. If you become a regular recapper and want to do them, we can teach you how to pull them off the internet.

It would be great if you would do a summary. You can email it to me and I'll copy and paste it into the CarayCaray software.

This is a "grace" operation. No one is expected to be perfect. If you don't understand something, you can just say..."didn't get this conversation at all". If someone else got it, they'll chime in on the comments.

As an all volunteer operation, we're all just doing the best we can to enjoy and understand these telenovelas and the Spanish language. And as I said, it's all "grace".

Nice to see some award nominations go to our very deserving cast. I'm a little disappointed Ricardo Margaleff wasn't nominated, but I haven't seen most of those shows so I don't know how tough the competition was. Must have been a very high bar!

If this connection between Kristel and Low is indeed some Call of the Blood, it's being transmitted through a game of Telephone played by the hard of hearing. It seems more likely now that they're just teasing us and enjoying making us squirm, though. Wouldn't Fedra be more grossed out and not just mad at Lowrenzo?

Jorge is turning into a real rotten sneak, but he's fun to watch. I do enjoy the calm, smug way he messes with everyone.

And I agree that Emanuel was looking better than ever! Well-groomed, and smug and sassy is a really good look on him.

Loved the recap Julia. So I'm thinking Brandon is going to stay close to Mari since he suspects that Jorge isn't on the up and up. Loved how he one-upped Jorge's plan to go to the wedding as Mari's date.

I actually loved how Jorge handled Fedra and his clash with Eman. I thinking Eman still can't wrap his head around the fact that Mari and Vicky are the same person because of how different their personalities are. Vicky is cold as ice and Mari is warm and bubbly. I LOLed at the "Rusty hamster wheel" quip.

Looking forward to tonight's shenanigans. Have a great vacation Sylvia.

Julia, this was wonderful! Many of your great lines have already been mentioned, but my fave was about Oliver: “He looks like a cartoon…jaw on the floor and eyeballs bouncing around on springs.” Terrific image!

I don’t know about your locksmith business plan, though. It might not dawn on telenovela characters that they even needed one. In this show, it seems like the preferred line is defense is two police officers living there, but the front door unlocked. So far this hasn’t worked out 100% of the time, but nobody seems to be able to think of a plan B.

I was glad to see Vicky exercising. I had wondered how she was keeping her weight down because even though she’s delivered PSAs about the dangers of obesity, we’ve never seen her at the gym.

Thank you Vivi, for the list!

And Sylvia, have a wonderful time. We’ll miss you.

Maggie, I was thinking I would hire the Ruiz y de Teresa agency to whip me up some advertising for the locksmith biz. That would be a raging success, don't you think? I mean, their ads are so awesome.

I can imagine the meetings...I'm there in their conference room...

Me: So I really want to communicate the need for security. Make people aware of how vulnerable they are if anyone can get into their homes...sort of play up the kinds of creeps who are lurking out there. Then show how we can make them more safe.

Vicky: I have a really awesome super-creative idea for that. We'll shoot it in the studio. There will be a bad guy in black-and-white stripes lurking by a brick wall with graffiti. Then a pretty young lady will drop a giant lock on his head and smash him.

Emanuel: Mmm-hmmm. Do you think Vicky likes me?

Lorenzo (thought-bubbling): I wonder if she brought the payment for the ads in cash. How can I get it? Better lay on the charm.

That's it, Julia!!! They don't need locks on the doors at Netty's place. Just keep huge locks upstairs to drop on intruders' heads! You're a genius!!

I loved your recap. All the quotes already mentioned are terrific. I'm not sure which is my favorite.

Jorrible Jorge is causing me to slip from my fence-sitting and now I'm teetering on the anti- side. He is smooth, though, and appears to have a healthy hamster and well oiled wheel. He may be the only man on this show who can actually think!

Carlos, I agree with you about who should be the winners: Azela Robinson as Fedra and Sergio Goyri as Rosendo. Thanks for the list, Vivi, through Aribeth.

Have fun, Sylvia, wherever you are and come back safely to your friends here!

Julia, good thing I’m sitting here by myself because your “their ads are so awesome” made me laugh out loud. Love your meeting scenario.

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