Thursday, February 03, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #23 2/2/11 Triumph of Morning After Doubts

Here goes. My first every recap. deep breath. Spanish/English dictionary? Check. Notepad for snark notations? Check. Let's do this....

Oye la confesióóón
De mi secretos

Where we left off yesterday. Max in an ascot, María in a comfy nighty.
Slo-mo smoochies!
Rose Petals!
Edited love scenes!

Nati calls LindaHo and wakes her up (she deserves it.) Nati is worried because María never made it home. LindaHo tells her to calm down. She probably stayed somewhere else last night.

Nati: María is incapable of doing what you're thinking.

Umm. Yeah. She is. (At least Max snuggles when he's done.)

The next morning Cruz is sleeping soundly on the couch when there is a knock at the door. He jumps up and GAH! Dear Lord, what kind of underwear is that?! He opens the door and Nati's glasses almost fall off her face she's so embarrassed. She saw London. She saw France. She saw Cruz's ugly underpants. (Why doesn't Univision edit that kind of stuff?) She tells Milagros and Co. that she is very worried about Missing María.

Speaking of María. She is getting up and taking her shower thinking about last night. She gets dressed, leaves a rose next to Max and skedaddles.

Milagros says they've called everyone and still no María. Cruz says something about a Military Parade (desfile militar) and Milagros corrects him: Fashion show (desfile de modas.) I'm sure it's meant to show what a hick Cruz is, but what do I know.

María walks in (no braids..hmmm braids=virgin?) and Nati runs to her with a ¡Mi Hija! and a hug. Nati has to get over this mother hen thing. They can make you over, hon, but if you are going to be a smotherer, you ain' never gonna get a man. Milagros and Co. look put out with her and Maite manages an ever so slightly different facial expression...somewhere between tipsy and stupid.

Max wakes up and mumbles incoherently .... mumble mumble "for the first time." (Por favor fill in the blank someone. ¡Gracias!)

Back to the barrio
Milagros and Co.-Fuss fuss fuss (I caught memos= pea-brains)
María- perdón, perdón, perdón
Milagros and Co.-It's ok. Great show btw. Praise, praise, praise

Oscar and Antonieta talk expenditures. yawn.
Whoa! What's this? Suites at the hotel?
Oscar: yup. Two models in each suite
Toni: ok. I thought María Desamparada was alone (she said the whole name. Hey! New drinking game: Every time someone says María Desamparada take a shot.)
Oscar: You were misinformed. There were 2 folks in the room. No doubt about that.
Toni: befuddled and quasi-impactada

María confesses to Nati that she and Max knocked huaraches.

Nati looks...happy!? WTF? No outrage?! Nati, I am disappointed!

María goes on to talk about how magical it was blah blah blah.

And Nati SQUEEES! (I swear she did!) C'mon! María was a good Catholic girl last night. How can you be so supportive?

Max at kayak practice. Flashback o' lovin'.

María and Nati again. Seriously, Nati is way too happy about this (can you say "vicarious" boys and girls?) She actually says fairy tale (cuenta de hadas, but you all already know that.) Give it a couple of episodes, Nati.

Wait, wait. YES! She used the "R" word: REALIDAD! As in what will happen when Victoria finds out?

LindaHo FF>> Crap! I'm a recapper now. I have to watch. She's making a phone call. Give you three guess who it is. Ding ding ding! You're right!

We cut to Casa Sandoval and our happy family is enjoying breakfast together. Fer whines about being up so early and long lines at the university. Ossie's phone rings but he ignores it when he sees who it is. Wouldn't want to interrupt a nice family moment he says.

Ossie asks Victoria about the show. We won! She says.

Fer asks about Max and the SlutMaid enters and answers the question (that is one efficient maid!) Mark my words, she's gonna be sleepin' with someone on this show before the Gran Final. Her skirt is way to short and  she rocks the booty way too much when she walks.

Victoria is shocked that Max didn't sleep at home and Ossie reminds her he's a man and well, you know, we don't think with our heads and really it's a male world so we should be able to do as we please without you women nagging and harping on us. Just make sure you give me attention and support when I need it. Like all the time. (He didn't really say that, but I think he implied it.)

Fer, of course, pounces on this and want to know why a guy can do anything he wants and she can't.

Dad tells her it's not because Max is a man it's that she's an idiot (I actually kind of missed everything he said, but I think my translation will do. Please feel free to correct me.) Fer leaves in a somewhat controlled huff.

In a restaurant. Quaint quartet singing (slightly off key.) Milagros and Co plus Nati want to eat, but it's crowded. Should have made reservations. Yada yada. Cruz makes a joke, but I didn't get it. I'm pretty sure it wasn't integral to the plot. The band comes over and begins to play. 

Cruz sings!

Bésame mucho

Milagros and Napo Dance. Napo looks a little uncomfortable.

En Victoria's Casa de Modos:
WE RULE!! Group hug!

Toni: María Desamparada (drink!) looked great.
Vic: Yeah, but it was weird she didn't come to the brindis...or Max either.
Toni and Pepino exchange "oh crap!" glances.

To the church and the merry builders. Oh look, Max has come to play at being charitable. M'cito is back and well recovered from his brink of death illness last week (thanks to THE BOX.)

Back to Casa de Modas (Man, they have us going every which way tonight.)
Toni: sooo, Vic. Why do you think Maria Desamparada (drink!) was with Max.
Victoria: 'Cause I know Max (fill in for me here)
Toni: sooo, if he were? (with María)
Vic: I would never permit that.
Toni: buuut, what if they fell in love?
Vic: Not gonna happen. Sure, I appreciate(?) María Desamparada (drink!) and I would like Fer to be more like her. But her and my family? Impossible. Besides, I've got big plans for her.

To the church!
Max wants to play at carpintero.
M'cito calls the sidekick...Domingo(?)..a menso AND a tonto. (Amen, kiddo!)
Saw, saw, saw. Hammer, hammer, hammer. Sand, sand, sand.
(Why are these scenes even here?)

Victoria mentions María's absence from the brindis. María looks a little worried, but Vic is all PSYCH! Gotcha! Here's your paycheck.

María: It's so much! I can't take this. Blah blah.
Vic: No. It's yours you deserve it.
María cries, Victoria asks whats wrong mi hija. María is again with the all my life no mommy to love me routine. Victoria reminds her they've both suffered, being orphans and all. Cue the water works. María gets a grip and apologizes for being a debbie downer.
Vic: No problem. Take the afternoon off.
Exit Maria. Enter the tears and ¡Mi hija! ¿Dónde está?

LindaHo in the hospital. JuanJo arrives and Cruz is close behind. Ruh roh!!! LindHo is recognized as the SlutHo that brought Cruz and Ossie together. LindaHo thought bubbles: Greeeat. Another poor relative.

Suddenly we are on the mini series set. Ossie et al rehearsing. There's gonna be a scene with a gun.

Napo and Cruz in hospital. We need to investigate. We can't hurt JuanJo.

María is giving the check to JP. It will help a lot of people he says. Btw, have you told Victoria about you and Max?
Er, no. I'll go ask the Virgen for help. (Um, María dear, do you think you're in her best graces right now? Perhaps a little "Please forgive me for the premarital sex" would be more appropriate?)

What a coincidence! Victoria is there, asking God to help her find what she lost (more like stolen by Satan, but I digress.) María wants something she never had aaaanddd in walks JP makes three. Victoria leaves in a barely controlled huff.

Vic plotting with driver. Bernarda can't know blah blah.
JP and María. She's says something I miss.

Fer and Cruz in the backyard. Fer yells about his being late and wants to know his excuse. He tells her about visiting his cousins fiancé in the hospital. I think she accuses him of lying. He swears he's not. I think she threatens to tell dad and he throws a few insults at her (chula=flashy?) She tells him he's an ignorante and he should get to work. Do something. He asks if she wants to help? She's says Me?! He says sure, I'll teach you the name of all the flowers and then uses some pick-up line about their perfume, her perfume? (Feel free to fill in my gaps.) She leaves.

Tomasa arrives in Victoria's office, brought by Victoria's driver (see plotting above.) Hugs. Tears. Etc. (All these years and Victoria is a big famous designer married to a famous man and Tomasa had no idea where she was?)

Bernarda is home. TOMASA!!!  Tomasa is in a for a world of hurt when she gets home.

Back to the Tomasa Victoria reunion. My you've grown into a wonderful woman, you've triumphed. I heard about your daughter. I know in my heart you'll find her.

Comic relief at church FF>>

Victoria repays Tomasa the money from all those years ago.

Pepino and minions discuss designs. María walks in and pouts. No Max. She has a sad. Pepino tells her Max is a real Cassanova and seriously he's never had a girlfriend that lasted more than 2 months except for Jimena. ooops. María asks if Max loved Jimena. According to Pepino, mucho...muchísimo.

Back to Tomasa and Victoria. So glad to see you. Bernarda is/was awful. You don't have to put up with her. But Juan Pablo is so good. Victoria gets a hard look on her face.

Nati is telling María she hasn't heard from Max. María tries to get a hold of herself in the Casa de Modas cuarto de baño. Enter Fer and MiniMe Amiga. They say what I assume are pretty insulting things 'cause María slaps her friend. No, María! No the Friend. FER! Slap FER! María runs out. Fer swears she will pay.

Set of the mini-series. Last minute gunfight choreography run-through. Break for lunch.

Nati is arriving at Casa de Modas. María asks why she's there. I hope it's for a makeover, but alas, not tonight. Fer runs up and slaps María. CAT FIGHT! Fabián runs up and breaks it up and Fer says ugly stuff to Fabián. You are only friend with Max 'cause he pays for stuff etc. Victoria comes out and says you two: in my office!!

Nati and Fabián!!!! YAY! I told you! Go back and look at the comments. I know I mentioned it! Ahem. He invites her to sit in's office.

Back at the lunch break a mysterious, gloved hand is switching out the fake bullets for real ones.

Victoria is all over Fer and María like white on rice. Fer whines "I'm your daughter." To which mom answers "Which is exactly why you shouldn't be acting like this." María apologizes. The girls leave and Victoria thought bubbles that she does not want María in her family. (Or something similar)

Nati and Fabián are completely hitting it off and talking movies. María enters...and Max soon after. He  pretty much ignores María and asks Nati for her help in something urgent and important. He's secretive.  He'll call. Wait for the call. A$$.

On the set. The fight. Bang! Bang! Cut! Great job, everyone. ¿Osvaldo? ¿Osvaldo? Dude, not funny. ¿Os? Oh noes! The gun was loaded! With real bullets!


woo hoo! My first recap!


Sara, you're a natural. Spectacular debut. I love your snappy style.

Don't ever change your style. Lots of snark with just the right amount of plot. All together "Maria Desamparada" to you!

Fantastic Sara! I was LOL through the whole thing. You're a natural.

I did not understand Vicky's way of thinking- Maria D. is great, she's a rising star, she's just the kind of girl I'd like as a daughter, BUT I don't want her in my family (with my son). WTF?! That makes no sense. So, just who does she want her son to end up with? Surely she's not classist, seeing as she came from humble roots, that she acknowledges.

And Max makes even less sense. I could tell as soon as he said to Nati that he wanted to speak to her that he was planning on something nice for Maria, and the previews confirmed it. But whatever he has planned does NOT make up for the anxiety and tears that he must know he is causing by ignoring and not contacting the girl who just entrusted him with her virginity. You call the next day. You call many times. AND you plan the nice surprise. It's not one or the other. So. Not. Cool.

Sara i too was LOL throughout this wonderful recap great job. I'm looking forward to your next one.

Please i mean couldn't the censors have spared us looking at Cruz's awful undies?

Vivi you are so right Max just doesn't get it what a total dunce and as for Vicki i'm just shaking my head over her hypocrisy.

What a great recap, Sara!!!! Funny, informative...did I mention FUNNY? :) "She saw London. She saw France. She saw Cruz's ugly underpants." HAHA! And DUDEEE ...WTH was that face Maite made? It was weird.

Agreed on Max. Annoying behavior.
Agreed on Victoria. Stupid hypocrisy.

I think Os told Fer that Max has less restrictions because of his age; he's an adult, and like ya said, Fer's an idiot.

I wanted to yell in Victoria's face when she hugged MARIA Desamparada and immediately asked God, "Where's my MARIA?" Wake up, moron!

Aw shucks. *blush* Thanks y'all. I've been reading recaps since August and I had so many great re-cappers to be inspired by. It was a lot of fun. I can't wait until next Wednesday.

I was in the same WTH boat last night. How can Victoria not want Maria in the family? I think it would have been more believable if she has said something like, My son is a womanizer and Maria Desamparada (drink!) is decent and kind and meant for a better man than my jerk of a son.

And boy was he a jerk. I also knew immediately that he wanted Nati to help with something nice, but he completely and utterly snubbed Maria.

And speaking of Maria, how many times are you going to let him lie to you or treat you shabbily? Bless your heart you are dumb.

As I drifted off to dream last night I had a wonderful thought. Fabian was attracted to Nati pre-makeover. He likes her for HER. I'm kind of glad now that they put her on the path to love BEFORE her looks changed.

Bienvenidos, Sara, y felicidades!

I've also been scratching my head over Victoria's issue with Maria as a possible nuera and I'm wondering if it's because...

1: She reminds her too much of herself
2: She and Fer are like gasoline and fire

In EPDA it was similar, but Lisabeth wasn't nasty like Fer.

I recognize insults when I hear them, but while I suspect that "muy poca cosa" means something like "pathetic little nobody" I have yet to figure out the exact meaning of "muerte de hambre."

I wish somebody would create an international Dictionary of Insults.

As to the bullets, I'm betting Guillermo did it himself.

Sara: What a great premier recap. Thank you very much.

You know, I really thought Juan Pablo had his nerve taking that check from Maria. He should have returned it to her and said, "Maria, daughter, you have had a very hard life, and you have earned this money. Take it and use it to get out of that ratty apartment and shed yourself of LindaHo and the rest of the three stooges." But, no, he takes it anyway.

Yes, and then there are those underpants and boots. What are they thinking? While I'm on the subject of Cruz - I don't think I can take an entire novela of a middle-age man playing the part of a juvenile who sings, or thinks he can sing. Cruz needs backup music. All the time.

I also meant to note that the leather-clad mystery person who exchanged the blank for a real bullet probably borrowed the get up from El Lirio de Plata from Llena de Amor who had a night off.

Well done, Sara! Thanks for the funny, snarky recap. I can tell you are a LOLCats fan, too. I recorded this episode and hope I have a chance to see it. Must see Cruz's tighty blue-ys of horror. Maybe this is Mejía's way of making Cruz a sex god? Remember FELS and all the guys-in-undies scenes?

Sara: Felicidades!!! Bien hecho and I LOVE your style. Do not change it, ok? Gracias!!

My biggest surprise: That Cruz/Pablo was struggling, yes, struggling to get on pitch the entire time! I can see missing a little note or two, but it was a struggle. I am somewhat astounded, really.

Victoria: like all of you, I do not understand why she thinks Maria is not good enough for her family. I honestly don't think it has anything to do with Fony Fer as Victoria's facial expressions and tone of voice indicated that Desinformada was not 'good enough'. She keeps saying she has 'plans' for Max. Is Ximena her 'plan'?

Nati: has GOT to get rid of the m'hija business or I will croak during this TN. Good grief! Enough is enough. Liked the chemistry she had with Fabian. For the first time in the TN, Nati didn't fret and squirm and actually was herself! Bring it on, Nati!! And, yes, did mention that this would be a good twosome. Good for you for catching this!

Best Moment: Cruz! I was literally DELIGHTED that he spotted Linda Ho not only as the person indirectly responsible for finding him a job, but for her filthy, lousy character. NO beating around the bush here. He spoke too quickly, but I am sure he said that this was the chick who was playing around with Juan Jo. This really upset Cruz and he does not intend to let this pass. Bravo to Cruz for calling it like it is. I get so sick and tired of people never saying what they really mean or think.

Tomasa: I had bad feelings about this from the get go. The mere fact that they were doing something around Bruja St Bernard is worrisome. The woman has eyes behind her head. The avances on this look sickening...very sickening.

JP: I'd like to slap him in the face. He's so pious that he can't even recognise evil when he sees it?! Is this the priest you want at your exorcism? Hallo?!

Max: not trying to cut him any slack, but do you suppose he was deliberately trying to act as if Desinformada standing there didn't mean anything to him because Pipino (is that his name?) was standing there? That way, when Victoria questions the designer again, he can honestly say that Max paid no attention to her? Just a thought. However, agree with all of you, Max can certainly be a cad.

Oz: wowsers. He's taking it in the gut, isn't he? Methinks that Ofelia had a hand in this. Gui is simply Ofelia's pawn.



Congratulations, excellent job; that's quite a commitment!

A bit of clarification: when I said Cruz spoke to quickly, I meant to say that he spoke so quickly that I did not catch all that he said. he used some phrase that was mumbled, but it was patently clear that he does not like or think very highly of Linda HO.

Speaking of Linda Ho...she hardly has a bruise and she is still in hospital?!


Pasofino: I agree about the check. I don't think JP should have taken it so eagerly. Unless Maria wrote a check from her own account for half of what Victoria gave her. We don't know the amount, but it must have been considerable.

However, Pablo Montero is only 36 years old. I also think he was deliberately singing off-key in that scene because I've heard him live and a capella, not missing a note. Or perhaps Cruz and company had too much tequila before the curtain went up on that scene.

Susanita: JuanJo needs a reality check about LindaHo and I think Cruz is considerably more experienced with women than he is. He had her number from the get-go.

As for Ximena, my gut is telling me that she's a trust fund brat whose parents are well-connected and Victoria would like to take advantage of that... or not have it work against her if Max and Ximena are truly splitsville.

Sara: You had me laughing all the way through! Can't wait to read the next one! re: Cruz's undies -- you had me ROFLOL!

Sara, what fun! This was hilarious and very well done. Your students must have a blast in your classes.

My low opinion of Max dropped even lower last night. What a selfish self-centered jerk.

Cruz reminded me of Juan in JQ who often did calisthenics in boxers and cowboy boots. Somehow we coped.


Sara, ¡Maravillosa! Gran estreno.

Shut my eyes for 5 min during Eva Luna & woke up at 10:00 on the dot, so missed the whole thing. Doesn't sound like any memorable moments though. Except the gloved hand of course, I suspect Guillermo, time for him to begin his evilness. Luckily I missed Cruz sing, lucky for you it wasn't Ave María.

W#hat is Cruz's connection to JuabJo?

Vario: I believe Cruz and JuanJo are cousins.

UA: Good point. I didn't even stop to think that Cruz was deliberately singing off key. How wonderful that you got to see him in person! You lucky girl, you!


Sara, what a blast! I love the Snap, Crackle and Snark! Welcome to the fold!

Poor Victoria – forced to act out of character in the service of plot. As you all have said, there’s no reason for her to say she doesn’t want María in her family except –

-- if she DID accept her, the whole overblown plot would fall as flat as a pair of ruptured breast implants:

1. When the reveal comes – María IS her long-lost daughter – there would be tears of joy and not bitterness and anguish.
2. The other models would have to give her her props.
3. María’s pregnancy would be seen as a blessing (and come on, you know she is or will very soon be pregnant)
4. And most importantly: with her love and goodness beams, she would bring all the wandering Sandoval sheep back to the fold – kind of like that other orphan María did with the family Von Trapp.

So. Unless we want to see a whole bunch more unemployed actors hanging around the Televisa lot, we’ll just have to go with it.

Just finished watching this episode. Agreed that Cruz was waaay off key, FFWD-->
His undies weren't that bad, IMO, and were probably a product placement because of the giant logo on them. (at least they weren't complete Speedo) I LOLd when he grabbed some tinsel-y thing to .. er.. cover up. Right. Shiny silver tinsel what-ever-that-is will only draw more attention to that area, dear boy.

Good theory about Max being stand-offish The Next Day, as a cover in front of Vic & Co. My thoughts are that Maria left no note, no "I'll call you" and if the roles were reversed, the girl would have her feelings hurt. Maybe Max expected more than a rose.

How long is this telenovela? How long before Maria has mareos and nausea?

I have to say id take Cruz's blue undies over the school bus yellow one's that Bruno wore in Sorti

Great recap

Thanks, Sara! Great job on your virgin voyage!
Cruz did seem to recognize a sleeze right off and said so. Hope he sees it in Ferd before he gets involved. It is so refreshing to see people say what they mean and do what they say...

Welcome Sara. Great to have you on board. And I agree with Carlos, your students must love you. Nothing livens up grammar and lit lessons better than a sharp sense of humor. And now when WE have grammar questions, we can come to you!

Susanita: Click on my profile photo and ask yourself how many kisses I got for those roses. My colleagues teased me about that for days.

I don't think Cruz takes Fernanda all that seriously, unlike Fabian. When Fernanda disses Fabian, he's actually crushed. When Fernanda disses Cruz, he's like "Oh, you got jokes!" Fernanda's used to people reacting to her angrily so when Cruz lets it roll off his back, it's intriguing.

Ofelia could have very well switched the bullets in the gun backstage. What is her job, anyway?

Sara !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome and Wonderful.

Why were there blank bullets in the gun in the first place? Would there really be a real gun on the set let alone bullets, fake or otherwise, in the gun? Silly.


¡Bien hecho! Just wanted to say that you did a great job, seeing a first timer do so well makes me want to jump in a give it a try. . .someday! Great recap, love how you noticed the lack of braids the morning after, I was wondering the same thing.

As for Victoria- WTH is with the of course I wouldn't want her in my family- I wonder what this Ximena chick is all about.

Can't wait for next week! Great Job!

Again, thank you all very much. I hope I continue to do ok for y'all. I have a new found respect for all recappers and I want to say thank you to all of them too!

One thing I love about these comments is the discussion about so many things. I like all the different points of view.

For instance-it didn't even occur to me that JP was a bit selfish with María's check, but now that I've read Pasofino's comment I completely agree!

UA-I'm pretty sure calling someone a muerte de hambre is calling them really poor. REALLY poor. Guttersnipe maybe? As to a website try this:

while not exclusively insults, there are some there. Beware, though. There are some real crude things.

NovelaMaven: excellent points about the reason Vic is forced to hate María to save the plot. (And the ruptured implants quip was funny.)

Doris: I am indeed a LOLcats fan!

Oh, La Chaparrita
I've sort of been playing with the idea of recapping since October. I got hooked on STuD and loved the recaps. Those recaps are Grade A.

Thank you Sara. I relived last night's episode with a smile on my face.

Who'd thunk that our boy Cruz and his actor alter ego Pablo Montero would be our savior! I've never been all that impressed with him as an actor, but his character is a breath of fresh air. I like the actor for whom Milagros is always making a play, Flaco Ibanez, as well. He was wonderful IMHO in Las tontas no van al cielo.
The two bring some appeal to the neighbor group.

Can't wait to see what happens with Nati and Fabian. I'm rooting for those two and Cruz and Fer, more than for our other couples (Max and Maria and Victoria and Osvaldo)!

Here in greater NY area everyone was back out after a tough two days of snow and ice. It wasn't as bad as the Midwest and I hope that everyone here is surviving this tough winter.

GREAT first recap! Can't wait for your next one.

UA: I've been meaning to tell you how much I love that foto of you (but I get so involved in the re-caps...I keep forgetting!)!!!

That is simply a lovely, lovely foto!


Sara, great recap, very entertaining. Thanks for joining the recap rotation. Anxious to see tonight and determine Os' fate.
La Paloma
PS--I see the verification word is tellyono. What does that say about my TN addiction?

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