Thursday, February 10, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #28 2/9/11 A Flurry of Flashbacks

Sara the recapper here, take two. My listening skills weren't at their greatest tonight. We're waiting to find out if the are cancelling school or delaying the start time due to snow. Please correct and/or fill in as you see fit.

We begin with the same quaint kitchen scene we endured last night. An ascot-clad young man is preparing dinner for his love. Several close ups of vegetables and running water are shown. Either it is a PSA from el Centro de Salud OR it's a service for any viewers who may want to recreate the dish for their loved ones. I am quickly bored and hope the new stuff starts soon.

Homena's mother wants to know where she went. Homena says she had some important boinking to do (well, she may have edited for Mumsie.) Mumsie (we later discover is named Roxanna) wants to know what's more important that making up with Max. Since HOmena's dad died the money is getting scarce. (Guess Vic doesn't pay well.) Ofelia comes to make a catty call. She wants HOmena to lay of the Gui or she'll tell Max (future cat fight potential is high.)

Max is serving dinner and carries Maria to the table. There's some mumbling about a doctor.

HOmena doesn't want to be threatened and reminds Ofelia about her husband, Pedro (remember him HOfelia?) I believe HOmena says something like Gui can't live without her and HOfelia says GuillermanHO doesn't need anyone. HOfelia tells her if she doesn't want problems she better stop seeing Gui.

Max mentions his convo with JP again and Maria wants to know what happened. Max mumbles incoherently about this and that and promises made to Maria and defending her and I love you. (Quite frankly, I'm beginning to feel like he uses "I love you"  as a fix it for everything.)

LindaHO has Os in a liplock. He wants to know what she's doing in his house. He tells her she's gotta leave. He doesn't want problems. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he miss that boat when he, oh...SLEPT WITH A CRAZY HO.) LindaHO begins to slither around on the bed. As the maid leaves, Os hears the shutting of the door and he checks the hall. Luckily, the maid made it away in time.

Vic arrives home and head upstairs. "Wait!" Shouts the maid.The maid fumbles for an excuse and recovers. Too bad I missed it. Couldn't have been too important, right? Whatever the reason, Vic DID NOT go upstairs. (I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed.)

Os promises to call LindaHO. Anything to get rid of her. Idiot.

Later that same evening, the Maid is in the kitchen thought bubbling. "He is deceiving la señora and in her own bed." (I hereby humbly admit I was wrong about the Maid. She seems genuinely upset about Os cheatin' on Vic.)

Vic comes to bed. Os busts some moves and attempts some canoodling. We hear the voice of Luis Miguel. Oye la confesión...

No, Luis Miguel, we don't. And we're kind of miffed about it. C'mon! Vic, tell him!

Vic is tired and asks him to sleep in the guest room. Daaayym. That's cold. Os enjoys the first flashback of the evening. LindaHO from a couple hours ago. Gratuitous, slimy sex music plays.

Max and Maria still drinking wine. LindaHO enters and turns on the light (so we can see not a bit of food has been eaten.) She invites herself to dinner. Maria asks why she's out so late. LindaHo says she was at the Sandovals. "My house?" asks Max. LindaHo explains about Fer's clown face makeup. Maria gives the LindaHo the "I'm not stupid" face.

Sor Clementina and Nun sidekick are going over papers and plan to take them somewhere in the morning. (I panic I didn't catch everything, but by the end of the episode I realize it's a plot device. Keep reading.)

Burnie is praising Eva about her references and recommendations. Burnie wants unconditional loyalty from her, like she gets from Fausto. Eva says "you got it sister!" Burnie lists Eva's virtues (among them nurse and great cook.) Burnie even comments that Eva is a widow like her (and probably because of her) and says they will get along great.

JP is a prayin' and we get an auditory flashback (this evening's 2nd.) He's thinking about Vic's tears at the registry and her emotional explanation that she's been looking for hija for all these years. He decides to see Sor Clementina tomorrow.

Nati and Fab are talking about the performance they just saw. Sounds kinda intellectual to me. Nati confesses she likes comedies and musicals (I think.) They make another date and exchange the glance of a thousand burgeoning feelings.

JuanJo and Milagros. He's brooding. She's got a letter FF>> (I hope you will forgive me, I could care less about the "let's set up Auntie Milagros" storyline. I watch just long enough to find out if JuanJo is ready to dump LindaHo.)

Nati is tossing around on her bottom bunk.She is so pretty without the glasses. How long do we have to wait for her to get contacts? She flashes back (3!) to THE KISS and thought bubbles: My first kiss! Fabián! Fabián!

GuillermanHo and Homena are fussing about Hofelia. Gui tells her it's just a fling. Nothing important. Like you and Max (?) They start sucking face FF>> for self preservation. Now Gui is whining about Os. He gets in my way. He gets all the great parts. I'm always in his shadow. Homena tells him to get some therapy. What does it have to do with us. Gui begins to get over emotional and I miss some stuff. Did I hear right? Gui loved Vic and Os got her? Then he does some further explaining of something and it upsets Homena. Recapper League Activiate!  A recapper needs your help! (Sorry. *hangs head in shame*)

ETA: Thanks to a little angel I have the missing info:
Gui tells Homena how much he hates Os ---he ended up with "intachable" (impeccable/irreproachable) Victoria, the woman he wanted (among other things like good parts.)  He admits that he went after Homena  because she was Osvaldo's son's girlfriend.  In his twisted brain, It was another way to get back at Os. She gets upset: you have the nerve to say that to my face ??? But she can't be too upset 'cause soon they are goin' at it again. *burp*

Fer in da club.

Gui and Ji gettin' freaky. blech.

JP asks to be alone with MamaSatan and Eva waits for Burnie's permission to leave. But like a good telenovela maid/housekeeper, she stays at the (appropriately) creaky door to eavesdrop. JP talks to mom about her freakout with Maria then proceeds to tell her he's going to see Sor Clementina to ask about the girl.

Maria is fussing at LindaHo (dressed in the finest of denim slut attire) about going to Os's, but LindaHo says she was brought to the house to do Fer's make up. LindaHo says she ran into Os and they are getting back together. Nati busts in from the bedroom and asks about JuanJo. LindaHo insists she can keep both guys happy.

JuanJo is at home and I think he's starting to get a clue.

Back at Burnie's, JP is still talking about finding the girl. Burnie tries to plant some seeds of doubt but isn't super successful. He says he's going to go see Sor Clementina today. They make idle chit chat about the new employees. Burnie asks for his blessing and he leaves.

Vic is smoothing the ruffled feathers caused by LindaHo's Nair facial. Vic and MamaRoxanna make like Jewish mothers and matchmake (and I should know, I'm a Jewish mom.)

Bomberos, Napo and a letter FF>>

Vic has summoned Max and wants to know what he wanted when she and Oscar were pow-wowing (remember that from last Friday?) He appears to blow her off and says he's made his decision. Vic wants to know if he's gonna share the info with her. He says he's a man; she may be the Jefa of the empresa, but outside these walls she can't control him. He leaves.

Vic tells Luci to get Maria Desamparada. Oh snap! I think the jig is up!

Cruz mows the lawn and sings. It wakes the Ferbeast. She tells him to go mow somewhere else.

Vic is telling Maria that she's not allowed to fall in love and can't let her personal life affect her professional life. In a nutshell "Don't fall in love." (Man, maybe she shouldn't have made Os sleep in the guest room. I bet she wouldn't be so cranky.) Maria leaves and Vic thought bubbles: "No matter what, I'll make Maria let go of Max."

Back to Cruz. Fer comes out and smacks him. He warns her to watch it. She doesn't know what he's capable of. "What are you gonna do, hit me?" She asks. "No, this." He says (we all know what's coming....)



Fer leaves. Cruz says something. I bet it's something like "totally worth it."

Nati is studying. Knock at door. Fab is there with flowers! And a movie! (I assume they discussed it at their last meeting.) He's gotta scoot. Bye! Nati: "My first flowers!" (I'm grinnin' like a tonta!)

Cruz cuts a rose from a bush, flashes back (4) to the kiss, waxes romantic, then sneaks into the house. Fer is in her car flashing back(5) to the kiss. She smiles at first, then gets mad. Now Cruz in in Fer's room touching her bedspread (little creepy) he leaves the rose. He tries to leave the conventional way (door) but hears someone coming. He's forced to leave by the RatTattScuzzBoy method of escape and falls.

Burnie is as the Orphanage (that apparently didn't get the memo about the new Pope.) She is beating JP to the punch and getting the addy of A Maria. Not THE Maria, mind you. (And here is where it became clear to me that the earlier scene was really just to let us know why the B-team of nuns were in charge. Had Sor Clementina been there, things would get wrapped up much more quickly.)

The Creepy trio have headed for a seedy side of town. Burnie enters the "apartment" (perhaps "flop room" is more appropriate.) She wakes up the prostrate form. The girl awakens...barely. I have to wonder if she knows LindaHo 'cause her make up job is terrible.

Meanwhile, back at the orphanage. JP is also getting the wrong María's address. The B-team tell JP that Burnie was just there asking for the address, too.

Burnie is staring at the lipstick smeared, mascara stained face before her an thought bubbles: So this is my grandaughter. From this moment on I renounce her.

Shirtless Max in a  kayak, Batman! I made it through two in a row!

Thanks for your patience while I learn the ropes everyone!


Thanks, Sara. Another great recap. I loved this phrase "and exchange the glance of a thousand burgeoning feelings."
I felt sure I have seen the sleazy other Maria somewhere in TN land, but couldn't remember where. Laughed at Burnie just barely touching her shoulder so the cooties wouldn't migrate.
La Paloma

Very funny stuff, my friend! Thanks so much.

I especially loved "Ferbeast" -- I might just steal it from you!

I'm afraid The Other María, La Magdalena, has a very short life expectancy. (I was saying rude things to my tv when the foolish nun gave St B her address) I'm only surprised she survived to the end of the episode. And you're so right, Sara -- the poor thing did look like LindaHo had been working on her face.

I thought Maria Desarreglada looked familiar, too.

I forgot to mention in the recap that the B-team of Nuns mentioned Burnie's visit to JP. I'm going to go back and add that.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Surely the writers won't reunite Fake Mother and Child and then let Burnie kill her?

Do you think we've hit the new characters/story line saturation point yet? It seems that every episode a new person shows up with a story line. There's a lot going on.

PS: Feel free to steal Ferbeast!

Ha, Ha, Ha, otra vez Sara !!!

Cruz and his twin character from FELS ... climbing out those 2nd story windows again, geez.

I realized last night that Maria D. had very few lines to learn in this TN. All she does is say "te amo" and do those goofy facial expressions of hers .. never any conversations of substance. I've never been too thriiled with this actress anyway, and her character here does nothing to make me see her any differently.

Thanks for the recap. My cable went out a couple days ago and its been torture not being able to watch my novelas.

I loved Maite in CCEA, but her character was really feisty, but endearing at the same time. Maria Desemperada, while a nice character is a bit on the boring side.

SARA!!! I commented late last night, but wanted to thank you again for everything. You are amazing. Two in a row. Wow. Gracias! Great job on both of 'em. Running late to school. Be back luego.

Novela Maven, thank you too!

Sara, you score big two days in a row. Nice job. You are very funny. Your style reminds me of Connie's. She had a similar unfettered and bold sense of humor.

OK, Fabian... you're off the hook as far as I'm concerned, but just be a little more careful of Nathy's feelings in the future. She may be the most worthwhile prospect of all the young fems in this show.

Interesting that Cruz sees Linda for what she is and yet, even having seen RatTattScuzzBoy emerging from her window, sees Fer (and I think reasonably so) in a different light. It was so funny to me when he fell out the window.

I guess I feel a bit sympathetic toward Max... I worried for his fingers as he sliced that tomato.


Thank you for another funny, snarky, succinct recap, Sara. You cut to the chase and I appreciate the quick read. :o)

Osvaldo the DirtBag is dead to me. What a sleaze.

"The Ferbeast" --- perfect!

Cruz and Ferbeast's relationship is a weird hybrid between 'Taming of the Shrew' and old John Wayne movies. He is also badly out of practice from the window exits he made in FELS.

Jimena's face wasn't hurting so bad from the Nair facial that she could do the horizontal tango with Gui. Nice fast recovery.

Yay! Kayak scene at the end, even if the music is botched up. :-) :-)

"Ferbeast" is a great tag.

I, too, am tired of Maria D's pouting expression while tilting her head from one side to another. BORING!
And nothing of substance coming out of Max's mouth either. Whoever is being paid to write their dialogue must be laughing all the way to the bank.

I was very relieved that Nathi was not wearing her argyle tights last night. Those things should be on What Not To Wear.

Thanks again Sara! I missed the show last night, so I am especially grateful for your funny recap.

I'm glad it didn't take long for Maria M. (aka the Usupadora), to make her entrance. Sorry I missed seeing it.

The writers have not given Maria and Max much substantial dialogue. Both actors had way more to work with in their previous novelas and shone- Maite in Mi Pecado (where she got to make more than two expressions), and WL in Sortilegio (where he got to do more than pout an lick his lips). :)

Ferbeast. I love it. LOL!

Great recap! Thanks! your sense of humor is great in these.

Great Sara, gracias.

Must say Max looks pretty in pink, but those damn scarves that he got from Bruno are annoying.

Lots of characters to come according to Wikipedia.

María Magdalena is Mariana Rios, the name sounds familiar.

Been checking Mariana Rios
Martina in MEPS
Sanjuana in Destilando

no wonder she looked familiar

Variopinta I don't know if I can take any more characters. Argh!

With luck, maybe some are minor characters that we have seen already.

Sara great recap and thanks for doing two this week for us.

Haha Variopinta yeah i was thinking the same thing can you get rid of those darn scarves already please.Too much reminding us of Bruno.

Doris loved your line of What Not to Wear but would that include all of Nati's entire ensemble of clothes? She needs a serious makeover maybe they could send her to Oprah for that.

Sara it did look like LindaHo had did Maria Magadalena makeup didn't it?

What the heck is Victoria's problem if my boss told me i couldn't have a love life i would tell them where to stuff it.

Cruz sure is getting a ton of slaps from Fernanda. The kiss was very risky becuase he could get canned if her parents found out. Despite that I think Fernanda is liking it before she realized she was not supposed to and then changed her facial expression. I smiled at Linda's denim outfit.

Are we to assume that Maria Magdalena has become a prostitute and an alcoholic. I hope she will turn out better. The nuns did say that both Marias still visit the orhpanage... So there is some good in her. I think both Marias also know of each other since they are not so far in age though Maria Magdalena is slightly older.

I think Televisa has never gotten the memo about the new pope Benedict who has been pope for 5 years already. shame on them. I have seen this is several series not just this. It is like an American Movie or tv series having president Bush's portrait in the background instead of President Obama's.


About portraits of popes --

I'm no expert, but from what I've observed, people (including nuns) display the portrait of the pope(s) they love, not necessarily the pope who is sitting in the Vatican. And Mexico -- as well as much of the Catholic world -- absolutely loved John Paul. So rather than an oversight, I think the portrait is a telling detail.

It's like a film maker showing a photo of JFK in a a family home in 2010. Neither the film maker nor the family is confused about who is president today. Rather, it says: This man was my hero.

Overall, this novela is very attentive to visual detail. It's one of the (many) things I'm enjoying about it.

NovelaMaven- In total agreement about why Pope JP is on display. He was much beloved. The "new" pope hasn't quite gained the same adoration.

That makes sense from a personal point of view but I always thought offices or official places of business displayed the current head of the Vatican if it is a chruch or orphanage or if in a government office, head of state if the person is a president.

In various federal buildings in DC, I see the current president's portrait in real life and in TV/Movies unless the movie was dated during a particular president of that era or if it was a period movie.

Of course we can see portraits of different people admired by the homeowner in his or her own home.


I worked at a Catholic school soon after Pope Benedict became the new Pope. It was his picture in the entry but many of the teachers continued to display Pope John Paul in their classrooms. I am not Catholic, but I admire him greatly. I hope my comment in the recap didn't offend anyone.

Good point about papal photos, especially since JP II is on his way to canonization.

So I guess it's no coincidence that our Padre Hottie is named Juan Pablo.

Ferbeast should be her name from here on.

I wonder whether it will occur to JP or Victoria to get a DNA test on Mary Magdalena. It would also not surprise me if Bernarda decides to kill her.

Cruz and the Ferbeast are definitely somewhere between The Taming of the Shrew and Swept Away. But she will need a major delousing and a Wasserman test before Cruz should remotely consider what he has in mind.

Gosh, Sara, nothing you wrote was even remotely offensive. I just thought the detail about the portrait was kind of interesting.

Urban, that Juan Pablo's name is no accident hadn't even occurred to me, but of course you're right.

Maria Desarreglada (great name) what a far cry from our favorite nurse/mud-wrestler. Yikes! I certainly didn't recognize her. She certainly fits the description of those who Burnie deem worthy of elimination... I don't think that she'll be around for very long. She was also Sanjuana in Distilando Amor but I don't remember that character though I recall the name.


Urban-Wow. It never even occurred to me that Juan Pablo was bearing a papal name. I feel kind of stupid now.

I can't remember who said it, but it was mentioned in a previous thread that Nati is studying genetics and that she will probably be the one to suggest a DNA test.

The big question for me is how will Burnie dispense with Maria Desarreglada? She's done arson, poison and poker-cide. What's left?

Speaking of which, I recently read the "rules" of TNs on BlogMom's other site and now whenever they show that staircase in Vic's house I wonder who will fall down it. Padillo?

Sanjuana was the one after Hilario.
He's the one that became a poster boy or model or sth similar.

Carlos, it is hard to recognize her because of the dishevelled hair, messed up makeup and she just woke up from sleep and is still kind of drunk from the tequila bottle which she finished up in her hand. She was one of my favorite females from MEPs and that nurse outfit of hers was hot. Good mud wrestler too.

I hope she lasts long here.Lol @ Bernarda renouncing her because she did not fit her catergory of a decent person.


Sara~~~Thanks for the fun recap. Real life is very busy for me right now, and I am surfing between this show and the one on Telemundo. I must say that I love Vicky's wardrobe. I would wear all her clothes. Whoever is dressing her is really doing a good job of putting her in clothes that flatter her beautiful coloring, that jetblack hair and lovely skin. She always looks stunning and classic. Then there's Linaho's tacky clothes and Jimena's beret ...que the hell ?

I noticed one of the models is Manola Diez who plays Maya. She is hot. She also played Amelie Von Ferdinand in Lola Erase una vez. The ladies here may not like her though....


Do you guys find this show weak? I am liking it and just surprised we have so few comments. The other 9pm shows in the past had commnets going way past 100. Some even going as hight as 175-200+.


I totally agree about Victoria's wardrobe. At least once a week I think about how snazzy she looks.

Yeah, the beret is stupid. But then, so is the ascot.

Ibarramedia. I'm loving the show. I'm not sure about the comments, though. STuD was my first. Maybe it's all the snow. LOL.

Sara: thanks for two snarkalicious recaps! (I'm playing catch up today.)

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