Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Llena de Amor #138 (Mex. 143) Mon 2/28/11 affectionately known as “Tu Casa Es Mi Casa”

Friday: Bernardo is going through the trash at night, trying to fish out Fedra’s discarded things, when a man walks out of the greenery. Bernardo rubs his eyes – he can’t believe it! We gotta hand it to him, he recognized his captain in the dark, several yards away, whereas Fedra couldn’t recognize her old love just inches away in a brightly-lit jail cell. Bernardo falls to his knees in joy, then embraces his old friend. Eman tells Vicky that she ought to order dinner, since it seems she’s trying to take over the whole planet. Ilitia and Kristel get the same phone call: I need you right now, my love. Ilitia’s is from her mother, Kristel’s is from Lorenzo. They squeal and skittle off. The general comes abovestairs in his formal uniform to eat with the family for the first time in 27 years.


Muñeca is distraught that Lorenzo has swiped the kids, and asks Brandon not to leave her alone. Brandon says the police have checked Lorenzo’s apartment and no luck. She clings to Brandon and begs him not to let Lorenzo make off with her kids, her son. (Always with the son! Poor Little Apple.)

When old pals haven’t seen each other in decades, you can bet there’s a lot to chit chat about, like right now Jose Maria is telling Brandon that that last night with Aristotle Curiel came off bad. Curiel didn’t want to pay. (I’m confused by the next part, so please jump in if you understood better.) Curiel wanted to give him something for the cargo, which was worth gold. They couldn’t come to an agreement, and that evening Curiel appeared on the deck of the Lirio.

Bernardo wants to know how the fire started, and JM tells him that Curiel was avenging the death of his wife Fedra. In turn, JM wants to know what really happened to her, and why the Curiel’s yacht sank. Bernardo, getting emotional, says he only remembers the Lirio on fire and sinking. I wanted to save you! he says, throwing his arms around JM. Okay, okay, says JM, peeling him off. You did the right thing, you saved Juana Felipa, as I ordered. Then I jumped and later a fishing boat picked me up and took me to the authorities in port.

(Golly garsh – an unexplained murder! Now, who could’ve done it? Who indeed!)

I was in prison for 27 years for the deaths of the Curiels, says JM, and I was innocent. Bernardo anguishes, then says Fedra will be ecstatic when she finds out he’s alive. JM tells him that she already knows, and she’s the same volcano as always. Both men chortle and share a hug. Bernardo is in seventh heaven – Let’s go sailing again! Let’s conquer the seas, let’s have rum and tobacco! They laugh and hug some more.

Brandon has kindly taken Muñeca’s hand and tell her she’s lovely inside and out, and that it’s a pity Lorenzo didn’t realize it. Muñeca says she’s always known what kind of man Lor was, but she loved him, plus she was afraid of being alone. She rants a bit about his having taken the kids. Brandon tells her she’s strong, and she must never go back to him (he takes her other hand too) and that Ilitia’s grown now, but Muñeca can be a mother to the kids.

She stands and he puts his hands on her shoulders, telling her she’s young and some good man will appreciate her. She thanks him and says whoever gets him will be lucky. He touches her cheek and Ilitia, who I thought would never get here, finally shows up and is shocked. Again? she says.

Kristel has showed up at Lorenzo’s apartment, where he tells her that he’s decided to leave his wife, he’ll sell the apartment because it’ll be too small for them, and he’s going to marry her. All this is delivered with little kisses while she looks calculating and wary. He promises her heaven and earth, and she makes a run for the liquor cabinet. Lor says that he wants to make up for Mauricio dumping her at the altar, and even worse, causing her to not be able to have children.

She says she’s cool with that, no biggie. Lo plants some smooches on her shoulder and tells her he’s going to give her the gift of motherhood – she can raise Christian. Fortunately he can’t see her jaw drop.

Maximo and Emil clink glasses and Max says he swore to stay in his basement until Fedra left (boy, that was showing her! so there!) and now she’s gone and it’s lovely to be up in the fresh air.

Jorge comes down and says Marianela will be glad to see Max with the family.

Here comes a vision in red – it’s Gretel, in a lovely Oscars-worthy dress, her hair styled and flowing. She says she’s glad too, now they can be a family. Emil rushes to embrace her. Max holds his arms wide for a hug, and she falls into his arms too. Smiles all around. Birdies chirp and there would be a rainbow, but it’s nighttime. Both of them out of the basement, awesome!

Emil comes down and is thrilled to see her and hugs her too. I just noticed he’s in a tux and bowtie and so is Emil.

Fedra in her cell grumbles that everyone must be in her house, celebrating her downfall. She blows a stray curl out of her face in disgust. Chema and her past have found her, and it’s dangerous for her, what with all her misdeeds, and drat, her in a cell not able to control what’s going on outside. She gets panicky thinking that by now Gretel must know she’s in jail, and will tell the truth about everything, about how she murdered Juan Felipe too, just to keep her in there.

And the gordita and Vicky – that two-headed monster, is going to destroy her. Bernardo, where are you? All is lost! Fedra feels frantic and claustrophobic.

Eman and Gretel gush over seeing one another again. She says Vicky invited her to an important family dinner. In comes Oliver also in formal attire, and Gretel throws him a severe look. Emil graciously pronounces that his daughter’s novio is very welcome.

Axel, also be-tuxed, arrives and says he has invited his novia. In comes Delicia, elegantly dressed. All the family smiles and hoots. She shyly says that it’s not one of Fedra’s dresses, Vicky gave it to her (obviously because it covers too much for Vicky to wear). Emil welcomes her graciously.

Vicky and Benigno arrive with festively attired Paula, who is balky and furious because she doesn’t want to see Max after he was caught with Nereida. All heads swivel to look at Max and have a whoo-hoo laugh at him. Gretel is on Paula’s side about cheatin’ guys. Oliver protests that it was all a misunderstanding. Paula and Gretel hug.

Atten…hut! barks the General and everyone stiffens. He walks toward Paula, saying he has before him the most beautiful woman in the world. I’ve waited over 20 years to offer you a life better than confined to a cellar. That promise is kept, and now I’m going to keep another one. He kneels before her and asks her to marry him. Paula doesn’t say yes and she doesn’t say no either. I have the feeling the church in the final episode is going to have to have a very wide aisle to accommodate all the upcoming nuptials.

Eman takes Vicky aside and thanks her for filling the house with good things. She smiles and Jorge looks daggers.

Bernardo has dropped by the comisario’s office, much to the latter’s surprise. The comisario tells him it’s too late to visit Fedra, and to come again tomorrow. Bernardo says he didn’t come for a visit, but to say that Fedra is innocent. I did it! I falsified the papers and Fedra didn’t know anything about it. He holds his hands out to be handcuffed, and when that gets no response, he turns his back and holds his hands behind him, hand-cuff ready. Arrest me! The comisario can’t keep a straight face.

Some ads, and then the comisario laughs that Bernardo isn’t capable of lifting a finger without Fedra ordering him to. Bernardo protests that everybody knew Eva was an alcoholic and Fedra, who is a great lady with a huge heart, gave her the money without ever asking her to sign anything. The comisario doesn’t believe it for one second.

Bernardo pulls up a chair and sits, telling the comisario that he’s a great forger, better than Rembrandt, and he holds a pen for the comisario to sign something so he can show him how he can copy the signature. The comisario laughs that Fedra could hardly have been unaware of the forgery. Bernardo says when Mari got her inheritance, the poor thing (that would be Fedra) had no way to prove that she had given Eva all that money, and she would have been out on the street.

I think I’m gonna cry, says the comisario.

Look, says Bernardo, I’m going to go to the judge and shout the truth from the rooftops, because you’re holding an innocent woman.

Ilitia is upbraiding her mother for having something going with Brandon and Muñeca defends herself, saying the one who had something going was Lorenzo. Ilitia scoffs that that’s it – Muñeca ran to Brandon’s arms. She says some ugly things, and Brandon tells her to knock it off, Muñeca is a great woman. Ilitia continues, accusing her mother again, and Muñeca tells her that she’s just made the worst mistake of her life. She arches an eyebrow at Ilitia and thanks Brandon and leaves.

Brandon tells Ilitia he’s going to give her and earful and she’s going to listen.

Fedra is setting her teeth on the jail bars like she’d like to chew them when Kristel shows up. Fedra is very glad to see her and Kristel sympathizes, saying it must be awful to sleep on that cot. Kristel tells her how happy everybody is that she’s in jail and how Emil threw a big family dinner. Fedra thanks her for not attending and for coming to see her instead. She tells Kristel that she’s all she has left, that she loves her, that they’re so alike, she’s a daughter worthy of her mother.

That’s right, says Kristel and I’m going to cheer you up. My love, come here! Lorenzo appears and Fedra’s smile evaporates. Tell her what you told me in the hotel, says Kristel.

Bernardo hands the comisario a written confession. Very good, says the comisario, but there’s something missing, namely a motive. This goes way beyond loyalty, it’s a declaration of love. I’m going to lock you up too, and not in a matrimonial cell.

Brandon tells Ilitia she was cruel to the most noble woman he’s ever known. She defies him to say he isn’t in love with her mama, she’s noticed it since the very first day. Brandon tries not to lose patience and tells her Muñeca is decent, wonderful, with a huge heart, always thinking of others.. and hopefully one day Ilitia will be a little bit like her. But she’s fake, pure plastic.

He heads off, and Ilitia tries to call him back.

Kristel tells her mother that she understands now why she was so hooked on Lorenzo, he’s the very best in bed! Fedra, speaking low and slow, points out to Lorenzo that he slept with her daughter. He mumbles around, then says he’s fallen in love like never before. Kristel excitedly tells her that Lor is going to do what Fedra always wanted him to – he’s going to leave his wife for her.

Fedra warns Kristel not to believe a word he says, he’s just saying things to get her into bed. Lorenzo, drooling on Kristel, says that he did just originally plan to have a little fling, but he’s crazy about her like he’s never been in his life, and besides Fedra could be in the slammer for a long time, so they’re over.

Fedra tells him he’s just making himself ridiculous, some old granddad after a young girl. Lor tells her to butt out, she’s going to be in jail forever, and she’s not young anymore anyway; she’s an old lady. Good thing she doesn’t have a mirror in her cell to see herself when she doesn’t have makeup to help.

Harsh, dude.

She tells him he’s a pig. He gives her Kristel a big kiss and says see that? It’s goodbye. He leaves.

Why are you doing this to me? Fedra asks Kristel quietly. Because you wrecked my life, says Kristel. If you hadn’t come between me and my punchunguito, none of this would be happening right now.

After organizing your wedding, after pressuring that pig to marry you, it wasn’t my fault that the coward left you at the altar for Victoria. Kristel tells her she didn’t insist enough wasn’t powerful enough, didn’t defend her enough against Vicky who turned out to be a thousand times bigger and stronger than the great Fedra Curiel. She even got the house away from her!

It’s your fault I lost Mauricio, and now I’ve taken your lover. We’re even! She bounces off.

Thank you for your visit, daughter, daughter worthy of her mother, Fedra says to no one, She breaks down.

At the pension, Gladiola tells Netty she should have gone to the dinner, since Marianela invited her, but Netty feels that even with Fedra in jail, Emil’s still married, and she’s a decent lady and doesn’t want to be the other woman. Gladiola laughs that she’s stubborn and heads for the kitchen. Netty soliloquizes that she hopes Fedra doesn’t do any more damage just as Jose Maria comes down the stairs to overhear her.

He says he couldn’t help overhearing – what did Fedra to do her? Netty says that she set out to destroy her (Netty’s) family, starting with her sister Eva. He wants to hear about it, so Netty, getting more and more worked up, tells him Eva lost her husband in a tragic accident and Fedra used her distress to turn her into an alcoholic, so that she could end up with everything. And then she started in on her daughter, Marianela, poisoning some chocolates because she knew Marianela loved chocolate.

Max and Paula are outside and it’s a full moon. Max is glad to see the moon after all these years, and wonders where the stars are. Paula observes that he’s been in a cellar for about half his life, they’ve been there all along, but they’re not visible due to the pollution.

He says he doesn’t need stars – she shines brilliantly for him. (Her sparkly top helps.) She says she didn’t think they’d ever live this again, the last time they were young and thought they had a future ahead of them. He says she was young, him not so much. She says it’s late now, all their time spent him in the cellar, her in the kitchen, and it’s too late for such foolishness. He hauls out that old chestnut “today is the first day of the rest of our lives” and sweetens it with “Señora Ruiz y de Teresa.”

She thinks they’re too old. He says there’s his love that has lasted all these years, and that he wants to live now that he’s out of the cellar. They have so many reasons to marry, they can recover their daughter. Our daughter! she remembers sadly. Gretel appears, out of focus, in the background.

Oliver comes up behind her and tries to talk her into making up like Max and Paula are doing, but she just gives him a cold look and says they’ll talk later and then stomps off. He gives himself a pep talk, saying if she drops her guard even a second, he’ll win her over again.

Axel is stealing a few kisses and Delicia is embarrassed saying that everyone is looking. Axel says nobody is, but so what? He wants them to see that they’re in love.

Nereida has probably seen, because she walks by, rolling her eyes. Benigno is telling Jorge that he misses Marianela, and when Jorge tries to escape, grabs onto him and asks him to tell him all about how she is. Poor Jorge, almost no lines tonight and all he gets to do is make pinched-face now and then.

Eman tells Vicky that he can’t believe a day that started off so horribly has turned into one of the happiest in all their lives. Max has asked Paula to marry him and look at Axel and Delicia! And his father and Gretel, hugging and hugging. Vicky says she’s sorry that for love to come into the house, Fedra had to go out.

Yes, says Eman sadly. He doesn’t want to talk about her tonight, he tells her, but Vicky, never good at social cues, says that she knows he loves his mother, and it must’ve been hard for him to learn about part of her, but there’s much more about his mother that he doesn’t know and she hopes that Fedra never comes back to wreck everybody’s lives. Vicky must’ve studied at the Lorenzo School of Tact.

He says that she caused so much pain, and it’s because of her that he lost Marianela. And look at what she did to Gretel, to Axel. I’m sure there’s a lot we don’t know about her, it torments me. He looks over to Emil and Gretel and says he’s worried that that man, who’s showing his daughter so much love, isn’t his real father. Vicky strokes his cheek.

Jose Maria asks Netty if she’s completely sure about Fedra. Netty says absolutely, and there’s her lap dog, Bernardo – the worst! – who sold his soul to the devil, namely Fedra Curiel, and who just lives to carry out her every little wish.

Jose Maria is astonished and says he finds it hard to believe. Netty says believe it, she’s a thief, she has no manners or morals, she’s destroys everything she touches, including her own children, she’s a witch, I hate her!

She can’t be everything you say! protests JM.

Still outside, Paula tells Max that the fresh air has addled his brain, but Max continues with his daughter point – their daughter is alive, and Paula saw her grow up, treated her like a mother, watched her running in this very garden.. Paula begs him to stop, but of course he doesn’t, dropping enough hints to bury her, then finally saying Gretel is their daughter and it’s time they both knew the truth. (It might be a good idea to tell Emil, too, Max.)

Eman tells Vicky he must love her a lot to tell her such private stuff. It’s just that it’s so hard to carry the load alone. Vicky smiles a wry smile, but a single tear courses down her cheek. She assures him that Emil is his father, that Emil was the one who loved him and raised him and was there for him always. He feels a little tearful too and apologizes for it. She tells him it pains her to see him suffer and he hopefully wonders why – is it because she cares about him? He knows that she’s fallen in love with him too – won’t she say it? It would mean so much to hear her say it. She lays her hand on his face, leans in a little and parts her lips as if to reply…

Avances: Mauricio kidnaps Vicky.


Not a whole lot of action, but I thought it was a rather sweet episode in parts and some of our ladies got a bit of harsh medicine last night. great job Maggie getting everything down again.

"she’s fake, pure plastic." Talk about harsh, that line really got me last night from Brandon, but I it seems Ilitia reacted as we would hope and took it to heart. He does have a way of getting to her. (By the way, love his hair lately.)

Kristel is playing a dangerous game and I actually feel sorry for her that she would throw herself at Low just for revenge to Mumsy. Heck, she still thinks Mau would have been a great catch. Hopefully if the previews are right, she'll wake up at what an idiot he is. I say she's a candidate for redemption, just need her away from Low too.

Where's the kiddies?? Not feeling warm and fuzzy about this.

And I so enjoyed a calm, rational MV last night. (Poor Jorge - you could see the steam coming out of his ears). Great scene between her and Valentino (who does vulnerable and sad so well). But we know now the possible smooch won't happen - looks like Super Mau wrecks the evening.

Maggie, thanks for the recap. I wasn't paying to much attention last night and missed alot. Thanks for all the great detail.

Maggie, seamless and lovely. I think this was one of your best recaps to date and that is certainly saying a lot.

Loved: "squeal and skittle off",
"Birdies chirp and there would be a rainbow, but it’s nighttime" and my favorite: "Lorenzo School of Tact".

Finally, Paula knows her beloved daughter is alive and finally, well.

Is Emil the father to any of Fedra's children? We know he's not Eman or Gretel's father and we've debated if Kristel is his (which she may well be as her nauseating dalliances with Low hopefully took Low out of the papa equation). I'm not sure about Axel either. Emil is in for some painful revelations.

Hoping the end of Mauricio happens now before he does even more damage.

Wonderful job Maggie.


Great recap, Maggie. This was a very entertaining episode and your retelling of it is wonderful. It was chock full of dialogue which I'm sure made it even more challenging to reprise. You handled it deftly.

I loved the scene with Fedra Kristel and finally Lorenzo. Lorenzo certainly was brave with those bars separating him from Fedra. Does anyone think that she's in for the long haul? Poor Lorenzo.

I didn't even object to the conversation between Eman and Vicky for a change.

Bernardo's gallant effort to take the rap for Fedra was a hoot.

This episode made it feel as though the end is near, but we know better.


Captions update:

Here is the response I received from the Univision representative here in Houston. I had sent her a tape of a particularly badly captioned episode. My captions have actually been pretty good the last few weeks.

"This will update you on our internal efforts in response to your latest communication.

First, we have forwarded copies of the DVD you sent to us to both our program network and to the firm which is responsible for captioning the programs your e-mail cited. Representatives from our Standards and Practices, operations, engineering, procurement and legal teams have spoken with that captioning firm about the matters you complained of. We specifically directed the firm’s attention to the comments you made about episodes of “Llena de Amor” that aired last January. We have made clear to the firm that we expect all dialog to be captioned without any gaps, with as much accuracy as possible under their current captioning technology.

Second, our technical team has created a new Internet protocol for the captioning firm to connect with our programming sources. Our team believes that this new protocol could help to prevent inadvertent disconnects between the captioning firm and our facility, and allow for quicker reconnection in the even there is a disconnection.

Please let me know if you have any further comments on the captioning of our programming. We appreciate your communications.

Best regards,

In my response, I asked about the captions for the West coast broadcasts. I'll let you know.



Just love the way you write Maggie. First of all your


That cracked me up.

Then your quip about the General finally emerging from his self-imposed cellar exile (Boy that was really showing her. So there!)

I mean this old codger is such a waste of oxygen! If he weren't Gretel's Dad and Paula's one true love, I'd be ready to let him toddle off anytime.

Liked "be-tuxed" and, concerning Delicia's dress "obvious because it covers too much for Vicky to wear" and the winner is:

"Vicky, never good at social cues".

Boy, you can say that again! What a steamroller. Grind, grind grind.

Both Jorge and Eman was gorgeous in their tuxes. And enjoyed all of Jorge's grimaces. He gets the most out of so little, as you noted.

There may be a typo in the text. I believe Chema spent more than 2 years in jail for the alleged murder. More like 25 perhaps?

Just a delight to read. You are a master at wry humor amiga. Thanks.

Excellent, Maggie. I like the title. Great detail and some fun lines, too...I especially like that Vicky studied at "the Lorenzo School of Tact." She is pretty awful, isn't she?

I spent most of the episode wanting to strangle Max. As you pointed out, Maggie, keeping to himself in the basement for 27 years was hardly the way to stick it to Fedra. He basically just let her have free rein and wasted his own life. And the crap he was saying! Such as...

Marveling about seeing the moon for the first time in 27 years. Whose fault is that, buddy?

"I was born to love you." Then why did you wait until you're nearly dead to get around to it?

"It's time I told both of you the truth." Or maybe it was time way back when you first heard it yourself, and now it's way overdue.

Etc. I'm so fed up with Max, he really could have dropped dead months ago and I wouldn't have cared.

But other than him, I enjoyed the episode. Although that early scene with everyone coming into the living room and standing in a line talking seemed like it was in a different show. The music and tone just seemed really odd. Love watching Jorge fume. He is such a snob, just couldn't stand being forced to chat with Benigno.

MV may be a bit of a social clod but I did like that she pointed out that regardless of where his DNA came from, Emanuel's father is the one who has always loved him and taken care of him. Still waiting for that idea to take root in Ilitia's brain regarding Muñeca.

Maggie, great recap. Like everyone else, love "Lorenzo school of Tact". "Golly garsh – an unexplained murder! Now, who could’ve done it? Who indeed!" that made me LOL this morning.

The whole Fedra, Kristel, Lowrenzo triangle in jail was a little sureal; Kristel is beoming just like Mommy ( though that is not a good thing).

I agree with daisynjay that brandon's hair looked nice in this epeiose. I have no idea who does the mens hair on this TN but tonight even Axel's did not look to bad, although wearing a tux helps.

Ugh, I am not a fan of Jorge, he is so snobbish criticing everyone who does not lives up to his standards. Even MV when she was wearing her fat suita la Marianela but thinks she is fab with her vicky persona so that says it all for me.

Looks like we have a while to go before it ends with the happy endings. But I will enjoy the roller coaster ride.

And, the plot thickens! The real Fedra Curiel (not to be confused with "The Real Fedra Curiel" whom all the characters are always threatening to discover and expose aka Juana Felipa) was already murdered before the boat burned!

I wonder if Chema will turn out to be good or bad. I'm thinking mostly good, but he was pretty rude to Juana Felipa in the flashbacks, and he's still awfully buddy-buddy with her and Bernardo. Does he really not know how atrocious they are?

Loved the recap Maggie. Both Ilitia and Kristel were harsh with their mothers each slicing and dicing them with their cutting words. Loved Brandon sticking up for Muneca and giving Ilitia a verbal smackdown.

I actually felt sorry for Fedra (I know scary right) when Lo and Kristel humiliated her in her jail cell.

Jose Maria learning of Fedra's and Bernando's lies and schemes is also finding out hard truths about his beloved.

I also loved the the Max/Paula scenes. I chuckled when Paula saluted when the General took command and then proposed. Nice touch of Eman grabbing a pillow to cushion his knee when Max knelt before Paula too.

Hopefully Gretel and Oliver can overcome their little spat and kiss and make up.

Enjoyed the warm scenes with Eman and MariVictoria when he poured his heart out to her and then tearfully pleaded with her to tell him that she loves him too. Great acting from VL and AD.

Thank you everyone!

There are so many wonderful telenovela actors, many more than I would have expected in these melodramas before I started watching them, but Azela Robinson (Fedra) is in a class by herself. Her scene in jail last night was wrenching, and even though she’s been evil, she made me feel every one of the gut punches she received, punches which weren’t really deserved considering that Lorenzo and Kristel are not people who she’s wronged very badly. Another actress might have played the scene with the usual gnashing of teeth and rending of garments, but Azela played it very quietly and intensely.

The other night, when she was first put in jail, she assumed a pose on her cot that looked Shakespearean, so I had to go online and look her up.

It turns out that she was born in England to an English father and a Mexican mother, and studied at the Old Vic and the National Theater Workshop, so there you are! She’s been in a lot of telenovelas, but she also does stage and film and has won a lot of awards. The one that caught my eye was a premio for Macbeth in 2008.

It’s fun to consider that if we chatted with her in English, she’d have an English accent.

JudyB – I fixed the “2 years.” Thank you for mentioning it. I was correcting it from 25 to 27, and looks like I didn’t do a very good job, LOL.

Carlos, the response from your station is wonderful. Boy, you must’ve really rattled the bars on their cage. Thank you so much! My captions have been very good lately, not perfect maybe, but much better, and I wonder if that is in any way due to your efforts.

Sorry to interrupt with horrible news. For Gancho fans: Xavier Ortíz, who played Lalu, had an accident in his bike and is in a delicate condition, he has multiple fractures in his leg and a punctured lung. He is about to enter surgery, let's hope the surgery goes well and he recovers.


Thanks, Jarocha, even though the news was bad. Poor Xavier - prayers that he recovers. He was such a fun character on Gancho. He and the Ximena character were so good together.

WOW. Thanks for the recap, Maggie! I hope the new year is treating you -- and all Caray-mates -- well. I've finally gotten to LLDA, and for my first-viewed episode I get your excellent write-up. And boy did I need it. Haha.

Of course, this Fedra person caught my interest right off the bat, as she rattled around in her cell. And Mr. I'm Back From The Dead JM. And the human bookends Ilitia and Kristel (they just seem a lot alike at first look). And El General. LOL! I can't wait to get more acclimated to the plot and this cast of characters...

My favorite Maggie witty-isms: We gotta hand it to him, he recognized his captain in the dark, several yards away, whereas Fedra couldn’t recognize her old love just inches away in a brightly-lit jail cell... Max holds his arms wide for a hug, and she falls into his arms too. Smiles all around. Birdies chirp and there would be a rainbow, but it’s nighttime... Vicky must’ve studied at the Lorenzo School of Tact. ROFL

Nice going with the captions, Carlos. :)

Hey there, JudyB! :)

Again, thanks Maggie. Have a terrific day, mates. Looking forward to tonight's epi...

STEPHE!!! You're back! Welcome! Have you been following any other lines and I've just missed you, or have you been too otherwise occupied? How are you?

Well, you have been missing quite the wingding here, and I'm glad you're joining us. This show started off a bit tedious with fat jokes but now it's awesome. Seriously, really funny most days. Lots of characters to love and a few to loathe. Good times.

Oh, no, poor Lalu...I mean Xavier. I hope he gets patched right up and is swishing about in no time.

Hi Stephe. I'm so glad that you are back. I don't think it will take you long to sort out who is naughty and who is nice, though I think there are ambivalent feelings here about Marivick. Much of the time the bad guys are almost cuddly... well with maybe the exception of Orangeboy.

So sad about Lalo. Those are serious injuries but with good care, he should do well. I looked up a profile and he truly is a multifaceted multitalented guy.


Hey there Stephe...it's a joy to have your presence once more on the line. You always brighten up the joint.

And Carlos, congrats on getting such a serious and well-intentioned response on the caption chaos. Could we persuade you to run for President?

I know, I know...your patients need you. We do too. So stick around here.

Interesting comments everyone. Now off to sweep up kitty litter. Good times.

Jarocha...will be praying for Lalu's recovery. And for the recovery of so many who are suffering violence that was intentional, in addition to accidents.

Oh and Maggie...(my brain waves seem to be coming in spurts, sorry) that was fascinating info about the Fedra actress. Thanks for sharing that. I will never forget that regal scene in the cell. I figured it was the artistic director who thought of and arranged it, but it may well have been our Shakespearean trained actress. And I agree, she was masterful last night in her contained sadness at her daughter and former lover's shabby treatment.

I would love to see our Fedra (Azela Robinson) as Lady McBeth and also, although it's a dark, bleak, and depressing play, I think that she has the power and grim beauty to be amazing as Medea.


Maggie- Wonderful recap and great info on Azela. I can certainly see her as one of Shakespeare's tragic and fierce characters. She was wonderful in that scene with Kristel & Low.

I agree with all comments on the General. I have been done with him for quite a while, but I'm glad Paula finally knows Gretel is her hija, and Max finally acknowledged to all that Paula is the love of his life.

MariVicky actually acted like a human being this episode. Even though she kept pushing Eman about Fedra, she was actually kind to him and didn't sneer at him this whole episode. Hopefully she can keep it up.

Hey, Julia! Great to see you. :) And thanks. I have missed Caray so badly, you'd think it was my spouse or something (I happen to be single). LMAO Life just got way too busy, and it still is, but life also just isn't the same without telenovelas. I mean, what was I thinking, haha. Hope you've been well. I haven't been following any other shows, unfortunately, although I admit to tuning in a lot during the 9PM hour for 5-10 minutes or so JUST to ogle Levy without benefit of plot. (Goodness. YUM.)

That'll probably continue, I reckon.

LOL @Carlos: Cuddly bad guys.

@JudyB: Glad I brighten! :)

Poor Lalu. He is in my prayers...

Ahoy all, so much to say...

Stephe! How wonderful that you are back and have joined the Llena fun. With both you and Maureen back it feels like a reunion.

Maggie, thank you for the masterful recap. You have so many funny lines throughout this entire recap that I feel as if I saw the episode. I can't wait to watch it when I get back home.

Very interesting info about Azela being a Shakespearean actress. It's not at all surprising to hear. I agree she is in a class of her own.

Horrible news about our Lalo actor! He will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers.

Cap'n Sylvia! Hey there!

You are a sight for sore eyes. :D

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