Saturday, April 23, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of April 25, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

All the Telemundo novelas were pre-empted Good Friday night for the movie: El niño llamado Jesús. This reminds me of my favorite name of a novela character. There was a character on La Tormenta named, Jesús Niño. To be named Baby Jesus seems like quite a burden.

I am way behind on Reina and haven't watched any of the episodes this week but fortunately Hombre de Misterio and the rest of the gang have done daily recap-ettes. Thanks so much!

I did watch Thursday's episode of Herederos so I will describe the glacial progress, as Novelera so aptly described it, of that novela.

HEREDEROS- Emilio's bandages are off and I don't know what all Modesto's double takes and prevarications previously were about because he looks like a perfectly normal unscarred person. He invites Sofía to lunch at a fancy restaurant. He flatters her and quizzes her about the men in her life. She describes the love of her life in a way that could apply to Emilio or the deceased Gustavo.

Paula and Julieta are having one of their tiresome exchanges when suddenly Julieta almost faints. Paula helps her back to her room and Julieta tells Paula that she has terminal cancer and then she makes Paula promise not to tell anyone.

Lucas concocts an elaborate surprise to get Rosario to put out. She likes seeing Te Amo in flowers and the balloons but she is still not willing to go all the way with Lucas.

Guadalupe sings on the television show without telling Gaspar. He finds out, of course, and is very angry and nasty to Guadalupe when she comes back. He says that he is not sure he wants her as his wife.

Some more stuff with Rosa and Miguel but nothing really happens.

That was about it.

Your turn now.

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I am pretty lost on this one, but the fans over on telenovela-world are filling me in on some bits and I have missed several episodes over these past 2 weeks.

Is Julieta sleeping with Juan? But Juan doesn't know about Julieta's illness? I thought I saw a scene with them in bed like husband and wife early this week, but didn't know why they had gotten back together. You can tell I have really been paying attention! :)

Is Esteban really Paula's husband?





Audrey, Julieta and Juan have gotten back together. They have made love, but Julieta thought bubbled that she knows he's still thinking about Paula. Julieta has not told Juan about her illness. As Jean posted, the only person she's told is Paula. I had thought she just broke down and had to tell someone, but then the evil twin appeared and it seemed as if telling Paula was a ploy to keep her away from Juan.

Esteban, a real slimy guy, briefly dated Paula before she ever came to Las Arboledas. It was never a big thing, although they might have done the deed way back then; that part is unclear. Sofía got the idea to have him show up and say he was Paula's husband to further drive Paula and Juan apart. Sofía's only all about Sofía, and she wants Juan and Paula apart because José keeps reminding her if Paula tells the truth about Sofie's fake DNA test, our redheaded witch will end up in the slammer.

Thanks much novelera!

Now, I don't begin to understand why Juan and Julieta would ever get back together after all that has happened, but that is Los Herederos for you!



Hubby and I missed Wednesday and just caught half of Thursday because we did an overnight out of town trip. So I guess we missed most of the hullabaloo over Teresa starting a romantic relationship with Teo even though both Patty and Oleg warn her that he is a sleaze.

We did see how Pote became Teresa's new bodyguard. That was exciting. Hilarious about his first days figuring out how to be at the office - LOL!

I really missed some of the Gallego stuff early on in the series. I don't understand why those Gallegos hate Teresa so much. They are the ones who betrayed Santiago, no? Why are they so hot to off Teresa instead of doing business?



OK - thanks to the enthusiastic posters over at telenovela-world forums I understand why Juan got back with Julieta. Basically because it apparently never occurs to Juan that maybe he should be single for a while. If he can't be with Paula, then he automatically falls back to Julieta - knee jerk reaction. This show amazes me (besides being so incredibly boring) in that the galán has one of the least appealing personalities of all time - essentially pathetic (among other things).


P.S. I can't believe my word verification is "orine" - but maybe it is appropriate for this post or this TN - LOL!


Audrey, if I remember correctly, it's Teresa who isn't willing to do business with the Gallegos. At one point within the last few weeks, she explained that they betrayed Santiago, and so she doesn't trust them and wants nothing to do with them. The Gallegos hate Teresa both because she won't do business with them and because she has managed to take away some of the Gallegos' best customers.


Is Teresa's life really so good now? She's got money, friends (sort of) and excitement. She even had a guy (although either the previews or the end of the last episode showed a problem with that part).

But she told Teo that her time in jail was not so bad, and that's true. Once she had gotten rid of Makoqui and was friends with Patty and Conejo, she had several years of peace. She was able to read. And none of her friends were getting murdered. It's ironic that her life is so much more turbulent outside jail that in (but I bet the food is better now!)

Reina - lunes

I was surprised and impressed with how thoroughly Willy had prepared for "Operation Sappho." Not only does Veronica have all the necessary documentation that checks out as valid (passport, entry into Spain, etc.), but she has a rather nice place to stay that includes a dresser with a hidden compartment where she can hide her gun. Also, when Teresa demands her cell phone to check out that she really did call her mother, the number Teresa dials (which apparently is a number in the right part of Mexico) does reach a woman who answers the phone by addressing her "hija." Willy had foreseen the possibility that someone might do exactly what Teresa did and so he arranged for the call to be transferred (or something like that--the details went by me too fast).

Two close-up shots in last night's episode also impressed me: the look on Oleg's face after Teresa calls him to arrange to have lunch, and the look on Flores' face at the end of the episode when he comes to see Oleg. Oleg's expression after the phone call reflected his increasingly strong feelings for Teresa coupled with several other emotions. Only a terrific actor could produce so wonderfully complex a look.

As for Flores, there was nothing complex about his expression: the actor conveyed perfectly the look of a little boy who had just discovered the cookie jar (or had just trapped a mouse).

I was pleased to see that the journalist Cucho's plans for the photos of Teresa and Teo were foiled--and by Pote, who one-ups Cucho's muscular photographer by drawing a gun and taking the camera. And this earns Pote many well-deserved trust points with Teresa. (Was this in the novel? I don't remember it.)

One other things that struck me was Teo's wife's upper-class prejudice toward Teresa, regarding her as part of the third-world garbage that was turning Spain into a garbage can.

Apparently we're going to have only three days of episodes this week. Thursday is being pre-empted by the Premios Billboard, and Friday we're having some kind of retrospective of the 20 most important scenes in "La Reina del Sur." Why have such a program now rather than at the end of the TN? That looks to me like a not-very-subtle way to stretch out La Reina's running time. Oh well....

Two days without La Reina? Groan.

Last night's episode was very frustrating to watch. Willy and Veronica did everything right. Heck, I thought Veronica was going to find a way out of going home with Patty, but no, she went to bed with her.

I too loved the look Oleg had, as well as his comment to Juarez about how Patty is in love with Teresa. It was one of those moments where Oleg reveals that he's quite perceptive even if he keeps it to himself. It was also nice that Teresa just wanted to spend time with him, just to be friends, not business partners.

Patty made me laugh quite a bit last night, first calling "Guadalupe" Teresa, then when corrected saying, "y yo soy Teresa O'Farrell". Then of course referring to her as Teresa 2. It's also pretty sad, but I chuckled nonetheless.

Pote was comedy gold as usual.

I still can't stomach Teo. Was nice to have a Santiago flashback. :D


REINA - Lunes

Thanks, Juanita and -S, for your comments. You covered much of what I noticed.

Being a drug agent comes with some problems. Just think, Veronica actually had to sleep with a woman as part of her job! She also had to turn down the coke, but I note she drank quite a bit of tequila. Willy said not to use the coke because she needed to be clear-headed, but how clear headed can you be if you drink that much?

I was also impressed that they purposely allowed "Guadalupe"'s purse to be searched, knowing everything in it checked out, even that she was "in a Mexican prison for a year for drugs". The only person who thinks this is all a bit too much of a coincidence is the hardened cop Juarez.

I figured Veronica might actually be a lesbian or bisexual herself. She wasn't the least bit fazed about getting it on with Patty. I could see how when picking an agent for a mission they'd take this stuff into consideration. I can't imagine that everyone, no matter how good and dedicated a cop, would be that flexible.



Great comments, Juanita, Hombre, and S.

And, S, I appreciated your take that Veronica might be lesbian or bisexual because I was calling bulls**t on Willy telling a straight woman to have lesbian sex. Actually, it's still crap, if you think about it. I really don't think ANY agents of whatever flavor are expected to give sexual favors to get a good result!

The scene with Pote and the National Inquirer type journalists WAS gold. Actually, black belt Miguelito chickened out even before he saw the Double Eagle. One look at Pote's face, and he knew he was outmatched. It was very effective, I thought, that they didn't show Pote's face, just the two guys' reaction to him.

Teresa definitely smells something off about "Lupe".

New word: Teresa referred to the photographer and his buddy as moscardones (impertinent or very annoying persons). Then Pote came up with a play on words, saying he threatened to hit them in the face with a matamoscas (flyswatter).

Willy thinks Patty is kind of formidable, but Veronica says that she's a costal de debilidades, y Teresa es una de ellas a sack of weaknesses.

Wow, Teo's wife is a piece of work. She gushes all over Teresa, and then comes up with a nasty comment after she leaves. Methinks Teo is not just a womanizer but probably needs a break from that sharp tongue.


One more thing. As others have mentioned Oleg knows Patty is in love with Teresa. When Juárez asks him how he knows this, he replies:
hablo poco, observo mucho. Rather Socratic, I think.


Muchas gracias, Novelera, for some additional Spanish terms. The only one that registered with me last night was Oleg's Socratic "hablo poco, observo mucho." Sounds a bit like my very unSocratic experience of the telenovela: oigo mucho, entiendo poco. :-) I'm thus most grateful to you and some of the other commenters for your including some of the Spanish that I'm likely to have missed.

REINA - lunes

Loved today's comments! Thanks Juanita, S, Hombre and Novelera!

The way I read the ugly scene with Teo's wife: She knows her husband is a dog.(Teresa's not Teo's first and probably not his only woman on the side.) She was doing a little territory-marking of her own.

About Pote and the paparazzi: the book refers to several episodes where reporters and photographers are strong-armed by Pote and the other guardaespaldas -- even savagely beaten -- with the intent of controlling Teresa's appearance in the press and keeping her from from legally compromising positions. The company pays plenty in civil suits settled out of court. But apparently it's considered worth it -- just another cost of doing business.
(And she doesn't call him "Pote" until the very end. Her usually term of address for him is "Pinto" -- a nickname he picked up because of the dark patches on his skin.)

By the way, I've been rereading the book -- can't you tell?--(I first read it a few years ago and had forgotten many of the details) and was surprised to see that Guillermo "Willy" Rangel, DEA agent, is there -- although he doesn't show up until near the very end of the story.
Yes it sure does look like Telemundo wants to stretch this novela out. But can you blame them? As a network, they are looking more and more like a one-trick pony; and that pony has a rapidly approaching fecha de caducidad.

Great comments.

I am somewhat confused about Teo's character. I think I missed some episode somewhere. Except that he is another Eurotrash type and another weak and charming man (seems like those are Teresa's type), I am not sure why everyone is so against him. He seemed to be open about the fact that he was married, and said so to Teresa. Is he plotting behind her back? Or what?


I loved last night's episode because of the Teresa and Oleg scenes. i have been saying for weeks that Oleg is in love with Teresa. Last night proved it to me. Besides Teresa and Patti, to me Oleg is the most interesting character. Last night we found out a lot about him...especially that he has a military background going back to his grandfather, who was in the Czar's detail and died when the czar was assassinated. I always felt that Oleg was not the usual Russian mafia. He seemed aristocratic to me --his bearing (military) and even the way he dressed. He always seems to be dressed in grey --almost like he is wearing a uniform, and actually some of his suits do look like a uniform. Also his highest compliment to Teresa was that she planned her "jobs" like military battles; that she has a military mind. And the fact that they chose to show him jogging was another detail that made him not the usual Russian mmafia type; he has a certain kind of personal and physical discipline. I guess because he was drinking a lot (not usual for him) to celebrate the Czar's birthday that made him not his usual sphinx-like self.Previously he has made comments about the Russian character and soul, and it was telling that he said that when Russians fall in love they do so immediately and crazily. Later he kissed Teresa --twice on the cheek and once ON THE LIPS-- and blamed it on the drinking. She looked stunned. Could this crazy "love" he talked about have led him to have Teo killed - even though he basically advised her to pursue her affair with Teo, if that's what she needed to do? Is his asking for their separation for 3 months due to Flores, or his feelings?? all very interesting. Actually I am rooting for Oleg! He's the only grown up in Teresa's male lineup.

Interesting about Teo's wife, who obviously got that there is something between him and Teresa and is asking in return for a house in Puerto Banus --the most elegant, beautiful and expensive part of Marbella. Teo looked like he wanted to kill her. His shooting was a definite surprise to me. And that Teresa should have witnessed it was not.
I am not sure why Teresa sent him away: she definitely was upset about seeing his wife and children (she has a funny kind of morality since she knew from the start he was married, and she has been involved in things that are morally much much worse). That's what is so interesting about her character: she is mythic in a way, but also ordinary at the same time. Or was she worried that her bad luck would get him killed as well? Or both?

Poor Patti! She aggressively swaggers around like a man on the prowl, but feels like a woman. I got the feeling that Lupe is a lesbian and was getting into Patti at the end of their trip to Morocco. Once again Patti is going to be rejected,but hopefully her getting Lupe a job does not result in her getting killed. I haven't read the book, but I do feel that Patti is not going to make it to the end.


Great comments, NJ Sue! In answer to your query about Teresa's feelings for Teo, I agree it's both 1)she was upset about seeing him with his wife and 2 daughters, even if she had been told he was married (but it hadn't sunk in), and 2) she was worried about her luck with men. But I don't find him at all like her previous two guys. Guero was fun loving and out of control, but caring, and Santiago was intense. Both were very strong, and I don't see Teo that way. As for who shot him, I don't want to comment because of what the previews seemed to show (but of course they are often misleading).

I was excited to see the customs officer question Lupe's passport. But of course, in the back room, she convinced them she was a DEA agent, on a crucial undercover mission, and they let it go through. Maybe, though, Patty will remark to Teresa about that.

I missed what was going on with Dr. Ramos, meeting that guy "Raru? Varu?" (not sure of the name, and what that was about. If anyone else caught that part, please fill us in.

NJSue, I love Oleg, so I really enjoy your comments about him. The scenes with him and Teresa were lovely last night, as well as a little sad for me. One of the things that are interesting about him is that in contrast to Patty, he's able to step back from his feelings and still be the strong, loyal friend that Teresa needs. She really is very lucky to have someone like him in her life, who will do anything to protect and care for her. I know it'll never happen, but I find myself rooting for him and Teresa. Of course, I kind of root for poor, fragile Patty as well. See, it's not just my love for Santiago that makes me loathe Teo so. It really is that he's a charmless, second-rate, prototypical sleaze who will say anything to get a woman into bed. And not that great-looking honestly. I wish the show would stop trying to sell me on their romance because there is just no comparison to Santiago or even Guero for that matter. The scenes where Teo waxes about what they feel just kind of make me roll my eyes. Patty, I totally understand!

But back to Oleg: way-too-revealing promos aside, I don't see him as killing Teo out of jealousy. He wouldn't do that to Teresa unless he really felt Teo were jeopardizing her safety. Plus as I said, he's someone who's able to separate himself from his feelings and think clearly. He doesn't mix business with the personal.

As for Patty, she romanced our undercover agent last night and completely fell for Veronica telling her she doesn't want to be a mantenida, but would like a job. Between Veronica telling Willy that she felt somewhat sorry for Patty, last night's international date and her remembering Willy's words to not get her feelings mixed up with her mission, and twice pointing out how she simply doesn't have the experience he has doing this type of work, the show is hinting at potential difficulty she may have in going through with this. She was particularly taken with Patty saying that she'd like to someday experience and enjoy a simpler life, and all the little things that "los pobres" call happiness. I think her unrequited love for Teresa is leading her to feel that all the excess and finer things in life just don't fill the void she currently has. It's sad to know that Veronica's story about falling for a fresa (rich, spoiled girl) was completely recited and definitely not her story.

I would love it if Patty would tell Teresa about the passport, but it's not likely. These past few episodes they've grown apart, and even if they hadn't, it doesn't seem likely this would come up.

Hombre, I think we'll have to wait a couple of episodes for that mystery to unfold.



Hombre, all that happened with that Varu/Raru/Garu guy was that he told Dr. Ramos he wanted him to set up a meeting for him with la mexicana. Stay tuned...

About Teresa and Teo--
With the other men in Teresa's life -- el Güero and Santiago -- we were conscious of the pure animal joy they shared with her, the total 'entrega' on both sides. With Teo, we're looking at something much more jaded, more limited -- also on both sides. Teo is quite comfortable skimming along the surface but Teresa is not.


The scene with smug Pablo Flores jugando a gatos y ratones with Oleg was interesting, to say the least. As he later told Willy, he got nothing from Oleg, saying el ruso tiene los cojones cuadrados (has balls) but he did convince Oleg he needed to distance himself from Teresa for her own good.

But Willy and Flores are way off in their judgment of the relationship between Oleg and Teresa. Willy opined that sin Yasikov va a caer más rápido (Teresa). But Oleg plans just for the appearance of distance. He clearly stated that he plans to continue to protect her.

The liquid lunch Oleg and Teresa had was SO well acted by both actors. LOVED the Tsar's birthday toast and Oleg opening up about his past. He also said he was having a house built for her that would be ready in about 3 months.

Veronica's account of why she was in Spain was well acted. Hace tres años me enrede con una chava fresa, millionario, rubia como tú que me conectó con gente de mucho nivel a la que yo le vendía hasta un día alguien soltó la sopa y me metieron en la cárcel por un año. I love the expression fresa, a Mexican idiom for a spoiled rich kid.

I don't think Pablo Flores would last very long as a cop in the US. He marches into people's homes and/or hotel rooms with no probable cause nor search warrants. I want him back in the file room in the Siberia of Spain.

I really can't stand Flores. Juarez was right about him and how he's really no better than him. He's just as corrupt, but in a different way. It's all a vendetta for him at this point --- nothing to do with trying to clean up the streets or make the world a better place. It's like Oleg said, Flores is part of "los buenos". They consider themselves the good guys because they're technically doing what's right, but they really only do it to satisfy their own selfish, twisted needs. They're just as, if not more, more bankrupt as "los malos".

Forgot to mention that Patty let slip that Pote is now working for Teresa, though I'm sure Willy knows about this anyway.


*more morally bankrupt, that should read.

Reina - martes

The wonderful comments from NJ Sue, Hombre, -S, NovelaMaven, and Novelera have left me with nothing to say but much to digest.

Like NJ Sue, I found the scenes between Teresa and Oleg the most compelling part of last night's episode. (I won't embarrass myself by going on about just how compelling I found them!) And given what we've seen of Oleg's character, I can't imagine that he is responsible for the hit on Teo (which caught me totally by surprise).


After reading others' comments more carefully, I'll weigh in on Teresa's rejection of Teo right before he was shot.

First of all, he showed up uninvited. She was already "in the bag" and ready for some nostalgia: watching videos of corridos and drinking tequila with Pote. Wrong guy, wrong place. In my opinion she's never been close to in love with him. He doesn't have that bien cabrón quality that both El Güero and Santiago had. They were both passionate and more than a little dangerous. Teo is like weak broth in comparison. She may well have wanted to continue sleeping with him, but his showing up just then emphasized the bad fit between them. And, he'd also shown up for some hanky panky at the office earlier, another error on his part. She wants to be La Reina at the office.

From what we saw, neither Güero or Santiago hung around like lovesick puppies. Güero flirted and eased his way into her heart. Santiago sat on the steps and waited for her to take him to bed.

Reina - martes

I had two more thoughts about Tuesday's episode. Both concerned the trip that Patty and "Lupe" made to Morocco. Though Patty mentions that she is glad that Lupe chose Morocco and that she (Patty) loves Tangier, I think where they are shown to go is not Tangier but Fes (we are shown a shot of the main gate of Fes), which is well over 100 miles inland from Tangier. That seems an unlikely destination for a quick stop in Morocco, especially after their entry has been delayed by the passport issue.

Which brings me to my second point: the passport issue. I found it strange that some random Moroccan immigration official could quickly spot a false passport when neither Juárez nor Flores noticed, even though both of them were highly suspicious of "Lupe" and were examining her documents with care.


Re the passport: Clearly, Juanita, you need more foil lining for your telenovela beanie! Your logical mind is showing!

REINA - Miércoles

Well, for anyone who thought from the previews that Oleg might have shot Teo, it was actually Eddie! The slimy lawyer had continually been replaced by (and to his mind, humiliated by) Teo. In this episode, various people try to figure out who was the shooter. Some think it's the Russians. Some think it's the Gallecians, and Pa Pernas calls Teresa and assures her they didn't do it. After all, "his word is bond", or something like that (although that's exactly what he said before he doublecrossed Santiago). Teresa is convinced, though.

Flores finds out that Lupe is Veronica, Willy's secret weapon, and Willy grudgingly agrees to work together. He again cautions Veronica to focus on the main objective - not Patty, Teresa.

Teo isn't dead, he's in a coma. On the way to the hospital, Teresa calls Oleg, and while nothing is really revealed, the call was bugged! Turns out Patty had given Tere HER phone. Fortunately, young Alberto uses GPS to find out that Patty's phone was out of her possession for awhile even BEFORE this, meaning the cops may have bugged it (they did). He switches the battery out. They're all going to change phones weekly to avoid any more bugging (they don't know for sure it was bugged, but they assume it was).

Willy tells Veronica that she'll probably start as a lowly receptionist at Transer Naga, if Patty gets her a job. She should act dumb at first (computer-wise), gradually get better so they see how "hard she's working". That'll build confidence. And she should have patience.

Eddie meets with the two (Moroccan) thugs he hired to kill Teo. He's mad they didn't kill him, so he gives them less than the total money. They beat him up, and take the rest of the money anyway. At the end of the episode, Juarez thinks Eddie was acting very strangely in the morning meeting, and his cop instinct tells him that Eddie was involved with the hit.

Previews indicate we may see Colonel Chaib again!


Thanks, Hombre! Excellent recap of last night's events.

I'm bummed there's no Reina tonight. I can't believe how many "Premios" they show on Spanish language TV. I guess I'm not the target audience. I'm good for about 15 minutes of those shows and they are SO larded with commercials.

Boy, they sure are doing a great job of making me root for the "bad guys" in this TN. The "good guys" are mostly despicable. I loathe Pablo Flores, like S. And Willy was a complete jackass last night. Both he and Flores completely failed to treat Veronica like a professional last night, lecturing her in turn. Willy didn't even give her an "attagirl" for getting a job at Transer Naga.

Patty was fabulous last night. She stood by Teresa and reduced Eugenia to being mute. She likely saved Teo by her quick call for an ambulance and her quick thinking got Teresa away before the cops came.

I loved what she said to Eugenia after Eugenia aggressively asked her what she was looking at, so I'll record it here.

Tu elegancia, cariño. El vestido perfecto, zapatos italianos, perfume suave; lista para salir en el "Hola". Hija, que tu no despeinas ni cuando estas a punto de quedarte viuda. Your elegance, dear. The perfect dress, Italian shows, sweet perfume. Ready to appear in "Hola" (a Spanish magazine featuring celebrities). You don't even fail to have a great hairdo when you're about to become a widow.

I wanted the Moroccan guys to beat Eddy some more. What a weasel! I'm pretty sure we're in for another scene of him wetting his pants soon.


Duh, Italian shoes, not Italian shows.

Thanks for the great recap, Hombre! After the discussion on Tues., I made time to watch Monday's episode and I agree with all the comments about the great scene between Teresa and Oleg.

I suppose the silly business with Veronica's passport problems will have some significance later. It seemed very clumsy for this show. DEA works with the Mexican government. Why wouldn't Veronica have a real Mexican passport.

I think Teo is other miscasting here (besides Willy). The book describes him as sort of fastidious Spanish aristrocratic type - I imagine the King of Spain. The actor playing him just looks like any old guy. It makes it less convincing why Teresa would get involved with him. It also doesn't help that Teo's wife and children, while their existence is mentioned, never appear in the book.

HEREDEROS- The appearance of this English speaking non-actress who I guess is on the Today show or something is making this turkey even more bizarre.

I've watched it and I have no idea what is going on!

Nice recap, Hombre. Great comments as usual by everyone.

Of note for me last night, and very nice to see, was the return of Teresa and Patty's friendship. Patty really stood up for and protected la Mexicana. I thought it was really sweet. Go team Patty!
Also sweet were Oleg's words that he would never do anything to harm Teresa, and the look they shared. Go team Oleg!
Team Teo? Well, he's still alive. Meh.

The show keeps hinting at Veronica's possible difficulty with this mission as Willy once again reminded her to keep her eyes on the prize.

That Alberto sure is an important member of the organization. I was wondering if he might not play a key role in finding Veronica out. Remember that only Teresa, Patty, and Conejo know just how extensively he has the place wired.
I hope that they'll stop to think for a moment about how Patty's phone was bugged, but it doesn't seem likely. From what I remember, they were sure it was bugged, they just didn't know who was listening. I can't find all the scenes, unfortunately.

The previews are still odd. I knew it was Eddie because they basically told us. The previews for Monday (sigh) are also very revealing. Looks like a great show, though.

Finally, Juarez has the most inconsistent cop superpowers ever. He can tell from instinct that Eddie might be involved, but he can't recognize a fake passport that some random dude in Morocco quickly identified as such?

Reina - miércoles

Hombre and Novelera, thanks very much for the excellent summaries. Hombre, I too noticed that Pa Pernas gave Teresa the same "my word is my bond" assurance that he had given Santiago right before he double-crossed him. This time, though, it looks as if he's telling the truth.

Novelera, you picked one of the passages I was most hoping someone would translate. I caught the first part (about the Italian shoes and soft perfume), but then it all ran together into one long word until Patty got to "viuda." Thanks VERY much! Also, I shared your annoyance at the way Flores and Willy treated Veronica. She seems on the verge of infiltrating Teresa's company, and neither Flores nor Willy offers a word of praise. Nor do either of them stick around to help her clean up the godawful mess Flores made of her place.

Jean, Novelera astutely pointed out yesterday that my telenovela beanie wasn't doing a good job. I think you and I should join forces to buy a LARGE supply of tinfoil, since your beanie, like mine, is having problems with the action. (In other words, good point about the DEA and Mexico working together and that therefore Veronica should have a valid Mexican passport.)

Reina - miércoles

-S, I didn't see your comment until after I had posted mine. Had I seen it earlier, I would of course have invited you, too, to join me in buying a humongous supply of tinfoil for our telenovela beanie liners, since apparently your beanie, like Jean's and mine, is being defeated by logic and common sense. :-)


I already reinforced my beanie weeks ago to deal with the outrageous behavior of Pablo Flores, walking right into Teresa's home without warrant or probable cause, ransacking Veronica's hotel room, ditto. I'd like to see if there are any blogs when this airs in Spain and perhaps read whether this depiction of police behavior/corruption is typical.

I do remember that Santiago told Teresa that the Coast Guard was not permitted to fire upon smugglers, but that's the only evidence I've seen that Spaniards don't live in a police state.


Hombre -- once again, thank you for the excellent summary of Wednesday's episode. And thanks too to Novelera, Jean, S and Juanita for the great comments.

So. We have had a few reminders that we are, after all, watching a telenovela. And now we have our first bouncing baby coma!

Hey, Hombre, I just realized who the mysterious guy with Dr. Ramos was -- Nené Garou, a French mobster from Marseille. To say any more would be a spoiler, but if you have the book, he comes up in chapter 12: "Qué tal si te compro"

Jean, I was thinking the same thing about Teo's looks. I don't see any part of the dissipated elegance his description conjures up in the book. I was expecting a 40ish Antonio Banderas type. But then I thought -- maybe there's no such thing as an "Antonio Banderas type"; there's only the original.


Ah, NovelaMaven, I love your way with words: "our first bouncing baby coma!"

Also, thanks for the reminder about who Nené Garou is.

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